BYD Qin L is coming, more space+brand new hybrid, estimated at 120,000, visually fire!

Uncle Brick’s Tip: The reading time of this article is about2minute

[New car after having a car] Today, BYD Qin L’s declaration map was officially exposed in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. As a brand-new model, Qin L will be positioned higher than Qin PLUS. The new car will be equipped with the latest DM5.0 hybrid system, or provide two pure electric endurance versions of 60km and 90km. The estimated starting price is around 120,000.

From the design point of view, Qin L is still BYD’s classic Dragon Face design language. The dragon face headlights, the dragon beard design and the large air intake below are all in the same strain as Qin PLUS, but the overall style is more extreme, especially the diversion ports on the left and right sides of the front bumper, which is more in line with the aesthetics of young consumers. The rear of the car still adopts the layout of penetrating taillights, and the overall visual effect is wider, simple and atmospheric.

In terms of body size, Qin L’s measurements are almost completely dominant compared with Qin PLUS, and the size is almost equal to that of a medium-sized car.

In terms of power, according to the information in the declaration map, Qin L will be equipped with a DM5.0 hybrid system consisting of a 1.5L engine and a motor, with the maximum power of 74kW for the engine and 160kW for the motor. Compared with the existing 1.5L engine powered by Qin PLUS, the fuel consumption is expected to be better. Lithium iron phosphate battery comes from Fudi, Zhengzhou, and its pure electric cruising range is expected to be 60km and 90km.

Write it at the end

Qin L is not the replacement of Qin PLUS, but a brand-new model between Qin PLUS and Han. The arrival of the new car will further complement the car product line of BYD Dynasty series and meet the challenges of opponents with stronger combination boxing. Of course, what Qin L is most looking forward to is the DM5.0 hybrid system it is equipped with, and we also look forward to it bringing us another surprise of the ultra-low fuel consumption measured when the Song PLUS DM-i debuted. If you are also concerned about Qin L, welcome to join our riders group of Qin L. Let’s look forward to the announcement of more information about the new car.

Looking forward to BYD Qin L, please click."Like+watching"!

The centralized delivery ceremony of the first batch of owners of the new M7 was successfully held in Hangzhou!

  On October 28th, the first delivery ceremony of the new M7 city in AITO was held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Since the pre-sale, consumers all over the country have been paying more and more attention to the new M7. As of today, the cumulative listing of the new M7 has exceeded 70,000! With the delivery of the first car owners, the new M7 officially landed in Zhejiang market.


  As a new product with a total investment of 500 million yuan, Wenjie New M7 has stronger body, chassis and more comfortable driving performance, more spacious and ever-changing interior space design, stronger intelligent driving and smarter intelligent cockpit. Each function and design is from the consumer’s point of view, providing users with a comfortable driving experience. While creating exclusive personal comfort space, it can take care of the demand for family cars in all directions, and forward-looking innovative technology has broken through the boundaries of smart travel.

  The new M7 in Wenjie fully considers the needs of family travel. It has the highest "room rate" in its class, and the leading effective space in its class is 3338 mm. The whole family can travel easily and stretch freely. In addition to the super spacious experience, the new M7 in Wenjie is also super-wearable. Its trunk has a storage capacity of 686L, which can accommodate 12 standard 20-inch boarding boxes. With the 52L storage compartment in the trunk, the efficient space efficiency can meet the loading requirements of most family cars.


  In addition to meeting the needs of family travel, the new M7 also brings a smarter intelligent cockpit experience. The new M7 is equipped with HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0. The "Intelligent Cockpit Ceiling" is upgraded to provide users with a relaxed, convenient and rich immersive driving experience. In addition, the HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system equipped with the new M7 is expected to be available all over the country by the end of December, bringing a better and better intelligent driving experience.

  In addition to having more space and great wisdom experience, the new M7 in the world also brings super-safe experience. Using submarine-grade high-strength steel and CBS composite body material, the body structure is upgraded, and the five-seat body is matched to open the mold, which greatly improves the passive safety performance of the whole vehicle; When the lidar gets on the bus, HUAWEI ADS 2.0 launches the omni-directional anti-collision system, which will take the active safety one step further and can be regarded as "intelligent safety ceiling".

  At the delivery ceremony, the new owner, Mr. Wang, said, "I am very excited to be the first owner. Today, the site also explained to us the maintenance of the new car, the rights and benefits of the owner and the preparation of a wealth of activities, which gave us a sense of ceremony. I have already thought about driving a new car to take my family on a camping trip!


  Relying on the leading edge of Cyrus Auto and Huawei in their respective fields, AITO has always been committed to meeting the needs of multiple users with the best product quality and intelligent experience. As an important gift to the Zhejiang market, AITO has formulated exclusive benefits for consumers. Before October 31, 2023, the new M7 can enjoy rights worth up to 30,000 yuan.

