On May 20th, Yolanda, a famous movie star, was invited by a column in Henan Province to promote her latest solo album "Lonely Flowers" in Zhengzhou Grand Shanghai International Studios. After breaking up with her boyfriend Xia Yu, Yuan Quan really became a "lonely flower". China News Agency issued Chen Daishu photo

    Gao Yuanyuan, a mainland artist, snatched Xia Yu from Yolanda. China News Agency issued Han Yibing photo

    There are indications that Yolanda and Xia Yu did break up. So, at least half of Xia Yu’s affair with Gao Yuanyuan is true. Moreover, Xia Yu is not sorry for Yolanda. Single men are justified in looking for love.

    According to the reporter’s witness, Yolanda performed "Peach Blossom Garden" in poly theatre. Xia Yu’s car drove to the door, not to pick up Yolanda, but to enter the coffee shop. Yuan Quan got on Huang Lei’s car from another exit. Xia Yu should know that Yolanda is performing here, but he is no longer interested in being a flower escort. From the expression of two people, Xia Yu looks glum, while Yuan Quan is laughing.

    Earlier, Xia Yu exposed the news of living with Gao Yuanyuan, which greatly damaged his health image, while Yuan Quan burst into tears at the recording scene of Li Jing’s program, and even more, he put a knife in Xia Yu’s heart. Two people break up, although the reasons are diverse, but in this way, Xia Yu is much more passive than Yolanda.

    A love affair that has been going on for nearly ten years, although it has become a spent force in the end, and both of them have traces of struggling to survive, but the breakup still makes the public sigh, as if love has been hit again. Who believes there is still an out-of-touch feeling? Xia Yu is a Scorpio, but Venus falls in Sagittarius, a constellation that pursues sexual desire and does not hide its sexiness. Xia Yu has an open and exposed side in his bones, which can be seen in his dress and behavior. However, Yuan Quan is relatively strict with the package and much lower-key.

    Yolanda Sun and Mercury all fall in Libra, and Venus is Virgo. They pursue perfect love and abstract love, which is different from Xia Yu’s love that pays more attention to sensuality. Their views on love are essentially different. Because you are romantic when you are young, you can play with spiritual love, but the hot-blooded summer rain matures gradually, and hormones burn in the body, so it is impossible to keep the feelings pure and pure all the time. The pace of two people is different, so there is a gap between before and after.

    Two people’s astrolabes show that each other is the opposite sex type that they appreciate, but each person’s personality has something that the other person can’t tolerate. Summer rain is stubborn, Yolanda is cold outside and hot inside, and his temper is not necessarily good, especially when the moon falls on the Sagittarius, and his mood is out of place from time to time. If he happens to meet Xia Yu’s strength, it will be difficult to deal with it.

Editor: Peng Wei

How can individuals participate in the investment when the first batch of stocks in science and technology innovation board are listed and traded on the 22nd?

  Beijing, July 22nd (Reporter Qiu Yu), the client of Zhongxin. com, lasted only 259 days! Since its establishment was announced on November 5, 2018, the first batch of 25 companies in science and technology innovation board were listed on July 22, 2019, that is, science and technology innovation board shares can be officially traded.

  Science and technology innovation board’s stock trading rules are quite different from the current A-share rules. Since there is no limit on the price increase and decrease in the first five trading days, how the intraday stock price will fluctuate has attracted much attention. So, how do individual investors participate in science and technology innovation board? What problems should we pay attention to?

  How do individual investors participate?

  If individual investors want to participate in science and technology innovation board stock exchange, there is a certain threshold, and they need to meet the following conditions:

  The daily average assets in the securities account and capital account in the 20 trading days before the opening of the application authority are not less than RMB 500,000 (excluding the funds and securities that the investor has integrated through margin financing and securities lending); Participated in securities trading for more than 24 months.

  In other words, you must have not only two years of experience in securities trading, but also at least 500,000 yuan in your account. The relevant person in charge of the Shanghai Stock Exchange said at the end of June that there are about 3.2 million investors who meet the requirements of appropriateness.

  It doesn’t matter if the above conditions are not met. According to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, small and medium-sized investors who don’t meet the requirements of investor suitability can participate in science and technology innovation board through products such as Public Offering of Fund.

