The delivery guy has become a group with a high incidence of traffic accidents! Why is the "reasonable" algorithm "out of control"?

  Recently, the professional difficulties of some online platform takeaway brothers have attracted much attention to takeaway platforms and algorithm systems.

  "Xinhua View" reporter survey found that takeaway brothers have become a high-risk group of traffic accidents, and the algorithm labeled as accurate, reasonable and optimized has triggered extensive discussion in the industry.

  "The first thing I think of when I get up from a crash is not to time out"

  In recent years, the booming takeaway industry has reshaped people’s daily lives and become an important breakthrough point for economic development and employment in various places. According to a report released by Meituan, in 2019, the total number of takeaway riders who earned income through the platform reached 3.987 million, an increase of 23.3% over 2018; in the first half of this year, the total number of riders who earned income on the Meituan platform reached 2.952 million, a significant increase of 16.4% year-on-year.

  The relatively high income, stable salary payment and flexible working hours are the reasons why many workers are attracted to the food delivery industry. Wu Zhaoyun, a 35-year-old food delivery brother in Guangzhou, said that he has worked in factories, hotels and property companies. Since joining the food delivery team in 2017, he "feels that this career is very promising."

  While the number of takeaway riders continues to grow, takeaway brothers have become a group with a high incidence of traffic accidents. In recent years, there have been vicious traffic accidents in many places in China where takeaway brothers have caused deaths due to running red lights and violating the rules.

  The reporter learned from the Shenzhen traffic police department that in August this year alone, Shenzhen investigated and dealt with 12,000 traffic violations in the express delivery and takeaway food delivery industry, accounting for more than 10% of the total number of non-motor vehicle violations. The Shanghai medical emergency center healthcare workers said that they would encounter rider-related orders every week in August.

  "Rush" is the core reason. One rider said the delivery time given to him by the platform around 2018 was 40 minutes per order, but it was later compressed to 30 minutes. "Sometimes it takes 20 minutes to get takeaway from the merchant, and the remaining 10 minutes I have to ride 3km, run into the community, and wait for the elevator to go upstairs," he said.

  The main basis for the platform to compress time is the algorithm system based on big data and artificial intelligence. There is also a complete set of strict assessment mechanisms in cooperation with the algorithm system: on the one hand, the takeaway platform incentivizes takeaway riders to receive as many orders as possible with "price-per-order"; on the other hand, the platform strictly restricts riders through assessments such as on-time rate, bad review rate, and cancellation of order volume due to delivery reasons. The reduction in on-time rate means that takeaway riders lose the "order-taking advantage" in the platform’s algorithm, and will also be reduced in the internal ranking, missing various rewards.

  This "algorithm plus assessment" mechanism has multiplied the psychological pressure of practitioners. One rider said that once he collided with an electric car, "the first thing he thought of when he got up was that he couldn’t time out, and he didn’t care about how the other party and himself were injured. Now I think it’s ridiculous."

  Why are algorithms "out of control"?

  Several industry insiders believe that the deep problems behind the "algorithmic dilemma" deserve attention.

  On the one hand, the platform is "competing to the bottom", resulting in the "imbalance" of the algorithm.

  Data show that as of the second quarter of 2020, Meituan takeaway and have captured nearly 95% of the market share in the takeaway industry.

  Ma Liang, a professor at the School of Public Administration of Renmin University of China, believes that the short and concentrated characteristics of the takeaway industry determine that competition among enterprises is increasingly focused on the speed of food delivery, resulting in algorithms that should have integrated multiple indicators, ignoring the safety and stress of riders.

  "The food delivery industry has actually formed a’race to the bottom ‘, that is, constantly testing the bottom line indicator of delivery time. After exhausting all the competitive parameters, the pressure is pushed to the rider, resulting in the rider being at the limit and overloaded," he said.

  On the other hand, complex employment relationships lead to the transfer of risk, resulting in the algorithm’s "default".

  The reporter learned from the research that most food delivery riders have formed a complex employment relationship with the food delivery platform. Many food delivery riders often do not sign contracts directly with the platform, but sign contracts with third-party labor service companies through some apps, and the labor service companies change frequently. When an accident occurs, it is easy to lead to multiple parties kicking each other.

  In a case of a takeaway rider hitting a pedestrian, the rider said that he joined a takeaway platform in September 2018. At first, the labor agreement on the app showed that the employer was Ningbo Yumi Company; in August 2019, the agreement on the app was changed to Hangzhou Bangmang Company. He did not know who the employer was. During the court hearing after the accident, neither Ningbo Yumi nor Hangzhou Bangmang admitted that Huang was his employee.

  Liu Bo, the judge of the Huangpu District People’s Court in Guangzhou who was in charge of the case, said that in terms of the contract, the relationship between the rider and the labor service company is a labor relationship, but in fact the relationship between the labor service company and the rider is very loose. The platform uses the number of orders received and customer complaints to assess the rider, acting as an "employer." In the event of a traffic accident, the platform hides behind the labor service company and does not take any responsibility.

  Under the current laws and regulations, the traffic police cannot punish the enterprise, but only the rider. In the event of a traffic accident, the rider, not the enterprise, needs to bear the cost of violating the law and the risk of disability and death.

  Algorithms alone are not enough

  In the face of social doubts, said it would launch new features as soon as possible – "I am willing to wait 5 minutes/10 minutes more" buttons for consumers to choose from, while Meituan said it would improve the scheduling system to give riders 8 minutes of flexible time.

  Some interviewees believe that to solve the dilemma faced by takeaway riders, the most important thing is that platform companies can face up to, respect, and truly protect the rights and interests of workers, rather than allowing algorithms to become cold tools that only make money for enterprises.

  In recent years, in the face of the challenges of emerging business models, many places have begun to increase management efforts. For example, Foshan, Guangdong has built 89 fixed traffic safety education points to increase traffic safety education for delivery couriers and other groups; for takeaway enterprises with many traffic violations and weak traffic safety management, Foshan public security traffic police organized interviews with business leaders.

  Ma Liang suggested that the emerging business will inevitably pose an impact and challenge to the existing laws and regulations, and the general laws involving the protection of workers’ rights and interests, occupational safety, and safe production need to be revised in a timely manner. Issues directly related to a certain industry also need to be responded to in a timely manner by new regulations.

  In addition, the problems of the food delivery industry involve multiple departments, and the main regulatory departments should be further clarified to correct the disorderly competition behavior. Ma Liang also suggested that the food delivery riders belong to the "safety production problem in the flow" and should also be included in the assessment system of local governments to strengthen the local government’s supervision and law enforcement responsibilities. (Reporters Wang Pan, Ma Xiaocheng, Hu Lingguo, participated in writing: Mao Yizhu, Mao Xin)

EV Morning News | The regulatory authorities played a super rescue combination boxing; Shanghai released a 5G network standard supporting autonomous driving; Ideal commuting NOA plans to push 100 citi

1. The regulatory authorities played a super rescue combination boxing.

On the evening of August 27th, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation announced that since August 28th, 2023, the stamp duty on securities transactions will be reduced by half, which is another reduction after nearly 15 years. On the same day, the CSRC issued three announcements, namely, Regulatory Arrangement for Optimizing IPO and Refinancing by Balancing the Primary and Secondary Markets, Further Regulating the Behavior of Share Reduction by the CSRC, and Reducing the Ratio of Financing Margin by the Stock Exchange to Support Moderate Financing Demand, to tighten IPO, regulate the reduction of major shareholders’ holdings, strictly restrict the non-main investment of listed companies, and reduce the margin for margin financing and securities lending. At the same time, it was clearly put forward that the refinancing of real estate listed companies was allowed to be free from the restrictions of breakage, net loss and loss. Market comments believe that these portfolio policies show the determination of regulators to revitalize the capital market. (First Electric Synthesis)

