"Qingyu Nian" Season 2 79: Fan Xian Kills Empress Dowager for Vengeance, Is Emperor Qing Dead on Dadong Mountain?

In "Celebration of the Year";

There are many murderers who killed Fan Xian’s mother, Ye Qingmei.

And among them, the biggest mastermind is the current Empress Dowager;

She personally saw Ye Qingmei sniping at the two princes overnight.

Because of fear.

And choose to avoid future troubles forever.

But all of this happened 10 years later.

Fan Xian found out.

The words went back.

Although in Kyoto,

There was no confirmed news of Emperor Qing’s death.

But this news did not come out of nowhere.

Emperor Qing went to Dadong Mountain to worship the sky,

And the three great masters gathered at Dadong Mountain,

The whole world has long been known by everyone;

Therefore, those people in Kyoto had to believe it.

At this moment, in the Qing Dynasty,

The prince and the eldest princess,

Already united with the Qin family,

Intends to usurp power.

And the first thing the prince has to deal with,

They are the brothers who may threaten their throne.

First of all, the third child who went to Jiangnan with Fan Xian,

It was someone he had to deal with.

But just as the prince was about to make his move,

The third prince was taken away by the first prince,

Sent to a safe place.

And the other princes,

Not so lucky,

They all died under the plan of the Crown Prince.

And at this time, Fan Xian,

I found a hospital on the way.

Treat yourself to a wound.

And then it goes on and on.

They rushed back to Kyoto.

Because the First Prince controlled the Imperial Army and the Kyoto Garrison Division,

So after Fan Xian returned,

There was no hindrance.

Even if he is now.

He was branded a rebellion.

"How dare you come back now?"

After the First Prince met Fan Xian,

Immediately put it away.

Taken to a hidden place,

To prevent Fan Xian from returning to Beijing;

Be informed by others.

"How is the situation in Kyoto now?"

Fan Xian didn’t have any nonsense.

He directly asked the First Prince about the situation in Kyoto.

Soon the First Prince will also change the current situation;

They all informed Fan Xian.

Empress Dowager did not immediately attack Fan Mansion.

It was also unexpected to him.

At least it shows that she doesn’t believe it.

Fan Xianhui assassinated Emperor Qing.

And then, right after that.

Fan Xian took out the secret letter between the jade seal and Emperor Qing.

You see these two things.

The First Prince instantly understood.

Express willingness to assist Fan Xian with all his strength.

In this way, Fan Xian began to plan with the First Prince.

The first thing they have to deal with,

It was the Qin family rebel who had come to Kyoto.

If the prince wants to ascend the throne smoothly,

Relying solely on a name;

Is unlikely.

We still need the help of the military.

The Qin Family was the best choice.

The prince also promised,

After he has successfully risen to the top;

It will give the Qin family the highest power in the military.

After that, the Qin family was still the first person in the military.

Even after a hundred years of Qin Ye,

His descendants,

You can still enjoy this treatment.

This deal is for Qin Ye.

Too tempting.

And so it began.

I used all my strength.

Prepare to enter Kyoto.

Help the prince win the throne.

But Fan Xian naturally wouldn’t let the prince plot;

And it worked.

With the help of the First Prince,

Plus the jade seal and the letters of Emperor Qing that he carried,

Soon, Fan Xian successfully entered the palace.

Then let the forbidden army;

Controlled the eldest princess and the prince,

He also immediately walked into the Empress Dowager’s bedroom.

"Empress Dowager,

In the name of His Majesty,

Come here to escort, "

Fan Xian wrote the handwritten letter of Emperor Qing;

To the Queen Mother,

He stood aside very orderly,

Waiting for the Queen Mother’s response.

Soon, the Empress Dowager finished reading the letter.

He nodded slightly.

Let Fan Xiao handle it.

Next up in Kyoto.

After receiving the promise of the Queen Mother,

Fan Xian’s first thing;

He took a pill out of his chest.

With lightning speed;

Sent into the mouth of the Empress Dowager.


Please stay in the palace quietly, Empress Dowager. "

After Fan Xian fed the Empress Dowager the medicine,

He walked out of the harem without looking back.

And the Queen Mother took the pill.

I found myself unable to make a sound.

I could only watch helplessly as Fan Xian left.

There was endless resentment in his eyes.

After Fan Xian walked out of the harem,

He looked up at the sky.

He murmured something.


Today is also considered revenge for you. "

Fan Xian has been around for several years.

Through the power of the Inspectorate,

Learned that the Queen Mother was the beginning;

One of the people who killed Ye Qingmei,

Therefore, this hatred,

Naturally, he had to take the opportunity to report it.

It’s just the medicine that Fan Xian gave the Empress Dowager;

It’s not poison.

Because Fan Xian couldn’t afford to murder the Empress Dowager either.

In fact, the medicine that Fan Xian gave the Empress Dowager,

It was given to him by Fei Suke before.

While in Tanzhou,

Fei Jie noticed that Fan Xian was practicing domineering true qi,

In order to prevent Fan Xian from losing control;

That domineering energy,

When they leave,

I handed over the medicine to Fan Xian.

