Geely will launch the "Galaxy" brand? Seeing another multi-brand strategy, I don’t understand.

Written by: Listening to the Wind

Reviewer: Kan Second Sister

Editor: Xiao Xiao

It is difficult to say whether it is a curse or the times. In the past 20 years, among the many car companies in China, the success rate of those who want to engage in multi-brand strategies is not very high. But what is interesting is that even if there are so many lessons from the past, there are always car companies who want to test the waters of multi-brand strategies.

Previously, the official Weibo of Geely Automobile Group announced a set of information. On February 23, Geely will officially release the "Geely Brand New Energy Strategy" at the main venue of the Hangzhou Asian Games, and launch Geely’s mid-to-high-end new energy series models. It is reported that the new brand may be named "Galaxy", while the official Weibo of Geometry Automobile seems to reveal that the brand will be named "Galaxy" when forwarding the news.

It is worth noting that Geely Automobile’s current sub-brands are quite rich. In addition to the main brand Geely, it includes many brands such as Extreme Krypton, Lynk, Ruilan, Radar, Geometry, etc. If the acquired brands are included, it will be even richer. Now, with the news of the debut of the "Galaxy" brand, it means that Geely’s huge brand matrix will add another one.

On the surface, the huge brand matrix seems to demonstrate the strength of Geely Automobile, but it is still difficult to determine whether too many sub-brands are good or bad for Geely. As for whether it can break the curse of Chinese car companies’ difficulty in promoting multi-brand strategies, it is even more difficult to judge.

There are many lessons from the past, how did Geely break the game?

Judging from past experience, there are few successful cases of Chinese car companies implementing multi-brand strategies. Among them, Chery, as a pioneer, once formed a multi-brand operation structure including Chery, Kerry, Ruiqi, Wellin, Kaiyi and Qoros. But a cruel reality is that almost all of the above-mentioned brands except Chery have failed, and Chery has also begun to divest sub-brands in the long process of development, and finally only brought Jietu and Xingtu two brands with a certain amount of volume.

A more recent example is Great Wall Motors. Although it formed five brands with Haval, Wei brand, Euler, tank, and Great Wall pickup truck, it was once brilliant. Wei Jianjun, the founder of Great Wall Motors, also once used "our Great Wall Motors and other car companies are different in the path of branding, because we build brands by category" to demonstrate the success at that time.

But a reality that can be seen is that in the organizational restructuring at the end of last year, Great Wall Motors began an all-round resource integration, with only one core, "ONE GWM", that is, a Great Wall. Several of its major brands no longer fight each other, but began to gather resources. And this, to some extent, has subverted the previous business philosophy of Great Wall Motors "one car, one brand, one company".

As for the reasons, it is also easy to understand. Having more children is easy to fight, but it is also more troublesome to divide the family property. Lin Shi, secretary general of the China-Europe Association of Intelligent Networked Vehicles, told the editor of "Dogo Talk Car" that the advantage of the multi-brand strategy is that it can launch more models to meet market demand, and it is also conducive to the sharing of internal resources of car companies. However, at the same time, models are easy to overlap in terms of positioning and price, which forms internal friction. In addition, sub-brands need to add teams in production and service, which requires higher management and marketing requirements for car companies.

What’s more, from the launch of Geely brand and Lynk & Co brand plug-in hybrid models, Geely’s overall electrification is almost inevitable. Whether the emergence of a new brand will plunder the market of Geely’s original new energy brand and fuel vehicle brand, and form internal friction with them, who can predict?

History is strikingly similar, but not today.

Yang Xueliang, senior vice-president of Geely, previously said in an interview: "The mid-to-high-end new energy series has three power forms: pure electric, plug-in hybrid, and extended range hybrid. The new series will adopt a new design language and intelligent configuration, and emphasize user direct connection in operation." According to market news, the positioning of "Galaxy" may be between geometric and polar krypton, focusing on 20-300,000 yuan market.

That is to say, intuitively, Geely’s new brand can be distinguished from Geely’s existing new energy sub-brands, but this may not be the reason why Geely can successfully implement a multi-brand strategy. After all, every Chinese car company that implements a multi-brand strategy has more or less different sub-brands, and even Great Wall Motor’s "category distinction" is more obvious, but Great Wall Motor still chooses resource integration.

As the saying goes, "history is always strikingly similar", Geely’s multi-brand strategy may not necessarily succeed. But as the saying goes, "today is different". A significant difference from previous years is that China’s new energy vehicles have developed very rapidly in recent years, and the new energy vehicle market is also growing rapidly. Data show that the penetration rate of new energy vehicles will increase to 25.6% year-on-year in 2022. There is no doubt that this is a terrible data and an opportunity for Chinese car companies.

In addition, when Chinese automakers pursued multi-brand strategies before, the technology of Chinese automakers was generally average, and the brand perception was relatively low-end. But today is different. Take Geely as an example, its vast architecture has become the cradle of luxury car brands such as smart and Jidu, and its Raytheon Hi-P/F hybrid system has also become a popular choice in the current market. The industry change initiated by new energy vehicles is reshaping the ranking of automakers. Participants believe that they can benefit from it, and Geely is obviously one of them.

However, it may be important to note that even if a multi-brand strategy is implemented, it is still necessary to ensure the strength of the main brand. No matter whether it is Ford, BMW, or Toyota, Tesla, Volvo, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen and other international well-known car companies, there are many sub-brands, but they still have a main brand that can stand alone and even resist fierce competition and changes in the economic cycle. Of course, whether "Galaxy" is a product series or a "brand" is still uncertain, and the meaning of the two is still different.

Beijing auto show looks forward to the brand’s participation in the whole department, taking Yunnian -Z to lead the new trend of future travel.

At the Beijing Auto Show in 2024, Wangwang brand made a stunning appearance with all its products, among which the most striking thing was Wangwang U7 equipped with Yunqi -Z technology for the first time. Looking up to the brand’s participation in this exhibition not only demonstrated its strong strength in the field of new energy vehicles, but also brought a visual feast for the audience about future travel through the application of Yunqi -Z technology.

As the flagship model of Wangwang brand, Wangwang U7 has attracted the attention of many audiences with its unique dimension door family language and Interstellar headlight design. In terms of power, Wangwang U7 is equipped with a powerful power system, and its 0-100 km/h acceleration time is only 2.9 seconds, which shows Wangwang brand’s unremitting pursuit of vehicle performance.

However, the biggest highlight of U7 is not only its powerful performance, but that it is equipped with cloud -Z technology for the first time. As a revolutionary new technology developed by BYD, Yunqi -Z has realized complete electrification and adopted a highly integrated suspension motor. With the addition of this technology, looking up to U7 has reached an unprecedented height in handling and comfort.

The adjustment response speed of Yunqi -Z technology is as fast as 10 milliseconds, that is, it can complete nearly 50 adjustments in a blink of an eye, far exceeding the adjustment speed of the traditional active suspension system. This more accurate and real-time dynamic control makes the body looking up at U7 remain as stable as Mount Tai, as if suspended on the ground, which greatly improves the stability and safety of driving.

