The original wheel test drive Tiggo 8 PRO is younger, more scientific and more luxurious.

With the listing of Tiggo 8 PRO in May this year, the Tiggo 8 family has formed a rich product matrix consisting of Tiggo 8, which focuses on power, Tiggo 8 PLUS, which focuses on fuel saving, and Tiggo 8 PRO, which focuses on technology. As the sales force of Chery and the star model in the independent medium-sized SUV market, the Tiggo 8 family has attracted much attention, and four products with different positioning are very eye-catching in their respective market segments. Not long ago, the Tiggo 8 PRO was pre-sold for 6 hours, and the order broke 30,000.

From the price point of view, the positioning of Tiggo 8 PRO is higher than that of Tiggo 8 and Tiggo 8 PLUS. On the basis of the advantages of the latter two, it further enhances the strength of science and technology and is called the flagship of science and technology. Recently, Brother Gu tested the Tiggo 8 PRO in Shangri-La, experienced its intelligent technology in Tibetan customs, and felt the fierce collision between traditional culture and advanced technology.

Younger sports, more technology and more luxury.

Although the positioning of the four products in the Tiggo 8 family is clear, for consumers, I am afraid they still don’t know how to start when it comes to specific choices. Compared with Tiggo 8 and Tiggo 8 PLUS, the characteristics of Tiggo 8 PRO can be summarized as younger sports, more technology and more luxury, which are the main differences from the previous products.

The first is the design of younger sports. The Tiggo 8 PRO adopts a completely different style from other models in the family. The air intake grille is larger and more open, and the mesh structure is dot-matrix design, which is more digital than the fashion star dot-matrix design of the Tiggo 8 PLUS. Headlights on both sides are connected by a chrome-plated visual strip, which runs through the grille. The shape of the front bumper has been redesigned, which is more integrated with the front grille, and the irregular cooling vents on both sides have also brought a strong digital effect.

The side of the car body is almost the same as that of the Tiggo 8 PLUS, and the shape of the wheel hub is slightly adjusted, keeping the overall fashion and dynamic. The tail design is closer to that of Tiggo 8, both of which are through taillights, but the shape is slightly different, and the shape of the rear bumper and exhaust pipe has not changed much. In terms of size, the Tiggo 8 PRO is the longest car body in the Tiggo 8 family, reaching 4745mm, so it will look more atmospheric in visual effect, while the car width, car height and wheelbase are consistent.

If the difference in design is only to improve the recognition of various models, then the difference in intelligent technology can best reflect the upgrade value of Tiggo 8PRO. It comes standard with a new generation of lion zhiyun Lion5.0 system, built-in with a new generation of high-performance car-level AI chips, and provides functions such as face recognition, non-inductive login, full-time wakeup-free multi-mode voice interaction, etc. On the whole, it has more functions and faster response. Of course, this is not enough to prop up the name of its flagship technology, so the Tiggo 8 PRO also has a 24.6-inch curved dual screen and Chery’s first W-HUD interstellar flying head-up display function.

Finally, there is luxury. When you enter the Tiggo 8 PRO car, you can not only feel a strong sense of science and technology, but also have a sense of luxury brought by wooden decorative boards, metallic speakers, large-area leather cladding, skylight atmosphere lights, the second row of shared entertainment smart screens, SONY 10 Yang surround sound and other configurations.

Focusing on the three key words of youth, technology and luxury, Tiggo 8 PRO provides consumers with a more valuable and "super-cup" medium-sized SUV choice, which is also of great significance to the Tiggo 8 family.

Kunpeng Power is as good as ever.

In terms of power selection, Tiggo 8 PRO provides 1.6TGDI/2.0TGDI engines. The test drive model of Brother Gu is a 2.0T four-wheel drive version, with a maximum power of 254 HP and a maximum torque of 390 Nm. It is matched with a 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox and equipped with a Chery full-scene intelligent four-wheel drive system. This version of the power configuration is also available on the Tiggo 8 PLUS, which is the highest specification power in the Tiggo 8 family. Whether it’s this 2.0T four-wheel drive or other Kunpeng power, Brother Gu has tried it, but he still experienced different aspects of this power in this test drive in Shangri-La.