Tell him when he can’t control it.

Then eat it.

This medicine is not a poison.

It’s an undoing medicine.

After eating it, all the power in the body will be removed.

And it will also devour a certain amount of vitality.

This medicine Fan Xian has always carried with him,

Although it is a life-saving medicine,

But he never dared to eat.

Because he is reluctant.

His own skills.

And now it is delivered to the Queen Mother’s mouth.

It can be regarded as completing the mission of this medicine.

It will speed up and take away the life of the queen mother,

But there will be no symptoms of poisoning.

In a few days, the Empress Dowager will run out of oil and leave,

Even the imperial physician couldn’t find the reason.

This is what Fan Xian can think of;

The best way.

Now the prince and the eldest princess;

It’s all under control.

He only needed to bring the First Prince.

Just go and deal with the rebels sent by the Qin family.

As long as these rebels are dealt with,

Then the entire Gyeongkungu Kyoto;

He alone has the final say.

And pretty soon,

The pro-soldiers raised by the Qin family;

They arrived outside of Kyoto.

At this time, the First Prince also brought the Imperial Army and the Kyoto Garrison Division.

It’s ready at the city gate.

As soon as the rebels arrived,

The heavy crossbow machine above the city gate began to launch.

The war between the two armies was about to break out.

At this moment, throughout Kyoto,

There is only Fan Xian, a ninth-grade master.

It seems that the entire Qing Dynasty;

It was already in his hands.

But around Fan Xian’s heart,

There is also a big mystery.

That is whether Emperor Qing can;

In that earth-shattering battle of grandmasters,

Successfully survived.

In the Battle of Dadongshan in "Qing Yu Nian";

Emperor Qing’s plan;

It’s step by step.

He first let Fan Xian leave Wuzhu to protect himself;

Then let Hong Siitch attract firepower;

He also conspired with Ye Liuyun to temporarily change his mind;

Attack the other two great masters from behind.

However, the deepest hidden Emperor Qing;

Haven’t shot yet.

The conversation continued.

Go back in time to the Battle of Dadongshan;

The moment Emperor Qing was attacked by Ye Liuyun and Four Gu Swords,

At this moment, Ye Liuyun;

He had already arrived in front of Emperor Qing.

He stretched out his hands.

He gently touched Emperor Qing in front of him.

And the sword of Sigujian,

Has pierced the air;

In an instant, he came to Emperor Qing’s back.

The original inevitable situation,

But in an instant;

There have been earth-shattering changes.

That was Ye Liuyun’s hand.

When approaching Emperor Qing.

Suddenly reversed direction,

He stroked towards the sword behind Emperor Qing.

It lightly pressed on the sword.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun also showed;

Your true position.

He stood on Emperor Qing’s side.

The officials saw Ye Liuyun;

After blocking the sword,

They all breathed a sigh of relief.

The apparent situation.

It wasn’t as bad as they had imagined.

In fact, Sigujian and Kuhe,

Although I didn’t think of Ye Liuyun;

Will stand on the side of Emperor Qing.

But both of them.

They also thought of the cunning of the people of Qing,

So until the last moment,

He would never allow himself to be in danger.

And this sword of the Four Gujian,

It broke Emperor Qing’s game.

Forced out of this big east mountain;

The real killer move was Ye Liuyun.

If before four Gu sword and bitter lotus;

They all used their trump cards.

Then Ye Liuyun would easily break into his back.

The two of them instantly.

It will be explained at the top of this Dadong Mountain.

Thinking of this,

In the hearts of the two.

A chill could not help but rise.

The current situation,

Already from the original three to two;

It became two against three.

Sigujian has been officially;

He withdrew his sword.

Although he and Kuhe,

They have all seen the current situation clearly.

But there is no turning back arrow when the bow is opened;

This was also the essence of Sword Intent Around.

Immediately after, Sigujian went again;

Instill the sword intent into the sword;

Then he rushed towards Ye Liuyun in an instant,

He spent all his life.

The strongest sword,

He intended to kill Ye Liuyun completely.

This sword instilled four Gu swords;

The whole person’s life and spirit.

And the condensation of beliefs.

In today’s world, no one can stop it.

Even Ye Liuyun, who is also a great master.

At this time, Ye Liuyun stood by Emperor Qing’s side,

He has no choice.

Avoid this sword.

Because once you get out of it,

Emperor Qing would be struck by this sword.

Smashed into mud.

Seeing that Emperor Qing was in a critical moment,

Wuzhu stood aside.

Still no intention of making a move,

It seems that everything is left to Ye Liuyun to resist.

Knowing that he could not stop this sword,

Ye Liuyun still chose to head on.

He used Flowing Cloud Sanshou to slap at Sigujian.

In fact, this is also Ye Liuyun;

The best option.

If Sigujian ignored Liuyun Sanshou,

This sword will kill Ye Liuyun;

Minced into slices of meat.

But once he avoids sanshou,

With a thought,

Spirit in the sword;

It also dispersed.

It can be said that Ye Liuyun is using his life;

To force Sigujian to make a choice;

Go to gamble that Four Gu Jian was seriously injured.

