"Liangjiang Made" Wenjie M9 is officially listed, and orders have exceeded 50,000

On December 26, the Q Jie M9 jointly built by Sailis Automobile and Huawei was officially launched. According to reports, the current reservation of this model has reached 54,000 and will be delivered in batches on February 26 next year.

The M9 is a large SUV based on a new platform, providing two power forms: extended range and pure electric, with acceleration times of 4.3 seconds and 4.9 seconds respectively.

In terms of battery life, the extended-range 52-degree battery version has a comprehensive battery life of 1402km under CLTC conditions, and a pure electric battery life of 275km; the pure electric version is equipped with Huawei’s "Giant Whale" 800V high-voltage battery platform, charging 150km in 5 minutes, and the battery life under CLTC conditions reaches 630km.

As Huawei’s most expensive flagship model at present, the M9 is equipped with a number of Huawei’s latest technologies, such as Huawei’s megapixel smart projection headlights, Huawei’s Tuling chassis, and Huawei’s AR-HUD system.

In terms of high-end intelligent driving, the entire vehicle is equipped with 27 sensors, including a newly designed 192-line lidar, enabling a high-end intelligent driving experience that can be driven nationwide by the end of 2023.

It is reported that the Sailis Automotive Smart Factory, which produces the M9, is located in Longsheng New Town, Liangjiang New District. It is built with super international leading standards and integrates advanced technologies such as AI vision and big data to achieve 100% automation of key processes. It can achieve 0.05mm-level blue light accuracy identification, more than 600 key point detection, and 100% quality monitoring and traceability. It also realizes the world’s leading application of super-large 9000T die-casting technology, achieving the highest degree of integration in integrated die-casting components.

Sailis is the first partner of Huawei Hongmeng Zhixing. In 2022, the sales volume of the Q Jie brand series built by the two parties reached 75,000, once becoming the fastest growing new energy brand in China.

The listing of the new M7 has exceeded expectations, with orders exceeding 100,000 in just over 2 months, and according to the plan, 23,000 will be delivered in December this year, and over 30,000 will be delivered monthly next year.

He Liyang, president of Cyrus Automotive Co., Ltd., said that Cyrus Automotive is rapidly increasing its production capacity and will make every effort to allow users to experience the charm of the AITO M9 as soon as possible, with the confidence to set a new industry record.

Hechi, Guangxi: Activating online celebrity Elements to Make Network Civilization Shine.

  Online celebrity Gewei in Hechi and the 3rd Gepo Festival in Simeng Township, donglan were held in Simeng Sports Park recently, which was the third online celebrity Gewei held since the opening of online celebrity Chuangchuang Camp in Hechi, attracting more than 10,000 people from all counties (districts) in the city.

  In recent years, the Information Office of Hechi Municipal Committee has taken the initiative to give full play to its functional advantages, with the help of the internet, taking strengthening the construction of network celebrities as the focus and innovation point to promote the construction of network civilization. By building the "online celebrity Creation Camp", the online celebrity House was established, and the "online celebrity Song Fair" was held to unite and unite the online forces such as online celebrity and Media V, tell the story of Hechi well, spread the sound of Hechi well, shape the image of Hechi well, and gather positive energy for the development of Hechi.

  Be a good "online celebrity" housekeeper and carry forward the new trend of social civilization

  "This time in online celebrity, there should be a competition for the hegemony of the Zhuang King of Songs", "Our’ Twilight Plan’ public welfare activities can take photos of local longevity elderly people for free" and "Longevity elderly people can’t hold activities to replenish food and prolong their lives" … The curtain of the cultural tourism brand activities of "March 3 Hechi Carnival in Guangxi" has not yet been opened, and the Hechi online celebrity Creation Camp has already become lively.

