Yuxin Group’s "Ba Qi" made an appearance, and the on-site contracts continued

On October 27, the 15th China (Chongqing) Hot Pot Food Culture Festival was grandly opened, and Ba Qi Juice Soda appeared at the Hot Pot Festival, attracting much attention and signing contracts on the spot.

Signing of major projects(Photo provided by the organizer)

"Spicy Solution Research Institute": Challenge Baqi Spicy Solution Value

In the red sea of the hot pot festival, a touch of "Ba Qi Cheng" is particularly eye-catching. The Jieshan Ba Qi juice soda launched by the first branch of Yuxin Group has become a hit at the hot pot festival. Modern Fan’s slogans "Boss, let’s have a bottle of lime Ba Qi", "Boss, let’s have a bottle of orange Ba Qi", "I like to eat spicy food, and I have a feeling of being blown away"… It has attracted the attention of young consumers, and they have signed up to participate in the Ba Qi Jieshi Spicy Value Challenge.

On-site consumers said that Youzhiliang drinks Ba steam juice soda, which is slightly bubbly and refreshing. Juice + soda opens a double spicy experience, which is really enjoyable!

Ba steam juice soda(Photo provided by the organizer)

Deep cooperation: empowering Chongqing hot pot industry

Yuxin Group is a local private enterprise in Chongqing. After 40 years of development, it has become a comprehensive industrial group focusing on beer brewing, food and beverage, whisky and foreign wine Product Research & Development, production, sales, domestic and overseas commercial property development and operation. As one of the earliest private beer and beverage manufacturers in China, it has reached in-depth cooperation with Chongqing Hot Pot Association to deeply empower Chongqing Hot Pot Industry.

According to statistics, the Ba Qi Spicy Research Institute received thousands of visitors on the first day of its launch, collected more than 300 pieces of customer information, and reached a number of signed customers on the spot. After in-depth understanding of the customers present, they expressed their optimism about Ba Qi and showed a high degree of cooperation intention.

Relevant analysts said that Ba Qi juice soda products have shown a broad market prospect during this hot pot festival, which will definitely inject new momentum into the hot pot industry and make new contributions to the promotion of Chongqing hot pot "food + drink" brand.

Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China’s "Ten Years in China" series of press conferences were held, and the auditing of key livelihood funds and projects continued to increase.

CCTV News:People’s livelihood is no small matter. At a series of press conferences on "Ten Years in China" held in Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China today (May 17th), the relevant person in charge of the Audit Office introduced the positive achievements made by the Audit Office in strengthening the audit of people’s livelihood funds and projects in recent years, and promoting the protection and improvement of people’s livelihood.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, audit institutions have continuously increased their audit efforts on key livelihood funds and projects such as medical care, pension, employment, housing, agriculture, rural areas and farmers. Insist on sinking the audit force to the lowest level, promote the implementation of the policies of the CPC Central Committee to benefit the people and the people, and seriously investigate and deal with corruption and unhealthy practices that occur around the masses, and promote better solutions to the problems of the people’s urgent difficulties and hopes, so as to firmly grasp the bottom line of people’s livelihood and enhance the people’s sense of gain, happiness and security.

Wang Lujin, Deputy Auditor-General of the Audit Commission:Taking helping to win the fight against poverty as a major political task, we will continue to increase the audit of poverty alleviation. In recent years, we have randomly selected 1.02 trillion yuan of various poverty alleviation funds, promoted the standardization of poverty alleviation fund management year by year, and continuously improved the use performance. The proportion of audit-found problems in the random inspection funds decreased from 36.3% in 2013 to 1.5% in 2020, which contributed to the overall victory in the fight against poverty.

In the past ten years, around the improvement of the multi-level social security system, audit institutions have continuously carried out audits of pension and medical insurance funds, employment subsidy funds, lottery public welfare funds, and affordable housing projects, and effectively implemented major policies and measures such as safeguarding the safety of social security funds and promoting employment priority.

