A Cai Moments · Yang Qiang, Wu Haishan | Is artificial intelligence ushering in the best era?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been developed for more than 60 years since its birth. In recent years, AI has become a hot spot in academia and industry around the world. Start-up companies are surging, huge investments are emerging, tech giants are constantly up the ante, and scientific research, capital and talent are moving closer to AI. So, some people will inevitably ask, have we ushered in the best era of artificial intelligence?

The Challenge of Good Times

Looking back today, 2017 may be an important node in the development of artificial intelligence in China. In 2017, "artificial intelligence" was written into the government work report of the National People’s Congress for the first time. Premier Li Keqiang said that it is necessary to fully implement the development plan for strategic emerging industries and accelerate the research and development and transformation of new materials, artificial intelligence, integrated circuits, biopharmaceuticals, and fifth-generation mobile communications. Artificial intelligence has also been hotly discussed by deputies to the National People’s Congress and members of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.

At the same time, at the 2017 Wuzhen Go Summit, AlphaGo defeated the world’s No. 1 Go champion Ke Jie with a total score of 3:0, which attracted the attention of the whole people. "Whether artificial intelligence has completely surpassed human beings", "Will artificial intelligence replace human beings" and other issues have also become hot topics.

It was also from that year that artificial intelligence was surging. Overnight, it seemed that all companies had become artificial intelligence companies. Capital and talent quickly poured into the field of artificial intelligence. "Artificial intelligence" became one of the hottest and most sought-after words in the technology, academic and corporate circles. Major Internet companies have vigorously promoted artificial intelligence research and development. Tencent founder Pony Ma has also publicly stated that if he can only invest in one field, starting from his own industry, he is most concerned about the AI industry related to information technology. Internationally, tech giants such as Google and IBM have been researching artificial intelligence for more than a decade, and some research results have entered commercial applications in recent years.

From these perspectives, artificial intelligence can be said to have ushered in a very good era, but there are also problems behind the excitement. For example, this boom is more driven by the industry and investment community, while the academic and basic research fields have not revolutionized, and the talent gap has not been really solved.

At the same time, AI still faces many challenges in practical application and implementation, especially data issues. The various types of data required for AI research are scattered in different enterprises, and the ideal "big data" that people often say does not exist, but the actual situation is that there are a large number of "small data" and "data islands"; in addition, data security, privacy, compliance and other issues have always existed. In 2018, the European Union officially implemented the strictest data protection regulation in history – the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and on January 21, 2019, Google became the first US technology company to be heavily punished under this law, fined 50 million euros… These problems make the implementation and development of AI look less good.

Deeply empowering industry

In 2019, Premier Li Keqiang talked about artificial intelligence for the third time in the government work report. It is worth noting that this year, the Premier specifically proposed in the report to build an industrial Internet platform, expand "intelligent +", and empower the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry.

At present, the innovative achievements of artificial intelligence have been applied in various fields, promoting technological progress, efficiency improvement and business model change in all walks of life. Among them, the financial industry is one of the most promising AI application fields, and AI + finance is the top priority of "intelligence +".

On the one hand, the information construction of the financial industry started earlier, and the industry attaches great importance to the standardization and standardization of data collection, so it has a large amount of accumulated data, which provides a solid foundation for the application of artificial intelligence; on the other hand, taking banks, insurance, securities companies as an example, the main business of the financial industry is based on large-scale data development, a large number of cumbersome data processing work, the urgent need for automation and intelligent change to liberate manpower; in addition, financial inclusion and scene-based innovation, also need new technical means to provide support, and the combination of artificial intelligence and finance undoubtedly provides more possibilities for financial innovation.

The author takes the practice of WeBank in the field of AI + finance as an example to introduce. Starting from demand, returning to business value is the core of self-researching AI. WeBank is an Internet bank serving small and micro enterprises and the general public. The most difficult part is the high service cost caused by the large number of scattered and large, lack of collateral, and imperfect guarantee system.

Therefore, the AI team of WeBank applies "AI + service" to actual business links. For example, three application systems are created based on the three major engines of "natural language processing engine", "voice engine" and "vision engine" – "intelligent nuclear system", "intelligent customer service system" and "intelligent quality inspection system", covering the whole process of business consultation, identity verification, data review, operation and lending. At present, through this set of AI robot combination boxing, we allow customers to complete all the online from consultation to application to borrowing, without offline account opening or paper materials, to maximize the solution to the problem of difficult and slow loan processes for small and micro enterprises, and to help enterprises innovate and develop.

