Is there no chance for the rise of artificial intelligence and mobile Internet?

  On November 15th, at the 3rd world internet conference Internet Light Expo in Jiaxing, Zhejiang, more than 300 Chinese and foreign Internet companies showed their strengths. Photo courtesy of vision china

  At the just-concluded Third world internet conference, Wang Xiaochuan, CEO of sogou Company, showed a black technology at the Mobile Internet Forum — — During the speech, Chinese-English translation was synchronized through machine speech recognition, and Chinese and English subtitles kept scrolling on the big screen behind him. After that, there are endless discussions about whether artificial intelligence machines can replace simultaneous interpretation.

  Wang Xue, a simultaneous interpreter, has been asked this question by several people. This time, even she felt that her career was threatened: "Well, I’m going to lose my job."

  "I didn’t believe in big data before, but now I believe it more and more." She believes that except for creative translation of literature, most other translation work can be replaced by artificial intelligence as long as it is based on a database of sufficient magnitude. "For example, Google’s machine translation has basically replaced humans in some fields."

  From simultaneous interpreters who have just worked for two years to technology giants Li Yanhong, Yang Yuanqing and Ma Huateng, whether artificial intelligence will replace human work and the development of mobile Internet has become a real change behind the binary code from a joke under the white wall of Wuzhen.

  "The next scene is artificial intelligence."

  At this year’s Wuzhen world internet conference, the attention of the outside world on the topic of artificial intelligence was triggered by Baidu CEO Li Yanhong. He believes that in the past, the development path obtained by the growth of Internet users was "unreliable", and it is no longer possible to have unicorn-level startups by the enthusiasm of the mobile Internet, and the real rise of the Internet of Things is not far off, and each of us will change because of the arrival of artificial intelligence.

  One of the reasons for Li Yanhong’s judgment is that the mobile Internet market has entered a relatively stable stage of development. According to the data of China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), as of June 2016, there were 710 million netizens in China, and the Internet penetration rate was 51.7%, up 1.3 percentage points from the end of 2015.

  "The dividend period of the mobile Internet has basically ended, and the next scene is artificial intelligence." This is not the first time that Li Yanhong has expressed optimism and expectation for the future of artificial intelligence. At the 2016 Yabuli China Entrepreneur Forum Summer Summit held in August this year and the Baidu World Congress held in September, Li Yanhong clearly expressed his emphasis on artificial intelligence.

  Li Yanhong’s prediction is even a bit bold: "In the future, all manufacturing industries will belong to the artificial intelligence industry, or the Internet of Things industry. All goods must be able to be networked, and they must be able to send data back to the cloud. These technologies must be analyzed through artificial intelligence technology, so that it can bring tangible value to our consumers and our users. "

  Yang Yuanqing, chairman and CEO of Lenovo Group, and Li Yanhong have the same idea. In his speech entitled "Embracing the New Era of Smart Internet", Yang Yuanqing pointed out that the Internet is entering a new stage of development from PC Internet and mobile Internet, that is, the era of smart Internet.

  Yang Yuanqing’s idea is more specific: "Smart devices have become ubiquitous from limited types such as computers and mobile phones, and a steady stream of data has gathered from terminals to the cloud, while artificial intelligence with self-learning ability has become more and more intelligent by constantly reading and analyzing these data."

  Based on these judgments, Yang Yuanqing also described a smarter life in the future: home appliances, office equipment, and traveling cars are no longer machines that passively follow instructions to perform calculations, but will be considerate of you and actively serve you. Even the houses and cities where people live will become smarter and more active. For example, windows will adjust themselves according to the outdoor climate, the temperature in the city, lighting, etc. The traffic management system of the city may be connected with the navigation and driving system of the car, thus greatly reducing congestion.

  Big bosses verbally affirmed artificial intelligence, and the Internet giants behind them were busy trying more intelligent new technologies.

  Lenovo launched MotoZ, which turned the mobile phone into an open platform for hardware. Through unified standards, the mobile phone can be connected to more hardware devices, and then connected to more cloud services. Now it can be connected with JBL speakers and Hasselblad modules; During the period of world internet conference, Baidu unmanned vehicle first carried out open urban road operation in the smart car and smart transportation demonstration zone of Ziye Road, Tongxiang City.

  Artificial intelligence is still in the stage of mental retardation.

  Although the "black technology" of synchronous bilingual subtitle conversion shocked the scene, Wang Xiaochuan also mentioned a concern in the industry: Will artificial intelligence have a third ebb tide?