"Workplace Health Class" will broadcast "Stay away from digital visual fatigue" on August 15th.

Have you calculated how long you use electronic equipment every day? Dry eyes, itchy eyes, painful eyes, stinging eyes, photophobia, tears, foreign body sensation, etc. How many symptoms have you got? While electronic products bring us convenience, improper use may also cause serious harm to our eyes.

What diseases are the symptoms of eye discomfort often felt in life?

We usually have a series of eye discomfort symptoms caused by excessive use of electronic products, such as dryness, swelling pain, itchy eyes, easy fatigue, blurred vision, foreign body sensation, burning sensation, fear of wind, photophobia, sensitivity to external stimuli, etc., which may be the manifestations of dry eye, asthenopia and pseudomyopia.

How is dry eye syndrome?

Dry eye refers to a tear secretion disorder caused by many factors, with dry eyes as the main symptom. Dry eye sometimes the eyes are too dry and the basic tears are insufficient, but it stimulates the secretion of reflective tears, resulting in frequent tears.

Main symptoms: dry eyes, easy fatigue, itchy eyes, foreign body sensation, burning pain, sticky secretions, fear of wind, photophobia and sensitivity to external stimuli.

How is visual fatigue?

Visual fatigue is not an independent disease, but a group of fatigue syndrome caused by various reasons. Visual fatigue is mainly caused by the decrease of blinking times when people concentrate on watching the screens of electronic products such as TV, computer or mobile phone, resulting in a corresponding decrease in tears secretion, and at the same time, the flashing screen strongly stimulates the eyes, which will cause and aggravate various eye diseases.

The main symptoms: eye fatigue, dry eyes, foreign body sensation, heavy eyelids, blurred vision, photophobia and tears, eye swelling and pain, eye congestion, headache, dizziness, nausea, listlessness, inattention, memory loss, loss of appetite and other systemic symptoms. A few patients may have diplopia, stereoscopic vision dysfunction, elevated intraocular pressure, corneal damage, etc., and teenagers may also have myopia or deepen myopia.

How is pseudomyopia?

Pseudomyopia is caused by the continuous contraction and spasm of ciliary muscle and the increase of lens thickness, which leads to blurred vision. If pseudomyopia is not relieved in time, it will lead to the enlargement of axial length and become true myopia.

Can you avoid dry eye symptoms by closing your eyes?

Close your eyes and rest can protect your eyes, but it can’t prevent dry eye. The most effective way to prevent dry eye is to blink effectively. Blink, that is, what we usually call blink.

Can staring at green alleviate visual fatigue?

Green is the most favorable color for the eyes, but just looking at green can’t relieve visual fatigue. The most effective way to relieve visual fatigue is to let your eyes look far away and have a proper rest.

Can anti-blue glasses and anti-blue mobile phone film effectively protect eyes?

It is not recommended to protect your eyes through anti-blue glasses and anti-blue mobile phone film. What is really harmful to the eyes is: short-wave blue light with a wavelength of 400~450.

How to prevent visual fatigue?

● Pay attention to the distance of using electronic products.

● Pay attention to the time of using electronic products and follow the "20-20-20" rule.

● Pay attention to adjusting the brightness of electronic products.

● Strengthen outdoor activities and get full exposure to the sun.

● Maintain hand hygiene and prevent eye infection.

● Strengthen nutrition.

On August 15th, Wei Wenbin, vice president of Beijing Tongren Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, and Li Ying, chief ophthalmologist of Peking Union Medical College Hospital were invited to keep you away from "digital fatigue". Please watch.

    On May 20th, Yolanda, a famous movie star, was invited by a column in Henan Province to promote her latest solo album "Lonely Flowers" in Zhengzhou Grand Shanghai International Studios. After breaking up with her boyfriend Xia Yu, Yuan Quan really became a "lonely flower". China News Agency issued Chen Daishu photo

    Gao Yuanyuan, a mainland artist, snatched Xia Yu from Yolanda. China News Agency issued Han Yibing photo

    There are indications that Yolanda and Xia Yu did break up. So, at least half of Xia Yu’s affair with Gao Yuanyuan is true. Moreover, Xia Yu is not sorry for Yolanda. Single men are justified in looking for love.

    According to the reporter’s witness, Yolanda performed "Peach Blossom Garden" in poly theatre. Xia Yu’s car drove to the door, not to pick up Yolanda, but to enter the coffee shop. Yuan Quan got on Huang Lei’s car from another exit. Xia Yu should know that Yolanda is performing here, but he is no longer interested in being a flower escort. From the expression of two people, Xia Yu looks glum, while Yuan Quan is laughing.