Our test drive route has many complicated road conditions, from the north bank of Napahai to the south bank, and then from low altitude to high altitude to Baima Snow Mountain Pass. It is not uncommon to drive around the lake and mountains, bend, accumulate water and climb. When passing through the corner, the supporting performance of the Tiggo 8 PRO body is satisfactory, the roll is not big, and the body shaking of the rear passengers is small, which is acceptable for people who are prone to carsickness. On the day of the test drive, it was rainy, the road was slippery, and there were even many stagnant roads. Fortunately, the tires equipped with the Tiggo 8 PRO had good grip, and the intelligent four-wheel drive system also made us still confident when passing through the stagnant road at a high speed, and basically did not feel the slippage. Finally, the climbing section, the most eye-catching part of the 2.0T engine should be the acceleration ability in the middle and rear section, so the strong power needed for climbing can be given quickly, and the process of speed increase, turbine reaction and torque explosion is completed in one go. Of course, this is also indispensable for the four-wheel drive system.

Under these three road conditions, the performance of Tiggo 8 PRO is remarkable, which also shows that although it is a home SUV, it can also take into account some more extreme road conditions. On the whole, through this test drive, Brother Wheel found that the motivation and training of Tiggo 8 PRO actually had no obvious movement or comfortable direction, giving people a feeling that it was more in between. In the city, it is a conscientious family car, the power output is not radical, and it is even a little weak at the beginning, but when the speed comes up, you can get all the acceleration pleasure you want, and this process will still be based on comfort; Jumping out of the circle of the city, with strong power and four-wheel drive blessing, it can take on the responsibility of crossing mountains and seas.

It is understood that Tiggo 8 PRO will also launch a version equipped with Chery Kunpeng DHT hybrid system, from which we can also see the high-value positioning of Tiggo 8 PRO in the Tiggo 8 family. At present, Tiggo 8 PRO has been on the market for more than a month, and the market attention is still very high. After all, its appearance can be said to make the Tiggo 8 family look brand-new. More fashionable design and advanced technology further enhance the young and intelligent image of the family.

He once became popular on the Internet because of the phrase "I believe it anyway"! Seven years later, he changed from a spokesperson to a trainer.

"I believe anyway" was a label in Wang Yongping for a long time. In the past seven years, Wang Yongping, who was far away from the spotlight, chose to keep his mouth shut and wrote 200,000 words of documentary literature "Believe", but he refused to publish it all the time. Nowadays, Wang Yongping has gradually put down the burden of the past and become more and more open-minded. He claims that he will not take the phrase "I believe anyway" as a lifelong regret, and sincerely expresses his wish. "I hope that the spokesperson I trained will not have the experience of becoming a party again. After all, it is not a pleasant thing."

▲ Wang Yongping in the classroom (Source: Red Star News)

Red Star journalists were invited to attend Wang Yongping’s "news training class" and listen to his story about his mental journey after leaving the publishing platform.

In November 2015, Wang Yongping, who turned 60, announced his retirement.

In August, 2011, one month after the "723 bullet train accident", Wang Yongping, the former spokesperson and propaganda minister of the Ministry of Railways, was announced to be removed. Subsequently, he was appointed as the Chinese representative of the Railway Cooperation Organization and served as the vice chairman, and went to Warsaw, Poland to work and live in Europe for three years.

After retirement, he splashed ink and wrote poems and compositions every day, and even went to the park to sing with everyone. In addition, he is an adjunct professor at the Training College of Communication University of China, co-director of the Research Center for Spokesman of Communication University of China, and a researcher at the Crisis Communication Center of Sino-Singapore think tank, and often appears in training classes.