  According to Zhiyuan Xin’s Report on the Development of Artificial Intelligence Industry in China, since the concept of artificial intelligence was put forward at Dartmouth Conference in 1956, artificial intelligence has developed for 60 years. During the 60 years of development, artificial intelligence has gone through "three ups and three downs": from 1950s to early 1980s, it was still in its birth and basic stage, neuron model was put forward and perceptron was invented; From the 1980s to the early 21st century, artificial intelligence was successfully commercialized but failed to develop by leaps and bounds. Nowadays, with the improvement of computing power brought by Moore’s Law and cloud computing, and the accumulation of massive data brought by the wide application of the Internet and big data, artificial intelligence is expected to achieve large-scale application and will go deep into various fields such as finance, transportation, medical care and industry.

  "Before artificial intelligence ebbed twice, we asked a teacher, do you study artificial intelligence? This is to scold him. " Wang Xiaochuan said that compared with the previous two waves of artificial intelligence, the topic of artificial intelligence was once again hotly debated. Artificial intelligence was really used in many industries for the first time, and a lot of money was invested in it. A large number of researchers also engaged in artificial intelligence work after graduation.

  However, the current development of artificial intelligence still encounters many obstacles that are difficult to solve. Taking Wang Xiaochuan’s proud speech intelligence as an example, the first problem we face is speech recognition and semantic understanding. Wang Xiaochuan found that many technologies can achieve 95% or even 97% recognition in quiet environment, but the recognition rate drops when there is noise. When two people talk at the same time, human beings can easily distinguish the differences, but it is extremely difficult for machines.

  Wang Xiaochuan mentioned that during the testing of a voice intelligent product, they found that the performance of the machine was very poor: the machine asked if it needed a parking space, and the human replied: I don’t have a car. The machine can’t understand this answer.

  Hu Yu, president of Flywheel Value of HKUST and president of iFLYTEK Research Institute, also believes that the current artificial intelligence technology is still in the stage of "mental retardation", and most of them can only reach the level of voice assistants. In order to obtain wisdom similar to or equivalent to the human brain and have the ability to learn independently and draw inferences, artificial intelligence also needs to combine deep learning, big data and other technologies to achieve the "ripple effect" — — Through the increase of users, artificial intelligence products can learn and update themselves through real data and experience.

  What is the imagination space for the combination of artificial intelligence and mobile Internet?

  Ma Huateng, CEO of Tencent, is quite cautious about artificial intelligence that has caused heated discussion. He said that artificial intelligence still needs time, and it is still far from the application of all walks of life.

  Ma Huateng said that artificial intelligence is a cloud change and the mobile Internet is a terminal change. Although the growth slope of mobile Internet has slowed down in recent years, its volume is still very large, and there are still many places to innovate. Instead, he feels that there are new opportunities now.

  "The current mobile Internet industry is not like three or four years ago. At that time, it was basically a barrier. If it didn’t pass, it would be finished. At present, the growth gradient may slow down, but there are still new opportunities, such as mobike Bicycle ‘ Internet plus Bicycle ’ The mobile terminal suddenly appeared. " Ma Huateng said.

  Ma Huateng believes that although the pace of innovation has slowed down since the development of the mobile Internet era, there are still many opportunities for innovation. Artificial intelligence technology is indeed a new outlet, but compared with the terminal innovation in the mobile Internet era, the innovation of artificial intelligence is reflected in the cloud, and there are still many basic technologies to be accumulated. Internet companies still need to combine their own advantages and do more exploration in the field of artificial intelligence.

  Yang Yuanqing described the future of artificial intelligence in his eyes in two sentences: intelligent terminals will become smarter and smarter, and the combination of intelligent terminals and cloud will be the future development direction.

  In his vision, smart terminals and sensors will be everywhere. Based on the self-learning ability of big data, smart terminals will be extended from today’s very limited types to all devices around people. "Whether it is air conditioners, humidifiers, air purifiers, cameras, cars, machine tools, etc., it will have the ability to calculate storage and network, and it will be modular."

  In addition, Yang Yuanqing also believes that the data of these smart terminals will be gathered in the cloud, and a new understanding will be formed through the evolution of algorithms, so as to remember, learn and analyze these data in a more effective way. Through deep learning, various intelligent terminals will become smarter and more judgmental.

  "If smart terminals are human senses, then the cloud is the brain. The perfect combination of smart terminals and cloud brains is the future direction of artificial intelligence." Yang Yuanqing said.