2. The pace of medium and long-term capital entering the market may accelerate.

Wind data shows that as of August 28th, more than 2,800 A-share listed companies have disclosed the 2023 interim report. Investment institutions represented by long-term funds such as social security funds and QFII have appeared in the top ten tradable shareholders of listed companies many times. From the perspective of positions, such long-term funds still focus on the holding of blue-chip stocks. Recently, the regulatory authorities have repeatedly released positive signals on "increasing the introduction of medium and long-term funds", and the CSRC and other departments held a meeting on the 25th to discuss encouraging long-term funds to actively enter the market. Under the deployment, the pace of medium and long-term funds entering the market may accelerate. (Economic Information Daily)

3. US Secretary of Commerce Raymond arrived in Beijing.

On the evening of August 27th, US Secretary of Commerce Raymond arrived in Beijing by plane, and LAM Raymond, Director of the Department of American Studies of the Ministry of Commerce, was there to meet him. This trip is Raimondeau’s first visit to China. In response to this visit, the spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce said earlier that China will make its position clear to the US on economic and trade issues of concern and look forward to in-depth discussions with the US on resolving economic and trade differences and promoting pragmatic cooperation. (Yuyuan Tan Tian)

4. Huawei successfully tested the networking of 5G carrier vehicles.

Huawei cooperated with Chongqing Mobile, Jiangsu Mobile and Shanghai Mobile to complete the vehicle networking test based on 5G commercial network (all Uu air interface) in many places across the country. The average end-to-end communication delay of air interface was less than 17ms, and the test results were in line with expectations, which indicated that it was possible for 5G commercial network to carry vehicle networking services. (wonder)

5. Shanghai released the 5G network standard supporting autonomous driving.

On August 26th, under the guidance of Shanghai Administration Bureau, more than 20 standard drafting units led by Shanghai Mobile and China Institute of Information and Communication jointly participated in the compilation of two group standards, namely, Requirements for Planning, Construction and Acceptance of 5G Networks Supporting High-level Autopilot and Requirements for Performance of 5G Networks Supporting High-level Autopilot. This is the first domestic 5G network performance and construction acceptance standard that supports high-level autonomous driving, laying a standard foundation for the innovative application and industrial development of Shanghai Intelligent Networked Vehicle. (The Paper)

6. Tucki flying car completed its first cross-river flight.

On August 26th, the signing ceremony of the first flight and application scenario exploration of the first flying car across the river in China was held in Changsha. Tucki Huitian Flying Car successfully completed the first cross-river flight from Hexi to Hedong, which took about 4 minutes. Zhao Deli, founder of Tucki Huitian, said that at present, the flying car has a battery life of only 20 kilometers, but the version delivered in mass production in 2025 will have a longer battery life and can meet various needs of users. (First Electric)

7. Mercedes-Benz’s first super charging station in the world settled in Chengdu.

Mercedes-Benz landed at the 2023 Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition with 27 Star Emblem cars covering fuel, pure electric and plug-in hybrid power. It also announced the acceleration of iterative charging ecology, and the world’s first Mercedes-Benz super charging station settled in Chengdu. At this auto show, Mercedes-Benz’s new energy lineup is super cool, and four models from EVA pure electric platform-pure electric EQS, pure electric EQE, EQS pure electric SUV and new EQE pure electric SUV are gathered together; Mercedes -AMG and Mercedes-Maibakh brands also appeared with new Mercedes -AMG pure electric EQE 53 4MATIC+ and Mercedes-Maibakh S 580 e plug-in hybrid cars. (First Electric)

8. It is ideal to announce the commuting NOA push plan to 100 cities during the year.

LI presented the full product line-up of Ideal L7, Ideal L8 and Ideal L9 at Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition in 2023, released the latest progress and layout planning of "dual-energy strategy", and announced that the flagship of home science and technology with the technical achievements of "dual-energy strategy"-Ideal MEGA will be officially released in December this year and delivered in February next year. At the same time, Ideal announced that the cumulative delivery of Ideal L9 has exceeded 100,000, and the L series has achieved "three breakdowns". In addition, LI also announced the push plan of commuting NOA, which will push the first batch of 10 cities in September and 100 cities nationwide during the year. (First Electric)

9. The tank 400 Hi4-T was officially pre-sold.

At this year’s Chengdu Auto Show, the second model based on the Hi4-T architecture, the medium and large off-road SUV tank 400 Hi4-T, was officially pre-sold, including the pre-sale price of the functional version of 285,000 yuan and the pre-sale price of the super version of 295,000 yuan. Compared with the tank 500 Hi4-T, the design style of the tank 400 Hi4-T is obviously more hard-core, reflecting a strong mecha style. The power combination of 2.0T+9AT+ motor makes the comprehensive power of the car reach 300kW, and the peak torque of 750N·m also makes it have zero acceleration performance of 6.8 seconds. For details, please see the first video of electric exploration. (First Electric)


10. Open a small order for the new M7 five-seat edition.

AITO’s brand-new product, Aito’s new M7 five-seat version, was officially unveiled and opened for small orders. The pre-sale price started at 258,000 yuan to create the ultimate cost performance, which will be officially released and delivered on September 12. With Huawei’s deep empowerment, the 500 million-heavy upgraded AITO new M7 has more calm and atmospheric design, more spacious and changeable space, more comprehensive active and passive safety, more comfortable driving performance, and smarter intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving experience. Yu Chengdong said: The overall upgrade investment of AITO new M7 has exceeded 500 million. (First Electric)

11. Aouita 11 HarmonyOS Edition was officially listed.

Aouita 11 HarmonyOS Edition was officially listed at Chengdu Auto Show. The new car has launched a total of four models with a price range of 300,000-390,000 yuan, and comes standard with HI Huawei full-stack smart car solutions. As a brand-new model, Aouita 11 HarmonyOS Edition has two smart trump cards, the deeply customized HarmonyOS cockpit and Huawei’s advanced intelligent driving system ADS 2.0, which bring a more sporty appearance, more luxurious interior and stronger battery life. The first electric live video explores the "smart beauty" posture of Aouita 11 HarmonyOS Edition and makes a detailed interpretation. (First Electric)


12. Leopard 5 hard-core off-road vehicle released and opened blind subscription.

On the shining stage of Chengdu Auto Show, Equation Leopard finally unveiled the mystery of its first strategic model, Leopard 5. This hard-core off-road vehicle is officially released, and blind ordering will be started from now on. The price range is 300,000-400,000 yuan. Consumers can make reservations through Equation Leopard Car APP or WeChat applet, and they can also enjoy big gift packages blindly. The DMO super hybrid off-road platform carried by Leopard 5 is composed of a new hybrid non-loaded architecture and a hybrid architecture dedicated for off-road, which will bring reliability and powerful power to the whole vehicle. (First Electric)

13. Dongfeng Warrior 917 Auto Show was listed.

The first model of Dongfeng Motor M TECH Warrior Intelligent Off-road Architecture-Warrior 917 was officially listed at Chengdu Auto Show. The price of the extended-range model started from 637,700 yuan, and the price of the pure electric model started from 697,700 yuan. Warrior 917 is based on the concept of "heroic soul" design, and the whole vehicle skillfully uses many elements such as technology and hardliners, making it have a very domineering and wild visual effect. The new car is also really fierce in power. The pure electric version is driven by four motors, with a power output of 1088 horsepower and a comprehensive battery life of 505 kilometers. The extended range version uses a combination of three motors and a 1.5T range extender, with a comprehensive battery life of over 1,000 kilometers. For more exciting, please see the first video of electric exploration. (First Electric)