  At present, Bosera Fund, Yin Hua Fund, Dacheng Fund, China Europe Fund, Caitong Fund, CICC Fund and other fund companies have launched science and technology innovation board-related theme funds.

  How do individuals participate in innovation?

  Playing new means that investors use funds to participate in the subscription of new shares. If they win the lottery, they will buy the shares that will be listed soon, mainly through online and offline channels.

  Since the offline subscription object does not include individual investors, for ordinary individual investors, they can only participate in innovation through online subscription.

  If you want to purchase online, the first step is to open the science and technology innovation board trading authority, that is, to meet the above conditions.

  The second step is to meet the requirement of holding market value, that is, the total market value of the unrestricted A-share shares and unrestricted depositary receipts held by individual investors participating in the subscription of new shares in science and technology innovation board is more than 10,000 yuan (including 10,000 yuan).

  For example, if you have bought more than 10,000 yuan of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (stock code: 600000.SH) shares in your stock account, and meet the above conditions for participating in science and technology innovation board, you can participate in the IPO in science and technology innovation board. Because the stock codes 601 and 600 start with the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The stock at the beginning of 000 is the main board stock of Shenzhen Stock Exchange; 002 starts with small and medium-sized stocks of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and 300 starts with GEM stocks of Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

  In addition, there is another way to invest in bank wealth management and fund participation in innovation. For example, at present, Bank of China, China Merchants Bank, Postal Savings Bank and other banks have launched science and technology innovation board-themed bank wealth management products, mainly by investing in innovative funds to indirectly participate in innovation in science and technology innovation board.

  Are new shares "bought as earned"?

  Many people think that buying new shares means earning, just like winning the lottery. The data shows that the number of investors participating in online innovation has exceeded 3.1 million. This means that almost all individual investors who have opened the trading authority in science and technology innovation board have participated in the innovation.

  In fact, science and technology innovation board’s new shares are not cheap.

  Price-earnings ratio (PE) is the ratio of stock price divided by earnings per share, and it is one of the most commonly used indicators to evaluate whether the stock price level is reasonable. Generally speaking, the higher the P/E ratio, the more overvalued the stock is.

  The upper limit of 23 times P/E ratio has been cancelled in the issue price of science and technology innovation board shares, so the average P/E ratio obviously exceeds the overall level of A shares.

  According to the statistics of Pacific Securities Research Report, the P/E ratio of 25 companies is between 18.86 and 170.75 times, with an average of 49.16 times and a median of 42.14 times.

  Among them, the highest P/E ratio is Zhongwei Company, 170.75 times; The lowest is China’s through number, 18.8 times. The P/E ratios of China Tonghao, Wald, Tianyi Shangjia and Aerospace Hongtu are lower than the industry level, and the remaining 21 companies are all higher than the industry valuation.

  Judging from the issue price, according to Wind data, the average issue price of the first batch of 25 new shares listed in science and technology innovation board is 29.20 yuan/share. As of July 15th, of the 87 A-share new shares issued this year, only 21 were issued at a price exceeding 29.20 yuan/share.

  In addition, in terms of winning rate, the average winning rate of the first batch of 25 science and technology innovation board new shares is nearly 0.06%, which is higher than the overall level of A shares.

  What problems should we pay attention to in trading?

  Science and technology innovation board’s trading rules are different from the current rules of A shares.

  First, the price rises and falls. There is no price limit in the first five trading days after the listing of science and technology innovation board stock, and a 20% price limit is set from the sixth trading day.

  In the first five trading days, science and technology innovation board also set up a temporary suspension system. When the intraday share price rises or falls by 30% or 60% compared with the opening price for the first time, it will be suspended once respectively.

  In this regard, some market analysts have warned that if there is no price increase or decrease, it is very likely that investors will be "hung at high altitude" after buying; The price limit of 20% is twice as large as the current limit of 10% A shares, and the trading risk is higher.

  Secondly, the number of single declared shares in science and technology innovation board is different from the current 100 shares in A shares, and its starting number is 200 shares. Moreover, as long as each declaration exceeds 200 shares, it can be increased by 1 share, for example, 201 shares and 202 shares can be purchased.

  Finally, it should be noted that science and technology innovation board has not introduced the T+0 trading system, but still adopts T+1. T+1 means that stocks bought on the same day cannot be sold on the same day, and cannot be sold until the next trading day.