Naked donation of 175 billion! The life of the richest woman in Silicon Valley, "the sparrow turns into a phoenix", is more wonderful than marrying a genius.

Waiting for the "reunion dinner" in spring

Wei Li

The reunion dinner on New Year’s Eve is also called reunion dinner, which means family reunion, happiness and auspiciousness. During the interview against COVID-19 epidemic this year, the author heard that an old father suffering from cancer and his three sons who were both in traffic law enforcement posts had a reunion dinner that was postponed again and again, waiting for the spring dinner. After many twists and turns, I found the client.

Du Hongping, Du Taoping and Du Jiangping are all traffic law enforcement officers, and their parents are also retired employees of Liangping traffic system, which can be described as a typical "second generation".

The eldest Du Hongping and the second Du Taoping worked in Liangping, and the third Du Jiangping was transferred to the high-speed law enforcement department in 2014. As traffic law enforcement officers, Spring Festival and Spring Festival travel rush are the busiest times for the three brothers. But according to tradition, every year on New Year’s Eve, the family will try their best to get together and have a lively reunion dinner.

Different from previous years, my 81-year-old father has been suffering from lung cancer for many years, and he has been treated with chemotherapy three times before and after, and his health is getting worse. The three brothers privately agreed that this year’s Spring Festival reunion dinner must bring together all the family members, old and young, with no one missing, and take a family photo to make the old father on his deathbed happy for one year.

"The plan is at six o’clock in the evening, and everyone will have a reunion dinner together after the third child comes back. Because my father is so old, plus it is terminal cancer, it may be the last reunion dinner. " Boss Du Hongping said.

Just as my mother was preparing the ingredients for the New Year’s Eve dinner, Du Jiangping, the third son of the law enforcement brigade in Chongqing’s main city, told everyone that she would be on duty on New Year’s Eve and suggested that the time for the New Year’s Eve dinner should be adjusted to the second day of the first month …

Everyone thinks it is ok to postpone it for two days, as long as the family can be reunited and have a sense of ceremony during the Spring Festival to meet the wishes of the elderly.

In order to prepare for this postponed reunion dinner, my father specially arranged for my mother to cook dried pig’s feet in advance and buy Liangping’s special product "Daoer Mie" braised dishes, so that my children and grandchildren can get together and feel the warmth of the big family. The second child Du Taoping also arranged for his wife and daughter to go to the supermarket on the first day of the first month to buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

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At noon on the second day of the first month, Du Jiangping, the third son, hurriedly drove back to Liang Ping’s hometown from the main city of Chongqing after work. Just when I arrived at the stairs of the traffic family home where my parents lived, a phone call stopped Du Jiangping and he was in a dilemma. The phone call was made by a colleague from the company-due to the severe epidemic situation in COVID-19, all people on leave are required to return to their posts immediately!

"It is complicated to get this notice, because my father’s condition is getting worse and worse, and it is rare to have such an opportunity to reunite. Returning to work immediately means that this reunion dinner has to be given up again."

Colleagues also kindly reminded Du Jiangping that due to the complicated identity of the people who came into contact during work, they must be disinfected before meeting their parents, so as to be careful to infect their families.

After much consideration, Du Jiangping informed his eldest brother at home to come downstairs, handed over the honey, cereal and other gifts he bought back to his father, and decided to return to work in the main city of Chongqing immediately.

"Just as I turned around, I heard a familiar voice-my mother shouted my nickname on the balcony on the third floor and told me to pay attention to safety and wear a mask during work. At this point, my heart is particularly sad, and my eyes are full of tears … "

In this way, the Dujia reunion dinner, which was originally postponed, can only be postponed for another time …

Among the three brothers, Du Jiangping, the third, spends the least time with his father. "When I was young, my father was a soldier and I was at home. When I grew up, my father was at home and I went to be a soldier again. Later, I went to work in high-speed law enforcement, and I always lacked companionship with my parents. Due to busy work, the last time I went home was more than two months ago. "

In Du Jiangping’s eyes, the father of a military background is particularly strict with the three brothers. He is often taught that a soldier will not fade after he leaves the army, and he should always keep his true colors as a soldier. Over the years, the three brothers have kept in mind their father’s teachings and worked hard to do their own jobs, all of which have become the backbone of the unit.

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Although the epidemic delayed this "reunion dinner", the father in the hospital bed often called the three brothers who fought in the front line of the epidemic and told them to pay attention to their health and take precautions.