  The Network Information Office of Hechi Municipal Committee insists on the Party’s management of the Internet, and incorporates the construction of network celebrities into the main points of the work of the Network Information Committee of the Municipal Committee. As a concrete measure to promote the network civilization work in the whole city, it continues to strengthen the role of network celebrities, and strengthen the contact and friendship of network celebrities through special investigations, seminars and exchanges, and build concentric circles online and offline. We have organized and carried out a series of online theme publicity activities, such as "Hechi online celebrity Hechi Beauty", "Yunshuo Magnificent and Charming Hechi" and "Shaking the New Hechi", focusing on the development of cultural tourism, rural revitalization, online public welfare and other fields, and created thousands of new media works to promote the new trend of online civilization. Up to now, Hechi online celebrity database has collected more than 150 online celebrities with more than 50,000 fans, including more than 10 online celebrities with more than 1 million fans.

  Be a good housekeeper and bridge the gap for the development of positive energy. Since 2023, more than 30 people, including Xiaojiang Media and Hechi Tribe, have been recommended to participate in e-commerce gatherings, cultural tourism promotion and other activities to help Hechi cultural tourism promotion, agricultural product sales and charity, so that online celebrity and the activists can achieve a double harvest of "flow" and "realization".

  Be a good "online celebrity" guide and encourage social responsibility.

  Hechi City has played a leading role in the organization of the Party Committee of the Internet industry, and strengthened the ideological and political guidance for famous online celebrities and enterprises. The Information Office of the Municipal Party Committee and other departments have successively conducted lectures in Internet companies such as Lida E-commerce Logistics Co., Ltd. and Yizhou Forum, constantly rallying ideological consensus and enhancing the political identity, ideological identity, theoretical identity and emotional identity of online celebrities to the Party.

  The "Hechi City Network Civilization Proposal" was issued to the whole city to guide the local media and network celebrities to consciously fulfill their social responsibility obligations. Hechi tribe, Zhuang township Xiao Mo and other media and network celebrities created and launched more than 1,000 high-quality works such as "Is this the taste of Hechi # Guangxi # Returning to Hechi for the New Year #", and Xiaojiang Media’s online public service advertisement "Even though there are 2020 difficulties, there are still 2021 kinds of persistence (dedicated to you who persist during the epidemic)". Internet celebrities such as Tan Lianqiao and Xiao Fan have devoted themselves to online public welfare undertakings. Online public welfare projects such as the "Neem Flower 1+1 Education Project" in Du ‘an and the "Partner Program" in Dahua Wild Lily have benefited children in mountainous areas, and online public welfare has continuously infiltrated people’s hearts.

  Hechi City encourages social responsibility by guiding network celebrities to give full play to their own characteristics and advantages, which has laid a solid foundation for promoting Hechi, promoting Hechi and revitalizing Hechi with the help of the Internet.

  Do a good job of "online celebrity" stylist and set an advanced typical benchmark.

  Hechi City has always attached great importance to the excavation and tree selection of celebrities in the positive energy network. It has set up a column of online celebrity Creation Camp on Hechi.com, organized reporters to conduct an exclusive report on positive energy online celebrity, launched more than 10 daily series of positive energy reports by online celebrity, such as "Mini Brother in Luocheng", and planned to launch a series of video works "New Life in Singing", a folk song with unique Hechi characteristics, to tell the daily stories of online celebrity in Hechi, spread the good voice of the Internet, and guide the cyberspace to form a positive atmosphere.

  Hechi City pays attention to the demonstration and guidance of network celebrities. By taking activities such as "Five Hundred" and "Strive to be a good netizen in Bagui" as the starting point, and taking the New Media Federation and online celebrity Creation Camp as the positions, it has done a good job in selecting typical trees for netizens. In recent years, it has recommended more than 20 network celebrities such as Gao Dongfeng and Hu Liufang as "good netizens in Bagui" models, moral models, the most beautiful people and good people around them. In addition, in recent years, phenomenal online celebrity, such as Waina, Wu Enshi and rural Xiaojing, have emerged in Hechi, becoming the flag pole of Hechi "online celebrity".