Wang Lujin, Deputy Auditor-General of the Audit Commission:In the audit, we focus on the safety of funds, and focus on revealing and cracking down on illegal acts of fraudulent insurance, hedging or misappropriation of various social security funds. We pay attention to the efficiency of funds and reveal the problems of ineffective and inefficient use of funds, such as precipitation, idleness, unpaid payables and over-guarantee. We also pay attention to the sustainability of policies, reveal the blocking points, difficulties and breakpoints in institutional mechanisms and policy implementation, promote the filling of shortcomings in social security, and make the fruits of reform and development more fair and benefit all people.

Top Ten Online Novels in 2023

Author: Night 1986

The rankings are in no order. After all, everyone has their own list. 1. The Book of Gone with the Times, written by Ji Cha, was originally written by Ji Cha when she returned to the harem. With the help of a blind fortune teller, the protagonist travels through troubled times and makes his own world. This book has been updated with 2.34 million words, and it is not finished yet.

Second, "If you cultivate immortality in the troubled times of Yaowu", the author Wen Chaogong, opened the book in 2023, and ended that year, with 3.54 million words in ten months. The protagonist can cross two worlds and be Nuo Nuo in the world of cultivating immortals. He can strike hard in the world of low martial arts and rely on the resources of the world of low martial arts to cultivate immortals in the world of cultivating immortals.

Third, "Dining Table of the Tang Dynasty", written by Yi and 2, is the theme of returning to the Tang Dynasty after Yi and 2 wrote "Brick of the Tang Dynasty". Compared with brick of the Tang Dynasty, the dining table of the Tang Dynasty has more sense of honor for the nation and the country. Everyone in the world, what’s going on in the world, is just a series of dishes on the table of Datang people. 3.86 million words have been updated, which is not finished.

Fourth, "The Traveler of the Spiritual Realm", the author bought Xiao Langjun, a supernatural urban sci-fi power stream, and sold the newspaper Xiao Lang, according to another masterpiece after "Da Feng Da Geng Ren", which won the first place in many lists on the first day of its release. The story is fascinating and I can’t stop. 4.1 million words have been updated, not finished.

5. "Deep Sea embers", the author Yuan Tong, the protagonist crossed a strange world and unexpectedly became ghost captain, constantly exploring the world. At the beginning, the readers were full of curiosity, and his ship was named Lost Hometown, which made us smile. 2.32 million words have been updated, which is not finished.

Six, "This game is too real", the author Morningstar LL, this is a behind-the-scenes black hand flow, the protagonist crossed the wasteland world and obtained a refuge system that can summon the fourth natural disaster player, so he became the manager of the game and fooled a number of players to work for themselves and successfully embarked on the peak of life. Let other players give him a super double 007 job. 6.63 million words have been updated, which is not finished.

Seven, "National Forensic Medicine", the author Zhiniao Village, this book is a stream of urban systems. The protagonist can improve the skills of forensic doctors by acquiring forensic systems and assisting in solving crimes. This book combines professionalism and interest, and the case description is true, which makes us feel immersive when reading. This book has been updated to 2.42 million words, and it is not finished.

Eight, "Red Heart Survey", the author’s feelings, this book has just come out and no one cares, feeling that it is going to save the street. Now it is in the top 5 of the monthly list. It is a novel that is a late bloomer and is also a Xianxia type. The physical book of this book has been sold on the whole network, with 7.64 million words updated and not finished.

Nine, "Beyond Time", the author Ergen, this is the sixth novel of Ergen, and it is still a consistent Xianxia. It incorporates the elements of eschatology and gangsters. The protagonist is decisive and intelligent, and is known as the protagonist who is most like Wang Lin in Ergen’s works. After experiencing a short trough, my ears returned to the top stream with this book. This book has been updated to 3.25 million words, and it is not finished.

