Continue to lose money! Cyrus’s pre-loss in the first half of the year exceeded 1.25 billion yuan

Continue to lose money! Cyrus's pre-loss in the first half of the year exceeded 1.25 billion yuan

On July 14, Sailis released a pre-loss announcement for the first half of the year. According to the announcement, the official expects that the net profit attributable to the owner of the parent company in the first half of this year will be – 1.39 billion yuan to – 1.25 billion yuan, and the net profit attributable to the owner of the parent company after deducting non-operating gains and losses is expected to be – 1.93 billion yuan to – 1.80 billion yuan.

Regarding the reasons for the pre-loss of this period’s performance, the official pointed out that due to the promotion of the Quarter 1 automobile industry, users’ expectations that the M5 smart driving version will be released in the second quarter have a certain impact on the sales of existing models, so the company’s sales in the first half of the year did not meet expectations. At the same time, it also pointed out that high R & D investment in the core technology field of new energy vehicles has been maintained, and R & D and technical personnel have been continuously introduced, and R & D expenses have increased compared with the same period of the previous year. Regarding the follow-up development, the official said that with the launch of the M5 smart driving version and other new models, as well as the increase in overseas sales, the sales volume and profitability in the second

Continue to lose money! Cyrus's pre-loss in the first half of the year exceeded 1.25 billion yuan

In fact, it is not surprising that Cyrus released the estimated loss in the first half of the year. Since Cyrus cooperated with Huawei, its losses have been increasing. According to the financial report data: Cyrus lost more than 10 billion yuan in the four years from 2019 to 2022, of which the non-net profit in 2019 was – 884 million yuan, in 2020 – 2.308 billion yuan, in 2021 – 2.793 billion yuan, and in 2022 – 4.296 billion yuan.

Continue to lose money! Cyrus's pre-loss in the first half of the year exceeded 1.25 billion yuan

According to the data, the predecessor of Cyrus Group was Chongqing Xiaokang Industrial Group Joint Stock Company, which was established in September 1986. In April 2021, Xiaokang shares reached a cooperative relationship with Huawei. The two sides signed a memorandum of cooperation in the field of new energy vehicles and launched the first cooperative model Cyrus Huawei Smart Choice SF5. The new car was sold online on Huawei’s official website simultaneously, and entered Huawei stores and flagship stores at the same time. The price range is 21.68-24 6,800 yuan. Although both sides have given great resources to support the first model, Huawei Smart Choice SF5 sales are not ideal. In 2021, the annual sales volume of Cyrus SF5 was only 8,169 units.

In order to turn around sales, Xiaokang and Huawei cooperated again to launch the new energy brand AITO Wenjie. In 2022, three models of Wenjie/M5 EV and Wenjie M7 were launched one after another. With the launch of a number of models, the sales volume of Wenjie in 2022 has been rapidly improved, and the cumulative delivery volume for the whole year has reached 75,000. According to the official sales data, the cumulative production and sales volume of new energy vehicles of Cyrus in 2022 reached 139,132 and 135,054 respectively, an increase of 233.64% and 225.9% year-on-year respectively. Among them, the cumulative production and sales volume of Cyrus cars reached 83,701 and 80,041, an increase of 660.37% and 626.39% year-on-year. The world accounted for more than half of the sales volume of Cyrus in 2022.

Continue to lose money! Cyrus's pre-loss in the first half of the year exceeded 1.25 billion yuan

After entering 2023, although Huawei and Cyrus are emphasizing that the cooperation between the two sides will be further deepened, the sales of the Q & A brand have been cold in the market. Of course, the decline in sales has something to do with Tesla’s announcement of a big price reduction at the beginning of the year. Although Q & A also followed up with the price reduction after Tesla announced the big price reduction. The maximum reduction of its three models was 30,000 yuan, but the price reduction did not stimulate sales growth. Relevant data show that the retail sales of AITO Q & A in the first half of 2023 were 23,246 vehicles.

Continue to lose money! Cyrus's pre-loss in the first half of the year exceeded 1.25 billion yuan

In addition, after Ren Zhengfei signed the "Resolution on Huawei Not Building Cars" in March, it was a blow to Cyrus, which has always endorsed the Huawei brand. Or realized the crisis, on March 30, Cyrus launched its new brand "Blue Electricity" and launched its first model, priced 139,900 yuan – 151,900 yuan. It is understood that the Blue Electricity E5 uses BYD Freddie battery hybrid technology and Huawei’s smart car technology. After the launch, the sales of the Blue Electricity E5 were also unsatisfactory. Relevant data show that the sales of the Blue Electricity E5 were 250, 483 and 376 vehicles in the three months after the launch.

Continue to lose money! Cyrus's pre-loss in the first half of the year exceeded 1.25 billion yuan

It is not difficult to see that the price war among automakers at the beginning of the year and Huawei’s reaffirmation that it will not build cars have had a certain impact on Sailis Automobile. After all, without Huawei’s halo, Sailis’ true appeal in the market is still very limited. Therefore, for the cooperation with Huawei, Sailis still actively cooperates. Sailis said that at the end of June, the company has established an "AITO Inquiry and Sales Service Joint Working Group" with Huawei to be responsible for the end-to-end closed-loop management of marketing, sales, delivery, service, channels and other businesses. This is also another milestone event for the two sides to promote deepening cooperation. In the future, with a firm new energy strategy, continuous R & D investment and the support of partners, it will continue to drive towards a new fast lane for new energy vehicles.

Reporter investigation: It is difficult to return to taxi hailing in various places. What should be done to reflect on the new policy of online car hailing?

   CCTV News(Reporter, Wang Jiazu, Li Wenliang, Wang Xiaoying, Gao Yuting, Intern, Qi Chenji) "It has always been suggested that there are no cars nearby." This is a common feeling among many citizens who choose to ride online recently. Even during off-peak hours, it is not easy to take a taxi, and "the time to call a car has become longer" is becoming the norm in many cities.

  Data from Didi Chuxing shows that the difficulty of hailing a taxi in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen has increased to varying degrees. In June this year, the difficulty of morning and evening peak taxi hailing in four places increased by 12.4%, 17.7%, 13.2% and 22.5% respectively compared with the same period last year. In Beijing, after the implementation of the new policy of online car-hailing, the passenger order of online car-hailing platforms fell by about 10%.

  A year after the implementation of the new policy on online car-hailing, there are various signs that the previously surprising golden period of online car-hailing development is rapidly coming to an end. In some cities, online car-hailing is difficult to get, and drivers must increase their fares to accept orders. And the behavior of traditional taxis such as refusal and bargaining has not been significantly improved by the legalization of online car-hailing.

  What’s wrong with the online car-hailing market, and how should it be managed? Can returning to "taxi-hailing difficulty" make relevant departments reflect on the new policy?

A citizen uses a taxi app to get a ride in Xidan, Beijing. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Xulei

A citizen uses a taxi app to get a ride in Xidan, Beijing. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Xulei

  Online taxi: "There are no cars available nearby"

  On July 27, 2016, the Ministry of Transport and seven ministries jointly promulgated the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures"). China became the first country in the world to recognize the legal status of online car-hailing nationwide. Subsequently, detailed implementation rules have been issued in various parts of China. According to media statistics, 133 cities have announced new policies on online car-hailing.

  Recently, CCTV reporters visited the online car-hailing market in many cities in China and found that the number of online car-hailing has decreased significantly since the implementation of the New Deal for more than a year, making it difficult to take a taxi.