  In this year’s "V Viewing the New Countryside and Seeing the Changes in Hometown-Hechi New Media Entering Donglan Simeng Public Welfare", online celebrities, light and shadow sculptors and other public welfare organizations took photos of the birthday girl and more than 10 pairs of long-lived elderly people, leaving a precious mark on the old people’s half-century caring for each other. With the flashing of flashing lights, moving and sweet smiles were captured one by one, making the atmosphere of the whole event happy and romantic.

  Nowadays, the celebrity of positive energy network in Hechi City is gradually becoming an "important online force" for Hechi to further promote the construction of network civilization, becoming a disseminator of positive energy, a recorder of the times, a watcher of fairness and justice, and a promoter of social progress. (correspondent class teacher Wu Jianping Guangming Daily, all-media reporter Zhou Shixing)

Yingheng Technology released its interim report for 2023, and the growth of Zhijia Networked Business exceeded expectations.

Recently, Yingheng Technology (1760.HK), a leading provider of automotive electronic solutions in China, released its interim results report for 2023. During the reporting period, it achieved operating income of 2.626 billion yuan, up 27% year-on-year, and the profit attributable to shareholders was 155 million yuan, which was basically the same as the same period of last year. Among them, the vehicle-related business continued its rapid growth momentum, with a year-on-year increase of 58.1%, leading the industry; The business performance of Zhijia Networked Network was even brighter, with a year-on-year increase of 117.6%.

Lu Yingming, Chairman, Co-CEO and Executive Director of Yingheng Technology, said: "The overall performance in the first half of this year continued to outperform the market performance. Relying on strong R&D capabilities and industrialization capabilities of new energy vehicles, the Group helps OEMs achieve cost-effective mass production solutions and promote business penetration. "

It is worth mentioning that Yingheng Technology’s gross profit margin remained at around 20% in the first half of the year, leading the industry average, and its operating profit margin was 8.1%, slightly lower than 9.5% in the same period last year. Excluding the additional investment in research and development, the company’s operating profit margin increased slightly by 0.5 percentage points compared with the same period of last year. With electrification and intelligence becoming the general trend of the global automobile industry, its complexity is getting higher and higher, and the technical advantages of Yingheng Technology in research and development are becoming more and more prominent, further consolidating its market position and increasing its market share.

Adhering to the development strategy of "light assets and heavy research and development", Yingheng Technology continued to increase investment in research and development in the first half of this year, and the proportion of research and development expenses in revenue increased to 8.9%, which was mainly used for testing and verifying equipment. By the end of the first half of 2023, the company had 1,058 full-time R&D related technicians, accounting for 70% of the total number of employees. It owns 256 patents and 207 software copyrights, increasing by 21 and 20 respectively compared with the same period of last year.

In June this year, Yingheng Technology cooperated with Horizon, a leading semiconductor company, to strengthen the development and application capabilities in autonomous driving and AI technology, established a vehicle-level autonomous driving test laboratory and an autonomous driving simulation test verification platform, and launched the first market-oriented high-grade autonomous driving domain control station solution based on Journey 5, helping the company to explore the autonomous driving market of low-priced cars.

In this regard, the management of Yingheng Technology said in a question from a reporter from the World Wide Web: "At present, the assembly rate of autonomous driving in China is not very high, and many shares are still provided by international manufacturers, which also means that the future development space of local domestic autonomous driving systems is very considerable. At present, Yingheng Technology’s self-driving products have also been supported by many customers and entered the mass production stage in the second half of this year. "

In August this year, Yingheng Technology was invited to participate in the Microelectronics Ecosphere Seminar 2023 organized by Hong Kong Science and Technology Park Corporation and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and exhibited the latest research and development achievements in automotive intelligence. Including MADC3.5, a cockpit integrated controller compatible with intelligent driving and cockpit functions, which is the third domain control station solution for middle and high-level automatic driving; And intelligent cockpit with time-of-flight ranging (ToF) function, which can provide a more perfect interactive experience of man-machine communication in the cabin.

It is reported that Yingheng Technology’s new R&D center in Hong Kong is located in Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, which is mainly responsible for automotive intelligent software, advanced power semiconductor applications and collaborative robot solutions. It is expected to officially operate in November this year, making good arrangements for the company’s products to enter overseas.