Ten, "The Ring of Destiny", the author loves diving squid, the sequel to "The Mysterious World", has dominated many lists since its debut, and has won the title of golden keyboard in 2023, but there are many controversies, such as wanting to see the first story of the mysterious Lord, but it is not. Slow pace, etc. 4.1 million words have been updated, not finished.

I really admire the authors of these online novels. Their brains are open and they have all kinds of topics. Some of them are very real, but I didn’t expect it to be my own experience.

This article comes from what is worth buying website (www.smzdm.com).

Lifting the "unspeakable secret" in the Spring Festival, Jing’ an, a patient, went to work easily after the holiday.

Xinmin Evening News (special correspondent Yu Wenlong, reporter Jiang Yuezhong) "Thank you, Director Liu and doctors and nurses, for lifting the’ unspeakable secret’ for me. I was discharged from the hospital today, and then I can go to work easily. " Today (7th) is the first day of work after the Spring Festival. Mr. Wang, who finished the discharge formalities early in the morning, made a special trip to bid farewell to Liu Meiling, director of anorectal department of Shibei Hospital in Jing ‘an District, thanking her and her colleagues for "working overtime" during the Spring Festival for their successful operation.
Caption: Director Liu Meiling is focusing on operating on patients. Photo by Zhang Yuping
Mr. Wang, who is in his thirties this year, is a white-collar worker in the company. He has been working at his desk for a long time and suffered from hemorrhoids. In the past six months, hemorrhoids have repeatedly bled and prolapse, but because of his busy work, he simply can’t take care of seeing a doctor. This is not true. Years ago, Mr. Wang worked overtime frequently, and hemorrhoids began to be a "demon" again. The bleeding was not only accompanied by prolapse and pain, but also people felt dizzy and weak, which made him miserable. He didn’t come to the anorectal department of Shibei Hospital until the holiday.
"Doctor, it is not convenient for me to ask for leave at ordinary times, and I am only free during the Spring Festival holiday. Please help me and arrange the operation!" Mr. Wang looked apologetic and pleading.
But Mr. Wang came too late, it was New Year’s Eve, and the hospital operating room only arranged emergency surgery.
Looking at Mr. Wang, who was pale because of long-term frequent bleeding, Liu Meiling immediately contacted Liao Hongxia, director of anesthesiology department, and explained the situation. Director Liao readily agreed: "We have a doctor on duty who can help patients arrange surgery." With the support of the Anesthesiology Department of the operating room, Director Liu quickly made nucleic acid for the patient and arranged hospitalization. During this period, he received the full support from the B-ultrasound room of the special inspection department and other departments. Director Liu and her team discussed the case according to the characteristics of Mr. Wang’s disease and formulated an "individualized" operation and nursing plan.
Caption: Liu Meiling and her team analyzed the patient’s situation and discussed the surgical plan. Photo by Gu Chenming
The next day, that is, on the first day of February 1, Liu Meiling and her team gave up their rest time and rushed to the hospital to operate on the patient. Zhang Yuping, the head nurse, personally sent the patient to the operating room and did psychological nursing before operation. Although the patient was considered to be a light mixed hemorrhoid before operation, after anesthesia, the patient’s hemorrhoid was "exposed": prolapse, bleeding and edema, which was obviously a severe acute hemorrhoid, which surprised all the medical staff present. The difficulty of the operation can be imagined. Fortunately, Director Liu has rich experience. She adjusted the surgical plan on the spot and decided to give the patient her improved compound minimally invasive surgery. Due to adequate preoperative preparation and simple communication with the patient, Liu Meiling took charge of the operation. With skillful medical skills, she gave the patient a minimally invasive operation with both internal and external hemorrhoids. The whole operation was very smooth, with small wound, less bleeding and short time, which reduced the pain of patients to a minimum. Surgery should not only determine the curative effect, but also give consideration to aesthetics. The postoperative assistant, Dr. Yu, immediately took a photo for the patient to see. The patient was very satisfied with the comparison of the photos before and after operation and gave a thumbs up.
After the operation, Head Nurse Zhang Yuping specially bought a big cake to share the happiness of the New Year with Mr. Wang and all the patients who could not go home for the New Year after the operation.
Caption: anorectal doctors and nurses celebrate the Spring Festival with patients who can’t go home for the New Year because of surgery. Photo by Sun Weiwei
It is understood that over the years, the anorectal department of Shibei Hospital has been adhering to the treatment concept of combining traditional Chinese and western medicine and has formed its own characteristics. In order to make Mr. Wang’s wound heal as soon as possible after operation, they also used traditional Chinese medicine hip bath, special dressing change and laser physiotherapy to promote the smooth healing of Mr. Wang’s wound. Under the careful treatment of medical staff in the anorectal department of Shibei Hospital, Mr. Wang recovered smoothly and was discharged from hospital 6 days after operation.
Director Liu Meiling also revealed to reporters that every holiday, such as May Day, November Day and Spring Festival, when the rest time is a little longer, the anorectal team of Shibei Hospital will arrange several special operation days, which is to help office workers who are not convenient to take time off at ordinary times and arrange surgery for them. The purpose is to make it convenient for them to take advantage of the holidays to treat and recuperate. During the Spring Festival this year, more than 10 inpatients in the anorectal department of this hospital were all office workers.