  From August 19th to 22nd, the reporter tried to play Didi Express at different times and locations in Beijing for three consecutive days. Only around 10 am on the 19th, a driver took the order at Chaoyangmen Subway Station in Chaoyang District and came within two minutes. The rest of the time, such as the morning peak on the 21st, at Landianchang South Road, Haidian District, the order with Didi Express has always been displayed as "no car available nearby"; at 7 pm on the 22nd, at the south of Hangkong Bridge, Didi Express also displayed "no car available nearby".

  At the same time in Jinan, Shandong Province, the reporter used Didi to take a taxi many times with only one success. At 7:30 am on the 22nd, Yanzi West Road, with Didi to call an order, no one took the order twice in a row, showing "no car available nearby". At around 8 o’clock, there was still no one taking the order at the intersection of Ping and Shandong University, which also showed "no car available nearby". In addition, the reporter also found in real time in many other areas that the mobile phone client side showed that the express train "There are fewer vehicles nearby and the waiting time is long". Only at 3 pm on the 22nd, the reporter used Didi to call a taxi near Qianfoshan Hospital in Shandong Province.

  At around 3:00 pm on August 24, the reporter used Didi Taxi to book a taxi in Anning District, Lanzhou, Gansu Province, and tried three times without anyone taking the order. Then he used Didi Express four times, each time at an interval of 5 minutes, and still no one answered. Most of the time, the map showed that there were no vehicles nearby.

  That day in Yinchuan City, Ningxia, the reporter sent out orders during off-peak hours. The mobile phone software showed that the vehicle would arrive within 1 to 4 minutes, making it easier to take a taxi. However, in places slightly away from the city, such as Beita Lake, Huabo Park, and Shenyang Road, no one answered the order after 1 minute.

  Why is it not easy to play online car-hailing? The subsidy is less, and the threshold is higher.

  Compared with the "golden period" two years ago, online car-hailing is obviously not so easy to get. What is the reason?

  Mr. Zong, 33, lives in the high-tech zone of Jinan City. He is a part-time driver of Didi Express and has been driving fast for more than a year. At first, he took the car to join the express team because his friend had a good income from driving fast. He said that at that time, because of various subsidies, his income was very good. At one point, he wanted to quit his job to drive fast. The most impressive order was to pull passengers to catch the train during peak hours, and the customer gave 2.5 times the reward.

  But this year, the "money scene" has begun to dim. He is glad that he did not quit his job. Many of his friends who drove fast cars in the past have already found other jobs. Mr. Zong believes that the main reason for the current lack of online car-hailing is that subsidies are less, and driving cannot earn money.

  "Sometimes I work until the early morning at night, and sometimes I can earn about 100 yuan for running on weekends. If I make this money, if I get a violation of regulations or something, I won’t be able to scratch it." Mr. Zong said that in the future, it will depend on how the implementation rules of Jinan are determined. According to the requirements in the exposure draft, his own private car will definitely not meet the conditions, and the cost will definitely increase greatly if it is converted to a operating vehicle. If it is not cost-effective, it will not be opened.

  Mr. Li of Yinchuan, Ningxia, has been running an express car for three years with his own 50,000 yuan private car. He chose to change careers this year because "there is no subsidy and he can’t make money." Mr. Li told reporters that many people buy cars worth tens of thousands of yuan to run Didi Express. According to the rules, the peers he knows are not up to standard.

  A staff member of an online car-hailing agency in Yinchuan City told reporters that the current Didi platform has begun to block the express numbers of substandard vehicles one after another. Among the drivers of Didi Express in Yinchuan, 80% of the cars or drivers do not meet the online car-hailing standards.

  The decrease in the number of online car-hailing, on the one hand, makes consumers feel that the car is not easy to play, but also makes other express drivers who choose to stay feel better. In Beijing, Yu Sijia, who was born in 1989, has been driving online car-hailing for a year and a half. At the end of last year, he successfully obtained the online car-hailing driver qualification certificate with a high score of 90 points. He told reporters that even if he has a good order income on weekdays, he still likes to take orders at night, because there are fewer owners who come out to take orders than in the past.

  Mr. Yang of Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, who bought an Audi A4 sports car, said that compared with the past, there are significantly fewer people in sports cars, and the work is easier than before, because the threshold has been raised. "You drive a car with tens of thousands of dollars to run a special car. To be honest, it is not fair to us. Fortunately, many people quit after the details came out."

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  Expert consultation: The threshold should be kept as low as possible

  Is it right to strictly control online car-hailing through high thresholds? Is there any indisputable place in the new policy of online car-hailing?

  According to data from the Ministry of Communications, there are currently more than 130 online car-hailing platform companies planning to carry out online car-hailing business, and 19 online car-hailing platform companies have obtained business licenses in relevant cities, but only 100,000 online car-hailing driver licenses have been issued in various places. On the demand side, as of December last year, the number of online taxi booking users reached 225 million. A mere 100,000 licensed online car-hailing drivers are facing the demand of more than 200 million people. Even with taxis, the contradiction between supply and demand in the market is also very sharp.

  "The regulations of’Beijing Renjing License ‘and’Shanghai Renren Shanghai License’ have caused a large number of original online car-hailing drivers to be unable to continue on the road, resulting in a serious imbalance between supply and demand," Ye Qing, a professor at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, told CCTV. Professor Ye Qing has written to the National Two Sessions for eight consecutive years to demand "bus reform" and is known as the first person in China’s bus reform. He said: "The management department has relatively high requirements for online car-hailing, but I think there is a way to solve this problem, that is, what is the standard of taxis in the city? The standard of online car-hailing is based on this standard, which is not lower than or parallel to the taxi standard, because a city’s taxis should pay attention to both economy and safety."

  Ye Qing said that too harsh conditions are suspected of being unfair. As long as the driver of the online car-hailing car has no illegal record and meets the driving age and other conditions, he can drive the online car-hailing car after passing the test. "To improve the online car-hailing system, especially when formulating regulations at the local level, the threshold should be lowered as much as possible."

  Cheng Huiqiang, a researcher at the Development Research Center of the State Council, also said in an interview with the media that the government should conduct big data analytics and urban transportation capacity assessments while strengthening supervision, so that the transportation capacity can be matched with the city’s transportation operation to meet the public’s travel needs.

  Xu Kangming, the Ministry of Transport’s chief expert on deepening taxi reform, told the media that if the city’s transportation capacity can be fully tapped, the problem of taxi-hailing difficulties can be solved. He believes that the transportation capacity of cruise taxis and compliant online car-hailing has not been fully released. It is necessary to let the full potential of legal compliance be realized, and at the same time, it is necessary to allow some time for vehicles and personnel that meet the new regulations to enter the market.

"In the car we made ourselves!"

The cornerstone of the First Automobile Factory engraved with Mao Zedong’s inscription

In May 1958, China’s first "Dongfeng" brand car was successfully trial-produced

In the early days of the founding of New China, Mao Zedong said: What can we make now? We can make tables and chairs, tea bowls and pots, grow grain, grind flour, and make paper, but we can’t make a car, an airplane, a tank, or a tractor.

Achieving socialist industrialization is a natural requirement and a necessary condition for a country to become independent and prosperous, and is the foundation and premise for building a modern socialist power. During the "First Five-Year Plan" period, the state concentrated its resources to establish an independent and relatively complete industrial system and national economic system in a short period of time, achieving rapid growth of the national economy, which was of far-reaching significance to China’s later industrial development.