14. The Haval Raptors Auto Show was unveiled and pre-sold.

Following Xiaolong, Haval Raptors, the second heavy new car of Great Wall Haval Dragon series, was officially unveiled at Chengdu Auto Show and opened for pre-sale, with the pre-sale price range of 160,000-190,000 yuan. The new car adopts a new intelligent four-wheel drive electric hybrid technology Hi4+1.5T hybrid engine, equipped with rear axle electronically controlled differential lock, supports seven driving modes, has 24 approach angle, 30 departure angle, 200mm no-load minimum ground clearance and 560mm wading depth, and can have stronger ability to get rid of difficulties and passability. For more performance, please see the first video of electric exploration. (First Electric)

15. Looking forward to the appearance of U8 and U9 at Chengdu Auto Show.

Million-level high-end new energy automobile brands look forward to bringing their new energy hard-core off-road look forward to U8, pure electric performance super-run look forward to U9 debut in Hall 3. Look forward to the announcement that U8 Deluxe Edition will be officially launched in late September. As the first model that Wangwang strives to build, Wangwang U8 is a cross-era product that combines extreme safety, extreme performance and extreme experience. During the Chengdu Auto Show, the U8 Deluxe Cockpit was opened to the public for the first time, and users could taste its luxurious interior and experience the smart cockpit at zero distance. See the auto show report for more information. (First Electric)


16. Lantu FREE detonated Chengdu Auto Show.

Xinlantu FREE, which attracted much attention because it was equipped with Apollo pilot-assisted intelligent driving system, detonated the market as soon as it was launched. At Chengdu Auto Show, Xinlantu FREE was favored for its intelligence and cost performance of 266,900 yuan. Xinlantu Free pilot-assisted intelligent driving can realize the functions of efficient lane change, automatic identification of ramp entry and exit, vehicle avoidance and so on, and also provides a solution for accurate intelligent parking. The parking time is less than 45 seconds, and the success rate can reach over 99%. (First Electric)

17、Luxury electric MPV "everyone 7 debut.

At Chengdu Auto Show, SAIC Chase MAXUS "zoomed in", and the newly-built "Big Family Luxury Electric MPV" made its debut in the world and started the pre-sale at the same time. The pre-sale price of the forest version started from 259,800 yuan, and the pre-sale price of the alpine version started from 299,800 yuan. It also brought users as many as 12 "everyone" gifts such as double deposit gift and lifetime warranty gift. Everyone 7 focuses on home scenes, supports L2+ intelligent driver assistance system, and with automatic parking function, it is the ultimate in safety, convenience and sense of technology. (First Electric)


18, 430km version of Buick Light Blue 6 went on the market.

The Buick brand of SAIC-GM announced on 25th that the 430km version of the Buick 100,000-class pure electric car, Micro Blue 6, was newly launched, and two models, the comfortable version and the more enjoyable version, were launched, with the prices of 112,800 yuan and 115,800 yuan respectively. Buick Micro Blue 6 pure electric car has been deeply recognized by users since its launch. The newly launched 430km version of Micro Blue 6 pure electric car will inject new vitality into the domestic 100,000-yuan pure electric market. (First Electric)


19. Weilai mobile phone was released in September

Li Bin, founder, chairman and CEO of Weilai, responded to the mobile phone questions that riders expected when interacting with each other. According to his disclosure, NIO Phone will locate the flagship mobile phone of Android, and it is absolutely over-equipped to be an iPhone backup machine. The mobile phone will be released in late September, with "excellent basic performance", no burning, power saving and long standby time. According to reports, Weilai mobile phone will better support the interconnection between mobile phone and car machine. (First Electric)

20. Tesla was approved to build a super charging station restaurant in Los Angeles.

It is reported that Tesla has successfully obtained the license to build a super-charged restaurant in Los Angeles, and it has been five years since the CEO of Tesla first proposed this idea. Tesla plans to combine a unique dining experience with a super charging facility, which has been approved by the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety. (First Electric)

21. Mobileye will build autonomous driving for Polar Star 4.

Mobileye and Polar Star announced that they will work together to introduce the autonomous driving technology driven by Mobileye Chauffeur? AV platform into Polar Star 4 and other potential models in the future. It is reported that the platform is produced and integrated by Yikatong. According to the official, Polar Star 4 equipped with Mobileye SuperVision started the pre-sale in China on August 25th, and will be listed in other countries around the world in 2024. From the initial stage, this model adopted an advanced driver assistance system based on Mobileye SuperVision. Together again this time, the polar star model equipped with Chauffeur will be able to realize point-to-point, "detachable" and "detachable" automatic driving on the expressway. (Geshi Automobile)

22. Extreme Krypton was approved to go to NYSE IPO.

The International Cooperation Department of the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued the "Notice on the Overseas Listing of Zeekr Intelligent Technology Holding Limited", allowing the company to issue no more than 926,074,300 ordinary shares on the new york Stock Exchange. This will be the eighth listed company under Li Shufu, chairman of Geely Holding Group. (The other seven companies are Geely Automobile, Volvo Automobile, Polar Star, Yikatong, Qianjiang Motorcycle, Hanma Technology and Lifan Technology.) According to public information, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited has invested in krypton vehicles for several rounds and solved power battery solutions for krypton. (the first era)

23. Zero-gravity flying cars will receive another 100 million yuan in financing.

Only three months later, Zero Gravity Aircraft Industry (Hefei) Co., Ltd. once again announced that it has completed a new round of strategic financing of nearly 100 million yuan, which was led by Nanjing Communications Engineering Co., Ltd., followed by Hefei Angel Fund, and the old shareholder Lanchi Venture Capital pursued the investment and increased its holdings. In June this year, the company completed nearly 100 million yuan angel round financing jointly led by Lenovo Venture Capital and Qifu Capital, and in May 2022, it was exclusively invested by Lanchi Venture Capital with nearly 10 million yuan seed round financing. EVTOL (Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft) is becoming a "toon" in the eyes of capital. (First Electric)

Pang Guanchen said: There are too many new cars to put down in the morning paper, which is a bit short-lived and long-lasting. You can continue to watch the first electric special report.

Rush to the hot search! Break out! The concept of gold rose sharply

Overnight, "Kimi fever" swept through A shares, and the praise was endless.

In early trading today, the concept of Kimi continued to soar. Many stocks had a daily limit of "one", and the AI application side collectively surged. After 10 o’clock, the AI application side began to fall back, and the three major indexes weakened. But overall, the AI ? ? application is still the biggest hot spot in the morning. At the close of the morning, the Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.21%, the Shenzhen Component Index fell 0.42% and the Growth Enterprise Market Index fell 0.49%.

AI application is active

This morning, the concept of Kimi continued to soar.Huace movie and televisionUshered in a 20% daily limit,Zhangyue technologyZhongguang natural selectionAnd other stocks also have a daily limit of "one".

A few days ago, Kimi intelligent assistant raised the length of lossless context to 2 million words, which attracted market attention. According to industry insiders, as the gateway to GMartificial intelligenceThe basic technology of (AGI), lossless long context, has always been a research hotspot in the industry. The evolution of model architecture in history is essentially to improve the effective and lossless context length. The breakthrough of Kimi intelligent assistant in this field will undoubtedly promote the generalization ability of AIGC model and provide empowerment for more vertical industries. Many brokers believe that Kimi intelligent assistant is expected to become a benchmark product in the AIGC field, and its 2 million words lossless long text generation ability will help enterprises achieve high-quality and efficient content production.