Once Si Gu Jian was seriously injured,

Just a bitterness;

It is impossible to win the joint efforts of Hong Sixiang and Wuzhu.

But the truth is,

Ye Liuyun can die,

However, Sigujian could not be seriously injured.

Just this white chi;

It’s really white chi to the extreme.

In the end, he still did not change his sword.

It was as if he couldn’t see the shot.

But the sword in his hand tilted slightly,

He pointed at Emperor Qing beside Ye Liuyun.

Although this move consumed a part of the sword intent,

But the power was also enough to kill Emperor Qing.

At this time, Ye Liuyun also knew;

I made a wrong bet.

Bai chi cannot be inferred from ordinary people.

In fact, when the four-look sword was unleashed.

Whether it is imposing or intelligent,

They had already suppressed Ye Liuyun.

It was he who gave Ye Liuyun a problem.

This white chi is not really white chi.

At least not at this moment.

At this moment, on the top of the eastern mountain,

Four great masters and a generation of kings;

All lived a seemingly long,

But in fact,

But it happened very quickly.

And the battle between Hong Sixiang and Kuhe,

It’s also the final part.

Because Emperor Qing let go of Hong Sixiang’s hand,

It caused the overbearing true qi in Hong Sixiang’s body;

Unload it all.

The last palm of the bitter lotus;

He stroked Hong Sixiang’s chest.

No more overbearing resistance.

It easily shattered Hong Sixiang’s chest.

At this moment, Hong Sixiang’s life;

It has also come to an end.

The balance of victory seems to be;

Tilted to the side of the two great masters.

But is that really the case?

Let’s talk next time.

The following story is even more exciting.

Updated once a day.

Remember to follow Ah Lele.

Responsible editor:

Changan signed a contract with Huawei, and Avita may become a core link to help Avita thrive

In recent years, Chinese brands have ushered in continuous breakthroughs in both technology and products. Especially in the intelligent and electric track, Chinese brand cars have achieved a far-reaching lead. On November 26, Huawei announced that Huawei and Changan Automobile signed an "Investment Cooperation Memorandum" in Shenzhen on the 25th.

According to the memorandum, Huawei plans to integrate the core technologies and resources of its smart car solutions business into the new company. Changan Automobile and related parties will intend to invest in the company and work with Huawei to support the company’s future development. The new company will serve as an open API for the automotive industry, open equity to existing strategic partner automakers and investors with strategic value, and become a diversified company.

Changan Automobile said that it will invest in the company and carry out strategic cooperation. It is reported that Changan Automobile and its affiliates plan to acquire the equity of the target company in this transaction, with a proportion of no more than 40%. The specific equity ratio, investment amount and term shall be negotiated separately by both parties.

The announcement also states that the new company’s business scope includes automotive intelligent driving solutions, automotive intelligent cockpit, intelligent vehicle digital platform, intelligent vehicle cloud, AR-HUD and intelligent vehicle lights, etc. Huawei will inject relevant technologies, assets and personnel dedicated to the target company’s business scope into the target company, and the specific business scope and loading plan will be determined in the final transaction documents.

After Changan cooperates with Huawei, Changan, as one of the main shareholders, will definitely give priority to key technologies to Avita. Before the cooperation, Avita has already fully boarded the ADS2.0 technology (and is the top of three lidar) and Hongmeng cockpit, which shows that it is already in action. The latest technology of the follow-up car BU Independent Company is expected to be the first to give Avita.

Many popular smart electric vehicles, Avita 11 has repeatedly won the championship, and the successive achievements have verified the leading advantage of the 3 lidar solution: Avita 11 is the only model in the industry with 3 lidars as standard, and the lidars are arranged in the bumper and front fenders on both sides. Compared with models equipped with one or two lidars, the 3 lidars enable Avita 11 to have a wide area detection surface in front and on both sides during driving, providing a horizontal field of view of more than 300 °, strong lateral 3D spatial perception and high resolution and high confidence level detection capabilities.

This time, Changan and Huawei have joined forces in depth. After establishing a joint venture, they will continue to empower Avita. Behind the leading industry’s intelligent driving performance, the "true intelligence, only security" centered on user requests is the underlying logic of Avita’s continuous evolution. It is also based on this that Avita has gained the recognition and high trust of the majority of users.

Huawei’s intelligent driving technology helps the industry upgrade, and smart travel leads the future.

   At the beginning of the year in 2024, the sudden "price war" triggered a hot discussion on the whole network. With the entry of new forces, joint ventures and independent car companies, the existence of "Juan Wang" level appeared in a short time, which detonated the current automobile consumption market, and some related media predicted that this "bloody" price war would last for a whole year.

  However, those who are interested may find that the price reduction tide basically revolves around fuel vehicles, and there is basically no price change for smart cars with high-level intelligent driving functions, which further confirms the high cost of intelligent driving and the future market. Recently, in March, M9 completed the OTA upgrade, taking the lead in completing the brand-new upgrade of the function of "intelligent driving without map". Under the guidance of Huawei’s technology, the intelligent driving industry in China has entered a brand-new era.