The cornerstone of the "First Automobile Factory Groundbreaking Memorial" displayed in the History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China, inscribed by Mao Zedong, is 120.5 centimeters long, 70 centimeters high, 5.5 centimeters thick, and weighs 250 kilograms. The texture of white marble is an important witness to the history of industrial construction in New China.

On June 15, 1953, Mao Zedong delivered a speech at the Politburo meeting of the Central Committee, formally proposing the general line for the transition period. Faced with the lack of funds, technology and talents, to establish China’s own industrial system, it is necessary to formulate detailed plans and concentrate the limited human, material and financial resources to build a number of urgently needed major projects.

Under the personal guidance of Mao Zedong and the direct help of the Soviet Union, the first five-year plan was formulated by Zhou Enlai, Chen Yun, Li Fuchun, etc., and the strategic decision to give priority to the development of heavy industry was made. Adhering to the policy of "self-reliance first, and foreign aid as a supplement", the preliminary industrial layout was completed. During the "First Five-Year Plan" period, a total of 694 large and medium-sized construction projects were arranged, and 921 were actually constructed, including 156 construction projects aided by the Soviet Union, focusing on the development of heavy industry, energy, raw materials, machine manufacturing and other basic industrial projects.

In 1953, the People’s Daily published a New Year’s Day editorial announcing that China had begun to implement the first five-year plan, calling on the people of the whole country to work together with one heart and one mind and actively strive for the realization of industrialization. Building a prosperous and strong modern industrial country is the dream of several generations of Chinese sons and daughters. Faced with the "poor and white" family background and the heavy blockade in the world, the Chinese people have a common dream, a foothold in the sky, and energy. Facing difficulties, the Chinese people have carried out large-scale industrial construction in full swing across the country.

As early as Mao Zedong’s first visit to the Soviet Union, he visited the Stalin Automobile Factory. At that time, he pointed to the cars that drove down the assembly line and said to his entourage: "We also want to have such a large factory!" On July 15, 1953, the first automobile industrial base of New China, Changchun First Automobile Factory, held a groundbreaking ceremony in a barren suburb of Changchun. Mao Zedong personally wrote the cornerstone inscription. Instead of adopting the proposed "Mao Zedong Automobile Factory" or "New China Automobile Factory", he named it the First Automobile Factory because he said: "We will soon have a second and a third."

600 million yuan was invested in the construction of the FAW, which is equivalent to one yuan for 600 million people in the country. On July 13, 1956, we forcefully announced that the first car in New China was successfully trial-produced. "From today onwards, the history of China’s inability to manufacture cars is over, and our own cars will be driven out of here more and more day by day." Mao Zedong personally picked up the pen and wrote the word "Liberation". The first batch of 12 "Liberation" brand cars drove off the assembly line and became an eternal and precious freeze frame in the history of the Republic. The rejoicing masses, as the song made up at that time sang: "Looking forward to the stars and the moon, the domestic car that I hoped for really left the factory." Just one year later, Changchun FAW completed the production of 4,000 vehicles stipulated in the first five-year plan six months and five days ahead of schedule.

In 1958, the Changchun FAW Factory produced China’s first domestically produced car, the Dongfeng brand car. After the manufacture was completed, it was instructed by the central government to be shipped by train to Beijing. When it drove off the platform, it was almost unable to leave the Beijing Railway Station due to the enthusiastic crowd competing to watch. Dongfeng originated from Mao Zedong’s famous statement on the international situation – "Dongfeng overwhelms the westerly wind". The word "Dongfeng" on the front of the car was originally Chinese pinyin. On the eve of the Dongfeng car arriving in Beijing and driving into Zhongnanhai, according to the suggestion of the then director of the General Office of the Central Committee ***, in order to highlight the cars produced by the Chinese themselves and replace them with Chinese characters, FAW staff went to the People’s Daily overnight to photocopy Mao Zedong’s original handwriting of "Dongfeng overwhelms the westerly wind". It was replaced in an auto repair shop in Dengshikou, and a golden dragon was about to be vacated in the front of the car, which was very Chinese. Mao Zedong took it in person and said happily: "We took a car made by ourselves!"

While the automobile industry was booming, various industrial categories were also in full swing. On December 26, 1953, the three major projects of Angang, consisting of a large rolling mill, a seamless steel pipe plant, and a No. 7 blast furnace, were completed and put into operation. At the same time, new steel production bases were deployed, and a new layout of the steel industry in New China was initially formed. The petroleum industry, chemical industry, and weapons industry have all achieved a certain degree of development, focusing on the construction of emerging industrial sectors such as aviation and electronics, and the creation of new cutting-edge industries in the nuclear and aerospace industries. In 1956, Shenyang Aircraft Factory produced the first new jet fighter; in 1958, the first Dongfanghong tractor was born in the first tractor factory located in Luoyang City… In that fiery construction era, China, which used to import iron nails and matches, achieved one zero breakthrough after another, and gradually established an industrial economic system under the leadership of the socialist state-run economy, which made our country’s industrial economy recover and develop rapidly under extremely difficult conditions.

Today, steel dragons meander vertically and horizontally, phoenixes spread their wings at Daxing Airport, Chang’e Tiangong catches the moon in nine days, and flood dragons and snow dragons catch turtles in five oceans. Over the past 70 years, China’s industry has achieved one "zero breakthrough" after another, and Chinese manufacturing and Chinese creation are gradually leading the world.

(History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China, contributed) 12.12 Home Appliances Annual Good Things Festival is coming, move your fingers to replace the old air conditioner with a new one

  In the cold winter, I wanted to use the air conditioner to disperse the cold, but I didn’t expect to turn on the air conditioner that has been used for several years. As a result, I found that the noise was loud and the heating was slow. When I got home, I had to wrap my down jacket and wait for the air conditioner to slowly heat the room. Have you ever encountered such a problem? In fact, these signs suggest that the air conditioner in your home should be replaced with a new one!

  Many people think that home appliances can still be used as long as they are not broken, but this is not the case. According to the "Safe Service Life of Household Appliances" series of standards, the safe service life of room air conditioners is 10 years, and the safe service life of household washing machines and dryers, range hoods, and household gas stoves is 8 years. When home appliances are used for too long, not only will their performance decline significantly, but also their energy consumption will increase significantly. More importantly, the longer they are used, the higher the chance of safety accidents.

  Recently, the 12.12 Home Appliances Annual Good Goods Festival came. Home Appliances joined forces with many manufacturers to bring high-quality air conditioning products, allowing consumers to buy value-added goods. At the same time, participate in the Home Appliances Old Air Conditioning High Energy Replacement Activity, trade-in to the highest subsidy of 2320 yuan, and there are many new air conditioners of different brands for you to choose from. Remember to come at 8 pm on December 11th, start 4 hours in advance, and get the super low price!



  In order to allow consumers to easily complete the trade-in of air conditioners, Home Appliances has launched six major benefits such as unlimited brand, unlimited age, unlimited quality, free door-to-door, free disassembly and large subsidies for the trade-in service, allowing consumers to purchase their favorite brands while avoiding the cost of door-to-door disassembly.

  At the same time, home appliances also try their best to simplify the trade-in process, and strive to make it easy and fast for consumers to complete. After selecting the products that support trade-in, upload the information of the old machine, and the trade-in discount will be directly converted into a discount for new products, so that you can buy and buy with confidence. In the future, after-sales staff will contact the door to recycle the old machine, and you can wait for the delivery of the new machine after the recycling is completed.