Iran’s gas station was attacked by Israeli hackers, and the silent cyber war has begun!

Cailian News on December 19th (edited by Ma Lan)On Monday, most gas stations in Iran were paralyzed by external attacks. According to Iranian state media, services were still not fully restored late Monday.

Iranian oil minister Javad Owji said on Monday that the cyber attack caused nearly 70% gas stations in Iran to malfunction. According to Iran’s National Petroleum Products Distribution Company, the oil pump went offline due to technical problems caused by hostile organizations, but it did not point out the suspects.

Subsequently, a hacker organization named Gonjeshke Darande announced on X that it was responsible for the attack. Gonjeshke Darande means predator sparrow in Persian. In 2021, the organization carried out the destruction of Iran’s infrastructure and a steel plant, and was widely regarded as having an Israeli background.

In its statement, the predatory sparrow organization shouted to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: This attack is a response to the aggression of Iran and its regional agent (Hamas), and there is a price to pay for playing with fire.

Silent battlefield

Predator Sparrow also said in the statement that similar to the previous actions, the attack on gas stations was carried out in a controlled manner. They warned the Iranian emergency services in advance and ensured that some gas stations could still operate normally to limit the damage to emergency services.

Reza Navar, a spokesperson for the Iranian Gas Station Association, said that there is no shortage of fuel supply, but I hope that drivers will not go to gas stations now, and experts are solving the software problem of the fuel system.

Israeli officials declined to comment on the hacking incident. However, the Israeli network department pointed out on Monday that about three weeks ago, Iran and Hezbollah launched a cyber attack on a hospital in northern Israel. Although it was finally defeated, the confidential information of the hospital was still leaked.

Gil Messing, chief of staff of the US-Israel cyber security company Checkpoint Software, revealed that the cyber attack of predator sparrow demonstrated Israel’s capabilities.

The cyber security investigator of another well-known international company believes that Iran and Israel are engaged in a full-scale cyber war, but they are hidden underground. The complexity of the attack shows that there is the support of state power behind it.

He pointed out that the IT system of Iranian gas stations has a history of ten years, so it is easy to be attacked by hackers. But hackers from both sides are also wrestling with other more important government and military infrastructures. He said that even if the situation between Iran and Israel has not reached the boiling point, the situation is bound to become more tense.

Sources who used to work in the British Foreign Office also warned that this may be information from Israel. In view of the actions of Iran and its members of the axis of resistance, Israel thinks it is necessary to respond, which roughly means that it has the ability to put out the lights in Tehran, and if Iran continues to escalate, Israel will take more destructive actions.