The launch of the new national asset management regulations and the inclusion of the Chinese market in the MSCI index have had a profound impact on China’s asset management industry. WeBank is also making efforts in the field of "AI + asset management". It is currently developing alternative data based on satellite remote sensing image data, drone image data, mobile location data and public opinion text information. It can create an AI-driven asset management platform through artificial intelligence technology, which can not only monitor the macro economy in real time, but also predict the trends of listed and bond-issuing companies and different industries. Build an AI + Alternative Data-driven ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) index, so as to provide investment decisions for asset management companies, fund companies, rating companies and other fields.

In the face of data silos and privacy concerns, where does AI go?

As mentioned above, the complexity, isolation, privacy and security of data are the key factors that plague and restrict the deepening development and application of AI, including the financial industry. How to solve these data problems, break down data silos, and establish true "big data" while better protecting data privacy and security has become a problem that must be solved in the current development of AI.

The author believes that in the face of these problems, we can have a new way of thinking – federated learning (Federated Learning), whose purpose is to protect user privacy and data security. Federated learning, as the name suggests, is to build a virtual "federal state" to unite large and small "data islands". They are like a state in this "federal state", which not only maintains a certain degree of independence (such as trade secrets, user privacy), but also can jointly model and improve the effect of AI models without sharing data.

Essentially, it is a distributed encryption machine learning technology where all parties involved can build models without disclosing the underlying data. This is also a win-win machine learning method. It breaks down the data dimension walls on the top of the mountain, revitalizes large and small "data islands", and connects into a win-win AI continent.

In the field of finance, federated learning can be used to analyze potential fraud; in the field of insurance pricing, it can accurately analyze the attributes of users in more dimensions. For enterprises, the application of federated learning can save costs more effectively, and it can also make user classification more accurate. In addition, for some very sensitive data scenarios, such as the medical field, different hospitals can also share sensitive medical data through federated learning technology.

The future AI new generation of machine learning algorithm framework should be based on privacy protection, security compliance, reasonable interpretation, and transparent reasoning mechanism to ensure the healthy development of artificial intelligence. The development and practice of federated learning provides new ideas for the industry. Of course, the construction of AI ecology and the construction of big data also requires different enterprises, scholars, and research institutions to join forces, share technology, share data, and unite forces to jointly solve data silos and user privacy issues.

AIFuture: Basic research still requires continued efforts

So, what is the current development of AI in China, and what are the future prospects? Ma Songde, former vice minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and many other experts and scholars have said that China’s application of AI will be the largest in the world, and the prospects are very good, but continued efforts are needed in basic research.

The author believes that in recent years, China’s AI map has been "dots" one by one, but it has not been able to form a "face". In other words, a deep AI application ecosystem that can open up the industrial chain has not been established, and there is still a lack of system level and infrastructure building.

At present, the industry’s understanding and application of AI is more limited to the single-function product level. For example, an enterprise introduces AI assistance in certain process links, such as human-machine interaction and facial recognition, but such an enterprise cannot be said to be an artificial intelligence enterprise. The entire industry should have a deeper understanding of AI, so that AI can drive the optimization of the core decision-making system of the industry, and maximize the advantages and revolutionaries of AI.

It is hoped that in the future, China’s AI colleagues will pay more attention to basic research and work together to truly drive the development and implementation of core, in-depth, and industrialized AI.

This article is a special column of Yicai Moments, representing the author's personal views only

The 5th generation DM-i technology adds static experience to BYD Qin L.

  [Illustration of New Car in car home] At the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, BYD Qin L was officially unveiled, and the new car will be equipped with the fifth-generation DM-i hybrid technology, which is expected to raise the fuel consumption performance to a new height. The new car will form a two-car pattern with Qin PLUS to meet the car purchase needs of different users. Let’s learn more about the design details and space performance of this new car through the real pictures taken at the auto show!

Home of the car

● The appearance evolves again on the basis of family-style design.