  If you want to get a new wall-mounted air conditioner for your home, you can take a look at this Xiaomi 1.5-horse new energy-efficient inverter air conditioner. It has a built-in DC inverter compressor. It meets the new three-level energy efficiency, supports intelligent self-cleaning, and can also accept Xiao Ai voice control. The large-area heat exchanger is matched with a large-diameter fan, which has strong performance and fast heating. Comfortable temperature will come soon. Optimize the silent design and do not disturb every moment of quiet time. 12.12 Home Appliances Annual Good Things Festival The top 500 to hand price is not higher than 1899 yuan, and the trade-in is more favorable with a maximum subsidy of 570 yuan. Don’t miss it.



  If you are more concerned about home health issues, it is better to look at fresh air conditioners. For example, Hisense 1.5-horse fresh air conditioner, the starting price is not higher than 3499 yuan. Hisense’s fresh air conditioner can replace the air in the whole house every hour, and the fresh air function can be turned on independently. If there is heating at home, it can also be ventilated without opening the window. If you want a vertical air conditioner, you may wish to take a look at this beautiful new first-level 3-horse fresh air system vertical air conditioner. When you place an order during 12.12 Home Appliances Annual Good Goods Festival, the starting price is not higher than 7999 yuan. You can pay the balance to send a negative ion hair dryer. At the same time, you can pay the top 20 to grab 0 yuan for the air conditioner. You can also enjoy a 10-year warranty for the whole machine. Don’t miss it This beautiful air conditioner supports one-click replacement of fresh air, equipped with micro-positive pressure replacement of fresh air technology, and one-click opening immediately welcomes the good air of the forest; 99.95% efficient filtration, blocking smog, isolating cough and asthma allergens, and protecting family members from allergens.




  The sterilization ability of the air conditioner itself is also very important. You can take a look at this Gree 1.5-horse Yunxuan healthy air conditioner. The final payment will be paid at 8 pm on December 11, and the price will not be higher than 4499 yuan. The dehumidification box will be sent after payment. This Gree air conditioner has a built-in 56 ° C bacteria purification self-cleaning system. It completes self-cleaning through five-step processing. It is also equipped with UVC safe sterilization to make the air supply healthier. There is also an innovative closed dust-proof design that is not only dust-proof and insect-proof, but also convenient for cleaning.



  It is worth mentioning that this TCL large 3-horse new first-class energy-efficient intelligent dual-temperature vertical air conditioner, 12.12 Home Appliances Annual Good Things Festival is limited to 100 units, and the starting price is only 7,599 yuan, and the trade-in subsidy is up to 2,320 yuan. It is equipped with the national patented intelligent cool soft wind technology. After the air conditioner is started, the airflow passes through 12 soft wind blades with 1,452 microholes to disperse the hard wind with high whirl of the air conditioner, forming a soothing and smooth laminar soft wind. The air conditioner can be used with the "TCL Smart Home" APP. Say goodbye to the traditional remote control, and a mobile phone will do it.



  At the end of this year, if you want to replace your air conditioner with a new one, come and watch. There are always a lot of high-quality products that suit you. In addition to the intimate service of trade-in, 12.12 Home Appliances Annual Good Goods Festival also launched the number one Beijing sticker with a 20% discount for every 200 full benefits. It is more cost-effective to receive the 1212 yuan super renewal subsidy first to place an order. PLUS users have an exclusive 690 yuan super subsidy, and they can enjoy a discount! For a new life, at 8:00 pm on December 11th, grab it in advance, and Tesco will not stop!


(Disclaimer: The content of this article is published or reproduced on this website. It only represents the author’s personal opinion and has nothing to do with this website. For readers’ reference only, please check the relevant content by yourself.)


Automobile Museum: Wind on Wheels

Reporter | Liu Zhaohui

  Do you still remember the first car you owned? In the memory of many people, their well-off life became clear with the speed of the wheels. The former Xiali, Santana, and Fukang… were the active attempts of Chinese automakers to bring cars into people’s lives, and also marked the beginning of the diversified production of automobiles in New China.

  From the height of an era, these cars that have now entered the museum show a living historical section of China’s economic take-off since the reform and opening up. And people also feel their lives and struggles intertwined with the development of the country in these base colors of the rolling wheels of the era…

The earliest and last "Poussin"

  The heat of midsummer has not dampened the enthusiasm of Shanghai citizens to "breathe" on weekends. On a blazing Sunday, the parking lot in front of the Shanghai Automobile Museum in Anting Town, Jiading District, was full of private cars of various brands and styles from visiting citizens. If you want to look for the imprint of the beginning of China’s family car era, if you want to find the imprint of China’s family car era, you can find it in this automobile museum. The two Santana cars called "Old Pusang" on display here have witnessed the unforgettable development of China’s automobile industry and China’s family car.

  The Chinese must be no stranger to the Volkswagen Santana sedan. For many people who are a little older, the Volkswagen Old Poussin is the "divine car" in their minds, which is a kind of hard-to-part feeling. Their memories of private cars began with the old Poussin.

  A black Santana sedan on display in the museum is as charming as an old gentleman from Shanghai. The license plate of the "1983 SAN" indicates its identity – it is a Santana assembled in Shanghai in 1983 in all imported parts. A lot happened in 1983, and the biggest event for the Chinese auto industry was the establishment of a joint venture between Shanghai Automobile Factory and what was then West German Volkswagen, called "Shanghai Volkswagen", and the first product of the joint venture was the Santana. At that time, no one could have predicted that the name of this car originated from a whirlwind in California called "SANTANA", which actually blew the whirlwind of family cars in China and became popular for nearly 30 years. It opened the door to the dream of owning a car for countless Chinese families, became synonymous with family cars, and changed people’s life patterns.

  The overall shape of this Santana, produced 37 years ago, is not much different from the old Poussin we later saw on the market. The lines and corners of the whole car are square, but there are differences in some details such as lights and grille. There is a special "Shanghai" logo on the front intake grille of this Poussin, indicating that the vehicle is assembled at the Shanghai Automobile Factory. Although the internal configuration of this car is really the same as that of today’s family cars, such as the four-speed manual transmission and mechanical steering wheel, there is not so much auxiliary technology, but it can be said to be very excellent at the level of the year. Due to the high chassis, high horsepower, and a large fuel tank that can hold 60 liters of gasoline, Santana was very suitable for driving in China’s unsatisfactory road conditions at that time, and the advertising slogan "Own Santana, you are not afraid of traveling all over the world" also spread to thousands of families.

  Xin Chang, a full-time lecturer at the Shanghai Automobile Museum, told reporters that all the parts of the first batch of Santana assembled in Shanghai were imported from Germany, which was actually no different from imported vehicles. Santana, which inherited German quality, also started its own brand at that time with solid leather and durability. At that time, the price of Santana assembled with imported parts was also relatively expensive, costing nearly 200,000 yuan a piece, which was not affordable to ordinary people. However, with the domestic ability to produce parts independently, the price of Santana was gradually reduced, and eventually became the most classic "national car" for Chinese families. Xin Chang remembers that Poussin sold for 55,000 yuan a piece at its cheapest.

  Santana opened the prelude to the development of Chinese automobiles in the way of "joint venture production, market for technology", from the initial semi-bulk assembly, to the production of each manufacturing link to gradually achieve high standards, and then to achieve full localization and reach the international manufacturing level, laying the foundation for the independent development and joint venture of China’s automobile industry. Shanghai Volkswagen has launched Santana 2000, Santana 3000 and Santana Vista models one after another through technical research and digestion of Santana, but the sales of Pusang are still unable to shake. Just before the production is about to stop in 2012, there is even news that Pusang will increase the price to pick up the car, which is enough to see Pusang’s status in people’s hearts.