(Cailian Malan)

Western media: rudiger was angry and failed to start & pre-match training was full of anger and his teammates were surprised.

Live on May 20th, according to the news in the western media "relevo", Real Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti chose to substitute rudiger in the second round against Manchester City, which surprised the whole team and made the players very angry.

Rudiger restrained Harland in the first leg against Manchester City, and An Shuai also publicly announced that rudiger would start. According to the media, because of this, when An Shuai changed his mind to let rudiger substitute, the German central defender felt a little unacceptable. Rudiger himself and his teammates were surprised.

In the competition, rudiger’s body language has spoken for itself. Real Madrid also predicted that rudiger would start, Alaba would be left-back, Cammavinga would reinforce the midfield and Rodrigo would be on standby.

After determining the starting lineup, rudiger was once very depressed, and several teammates tried to comfort and encourage the angry central defender. As a matter of fact, rudiger was full of anger during pre-match training, as if playing a top-level race, constantly seeking physical confrontation.

However, in the case of 0-2 backwardness, it is intriguing for An Shuai to replace modric with rudiger. It is obviously illogical for the central defender to change the midfield. The Real Madrid team thinks that this is an act of compensation by An Shuai to appease rudiger.

After the game, Galeries Lafayette also came to the dressing room, trying to boost the morale of the team, and also appeased rudiger a little. According to the media, An Shuai always prefers the central defender combination of Militao and Alaba.

ON1 PortrAIt AI 2023 for Mac (super AI intelligent portrait processing software) v17.1.1.13620 activated version.

ON1 Portrait AI is a photo editing software application designed for portrait retouching and enhancement. It uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms to automatically detect and enhance facial features such as eyes, skin, lips and hair. The software allows users to easily adjust and fine-tune all aspects of their portraits, including skin smoothing, blemish removal, tooth whitening, color correction and so on, with just a few clicks. ON1 Portrait AI can be used as a stand-alone application or as a plug-in for other photo editing software (such as Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom). It is suitable for Windows and Mac operating systems. Generally speaking, ON1 Portrait AI is a powerful tool for photographers and anyone who wants to use advanced AI technology to enhance portrait photos quickly and easily.

ON1 Portrait AI 2023 for Mac (Super AI Intelligent Portrait Processing Software) https://mac.macsc.com/mac/3885.html? id=Mjk0ODE5

Workflow plug-in ON1 Portrait AI is suitable for almost any workflow. Using ON1 Portrait AI as a plug-in can achieve amazing decoration effect in a few seconds:

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe Lightroom Classic

  • Adobe Photoshop Elements

  • Affinity Photo

  • Capture One (coming soon)

  • Apple Photos

  • Corel Paintshop Pro

ON1 Photo RAW with fully integrated portrait AI can be perfectly decorated with just one click. It uses machine learning to find every face in a photo and automatically make them look great. It analyzes every face, and adds some modifications to the skin, eyes and mouth, providing you with professional effects immediately.

Decorative tools and the controls you need

  • The cosmetic options are simply amazing, including smoothing skin, reducing shine, removing blemishes, facial carving and whitening eyes and teeth.

  • Automatically find each face in the photo, analyze it, and add appropriate embellishments according to your preferences.

No longer need lengthy editing sessions.

  • Let AI work for you by batch processing the entire photo folder. For each photo, portrait AI will find each face and automatically add the right amount of modification. It is very suitable for proofreading photos before delivery.

Adjust everyone individually.

  • Each face in the photo has independent control and adjustment. For example, you can use different settings for the bride and groom in wedding photos.

Your editing is nondestructive.

  • All your adjustments and edits are non-destructive. You can edit them again later, and the original photos will not be changed.