On the morning of April 11th, Wang Yongping attended a special training class for a system publicity business in China Communication University. Wang Yongping, wearing a jacket, transferred to the subway twice from his home near the West Railway Station and rushed to the Communication University campus near the East Fifth Ring Road.

There are no long guns and short guns in the class, and there are no angry words. For nearly three hours, from the time he stepped onto the podium to the end of the course, he kept a straight standing posture with a smile and no lecture notes, explaining the laws, principles, methods and skills of news release, and interspersed his own experience as a spokesperson.

Wang Yongping didn’t forget to start with himself. He started with his own words "I believe it anyway". In countless classes in the past few years, he has repeatedly mentioned this history that others may think is a scar as a lecture material.

"None of us are immortals, and it is forgivable to say a word or two wrong. However, it is unforgivable to dare to stand up, dare not take responsibility, and be silent, causing a greater crisis of public opinion. " Wang Yongping mentioned that he didn’t want other spokesmen to change from spokesmen to parties after him because of one or two words.

He also repeatedly mentioned that "the spokesman is speaking on behalf of the government. If false information is said, the account will be recorded on the government. Once it is revealed, it will be considered that the government is telling lies, and the losses caused are huge. Be sure to say something that is true and can stand the test of history. "

Wang Yongping, who said "I believe it anyway" seven years ago, was once the object of criticism.

In November 2011, when Wang Yongping left for Poland in a low-key way, only a few family members and colleagues saw him off, and he didn’t want to tell more friends. On the same day, Wang Yongping was the last to board the plane. At the last minute, he raised his arm to the motherland that was about to leave for a period of time and made an unspeakable farewell.

Wang Yongping is indifferent to the present, which was difficult to achieve just a few years ago. Later, his past experiences became his lecture materials, and he enjoyed his teacher status.

Last year, Wang Yongping won the most popular teacher award of the year of the National Media Literacy Training Program for Leading Cadres. This award, which was selected by the students themselves, was happily exposed in the circle of friends. He jokingly wrote: "There was no honor in the job, but I got a certificate when I stepped back." "This is a little red flower for children."

The days that were once shrouded in public opinion have long passed. Wang Yongping said: "The life now is very transparent, and it is the life I want to live."

Image source: Red Star News

Red Star News: What do you think is the biggest change from retiring as a spokesperson to retiring and then becoming a spokesperson trainer?

Wang YongpingThe biggest change is to return to calm and calm from the cusp of the wind. Different platform positioning, different clients and different requirements for me — — It takes constant learning and improvement to adapt. On the whole, I feel that I am still working hard to promote information disclosure, meet public needs and play the role of the media, so to some extent, the ultimate goal of the speaker and the lecturer is the same.

In fact, this is a process from the front to the back. In the past, when you were a spokesperson, you had to resist pressure from all sides in special situations. Now, without facing the media, the camera and the society, it has become indifferent. I am very satisfied with this situation. Take the interview as an example. Speaking on behalf of the government in the past was the overall situation and must be rigorous. Now I am interviewed by reporters occasionally, and I only talk about personal matters, which are insignificant and relatively free.

Red Star News: There are many labels on you now, including former speakers, poets, writers, calligraphers and teachers. Which of these labels is your favorite?

Wang Yongping: These labels were put on me by others. After retirement, life becomes simpler and richer. Writing poetry, composition, photography, singing and speaking are all my interests, enriching my life, and expressing my heart truly. I feel particularly satisfied. In fact, when I was a spokesperson in the past, I didn’t want everyone to pay attention to me, but I wanted to pay attention to the development and changes of the railway. When I can’t be understood by others, I will be very anxious and try my best to hope that everyone will understand.

Now that I talk and do things, I don’t have much thought and pressure. For example, if I want to write a poem, I will write it when I am inspired. As for whether I can send it or not, I don’t care so much about what happens after I send it. When writing calligraphy, you can stay indoors for a long time and enjoy yourself. Friends never refuse to ask for words. I also tell the truth in class. If I don’t believe it, I won’t tell others.