"good day to die hard" made an explosive clip, and the stunt of racing was unprecedented.

"good day to die hard" made a great clip.

Bruce and his son fought side by side in the film.

    The 20th Century Fox Film Company’s great action contribution in 2013 recently released its first clip in the world. In the clip, Bruce Willis body of work, a popular Hollywood action superstar, showed his stunt of racing in the Russian streets and hijacked a Mercedes-Benz on the rampage, which was quite exciting. According to Bruce Willis himself, good day to die hard will be the biggest action scene in the series. The film will be released in North America on February 14th, and it is expected to be introduced in China.

    The "Die Hard Rowen" series has been loved by fans all over the world, making a total box office success of more than $1.1 billion, and also making the hero image of the movie protagonist Bruce Willis deeply rooted in people’s hearts. In this good day to die hard, John McClane, played by Bruce Willis, will go to Russia to fight terrorists this time, and this time he has a new comrade-in-arms, that is, his son, Jack McClane, played by newcomer jai courtney.

    In previous episodes, John McClane was always in the wrong place at the wrong time, and then he was forced to get involved in a series of troubles. good day to die hard will continue this story setting, and the film is directed by director john moore. John hoped to bring his troubled son back to the United States, but unexpectedly found that Jack was performing an earth-shattering mission for the CIA in the United States. He had to resolve a possible nuclear robbery disaster in time, and a thrilling battle was on the verge. The father and son who had different opinions had to risk their lives together, and only through cooperation could they get out of danger.

    In the first clip released in the world recently, Bruce Willis body of work was hit by a car on the street in Russia, and then "hijacked" a Mercedes-Benz on the rampage, which was quite exciting. According to Bruce Willis himself, good day to die hard will be the biggest action scene in the series. There is no shortage of "hard goods" in action movies such as blasting, speeding, rollover, gun battle and nuclear crisis, which is worth looking forward to.

    This is also the first time that this series of films has taken a shot in Russia outside North America, and it will be more enjoyable to actually shoot a car in the street. Speaking of shooting in Russia this time, Bruce Willis said: "My role is like a fish out of water. Wherever I go, I hit a wall everywhere. McClane doesn’t speak Russian, and he doesn’t know the rules of that place, so he will establish his own rules."

    The film will be released in North China on February 14th, which is the Spring Festival holiday in the United States. It is reported that it is expected to be introduced in mainland China later this year.

First Shanghai: Maintain Galaxy Entertainment’s "Buy" rating target price of HK$ 56.08.

  First Shanghai released a research report saying that Galaxy Entertainment (00027) was maintained as a "buy" rating, and its performance in the fourth quarter of 2003 met expectations with a target price of HK$ 56.08. The launch of the third phase of "Macau Galaxy" w ill help the group to increase its market share. Due to the Group’s good products and services, the most stable balance sheet in the industry, the strong executive ability of the management, and the launch of the fourth phase project of Ludang, Hengqin project and potential overseas projects in the future; The bank is full of confidence in the long-term development of the group.

  First, the main points of Shanghai are as follows:

  Summary of performance in the fourth quarter of 2003: Summary of performance in the fourth quarter of 2003:

  Galaxy’s net income increased by 254% year-on-year and 7% quarter-on-quarter to HK$ 10.3 billion (back to 80% in the same period in 2019) . The number of VIP gambling transcoding increased by 408% year-on-year and 6% quarter-on-quarter (back to 21% in the same period of 2019); The revenue from midfield betting increased by 398% year-on-year and 5.2% quarter-on-quarter (up by 13% compared with the same period in 2019). The adjusted EBITDA of the Group increased by 1.4% from the previous month to HK$ 2.8 billion (returning to 69% in the same period of 2019), and the EBITDA rate was 27%. After deducting the influence of low winning rate, EBITDA will increase by 100 million yuan. The overall performance is in line with expectations. The balance sheet of the Group remains very stable, with net cash of HK$ 23.5 billion (the strongest in the industry). In addition, because the Group is full of confidence in its future development, it announced another special dividend of 0.30 yuan per share. The annual dividend payout ratio reached 32%, which was higher than expected.