    Earlier, Xia Yu exposed the news of living with Gao Yuanyuan, which greatly damaged his health image, while Yuan Quan burst into tears at the recording scene of Li Jing’s program, and even more, he put a knife in Xia Yu’s heart. Two people break up, although the reasons are diverse, but in this way, Xia Yu is much more passive than Yolanda.

    A love affair that has been going on for nearly ten years, although it has become a spent force in the end, and both of them have traces of struggling to survive, but the breakup still makes the public sigh, as if love has been hit again. Who believes there is still an out-of-touch feeling? Xia Yu is a Scorpio, but Venus falls in Sagittarius, a constellation that pursues sexual desire and does not hide its sexiness. Xia Yu has an open and exposed side in his bones, which can be seen in his dress and behavior. However, Yuan Quan is relatively strict with the package and much lower-key.

    Yolanda Sun and Mercury all fall in Libra, and Venus is Virgo. They pursue perfect love and abstract love, which is different from Xia Yu’s love that pays more attention to sensuality. Their views on love are essentially different. Because you are romantic when you are young, you can play with spiritual love, but the hot-blooded summer rain matures gradually, and hormones burn in the body, so it is impossible to keep the feelings pure and pure all the time. The pace of two people is different, so there is a gap between before and after.

    Two people’s astrolabes show that each other is the opposite sex type that they appreciate, but each person’s personality has something that the other person can’t tolerate. Summer rain is stubborn, Yolanda is cold outside and hot inside, and his temper is not necessarily good, especially when the moon falls on the Sagittarius, and his mood is out of place from time to time. If he happens to meet Xia Yu’s strength, it will be difficult to deal with it.

Editor: Peng Wei

Parents need to know this to help their children overcome reading difficulties.