  With its strong full-stack self-developed technical strength, Huawei Smart Drive has become an "industry ceiling"

  As the world’s leading ICT giant, Huawei has rich technical accumulation in the fields of lidar, artificial intelligence and big data analysis, and with years of hard work in the field of intelligent driving, Huawei has realized the real "full stack self-research".

  Take the laser radar, the core component of intelligent driving function, as an example, the asking M9 is equipped with a 192-line laser radar newly designed by Huawei, which has a more comprehensive perception ability. In the face of complicated road conditions such as urban road conditions, township roads and high-speed, the asking M9′ s powerful perception ability can calmly cope with it, allowing users to more comprehensively grasp the environment around the car body, thus better ensuring the personal safety of car owners and passengers.

  At the same time, Huawei’s self-developed GOD 2.0 and RCR 2.0 technologies have also realized the function of "seeing the right road and understanding the road", in which GOD 2.0 makes the general obstacle recognition rate of vehicles reach 99.9%, which also provides a solid technical foundation for Huawei to realize the function of "intelligent driving without map" and makes Huawei an "industry ceiling" in the field of intelligent driving.

  Accelerate the "Science and Technology Inclusive", and Huawei will help the technology development of the industry.

  More importantly, through this OTA upgrade, all models in the world have completed the comprehensive upgrade of the "intelligent driving without map" function, which also means that ordinary users can now enjoy the intelligent driving function at a lower threshold and cost. Such "universal access to technology" is of great significance to the development of intelligent driving industry in China.

  During the period when many automobile companies are actively developing intelligent driving, most major manufacturers are aiming at "city-level" efforts, but in fact they do not have nationwide functional experience, which leads to many users finding that they are not in line with expectations after actually picking up the car, thus greatly reducing the intelligent driving experience. This time, through the OTA upgrade of asking M9, it has brought the intelligent experience of the leading generation to consumers, truly achieved national coverage, and achieved "there is a way to open", which greatly improved the intelligent experience of consumers.

  Thanks to Huawei’s technical strength, all models in the car world have opened a new era of "intelligent driving without a plan", especially the models in the car world series, and users will experience a more advanced and intelligent travel experience. From this point of view, Huawei has indeed drawn a rich and colorful stroke in the development history of the intelligent driving industry in China and has become a benchmark in the industry.

"Workplace Health Class" will broadcast "Stay away from digital visual fatigue" on August 15th.

Have you calculated how long you use electronic equipment every day? Dry eyes, itchy eyes, painful eyes, stinging eyes, photophobia, tears, foreign body sensation, etc. How many symptoms have you got? While electronic products bring us convenience, improper use may also cause serious harm to our eyes.

What diseases are the symptoms of eye discomfort often felt in life?

We usually have a series of eye discomfort symptoms caused by excessive use of electronic products, such as dryness, swelling pain, itchy eyes, easy fatigue, blurred vision, foreign body sensation, burning sensation, fear of wind, photophobia, sensitivity to external stimuli, etc., which may be the manifestations of dry eye, asthenopia and pseudomyopia.

How is dry eye syndrome?

Dry eye refers to a tear secretion disorder caused by many factors, with dry eyes as the main symptom. Dry eye sometimes the eyes are too dry and the basic tears are insufficient, but it stimulates the secretion of reflective tears, resulting in frequent tears.

Main symptoms: dry eyes, easy fatigue, itchy eyes, foreign body sensation, burning pain, sticky secretions, fear of wind, photophobia and sensitivity to external stimuli.

How is visual fatigue?

Visual fatigue is not an independent disease, but a group of fatigue syndrome caused by various reasons. Visual fatigue is mainly caused by the decrease of blinking times when people concentrate on watching the screens of electronic products such as TV, computer or mobile phone, resulting in a corresponding decrease in tears secretion, and at the same time, the flashing screen strongly stimulates the eyes, which will cause and aggravate various eye diseases.

The main symptoms: eye fatigue, dry eyes, foreign body sensation, heavy eyelids, blurred vision, photophobia and tears, eye swelling and pain, eye congestion, headache, dizziness, nausea, listlessness, inattention, memory loss, loss of appetite and other systemic symptoms. A few patients may have diplopia, stereoscopic vision dysfunction, elevated intraocular pressure, corneal damage, etc., and teenagers may also have myopia or deepen myopia.

How is pseudomyopia?

Pseudomyopia is caused by the continuous contraction and spasm of ciliary muscle and the increase of lens thickness, which leads to blurred vision. If pseudomyopia is not relieved in time, it will lead to the enlargement of axial length and become true myopia.

Can you avoid dry eye symptoms by closing your eyes?

Close your eyes and rest can protect your eyes, but it can’t prevent dry eye. The most effective way to prevent dry eye is to blink effectively. Blink, that is, what we usually call blink.

Can staring at green alleviate visual fatigue?

Green is the most favorable color for the eyes, but just looking at green can’t relieve visual fatigue. The most effective way to relieve visual fatigue is to let your eyes look far away and have a proper rest.

Can anti-blue glasses and anti-blue mobile phone film effectively protect eyes?