In addition, Yunqi -Z technology also has the characteristics of kinetic energy recovery. Different from the traditional hydraulic active suspension, the suspension motor used in Yunqi -Z can do work directly, and the traditional design of oil as medium is abandoned, so the energy transmission loss is smaller. At the same time, the suspension motor can realize the conversion of kinetic energy into electrical energy and charge the battery during operation, thus improving the energy utilization efficiency and extending the battery cruising range.

In addition to looking up at U7, looking up at the brand has also brought many other hot-selling models, such as looking up at U8 cross-country player version and looking up at U9. These models also show the profound strength and innovative spirit of Wangwang brand in the field of new energy vehicles. Among them, Looking Up at U8 Off-Road Player Edition has become the focus of the audience with its powerful off-road performance and unique configuration.

Generally speaking, the brand Wangwang participated in the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, which not only demonstrated its strong strength in the field of new energy vehicles, but also brought a visual feast for the audience about future travel through the application of Yunqi -Z technology. Looking up to the brand is leading the new energy automobile industry to a better future with its forward-looking technical layout and innovative spirit.

Sancha capital market, Xiaomi’s optimistic smart driving company went to Hong Kong for IPO.

Author | Li Lan

Edit | Chapter Ripple

On March 30, three years ago, officer Lei announced to build a car. One hundred days later, Xiaomi led nearly 20 supply chain manufacturers such as Zongmu Technology, a smart driving solution provider.
As one of the first companies to invest and bet after Xiaomi entered the car, on March 28, 2024,On the day when Xiaomi’s first car, SU7, went public, Zongmu Technology also formally submitted a prospectus to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, intending to list the main board.
This is the third listing of Zongmu Technology.
In January 2017, Zongmu Technology was listed on the New Third Board and delisted in December of the same year. The reason given was "needed for the adjustment of the company’s operation and development strategy".
In November 2022, Zongmu Technology science and technology innovation board’s IPO application was accepted by the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and it planned to raise 2 billion yuan, but in September 2023, it chose to withdraw its listing application in science and technology innovation board.
Now,Vertical scientific and technological choiceGive up science and technology innovation board and launch a sprint to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
fromAccording to the prospectus,Zongmu Technology has been more cautious in its wording this time, and put more emphasis on products. At the same time, before applying for IPO, it also carried out a series of "light" actions.
asThe "veteran" who broke into the capital market for the third time doesn’t know.Can the listing of Zongmu Technology go smoothly this time?
The financial report has improved, and the business is exploring.
The most eye-catching part of the prospectus is that the gross profit margin has finally turned positive.
Compared with the unprofitable situation in November 2022, Zongmu Technology has achieved a positive gross profit margin. From 2021 to 2023, Zongmu Technology’s gross profit margin was -8.9%, -3.5% and 3.5%, respectively, corresponding to a gross profit of-20.07 million yuan,-16.29 million yuan and a profit of 17.33 million yuan. Revenue has a steady growth with a compound annual growth rate of 48.7%.

Moreover, the cash flow of Zongmu Technology has also become stable. According to the prospectus, there is still a lot of room for fault tolerance. As of January 31, 2024, Zongmu Technology had 33.2 million yuan in cash assets, leaving 1.19 billion yuan in unused bank facilities.
How did Zongmu Technology achieve "rebirth"?A lot of factors benefit from the continuous growth of the market as a whole.
Before the real commercialization of L4 comes, L2+ has the widest application prospect, among which, the "integrated operation and parking" has the highest cost performance. According to the monitoring data of the Institute of Advanced Technology Intelligent Automobile, in 2023, 3,504,800 new cars with automatic parking were delivered as standard in China market (excluding import and export), up by 22.10% year-on-year.
According to the data in the prospectus, in 2022, about 20% of the ADAS solution market for passenger cars in China will be automatic parking. Among them, APA solutions account for more than 80%. Based on the corresponding income in 2022, Zongmu Technology is the second in China and the first in China respectively.
At present, most parking and parking integrated solutions in the market are actually designed and integrated based on the 1.0 architecture, which simply combines the driving SoC and the parking SoC into one box. The biggest technical moat of technology is that only a single SoC can solve the two problems of parking and parking.
Although three of the top five automatic parking APA schemes are foreign suppliers,However, domestic suppliers have the advantage of being "close to the water", which is convenient to provide personalized customized services to domestic new energy vehicle enterprises. The market share of domestic suppliers has increased from less than 5% in 2018 to 16.7% in 2022, and it is expected to exceed 25.0% in 2027..

According to the data of burning knowledge consulting, in terms of sales revenue in 2022, the ranking of the company among mainland suppliers in China is as follows: Zongmu Technology ranks fifth in the ADAS market with a market share of 1.0%; Ranked second in the automatic parking solution market, with a market share of 4.9%; Ranked first in APA parking solution market, with a market share of 5.6%.
According to the prospectus,AVP and APA platforms have been used in 28 models, and the energy service robot for intelligent mobile energy solutions is equipped with L4-level autopilot function supported by Drop’nGo platform..
From the most basic composition, the products of Zongmu Technology can be divided into two main directions:First, intelligent driving hardware and solutions, including domain controller and camera, 4D millimeter-wave radar, ultrasonic radar and other gauge sensors; Second, provide research and development services related to autonomous driving.
The hardware part is divided into three products,That is, panoramic surveillance camera, automatic parking assistance function and autonomous parking function, which respectively correspond to three scenes: car panoramic "reversing radar", automatic parking in the car and remote parking outside the car..
A domain controller is a computer that manages specific vehicle functions or fields, such as active safety, automatic driving, parking or parking. The controller of Zongmu Science and Technology Domain collects data from sensors around the vehicle (including radar, camera and ultrasonic sensor) to build a model of the surrounding environment. The software algorithm embedded in the domain controller will then determine the appropriate action of the vehicle according to the model. Moreover, Zongmu Technology has also developed a separate software algorithm, which can be delivered as a comprehensive software embedded hardware product or as an independent software product.
Finally, the computing platform of Zongmu Technology provides the basis for all function iterations, and the Drop’nGo platform supports the development of intelligent driving functions from L0 to L4.
According to the prospectus, since its launch in 2017, the Drop’nGo platform has gone through several iterations, enhancing its multi-sensor data fusion capability, improving its adaptability to weather and lighting conditions, and expanding its application scenarios from indoor to outdoor.
The third generation of Drop’nGo platform can provide L2+ comprehensive intelligent parking function on passenger cars, and further empower energy solutions with L4 automatic driving function.
The hardware that science and technology can make money has changed year by year.
In December 2022, in the prospectus of Zongmu Technology,Describing himself as "one of the few first-class suppliers in China that can provide intelligent driving systems for automobiles, including L0-L4 intelligent driving control units and intelligent sensors", the importance attached to control units has declined.
From the perspective of income structure, Zongmu Technology mainly relied on car trajectory sensors for profit last year.
At present, the domestic self-driving auto market dominated by L2+ level still needs the second-gear APA integrated parking solution. According to the prospectus, the company is in a leading position in the market of ADAS, automatic parking and APA (automatic parking assistance system) parking solutions.