Red Star News: Last year, you were awarded the most popular teacher award of the National Leading Cadres Media Literacy Training Program. What do you think of this affirmation and honor? Why does this honor make you particularly happy?

▲ Wang Yongping was awarded the certificate of "Most Popular Teacher Award of the Year" (Source: Red Star News)

Wang Yongping:I haven’t paid much attention to fame and fortune in my life, and I haven’t won any rewards in my post in the past. But this time, China Communication University gave me this honor, and I was really happy. This is the students’ recognition of the teacher’s lecture and their true reflection. The lecture itself made me feel very full and satisfied, and the college gave me this surprise, which naturally made me very happy. I photographed the certificate and showed it off in my circle of friends. I got hundreds of praises in less than half an hour.

In fact, many teachers have also won this award, and they all speak better than me. Maybe everyone recognizes me, because I am more practical in class, familiar with the situation, have accumulated a lot of life, have both positive and negative experiences, and can speak frankly, which is easy to resonate with everyone emotionally. In addition, I never sit in lectures or take manuscripts, because I hope to communicate with my friends equally and naturally, and what I say comes from my heart.

Red Star News: Why do you want to be a teacher after retirement?

Wang Yongping:When I just retired, I still had misgivings about being a teacher, and I had a lingering fear. I don’t want to come out and become the focus again. I just want to live a quiet, poetic and quiet life. However, the leaders of the State Council Office, the Communication University of China and the Sino-Singapore think tank did work for me, saying that my experience was a rare treasure and should be used. So, I promised with a try. The first time I went to the Sino-Singapore news think tank training class, I talked about "the responsibility of the spokesperson", but I didn’t expect the effect to be unexpectedly good. The applause was warm, and some people even wrote poems on the spot and handed them to the podium to encourage me. After class, the students lined up to take photos with me … …

I have a feeling of being understood after being wronged and trusted after being hyped. So, I began to dispel my doubts and boldly speak out my real experience and deep thinking in the past. Not only let a real Wang Yongping stand in front of everyone, but also let my experience and lessons turn into everyone’s wealth.

Red Star News: You always take yourself as a negative example. In those days, you said, "Believe it or not, I believe it anyway", and even you took it as your own "shocking words" to warn other news spokespersons. What are your considerations? After all, it was a press conference that ended your spokesperson’s career.

Wang Yongping:I did say I was willing to be a negative teacher. Because in the past a long time, netizens have given me such a position, and many experts and professors have also analyzed me as a negative case in the teaching of news communication. I have to comply with everyone. What’s more, there were indeed many unsatisfactory things in that conference, and experts have taken me as an example until now. I can understand that it was an unavoidable thing in the process of building the news speech system, but now it is much more rational.

In any case, I hope that the spokesperson I have trained will not have the experience of the spokesperson becoming a party again. After all, it is not a pleasant thing. As for the sentence "I believe it anyway", more consideration should be given to the mood and context at that time, and there is no rule out the element of self-mockery.

Red Star News: Is this sentence "I believed it anyway" the biggest regret in your press conference career?

Wang Yongping:This sentence may accompany me all my life and become a real label. I’m afraid no sentence will be repeatedly interpreted by the media like this one, and even when someone mentions this sentence later, I am particularly sensitive. I actually stressed my tone at that time. I was very anxious. I hoped that everyone would believe me. I hoped that this incident would not have too much impact on the high-speed rail. The starting point was to maintain the high-speed rail. But later, this sentence was misinterpreted as unreasonable. At one time, I also regretted it and couldn’t figure it out. How could this sentence have such a great negative impact? At that time, I didn’t want to surf the Internet for half a year, and I was deliberately isolated. After years of precipitation, my mood gradually calmed down.