It is not recommended to protect your eyes through anti-blue glasses and anti-blue mobile phone film. What is really harmful to the eyes is: short-wave blue light with a wavelength of 400~450.

How to prevent visual fatigue?

● Pay attention to the distance of using electronic products.

● Pay attention to the time of using electronic products and follow the "20-20-20" rule.

● Pay attention to adjusting the brightness of electronic products.

● Strengthen outdoor activities and get full exposure to the sun.

● Maintain hand hygiene and prevent eye infection.

● Strengthen nutrition.

On August 15th, Wei Wenbin, vice president of Beijing Tongren Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, and Li Ying, chief ophthalmologist of Peking Union Medical College Hospital were invited to keep you away from "digital fatigue". Please watch.


    On May 20th, Yolanda, a famous movie star, was invited by a column in Henan Province to promote her latest solo album "Lonely Flowers" in Zhengzhou Grand Shanghai International Studios. After breaking up with her boyfriend Xia Yu, Yuan Quan really became a "lonely flower". China News Agency issued Chen Daishu photo

    Gao Yuanyuan, a mainland artist, snatched Xia Yu from Yolanda. China News Agency issued Han Yibing photo

    There are indications that Yolanda and Xia Yu did break up. So, at least half of Xia Yu’s affair with Gao Yuanyuan is true. Moreover, Xia Yu is not sorry for Yolanda. Single men are justified in looking for love.

    According to the reporter’s witness, Yolanda performed "Peach Blossom Garden" in poly theatre. Xia Yu’s car drove to the door, not to pick up Yolanda, but to enter the coffee shop. Yuan Quan got on Huang Lei’s car from another exit. Xia Yu should know that Yolanda is performing here, but he is no longer interested in being a flower escort. From the expression of two people, Xia Yu looks glum, while Yuan Quan is laughing.

    Earlier, Xia Yu exposed the news of living with Gao Yuanyuan, which greatly damaged his health image, while Yuan Quan burst into tears at the recording scene of Li Jing’s program, and even more, he put a knife in Xia Yu’s heart. Two people break up, although the reasons are diverse, but in this way, Xia Yu is much more passive than Yolanda.

    A love affair that has been going on for nearly ten years, although it has become a spent force in the end, and both of them have traces of struggling to survive, but the breakup still makes the public sigh, as if love has been hit again. Who believes there is still an out-of-touch feeling? Xia Yu is a Scorpio, but Venus falls in Sagittarius, a constellation that pursues sexual desire and does not hide its sexiness. Xia Yu has an open and exposed side in his bones, which can be seen in his dress and behavior. However, Yuan Quan is relatively strict with the package and much lower-key.

    Yolanda Sun and Mercury all fall in Libra, and Venus is Virgo. They pursue perfect love and abstract love, which is different from Xia Yu’s love that pays more attention to sensuality. Their views on love are essentially different. Because you are romantic when you are young, you can play with spiritual love, but the hot-blooded summer rain matures gradually, and hormones burn in the body, so it is impossible to keep the feelings pure and pure all the time. The pace of two people is different, so there is a gap between before and after.

    Two people’s astrolabes show that each other is the opposite sex type that they appreciate, but each person’s personality has something that the other person can’t tolerate. Summer rain is stubborn, Yolanda is cold outside and hot inside, and his temper is not necessarily good, especially when the moon falls on the Sagittarius, and his mood is out of place from time to time. If he happens to meet Xia Yu’s strength, it will be difficult to deal with it.

Editor: Peng Wei

China Software: It is planned to raise no more than 2 billion yuan from the actual controller and its subsidiaries for the research and development of mobile fixed terminal operating system products.

China Software announced on February 25th that it plans to issue no more than 90,130,600 shares to the company’s actual controller, China Electronics and Information Industry Group Co., Ltd. (China Electronics) and its wholly-owned subsidiary, CLP Jintou Holdings Co., Ltd. (CLP Jintou), with a fixed fundraising of no more than 2 billion yuan, which will be used for the research and development of mobile and fixed terminal operating system products, the research and development of cloud-oriented server operating system products and the construction of embedded operating system capability platform.

Zhaoan Fuling: the prosperity of the industry leads to the prosperity of the countryside, and the road of tea farming helps to revitalize the tea industry in an all-round way.

  Minnan Net January 7th (correspondent Lai Rongmin Minnan Net reporter Liang Zhengwen/photo) Moling Village in Yuxiu, Zhong Ling is located in the mountainous area of Xiuzhuan Town in the northwest of Zhao ‘an County, with beautiful ecological environment, fresh air and rich trace elements-selenium in the soil. Moling Village is located in the hinterland of mountainous areas, where the traffic is blocked and the industry is not prosperous. The villagers mainly grow tea, and were once bound by poverty. It was a poor village at the former municipal level and a base village in the old revolutionary base area. How to realize the rural revitalization of Moling Village is a difficult problem for the local party committee and government and villagers.