  The relevant person in charge of the China Securities Regulatory Commission said earlier that at this stage, China’s capital market is still immature, the proportion of small and medium-sized retail investors in the investor structure is relatively large, the characteristics of the unilateral market have not fundamentally changed, and the market monitoring means are still insufficient. Starting from maintaining the stable operation of the market and protecting the interests of small and medium-sized investors, science and technology innovation board has not introduced T+0 trading system yet.

  What is the impact on the trend of A-share main board?

  Essence Securities pointed out that assuming that the turnover rate of most companies in science and technology innovation board reached 89% on the first day of trading, it is estimated that the turnover of science and technology innovation board on the first day will be about 31.394 billion yuan (assuming that the average transaction price exceeds the issue price by 35%), then science and technology innovation board will account for about 6.56% of the total turnover of the two cities, with little liquidity impact.

  Huatai Securities analyzed that science and technology innovation board’s influence on the liquidity of the A-share main board mainly has two aspects, namely, the bottom warehouse drainage effect and the diversion effect.

  On the one hand, science and technology innovation board’s increase in stock supply has created a certain diversion pressure on the trading volume of the existing A-share sector, which is in the two stages of issuance and listing; On the other hand, participating in the subscription of science and technology innovation board new shares requires the market value of A-share bottom positions, which is expected to increase the allocation funds of existing sectors.

  Regarding the "diversion pressure on the existing A-share sector", GF Securities believes that the diversion effect brought by science and technology innovation board is limited and controllable due to the comprehensive mechanism and volume factors.

  From the mechanism point of view, the Growth Enterprise Market (GEM) adopted the new subscription of new shares in advance, and the first batch of frozen subscription funds reached one trillion yuan, while science and technology innovation board only adopted the market value placement method, which greatly weakened the diversion effect; In terms of volume, the financing scale of science and technology innovation board is expected to be 80 billion to 90 billion yuan in 2019, and the overall pace is controllable.

  Li Chao, vice chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, said earlier that science and technology innovation board has strict corresponding standards and procedures, which does not mean that anyone who wants to go public can go public. At the same time, science and technology innovation board pays attention to the market mechanism, which includes market constraints. As long as all parties in the market, including intermediaries, issuers, investors, and regulatory authorities, return to their posts and do their duty, I believe there will be no flooding in science and technology innovation board. (End)

Why does life have to read history?

Beijing Daily Client | Author Han Sheng

History inspires wisdom. Wisdom is based on the understanding and comprehension level of human nature, things and truth.

Understanding of people

People’s social attributes determine that people have to deal with each other all the time. Therefore, knowing people is an important aspect of being in the world. High-level leaders need to know people better.

Han Xin, the genius commander who helped Emperor Gaozu Liu Bang conquer the world, paid special attention to the analysis and grasp of people. After the hongmen banquet, liu bang was sent to hanzhong, and Han Xin was appointed as the general to command the army under the strong recommendation of Xiao He and others. Liu Bang summoned Han Xin to analyze the odds of fighting against Xiang Yu. Han Xin, who is about to go to war, did not analyze the military issues such as the strength of the two sides, but directly asked Liu Bang to compare the qualities of the top leaders of both sides, and proposed that the top leaders should meet the four indicators of "courage, toughness, benevolence and strength". Therefore, Han Xin pays more attention to the leader’s character accomplishment than the obvious material conditions. Based on this, Han Xin thinks that Liu Bang can be a leader. At that time, when the strength between the enemy and the enemy was wide, this was simply an unexpected inference.

What is the basis of Han Xin? He noticed Xiang Yu’s aristocratic background. Nobles are "expensive" because they are knowledgeable, educated and humble, which is the same at all times and in all countries. This is the spirit of "expensive" and the characteristic of Xiang Yu. Although he is all-powerful on the battlefield, a thousand people are invincible with a roar, but he is gentle and polite to people. Everyone can see the advantages of Xiang Yu, but few people can see the other side of his personality, that is, he is too "cherishing things." Xiang Yu’s inheritance was laid down by himself, which was hard-won and cherished. Therefore, he was reluctant to divide people and was not atmospheric enough. When he won the award, he always put the reward in his hand and weighed it repeatedly. At the end of the award, it was quite different from the expectations of his subordinates and caused dissatisfaction. In the long run, the more men fight, the more boring they will be, and they will leave Germany. This is the fate of Xiang Yu, who can’t unite people closely. Therefore, he will go into decline. On the contrary, Liu Bang started from scratch and made some gains by the efforts of all. These things are not his own savings, so he knows very well that things are done by everyone, and things are divided by everyone. After the division, people are excited and can do even more next time. Therefore, the team will become more and more brave, and talents from all over the world will come in an endless stream. Xiang Yu and Liu Bang have different ways to analyze and deal with problems, so Liu Bang will eventually win. Han Xin’s analysis was incisive and fully proved in the Chu-Han War. Han Xin understood the truth that "the world belongs to the world" from the perspective of human nature, and anyone who wants to take it for himself will be spurned.