After I calmed down, I began to explain why I said this at that time and what the context was. Later, in fact, I didn’t feel much anymore, and occasionally I felt very manly for daring to stand up at that time. Objectively speaking, if this sentence is not said, it will be better for the press conference at that time, but I will not regard it as a lifelong regret.

Red Star News: You have written four books abroad. Why have only three books been published and one has never been published?

Wang Yongping:When I was abroad, I wrote four books, one was a collection of poems in the Kingdom of Poetry, the other was a collection of essays on the banks of the Vistula River, and the other was a documentary literature, Walking on the Eurasian Continental Bridge. The unpublished book was a documentary literature called Believe, which wrote 200,000 words and recorded the events around the press conference of "723 Wenzhou bullet train accident". The purpose of writing a book is to make it clear to the society about the real situation and my real thoughts at that time, but now everyone knows the truth, and I am also worried that it will cause hype again after publication. Besides, it is inevitable to involve some people and things, and it is not my original intention to cause others to be attacked. Don’t do to others what you don’t want them to do to you, so this manuscript has been at the bottom of the box.

Red Star News: Some people think that the relationship between a spokesperson and a reporter is like a contest. As a spokesperson who was "stumbled" because of a press conference and a reporter’s containment, what do you think of the relationship between a reporter and a spokesperson? What do you think of the reporter’s criticism of the spokesman?

Wang Yongping:When I was a spokesperson, I always regarded journalists as friends, and I also gained their support for railway work and my personal friendship. Even at that time, I was deeply moved by the rationality and sincerity of many journalists and friends. At that time, some reporters did say something too much. Afterwards, they also reflected and even apologized to me. They also made me respect.

It is their duty for journalists to find fault, which is different from deliberate hype and should be respected and accepted. Moreover, I think that nitpicking is also a kind of motivation, which can make the spokesman more serious and rigorous, and finally achieve impeccable and non-nitpicking. Dealing with the media is a science, and my advice to the students is: to deal with the media with full preparation, to deal with the media with sharp eyes, to deal with the media with a peaceful mind and to deal with the media with a good image.

Red Star News: As the first generation spokesperson of the central ministries, you were once called the golden generation. Now, many of the golden generation of that year have now withdrawn from the ranks of spokespersons. Nowadays, the media communication environment, especially the change of new media communication channels, makes today’s news spokesmen face more criticism and scrutiny from the media and the public. What media literacy do you think should be added to adapt to this change and how to deal with the "magnifying glass" under the network environment?

Wang Yongping:At that time, all the spokesmen retired and transferred, and a new generation of spokesmen is growing. It is an objective law of the development of things that talented people come out in the Jiangshan generation. As for whether the communication environment is more complicated now, it should be objectively analyzed. Today, with the rapid development of new media and self-media, the channels of communication are more diverse and the audience is more and more extensive, which is more challenging for the spokesman. On the whole, however, due to the attention from top to bottom, the spokesman system is more perfect, the public opinion environment is more optimized, the audience is more rational, and the quality of the spokesman himself is also improved on the basis of the practice of the predecessors, so it is more appropriate to call it the "golden age" of news speech at present.

Red Star News: After retirement, do you continue to pay attention to the performance of other spokespersons? What’s the difference between a client and a bystander?

Wang Yongping:Will pay attention, but not deliberately, just a habit that has been continued from the past career. Because my past experience has made me feel the same way, I can especially understand their pressure and difficulties. Anyone can find fault, but it may not be beneficial. I don’t want to criticize others. Even if I have to be a comment teacher at the simulation conference, I will pay special attention to my attitude and wording, lest my words hurt others. As for the difference between the parties and the bystanders, in my opinion, the parties bear a heavy burden and have to face the judgment of everyone; The onlookers are calm and carefree, and the pressure and responsibility of the two are not the same, and the feeling is of course different.

Red Star News: A few years ago, you said that you lacked research and understanding of new media. What kind of research conclusions do you have in the past few years of retirement?