  [Window of World Education]
  In modern society, reading is one of the necessary skills for individuals. Reading is a key way for children to learn knowledge, and it is also an important way for children to develop their thinking and cultivate their temperament. In the frame map of students’ learning fields in the 21st century put forward by UNESCO, reading and communication occupy the central position in the seven learning fields. Therefore, parents expect their children to learn to read as soon as possible.
  However, in fact, all over the world, many children can’t read normally. Some parents feel that their children can’t concentrate, that they are "ADHD", and they don’t realize that their learning disabilities may be another situation.
  1. Is it dyslexia or ADHD?
  Under normal educational conditions, most children can learn to read normally. However, although reading is so important to children’s development, some children can’t acquire reading smoothly. According to research statistics, there are about 5%-10% children in English, Chinese, Japanese and other writing systems. They have normal intelligence and enjoy equal educational opportunities, but their reading performance is still far behind their peers — — These children are called dyslexia.
  As early as 1896, clinicians in Europe and the United States discovered the existence of children with reading difficulties. Limited by the level of science and technology at that time, the most knowledgeable people also knew little about "dyslexia". For a long time, society has misunderstood children with dyslexia, thinking that they are stupid, lazy, or "unable to sit still" (inattention and hyperactivity). Up to now, science has unveiled the mystery of "dyslexia", and our understanding of dyslexia is more clear.
  First of all, children with dyslexia do not have intellectual problems, and some children with dyslexia are even very smart. If the problem of dyslexia can be found in time and received special education, they may overcome the problem of reading and writing, give full play to their potential, and even become creative talents in various fields. Therefore, sometimes we call children with dyslexia "smart stupid children".
  Secondly, dyslexia is a developmental disorder, and people diagnosed with dyslexia are troubled by it all their lives. They have difficulties in word recognition, word understanding and dictation throughout primary and secondary schools and all the way to adulthood. So don’t expect dyslexia to heal naturally. Early detection and early intervention are very important to overcome dyslexia.
  Thirdly, dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD, commonly known as ADHD) are two different problems, which can exist separately or at the same time. Although the prevalence of dyslexia with ADHD is as high as 20%-40%, dyslexia and dyslexia caused by ADHD are two different abnormal phenomena. It is important to distinguish the difference between these two problems, because there are different ways of intervention.
  Finally, dyslexia runs in the family. Studies have shown that among identical twins, if one person suffers from dyslexia, the probability of the other person suffering from dyslexia is as high as 68%; One of the parents or immediate siblings suffers from dyslexia, and the probability of this individual suffering from dyslexia is about 50%. This can be used as one of the signals for early identification of children with dyslexia.
  So, how should parents or teachers identify children with dyslexia? Typical manifestations of children with dyslexia are listed below. The following 10 items meet 6 or more and last for more than half a year. Children may have dyslexia and need to find a professional institution to diagnose their children.
  First, the language performance is significantly lower than the average level of the same class; Second, read slowly and laboriously, and do not understand the content after reading; Third, it is easy to jump words and lines when reading; Fourth, I don’t like reading aloud, and when I read aloud, I drop words or easily read typos; Fifth, the writing speed is slow and it is easy to write typos; Sixth, I often can’t remember the date or name; Seven, the sense of balance is not good, and the small muscles are clumsy; 8. Avoid tasks that require a lot of reading and avoid reading novels or other written materials; Nine, low self-esteem, no confidence in themselves; Ten, learning a foreign language is particularly difficult.
  2. A stumbling block to fluent reading
  Reading is an advanced cognitive function, not a physiological instinct that human beings naturally develop and mature at a certain age — — Reading is far more complicated than we thought. Reading involves a series of cognitive processing processes: first, bottom-up processing, that is to say, reading is to obtain meaning from written words, involving the recognition of written words, and only by recognizing words can we understand the meaning of sentences or chapters; The second is top-down processing. Reading comprehension depends on the interaction with the reader’s own memory (knowledge) structure to process and process the input textual information.
  Most children have been exposed to the written environment before they formally learn to read — — Advertising slogans, printed words on food packaging bags, and words on picture books that can be seen everywhere in life — — These make children have a preliminary understanding of the characteristics and functions of words, and they can gradually realize that words are symbols used to record spoken language, which are different from other symbols. This initial perception of words is called "word consciousness". Whether it is the reading of pinyin characters or Chinese characters, the sense of words is very important.
  As children grow older, they are exposed to more and more words. Especially after primary school, I began to systematically learn the recognition of words, and gradually formed my perception of the design rules of words, that is, "orthographic consciousness." When children know a certain number of words (or words), they can enter the stage of independent reading, that is, they will no longer rely on the help of adults to read text-based books independently. With the increase of children’s reading, the reading speed is gradually accelerated. By the fourth grade of primary school, most children can become skilled readers.
  Phonetic awareness is very important for children with pinyin (such as English and German) background to learn to read. Phonetic awareness refers to children’s ability to perceive and operate phonetics. For example, they can skillfully divide cat (meaning "cat") into three corresponding minimum pronunciation units /k//ae//t/, and can also combine pronunciation units to form a word. The deficiency of this ability is considered to be the core reason for the difficulty in reading pinyin. However, the role of phonological awareness in Chinese reading is not as important as that in pinyin. It is generally believed that phonological awareness only plays a limited role in the early stage of Chinese reading and learning.
  For children with Chinese background to learn to read, the first threshold is the decoding of Chinese characters, that is, literacy, that is, to establish the relationship between the font of Chinese characters and the pronunciation and meaning of words. On the road to becoming a fluent reader, the first stumbling block for children with Chinese dyslexia is to remember the glyphs and write Chinese characters. A large number of studies have consistently shown that children with Chinese dyslexia have difficulties in font processing. They often have slow literacy, less literacy, and often make mistakes in writing, so it is difficult to remember the font of Chinese characters. Therefore, in order to firmly grasp the writing of Chinese characters, Chinese children often spend a lot of time copying Chinese characters. Copying one stroke at a time can help children to carry out fine visual processing on each Chinese character’s glyph. Like building a Lego block, different strokes are combined according to a certain spatial structure and "built" in Mi Zige in a regular and harmonious way. This is not an inefficient and stupid method. On the contrary, copying is an effective means for both literacy and writing. It can not only help children to establish a solid representation of glyphs in their brains, but also help them write Chinese characters more accurately.
  The structure of Chinese characters is complicated. According to the spatial relationship, Chinese characters can be divided into single characters, upper and lower structures, left and right structures and surrounding structures. Because of the visual complexity of Chinese character composition and the spatial diversity of Chinese character structure, it is difficult for Chinese children to master orthographic skills. The research also shows that the defects related to orthography are the core defects of Chinese dyslexia.