  Industrial prosperity leads to rural prosperity. Therefore, since last year, under the guidance of Lin Shaojin, vice mayor of Zhangzhou, and with the support of Jiulongjiang Group and various departments, Moling Village, Xiuzhuan Town, Zhao ‘an County has focused on characteristic industries, fully promoted the development of tea industry, and continuously expanded the collective income of the village. Lai Rongmin, resident secretary of Zhangzhou Jiulongjiang Group in Zhaoan, said that Moling Village invested about 1.7 million yuan to build standardized tea factory buildings and purchase standardized tea equipment in Moling Village to solve the shortage of tea processing and production conditions. At present, the project has been completed. At the same time, the annual matching funds in the village are used to improve the construction of cultivated roads and facilitate the production and life of villagers. At present, 530,000 yuan has been invested in the construction of tea machine-cultivated roads. In addition, with the help of the Party Committee of Jiulong River Group, it invested 1.3 million yuan to promote the construction of the second-phase tea factory and tea culture center.

  It is worth mentioning that after the standardized tea factory is put into use, it can apply for SC food production license, which will be the first subject in Moling Village to have this qualification. "In this way, it can not only effectively improve the production quality of tea products in Fuling Village, but also actually increase the income of village wealth, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone." Lai Rongmin said.

  Deeply cultivate selenium-rich fertile soil and serve the people in the old areas. Nowadays, the tea industry in Moling Village has been better developed, and the scene of "the village is strong and the people are rich, livable and suitable for business" is gradually coming true.

Source: Minnan Net


Five out of ten beauty bloggers are recommending "it"!

There is a saying in the beauty industry.

"China brush tens of millions.

Qingxian County in Hebei Province accounts for half. "

Qingxian County is located in Cangzhou City.

It is "the hometown of makeup brushes in China"

If you’re here,

Platforms such as Tik Tok, Xiaohongshu, and Bi Li.

Search for "makeup brush"

You will find that

Five out of ten beauty bloggers

Are recommending Cangzhou makeup brushes.

"Cangzhou makeup brush"

How cow is Cangzhou Qingxian makeup brush?

Let’s watch it together


"Buying a cosmetic brush depends on the place of shipment.

It’s from Cangzhou, just close your eyes and enter! "

in recent years

China native makeup brush brand

More and more popular with beauty bloggers

Many of them are domestic products with high cost performance.

From Qingxian county

The internet beauty industry is even more popular.

"The world’s makeup brushes look at China,

China makeup brush to see Cangzhou. "

The statement

Qingxian County is a leader in Cangzhou cosmetic brush industry.

About 40 million cosmetic brushes a year.

From here to the world

Give birth to many well-known domestic brands.

"Buying a cosmetic brush depends on the place of shipment.

It’s from Cangzhou,

Just close your eyes and enter! "

This year’s 618 e-commerce shopping festival

Qingxian makeup brushes sold over 5 million online.

Know these little makeup brushes

What is the annual output value?

3 billion yuan!

This brush out the "face value economy"

Really can’t be underestimated.

How did Qingxian become attached to the makeup brush?

More than 30 years ago

The local government has introduced investment

Many Korean-funded brush companies

Mainly for foreign high-end brands to do OEM.

Kang Shaoxing, now the president of Qingxian Cosmetic Brush Industry Association.

I worked there at that time.

After he accumulated some skills and experience,

Founded in 2006.

Cangzhou’s First Domestic Makeup Brush Factory

—— Qingxian Xingyuan Brush Factory

In 2011, the trademark "Ainuoqi" was registered again.

Starting from generation processing

To start your own brand of makeup brushes.

Xingyuan Brush Factory is gradually in Tmall, Tik Tok and so on.

Multiple e-commerce platforms open the market

these years

Riding the east wind of e-commerce

Qingxian county has emerged one after another.

"Qin system", "receiving wolves" and "Qin Dance Hall" and so on.

Makeup brush brand

These private brands

Open up channels through new Internet games.

Win the favor of the market

Become the "online celebrity" in the field of domestic cosmetic brushes


One of the cradles of Qingxian cosmetic brush industry.

Dongyaozhuang village

Bei Ali research institute

Evaluate"China Taobao Village"

In 2021

Qingxian county quilt China light industry Federation

And China daily necessities industry association.

"Hometown of Makeup Brush in China"


Qingxian, the Hometown of Cosmetic Brush in China.

More than 500 brands have been registered

Qingxian county makeup shua products

Its share in the domestic market is about 60%

There are hundreds of millions of makeup brushes every year.

Sell it to the world from here.

Small makeup brushes "brush" out of big industries

"This makeup brush decorated with sika deer stripes,

It was jointly signed by our family and the Summer Palace.

Liuhe Taiping series brush sets,

Using artificial fiber, soft and fluffy … "

At 10 o’clock in the morning on November 3,

In a live broadcast room in Yaozhuang Village, Machang Town, Qingxian County.

The anchor Yuan Huiyan is holding "Ainuoqi"

Brand makeup brush for live broadcast

In order to build brand core competitiveness

From 2018 onwards,

Xingyuan Brush Factory launched the Summer Palace co-branded products.


Since Liuhe Taiping series brushes came out.

The sales volume has exceeded 60,000 sets.