Wang YongpingAt the beginning, when the new media came head-on, because of my lack of due sensitivity and mature experience, I was greatly uncomfortable on the publishing platform and public opinion field. This is a profound lesson. It should be noted that in the Internet age, the speed, breadth, intensity and complexity of information dissemination are unprecedented, and learning, understanding and using the Internet will inevitably become the basic qualities of modern managers, especially news spokespersons. When I was training spokesmen and government officials, I put forward five points of communication in the new media era: openness and transparency, timeliness and rapidity, objectivity and truthfulness, sincerity and firmness and self-confidence. It’s kind of a family statement. I hope that our generation of spokesmen can become a documentary book, which not only narrates the historical facts of ups and downs, but also brings people to think, to understand the course of a generation’s struggle and the hardships of a group, a cause and a country’s rise.

Source: Red Star News WeChat WeChat official account (ID:cdsbnc) Reporter: Zhao Qian

"Learn from Luo Jing’s good example" is the best "farewell"

Luo Jing, a famous broadcaster of CCTV, died of illness. 

[Video] Comrade Luo Jing, an excellent broadcaster of CCTV, died of illness.

    On the morning of June 5th, Luo Jing, an announcer of CCTV News Network, died in Beijing 307 Hospital. The picture shows the portrait of Luo Jing. It is reported that this photo was jointly selected by Luo Jing’s wife and funeral committee members, and I believe this photo can represent Luo Jing’s strong, optimistic, upright and steady attitude towards life.

    Luo Jing was in the mourning hall of Beijing 307 Hospital. Yesterday was the last day to accept public condolences to Luo Jing. On the third day of Luo Jing’s death, more than 4,000 people came to the mourning hall to pay their condolences. Among them, CCTV celebrities such as Li Ruiying, Wang Ning, Xu Li, Zhu Xun, Zhu Jun and Shui Junyi also came to offer their condolences.

    Luo Jing on the road to heaven is brilliant with clouds in the western sky. When you look down on the world, you will find our tireless love for you. Thousands of people bless you in front of your mourning hall, and Qian Shan is calling you affectionately, and the hearts of all sentient beings are filled with surging Luo Jing love. In the noisy market and rural areas, Luo Jing’s voice and smile will always be a kind "beauty" of China. Your reputation has long been rooted in the hearts of the people, and your kindness, dedication and fame will be fixed on the monument of historical contributions. We didn’t mean to elevate you to a "fairy", nor did we hold high our nostalgia when you passed away. Our love for you is hidden in our hearts and flows in our blood. It is your personality, dedication, talent and achievements that have created the "worship" of all sentient beings and won unlimited respect.

    Luo Jing, known as the "national mouth", together with Zhao Zhongxiang, Xing Zhibin, Li Xiuping, Li Ruiying and other broadcasting elites, you have achieved "News Network"; "News Network" also achieved your "famous mouth". Some people call you "the national standard of news"; Some people regard you as the "anchor needle" of CCTV. No matter whether the expression is accurate or not, people are expressing their admiration for your amazing talents and love for your personality and image. The author saw from the "Luo Jing Special Video" that the space and location of Luo Jing’s work were so cramped, tense and busy; See colleagues love Luo Jing as brothers; See elder sister Xing Zhibin waiting beside Luo Jing until her death; Seeing the solemn environment adopted by CCTV for Luo Jing’s death, the author couldn’t help crying. Isn’t Luo Jing an ordinary member? There are neither absolutely prominent official positions nor super-rich people in the world; There is neither a speech to flaunt one’s achievements, nor an advertising effect that is greedy. The beauty anchor of CCTV said that "Luo Jing is of course a big bowl". What this "big bowl" supports is not power or money, but only personality, talent and professionalism.