There has been a lot of good news in the AI field recently. On the evening of March 20th, Cheng Yixiao, founder and CEO of Aauto Quicker, said at the company’s 2023 annual performance conference call that after the company launched the AI strategy in 2023, it would step by step promote the research and development training of self-developed large models and accelerate the scene landing of large models. For Wensheng video, Aauto Quicker has promoted special research and development at the end of last year. Cheng Yixiao said that this is a huge opportunity for the short video ecology. In the future, Aauto Quicker will combine the generation model with producer tools, and constantly help creators to lower the threshold of creation and improve the quality and efficiency of short video production.

On March 20,BaiduMap announced that the number of users of its "AI Guide" has exceeded 100 million, providing more than 10 million conversations every day. On March 21st, intelligent cloud held a Qian Fan product launch conference, and released three large lightweight models, namely ERNIE Speed, ERNIE Lite and ERNIE Tiny. The parameters are from large to small, which are suitable for fine-tuning as a base model in specific scenes, giving consideration to the model effect and reasoning performance, and being equipped with a low-computational AI accelerator card for reasoning, which is suitable for low-cost and low-delay applications.

AI hardware side,Memory chipThe plate is active,Dawei stockDeminliWait for the stock to soar.

On March 21, driven by the strong demand for AI storage hardware,micron technology, incAnnounced a third-quarter performance outlook that exceeded expectations. The outlook for total revenue and earnings per share far exceeded analysts’ expectations, and the share price of US stocks soared after hours.

Milky WaysecuritiesIt is said that the track belongs to a high-growth and strong cycle industry, and the current time is a new starting point for the next cycle of the track. In AI, demand recovery superpositiondigital economyUnder the background of rising demand for storage power, we are optimistic about the investment opportunities of listed companies related to the domestic storage industry chain.

Gold conceptRise sharply

Recently, it has continued to strengthen. This morning, it rose again,Dengyun stockZhongrun resourcesJingui silver industryWaiting for the top increase. "Gold" rushed to the forefront of the hot search list in the morning.

In the early morning of March 21st, Beijing time, the Federal Reserve announced that it would keep the federal funds interest rate range unchanged between 5.25% and 5.5%, which was in line with market expectations. This is also the fifth consecutive time that the Fed has kept interest rates unchanged since last September.

After the release of the interest rate resolution, the three major stock indexes of the US stock market and the spot gold price rose rapidly, and the spot gold price once exceeded $2,200 per ounce in intraday trading.

Galaxy futuresprecious metalResearchers believe that the rise in international gold prices is due to the fact that the recent US macroeconomic data is not in line with expectations, and on the other hand, Fitch downgraded new york.bankThe market risk aversion caused by rating has warmed up. At the same time, central banks continue to buy gold and constantly raise the gold price center. Therefore, the international gold price has stepped out of a round of rising market under various favorable factors.

Go out and eat less fruits and vegetables. Seven measures to help you remedy the lack of nutrition!

  Some netizens often ask: "I work outside, and I often don’t have enough vegetables. What should I do if I don’t have enough nutrition?" I always feel uncomfortable if I don’t eat vegetables! Is there any food that can replace the nutrition of fresh vegetables? Can taking multivitamin pills replace eating vegetables? "

  Indeed, many people go to barren hills or deserts, to foreign countries, to frontier areas and to poverty-stricken areas because of work needs, or for reasons such as teaching and helping the poor. These places often do not have enough fresh vegetables to supply. Even if there are vegetables, they are mostly radishes, cabbages and potatoes, especially leafy vegetables lacking dark green.

  If it’s ten days and a half, that’s fine. Get over it first, and then make it up when you come back. However, if it is a few months, or even a year or two, the lack of vegetables will inevitably affect your health.

  As we all know, adequate vegetables are very important for supplying vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin B2, vitamin K, potassium, calcium, magnesium, dietary fiber and various antioxidant substances.

  Ideally, there should be vegetables in the meal, and 300 to 500 grams of vegetables are eaten every day, and this weight does not include the part thrown into the trash can, but the part that is directly imported.

  In the case of really not eating enough, you can take the following seven remedial measures. Although it can’t completely solve the problem, it can at least reduce some damage to the nutritional balance and make the body get more comprehensive nutritional and health care ingredients.

  Temporarily supplement multivitamins.

  If the dose of vitamin supplements is not too large, close to the normal amount of reasonable dietary intake, taking supplements is harmless. All the worries about supplements are in the case of large quantities. The vitamin content of some products is ten times or even dozens of times the daily recommended value, which is not suitable for long-term use.

  It must be recognized that although these nutrient supplements can prevent vitamin deficiency, they cannot replace all the health functions of vegetables, such as supplying potassium, calcium and magnesium, dietary fiber, antioxidants and other phytochemicals.

  Prepare some dried vegetables.

  You can buy some dried vegetables that can rise after soaking in water, take them to your work area, or order them online. Such as dried seaweed (Undaria pinnatifida, kelp, etc.), dried mushrooms, dried mushrooms, dried fungus, dried bamboo shoots, and evergreen (dried vegetables), as a supplement to the lack of vegetables.

  Dried products are convenient to store and carry, and it is also convenient to cook dishes after soaking. For example, put some soaked fungus and mushrooms in cooking, add some soaked bamboo shoots and mushrooms in stew and chicken, and add some soaked Undaria pinnatifida in soup, all of which are quite delicious.

  Although there are fewer vitamins after drying, at least a lot of minerals and dietary fiber can be supplemented. Minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium can still be preserved after drying. In particular, most dietary fiber can be preserved, which is very helpful to prevent constipation.

  Substitute potato, sweet potato, yam and other potatoes.

  Potato is a kind of food between vegetables and staple food. It contains starch, vitamin C, rich potassium, and some antioxidants, and its dietary fiber content is much higher than that of white rice and white flour.

  If potatoes are used to replace part of white rice and steamed bread, more vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium and dietary fiber can be obtained on the premise of the same total carbohydrate.

  For people who need to lose weight, we must pay attention to the fact that when eating potatoes, we should not put oil and salt. Instead, we should put them in a rice cooker and steam them with rice, and reduce the amount of white rice and flour while eating potatoes.

  For people who need to gain weight, adding some potato foods such as potatoes and yam to their daily staple food, such as stewing potatoes into vegetables, is just conducive to gaining weight.

  Increase the number of daily vegetables

  In some remote areas, although there are no fresh green leafy vegetables, there are still some storable vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, radish, onion and carrot.

  Although Chinese cabbage is not as nutritious as green leafy vegetables, it still contains a certain amount of vitamin C, dietary fiber and minerals.

  As long as you increase your food intake and eat more Chinese cabbage, you can get more nutrients and partially make up for the loss of insufficient varieties. This is the so-called "quantity compensation for insufficient quality". Carrot itself is a good thing. Eating some often can at least prevent vitamin A deficiency.

  Send bean sprouts and bean sprouts to increase green leafy vegetables.

  You can use soybeans, black beans, peas, etc. to soak them and eat them yourself to increase the variety of vegetables. Bud sprouts can spread green leaves as long as they see light, which belongs to green leafy vegetables. Common sprout vegetables include radish seedlings, buckwheat seedlings and peanut seedlings. The sprouts taste good and can be fried. Radish seedlings and buckwheat seedlings can also be eaten raw and cold directly.