Thanks to years of technical accumulation

And continuous innovation

Cosmetic brush of Xingyuan Brush Factory

The road to private brands is getting smoother and smoother.

With the development of Xingyuan Brush Factory

The foundation of the local cosmetic brush industry continues to consolidate.

The industrial chain has basically taken shape

The popularity has also been further opened.

Quality raw material suppliers start

Supply advanced raw materials to Qingxian brush-making enterprises

Breaking the raw material market monopolized by Japanese and Korean brands.

Industrial development

Bring more employment opportunities

In and around Dongyaozhuang village

Engaged in cosmetic brushes and supporting products.

About 2000 people are produced and sold.

Zhixingyuan brush factory

There are more than 100 villagers from the surrounding area.

Also including Yuan Huiyan

Some young people.

From working for a Korean factory

Do OEM work in a self-built factory

Then develop a high-quality domestic cosmetic brush brand.

Qingxian County, Hebei Province

"There are really two brushes."

Comprehensively compiled from Hebei Daily client, Jiyun, power grid headlines, Taobao, bilibili, etc.

Pay attention to Hebei News Network and learn the latest news in Hebei.

Social Interaction in the Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges

With the continuous development of science and technology and the continuous change of society, the future projects and post planning are also constantly changing and developing. The following are some projects and job plans with potential and development in the future:

  1. Artificial intelligence (AI): With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, AI jobs will become one of the hot jobs in the future, including machine learning engineers, natural language processing experts, data scientists, intelligent robot developers and so on.
  2. Blockchain technology: With the continuous development of blockchain technology, the demand for related positions will also increase, including blockchain engineers, blockchain developers and blockchain security experts.
  3. Renewable energy: With the enhancement of environmental awareness, renewable energy will gradually replace traditional energy, and the demand for related positions will gradually increase, including solar energy technical engineer, wind technology engineer and biomass energy technical engineer.
  4. E-commerce: With the popularity of the Internet, e-commerce will become an important business model in the future, and the demand for related positions will also increase, including e-commerce operation manager, e-commerce product manager and e-commerce marketing specialist.
  5. Big data analysis: With the development of the Internet and the Internet of Things, big data analysis will become one of the hot jobs in the future, and the demand for related positions will also increase, including data analysts, data scientists and big data architects.
  6. Life science: Life science is an interdisciplinary field, including biomedical engineering, bioinformatics, biopharmaceuticals, etc., and the demand for related positions will gradually increase in the future.

These are just some projects and job plans with potential and development in the future. The future job market will become more diversified and rich, and it is necessary to constantly learn and update knowledge and skills to adapt to the changes in the future workplace.

  1. Artificial intelligence related projects and posts: With the continuous development and popularization of artificial intelligence technology, there will be more and more artificial intelligence related projects and posts. For example, artificial intelligence engineers, data scientists, machine learning engineers, etc.
  2. 5G related projects and jobs: With the continuous promotion and application of 5G technology, 5G related projects and jobs will gradually increase. For example, 5G engineers, wireless communication engineers, network planners, etc.
  3. New energy-related projects and jobs: With the deepening of environmental protection concept, new energy-related projects and jobs will gradually increase. For example, new energy engineers, photovoltaic engineers, wind power generation engineers, etc.
  4. Cloud computing and big data related projects and jobs: With the continuous development and application of cloud computing and big data technology, there will be more and more related projects and jobs. For example, cloud computing engineers, big data analysts, data mining engineers, etc.
  5. Projects and posts related to human life sciences: With the deepening of human research on life sciences, there will be more and more related projects and posts. For example, genetic engineers, bioinformaticians, biomedical engineers, etc.
  6. Cross-border integration projects and jobs: With the continuous intersection and integration of various technologies, some new cross-border projects and jobs will gradually emerge. For example, Internet of Things engineers, intelligent manufacturing engineers, smart city planners, etc.
  7. Human health-related projects and posts: As people’s attention to health continues to increase, related projects and posts will gradually increase. For example, health managers, sports rehabilitation teachers, nutritionists, etc.

It should be noted that the future development trend and project demand may be affected by many factors, such as technological breakthroughs, policy changes, market demand, etc., so career planning needs to be constantly followed up and adjusted.

Workplace white-collar workers, after entering the field of technology …

Last year, the Australian government launched a global talent program project, which is GTI, I would like to be unfamiliar, this is an immigrant project. One of this is very eye-catching, that is –fintech.

In the entire Git project,FINTECH is the only direction related to the business sectorAnd, Australia’s demand for talents in this direction is very strong. So,What is FINTECH, why is this talent in this area?


Who master Fintech, who can enter a famous enterprise

FINTECH is the abbreviation of financial technology, it is popularUse various types of technological means to innovate reform traditional financial industryProducts, thereby increasing efficiency, reducing operating costs. For example, everyone usually used WeChat payment, Alipay is one of financial technology.

With the rise of artificial intelligence, more and more financial companies have gradually transformed into financial science and technology.Among the top five Internet financial institutions in the world, there are four Chinese companies.That is to say, whoever masters Fintech, who can enter the famous enterprises.