  Chinese character is an ideographic character, and there is no direct relationship between the shape and the pronunciation, but the relationship between the shape and the meaning of the word is closer. Pictophonetic characters are the main body of modern commonly used Chinese characters, and 80.5% of them belong to pictophonetic characters. Pictophonetic characters include two parts: shape and sound. The ideographic meaning of Chinese characters is very strong, and many words with the same shape are consistent or related in meaning. For example, after children learn the words "sea, ocean and river", they will find that they have the same radical "Tanya" and are all related to water. When they learn the words "lake, swimming and stream" again, they can realize that the newly learned Chinese characters may also be related to "water" — — This understanding and cognition of the smallest semantic unit is called "morpheme consciousness". This morpheme awareness is particularly important for children to learn to read, because Chinese contains a large number of Chinese characters with homographs. After children know a certain number of Chinese characters and can read independently, the obstacles they encounter in reading become the understanding of vocabulary, especially some written vocabulary. Children with strong morpheme awareness are more likely to understand the meaning of words and expand their vocabulary. Therefore, morpheme awareness is more important for Chinese reading learning than learning pinyin characters. It is found that morpheme awareness is closely related to children’s word formation ability, vocabulary and reading comprehension.The defect of morpheme consciousness is also one of the main cognitive defects of children with Chinese dyslexia.
  In addition to the difficulties in font processing, writing and morpheme processing, the study also found that children with Chinese dyslexia still have naming speed problems. The naming speed obstacle may reflect that children with dyslexia have some difficulties in establishing stable and high-quality orthographic representations, thus affecting the speed of transforming visual symbols into sound symbols. Research shows that naming speed can also predict reading fluency well. Naming speed is also very important to the development of pinyin reading, and naming speed defect is also one of the main defects of pinyin reading obstacle. Therefore, naming speed defect may be one of the common cognitive defects of cross-language reading disabilities.
  To sum up, children with dyslexia may have cognitive defects in many aspects. The mechanism of dyslexia in different words is not only consistent across languages, but also specific to words. As far as the current research is concerned, the mechanism of Chinese dyslexia is more complicated than that of pinyin.
  3. Is reading a brain problem?
  Reading is one of the unique advanced cognitive functions of human beings, and the brain is the physiological basis of reading learning and development. The International Dyslexia Association points out that dyslexia has specific neurophysiological defects.
  At the end of the 20th century, with the help of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), scientists were able to detect the inside of the brain in a non-invasive and harmless way. Like a precise scientific camera, it takes a complete and clear picture of every slice of the three-dimensional body of the brain and shows it to people. At present, the research conclusion that has been repeatedly verified by scientific research and widely recognized by academic circles is that the dyslexic group of pinyin characters (such as English) is mainly abnormal in the posterior temporal-parietal junction area of the left brain, which is manifested in the level of brain functional activity, brain structure and the connection between this brain area and other brain areas. This abnormality may affect their phonological awareness development and thus hinder their reading.
  However, the Chinese dyslexic group mainly has specific problems in the middle frontal gyrus of the left brain (related to the writing skills mentioned above) and the ventral pathway of the brain (related to the semantic processing and visual font processing mentioned above). At the same time, the abnormality of the occipital part of the right brain (that is, the brain area where we touch the pillow after lying flat) used for the processing of holistic visual features may also affect Chinese reading. These are all "abnormal brain working modes". The abnormality of these working modes will make the process of learning reading slow and arduous for dyslexics, because they can’t use the efficient and labor-saving reading neural pathway that most readers can use.
  How to understand the abnormal brain working mode of dyslexic people? First of all, this once again shows that dyslexia is a neurodevelopmental disorder, not the result of children’s lack of hard work and incorrect learning attitude. Secondly, the brain is plastic, and appropriate and timely targeted training can help children with dyslexia overcome their reading difficulties and regain their reading confidence. For example, neuroimaging studies have found that effective behavior intervention can enhance the activity level of the temporal parietal region in the back of the left brain, which was originally weakly activated, and improve their reading performance. Finally, the abnormal brain working mode of dyslexic people has two sides. On the one hand, it makes the road for dyslexics to learn to read full of thorns; On the other hand, many dyslexics who have achieved high achievements in some fields are grateful for it, believing that the "learning process that can’t take the usual path" has given them unique problem-solving ability, while the difficult process of overcoming dyslexia has forged their perseverance.
  4. How to help smart "stupid children"
  Dyslexia is a developmental disorder. Early identification and early intervention can not only improve the success rate of intervention, but also prevent dyslexia from continuing into senior grades, and also avoid children’s emotional, behavioral problems and lack of self-confidence related to low academic achievement. Foreign research shows that in order to achieve the same effect, the teaching time of intervention in senior grade is several times more than that in junior grade (2 hours in fourth grade/0.5 hours in kindergarten).
  The study of dyslexia has a history of hundreds of years in the west, and it has been relatively perfect in the evaluation, intervention and policy support of dyslexia. Hong Kong, China, has also taken the lead in this respect. At present, it has developed the dyslexia behavior scale and diagnostic test, designed Chinese reading and writing courses in kindergartens and primary and secondary schools, and developed corresponding teaching materials, and conducted relevant training for educational administrators and Chinese teachers in primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong. In addition, they also used the three-level response intervention model to replace the traditional methods to intervene in children with dyslexia, and achieved good intervention results.
  Because the research on dyslexia in mainland China started late and mainly stayed in the basic research stage, the applied research on the diagnosis and intervention of dyslexia is still relatively weak. The public’s understanding of dyslexia is very limited. In recent years, more and more scholars began to pay attention to the popularization of common sense of dyslexia, and popular science books such as Smart Stupid Child: Helping Children Overcome Dyslexia and Getting Out of the Maze appeared, which made the public have more scientific understanding of dyslexia, but there is still a long way to go in the intervention of dyslexia and the development of diagnostic tools.
  As mentioned earlier, dyslexia is a special learning disability that stems from abnormal brain development. Children with dyslexia are not not smart enough or do not study hard. On the contrary, their IQ is normal or even extraordinary, and they even have special talents in many aspects. Without timely diagnosis and intervention, what they need most is the understanding and support from teachers and parents. I hope these "smart stupid children" can have a happy childhood and enjoy reading like other children.
  (Author: Liu Li, Gao Yue, professors and doctors of the State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning of Beijing Normal University; Kang Cuiping, Ph.D., now works for China Education Innovation Institute of Beijing Normal University)