From the perspective of profitability, the highest gross profit margin is the R&D services related to autonomous driving. In 2021 and 2022, the gross profit margin reached 42.7% and 50.8% respectively. However, in 2023, there was a waist cut, only 18.6%. Looking at the technology, it is pointed out that this is mainly due to the increasingly fierce market competition and the increase in project complexity, resulting in increased costs.
From the data of the prospectus alone, although Zongmu Technology does not have much exponential growth, it still has extraordinary incremental space.

Moreover, there are more choices when getting through the depth of customers. As of December, 2022, the overall customer matrix is still relatively simple. Among them, Cyrus accounts for more than 50% of the revenue, and the top five customers account for nearly 90%. By 2023, the number one customer has dropped to 43.8%, the customer diversity has increased, and the ability to resist risks has also been significantly enhanced.
Zongmu Technology is also constantly adjusting its customer service mode, and the autonomous driving R&D service has received a large order. In December 2023, it successfully obtained the Amphiman 3000 fixed-point from Changan Automobile to support its new car platform for a series of models, and it is expected to be mass-produced in 2024.

However, Zongmu Technology is still at a loss.

From 2021 to 2023, the net losses of Zongmu Technology were 434 million yuan, 588 million yuan and 564 million yuan respectively, and the adjusted net losses were 382 million yuan, 477 million yuan and 516 million yuan respectively.The total net loss for three years exceeded 1.3 billion yuan.
Of course, Zongmu Technology also has an explanation for this persistent loss.Even similar to the contents in the prospectus required for listing in science and technology innovation board in 2022, the chip is too expensive.
According to Zongmu Technology,With the overcapacity of global chips, this adverse impact on costs will be significantly reduced in the future. After all, whether it is hardware upgrade or solution iteration, the core need is computing power..
High-profile financing, multiple IPOs
Zongmu technology has always been highly anticipated by the capital market.
In the latest shareholding structure, Hong Kong Zongmu is the largest shareholder of the company, holding 22.17% of the shares. As a concerted action, Tang Rui and his mother Li Xiaoling control 33.3% of the shares of the company through multiple entities. In addition, Junlian Capital holds 7.55% of the shares as the second largest shareholder, while Xiaomi Group, which has received much attention, ranks the fifth largest shareholder with 4.73% of the shares.

The earliest round of financing record of Zongmu Technology occurred in 2015. In the previous year, in 2014, Mobileye, the world’s largest ADAS manufacturer, landed on the New York Stock Exchange, which means that the track of ADAS has been verified and opened a financing channel for Zongmu Technology, which is on the same track.
In June, 2021, Zongmu Technology announced the formal completion of Series D financing with a cumulative amount of $190 million.. Among them, the D3 round was led by Xiaomi Changjiang Industrial Fund, and the investors included Fosun Chuangfu, Langtai Capital, Shanghai Kechuang, Industrial Bank, strategic investors Changan Automobile and Coboda Investment.
Zongmu Technology completed 9 rounds of financing before IPO, and the accumulated subscription amount reached 2.247 billion yuan. Among them, in the E round of financing in March 2022, Zongmu Technology raised 867 million yuan at the subscription price of 93.56 yuan/share, and the company’s valuation exceeded 9 billion yuan.
However, the financing journey of Zongmu Technology is always interrupted for various reasons..
Zongmu used to be very close to listing. On January 19th, 2017, Zongmu Technology was approved to be listed on the National Small and Medium Enterprise Share Transfer System (NEEQ) with the stock code of 870816. However, "considering the business strategy and compliance cost at that time, we adjusted the future development strategy". Less than one year later, Zongmu Technology completed the termination of listing on December 11th, 2017.
The vigorous Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2022 has almost become a reality. However, in the end, due to the development strategy and other reasons, Zongmu Technology voluntarily withdrew its previous A-share listing application, and the withdrawal was officially accepted on September 27, 2023.
In the meantime,There is also news from the pulse that Zongmu Technology has a saying that the salary of fresh graduates will be reduced by 20%.

It may be that the road to listing is not smooth and the top management has fluctuated.In February 2024,CTO Wang Fan joined Beidou Zhilian, and Wang Fan was one of the four core executives of Zongmu Technology. He started to build the Beijing Autopilot R&D Center, and completed the research and development of AVP1.0 in Zongmu Technology in 2017.
Fortunately, the new employee was the original team, and he was replaced by Jiang Weiping. He joined Zongmu Technology as early as 2013, and had previously worked in CSR Semiconductor Company and NVIDIA. Later, he left Zongmu Technology due to infighting and did not return to Zongmu until the end of 2022.
Go to the new track
On the premise that the APA market is saturated, Zongmu Technology tries to go further to the charging robot track.
In 2023, nearly 65% of Zongmu Technology’s revenue sources are car gauge sensors. Compared with technology companies, Zongmu Technology is more like a manufacturing enterprise. This may come from another manufacturing attribute of the founder, Tang Rui, CEO, who also founded Can Cong Robot.
In the official LinkedIn,The latest position of Zongmu Technology is the on-site operation and maintenance engineer of intelligent energy storage charging robot, and some positions are in Ningbo, mainly in Shanghai.

In late January of this year, Zongmu Technology and Can Cong Science and Technology launched the charging treasure in the automatic driving field and the low-speed fully automatic driving charging robot FlashBot. According to the prospectus,The first generation of FlashBot is equipped with 104 kWh storage capacity, which is one of the robots with the highest storage capacity among all L4-class self-driving energy service robots developed in the world.
Tang Rui said, "Can Cong robots are building a highly flexible mobile energy network to promote energy trading in a larger space-time range." At the application level, the most intuitive embodiment is to save electricity and money.
In December last year, two Flashbot were put into commercial operation in Zhangjiang Park, and an average of 272 kwh of electricity was purchased from the local microgrid every day, of which 185 kwh was sold back to the microgrid, and 87.5 kwh was used to provide charging service for new energy vehicles, with an average daily cycle of 2.6 times, which brought more than 12,000 yuan in income in that month, that is, the average daily net income of each device was close to that of 200 yuan.
Before the robot officially appeared, Zongmu Technology had actually been laying out its energy business.Zongmu Technology has also designed a set of SaaS software and a DragonNet program to maintain on-site operation. If the charging robot of Zongmu Technology can be commercialized, it may make some changes in the charging pile scene.
According to the data in the prospectus, from 2021 to 2023, the sales revenue of Zongmu Technology from wireless charging equipment and accessories for new energy vehicles was 129,000 yuan, 11.357 million yuan and 437,000 yuan respectively.
In addition, as an "external charging treasure" loaded with sensors, Flashbot is also a part of the flywheel that I hope to build. The energy service robot conducts algorithm training in different driving cases, and then gives data support to the ADAS car-level hardware.
Looking at the highlights of this reorganization of business, Zongmu Technology began to break through into more subdivided markets, and may be able to complete the listing more lightly. At that time, it will be the third listed company in the Xiaomi automobile industry chain after Sagitar and Hesai.


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L3 autopilot landing, software value is about to take off? Good for building new forces!