    Celebrities and gossip seem to be twin brothers, and many people hold this concept, so that the public is used to celebrity gossip, and even thinks that "celebrities can’t be without". But when people look at the celebrity Luo Jing with their eyes, they will be surprised to see the end of time, and no matter what, they can’t find out the "lace news". Luo Jing’s reputation is high and upright, and he is not rampant. Supposedly, with his great name and talent, a little bit of "endorsement", "stage show" and "playing some talent", Jinshan Yinshan will roll in. Aren’t many celebrities "bathing" in Vanity Fair? Vanity Fair is everywhere around Luo Jing. If you are a little weak-willed, you will "get into the water". But Luo Jing held on, holding on incredibly. Facts have proved that Luo Jing is "spotless" and was elected as the representative of the 17th National People’s Congress. Can such a great personality force not conquer all sentient beings?

    Luo Jing, you are the pride of CCTV, and you are the idol of the whole country. I never thought you would leave in such a hurry, which made it really hard for us to accept such a cruel reality. News Network needs your pronunciation and pronunciation, the people of the whole country need your passion and dedication, poor students are waiting for you to "come back and see", and I hope the primary school is still waiting for you to cut the ribbon. We only see the news flashing frequently for your social love and public welfare activities, and we can’t count them. We can only repay you with deep love. We can’t keep you away, but we will always keep your name in our hearts, for future generations and for history. Your brilliant personality and dedication will shine on CCTV and the motherland. With Luo Jing gone, we can’t leave the brilliance of News Network. Defending the "supreme" of News Network is the belief of Luo Jing and the people of the whole country. The great responsibility will surely fall on the new generation of news network "famous mouth". How to make News Network carry forward will not only test the talent of CCTV’s "famous mouth", but also test the personality, morality and spiritual pursuit.


   People from all walks of life mourn:

      CCTV celebrities Li Xiuping, Kang Hui and He Hongmei came to pay their respects to Luo Jing.

      Wang Jianong, a good friend of Luo Jing: I was the first person to get the "true biography" of Luo Jing.

     The 90-year-old audience sent Luo Jing to tears: Son, I want to see you.

     Feng Gong, a famous crosstalk performer, came to mourn Luo Jing.

     Many people went to the hospital to mourn Luo Jing [Photos]

     By 10: 00 am on the 7th, more than 3,000 people went to the hospital to mourn Luo Jing.

    Xing Zhibin and Zhang Hongmin, famous mouths of CCTV, came to mourn Luo Jing.

    Lu Yu looked depressed and appeared in the hospital. Han Hong was emotional and shed tears.

    Zhao Huayong, the front desk director of CCTV, came to mourn Luo Jing.

    Enthusiastic spectators have laid wreaths for taxi drivers to wear "formal clothes" to mourn.

     CCTV host Zhu Xun Zi Ning came to the hospital in black to express his condolences [Photos].

    The audience mourned CCTV announcer Luo Jing in the rain [photos]

     Attending doctor Chen Hu: Luo Jing always thinks of others.

    Strong Luo Jing, adhere to nine courses of chemotherapy.

    Attending doctor Chen Hu: Luo Jing couldn’t bear to face his eyes on his last birthday. 

    June: Send Luo Jing away.

    March: Luo Jing had expected to return to work in Taiwan.

    In February, the systemic lymphomas disappeared completely.

    Chen Hu, the attending doctor in Luo Jing, elaborated: Luo Jing’s last days

    Bai Yansheng: Luo Jing, a peer who has shaped the industry standard.

    Willow crying to send Luo Jing: unforgettable brother’s voice and smile

    Ma Bin: A glass of sake will be sent to the teacher, Yundian, to smell the music.

    Li Zimeng: Teacher Luo Jing is a role model for my life growth.

    China Radio and Television Association Broadcasting Presiding Committee mourns Luo Jing.

    All the announcers and presenters of Shanghai Wenguang News Media Group mourn Luo Jing.

    Lu Jian: God is unfair. Brother Luo Jing’s character is the most admirable.