The two universities issued a judicial interpretation: the crime of cheating in exams can be severely punished for up to 7 years.

Cctv newsYesterday (3rd), the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate jointly issued the Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Laws in Handling Criminal Cases such as Organizing Cheating in Examinations, which severely punished cheating in four categories of "national examinations prescribed by law", such as college entrance examination, postgraduate examination and judicial examination.

According to the criminal law, the crime of cheating in organizing exams, illegally selling, providing test questions and answers, and the crime of replacing exams are applicable to "national exams prescribed by law". Explain that the first article mainly clarifies which exams belong to the "national exams prescribed by law".

Jiang Qibo, Director of the Supreme People’s Court Research Office.Article 1 of the Interpretation stipulates that "the national examination prescribed by law" refers to the examination prescribed by laws formulated by the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee.

It is clear that cheating in four types of exams, such as college entrance examination, is a crime.

This explanation makes it clear that the following examinations belong to the "national examinations prescribed by law": (1) national education examinations such as the entrance examination for ordinary colleges and universities, the entrance examination for graduate students, the self-study examination for higher education, and the entrance examination for adult colleges and universities; (2) central and local civil service recruitment examinations; (3) National unified legal professional qualification examination, national teacher qualification examination, national unified examination for certified public accountants, accounting professional and technical qualification examination, asset appraiser qualification examination, doctor qualification examination, licensed pharmacist professional qualification examination, registered architect examination, construction engineer qualification examination and other professional and technical qualification examinations; (4) other national examinations organized by the central or local competent departments and industries according to law.

On this basis, the third paragraph of Article 1 of the Interpretation further stipulates that the special types of enrollment, special skills tests, interviews and other examinations involved in the above-mentioned examinations belong to the "national examinations prescribed by law".

Criminal Law: The punishment for cheating is heavier if the circumstances are serious.

According to the provisions of the Criminal Law, whoever organizes cheating or provides cheating equipment or other help for others to commit the crime of organizing cheating in the national examination prescribed by law constitutes the crime of organizing cheating in the examination, and is sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention, with a fine or a single fine; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years and shall also be fined.

So which behaviors are serious? The judicial interpretation released yesterday also specifically clarified the serious circumstances.

The explanation is clear. The college entrance examination, postgraduate entrance examination and civil servant recruitment examination have high social concern, great influence and wide coverage. The direct stipulation of organizing cheating in these three types of exams is "serious circumstances".

Explain that it is clearly defined as "serious circumstances" that the exam is postponed, cancelled or enabled due to cheating. According to the relevant person in charge of the Supreme Law, some cheating cases are committed by exam staff, especially in cheating cases before the exam, the "shadow" of "inside ghosts" can often be seen, and the actor illegally obtains exam questions and answers by bribing a specific person to know before the exam, and then organizes cheating in the exam.

Jiang Qibo, Director of the Supreme People’s Court Research Office:Examination staff violate their responsibilities to organize cheating in exams, which is more subjective and vicious, so the Interpretation defines it as "serious circumstances". Organizing candidates to cheat across provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government is very harmful, so the Interpretation defines it as "serious circumstances".

The Interpretation defines cheating in exams for many times, cheating for more than 30 times, and providing more than 50 pieces of cheating equipment as "serious circumstances". According to the relevant person in charge of the Supreme Law, according to the different exams involved, the amount of illegal income from organizing cheating in exams or providing cheating equipment varies greatly.

Based on the consideration of severely punishing the crime of cheating in organizing exams, the Interpretation defines the illegal income of more than 300,000 yuan as "serious circumstances".

What equipment belongs to "cheating equipment"

According to the criminal law, the crime of cheating in organizing exams involves providing cheating equipment for others to commit the crime of cheating in organizing exams. So how to identify "cheating equipment"? Let’s see how it is stipulated in the Judicial Interpretation.

The judicial interpretation stipulates: "The programs and tools with the functions of avoiding or breaking through the safety management measures to prevent cheating in the examination room, obtaining, recording, transmitting, receiving and storing examination questions and answers, and the programs and tools specially designed for cheating shall be recognized as the second paragraph of Article 284-1 of the Criminal Law ‘ Cheating equipment ’ 。”

Jiang Qibo, Director of the Supreme People’s Court Research Office:According to this, button-type digital cameras and glasses-type close-up devices that can send and receive examination questions and answers by disguising themselves to avoid examination in the examination room can all be regarded as "cheating equipment".