  Performance survey of "Galaxy Macau" and Star Hotel;

  During the period, the net income of "Macau Galaxy" and Star Hotel increased by 7% and 2% respectively from the previous month to HK$ 8.2 billion and HK$ 1.3 billion (re turning to 88% and 47% respectively in the same period of 2019); The adjusted EBITDA was HK$ 2.57 billion and HK$ 350 million respectively (returning to 80% and 45% in the same period of 2019, respectively). The EBITDA rates were 31.4% and 28.1% respectively. The occupancy rates of Galaxy Macau and Star Hotel are 95% and 100% respectively. At the end of l ast year, the group has added catering facilities in "Macau Galaxy" and transferred the high-end midfield gambling area located in the center; And re-planning the distribution of venues in the gambling area, hoping to improve the flow of people and customer experience. The Star Hotel also has plans to update its facilities.

  The update of the third and fourth phases of "Macau Galaxy";

  The third phase of "Macau Galaxy" will launch a high-end hotel (with about 100 rooms) in 2025, which will be provided to very high-end midfield customers and self-operated VIP customers. The Group is also continuing to advance the construction o f the fourth phase of "Macau Galaxy", which is expected to be completed in 2027. With a development area of about 600,000 square meters, this project will introduce a number of high-end hotel brands that have entered Macao for the first time, with a 4,000-seat theater, diversified catering, retail, non-gaming facilities, gardens and water play parks. The capital expenditure in 2024 is estimated to be about 6.1 billion yuan (of which 5.1 billion yuan will be used for th e third and fourth phases of "Macau Galaxy" and the rest will be used for the renovation of other facilities.

  Other points:

  In the fourth quarter, the group’s market share should drop to below 18%, but due to the group’s good products and the launch of new projects in the future, it is believed that the market share will pick up in the future. It is understood that the hotel occupancy rate of the group reached 100% during the Spring Festival; The performance of the midfield business has increased by 20% compared with the same period in 2019. In order to expand overseas visitors, the group has set up offices in Tokyo and Seoul to develop overseas business, and is preparing to set up an office in Bangkok.

Fuxin Software was financed to buy RMB 13 million, and accumulated RMB 39 million in the past three days.

On February 23, the data of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges showed that Fuxin Software received a financing purchase amount of RMB 13 million, ranking 606th in the two cities. On that day, the financing repayment amount was RMB 17 million, and the net sales amount was RMB 3,615,000.

In the last three trading days, from 21st to 23rd, Fuxin Software received financing to buy RMB 09 million, RMB 16 million and RMB 13 million respectively.

In terms of securities lending, 00,000 shares were sold and 00,300 shares were bought.

This article comes from: financial circles

Author: Liangrongjun


Jiangxi Civil Affairs Planning Finance and Welfare Lottery Finance and Asset Management Training Course was held in Xiamen National Accounting Institute.

  From September 26th to 30th, the training course of Jiangxi Civil Affairs Planning Finance and Welfare Lottery Finance and Asset Management was held in Xiamen National Accounting Institute. Deputy Director Ouyang Haiquan (director level) attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Li Jinxi, vice president of Xiamen National Accounting Institute, attended the opening ceremony. More than 80 people attended the training, including the responsible comrades of the Finance Department of the Department of Planning and Finance, the Provincial Welfare Lottery Center and the financial departments of the departments affiliated to the Department, and the responsible comrades of the civil affairs departments of all districts and cities, Ganjiang New District and counties (cities, districts).

  Ouyang Haiquan put forward four requirements to the financial personnel of the provincial civil affairs planning and welfare lottery system: First, Do not forget your initiative mind, bearing in mind the mission is the basic political follow of the financial personnel of the provincial civil affairs. Second, adhering to the standards and not making false accounts are the basic professional ethics of civil affairs financial personnel in the province. Third, lifelong learning and continuous improvement are the basic literacy pursuits of civil affairs financial personnel in the province. Fourth, cherish opportunities and strictly observe discipline, which are the basic training requirements for civil affairs financial personnel in the province.