In the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic, Du Hongping, the boss, is the head of Yunlong exit traffic health quarantine station of G42 Chongqing-Yichang Expressway. "Commanding more than 1,000 cars to pull over every day during the rush hour means making thousands of gestures. When eating after work, it is difficult to hold the chopsticks steadily and it hurts all over."

Du Taoping, the second child, is guarding the card at Qixing Station of X116 Line adjacent to Guanyin Town, Dazhu, Sichuan. When he returns to the unit, he must do a good job in ensuring the supply of rice bags, vegetable baskets, meat plates and fruit plates in the city and the normal agricultural production.

At the Dawan Toll Station in Yubei District, Chongqing-adjacent section of G65 Baomao Expressway, I found the third Du Jiangping who was inspecting the vehicle. Du Jiangping’s brigade is the third brigade of Chongqing Traffic Administrative Law Enforcement Corps Expressway. During the duty, be responsible for patrolling the 101-kilometer-long road surface in the jurisdiction and handling emergencies. Referring to this postponed reunion dinner, Du Jiangping choked several times: "When I was a teenager, my father sheltered me from the wind and rain and raised me to grow up; When my father is old, I can’t be filial before bed and accompany him. I only hope that this epidemic will end as soon as possible, and the family will take a family photo and have a reunion dinner. "

There are no heroes who fall from the sky, only mortals who stand up. It is these countless "retrograde people" who, regardless of holidays or during the epidemic, give up their small families for everyone, keep one side safe, and protect the stability of a city, in exchange for peace in the world and good years.

We also expect that this postponed "reunion dinner" will open as scheduled in the flowers and spring breeze.

(Author: Liangping District Radio and Television Station)

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The external network is hotly discussing the China artificial intelligence satellite special police, and it is ready to be tested.

China’s Xinhua News Agency announced that China is going to explore and study an asteroid’s capture and capture action, and return the obtained related substances. This is the first time that humans have captured planetary matter with space technology.

Recently, China Xinhua News Agency announced that China Aerospace Agency is ready to start the crawling work on an asteroid named HO3, which was named in 2016. This time, China will send its own automatic unmanned spacecraft called robot. This unmanned spacecraft satellite system will explore the whole satellite-comet model, and one of its tasks is to explore this asteroid numbered HO32112016.

Its main way is different from that of other countries. It will not land on the surface of an asteroid, but will revolve around it, run synchronously with the asteroid, and finally get closer and closer. After approaching the asteroid, use your own intelligent robotic arm to grab a certain part of the asteroid. In this case, a real unmanned space operation will be formed. China’s chief designer also conducted relevant discussions and discussions on people from Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. China will begin to implement this plan soon.

Nasa and other countries have explored asteroids. For example, Japan explored an asteroid in 2021 and 2022. However, they usually use satellites to orbit asteroids or asteroid observation detectors.

However, it is the first time to realize common orbit operation around asteroids and finally get close to them, and use intelligent arms to dig on asteroids instead of landing on them. This requires extremely high control system, remote control system.

According to NASA, this asteroid is far away from the earth. So in theory, it should not be regarded as a pure satellite of the earth, but in fact it is also an asteroid relatively very close to the earth. NASA also thinks that it is really a good idea for China to choose this asteroid HO32112016 for this job.

However, this method uses its own intelligent unmanned spacecraft and intelligent mechanical arm to grab around the outside of the asteroid while rotating, which is very difficult to implement. For numerical control and remote control technology, once a mistake occurs, the satellite may hit the asteroid. Lesa once enjoyed this way, but for Lesa, his spokesman, engineer Robert Hills, said it was impossible to achieve it easily, and it was far more difficult than launching the probe to an asteroid and starting it again like the Japanese way.

Why did China take this completely autonomous way to crawl around the asteroid from a distance, which humans have never done before? China holds advanced technologies in some fields in the field of aerospace. I also want to show this technology to more people. Let you know that I can realize this technology of grabbing from a distance that you can’t even think of.

That is, China launches an unmanned spacecraft first, and he revolves around this asteroid first, getting closer and closer. Close to a certain extent, you have to keep running at the same speed as the asteroid, stretch out the robot arm and grab the dust from the asteroid while moving, then put it in your storage cabin and fly away. Then explore its parent comet, number 416410490106, and finally return to Earth.