Recently, Shenzhen announced that from August 1st, the Regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Intelligent Networked Vehicles will be officially implemented. As the first regulation on intelligent networked vehicle management in China, Shenzhen will allow smart cars with L3 intelligent driving ability to go on the road. This breakthrough has made many people call 2022 the "first year of intelligent driving".

In the era of electric vehicles, intelligence has become the core of the competition among car companies. Whether it is intelligent hardware or system software, the whole industry has begun to embark on the road of involution. Self-parking in previous years, laser radar in 2021, 800V high-voltage platform this year, and navigation-assisted driving function have been in a state of fierce competition among car companies, especially among the new forces that build cars.

Starting from the introduction of L3 smart driving regulations in Shenzhen, China may gradually liberalize the relevant restrictions on smart driving, which is undoubtedly good news for new car companies. According to the forecast of china galaxy Securities, relevant models of Huawei and New Power are equipped with L3-class autopilot system, and the value of Weilai software will gradually increase, and the "intelligent value" of automobiles will become more prominent.

He Xiaopeng, CEO of Xpeng Motors, commented on the Regulations issued by Shenzhen, saying: This will be a landmark that is worth recording in the history of autonomous driving in China.

Among many new forces, Xpeng Motors is the best car company that does intelligent driving, including intelligent assisted driving NGP, intelligent voice in full scene and memory parking in parking lot. Tucki invests about 20% of its annual income in research and development, and its emphasis on research and development is as good as Huawei’s. Moreover, Tucki and Huawei are among the few enterprises in China that have intelligent assisted driving technology in urban road conditions. Recently, the urban NGP engineering version released by Tucki has also shown a wave of muscles in the industry. However, due to the lack of computing power of Tucki P5, the city NGP wants to play its biggest role, and it depends on the upcoming flagship SUV-Tucki G9.

Tucki G9 is not only equipped with the next-generation XPILOT 4.0 intelligent auxiliary system, but also its chip and computing power have been upgraded, and the experience of automatic driving and intelligent cockpit is more advanced. Coupled with the mass production of 800V high-voltage platform, it has a fast charging experience of 200 kilometers in 5 minutes, which is simply a benchmark model in the era of electric vehicles.

In the next few years, more advanced intelligent driving will appear on passenger cars. For new force car companies, the combination of intelligent hardware and software can further enhance the gross profit of vehicles, and the current loss situation of new forces is gradually reversing.

There are many patients with psittacosis; These attractions are free to play during the Qingming holiday; Many countries announced oil production cuts; The explosion in St. Petersburg coffee shop has

[Looking at China]

Li Qiang meets Japanese Foreign Minister Lin Fangzheng

The State Council Prime Minister Li Qiang met with visiting Japanese Foreign Minister Lin Fangzheng in Ziguangge, Zhongnanhai on the 2nd. Li Qiang said that maintaining and developing Sino-Japanese friendly and cooperative relations is in the fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples. This year marks the 45th anniversary of the conclusion of the Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship. Both sides should abide by the spirit of the treaty and make firm efforts to develop lasting peaceful and friendly relations between the two countries. It is hoped that Japan and China will move in the opposite direction, strengthen dialogue and cooperation, properly manage differences, and jointly promote the construction of Sino-Japanese relations that meet the requirements of the new era.

The three departments strengthen land security and support the development of photovoltaic industry.

The Ministry of Natural Resources, National Forestry and Grassland Administration and the National Energy Administration jointly issued a notice recently, explicitly encouraging all localities to use unused land and existing construction land to develop photovoltaic power generation industry. (Xinhua News Agency)

Academician Zhong Nanshan: The probability of re-infection with XBB after infection with BA.5 is still high.

Recently, when talking about the prevention and control of coronavirus in a forum, Academician Zhong Nanshan said: The probability of people being infected with BA.5 and then infected with XBB is still high. At present, it is still necessary to consider vaccine intervention, so as to maintain the high immunity of people to COVID-19 infection. (Tide News)

There are many patients with psittacosis, expert: human-to-human transmission is rare.

Recently, an infectious disease, psittacosis, has appeared in some parts of China. It can cause cough, fever and lung infection, and these symptoms are very similar to COVID-19 and influenza. In this regard, Lu Hongzhou, director of the National Infectious Diseases Clinical Research Center, said that humans are usually infected by inhaling dry feces dust or bird feather dust from caged birds, and human-to-human transmission may occur, but it has always been considered rare. The diagnosis of psittacosis is usually confirmed by serological tests. If it is confirmed, antibiotic treatment is the first choice. (People’s Daily Health Client)

The rain and snow in the central and eastern regions entered the strongest period, and the temperature dropped greatly in Huanghuai and other places in North China.

From April 2 nd to 4 th, the largest range of rain and snow weather in central and eastern China entered the strongest period this year, and the local area will encounter heavy rain accompanied by strong convective weather. At the same time, strong cold air will gradually bring severe cooling to the northwest and central and eastern regions, and North China, Huanghuai and other places will also join the ranks of cooling, and many places will stage a big reversal of cold and warm. (China Weather Network)

In many places in Inner Mongolia, the scale and expenditure of non-staff personnel were thoroughly investigated, and some personnel were streamlined.

Recently, many places in Inner Mongolia have released the progress of "Statistics of supernumerary personnel and expenditures of government agencies and institutions". Based on the information published in some areas, at the same time, we also eliminated non-staff personnel who did not meet the employment requirements to implement total control. (澎湃)

Does a night market in Lanzhou need to scan the code for temperature measurement? Official: No, you can come in and out at will.

On April 2nd, it was circulated on the Internet that the Yellow River Food Ferry in online celebrity Night Market, which was just opened in Lanzhou, requested to have its place scanned and its temperature taken. In response, the operating staff of Lanzhou Yellow River Shidu Culture Night Market responded: "Now entering our night market does not require code scanning or temperature measurement. Our night market has just opened, and we have never heard of this statement. Three calls have been made tonight to ask about it. " (People’s Daily Health Client)

Guangzhou encourages the construction of standard factories that only rent but not sell.

Recently, the executive meeting of the Guangzhou Municipal Government deliberated and adopted the Implementation Opinions of the General Office of the Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government on Strengthening the Supervision of Land Supply and Post-supply, and the Rules for the Collection and Collection of Transfer Fees for State-owned Construction Land Use Rights in Guangzhou. The "Opinions" make it clear that we should encourage the construction of industrial affordable housing, only rent standard factories that are not for sale, provide "industrial affordable housing" for small and medium-sized enterprises, guide small and medium-sized enterprises to settle in, implement accurate investment promotion by housing, and solve practical problems such as unstable enterprise development, insufficient funds and limited development space demand in small and medium-sized enterprises. (Nanfang Daily)

Progress of negotiation between Shuangma No.1 Mine of Ningxia Coal Industry and Guo Sun Friends.

On April 2, Shuangma No.1 Mine of Ningxia Coal Industry issued a statement saying that on March 31, Guo Sun Friends was contacted again for consultation, but I was not contacted. I will continue to contact Sun Guoyou to negotiate and solve water use issues on the premise of legal compliance. (World Wide Web)

A large ancient smelting site was discovered in Baicheng County, Xinjiang.