In human society, knowing people’s wisdom is the first thing to learn, and knowing people can do things.But this is only one dimension. Can it be invincible only by popularity?

Or Han Xin. When he led an army across half of China in the north and arrived in Shandong today, a strategist named Kuai Tong came to visit and asked him why he was struggling with Xiang Yu. Kuai Tong analyzed the world situation and thought that three armed groups, Liu Bang, Xiang Yu and Han Xin, had been formed at that time. Although Han Xin was a subordinate of Liu Bang, his prominent position depended on the existence of Xiang Yu. Therefore, Kuai Tong advised Han Xin to let Xiang Yu go, so as to promote a tripartite confrontation and ensure his own safety and interests. However, Han Xin explicitly refused, because he read Liu Bang’s kindness of "driving me with his car, clothing me with his clothes, and eating me with his food", and he could not betray Li Yi. Obviously, Han Xin always believed in judging people, so as to defeat all his military opponents, and extended it to the political field, trusting Liu Bang and his "righteousness", showing his political naivety. Most of the problems that military strategists think about are local plane dimensions at that time, while politicians are much more complicated and profound. They are not at the same level, so military strategists are often no match for politicians. As a bystander of political strategists, Kuai Tong saw this clearly, while Han Xin didn’t realize that he was just a soldier, and Liu Bangze was going to be a soldier until Liu Bang deprived him of the King of Qi after the Battle of Gaixia, and even later he was stripped of the packet of the King of Chu and relegated to the vacant position of the imperial court, but it was too late. A general is a strategist who does things, while a general is a politician who commands the overall situation.

From Han Xin, we can see the limitations of being confined to knowing people. People are fickle, the most difficult to grasp, and those who want to be independent of the world just by looking at people will eventually be defeated by others. One-sided people are prone to paranoia, and will fall into the mire of rule by man, making it difficult to achieve great things.

A clear understanding and prediction of the situation

Situation analysis is a comprehensive judgment on physical geography, social sentiment, strength growth and decline and other factors. Su Qin’s analysis of the situation between the six countries and Qin in the Warring States Period is a classic.

After Shang Yang’s political reform, Qin’s military strength increased greatly, and it was militaristic and constantly attacked six countries. The six countries passively defended themselves and adopted the policy of forbearance and submission in succession, trying to ease the attack of Qin. Su Qin, a strategist, felt very strange. If the six countries were United, their territory would account for 4/5 of China, and manpower and material resources would also account for 4/5. Why should they yield to Qin? Concession is to fill Qin’s endless desires with limited land. Although it can be delayed for a while, it will surely die. He persuaded the six countries to unite against Qin one by one, and went to Qi, a big eastern country, to analyze the situation to the king of Qi: Qi has Mount Tai in the south, Langya in the east, Qinghe in the west and Bohai in the north, which is called a country with four blockades; The territory is vast, reaching more than 2,000 miles, with hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers, a mountain of grain, rich people, busy traffic, shoulder to shoulder, curtain-raising, sweating and high spirits. No one can compare the strength of Qi, but it makes people feel ashamed to succumb to Qin.