On this basis, in order to unify the identification procedure of cheating equipment, the second paragraph of Article 3 of the Interpretation further stipulates: "Whether it belongs to the second paragraph of Article 284-1 of the Criminal Law ‘ Cheating equipment ’ It is difficult to determine, according to the report issued by the public security organ at or above the provincial level or the examination department, combined with other evidence to make a determination; Involving special spy equipment, special equipment for eavesdropping and stealing photos, ‘ Pseudo base station ’ And other equipment, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the identification. "

How to identify the cheating that was investigated before the exam began?

In addition, from a practical point of view, many cases of cheating in organizing exams are investigated before the exam begins. In this case, the purpose of cheating in organizing exams has not been achieved. Should it be regarded as a crime accomplished or attempted? This judicial interpretation has been clarified.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Supreme Law, the constitutive elements of the crime of organizing cheating in exams are organizing cheating and providing cheating equipment or other help for others to commit the crime of organizing cheating in exams. As long as the behavior of organizing cheating in exams has actually seriously endangered the order of exams, it should be regarded as a crime accomplished, and whether the purpose of cheating is realized should not affect the establishment of the crime accomplished.

Jiang Qibo, Director of the Supreme People’s Court Research Office:In order to unify the application of the law and severely punish the crime of cheating in organizing exams according to law, Article 4 of the Interpretation makes clear the relevant issues. If cheating in the exam is caught before the exam begins, but the exam questions and answers have been illegally obtained or there are other circumstances that seriously disturb the order of the exam, it shall be deemed that the crime of cheating in the organization exam has been completed.

Illegally providing test questions shall be punished for more than three years.

Explain that there are also two statutory penalties for the crime of illegally selling, providing test questions and answers. Among them, if the circumstances are serious, they shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years and fined.

Jiang Qibo, Director of the Supreme People’s Court Research Office:Article 6 of the Interpretation stipulates: "For the purpose of cheating in exams, illegally selling or providing questions and answers of national exams prescribed by law to others, if the questions are incomplete or the answers are not completely consistent with the standard answers, it will not affect the determination of the crime of illegally selling or providing questions and answers."

Clear rules for dealing with crimes instead of exams.

According to the criminal law, a person who takes the national examination in place of others or lets others take the national examination in place of himself as stipulated by law constitutes the crime of taking the examination instead, and shall be sentenced to criminal detention or public surveillance, and shall also or only be fined.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Supreme Law, in order to take into account the differences in the circumstances and circumstances of taking the test, the types of tests involved are different. In order to reflect and implement the criminal policy of combining leniency with severity, and to urge the actors who take the test to repent and turn over a new leaf, if they do show remorse, they can be suspended according to law.

Jiang Qibo, Director of the Supreme People’s Court Research Office:Article 7, paragraph 2, of the Interpretation specifically stipulates: "If the perpetrator’s crime is minor, he does show remorse, and comprehensively considers the actor’s taking the test and the type of the test, he can declare probation if he thinks that it meets the applicable conditions for probation; If the circumstances of the crime are minor, no prosecution may be instituted or criminal punishment may be exempted; If the circumstances are significant, minor and harmless, they will not be treated as crimes. "

The explanation also clarified the rules for dealing with the crime of cheating in exams other than the national exams prescribed by law.

Jiang Qibo, Director of the Supreme People’s Court Research Office:Explain the provisions of Article 10: "Whoever organizes cheating, provides cheating equipment or other help for others to organize cheating, or illegally sells or provides test questions and answers in other examinations other than the national examinations prescribed by law, which meets the constitutive requirements of crimes such as illegally obtaining state secrets, illegally producing and selling eavesdropping, stealing special equipment, illegally using eavesdropping, stealing special equipment, illegally using information networks, and disturbing the order of radio communication management, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law."

Football (sports)

On the same day, in the tenth round of the Italian Football League in the 2023-2024 season, Inter Milan beat Rome 1-0 at home.

On October 29th, Inter Milan coach Inzaghi was on the sidelines. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Alberto Lingoria)

On October 29th, Inter Milan player Thuram (left) scored a goal in the game. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Alberto Lingoria)

On October 29th, Inter Milan player Thuram (left) competed with Roma player Ndika. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Alberto Lingoria)

On October 29th, Inter Milan player lautaro (left) competed with Roma player Lu Kaku. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Alberto Lingoria)

On October 29th, Inter Milan player lautaro (right) competed with Roma player Mancini. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Alberto Lingoria)

Popular "CHAGPT" and the prospect of AI

1. what is chagpt?