Recently, cultural relics workers discovered a large ancient smelting site in the depths of Tianshan Mountain. This newly discovered ancient smelting site is located in a mountain stream called "Grave Ditch" in Baicheng County, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang. The site is about 2000 meters wide from east to west and 1500 meters long from north to south. Waste residue, porcelain pieces and glazed pottery pieces are scattered everywhere in the site. (Xinhua News Agency)

These attractions are free to play during the Qingming holiday! Ticket discount inventory is coming.

Tomb-Sweeping Day holiday is coming soon. At present, many scenic spots have introduced measures to reduce or exempt tickets. Huangshan, Wuyishan, Shennongjia, Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon and other scenic spots are limited to free tickets, while Chaka Salt Lake and Baquan Gorge enjoy half-price concessions. (People’s Daily Weibo)

From April 5th, some airlines reduced the fuel surcharge for domestic flights.

Qunar. com, Feizhu and other platforms have received notices from China Eastern Airlines, Shanghai Airlines and other domestic airlines, and will adjust the fuel surcharge collection standards for domestic flights from 0: 00 on April 5, 2023 (the date of issue). The adjusted standard is adult passengers: 30 yuan is charged to each passenger on the flight below 800km (inclusive), and 60 yuan is charged to each passenger on the flight above 800km, which is lower than that in 10 yuan and 20 yuan respectively. (Xinhua News Agency)

Tianlong-2 remote launch vehicle was successfully launched.

At 16: 48 on April 2, the Tianlong-2 Tele-1 carrier rocket successfully made its first flight at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China, and successfully put the space science satellite into the scheduled orbit, and the launch mission was a complete success. (Xinhua News Agency)

[Looking overseas]

Us media: the us government will promote the "light bulb ban" in the next few weeks.

It is reported that Biden’s government is preparing to implement a nationwide total ban on commonly used incandescent bulbs as part of its agenda to improve energy efficiency and climate. (CCTV News)

Lawyer Trump: Consider applying to transfer the "hush money" case to a more conservative court.

According to a report quoted by a person familiar with the matter by Bloomberg on the 2nd, the lawyer team of former US President Trump is considering the possibility of transferring his criminal case of "hush money" to the more conservative Staten Island District Court in New York State. (Zhongxin. com)

Japanese composer Ryuichi Sakamoto died.

According to many foreign media reports on April 2nd, Japanese composer Ryuichi Sakamoto died at the age of 71. (World Wide Web)

The Japanese government predicts that Tokyo will continue to face a tight power supply situation this summer.

According to the Japanese government’s forecast, the Tokyo area will continue to face the situation of tight power supply this summer. (CCTV News)

India announced that trade with Malaysia can be settled in Indian Rupee.

On April 1st, local time, the Indian Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying that India and Malaysia have agreed to use Indian Rupee for trade settlement. India’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that in addition to other existing currency settlement modes, trade between India and Malaysia can now be settled in Indian Rupee. (CCTV News)

Many countries announced the implementation of voluntary oil production reduction.

According to a report by Bloomberg on April 2, Saudi Arabia will implement a voluntary production reduction plan of 500,000 barrels per day from May until the end of 2023. Kuwait will voluntarily cut its oil production by 128,000 barrels per day from May until the end of 2023. The UAE will voluntarily reduce its oil production by 144,000 barrels per day from May to the end of 2023. Kazakhstan will contribute 78,000 barrels per day to OPEC+ production reduction. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Novak said that Russia will voluntarily reduce oil production by 500,000 barrels per day until the end of 2023. Algeria will cut its oil production by 48,000 barrels per day from May to the end of 2023. Oman will voluntarily reduce its oil production by 40,000 barrels per day from May until the end of 2023. (Interface)

Syria has been attacked by Israeli air strikes in recent days.

The Syrian media quoted the Syrian military as saying that in the early morning of April 2, Syria was once again attacked by Israel, which was the third air strike that Syria encountered in a week. (CCTV News)

The explosion in the coffee shop in St. Petersburg, Russia has killed one person and injured 25 others.

On April 2, local time, an explosion occurred in a coffee shop on Vasily Island in St. Petersburg, Russia, killing one person and injuring 25 others. According to what the reporter learned from the scene, the explosive device was brought into the coffee shop by a young woman. There were no security personnel and security inspection equipment inside the coffee shop, and the suspect activated the explosives by radio remote control. According to local media reports, the woman who brought explosives into the coffee shop was also injured in the explosion. She is now under police control. (CCTV News)

Russian ambassador to Belarus: nuclear weapons will be deployed to the western border of Russia-Belarus union countries

On April 2, local time, Russian Ambassador to Belarus Gryzlov said in an interview with Belarusian media that nuclear weapons will be deployed to the western border of Russia-Belarus union countries, which will improve the security capabilities of the union countries. (CCTV News)

Preliminary statistics show that Milatovic was elected as the new president of Montenegro.

On April 2, local time, Montenegro held the second round of voting for the presidential election. According to preliminary statistics, Milatovic won the presidential election with obvious advantages and was elected as the new president of Montenegro. (CCTV News)

The preliminary results of the Finnish parliamentary elections announced that the National United Party had the highest vote rate.

Late at night on April 2, local time, the preliminary results of the Finnish parliamentary elections were announced. According to the preliminary vote count results of the election, the National United Party won the highest vote and became the largest party in Parliament. (CCTV News)

[large company]

Bilibili UP main response "stop more tide": a little exaggerated.

On April 2nd, the topic of bilibili UP’s initiative to stop the tide rushed to the top of hot search. In this regard, some UP owners said that the suspension of the shift has nothing to do with the economic situation, and the income in bilibili this year is no less than before. There are also UP owners who say that hot search is a bit puzzling. As of press time, bilibili did not respond to the above news.

Shagang’s acquisition of Nangang changed, and CITIC Pacific cut off Hu.

On the evening of April 2, Fosun International announced the progress of its plan to sell 60% of Nanjing Nangang, saying that Nangang Group decided to exercise the preemptive right, and Fosun had signed an agreement with Nangang Group to sell 60% of Nanjing Nangang to it, and at the same time, it would terminate the transaction with Shagang Group on Nanjing Nangang’s equity. In fact, the real interception of Hu Shagang is the central enterprise CITIC. According to the announcement issued by Nangang Co., Ltd. that night, CITIC Pacific Special Steel Group increased its capital through its Xinyegang and became the controlling shareholder of the latter.

Hulu Beijing laid off 90% of its employees, and the laid-off employees were robbed by big factories.

Recently, the news that Hulu Beijing started layoffs exploded the Internet. Hulu Beijing mainly includes technology research and development and product teams. A person familiar with the matter said that the scale of layoffs in Hulu Beijing exceeded 90%. After the news of layoffs came out, a large number of headhunters, HR manufacturers and AIGC startups started the mode of grabbing people in the pulse. (per meridian)

Xu Lin, CTO of Sailis Group: AITO is dominated by Sailis, which is different from "Huawei makes cars".