  From the original Poussin, to the Poussin, which was constantly upgraded in technology and configuration, Santana has always been the kind of square-headed image, during which many other car brands are rising and declining, but Santana is still the classic Santana. In the past 30 years, Poussin has been the responsibility of Volkswagen’s domestic sales in China, creating a total sales miracle of 3,213,710 vehicles. The total sales volume of the whole series has exceeded 5 million vehicles, making Santana the highest-owned car brand in China.

  A dynasty always comes to an end. Due to the appearance and accessories that could not keep up with the development of the times, in 2012, Shanghai Volkswagen officially discontinued the Poussin model. This classic model with a high chassis and a square front face was officially withdrawn from the market, replaced by the new Santana developed on a new platform. In the Shanghai Automobile Museum, a white Poussin that was the last batch to be discontinued in 2012 became the last witness of the "Poussin Dynasty".

  The earliest and last Pusang are transformed into a time-space tunnel spanning three decades in the Shanghai Automobile Museum. Those days with Santana are like a flood in the memory of visitors. Mr. Gao, a visitor, said of his former car, Santana: "He is an important friend that I will never forget in my life."

  In the early 1990s, at the age of 30, Mr. Gao decided to quit his original unit and go into business, and the Poussin he bought was his most loyal partner in family life and business. The Santana had been in operation for nine years. During these nine years, he worked hard for the Gao family "full attendance", but later the needs of business made Mr. Gao have to bid farewell to the old friend. He said: "When I saw its second owner drive it away, my heart was sore." He looked at the white Poussin in the exhibition hall, and his eyes seemed to see the old friend who had accompanied him again. It was a simple but deep feeling.

  The Poussin in the exhibition hall reminded some Santana owners of their own struggles, and some people who had never owned Santana also inexplicably developed an emotion for it. It was not so much that people were reluctant to part with Santana, but rather their own stories and feelings about youth and struggle along the way.

  Next to the Shanghai Automobile Museum is the "EV-AI Smart Port", which shows the life of the most fashionable electric vehicles at present, and the Expo Road at the entrance is also the test section of autonomous driving of Shanghai’s intelligent networked vehicles. Inside and outside the museum are the historical records and future visions of Chinese family car life. If Pusang had eyes to see out the window, he should be relieved.

Drive to a well-off life

  In the 1990s, Santana, Jetta and Fukang were collectively referred to as the "old three" of domestic cars and were the main force in the domestic family car market. Tang Guohua of Changsha, Hunan Province, has collected the first Fukang car that rolled off the production line in his "Hexi Automobile Exhibition Hall".

  In the late 1990s, Tang Guohua was transferred from the Air Force to the position of deputy director of the labor bureau in a district. After learning about machine repair during his time in the army, Tang Guohua, who had car dreams, did not follow the steps to become his director. Instead, he plunged into the automobile distribution industry, began selling Dongfeng auto parts, and gradually developed the business into automobile dealership. Today, the Hunan Lantian Automobile Group he founded is firmly in the top three in Hunan’s automobile dealership industry. The cars displayed in the Hexi Automobile Culture Center are some of the vehicles collected by the Lantian Group during its 20-year development.

  Since the start of his career benefited from "Dongfeng", in the early days of founding the automobile sales group, Tang Guohua only did "Dongfeng Department". By chance, Tang Guohua went to Dongfeng Group to work, and a friend told him that the first Fukang sedan jointly produced by Dongfeng and Citroen was thrown in the wind and rain in a corner of the Xiangfan factory. When Tang Guohua, who liked to collect vehicles, heard about it, he immediately went to the relationship and looked for the relevant certification records of this car. Finally, it was determined that this was indeed the first Fukang produced by Dongfeng Citroen. After a conversation with the senior management of Dongfeng Company, the other party was moved by Tang Guohua’s enthusiasm and agreed to hand over the car to Tang Guohua for collection.

  According to historical records, on September 4, 1992, the first CKD-assembled "Fukang" sedan was officially rolled off the production line at the Xiangfan Dongfeng Automobile Assembly and Trial Plant. The car was the first car assembled and produced by Shenlong Automobile Co., Ltd., a joint venture between Dongfeng Automobile and Citroen Automobile, using parts imported from the Ornai General Assembly Plant in France. Its name in the origin market was Citroen ZX, and after being introduced to China, the Chinese name was designated Shenlong Fukang.

  In 2017, Tang Guohua, who was like a treasure, shipped the white Fukang car with number 00001 back to Changsha, and after some rectification, it was displayed in his car culture exhibition hall. Because the first 4S store operated by Lantian Group was the Dongfeng Citroen brand, this Fukang was of special significance to Tang Guohua, and it was almost the "treasure of the town hall".

  In fact, the reason why Tang Guohua has a soft spot for Fukang is also because the first car he bought in 1999 was also Fukang.

  "Back then, I was driving it to run business and drag accessories. It accompanied me throughout the difficult journey of starting my business in the early stage…" Looking back on the road to entrepreneurship, Tang Guohua, 57, is full of emotions. "At that time, it was a very face-saving thing to be able to drive a Fukang car." Tang Guohua said that this car accompanied the start and take-off of his entrepreneurial road. "Driving to talk about business can bring more trust to customers." Tang Guohua said with a smile. At that time, he ran business, not afraid of hardship or tiredness, and he also drove to Guangdong, Hubei and other places regardless of day and night. In addition to the province, he often drove to Guangdong, Hubei and other places, and each time the Fukang car did not disappoint him.

  He gave the Fukang car that accompanied Tang Guohua’s business to his younger brother and nephew one after another. It was not until 2018 that the "classic car" that ran nearly 400,000 kilometers was honorably retired and was collected by Tang Guohua in his automobile culture center.

  In charge of a car group with tens of billions of yuan in revenue, Tang Guohua has achieved "car freedom". After Fukang, he bought Dongfeng Citroen C5, Dongfeng Nissan Loulan, Infiniti, Mercedes-Benz S and other cars. When changing cars, the old cars were not sold, and they all became his collection. Tang Guohua wants to treat his treasure of the year as an element of car culture and share it with riders. In his opinion, this is not only to remember the original intention of hard work, but also because used cars "have temperature and stories". Of course, his favorite is the Fukang sedan that accompanied him to start from scratch 21 years ago.

  "A car should not be just a tool, but an element of life." As an entrepreneur, Tang Guohua has a deep fascination with "car culture". In the Changsha Hexi Automobile City he built, not only do dozens of 4S shops operate, but the completely free "Hexi Automobile Culture Center" attracts people who love car culture. In addition to the first domestic Shenlong Fukang, Tang Guohua’s Fukang, and Dongfeng Citroen C5, there are also various precious models of different eras such as Mercedes-Benz steam cars, Beetles, Red Flag courtesy cars, Shanghai brand cars, Willis, etc., as well as engines, car chassis and car-related cultural objects.

  Although more than 100 million yuan has been invested in the vehicle collection, Tang Guohua said that dreams have nothing to do with money. He hopes to make more young people love cars, understand history and cherish the present. Tang Guohua told reporters that the car culture exhibition hall has been declared to the Hunan Provincial and Changsha Municipal Cultural Tourism Bureau as "Hunan Vehicle Museum", and it is estimated that it will be approved soon. By then, this will be the real first automobile museum in Hunan. (Reporter, Liu Zhaohui)

BYD Han DMi hangs a green card, but why does Lexus EHS300 hang a blue card? The reason is simple.