  Dr. Lin Zhiyuan, Dr. Chen Yanping and Dr. Liu Yongquan from Xiamen University and Xiamen National Accounting Institute gave authoritative interpretations and practical guidance on budget performance management, internal control construction of administrative institutions, new Government Accounting System and state-owned assets management of administrative institutions.

  The students have said that the wonderful lectures and lively learning exchanges of experts and scholars have enabled everyone to think, learn and succeed, effectively improving the comprehensive quality and professional ability of financial personnel, strengthening the construction of Jiangxi civil affairs talent team, and laying a solid foundation for promoting the high-quality development of civil affairs and wealth management. In particular, it is of special commemorative significance to hold training courses on the occasion of the 70th birthday of the motherland. The students said that they will promote the construction of great love civil affairs in Jiangxi in the new era with practical actions, paint a new picture of Jiangxi’s reform and development in the new era and make their due contributions to building a prosperous, beautiful, happy and modern Jiangxi.

French Ligue 1-Messi Club 300 assists Mbappé beat Paris 2-1 brest League four-game winning streak.

Live broadcast: March 12th At 4: 00 am Beijing time on March 12th, the 27th round of Ligue 1 in the 2022-23 season started to compete at Lebray Stadium, and Paris Saint-Germain challenged brest away. In the first half, Sohler scored the first goal after the middle frame, Aunola equalized the score, Messi assisted in the second half, unlocking 300 assists in the club’s career, and Mbappé finished the lore. In the end, Paris beat brest 2-1 away, and Paris won four consecutive victories in the league. In terms of standings, Paris ranked first with 66 points, 11 points ahead of Marseille, the second place.

[Key Events of Competition]

In the 36th minute, Messi dribbled the ball, and a sudden stab of cold arrow from the periphery of Mbappé was saved by Bizot. Sohler followed up and shot again, and brest scored 0-1 in Paris Saint-Germain! ↓

In the 42nd minute, Del Castillo made a long pass from the midfield, and Aunola faced the defense of Pembele and Ramos, and volleyed into the restricted area to score a goal. brest scored 1-1 in Paris Saint-Germain! ↓

In the 90th minute, Messi sent a penetrating straight plug from the midfield, and Mbappé’s single-handed ball bounced past Bizot to push an empty net into the net, and brest scored 1-2 in Paris Saint-Germain! ↓

[Moment of Competition Focus]

In the 10th minute, Messi missed the first shot, and Sohler hit the crossbar hard in the penalty area, and Messi shot high again. ↓

The 24th minute, brest’s counterattack opportunity, Belkebra’s low cross, Ramos’s key position will clear the ball. ↓

In the 45 th minute, the scene was smoky. ↓

In the 61st minute, Mbappé missed the left side of the penalty area with an excellent opportunity. ↓

In the 64 th minute, Messi’s low shot from the top of the restricted area was resolved by Bizot. ↓

In the 68th minute, Mbappé made a straight tackle, and Mendes smashed the ball at a small angle and was saved by Bizot. ↓

In the 86th minute, Mbappé retaliated by kicking Belkebra down, and the referee showed a yellow card warning. ↓

[Starting and substitution information of both parties]

Brest starting: 40- Bizot, 99- Fadiga (80’23- Erel), 2- Du Wen, 4- Dari, 3- Bourrassier, 20- Melo, 9- Aunola, 10- Del Castillo (75’37- Lemarechal), 8- Magnay, 7-.

Substitutes did not appear: 1- Brasquez, 5- Chadoni, 28- Rocoro, 17- Ellis, 18- Karamoko-Dembele, 97- Alcon.

Paris Saint-Germain starting: 99- Donaruma, 25- Mendes, 4- Ramos, 15- Danilo-Pereira, 29- Pembele (74’14- beernaert), 33- emeri (88’18- Sanches), 8- Fabian-Ruiz (74’17-

Substitutes did not play: 16- Rico, 90- Letellier, 31- Bishyab, 35- Galby.