On April 2nd, at the sub-forum of China Electric Vehicle committee of 100 Forum (2023), Xu Lin, CTO of Celestial Group and President of Celestial Automobile (rotating), said: "Our cooperation with Huawei, the brand of both parties is AITO Wenjie, and our cooperation mode is really joint design, joint development, joint quality control and joint marketing led by Celestial and highly empowered by Huawei, which are two different things from Huawei’s car building." (SSE)

Tesla charges new products to market.

Tesla officially announced on April 2 that it will launch new charging products on April 3. This product adopts high-strength low-carbon steel box and integrated stamping process.

Swiss media: UBS plans to lay off 20%-30% of its staff after acquiring Credit Suisse.

Swiss "Daily Herald" reported on April 2 that a senior manager of UBS revealed that UBS plans to lay off 20%-30% of its staff after acquiring Credit Suisse, and may cut about 11,000 jobs in Switzerland. (Interface)

[Nuggets Circle]

Brokers released gold stocks in April: these stocks were strongly supported and optimistic about technology and big consumption sectors.

In March, the A-share market fluctuated sideways, and the Shanghai Composite Index fell by 0.21% during the month. How to find opportunities in April? As of April 2, 26 brokers announced their monthly investment portfolios in April, covering many fields such as consumption, finance and technology.

Top ten bull stocks released in March

In March, A shares showed a trend of shock adjustment. As of the close of March 31st, the Shanghai Composite Index fell by 0.21%, the Shenzhen Composite Index fell by 0.49% and the Growth Enterprise Market Index fell by 1.22%. After excluding the new shares listed in the last six months, as of the close of March 31, the average increase of the top ten bull stocks in March remained at a high level, of which two bull stocks increased by more than 100%, and Rongda Photosensitive, which had the smallest increase, also increased by more than 70%.

This week, 17.277 billion yuan of market value restricted shares were lifted.

Judging from the market value of lifting the ban, April 7 is the peak period of lifting the ban. The market value of lifting the ban by the three companies totaled 8.019 billion yuan, accounting for 46.41% of the scale of lifting the ban this week. According to the closing price on March 31, the top three market values of lifting the ban are: Minglida, Zhongke Chuangda and Zhongfu Shenying. From the perspective of the amount of individual stocks released, the top three stocks released are: Minglida, Heshun Petroleum and Surveying and Mapping.

A shares will issue 10 new shares this week.

This week, A-shares will issue 10 new shares, including 2 owned by Beijing Jiaotong University and 4 from science and technology innovation board. Among them, Huasheng Hi-Tech and Wangcheng Technology were released on April 4th. On April 6th, Everbright Tongchuang, Suochen Technology, Hengshang Energy Saving, Sentai and Deere Chemical were issued. On April 7 th, it was released by North Changlong, Gaohua Technology and Qizhong Technology.

"A wealth selection"

The transaction volume of second-hand houses in many cities is "soaring", and "transfer with mortgage" in 100 cities promotes stock trading.

In March, the transaction volume of second-hand houses in Hangzhou exceeded 10,000 sets, and Chengdu exceeded 26,000 sets! While the transaction of second-hand houses in many cities is rising, the "transfer with mortgage" means that the transaction process of second-hand houses will be greatly simplified and the cost will be greatly reduced. This policy can not only revitalize the second-hand housing market, but also help the subsequent slow recovery of the first-hand housing market driven by the liquidity of second-hand housing.

Decryption of A-share Chairman after 90: Most of them are successors, and their achievements are two worlds.

In recent years, the "post-90 s" chairman is emerging in the A-share market at a faster speed. Their business history, succession process and business style have attracted market attention. Among the 51 post-90s directors, about 47 are children of former directors, actual controllers or major shareholders. Among the companies where these "post-90 s" chairmen are located, 24 have achieved year-on-year growth in net profit, and 27 have experienced year-on-year decline in net profit, showing a situation of ice and fire.

[Today’s notice]

10: 00-First-line Release The State Council held a press conference on the 6th Digital China Construction Summit.

15: 00-First-line Announcement The State Council will hold a press conference on the third China International Consumer Goods Expo.


Lifting the "unspeakable secret" in the Spring Festival, Jing’ an, a patient, went to work easily after the holiday.

Xinmin Evening News (special correspondent Yu Wenlong, reporter Jiang Yuezhong) "Thank you, Director Liu and doctors and nurses, for lifting the’ unspeakable secret’ for me. I was discharged from the hospital today, and then I can go to work easily. " Today (7th) is the first day of work after the Spring Festival. Mr. Wang, who finished the discharge formalities early in the morning, made a special trip to bid farewell to Liu Meiling, director of anorectal department of Shibei Hospital in Jing ‘an District, thanking her and her colleagues for "working overtime" during the Spring Festival for their successful operation.
Caption: Director Liu Meiling is focusing on operating on patients. Photo by Zhang Yuping
Mr. Wang, who is in his thirties this year, is a white-collar worker in the company. He has been working at his desk for a long time and suffered from hemorrhoids. In the past six months, hemorrhoids have repeatedly bled and prolapse, but because of his busy work, he simply can’t take care of seeing a doctor. This is not true. Years ago, Mr. Wang worked overtime frequently, and hemorrhoids began to be a "demon" again. The bleeding was not only accompanied by prolapse and pain, but also people felt dizzy and weak, which made him miserable. He didn’t come to the anorectal department of Shibei Hospital until the holiday.
"Doctor, it is not convenient for me to ask for leave at ordinary times, and I am only free during the Spring Festival holiday. Please help me and arrange the operation!" Mr. Wang looked apologetic and pleading.
But Mr. Wang came too late, it was New Year’s Eve, and the hospital operating room only arranged emergency surgery.
Looking at Mr. Wang, who was pale because of long-term frequent bleeding, Liu Meiling immediately contacted Liao Hongxia, director of anesthesiology department, and explained the situation. Director Liao readily agreed: "We have a doctor on duty who can help patients arrange surgery." With the support of the Anesthesiology Department of the operating room, Director Liu quickly made nucleic acid for the patient and arranged hospitalization. During this period, he received the full support from the B-ultrasound room of the special inspection department and other departments. Director Liu and her team discussed the case according to the characteristics of Mr. Wang’s disease and formulated an "individualized" operation and nursing plan.
Caption: Liu Meiling and her team analyzed the patient’s situation and discussed the surgical plan. Photo by Gu Chenming
The next day, that is, on the first day of February 1, Liu Meiling and her team gave up their rest time and rushed to the hospital to operate on the patient. Zhang Yuping, the head nurse, personally sent the patient to the operating room and did psychological nursing before operation. Although the patient was considered to be a light mixed hemorrhoid before operation, after anesthesia, the patient’s hemorrhoid was "exposed": prolapse, bleeding and edema, which was obviously a severe acute hemorrhoid, which surprised all the medical staff present. The difficulty of the operation can be imagined. Fortunately, Director Liu has rich experience. She adjusted the surgical plan on the spot and decided to give the patient her improved compound minimally invasive surgery. Due to adequate preoperative preparation and simple communication with the patient, Liu Meiling took charge of the operation. With skillful medical skills, she gave the patient a minimally invasive operation with both internal and external hemorrhoids. The whole operation was very smooth, with small wound, less bleeding and short time, which reduced the pain of patients to a minimum. Surgery should not only determine the curative effect, but also give consideration to aesthetics. The postoperative assistant, Dr. Yu, immediately took a photo for the patient to see. The patient was very satisfied with the comparison of the photos before and after operation and gave a thumbs up.
After the operation, Head Nurse Zhang Yuping specially bought a big cake to share the happiness of the New Year with Mr. Wang and all the patients who could not go home for the New Year after the operation.
Caption: anorectal doctors and nurses celebrate the Spring Festival with patients who can’t go home for the New Year because of surgery. Photo by Sun Weiwei
It is understood that over the years, the anorectal department of Shibei Hospital has been adhering to the treatment concept of combining traditional Chinese and western medicine and has formed its own characteristics. In order to make Mr. Wang’s wound heal as soon as possible after operation, they also used traditional Chinese medicine hip bath, special dressing change and laser physiotherapy to promote the smooth healing of Mr. Wang’s wound. Under the careful treatment of medical staff in the anorectal department of Shibei Hospital, Mr. Wang recovered smoothly and was discharged from hospital 6 days after operation.
Director Liu Meiling also revealed to reporters that every holiday, such as May Day, November Day and Spring Festival, when the rest time is a little longer, the anorectal team of Shibei Hospital will arrange several special operation days, which is to help office workers who are not convenient to take time off at ordinary times and arrange surgery for them. The purpose is to make it convenient for them to take advantage of the holidays to treat and recuperate. During the Spring Festival this year, more than 10 inpatients in the anorectal department of this hospital were all office workers.