Su Qin’s situation analysis is based on two points: first, the mountains and rivers win; second, the human and material conditions. The former is congenital, while the latter can be changed. But all changes should be based on respecting nature and conforming to the law, that is, adapting to local conditions. Generally speaking, China or the world has only an abstract meaning. In order to survive and develop properly in China, we must first have a deep understanding of China’s natural conditions, which will form the basis of decision-making, and then consider using nature for social development. By combining nature with people, we can see many mysterious problems clearly. Su Qin was familiar with the geography of China, so he accurately pointed out the weaknesses of Qin Jun’s marching operations and the countermeasures. According to the danger of Guanzhong, the state of Qin is surrounded by mountains and waters, and it is more than self-sufficient. However, if it wants to attack the six countries far away, it must pass through the dangerous mountains, and the roads are rugged and vulnerable to attack. So why are South Korea and Wei unwilling to actively resist? Su Qin analyzed: Korea and Wei are blocking Qin’s eastward advancement, and Qin is determined to win, while Korea and Wei are resisting Qin Jun alone, and even if they win, they will suffer heavy casualties, not to mention defeat. Therefore, Korea and Wei are doing their best to resist Qin’s eastward advancement, in addition to defending the country from extinction, they are still guarding the door for the eastern countries; But if you submit to Qin, you can reduce losses and lead the disaster to the east. Su Qin revealed the key of geopolitics through the relationship between geographical situation and national interests. Therefore, even from their own interests, the eastern countries should resolutely support Korea and Wei, so as to help each other and protect themselves. If they have ulterior motives and try to lead Qin’s disaster to other countries,At most, we can only delay the time of being divided by one. When the truth was made clear, the kings of the six countries saw clearly the gains and losses, so they accepted Su Qin’s suggestion and formed a "vertical and horizontal" alliance to jointly resist Qin, which made Qin dare not covet the East for more than ten years.

Knowing people and analyzing the situation is basically based on the immediate understanding of the local area at that time, which belongs to plane thinking. People and interests change at any time, so do interpersonal or international relations. Therefore, we must understand the principle of interests, but we must never rely solely on interests. It is also inevitable that Su Qin’s "Union" alliance will collapse immediately after his death. In order to make this alliance stronger, we must have a deep understanding of the history, culture and traditions of various countries. Mutual understanding and respect are the basis for establishing an interest coordination mechanism. Many conflicts are caused by mutual ignorance or even judging each other based on self-imagination.With historical thinking, our understanding will change from plane to three-dimensional, and with depth, we will have a more important understanding, thus entering the third level.

A profound understanding of history

After Liu Bang defeated Xiang Yu, he chose Luoyang as the capital of the Western Han Dynasty. There are three main points in his basis: first, Luoyang is among the best in the world; Second, there are Zhongtiao Mountain, Xiaoshan Mountain, Xiong ‘er Mountain and Waifang Mountain in the southwest of Luoyang, with the Yellow River in the north and Chenggao in the east, which can be held; Third, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty took it as its capital and had a historical tradition. Deep down, Liu Bang still has a yearning to be on a par with the Zhou Dynasty. These three points are all reasonable from the perspective of the right place and the right time. However, the truth of a thing must match its nature and scale. If it is a small country, Luoyang has a really good terrain; However, if it is a unified central dynasty, the hinterland of the landscape package around Luoyang is too small to maneuver, which is a "death". The third is even more important. Liu (Lou), Liu Bang’s adviser, analyzed that after the founding of the Zhou Dynasty, the princes and chiefs of the Shang Dynasty and its previous generation were enfeoffed, which showed their tolerance and justice, so they won the support of all parties, and their capital was the center of all nations coming to the DPRK, basically without fortification; However, you have been fighting bloody battles for several years, and the society is full of sorrow and hatred. Therefore, the capital needs heavy defense, which is incomparable with the Zhou Dynasty. You can’t choose Luoyang with incomplete terrain as the capital. Liu Bang understood the truth and immediately made his capital in Chang ‘an, Guanzhong.

Since entering the imperial country, whether the capital is properly chosen or not is related to the rise and fall of the dynasty or even the success or failure. Xiang Yu established the Kingdom of Western Chu, with its capital in Pengcheng. This is a land of four wars, and from the perspective of being the capital, it is actually a lower domain. However, Xiang Yu ignored the history and the situation of mountains and rivers, and even cooked and killed the advisers who advised him to make his capital in Guanzhong, and went his own way. As a result, the regime of Xi Chu did not have peace for a year, and he committed suicide in Wujiang River just a few years later. Vision and pattern determine the scale and success or failure of the cause.