  Even if there are only wheat and barley seeds, they can be made into wheat seedlings, then cut off and beaten into juice with their own beater. This is the best "green juice".

  It would be better if you could bring some seeds of green leafy vegetables such as Chinese cabbage and rape. You can get fresh vegetables by growing your own vegetables.

  Order canned vegetables online

  At present, there are many canned vegetables, such as canned tomatoes, canned green beans, canned mushrooms, canned asparagus, canned pickles, canned corn shoots, canned/bagged ketchup, etc., and the price of ordering in boxes is not high.

  Although canned food loses some vitamin C, it is not zero, and there is no loss of dietary fiber and potassium. It is convenient for storage and transportation, so direct order is enough. Take it out every day and eat a little at every meal, which still plays a big role in supplying nutrition.

  With all kinds of flower and fruit tea materials that can be soaked in water.

  Prepare your favorite tea, coffee, dried rose, dried chrysanthemum, dried roselle, dried lemon, etc., and make a drink with hot water. Although the quantity is limited, it can increase the supply of potassium, vitamin C, organic acids and some antioxidant substances.

  The so-called methods are always more difficult. As long as these methods are used in combination, we can overcome the difficulty of insufficient vegetables, and make our diet life much richer and healthier.

  Text/Fan Zhihong (Director of China Nutrition Society)

New Year’s Eve train tickets are opened today, and the national train operation map will be adjusted next Monday.

  Zhongxin Jingwei Client December 26th (Seimi Zhang) Looking forward to, looking forward to, the day of grabbing New Year’s Eve tickets has finally arrived. According to the regulation that the Internet and telephone booking of railway Spring Festival travel rush train tickets will be sold 30 days in advance, starting from today (26th), passengers can purchase train tickets for 2020 New Year’s Eve through the 12306 website and the "Railway 12306”APP.

Data map. Zhongxin Jingwei Seimi Zhang photo

  New Year’s Eve train tickets are on sale today.

  According to the Spring Festival holiday arrangement of the General Office of the State Council, the holiday will be suspended from January 24th (New Year’s Eve) to 30th (Sixth Day) in 2020. According to the regulation that the railway Spring Festival travel rush train tickets will be sold 30 days in advance by Internet and telephone booking, starting from today (26th), passengers can purchase the 2020 New Year’s Eve train tickets through the 12306 website and the "Railway 12306”APP.

  On the 13th day of ticket sales in Spring Festival travel rush (December 24th), the national railways sold a total of 15.773 million tickets, and the number of tickets sold for two consecutive days exceeded 15 million. The Zhongxin Jingwei client combed and found that as of December 24, the national railways sold a total of 173 million tickets.

  Li Wenxin, deputy general manager of the State Railway Group, said at the 2020 National Spring Festival travel rush Video Conference on December 25th that on the basis of steadily promoting the pilot of e-tickets in the early stage, in 2020, Spring Festival travel rush will fully promote e-tickets on high-speed rail trunk lines and intercity railways, so that passengers can travel on high-speed rail without taking tickets.

  In addition, since December 12, 2019, the online ticketing time of train tickets has been extended from 6:00-23:00 to 6:00-23:30. During this period, passengers can purchase tickets, change tickets, refund tickets, and wait for orders online.

  Some air tickets are cheaper than high-speed rail.

  If you have money and no money, you don’t have to worry about going home for the New Year. It is also a good choice to fly home.

Screenshot of some flights from Beijing to Shanghai. Source: Flying Pig APP

  On the day of New Year’s Eve (January 24th), the railway "12306”APP showed that the price range of the second-class seat of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail was 553-558 yuan, and the Sino-Singapore Jingwei client discovered through the third-party ticketing platform that Beijing — The economy class price of many flights in Shanghai ranges from 300 to 400 yuan. Among them, the economy class price of flight HU7603 of HNA is only 285 yuan, which is nearly half cheaper than the second-class high-speed rail ticket of 553 yuan.

Screenshot of some flights and high-speed rail prices from Beijing to Qingdao. Source: Flying Pig APP

  The second-class seat price range of Beijing-Qingdao high-speed rail is 314-336 yuan, and the economy class ticket price of maiden flight JD5379 is 148 yuan, which is more than half cheaper than the second-class seat price of high-speed rail. The economy class ticket price of Air China flight CA1525 is 180 yuan, which is nearly 50% cheaper than the second class ticket price of high-speed rail.

Data map: Harmony train. Zhongxin Jingwei Xiong Jiali photo

  From 0: 00 on December 30th, the national railway will implement a new train diagram.

  From 0: 00 on December 30, 2019, the national railway will implement a new train operation map. This map adjustment has adjusted some train trips, which will further enhance the railway transportation capacity during Spring Festival travel rush to meet different needs.

  Xi ‘an will start high-speed EMU trains in Xiamen, Datong, Lianyungang and Anqing for the first time. For the first time, two pairs of high-speed trains to Taiyuan were opened in Hefei, and the fastest journey time from Hefei to Taiyuan was 6 hours and 05 minutes. Shenyang Railway is the first high-speed train from Shenyang to Yancheng, Rongcheng and Jilin to Shanghai. Hangzhou East to Chengdu East, Hangzhou East to Xinxiang East, Hangzhou East to Luoyang Longmen, Hangzhou East to Bozhou South opened the first direct high-speed rail.

  In order to meet the needs of large passenger flow capacity in the Yangtze River Delta and North China, six pairs of high-speed trains going to North China via Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway were added. They are Shanghai-Beijing South G416/5th, Shanghai-Tianjin West G442/1st, Hangzhou East-Tianjin West G446/5th, Ningbo-Beijing South G420/19th, Shanghai Hongqiao-Jinan West G2062/1st, Shanghai Hongqiao-Qingdao North G2066/5th.

  In addition, the running time from Xining to Shanghai has been shortened from 32 hours and 29 minutes to 30 hours and 34 minutes now, with a compression of 1 hour and 55 minutes; The running time from Shanghai to Xining has been shortened from 31 hours and 53 minutes to 28 hours and 29 minutes now, with a compression of 3 hours and 24 minutes. A regular train from Qingdao to Baotou was changed to a direct train, and the adjusted one-way operation time was reduced by at least 1.5 hours.

  After the map adjustment, there are 615 trains stopped at Zhengzhou East Station, which is 126 more than the current map of 489 trains. After the map adjustment, Zhengzhou East Station will increase the number of high-speed trains to Yancheng, Lianyungang, Rizhao West, Huai ‘an, Suqian, Anqing, Ganzhou West and Ruijin, and there will be 124 high-speed trains on the three high-speed railway lines of Zhengzhou-Chongqing, Zhengzhou-Fuzhou and Jinggang, an increase of 40 trains compared with the transition period in the first month of opening.

  The railway department reminds that passengers who plan to travel should pay attention to the 12306 official website and station announcements in time, inquire about the relevant train information, grasp the changes of trains, and make a reasonable ride plan. At the same time, due to the changes in the number and time of some trains after the map adjustment, passengers must carefully check the ticket face information before boarding, so as not to delay the trip.

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  The Altay Mountain Ice and Snow Tourism Belt, which is dominated by Altay region, is located in the northernmost part of Xinjiang. Altay is known as the "origin of human skiing", and the snow season can reach 7 months throughout the year, which is very suitable for carrying out ice and snow sports.

