On May 20th, Yolanda, a famous movie star, was invited by a column in Henan Province to promote her latest solo album "Lonely Flowers" in Zhengzhou Grand Shanghai International Studios. After breaking up with her boyfriend Xia Yu, Yuan Quan really became a "lonely flower". China News Agency issued Chen Daishu photo

    Gao Yuanyuan, a mainland artist, snatched Xia Yu from Yolanda. China News Agency issued Han Yibing photo

    There are indications that Yolanda and Xia Yu did break up. So, at least half of Xia Yu’s affair with Gao Yuanyuan is true. Moreover, Xia Yu is not sorry for Yolanda. Single men are justified in looking for love.

    According to the reporter’s witness, Yolanda performed "Peach Blossom Garden" in poly theatre. Xia Yu’s car drove to the door, not to pick up Yolanda, but to enter the coffee shop. Yuan Quan got on Huang Lei’s car from another exit. Xia Yu should know that Yolanda is performing here, but he is no longer interested in being a flower escort. From the expression of two people, Xia Yu looks glum, while Yuan Quan is laughing.

    Earlier, Xia Yu exposed the news of living with Gao Yuanyuan, which greatly damaged his health image, while Yuan Quan burst into tears at the recording scene of Li Jing’s program, and even more, he put a knife in Xia Yu’s heart. Two people break up, although the reasons are diverse, but in this way, Xia Yu is much more passive than Yolanda.

    A love affair that has been going on for nearly ten years, although it has become a spent force in the end, and both of them have traces of struggling to survive, but the breakup still makes the public sigh, as if love has been hit again. Who believes there is still an out-of-touch feeling? Xia Yu is a Scorpio, but Venus falls in Sagittarius, a constellation that pursues sexual desire and does not hide its sexiness. Xia Yu has an open and exposed side in his bones, which can be seen in his dress and behavior. However, Yuan Quan is relatively strict with the package and much lower-key.

    Yolanda Sun and Mercury all fall in Libra, and Venus is Virgo. They pursue perfect love and abstract love, which is different from Xia Yu’s love that pays more attention to sensuality. Their views on love are essentially different. Because you are romantic when you are young, you can play with spiritual love, but the hot-blooded summer rain matures gradually, and hormones burn in the body, so it is impossible to keep the feelings pure and pure all the time. The pace of two people is different, so there is a gap between before and after.

    Two people’s astrolabes show that each other is the opposite sex type that they appreciate, but each person’s personality has something that the other person can’t tolerate. Summer rain is stubborn, Yolanda is cold outside and hot inside, and his temper is not necessarily good, especially when the moon falls on the Sagittarius, and his mood is out of place from time to time. If he happens to meet Xia Yu’s strength, it will be difficult to deal with it.

Editor: Peng Wei