It is extremely important to learn to look at problems historically. History teaches us to look at problems completely and systematically and avoid fragmented thinking.When many people think about a problem, they only extract some fragments closely related to it, but don’t understand it from the whole process. People who lack historical thinking only see trees instead of forests, but they can’t see through the essence when they see problems. Based on the fragmented thinking of a specific time and space, the opinions and conclusions are often tempting to fall into the trap. Sadly, people who fail are often convinced of their one-sided views. Sima Qian lamented Xiang Yu’s death, which is a great historian’s regret for paranoid politicians.

Zhang Liang became an outstanding strategist in the early Han Dynasty because he not only knew how to judge people and understand the geographical situation of mountains and rivers, but also knew how to grasp its context from the whole process of historical development, see through the phenomenon, directly attack the essence, and analyze it from three dimensions: interest relationship, geopolitics and historical tradition, thus surpassing Su Qin and Han Xin and assisting Liu Bang in establishing a stable Han Dynasty.

Studying history is the advanced stage of life, and we go in step by step. Our life and our understanding of the whole society are gradually improving, so we must read history in life.

(The author is a professor of history at Fudan University)

List of must-play games in 2022. What stand-alone games can’t be missed this year?

This content comes from @ What is worth buying APP, and the opinions only represent the author himself | Author: Lone Star Tears

The year 2022 has come to an end, and this year’s games have also been sold. Generally speaking, it is a relatively calm year. The top-quality games like 3A masterpieces have emerged one after another, and there are many transplanted games on various platforms. If you are a steam player, it’s really fun. The following is a list of stand-alone games that must be played this year. Please check it out.

Best of the year, I didn’t expect to be able to play in March until December. I thought the interest in the wilderness could be compared but it was postponed, so Hidetaka Miyazaki won another award of the year and won! To tell the truth, the Elden ring that has been polished for so long is also worthy of the name. The game experience of the open soul world is not weaker than that of the wilderness. Well, the bug numerical balance has also been fixed, and we can look forward to the launch of DLC.

The God of War was expected by many people before its launch, but after its release, its reputation was uneven, mainly because the black people in the west were too correct to ruin the game experience. More importantly, bilibili UP sent a 30-minute video denouncing the boring plot for ruining the game. When the firepower was so fierce, it had to be the last time "The Last Survivor 2" was released.

Putting aside the boring correctness, this sequel continues the regular gameplay of the last one, with high-definition image quality and semi-open world design. The degree of innovation is not much, the monster repetition rate is high, and the plot pit is not filled enough. It’s a bit like the feeling of a large DLC in the last one, but it’s still fun, and it’s a qualified 3A masterpiece anyway.

After the release of Plague Legend 2, the word-of-mouth rose linearly, and the previous work received rave reviews. This work brought a novel experience to the players, much better than Ares 5. Well, it’s no problem to rank second in the year, although this IP is quite new, but the game industry is always talking about strength.

The plot follows the previous one. This time, I fled in the picturesque French scenery. Each character has unique skills, and the rats are even more shocking. Chinese dubbing and beautiful soundtrack add gameplay, and later it changed from historical color to magical color. The conversion is a bit true, but overall, it is fun and must be played!

This year, two new year’s treasure dreams were sold. At the beginning of the year, Arzeus and November Zhu/Zi got a good evaluation unexpectedly. As long as they are not too shoddy, fans will accept this series of treasure dreams. Both of them adopt the open world gameplay and take risks in a world full of treasure dreams. This novel experience is still very good. From the sales volume, it can be seen that fans really take this set.

It’s a must-play, but it’s only for fans or players who like this kind of pet collection. In addition, these two works are exclusive versions of switch, and you have to have a switch to play.

It’s a pretty good independent boutique game. The gameplay is against games such as Hades and action Roguelite. Every death will inherit new features, which is reflected in the game that the characteristics of future generations are strengthened. Each future generation has different skills or attributes. Experience new equipment and new skills in the brush, and you can’t stop playing for a few minutes or more. Compared with the previous work, this second generation has richer level design, more diverse occupations and skills, and a variety of upgrade systems. You can explore and try it again and again, and it is an excellent work in general.

A boutique stand-alone jrpg game produced by an independent game developer with a humble budget is simply a horizontal version of the game. The score on the game website is as high as 9.7 points. No matter the plot, music, art or gameplay are carefully polished, the overall play is a kind of cool feeling of playing PSP clearance games when I was a child, which is very nostalgic! This game is considered as a dark horse this year. Although it is unpopular, its quality is extremely excellent. Support it and you must play it!