    Liu Chunyan: Luo Jing had planned to come back at the 50th anniversary celebration of CCTV.

    Luo Jing’s wife and children mourned and sent elegies: Luo Jing, we will always miss you.

    Sa Beining recalled Luo Jing that "he has always been very positive and optimistic"

    The list of CCTV Comrade Luo Jing and funeral committee was released.

     Ju Jianfu: Ju Ping wrote a tearful memorial for Luo Jing [Photos]

    Lang Yongchun: The last 10 months of Luo Jing’s struggle with the disease: he was the strongest patient.

    Luo Jing mourning hall opens all parties to mourn: mother didn’t show up, son learned to be strong

    Li Ruiying: For more than 20 years, Luo Jing has been on call.

    Hospital: Luo Jing is the strongest and most optimistic cancer patient they have ever seen.

    Colleague: Luo Jing never puts on airs.

   Ma Bin choked and recalled his work with Luo Jing and sent poems to his predecessors.

    Zhang Quanling mourns Luo Jing: His name must be in the memory of the audience.

     Zhao Zhongxiang: I have always admired his ability and hard work.

    Annabel Lee, the host of CCTV, reposes his grief for Luo Jing with poems (photo).

    Zhang Bin: I hope I can do something for Luo Jing’s family

    Huang Jianxiang and Luo Jing participated in cultural and sports activities and decided to attend the memorial service.

    Zhao Pu: Luo Jing died so suddenly that she ate and smoked together years ago.

    Gu Yunlong, director of CCTV’s social special department, was sad to hear that Luo Jing died of illness.

    Wang Xiaojie: It’s sad that I can’t listen to Luo Jing’s broadcast any more (Figure)

    Deputy Director of CCTV Social Education Program Center: Luo Jing, please go!

    Han Qiaosheng: Sitting still for half an hour, tears came out of my eyes.

     Ma Bin, the host of CCTV, mourned Luo Jing Wangjun’s good journey (Figure).

    Wenjing, host of CCTV: I am shocked and don’t believe this is true.

    Feng Cunli, Deputy Director of CCTV Social Education Program Center: Luo Jing, please go!


     Summary of the conference:

     CCTV held a press conference in the 307 Hospital of the People’s Liberation Army [photos]

    Interview with Lang Yongchun, spokesman of Comrade Luo Jing and funeral committee.

     The last 10 months of Luo Jing’s struggle with the disease: he is the strongest patient.

    Luo Jing once wanted to receive stem cell transplantation, and the medical staff recalled crying.

     Cause analysis of Luo Jing’s death The sudden deterioration of his condition led to ineffective rescue of heart failure.

     The on-site mourning hall of the 307 Hospital of the People’s Liberation Army will be completed, and people from all walks of life can come to mourn.

    Luo Jing just celebrated his 48th birthday on May 29th, and his mental state is still good.

    Luo Jing’s death conference was held. Lang Yongchun spoke on behalf of funeral committee.

    At 30 o’clock in the news, Lang Yongchun Hospital hosted an interim press conference.

    Brother Luo Jing arrived at the mourning hall and held a press conference at 12:20.


     Boyou remembers Luo Jing.

    Netizens mourn deeply.

    Related links:

  • Thousands of people in Beijing braved the rain to mourn the first exposure of Luo Jing’s treatment before his death (photo) 2009-06-07
  • Qi Qi recalled Luo Jing: He used to sing Pingju for us. 2009-06-05
  • Zhang Yue remembers Luo Jing: We must learn to face death. 2009-06-05
  • Yu Shengchun: It is our honor to work with Mr. Luo Jing. 2009-06-05
  • Moderator Hou Feng: Luo Jing still conveys optimism like his family’s illness. 2009-06-05
  • Luo Jing is easygoing, taking photos with every waiter and never picky about food. 2009-06-05
  • Luo Jing told jokes at a friend’s party, and the audience had no chance to experience it and regret it forever. 2009-06-05