I think China is crazy now. They say the United States is crazy, but in fact China is crazy. You always create such difficult movements. Do you really want to explore human space exploration to the limit?

This technology is too difficult. If China wants to land on this asteroid named HO3 in 2016, it is not difficult, and so can its lander technology. Since China can land on Mars and the moon, he can also land on an asteroid, just like we do in Japan, but the problem is that if he doesn’t do this, he will stretch out his robotic arm to catch the asteroid in the process of synchronization with the asteroid.

This is a demonstration of China, do you understand? Let you feel how powerful his control ability is, and he said that this is an unmanned mode. My God, this is really a difficult move. Are China people really willing to take this risk? A fully automatic satellite detection robot like this also needs millions of dollars.

I think China’s model is a little too perfect. If this model is successful, China has created a real pioneering work of mankind. It is in space that an unmanned autonomous robot satellite, or mechanical detector, volleys at an asteroid to grab its material. I’m afraid that many countries will plagiarize this method in the future, so it will reduce the second landing, the second take-off and landing, and a lot of fuel will allow him to continue to perform new tasks.

That’s a good idea, but you know this running algorithm and automatic artificial intelligence algorithm. It’s too difficult. If China really succeeds, no matter how much material you get back, it will be the miracle of the first unmanned AI algorithm.

Recently the United States is developing AI. The intelligent robot controls the F16 fighter to demonstrate the AI capability of the United States. Experts in China say that the United States is 30 years ahead of China in this field. If China realizes the simultaneous orbit capture of asteroids and robots of automatic unmanned spacecraft this time, then I want to know who is 30 years ahead of who. So, China’s unmanned automatic control technology and algorithms far surpass those of the West and the United States. I think that if this new technology of China is really realized, it means that China’s unmanned AI space intelligence algorithm is perfect and can be copied.

Come, enrich my knowledge | Bill Gates favorite book list first annual exposure

Every year-end or holiday, Microsoft founder Bill Gates Bill Gates will continue their "book selection" in the traditional personal social media platforms, recommended books of the year list of books he had in mind for everyone.

Not long ago, Bill Gates once again to share with you the five books, compared with previous years of books, five book clear "Technology sense of" full, contains two great science fiction, and discuss the future development of technology books let us work together to preview it!

Klara and the Sun

– Kazuo Ishiguro

This is caused by

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Winner Kazuo Ishiguro newly published science fiction story takes place in a dystopian future,

It tells the story of the friendship between the generated artificial intelligence robot Clara with a sick little girl.

Gates Book Review – "

Power is not evil robot

Instead, they can serve as companions to accompany people. This book got me thinking, has a super intelligent robot lives will be like – we had them as a technology, or

More important things

. "

Project Hail Mary

– Andy Weir

Project Hail Mary from the "Mission to Mars" The Marsian author Andy Weir (Andy Weir) hand, and "Mission to Mars" This book also appeared in the 2020 Bill Gates

Summer reading list

superior. It tells the story of a high school science teacher awoke to find himself in another galaxy,

Also take up the task of lifting the earth crisis.

Gates Book Review – "The story is about how he uses science and engineering to

save the world

. This book is very interesting, I’ll read it all weekend. "


– Maggie O’Farrell

This year, Bill Gates is recommended only a single book

Historical novel

The author wrote it with a fictional way how sad tear a family, explain how Shakespeare was writing his sorrow into power.

Gates Book Review – "If you’re a fan of Shakespeare, you’ll love this touching novel,

It tells the story of Shakespeare’s personal life affect the creation of one of his most famous plays.



Thousand Brains: A New Theory of Intelligence

– Jeff Hawkins

From technology entrepreneurs Hawkins (Jeff Hawkins) this book

More superficial

Way to introduce the sophisticated mode of operation of the human cerebral cortex,

More imagination and provides clues for the future of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Gates Book Review – "Hawkins identity may be best known for co-inventor of the PalmPilot, but he spent a few years time to study

Neuroscience and machine learning

The link between this book is the best introduction to his thought. "

The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race

– Walter Isaacson

It was awarded in 2020

Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Jennifer Doudna biography of the story,

She was "God scalpel said," the CRISPR gene editing technology has attracted attention.

Gates Book Review – "CRISPR gene editing system over the past decade

Coolest, perhaps most importantly,

One scientific breakthroughs. This book is about the Nobel laureate biochemist Jennifer Doudna and her colleagues is how to find it.

Author Isaacson nicely highlights the most important ethical issues in genetic editing.