Digital Economy Empowering and High-quality Development The 5th International Financial Science and Technology Forum opened in Chengdu

At present, financial technology has become a new kinetic energy of the economy, and it is one of the indicators to measure the economic development level of various countries. How financial technology can empower high-quality economic development has also become a hot topic of global concern.

On November 5th, the 5th International Financial Science and Technology Forum opened in Wenjiang District, Chengdu. More than 150 top guests from the world’s political, industrial, academic and research circles once again gathered in Chengdu to analyze the new direction, new track, new trend and new path of China’s economic, financial and technological development around the theme of "digital economy enabling high-quality development". The forum will inject financial power into promoting high-quality economic and social development through more than 10 activities.

The Red Star reporter learned that this two-day forum was sponsored by Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu Local Financial Supervision Administration and Wenjiang District People’s Government of Chengdu, and hosted by the School of Finance of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics and China Institute of Finance, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics International Joint Laboratory of Financial Technology, and Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Sichuan Key Laboratory of Financial Intelligence and Financial Engineering.

Vision: Financial Technology Helps Digital China Construction

Today, China’s economic strength has achieved a historic leap, and its total economic output ranks second in the world.

High-quality development has become the primary task for China to build a socialist modernized country in an all-round way, and we must persist in putting the focus of economic development on the real economy.

After several rounds of discussions, the participating experts agreed that financial technology, with its characteristics of integration, accuracy, intersection and openness, has become the key to providing financial support, inciting the capital market and technological innovation, effectively serving the development of real economy and digital economy, helping to strengthen advanced manufacturing industry, realizing high-quality economic development and speeding up the construction of a "manufacturing power" and "digital China".

2022 is a year in which China’s digital economy is fully developed. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, China’s digital economy turned to a new stage of deepening application, standardizing development, and universal sharing.

Experts attending the meeting said that, based on this background, this forum is held under the new development pattern of digital economy empowerment. Global financial experts jointly review the process of financial technology innovation, discuss the present situation of financial technology development, and look forward to the wonderful prospect of technology in helping financial service entities, preventing financial risks, and building a digital China and a green China, which is of great significance for forming a wider, wider and deeper opening-up pattern.

Four highlights: groundbreaking technology gives birth to new formats

This forum is carefully prepared and boldly innovated on the basis of previous sessions, and this year presents four new points of view.

The first highlight is that a series of pioneering financial technology systems and platforms were released for the first time at the opening ceremony on November 5th, including AI engineering KubeAI platform, Quant Plus quantitative analysis platform, enterprise risk intelligent identification and early warning system, etc. This is the first time that Southwestern University of Finance and Economics has shown the technical "hard power" of financial universities to the industry, which will bring new products, new models and new formats to the financial technology industry and help enterprises to transform digitally.

The second highlight is that the 5th Chengdu August 80 Global Financial Technology Product Design and R&D Competition officially started, and the competition teams of eight top universities in the world gathered in Chengdu again. The competition will further deepen Industry-University-Research’s cooperation, focus on "new finance and economics" talent training, innovate and standardize the contents of the competition, and innovate the talent training methods.

At the same time, at the Digital Economy Empowerment Financial Technology Innovation Forum held on the same day, the founders of financial technology companies such as Bingjian Technology, Daoke DaoCloud and Kuanbang Technology started a dialogue, focusing on the promotion of enterprise credit evaluation by artificial intelligence technology, AI empowerment investment and other topics to explore the new direction of digital economy development.

In addition, on November 6th, a headmaster’s forum will be held, which will be changed from a closed meeting to an open meeting for the first time. Southwestern University of Finance and Economics will set up a platform to invite the principals and deans of 16 mainstream universities in China to discuss and share new modes, new experiences and new methods of talent cultivation in universities.

Red Star Journalist Wu Huayu According to Wenjiang District

Editor Chai Chang

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