Shao Shiyu, a women’s football player from Beijing Normal University, was elected as the best player in the FISU Football World Cup.

Shao Shiyu sent a message to celebrate Beijing Normal University’s championship. Shao Shiyu Weibo screenshot

The Beijing News On October 31, 2023, the women’s football team of Beijing Normal University scored 7-6 (penalty shootout 5-4) to win the FIFA World Cup.

Shao Shiyu, a women’s football player from Beijing Normal University, was elected as the best player in the competition. On November 1st, Shao Shiyu posted a message on social media to celebrate, "The champion belongs to us and may be late, but he will never be absent. I want both the champion and the MVP. " Shao Shiyu, born in 2000, is a midfielder and now plays for the women’s football team of Hangzhou Bank, a newly promoted female super player.

At the end of July this year, Shao Shiyu won the third place in the Women’s Football Association Cup with Zhejiang Women’s Football Team. Figure/Shao Shiyu Weibo

Editor Wang Chunqiu

Nature’s subversive discovery: Everyone has a "sixth sense"? Will future computers run on human brain cells? | This week is worth reading

Biology and medicine

The subversive discovery in Nature is that everyone may have a "sixth sense", but they just don’t realize it.

@ Academic Jingwei Nature

Why are fingerprints unique? Cell reveals the mystery of fingerprint formation

@ Academic Jingwei Cell

Common sugar substitutes in zero-sugar drinks may increase the risk of heart disease and thrombosis.

@ Science Circle Nature

Cell accidentally found that there are these similarities in the brains of fighters and onlookers.

@ Academic Jingwei Cell

Computer artificial intelligence

New posture of scientific research: let GPT-3 help you.

@ qubit arXiv

When organ-like intelligence shines into human reality: will the future computer run on human brain cells?

@ biological exploration Frontiers in Science

A snapshot can restore a video! AAAI 2023 proposes a new snapshot compression imaging algorithm.

@ qubit AAAI 2023

Materials and chemistry

Wang Qing/Huang Xingyi Nature: Energy storage materials, a major breakthrough!

@ nanohuman Nature

The key role of the latest Nature: H in superconductivity in Electronic Science and Technology University of China.

@ nanohuman Nature

Using metal atoms to construct the skeleton of polymer, it is the longest metal polymer so far.

@ Global Science Angewandte Chemie International Edition

Astronomy and physics

The asteroid "Dragon Palace" contains about 20,000 kinds of organic molecules.

@ Global Science Science

Study on local structure in disordered materials by neutron scattering

@ Keai KeAiNuclear Analysis

The most powerful explosion in the universe

@ 京京京京京京京京 arXiv

Cover image source: Unsplash

Funny version? The Japanese media ranked the men’s singles, Malone was fourth, and Fan Zhendong didn’t make it into the top five. The first was not unexpected.

At present, the Chengdu World Table Tennis Championships, which has attracted the attention of table tennis fans all over the world, has decided the final king. China Guoping, the king of the world table tennis world, won the championship of men’s team and women’s team without accident. This result is also the embodiment of Guoping’s top strength. However, although the champion belongs to Guoping, for some defeated players of Guoping, they have to find something else to show their unconvinced. No, Japanese table tennis, which has been suppressed by national table tennis, came back to China, and the Japanese media released a list of male table tennis players in the World Table Tennis Championships. Funny thing is, in this list, Malone, who won all seven games in the World Table Tennis Championships, was directly ranked fourth. At present, Fan Zhendong, which ranks first in the world, is directly ignored by the Japanese media, and can’t even enter the top five. As for the number one player, I believe you should have guessed it.

Chengdu World Table Tennis Championships, as a major competition this season, almost all the top table tennis players in the world came to Chengdu to participate in this table tennis feast. As the host country and the top table tennis team in the world, Guoping is naturally the favorite of the champion. However, neither the men’s team nor the women’s team let the fans down. In their own home court, Guoping won two championships in a sweeping way. Of course, compared with the women’s team, there are still some waves in the men’s team’s championship.

In the semi-final with the Japanese men’s team, the China men’s team encountered the biggest challenge since the start of the game. Japan’s first brother, Chinese-American Zhang Benzhi, is in very good shape in this World Table Tennis Championships, especially in this Sino-Japanese table tennis semi-final. In order to test Wang Chuqin, the national table tennis coaching staff arranged for Wang Chuqin to serve as the second single against Zhang Benzhihe. Wang Chuqin, like Zhang Benzhihe, is a post-00 player, which can also be regarded as a confrontation between new forces in the future table tennis world. But what I didn’t expect was that Wang Chuqin lost completely in this post-00 showdown.

If Wang Chuqin’s loss is understandable, then the number one player in the world, the key player of China team, the loss of a single Fan Zhendong made the fans feel nervous. In the face of Zhang Benzhihe, Fan Zhendong lost his former swagger and was defeated by Zhang Benzhihe. In the end, although Guoping still relied on its overall strength, it eliminated the Japanese team and advanced to the final. However, this five-game game still made many fans sigh: Fortunately, there is only one Japanese team, Zhang Benzhi and He.

It was Zhang Benzhihe’s performance that completely stunned the Japanese media after the game. After the World Table Tennis Championships, the Japanese media "Tokyo Satellite TV" produced a ranking of men’s table tennis strength in the World Table Tennis Championships. To tell you the truth, this ranking is a bit interesting. He is convinced of the players’ victory in the World Table Tennis Championships as a basis for ranking. In other words, whoever wins more games will be in the top position. That’s right, there is such a funny situation. No one of the main players in table tennis can enter the top three. After all, the seven wins of seven battles, which are as strong as Malone’s, can only be ranked fourth because of too few wins. Fan Zhendong, the number one in the world, can’t even get into the top five in this ranking.