At present, the world automobile industry is in the stage of transforming from traditional fuel vehicles to pure electric vehicles. During the transformation from traditional fuel vehicles to pure electric vehicles, many excessive products will certainly be produced.Hybrid car is an excessive product of the transition from fuel vehicle to pure electric vehicle.

Toyota set foot in the hybrid field very early, and when other car companies are still painstakingly studying fuel vehicles, it has already launched hybrid models.Toyota’s hybrid cars have a high sales volume and reputation in China, such as the dual-engine version of Toyota Corolla, Toyota Camry and the hybrid version of Lexus, which have a good market and high evaluation.

Hybrid cars are also called new energy vehicles, butThere is a very interesting phenomenon. Toyota’s hybrid cars are not green licenses symbolizing new energy, but blue license plates.It is also a hybrid, BYD Han DM-i can hang a green license plate, why can’t Toyota’s oil-electric hybrid work?

BYD Han DM-i can hang a new energy license plate because BYD Han DM-i is a plug-in hybrid vehicle.The engine it is equipped with is a 1.5-liter engine dedicated for plug-in and mixing, and the thermal efficiency can reach 43%.

Plug-in hybrid models have external charging ports, which can charge the vehicle through an external power supply. Moreover, the battery pack is relatively large, and it has the ability of long-distance pure electric driving when the vehicle has no electricity.. BYD DM-i has a pure electric cruising range of 51 kilometers at the shortest and 120 kilometers at the longest. This standard is completely in line with China’s definition of new energy vehicles, so BYD DM-i can hang a green license plate.

Toyota’s HEV hybrid is actually an oil-electric hybrid system. Toyota’s hybrid car connector does not have an external charging socket, and the battery pack on the car is relatively small, which does not have the ability of long-distance pure battery life.Although this model can save fuel, it does not meet the requirements of China for new energy vehicles, so all the hybrid models of Toyota are blue license plates.

The pure electric cruising range of Toyota HEV hybrid system is very short, even less than 50 kilometers. but50 kilometers is the dividing line between new energy vehicles and fuel vehicles. As long as the car’s pure electric cruising range can reach 51 kilometers, it can hang a green license plate. The cruising range of pure electricity is only 49 kilometers, which is not even 1 kilometer away. Only blue license plates can be hung on the car.

At the beginning of research and development, Toyota only regarded the motor as a substitute for the low efficiency of the internal combustion engine at low starting speed, in order to alleviate the problem of low efficiency but high fuel consumption of the internal combustion engine at low load. Therefore, the motors on Toyota’s hybrid models are relatively small in size and have no actual endurance.

But with this engine, Toyota’s hybrid models are indeed more fuel efficient than traditional fuel models. Take the Lexus E300 as an example. The fuel consumption of the ordinary version is about 7 liters per 100 kilometers, but the fuel consumption of the hybrid model is only about 5 liters per 100 kilometers.


Although Toyota has introduced a hybrid model, it actually burns oil from the essence of the vehicle, so Toyota has not put its mind on building a new energy vehicle at all, it just wants to build a more fuel-efficient fuel vehicle. Toyota’s HEV hybrid does not have the long-distance pure electric endurance, so it does not have the qualification of new energy vehicles and can only hang blue license plates.

[The picture comes from the network, and the infringing contact is deleted]

"Traveler" is the beginning, and it is also the catalyst to make the journey a "quick way"

"Seeing the world through travel", the second Jetway Travel+Conference was successfully held in Guiyang on March 1st. With the appearance of Jetway travelers, the "Jetway" of future travel also kicked off.

Featured Guizhou minority songs and dances as the opening, loud folk songs with unique karst landscape beauty evoke people’s endless desire for travel and exploration. For Jietu, it is both the initial intention and the mission to explore more secrets with travelers and tell good travel stories together. The 2nd Travel+Conference of Jietu Automobile not only created an IP summit of cross-border travel in the automobile industry, but also established a dedicated platform for people who love exploration and travel.

Yin Tongyue, Chairman of Chery Group

As the "top student" of Chery, Yin Tongyue, the chairman of the group, has high hopes and strict requirements for Jetway. Yin Tongyue said, "Jietu’s development path is the concentrated embodiment of Chery’s strategy, and it is the undertaker, innovator and breakthrough. It represents the Group’s determination and practice to open up users’ thinking and Internet thinking, and contributes irreplaceable" ecological power "to the Group’s development. As one of the "double mainstream" brands of Chery Group, Jietu Automobile should continue to strengthen the user’s thinking, continue to innovate in key areas such as products, marketing, ecology and services, and create an upward pyramid. " Yin Tongyue said humorously, "Even if Jietu achieved 100% growth, Li Xueyong failed." From this, we can see that Chery Group attaches great importance to Jietu brand and its core resources are tilted and empowered.

Li Xueyong, General Manager of Jietu Automobile

Li Xueyong, general manager of Jietu Automobile, said, "Travel is exploration, public welfare and culture. Jietu firmly implements the "Travel+"strategy, and has not changed its original intention along the way, constantly broadening the "Travel+"ecosystem and enriching ‘ Travel +’ Products have brought more surprises and joy to users in their travels, broadened the boundaries and horizons of Jietu, and provided more development possibilities. "Always focusing on the user experience is the cornerstone of Jetway’s development. Jetway Auto is also making continuous efforts to realize the continuous expansion of the" Travel+"strategy and consolidate the positioning of the leading brand of travel ecology.

Rich "Travel+"products with performance and soul.

Indeed, the expansion of the travel ecosystem cannot be separated from a partner who can accompany you to the end of the world. In the spotlight, Jietu Traveler shines. The name of "Traveler" was put forward by the user, and former Porsche design director Hakan Saracoglu personally operated. The overall shape of the new car is square and tough.

When the letter "JETOUR" on the internet in the air intake lights up, the overall hard-core gas field is full again. Core forces such as the design language of "Vertical and Horizontal Way", Kunpeng Power, XWD intelligent four-wheel drive, 8155 intelligent cockpit platform and other high-energy experiences empower Jietu travelers to redefine unruly and free travel life with tough posture. It is reported that Jetway Traveler will be officially listed in the third quarter, and it will provide two choices of five seats/seven seats.

The broad "travel+"ecosystem has both dreams and realities.

The brand-new Jietu travelers are eye-catching. Similarly, with the blessing of excellent quality products, the "Travel+"ecosystem will become wider and wider. At the conference, alliance partners such as Discovery and Mawei were invited to show users the yearning and scenes of beautiful travel. Wei Keran, vice president of Warner Bros. Discovery Media Group, said in his speech at the scene, "Jetway advocates defining the journey by action, which not only emphasizes the value of vehicles as a travel tool, but also highlights a spirit of immediate action and exploring the distance, which coincides with the brand concept of Discovery." At the same time, Jetway Auto and Mawei released the list of the most influential "dream-seeking travelers", and invited 5 travelers and 10 Jetway owners to convey the travel culture with their personal experiences, so that Jetway’s brand concept of "Travel+"can be more deeply and stereoscopically presented to users.

For car owners, Jetway’s "Travel Bonus" is more full of expectations, including the lowest 20% discount for 9217 hotels in the national 30+ hotel brand matrix, 50% discount for the national 5A-level scenic spots, etc. The official said that the relevant rights and interests will be officially launched in the spring equinox on March 21.

From the joint efforts to create travel routes to provide a complete travel strategy, to the release of annual travel bonus for Jetway users, Jetway’s "Travel+"travel ecology has been advanced again and again, with both the imagination of perfect travel and down-to-earth results, and Jetway has fully demonstrated its role as the leading brand of "Travel+"travel ecology.