  Starting from the snow season in 2021, Peng Chao, a senior snow friend from Beijing, rented a wooden house in Hemu Village, deep in Altai Mountain, Xinjiang, as the team’s work site in the next few years. The team mainly carries out skiing equipment evaluation and popular science skiing knowledge, and is well-known among domestic skiers. Peng Chao said that Altay region is located in the world’s ice and snow resources ‘ Golden latitude ’ All the natural advantages of other international ski resorts are available here. During his stay in Hemu, he and other members of the team promoted the knowledge of avalanche risk avoidance and advocated the concept of safe and sustainable mountaineering and skiing.

  This is a photo taken on January 12, 2023 at Hemujikplin Ski Resort in Altay, Xinjiang (photo of drone).

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency (photo by yue hu)

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Xinhua All Media+Sports Geography | In Altay, pursue the original dream of human skiing.

  With the advantages of long snow period, good snow quality and diverse terrain, Xinjiang has built a number of high-standard ski resorts, forming two major ice and snow tourist belts, Tianshan Mountain and Altai Mountain, which are popular areas for ice and snow sports in China.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu photo

Green financial point "green" into "gold"

  Core reading

  Green finance has great potential in supporting environmental improvement, coping with climate change and saving and efficient use of resources. In recent years, Chongqing has always adhered to the concept of "two mountains", focused on developing green finance, established a "Yangtze River Green Financing" green financial big data integrated service system, promoted a long-term mechanism for the docking of government, banks and enterprises, and built a green development system. With the implementation of innovative reform measures, economic benefits and ecological benefits have gradually become prominent.

  "The crops in the field are not growing well, and the villagers rely on the mountains to eat mountains and stare at the trees on the mountains." Talking about previous years’ experience, Xie Changlin, a villager from Hongan Village, Lantian Township, Chengkou County, Chongqing, shook his head.

  Seeing the environment getting worse day by day, the government decided to carry out ecological relocation. But there is no money in hand, how can you move out? After learning the situation, Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank developed a new mode of rural property mortgage financing after investigation, and handled "beautiful countryside Housing Loan" for local farmers. With money, farmers transform and decorate their houses, and some people also open farmhouses to attract summer tourists around them and have a tourist meal at their doorstep.

  From the declaration and creation in early 2019 to the final approval of the green financial reform and innovation pilot zone in August this year, Chongqing’s green development has continuously taken new steps. By the end of September 2022, the balance of green loans in the city reached 497.233 billion yuan, 2.8 times that of the beginning of 2019, up 40.2% year-on-year, 32.5 percentage points higher than the growth rate of various loans in the city; Green loans accounted for nearly 10% of the balance of various loans, a significant increase of 4.5 percentage points compared with the beginning of 2019; The balance of green bonds exceeded 35.7 billion yuan, 2.7 times that of the beginning of 2019.

  Look at the benefits — —

  Inclusive effect, green finance and ecological civilization blend and help each other

  From garbage incineration power generation to sewage treatment, from comprehensive improvement of waterfront coastline to energy-saving and environmental protection transformation, from green transportation industry credit to beautiful countryside housing credit support & HELIP; … In recent years, green finance has become the key development direction of major banks in Chongqing.

  Fengdu County, located in the hinterland of the Three Gorges reservoir area, is rich in wind energy resources and attracts many wind power projects. The outstanding characteristics of green projects are long term and low income, especially the need for long-term credit funds. "I didn’t pay much attention to wind power a few years ago. With the development of green finance, banks are now rushing to invest. Green finance means quality assets for our bank. " The relevant person in charge of Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank Company told the reporter.

  In Lianhuashan Wind Farm in Fengdu County, a fan stands on the rolling hills, and the long fan blades are constantly turning. At the beginning of this year, the third-phase wind power project of Lianhuashan and Wudongyan invested by Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank started construction. It is planned to be connected to the grid for power generation by the end of this year, with a total installed capacity of 80,000 kilowatts and a total investment of 600 million yuan. It is estimated that the annual power generation will be 160 million kWh, which can supply green power energy to 80,000 households every year, save 47,000 tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 123,000 tons.

  "We will persist in developing clean energy and build Fengdu into a ‘ Green battery ’ 。” Deng Qinghua, director of the Development and Reform Commission of Fengdu County, told reporters that with the support of green finance, Fengdu will attract investment to introduce a number of clean energy projects, continuously optimize the energy supply structure, and strive to build a clean energy demonstration base in Chongqing by 2035.

  Look at the practice — —

  Form a mechanism to solve the problem of project identification

  "It’s hard to imagine that we were still worried about project funds last year." Standing in the ecological tea garden in Dingshi Town, Youyang Tujia and Miao Autonomous County, Luo Li, the project leader, was filled with emotion. In April, 2021, the project was still in the stage of development and construction, with a large initial investment, and "poor money" became an insurmountable hurdle. Just when there was nothing to do, Chongqing Bank took the initiative to find the door and provided credit support.

  "Identifying green projects is not an easy job. In the past, several indicators needed to be identified manually, which was very inefficient. " Tian Pan, the account manager of Chongqing Bank, told the reporter, "Now there is ‘ Yangtze River Lvrongtong ’ The system can automatically calculate the environmental benefits of the project, and the efficiency is greatly improved. The ecological tea garden project was pushed to us by the system. "

  The "Yangtze River Green Financing" in Tian Pankou is a green financial big data comprehensive service system created by Chongqing Business Management Department of China People’s Bank. "We work with the Municipal Development and Reform Commission and the Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment to formulate the evaluation criteria for green projects (enterprises). Based on this, we embed the intelligent identification function of green financial standards in the system and release the identified green financing demand information to financial institutions in a timely manner." Han Xintao, deputy director of the Financial Research Department of Chongqing Business Management Department of China People’s Bank, told the reporter, "With this system, in the past, enterprises were looking for banks, and now banks are looking for enterprises."

  At present, the "Yangtze River Green Financing" system has been connected to all branches under the jurisdiction of Chongqing Business Management Department of the People’s Bank of China and some district and county governments, and connected to nearly 100 financial institutions, helping the city to form a long-term mechanism of "government recommended projects+green smart identification+system push projects+independent docking of banks". By the end of September, 2022, the system had collected and launched 1,860 green projects (enterprises) at the municipal, district and county levels, among which nearly 1,000 projects were successfully connected with banks.

  Look at development — —

  Transformation and upgrading, building a green development system

  "I didn’t expect that pollution rights can also be loaned, and the interest rate is more favorable than general loans." After successfully obtaining the pledge loan of 100 million yuan from Chongqing Bank for emission rights, the relevant person in charge of Chongqing International Composite Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "International Composite Materials") could not help feeling.

  International composite materials is a "green factory" in the glass fiber industry assessed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. By introducing advanced waste treatment technologies at home and abroad, pollutants are effectively controlled. After learning that the enterprise has the capital demand to expand the scale of production and operation, the credit staff of Chongqing Bank took the initiative to come to the door to match the emission pledge loan product, which changed the emission right of the enterprise from a "sleeping asset" to a "flowing fund", promoted the enterprise’s energy conservation and emission reduction, and helped improve the ecological environment.

  "The specific connotation of green finance in different regions should be combined with the actual situation of local industries." Huang Yingjun, a professor at the School of Economics and Business Administration of Chongqing University, believes that "Chongqing is one of the six old industrial bases in China, facing the pressure of transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and always emphasizes promoting the coordinated development of green industries and green finance."

  In recent years, Chongqing has made great efforts to innovate mechanisms to promote financial institutions to accelerate the "low-carbon" allocation of financial resources, promote the rapid growth of the scale of green finance, and help the real economy accelerate the green transformation.