  In terms of appearance, the new car adopts the design of "New Country Tide and Beauty", and the interior of the large-size front grille is decorated with lattice chrome-plated elements, which makes the visual effect fashionable and novel.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  The headlight group is narrow and sharp, which is highly integrated with the luminous "dragon beard" on the top. The integrated design not only makes the dragon face more stereoscopic, but also enlarges the horizontal visual width of the front face. The headlight group uses LED light source, and the illumination is realized through lens focusing. The square lens group is simple and exquisite, which makes the headlight look bright.

Home of the car

  From the side of the car body, its waistline runs through the front fender to the back door, which makes the car body more slender. With the concave rib line under the car door, it creates a three-dimensional cutting effect and shows the sense of strength. The new car adopts a slip-back design, which not only improves the aerodynamic performance of the vehicle, but also makes it look younger and sporty.

Home of the car

  The exterior rearview mirror integrates a turn signal and a camera, and the door handle is of a traditional style. The new car supports keyless entry function, and the buttons on the door handle are used to lock/unlock the vehicle.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  The new car parking space is designed with a wide back shoulder, which not only echoes the front face, but also increases the muscular feeling of the rear. At the same time, the car uses a penetrating taillight shape, inspired by Chinese knots, full of recognition and family design.

Home of the car

Home of the car

  The rear bumper has a diffuser-like design, which further enhances the sense of movement of the rear design of the new car and should be able to win the love of many young consumers.

Home of the car

  In terms of vehicle size, (|) has a length, width and height of 4830/1900/1495mm and a wheelbase of 2790mm, respectively. In contrast, the body size of the Qin PLUS model currently on sale is 4765/1837/1495mm, and the wheelbase is 2718 mm. It can be said that Qin L is bigger than Qin PLUS as a whole.

Home of the car

  The new car uses two-color multi-spoke 18-inch wheels, which has a good visual layering. Matching with the rim is Chaoyang SU318a H/T tire with specifications of 225/50 R18 92V.

Home of the car

  From the configuration of charging interface, Qin L will support DC fast charging and AC slow charging. For plug-in hybrid vehicles, DC fast charging configuration is conducive to rapid recharge.

So ugly, how did it become a "beautiful" online celebrity?

Youth Shanghai

recent days

Suide County, Shaanxi Province

A network anchor named "Zhang Meili" was arrested.

Although it’s called "beauty"

But what she did was "ugly"

According to the police report, "Zhang Meili" made an appearance by insulting her mother, broadcasting live broadcasts, and yelling at people, in order to attract attention and increase fans. "Zhang Meili" also used online celebrity’s identity to eat "overlord meal" offline, and insisted on taking it. So arrogant and lawless, he was finally arrested by the police on suspicion of seeking trouble.

It is not uncommon for online celebrity to be dealt with for breaking the law, but by abusing his mother to gain attention and get traffic, there is no bottom line to this extent, which has broken through many people’s cognition. Those who wait for "Zhang Meili" will be punished by law.


The rapid development of webcasting in recent years has provided many ordinary people with opportunities for success, and also broadened channels for people’s production and life, especially for leisure and entertainment. Many people choose to take network anchor as their career.

However, in order to become online celebrity, some people do not hesitate to get attention and traffic by ugly, vulgar or even illegal means. Online celebrity "Zhang Meili" took this path.

According to the police report, "Zhang Meili" was originally an ordinary netizen. After a video insulting his mother was released in 2022, it quickly rose to tens of thousands. She tasted the sweetness from this data, thinking that she had found the "trick", so she regarded it as a road to rising powder and frequently abused her mother in the live broadcast.

What’s even more outrageous is that in order to continue to suck powder, "Zhang Meili" frequently creates offensive topics in the live broadcast, insults others at will, and regards the live broadcast "opposite spraying" vulgar content and swearing words as the traffic password of the powder.

With the rising popularity, in reality, "Zhang Meili" not only colluded with some network anchors, co-produced vulgar videos to make money, but also began to eat "overlord meals", taking transportation without paying, even abusing others at will, insisting on it, and so on.

In the end, the local police arrested "Zhang Meili" in accordance with the law on suspicion of seeking trouble, and imposed administrative penalties on the relevant personnel who participated in the vulgar live broadcast of "Zhang Meili". The account related to "Zhang Meili" was also banned by the platform.