The mountain is high and the water is long, so we can see the world together with Jietu. Jietu’s "Travel+"strategy, which is constantly cultivated and upgraded, draws a beautiful ecological circle of future travel with a larger diameter based on excellent products and user experience as the core. It is believed that after more and more eco-alliance partners join, the "Travel+"travel ecology will be more complete and have richer connotations and extensions.

The successful conclusion of the second Travel+Conference also symbolizes the beginning of Jetway’s more diversified and personalized exploration. We look forward to writing a grand chapter of "Travel+"in the new era with Jetway’s love and persistence in travel.

Text/Xi Baihui

List of new E Coupe configuration parameters for Mercedes-Benz E300 quotation

[Phoenix Auto Quotes Original] The brand-new Mercedes-coupe adheres to the uncompromising design for 49 years. On the basis of inheriting the luxury design of Mercedes-Benz, it also follows the intelligent driving and technological interconnection of E-class cars, combining aesthetics and intelligence, presenting the charm of "being smart and beautiful".

Comparison table of tariff reduction:

E class coupe

E200 coupe 522,800

E200 four-wheel drive 548,800

00 598,800

E200 convertible 642,800

E200 four-wheel drive 662,800

E43AMG 918,800

E63AMG 1,668,800

Original factory price

* The brand-new Mercedes-Benz E 200 coupe is RMB 558,000.

* The brand-new Mercedes-Benz E 200 4MATIC coupe is RMB 583,000.

* The brand-new Mercedes-Benz E 300 coupe is RMB 642,000.

Imported Mercedes-Benz E-Class E200 E200 four-wheel drive E300

E Coupe is a medium-sized and large coupe under Mercedes-Benz. Its design is young and fashionable, and it is loved by young consumers. Today (June 4th), I was invited to participate in the Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macao Auto Show, and the editor in front reported that the new generation of Mercedes-Benz E Coupe was officially launched, and three new models were launched, with the price range of 558,000-642,000 yuan. In terms of power, the new car is equipped with a 2.0T high and low power engine, and the transmission system is matched with the latest 9-speed automatic transmission of Mercedes-Benz.

The brand-new long-wheelbase E-Class car is divided into two different styling styles: sedan and sports car. We test-drive the more elegant E-Class car this time. The new long-wheelbase E-Class car continues the elegant and atmospheric design. At first glance, it won’t be too shameful to mistake it for an S-class. Compared with the standard wheelbase version, the wheelbase of the new long-wheelbase E-Class has increased by 140mm. The lengthened side is not awkward at all, but more stretched.

The new Mercedes-Benz E-Class Coupe is positioned as a coupe with a young and fashionable design, which is more in line with the aesthetics of young consumers. In detail, the front face adopts the latest family-owned star grille of Mercedes-Benz, and the decorations are chrome-plated; Headlights use full LED light source, which increases the overall sense of luxury. In addition, the new car also comes standard with a large panoramic sunroof.

In the rear part, the split LED light group is used on the rear tailgate, and the large-size LOGO is hung in the middle, which is full of symbols. In addition, the high-profile model will also be equipped with exhaust tailpipes with two sides, and the periphery will be decorated with chrome-plated decorative strips, which will increase the overall sports temperament to a greater extent.

Let’s look at the interior design, and the color and layout of the rules and regulations will fully reflect the luxurious texture of Mercedes-Benz. The buttons on the multi-function steering wheel are chrome-plated, and the large-size LCD instrument and central control panel will make drivers and passengers feel more fashionable. The design of air outlet of air conditioner breaks the traditional propeller style of Mercedes-Benz family. Foldable seats also increase the convenience of getting on and off the rear passengers.

Interior is the magic weapon of this generation of Mercedes-Benz models, and excellent design and excellent materials have formed great advantages for competitors. In the brand-new long-wheelbase E-class car, Mercedes-Benz introduced the technology of steering wheel sensing touchpad for the first time. On the steering wheel, there is a small touch pad at the position of the left thumb and the right thumb, which are used to control the left and right 12.3-inch LCD screens on the dashboard. The new car continues the design of Mercedes-Benz, and the steering wheel is also equipped with shift paddles. Located at the left rear of the steering wheel are the constant speed cruise control lever, the steering wheel adjustment lever and the turn signal lever.

The E63 S AMG is equipped with a 4.0L V8 twin-turbo engine, which can provide 612 horsepower and 850 N·m output. It is matched with a 9-speed AMG Speedshift MCT automatic manual transmission, and with a 4Matic+ four-wheel drive system, official data show that the E63 S AMG can accelerate 100 kilometers in 3.4 seconds, and the top speed is limited to the default speed of 250km/h by German car manufacturers. After the electronic speed limit is lifted, it is completely no problem to break through the 300 mark.

In terms of power, the new car will be equipped with a 2.0-liter turbocharged engine with different high and low power adjustments. The 2.0T low-power version of the engine has a maximum power of 135 kW and a peak torque of 300 Nm. The high-power version of the engine has a maximum power of 155 kW and a peak torque of 350 Nm. The transmission system will be matched with a 9-speed automatic gearbox, with an acceleration time of 5.3 seconds per 100 kilometers and a top speed of 250 kilometers per hour.

L3 autopilot landing, software value is about to take off? Good for building new forces!

Recently, Shenzhen announced that from August 1st, the Regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Intelligent Networked Vehicles will be officially implemented. As the first regulation on intelligent networked vehicle management in China, Shenzhen will allow smart cars with L3 intelligent driving ability to go on the road. This breakthrough has made many people call 2022 the "first year of intelligent driving".

In the era of electric vehicles, intelligence has become the core of the competition among car companies. Whether it is intelligent hardware or system software, the whole industry has begun to embark on the road of involution. Self-parking in previous years, laser radar in 2021, 800V high-voltage platform this year, and navigation-assisted driving function have been in a state of fierce competition among car companies, especially among the new forces that build cars.

Starting from the introduction of L3 smart driving regulations in Shenzhen, China may gradually liberalize the relevant restrictions on smart driving, which is undoubtedly good news for new car companies. According to the forecast of china galaxy Securities, relevant models of Huawei and New Power are equipped with L3-class autopilot system, and the value of Weilai software will gradually increase, and the "intelligent value" of automobiles will become more prominent.

He Xiaopeng, CEO of Xpeng Motors, commented on the Regulations issued by Shenzhen, saying: This will be a landmark that is worth recording in the history of autonomous driving in China.

Among many new forces, Xpeng Motors is the best car company that does intelligent driving, including intelligent assisted driving NGP, intelligent voice in full scene and memory parking in parking lot. Tucki invests about 20% of its annual income in research and development, and its emphasis on research and development is as good as Huawei’s. Moreover, Tucki and Huawei are among the few enterprises in China that have intelligent assisted driving technology in urban road conditions. Recently, the urban NGP engineering version released by Tucki has also shown a wave of muscles in the industry. However, due to the lack of computing power of Tucki P5, the city NGP wants to play its biggest role, and it depends on the upcoming flagship SUV-Tucki G9.

Tucki G9 is not only equipped with the next-generation XPILOT 4.0 intelligent auxiliary system, but also its chip and computing power have been upgraded, and the experience of automatic driving and intelligent cockpit is more advanced. Coupled with the mass production of 800V high-voltage platform, it has a fast charging experience of 200 kilometers in 5 minutes, which is simply a benchmark model in the era of electric vehicles.