In the "Fintech Development Plan" issued by the People’s Bank of China, the highest planning of future financial science and technology work. And in the "Certified Public Accountant" known as the financial industryCFA, the topic of the Fintech theme, There is no shortage of manual intelligence, machine learning, big data, automated transactions …


FINTECH industry salary high, positions

FINTECH is currently used in a variety of industries, borrowings, wealth management, payment services, insurance, credit, housing intermediaries, etc. Because it can replace many traditional financial results,Use intelligence to replace human and material resources, intelligent will be a future trend.

Fintech industry salary is also very high, options, stocks are also available, and you can also get new things and new challenges every day.

Tell you someCurrently popular FINTECH positionsThe block chain is one of the fastest growing skills of financial skills. Therefore, the demand for block chain developers is very large. Other is financial analysts, network security analysts, quantitative analysts, compliance experts, business development managers, etc.


Financial background + technology skills two steps

Speaking here,Do you interested in the Fintech industry? So, what skills do you need to enter this industry?First of all, it is definitely a financial background, followed by technology skills. Therefore, entering this industry requires rich financial knowledge, it also requires technical capabilities, such as Java, Python, C ++, etc.

forStudents with computer or financial industry bases, it is very advantageous to enter the Fintech industryIn the advanced, there are these cross-skills, you will learn very quickly. And in China, ant prostitutes, Jingdong finance, etc.

Of course, if you are not a lot of background, it doesn’t matter, you recommend a course for you.Dr. Tsinghua University computerChen Wei explained for everyone"FINTECH Data Analysis and Risk Prediction of Job Search"It will make a case-scented scenic examination for Fintech, and use a communical case such as a loan default, let you seize the essence of Fintech. Now only need0.99Yuan, you can learn from class, quickly sign up, to enter the Fintech industry.

Entering the field of financial science and technology

Cast "Ren Decoir" of the skills interoperability

More than the number of people is more, please wait patiently

04 FINTECH courses five advantages

Advantage 1: Case Site Jinghua Teaching

This course will be targetedFINTECH application scenario case analysis pattern teachingLet you know the Fintech, and know the company’s necessary technology, the company’s must-have technology required in the job search,There are some common machine learning surface test questionsLet you take a while when you interview, calmly face.

Teacher also introduced some of the more interesting Fintech projects to let you form a certain precipitate at the application level.

Advantage 1: Ph.D. in Computer, Tsinghua University

This course is taught by artificial intelligence experts, Dr. Tsinghua Computer, Chen Yu, who is Alibaba Cloud MVP, Tencent Cloud TVP. Multi-year artificial intelligence, data analysis, financial science and technology receive teaching experience, can learn from the students to learn from the students.

He is also a member of the IEEE ACM Member China Artificial Intelligence Association. He has won 2 NOI Competition first prize at the CCF Database Committee, 2 ACM Competition Asian Copper Awards, "Data Analysis" "SQL must know" column author, More than 100,000 fans published multiple SCLs in the artificial intelligence.

Advantage 3: Code practical drive teaching

The course is written in real baseline code, the teacher will take your hand with your hand, Baseline baseline tuning, etc.

The three-day course is gradually entered, just to help you enter the Fintech industry.

Advantage 4: Temcripping + Class Supervision Teaching

In addition to the leading teacher, this training camp.It is also equipped with professional assistant teachers, you have problems encountered in courses or doing homework.You can ask questions in the WeChat group, and the assistant will help you solve it in time.

Every day, you will remind you to go to class, urge you to learn, don’t worry about yourself because inertia doesn’t want to be class.

Advantage 5: Course Outlet Background Rely

This course is provided by the course, starting a class is a online vocational education unicorn company,In 2013, it was officially launched, and the accumulated paid students more than 5 million.For college students and in-service staff, provide diversified curriculum systems and talent services such as professional ability advanced, vocational qualification examinations, and help students achieve sustainable occupational growth.

In the 2020 CCTV Network Education Festival hosted by CCTV,Start a class, win 2020 reputation influence vocational education brands. If you want the workplace, you should first polish your eyes, choose the lead in the industry, and you can’t miss it.

Entering the Fintech industry requires strong knowledge, here is in class, also prepared for everyoneLearning materialsSpree, let you broaden your knowledge.

The information includes: 4 this AI good book and 8 artificial intelligence knowledge maps.

"Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach Artificial Intelligence – A Modern Method": Artificial intelligence, Mit, Stanford, Harvard, etc. The artificial intelligent textbooks of many famous schools are preferred to expect to become a true artificial intelligence professionals and classmates who accept system training.

"Deep learning: Deep Learnin": From basic statistical and calculus, help master the most advanced depth learning technology. Suitable for classmates who use and want to learn how modern deep learning systems, principles, and methods.

"Handsmanship Machine Learning: HANDS-ON MACHINE Learning": Pure code driver, from theory to the best way to practice, from understanding theory to solve problems. Suitable for students who wish to solve artificial intelligence issues.

"Smooth Python: Fluent Python": Suitable for mastering basic Python programming capabilities, hoping to master more good programming capabilities, becoming a real programming "professional player" classmates.

Entering the field of financial science and technology