Follow-up: This year, some games, such as The Lost Light 2, The Desperate Horizon to the West and Sniper Elite 5, are also high-quality games, but they are not listed due to the limitation of space. With the support of some domestic games, Taiwu Huajuan and most of them are quite good-quality games produced this year. The transplanted fun games include Triangular Strategy, Two-person Tour, and Exotic Record of Goddess 5.

The author declares that there is no interest in this article, and welcomes rational exchange and harmonious discussion among value friends ~

Drogba celebrated his 45th birthday, and Blue Bridge won the title and helped Chelsea win 12 important trophies.

Live broadcast: On March 12th, Drogba celebrated his 45th birthday. The official Chelsea media showed a cartoon of Drogba bringing back the big ear cup for the Blues and sent birthday wishes to the legendary star.

Chelsea’s official social media wrote: "We hope you had a happy birthday."

Drogba played for the Blues twice before and after, and scored 157 goals for Chelsea in 341 games during his first time. In 2014-15, Drogba returned to Stamford Bridge and won the fourth Premier League title in his career. In addition, during his time at Chelsea, Drogba also won four FA Cup titles and three Carling Cup titles. What is important is that in 2012, Drogba helped the Blues beat Bayern and won the first Champions League trophy in the team’s history.


The external network is hotly discussing the China artificial intelligence satellite special police, and it is ready to be tested.

China’s Xinhua News Agency announced that China is going to explore and study an asteroid’s capture and capture action, and return the obtained related substances. This is the first time that humans have captured planetary matter with space technology.

Recently, China Xinhua News Agency announced that China Aerospace Agency is ready to start the crawling work on an asteroid named HO3, which was named in 2016. This time, China will send its own automatic unmanned spacecraft called robot. This unmanned spacecraft satellite system will explore the whole satellite-comet model, and one of its tasks is to explore this asteroid numbered HO32112016.

Its main way is different from that of other countries. It will not land on the surface of an asteroid, but will revolve around it, run synchronously with the asteroid, and finally get closer and closer. After approaching the asteroid, use your own intelligent robotic arm to grab a certain part of the asteroid. In this case, a real unmanned space operation will be formed. China’s chief designer also conducted relevant discussions and discussions on people from Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. China will begin to implement this plan soon.

Nasa and other countries have explored asteroids. For example, Japan explored an asteroid in 2021 and 2022. However, they usually use satellites to orbit asteroids or asteroid observation detectors.

However, it is the first time to realize common orbit operation around asteroids and finally get close to them, and use intelligent arms to dig on asteroids instead of landing on them. This requires extremely high control system, remote control system.

According to NASA, this asteroid is far away from the earth. So in theory, it should not be regarded as a pure satellite of the earth, but in fact it is also an asteroid relatively very close to the earth. NASA also thinks that it is really a good idea for China to choose this asteroid HO32112016 for this job.

However, this method uses its own intelligent unmanned spacecraft and intelligent mechanical arm to grab around the outside of the asteroid while rotating, which is very difficult to implement. For numerical control and remote control technology, once a mistake occurs, the satellite may hit the asteroid. Lesa once enjoyed this way, but for Lesa, his spokesman, engineer Robert Hills, said it was impossible to achieve it easily, and it was far more difficult than launching the probe to an asteroid and starting it again like the Japanese way.

Why did China take this completely autonomous way to crawl around the asteroid from a distance, which humans have never done before? China holds advanced technologies in some fields in the field of aerospace. I also want to show this technology to more people. Let you know that I can realize this technology of grabbing from a distance that you can’t even think of.

That is, China launches an unmanned spacecraft first, and he revolves around this asteroid first, getting closer and closer. Close to a certain extent, you have to keep running at the same speed as the asteroid, stretch out the robot arm and grab the dust from the asteroid while moving, then put it in your storage cabin and fly away. Then explore its parent comet, number 416410490106, and finally return to Earth.

I think China is crazy now. They say the United States is crazy, but in fact China is crazy. You always create such difficult movements. Do you really want to explore human space exploration to the limit?

This technology is too difficult. If China wants to land on this asteroid named HO3 in 2016, it is not difficult, and so can its lander technology. Since China can land on Mars and the moon, he can also land on an asteroid, just like we do in Japan, but the problem is that if he doesn’t do this, he will stretch out his robotic arm to catch the asteroid in the process of synchronization with the asteroid.