Not surprisingly, in this ranking, the number one player in Japan’s team is naturally Zhang Benzhi and He. He ranked first with 11 wins and 1 loss, and was called the strongest men’s singles player in this World Table Tennis Championships. The second place is Huang Zhen Ting, a Hong Kong player from China who scored 8 wins and 3 losses. The third place is Qiu Dang from Germany, whose record is 8 wins and 4 losses.

To be honest, this ranking is totally unreasonable. After all, because of the strength of national table tennis, all the five main players have strong strength, basically taking turns to play. In this way, Malone’s chances of playing will naturally be less. However, Malone only played seven games, but he won all. Just because he played a few games less than Zhang Benzhi, is he weaker than Zhang Benzhi in strength? It can only be said that this is just the self-satisfaction of the Japanese media, which specially found an angle that is beneficial to Japanese players to make such a ranking. However, it is difficult for them to think of such an angle.

Industrial design works collection version improves tips!

Authorization | Huangshan first painting

Part 1: Type of typography

The type of works of the works can be roughly divided into parallel type, slanted, full version, free type, symmetrical, left and right divided, up and down, gravity, detail, background type.

01 / sided form

The elements perform a differential arrangement of different positions, and the screen has relatively symmetrical feeling by both connection and different elements.

Scheduled application

Picture application

Product typesetting application

Squiry in parallelized multi-use for pictures and product color, material research analysis, etc.

02 / slide typesetting

Type elements and texts in the shape of a curve, or tilt the picture, so that the layout exhibits unstable visual sensation, and the overall is more rhyme.

Scheduled application

Photo application

Product typesetting application

03 / full version

The text is placed on the image on the arranging, which can be placed in the middle, or it can be placed in the middle, but also intersect, but there must be a certain logic.

Full version of the application

Full version of the product typography

Full version of the graphic version

04 / free form

There is no regular typography, the layout is very lively, to avoid the integrity of the typography, incomplete.

Do not recommend product typography

05 / Symmetrical Form

Give human rationality, the feeling of work, but avoid the visual sensation of the dead plate.

Symmetric form application

06 / left

The layout is divided into two parts, the layout of the balance, forming a strong comparison effect, wearing the text, making the layout more coordinated.

Application of left and right divided layout

Photo application


07 / up and down segmentation

The layout is divided into two parts, the picture can be a single can also be a single, highlighting the energetic atmosphere, the text is light and free, you can write it.

Up and down segmentation is easy to operate, text and content can be discharged from the layout for the vertical version.

Application of up and down partial layout

Photo application


08 / gravity form

The entire layout has a focus and highlights the visual focus.

Cardiological form layout application


Photo application

09- Detail form

Highlight the material and function of the product through the magnification of the product details. Enhance the visual effect of the picture.

Detail form layout application


10 / background form

Place the product in the background template environment.


Background form layout application

Part II: Tips

Type of skills can be roughly divided into four types, text skills, lend white skills, graphic skills, color skills.

01 / font skill

Select the most comfortable font size

The font size of the font size has a relatively regular magnification, that is, 0.5 times relationship growth

Select the level of the font

Multiple family text information block processing relationship, visual experience between different locations, text blocks, pay attention to the comfort of the font spacing and the line spacing.

Select the level of the font

Different dimensional texts on the above visual experience.

Font selection

Understand the character of the font, avoid using the default font to avoid using the transition to use and ugly fonts, pay attention to avoid simultaneous use of both fonts and two or more different colors.

Font selection

Pay attention to the readability of the text, do not leave a lonely word, use small uppercase letters and carefully use the text of the text.

02 / Dossy Tips

What is a white?

Even if we call it "white", it does not mean that the actual space must be white.

As long as you don’t repeat any graphics or elements on the page. It originates from traditional art, which is originally the difference in the shape of the user more accurately.

Dossy is a space between each element and the surrounding space. When the designer talks about the white: they are actually negative space.

The word "negative space" originated in conflict, blank spaces can be filled with any color. The actual white and "留 白" "negative space" did not really associate, "darker" and "negative space" can be used interchangeably.

Do you want to leave?

Dossy is the basic element of the design, leaving a white simply is a premeditated guidance reader to capture the information necessary to express the information.

And improve the visual feeling of reading.

In the layout of the work set, there is enough space to reserve enough space, do not let information are too stacked, accounting for full space. Too many information will directly lead to a decrease in the interest of the examiner, and a slightly sparse version of the typography will make reading more comfortable.

Picture with text

Dossy is a simple art. You don’t have to pursue information on the page and drawings. Appropriate leaves give people a reading rest, and you can also cause unlimited imagination.

03 / graphic skills

A / Emphasize graphic comparison, increasing visual readability

Using contrast color and complementary color, enhance the readability of information, select the main color according to the subject, and use another color to match the decoration, produce visual tension, attract reading readers.



B / Weak background

Weak background, fuzzy color reduces the level of reading order,

Highlight design destination visuality and information readability,

The weakening of the background, the convexity of the text will make information reading more visual impact.



Weak background, emphasizing information.

C / segmentation geometry screen

Add a rectangular boundary box other than the text or set a color block under text, forming a product label, and the relationship is generated by the background and label, allowing the user to focus on the geometry.

Through the segmentation of the geometric frame, the reader’s vision center is focused on the information points within the frame.

D / gold segmentation skills

Gold segmentation: The ratio of the shorter portion of the line segment is equal to the longer portion and the overall length ratio, and its ratio is about 0.618.



Layout: Set the size into a gold segmentation ratio.

Rebum: Use the gold segmentation ratio to control the white space.

Content: Try to utilize the proportion of gold.

04 / color skills

A / contrast color

Two colors of the 12 color phase rings are 120 ° color. The matching method of the color color can generally use the color of the picture very jumped. It is now much more than sports products.

B / same color

Then there are two colors of the 12 color phase rings in the color of 30 °. Use the similar color on the product to enhance the overall feeling of the picture.

C / complementary color

The distance between the two colors in the 12-color ring is 180 ° color. The complementary color is exaggerated, and the visual impact is very strong.

D / neighboring color

The distance between the two colors in the 12 color phase ring is 60 ° color. The neighboring color is a relaxed feeling.

Co-like – then two colors of the two colors in the 12-color rings in the color of 30 °. Use the similar color on the product to enhance the overall feeling of the picture.

Complementary Color – The distance between the two colors in the 12-color ring is 180 ° color. The complementary color is exaggerated, and the visual impact is very strong.

Neighborhood – The distance between the two colors in the 12-color ring is 60 ° color. The neighboring color is a relaxed feeling.

Color of the golden rule – 6: 3: 1

The main color is a proportion of 60%, and the secondary color is 30% ratio, and the auxiliary color is a 10% ratio. Generally, the color of the color of the color is followed in the product color matching.

6: 3: 1

Color golden law is reflected in the product

Children’s products generally use multiple colors or irregular use of colors


You can follow this or a certain way to type and layout, but the products and rhythm of each person are different, so everyone finds the style and typography of our products. It is also important.