  Relying on self-regulatory organizations in the financial industry, Chongqing advocates financial institutions to disclose environmental information from the perspectives of green financial development plan, green loan investment and carbon emission reduction generated by loans. In 2022, 75 financial institutions in the city disclosed the annual environmental information in 2021, among which 30 institutions added green project loans in 2021 with an average carbon emission reduction of 489,800 tons. At the same time, the data of green loans, green bonds, green financial leases and green bills of financial institutions are collected monthly, and a green performance evaluation table is generated according to the requirements of the Green Finance Evaluation Plan for Banking Financial Institutions of the People’s Bank of China, which is included in the rating of financial institutions of the central bank, and a total of 2 billion yuan of "green easy loans" and 5 billion yuan of "green ticket pass" rediscount tools are provided to encourage them to increase capital investment in green projects.

  A steady stream of financial living water is constantly helping Chongqing’s industrial transformation and upgrading — — In Chongqing Liangjiang New District, relying on the mature automobile industry system with an annual output of nearly one million units, explore the development of automobile green supply chain finance; In Nan ‘an District, Guangyang Island Zhichuang Eco-city will carry out the construction of financial support zero-carbon demonstration zone; In Wanzhou District, carry out the product innovation of financial support for ecological agriculture and recreational tourism … …

  "In the future, Chongqing will continue to promote supply-side structural reforms and upgrade traditional manufacturing industries. Green transformation is imperative and green finance has a broad space for development." Huang Yingjun told reporters.

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  Da Power Power is also the winner of life in the entertainment circle, and there are countless people who like her. However, this beautiful girl, Mommy, has liked Nicholas Tse since she was a child. Before she fell in love, she was asked about her love, and she often responded with "Everyone knows that I have a crush on Nicholas Tse". A few years ago, at an award ceremony, Yang Mi finally met his dream lover and presented the award to him as an award guest. On the stage, Yang Mi’s happy winner embraced his idol.

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  Anita Yuen’s strength is how to interpret idolize, pretending to kiss the male god when taking a group photo, which is also so cute.

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  Karry’s favorite actress is Yang Mi. When we met for the first time, Great Power not only signed Karry’s autograph, but also wrote a message of blessing that others couldn’t ask for, and called Karry big brother, which made Karry laugh into barbecued pork buns.

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  In cold Wu Zhenyu, there will be times when a girl’s heart will burst, and that is to see her idol Yao Ming. Feynman accompanied his father idolize when he was a child. How sensible!

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  LAY, a little sheep, is also a small expert in idolize. Looking at the photo with Jay Chou, he looks like a little fan in the photo. Triggered netizens to ridicule: This is simply the number one idolize powder in the entertainment circle, no wonder it won ‘ Idolize model ’ .

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  AngelaBaby has a girlish heart, and she likes G-Dragon. Among the running men, baby will happily pose for a photo when he sees the portrait poster of G-Dragon. After seeing the real person of G-Dragon, Baby, who has always been a female man, instantly becomes a little girl, and she is so excited that she is at a loss. As a baby husband, Huang Xiaoming knew what his wife loved, imitated G-Dragon at the wedding and danced Big Bang.

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  Orfila burst into tears when he saw his childhood idol Jeff Chang Shin-Che singing.

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  Hebe cried when she saw Faye Wong. As early as 17 years old, she imitated Faye Wong in variety shows and sang Faye Wong’s songs in S.H.E concerts many times. In 2004, S.H.E and Faye Wong were selected at the Chinese Song Chart Awards Ceremony. Hebe met her idol Faye Wong for the first time backstage. When she succeeded in taking a photo with Faye Wong, she was so excited that she burst into tears backstage, crying scared Eason Chan who passed by her.

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  Wang Sicong has the strength to open the most "trench" way in idolize, and Wang Sicong, who doesn’t take the usual road, is like this in idolize: If you like it, sign it back! In 2015, Wang Sicong signed T-ara, a Korean beautiful girl group, and set up a brokerage company for it. Prior to this, Wang Sicong had appeared in T-ara’s concert, and also attended Amway’s tickets in Weibo, and invited them to sing … … I really can’t learn the idolize way of "national husband".

Yang Mi, Karry, LAY and Wang Sicong star idolize are also crazy!

  In the program, Sweetheart is funny and funny, but when she sees her idol brother Roy, she is a fan girl in bold letters! Look at this little peek. The favorite thing to do at ordinary times is to send voice to Roy’s brother, as well as the little bear he gave him personally. There is no one left for idolize to be sweet!

Good news! The fuel surcharge has dropped! This New Year’s Day, the travel market is completely on fire.

The New Year’s Day holiday is in progress, and with the gradual rise of temperature in various places, the tourism travel market continues to show a hot trend.

According to China State Railway Group Co.,Ltd., the railway transportation of the New Year’s Day holiday started on December 29th, lasting for five days. The first day of the holiday was the peak of passenger flow, and the national railway sent 15.99 million passengers. Compared with the passenger flow on December 31st, the first day of New Year’s Day last year, the passenger flow on January 1st, the first day of New Year’s Day in 2020 increased by nearly 60%.

On December 31st, the national railway passenger flow maintained a high level. It is estimated that 11.85 million passengers will be sent, and 10,682 passenger trains are planned, including 500 additional trains.

At the same time, the latest news from the Civil Aviation Administration of China shows that on December 30, 2023 (the first day of New Year’s Day holiday in 2024), the national civil aviation sent 1,743,900 passengers, an increase of 103.1% over the first day of New Year’s Day holiday in 2023 (858,800 passengers). On December 31st (the second day of New Year’s Day holiday in 2024), the civil aviation of China is expected to send 1.66 million passengers, an increase of 156.4% over the second day of New Year’s Day holiday in 2023 (647,400 passengers).

On the whole, according to CCTV news, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Transport that on the 30th, the national railways, highways, waterways and civil aviation are expected to send 41.768 million passengers, an increase of 73.3% over the first day of the New Year holiday in 2023. Among them, the railway is expected to send 15.8 million passengers; The highway is expected to send 23.487 million passengers; The waterway is expected to send 600,000 passengers; Civil aviation is expected to send 1.881 million passengers.

Data from several online travel platforms also show that on the first day of the New Year holiday, travel orders ushered in a substantial increase.

Ctrip data shows that on the first day of this year’s New Year holiday, orders for inter-provincial travel accounted for 55%. Among Ctrip’s orders for departure on the first day of New Year’s Day, one out of every five orders is a parent-child family, while the orders for first-day homestays and ice and snow tours increased by 132% and 170% respectively.

This means that even if there is only a three-day holiday, more people are still willing to go out for a long trip and end the coming year with travel.

The travel data of the same journey also shows that during the New Year’s holiday, China tourists mainly travel in short and medium distances, and the domestic long-distance travel and outbound travel market is gradually warming up, which promotes the increase in bookings of various travel products. Among them, on the first day of New Year’s Day holiday, the ticket booking volume of the same-way travel platform scenic spot increased by 306% year-on-year, and the hotel booking volume increased by 76% year-on-year. In terms of popular travel themes, the domestic ice and snow tourism increased by 194%, and the hot spring tourism increased by 178%.

Which scenic spots are more popular? According to Ctrip’s data, theme parks, museums, animal and botanical gardens and ski resorts are the most popular New Year’s Day punch-in points. Among them, Harbin Ice and Snow World not only boarded the ice and snow attraction TOP1, but also ranked among the top three national hot spots on the first day of New Year’s Day with its colorful ice and snow landscape and the snow party that exploded on winter nights.