How to edit

  • Everything is automatic, but you can also control it completely manually. You can manually adjust the position of your eyes and mouth, draw to refine the skin mask, and use a brush to remove stubborn flaws.

Improve facial shape and lighting

  • By adding fill light to illuminate the face or reshape the face to narrow the chin line or balance the eye size, the common mistakes in lens selection and lighting can be corrected.

Using the power of frequency separation

  • Skin modification uses frequency separation to maintain natural skin texture, while reducing the color and tone changes of the whole skin. It creates flawless but natural-looking skin.

Easily remove flaws

  • Small flaws can be automatically reduced, while larger flaws can be removed by using the built-in content-aware eraser and clone stamp.

Presets that suit your style

  • Easily create your own preset to define your decoration style.

Messi assists Mbappé to beat brest 2-1 away.

Messi assists Mbappé in the lore.

In the early morning of March 12th, Beijing time, brest played at home in the 27th round of Ligue 1 against Paris Saint-Germain. As there are probably four relegation teams in Ligue 1 this season, brest ranks 15th, but only one point ahead of the relegation zone. In terms of total value, the Paris team is as high as 890 million, while brest is only 80 million.

In the 37th minute of the game, Messi instigated the attack, and Mbappé shot hard and was saved, but the ball was not far away, and Sohler made up the shot to break the goal.

In the 44th minute, brest got the chance through a simple long pass, and Hornot faced the defense of the two men and shot from a small angle to equalize the score.

In the 90th minute, Messi sent a wonderful assist, Mbappé passed the goalkeeper and finished the lore. Messi completed the milestone of 300 assists and Mbappé scored 2000 goals.

In the end, Paris beat brest 2-1 away, got rid of the depression of the Champions League and ushered in a four-game winning streak.

At 22: 30 pm on March 11th, Bayern beat augsburg 5-3 in the 24th round of the Bundesliga.

In the second minute, Berisha turned and shot low, hitting the ball into the lower right corner of the goal. Sommer couldn’t save it, and Bayern scored 0-1.

In the 16th minute, Sane divided the ball to the right in front of the penalty area. Cancelo caught the ball and entered the penalty area. He swung past the defender’s right foot and volleyed at a small angle. Bayern equalized the score 1-1.

In the 19th minute, Manet passed the ball with a barb on the right side of the penalty area, and pawar shot the ball in front of the door. Bayern overtook augsburg 2-1.

In the 35th minute, Bayern’s right corner kicked into the penalty area, and Delicht grabbed the header in the middle, and the goalkeeper flew to save the ball. pawar’s right foot volley in front of the door scored twice, and Bayern scored 3-1 augsburg.

In the 45th minute, Manet volleyed his left foot from the restricted area and was saved. Sanet headed into the empty net in front of the door, and Bayern led augsburg 4-1.

In the 55th minute, Berisha took the penalty. He tricked Sommer into hitting the right side of the goal and scored twice. augsburg was 2-4 behind Bayern.

In the 74th minute, Bayern made a reactionary fast break after stealing in the frontcourt. Cancelo passed the back point on the right side of the penalty area, Alfonso Davidson volleyed the goal, and Bayern led augsburg 5-2.

In the 93rd minute, Vargas made a high-speed dash with the ball on the left, and came to the front of the bottom line on the left side of the penalty area. cardona followed him and scored a goal. augsburg scored 3-5 Bayern.

Bayern started: 27- Sommer, 2- Yu Pamekano, 4- Driget (83′ 23-Blind), 5- pawar, 19- Alfonso-Davies (77′ 40- Mazravi), 22- Cancelo, 6- kimmich, 7- Gnabry (71′ 25-Muller).

Augsburg starting: 1- Ji Chivici, 2- Gumny (46′ 22-Yago), 6- Gouweleeuw, 23- Bauer, 3- pedersen, 27- engers (46′ 13- Rexbeke), 14- Baumgartlinger, 10-A- Mayer (77′ 34