This is a demonstration of China, do you understand? Let you feel how powerful his control ability is, and he said that this is an unmanned mode. My God, this is really a difficult move. Are China people really willing to take this risk? A fully automatic satellite detection robot like this also needs millions of dollars.

I think China’s model is a little too perfect. If this model is successful, China has created a real pioneering work of mankind. It is in space that an unmanned autonomous robot satellite, or mechanical detector, volleys at an asteroid to grab its material. I’m afraid that many countries will plagiarize this method in the future, so it will reduce the second landing, the second take-off and landing, and a lot of fuel will allow him to continue to perform new tasks.

That’s a good idea, but you know this running algorithm and automatic artificial intelligence algorithm. It’s too difficult. If China really succeeds, no matter how much material you get back, it will be the miracle of the first unmanned AI algorithm.

Recently the United States is developing AI. The intelligent robot controls the F16 fighter to demonstrate the AI capability of the United States. Experts in China say that the United States is 30 years ahead of China in this field. If China realizes the simultaneous orbit capture of asteroids and robots of automatic unmanned spacecraft this time, then I want to know who is 30 years ahead of who. So, China’s unmanned automatic control technology and algorithms far surpass those of the West and the United States. I think that if this new technology of China is really realized, it means that China’s unmanned AI space intelligence algorithm is perfect and can be copied.

ON1 PortrAIt AI 2023 for Mac (super AI intelligent portrait processing software) v17.1.1.13620 activated version.

ON1 Portrait AI is a photo editing software application designed for portrait retouching and enhancement. It uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms to automatically detect and enhance facial features such as eyes, skin, lips and hair. The software allows users to easily adjust and fine-tune all aspects of their portraits, including skin smoothing, blemish removal, tooth whitening, color correction and so on, with just a few clicks. ON1 Portrait AI can be used as a stand-alone application or as a plug-in for other photo editing software (such as Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom). It is suitable for Windows and Mac operating systems. Generally speaking, ON1 Portrait AI is a powerful tool for photographers and anyone who wants to use advanced AI technology to enhance portrait photos quickly and easily.

ON1 Portrait AI 2023 for Mac (Super AI Intelligent Portrait Processing Software) id=Mjk0ODE5

Workflow plug-in ON1 Portrait AI is suitable for almost any workflow. Using ON1 Portrait AI as a plug-in can achieve amazing decoration effect in a few seconds:

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe Lightroom Classic

  • Adobe Photoshop Elements

  • Affinity Photo

  • Capture One (coming soon)

  • Apple Photos

  • Corel Paintshop Pro

ON1 Photo RAW with fully integrated portrait AI can be perfectly decorated with just one click. It uses machine learning to find every face in a photo and automatically make them look great. It analyzes every face, and adds some modifications to the skin, eyes and mouth, providing you with professional effects immediately.

Decorative tools and the controls you need

  • The cosmetic options are simply amazing, including smoothing skin, reducing shine, removing blemishes, facial carving and whitening eyes and teeth.

  • Automatically find each face in the photo, analyze it, and add appropriate embellishments according to your preferences.

No longer need lengthy editing sessions.

  • Let AI work for you by batch processing the entire photo folder. For each photo, portrait AI will find each face and automatically add the right amount of modification. It is very suitable for proofreading photos before delivery.

Adjust everyone individually.

  • Each face in the photo has independent control and adjustment. For example, you can use different settings for the bride and groom in wedding photos.

Your editing is nondestructive.

  • All your adjustments and edits are non-destructive. You can edit them again later, and the original photos will not be changed.

How to edit

  • Everything is automatic, but you can also control it completely manually. You can manually adjust the position of your eyes and mouth, draw to refine the skin mask, and use a brush to remove stubborn flaws.

Improve facial shape and lighting

  • By adding fill light to illuminate the face or reshape the face to narrow the chin line or balance the eye size, the common mistakes in lens selection and lighting can be corrected.

Using the power of frequency separation

  • Skin modification uses frequency separation to maintain natural skin texture, while reducing the color and tone changes of the whole skin. It creates flawless but natural-looking skin.

Easily remove flaws

  • Small flaws can be automatically reduced, while larger flaws can be removed by using the built-in content-aware eraser and clone stamp.

Presets that suit your style

  • Easily create your own preset to define your decoration style.