It is a natural language model GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) released by OpenAI a few years ago. The principle of GPT is: first, provide it with a huge corpus (directly grabbed from the Internet), and let the model break up, mark and learn these texts through hundreds of billions (175 billion) parameters to build a complex prediction model; Then, according to this prediction model, it is judged which word a word should take in this situation. In this way, one word is strung together to form a paragraph or an article.

Its core is: building GTP model (structure)-model pre-training and self-learning to build internal feedback (motivation)-Chat is to build a friendly user interface and interactive way to realize external feedback (interactive layer).

2. What can chatgpt do now?

A, answer questions; Chatgpt’s actual expression ability is better than many people; Because of the "breadth of self-learning", the content it answers can often give the questioner a new angle or a perfect framework;

B, write an article; Also based on the "breadth of feeding", we can give quality results such as emails, reports, papers, planning schemes, etc.

C, summarizing and refining; Can help you listen to videos, podcasts, articles, etc., and summarize the main points in concise language;

D, generating codes; Also based on "feeding professionalism", its code generation ability is also very strong;

3. Disadvantages of chatgpt:

A, the level of input information: ChatGPT can’t generate information out of thin air, and all its knowledge can only come from the corpus it is fed. Obviously, the answers it can provide and the contents it can output will not exceed the average level of these corpora; It is essentially a kind of second-hand information. It is neither accurate nor traceable.

B, moral and ethical issues: under the current modeling conditions, there are negative and "deviation" phenomena;

C, the answer error rate is high (about 5%): it is difficult for us to see where the answer given by ChatGPT is wrong, which will lead to potential risks to users;

4. the prospect of chatgpt:

A. Search: Looking back at people’s search for information, in the search 1.0 stage, they can only go to the library to look up information; Search 2.0 stage

Information is digitized, and information can be queried and exchanged through the Internet; However, the information is too complicated and needs to be effectively screened, refined and integrated, which is the search 3.0 stage; It solves the contradiction between "too much information" and "too little attention"

B. Reading: In the future, each of us may have our own "exclusive doctor, lawyer, financial manager", etc. No matter what questions we want to consult, ask artificial intelligence directly, and it will give the latest, most comprehensive and accurate answer;

C. Writing: We no longer need to spend a lot of energy on writing plans and documents. We just need to think and come up with all kinds of ideas, themes, ideas, etc., and then tell these ideas to artificial intelligence, give it enough information, and it can be automatically output.

5. Future prospects of AI:

A. The future of AI will become the same infrastructure as water and electricity; Just as the first industrial revolution harnessed coal, the second industrial revolution harnessed oil, electricity and the third industrial revolution harnessed information; The next revolution will be to control "data and computing power", and the future intelligence will become the most basic facilities and mass goods of the whole society.

B. For individuals, AI may not make you unemployed, but those who will use AI in the future will make you unemployed. That is to say, if employees can’t strive to upgrade to High Concept (high concept, responsible for deep thinking) or High Touch (high experience, responsible for interpersonal interface), they will be gradually eliminated.

Nature’s subversive discovery: Everyone has a "sixth sense"? Will future computers run on human brain cells? | This week is worth reading

Biology and medicine

The subversive discovery in Nature is that everyone may have a "sixth sense", but they just don’t realize it.

@ Academic Jingwei Nature

Why are fingerprints unique? Cell reveals the mystery of fingerprint formation

@ Academic Jingwei Cell

Common sugar substitutes in zero-sugar drinks may increase the risk of heart disease and thrombosis.

@ Science Circle Nature

Cell accidentally found that there are these similarities in the brains of fighters and onlookers.

@ Academic Jingwei Cell

Computer artificial intelligence

New posture of scientific research: let GPT-3 help you.

@ qubit arXiv

When organ-like intelligence shines into human reality: will the future computer run on human brain cells?

@ biological exploration Frontiers in Science

A snapshot can restore a video! AAAI 2023 proposes a new snapshot compression imaging algorithm.

@ qubit AAAI 2023

Materials and chemistry

Wang Qing/Huang Xingyi Nature: Energy storage materials, a major breakthrough!

@ nanohuman Nature

The key role of the latest Nature: H in superconductivity in Electronic Science and Technology University of China.

@ nanohuman Nature

Using metal atoms to construct the skeleton of polymer, it is the longest metal polymer so far.

@ Global Science Angewandte Chemie International Edition

Astronomy and physics

The asteroid "Dragon Palace" contains about 20,000 kinds of organic molecules.

@ Global Science Science

Study on local structure in disordered materials by neutron scattering

@ Keai KeAiNuclear Analysis

The most powerful explosion in the universe

@ 京京京京京京京京 arXiv

Cover image source: Unsplash

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