In terms of outbound travel, according to the forecast of the National Immigration Bureau, the daily average number of inbound and outbound passengers at the national ports will reach 1.56 million during the New Year’s Day, which is more than five times that of the New Year’s Day holiday in 2023 and 90% of the same period in 2019. According to Ctrip data, the TOP10 overseas destinations this year are: China, Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand, South Korea, China, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom. Among them, Hong Kong, which announced the largest countdown fireworks display this year, has become the hottest overseas destination on New Year’s Day.

On the first day of the New Year holiday, many scenic spots and parks also ushered in the peak of passenger flow.

According to the news released by the Office of the Leading Group for Culture and Tourism Industry of Sichuan Province, as of 15: 00 on the 30th, 832 A-level scenic spots included in the statistics of the whole province received 2,650,200 tourists, and realized the ticket income of 22,113,800 yuan, up by 81.83% and 103.23% respectively compared with the same period in 2023. Five-year-level tourist attractions in the province (16 parks opened normally) received 152,500 tourists and realized ticket income of 5,103,900 yuan, up by 88.78% and 113.6% respectively compared with the same caliber in the same period in 2023. Libraries, cultural centers and museums in the province received 712,000 people.

According to the statistics of Hunan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, on the first day of New Year’s Day holiday, Hunan Province received 6,629,300 tourists, including 1,178,900 tourists from outside the province, accounting for 17.78%. According to the modeling analysis of UnionPay big data, the per capita expenditure of tourists in the province was 10,126 yuan. There are 950 cultural tourism units included in big data monitoring, with a passenger flow of 786,000, and the statistical monitoring points show a year-on-year increase of 120.9%, including 571 A-level scenic spots with a total passenger flow of 663,000, and the statistical monitoring points show a year-on-year increase of 114.59%.

On the 30th, the reporter learned from Beijing Park Management Center that on the first day of New Year’s Day holiday, 11 parks and China Garden Museum in Beijing, such as the Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven and Beihai, got off to a good start, with a total of 217,900 visitors on December 30th, an increase of 88.01% compared with last year and 21.26% compared with 2019. The top three places are Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven and Beijing Zoo.

It is worth mentioning that on the first day of the New Year’s holiday, the news of good travel came again.On December 30th, where did I get the news from the airline? From January 5th, 2024 (the date of issue), adult passengers: 40 yuan fuel surcharge will be charged to each passenger on routes below 800km (inclusive), and 70 yuan fuel surcharge will be charged to each passenger on routes above 800km.Compared with before the adjustment, it decreased in 10 yuan and 20 yuan respectively, which was lower than that in January 2023. This is the third consecutive month that the fuel surcharge has dropped.

Spring Festival travel rush is coming in 2024, and the fuel surcharge will be reduced, which will save the travel cost of passengers. Judging from the current booking situation, where to go data shows that the popular domestic destinations for the Spring Festival in 2024 are Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Harbin, Chengdu, Haikou, Kunming, Sanya and Hangzhou.

Prediction of Four Fashion Consumption Trends in 2023

China International Fashion Week, together with Paris Nali Luodi, empowers China’s fashion design by keeping pace with international fashion trends, and inspires China’s fashion industry to be more tenacious and magnificent in vitality and creativity.

The theme of "China International Fashion Week in Autumn and Winter 2023" jointly conceived and explained by the Fashion Week Organizing Committee and Paris Nali Luoluo [creating a METAROAMING].

NellyRodi comprehensively predicted the lifestyle trend of global consumers in the future through discussion and analysis with experts from various fields around the world, and summarized four typical groups leading consumption in the next year, namelyEducator, Simulator, Intuitionist, High Performance Person.

They hope to keep a slow pace in their future lives. Although their rhythm seems to be slow, it is the result of their habitual reflection, because they take the pursuit of near perfection and near Excellence as their life creed.

In the era of information explosion, everyone can speak for themselves. Have you ever sent some information that deviates from the truth because you are too subjective?

Yu Changsheng, one of the top ten fashion designers in China, is a brand of "95 Silk Royal", hoping to awaken the audience’s thinking about information dissemination. While pursuing the practicality of design, she also constantly pursues the story of design. Every time a costume meets the audience, it is an ideological collision, and the whole artistic creation is completed by the designer and the last wearer.

The First Series of SS23 China International Fashion Week in the Ninth Five-Year Plan

It is the social responsibility of fashion designers to express the call for positive energy through design, and clothing reflects designers’ thinking on social hot issues and deep concern for vulnerable groups.

These excited and emotional consumers will try their best to turn their ideals into reality with the help of gorgeous and charming visual elements and digital technology. They can not only draw inspiration from ancient civilization and its grand culture, but also be fascinated by the fantasy world of the future brought by the latest technology, because these can help them move towards the future.

Thee.Them, a brand of Yang Ye, a cutting-edge designer in China, combines gorgeous and charming oriental totems with western myths. The mysterious color of the oriental totem "snake", the sun, the moon, the stars and the five elements of China "Jin Mu fire and water" reflect traditional oriental culture. The scepter and the eye of the soul that meets the dawn embody western culture. It collides with another dimension to have a visual impact, showing a futuristic design style and reshaping the juvenile fantasy.

Thee.Them SS23 China International Fashion Week First Series

Yang Ye, a designer, accurately depicts the consumer group image of "imitators", and permeates the brand DNA with "no personal design, no typicality, which is intended to get rid of the stereotype and make clothing an extension of self, rather than the concentration of a certain style".

Enjoy life-this is the best description of the daily life goals of these happy consumers. Sunshine and spontaneous nature urge them to take to the streets to spread the message of happiness and enthusiasm. Their happiness comes from praising everything, their ability to improvise and their natural spontaneity make everything a reason to party.

The original intention of Dong Yaer, one of the top ten fashion designers in China, was to create the Butterfly Shadow Bug, which is characterized by distinctive printing. I hope that the world will be full of flowers and life, and the haze in the world will be diluted with design.

Butterfly Shadow Insect brings colorful original environmental protection prints to the show, which is a combination of waves and insects, and brings a limited edition BUER BEAR x Dongya INSECTS SEA designer to the show, which is full of free and colorful life.

Butterfly Shadow Bug SS23 China International Fashion Week First Series

In the color world of butterfly shadow insects, every color contains a color emotion. Dong Yaer, a designer, explores and creates the yellow that makes people feel happy and stimulates interest, the blue that is calm and peaceful, and the pink that evokes people’s good memories, conveying the attitude towards life: just like the sea of life, it is high and low and colorful.

Their wisdom and self-study ability prompted them to explore the solution of "saving the world". Their goal is to achieve a more equal society, so that everyone can get happiness and make daily life easier.

They believe that the concepts of ecology and urbanism can coexist harmoniously, and they are more willing to make the city more "moral" through technical solutions.

FENGGY, one of the top ten fashion designers in China, takes the brand-new cognition and research of human aesthetics as its mission, and skillfully integrates the freedom, comfort and professional functionality of sports elements with fashion trends to create a brand-new fashion sports scene.

Under the design language of literary exploration, this paper explores the balanced relationship between fabric functionality, science and technology and trend sports aesthetics. With the simple and changeable overall modeling collocation, the interest and diversification of sportswear are expanded, and the independent fashion consciousness is presented.

FENGGY SS23 China International Fashion Week First Series

FENGGY SS23 China International Fashion Week’s first series "No Probability" tells the story of an ordinary person who shuttles through his own multiverse and becomes a superhero. Bright colors, emphasizing the rhythm of life, focusing on textured sports colors combined with functional environmentally-friendly recycled fabrics to express far-sighted innovations in the parallel universe.