In the next few years, more advanced intelligent driving will appear on passenger cars. For new force car companies, the combination of intelligent hardware and software can further enhance the gross profit of vehicles, and the current loss situation of new forces is gradually reversing.

After 10 minutes, the order broke through thousands, and the pre-sale price of Zhiji’s first medium and large luxury SUV LS7 was 350,000 ~ 500,000 yuan.

Reporter | Yan Yao

Image source: Enterprise official

On the first day of pre-sale, Zhiji LS7′ s ten-minute order volume exceeded 1,000.

"Amazing!" "Interesting." -This is how many people feel after seeing Zhiji LS7. On December 20th, Zhiji LS7, the first SUV model of Zhiji Automobile, officially opened for pre-sale. At present, Zhiji LS7 offers three power combinations, with the pre-sale price range of 350,000 ~ 500,000 yuan, and announced the exclusive upgrade booking rights at the same time.

It is reported that Zhiji LS7 is an intelligent pure electric medium and large luxury flagship SUV built by Zhiji Automobile with the standard of "scene definition product", which focuses on the fields of "the best in the whole field", "the big five seats in the whole scene" and "the driving control and safety in all road conditions". In the extremely domestic atmosphere of SUV, the essence of SUV products and the user value have been "conquered and explored" to the extreme with Zhidian technology.

According to the plan, the Zhiji LS7 exhibition car will arrive at the IM IN National Brand Experience Center in January next year, officially go on the market in mid-February, and start delivery in March.

"In the past two years, Zhiji Automobile will take five models to enter the market." Tamia Liu, co-CEO of Zhiji Automobile, said that Zhiji Automobile successfully anchored the luxury new energy vehicle market through its first flagship car product, Zhiji L7, and stood firm in the queue of high-end luxury brands. The second product, Zhiji LS7, is aimed at the "medium and large luxury SUV" with greater market potential, impacting sales and striving to create "explosive" products. "In the next step, Zhiji Automobile will lay out more market segments, attract more users and enhance its popularity."

The determination to build a "new car"

Strange semi-spoke steering wheel, huge dome windshield, front seats that can disappear … These new weapons are installed in the same car, breaking people’s inherent understanding of "car". This is also the embodiment of SAIC’s determination to subvert the existing car model and build a "new car".

From January to November this year, the sales volume of SAIC’s new energy vehicles reached 930,000, accounting for 20% of the total sales volume of the group. In the next three years, this number will double, accounting for 40%. Starting from grasping the trend of consumption upgrading and the demand of high-end brand development, the pace of pushing forward Zhiji Automobile, a brand of high-end new energy vehicles under SAIC, is accelerating.

In Tamia Liu’s view, if the first Zhiji L7 is to undertake the mission of becoming a high-end brand of Zhiji automobile, then the second Zhiji LS7 is SAIC’s answer to the exploration of "new automobile".

The design concept of Zhiji LS7 is "hyperspace cockpit". "It’s the best SUV in the whole world." Zhiji automobile engineer said that Zhiji LS7 has adopted the "ice-sensitive front dome of Star Fall Star Waterfall" in a breakthrough way, which has improved the traditional 20-degree viewing angle to a 106-degree wide field of vision.

At the same time, the new car is equipped with the first mass-produced "Yate cruise half steering wheel" in China, which is more transparent when looking at the long screen in front with a huge immersive lifting smart scene screen.

In addition, the right side of the cabin of Zhiji LS7 is equipped with the longest electric slide rail in the existing SUV model. This slide rail allows the front co-pilot seat to be "fully folded", leaving more space for the rear row and comfortably experiencing the real "zero gravity floating seat". Zhiji LS7 also improved the rigidity of the whole vehicle in a targeted way, and used submarine-grade steel to build the cockpit structure, so that the vehicle’s wading, top pressure and rollover resistance were enhanced step by step, and it became an SUV with good driving and control performance and safety in all road conditions.

Of course, the imagination of the "new car" goes far beyond this. For example, the location of laser radar is not a single option for various car companies. "If you stand tall, you can see far. We think that the best position of lidar is installed on the roof, which is the best choice for the automatic driving performance of vehicles." Tamia Liu explained that, therefore, there will be three raised "front bangs" on the roof of Zhiji LS7. "Two of them are placed with lidar, and the other is Carlog (super car intelligent camera system)."

More and more changeable cars may be the charm of the era of car change.

"Do the hard and right thing"

This year, China’s new energy vehicle market will achieve nearly 100% growth. This shows the strong endogenous power in this field.

However, in the era of new energy vehicles, how can Zhiji Automobile break the game? What to do in the second year of development? In Tamia Liu’s view, it is "doing difficult and correct things."

Tamia Liu said that on Zhiji L7, we have created a new "driving ceiling" with extreme power and control, and created the most remarkable label and selling point that is different from other brand products so far. "We hope this car is a very good industrial product. It is a high-quality product that is comfortable, safe and beautiful, and can’t just be attracted by the big screen."

Two months ago, Zhiji L7 Snake Performance Performance Edition became the fastest mass-produced electric vehicle in Zhesai. In April this year, Zhiji L7 successfully challenged the Guinness World Record for the longest drift distance of Taycan mass-produced electric vehicles. The fastest original electric car lap speed record was also created at Tianma Circuit. "These achievements come from the hard work of the team, but it just proves that Zhiji L7 is a very’ capable’ car, especially in driving control and power control."

A taxi can naturally attract a group of users who love it. Among the owners of Zhiji L7, more than 22% users have an annual household income of more than 1 million yuan; 60% of users are buyers of luxury brands and ultra-luxury brands; More than 25% of users have more than 3 cars in their families. Undoubtedly, this is in line with Zhiji Automobile’s main high-end target market.

A car owner of Zhiji L7 who has worked in Germany for more than ten years said: "The curved surface modeling scale of Zhiji L7 is a master’s work at first glance. After driving in Germany for so many years, I knew this car was a good foundation as soon as I got started. "

One thousand vehicles, one thousand appearances.

"Driving to and from work every day can harvest about 1.5 rough stones, and thousands of them are accumulated, which is simply a fortune." Zhiji car owner said.

During the National Day this year, Zhiji Automobile launched IM GO! The "Impact of 8 million kilometers" campaign encourages Zhiji car owners to drive more and travel more. The data shows that more than 50% of the first users participated in this interaction, and the total mileage in 16 days exceeded 3.5 million kilometers, circling the earth 86 times, covering more than 200 cities. The user who runs the most has opened more than 10,000 kilometers in 10 days.

"The most intelligent person has obtained 45,000 original stones in more than three months since he picked up the car in early July." Tamia Liu said. It is reported that the exchange of original stone rights of Zhiji Automobile in the first quarter was officially opened in November. At present, more than 930 Zhiji owners have exchanged 5 million original stones. With the original stone, users will hope that this car company will develop better and better, and then form a benign partnership. "And this is the value of building a’ new car’ in the intelligent age."

Behind the combination of virtual and reality, it is the result of Zhiji automobile getting through the screen, operating system and ecology. The owner is experiencing the extensive interaction between online and offline, inside and outside the car, mobile phone screen and car screen. For example, recently, car owners can upgrade the IM OS1.5.0 car system through OTA. While optimizing many smart cabin functions such as intelligent acoustic system, Carlog, DLP/ISC (Intelligent Car Language System), they also unlock Christmas eggs, even if they are sitting in the car, they can feel a strong Christmas atmosphere.

It can be predicted that diversified and personalized demand will be the trend of automobile consumption in the future. "If a thousand cars are driven down, there will be a thousand car owners themselves." Such a picture is gradually becoming a reality.