The frequent chaos in webcasting has long aroused people’s concern. Some deliberately release "soft porn" content and "edge ball" videos; Some fictional facts and posing "sell badly"; Some vulgar PK, violent fighting; Others pretend to be crazy and sell silly, grandstanding; What’s more, it is said that "black red" is also "red".

Compared with the live broadcast chaos mentioned above, "Zhang Meili" is a breakthrough.

She not only abused her mother, but also used it as a tool to make money and become famous, and made it public by live broadcast in exchange for attention and flow. This arrogant behavior of ignoring human relations and trampling on the bottom line caused public outrage.

Many netizens are worried that if the abusive behavior of mothers cannot be dealt with in time and can be exchanged for traffic and benefits, will more people follow suit and even intensify? Since insults can get such high traffic, what about more outrageous beatings? What about abuse?

Obviously, if such ugly chaos can’t be stopped in time, it will encourage the spread of "judging ugliness" and form a "broken window effect". The police shot in time, dispelled the dream of "Zhang Meili" and laid a foundation for consolidating the clear network.


Traffic is not a scourge, and there is no right or wrong in itself. What is wrong is the way some people pursue traffic.

Recently, a sudden mountain fire broke out in Sichuan and other places, and forest firefighters pushed into the fire with dozens of pounds, and the live webcast of fighting all night was sought after by netizens. This shows that it is also a live broadcast, spreading positive energy, and there is also traffic and market. The key depends on how the anchor looks and broadcasts, whether he is willing to suffer hardships and whether he is willing to take the right path.

Looking back at "Zhang Meili"’ s ugly live broadcast chaos, they broke through the boundary of law again and again, and broke through the moral bottom line again and again, revealing online celebrity’s mentality of quick success and instant benefit and one-sided paranoid view of justice and benefit.

"Zhang Meili" is punished by law, which is a strong warning: the Internet is not a place of extra-legality, and webcasting is not a blind spot for supervision. In recent years, with the launch of the "Qinglang" series of special actions, the bottomless traffic from the media and the false and vulgar chaos in the field of webcasting have long been included in the rectification focus, so don’t be lucky.

"Zhang Meili" became the so-called "online celebrity", which did not happen overnight. If the management of the relevant online social media platform is in place, it can be warned in time at the beginning of the live broadcast, and "Zhang Meili" may not be as good as it is today.

Network platform as the main body of operation

Not in front of the traffic bonus

turn a blind eye to

Let vulgar content spread freely on the platform.

Strengthen supervision and inspection and fulfill platform responsibilities.

Can’t be reduced to empty talk

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Want to want! How can we get it?

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Original title: "So ugly, how did it become a" beautiful "online celebrity? 》

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Many millions of online celebrity in Liangshan, Sichuan were sentenced.

Tumen public security traffic police network security bureau of the Ministry of Public Security

Click on the blue word

Pay attention to us

On December 28th, the People’s Court of Zhaojue County in Liangshan, Sichuan Province pronounced in the first instance that nine people, including Zhang, the legal representative of online celebrity Company, Zhao (Zhao Linger), and Ari Moumou (Qubu), were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from 8 months to 3 years and 2 months respectively.

In August, 2022, the video of Zhao Linger and Qu Bu’s "encounter" quickly became popular on the Internet, and the number of fans in their accounts exceeded 2 million. Since then, the two began to broadcast the road with goods frequently, opening a "beautiful story" that seems to be full of positive energy to help farmers and start businesses.

However, behind this lies a gray industrial chain of counterfeiting and selling fake products, which creates a false artificial incubation online celebrity, shoots videos by compiling plots, and then realizes the supply flow of back-end agricultural products.

On September 20th, 2023, a press conference was held in Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province, to report the case of online celebrity live broadcast with goods as the main representative team, which was the first case of "online celebrity economy" chaos uncovered by Liangshan police.

Under the banner of "helping farmers" and "high-quality original ecology", the team sold counterfeit Daliangshan agricultural special products to more than 20 provinces across the country, with sales exceeding 10 million.

In just a few months, Zhang, the boss of the online celebrity company behind the team, illegally earned more than 3 million yuan, and the illegal income of the two anchors was more than 700,000 yuan.

In July 2023, Zhang and other suspects were arrested on suspicion of counterfeiting registered trademarks and false advertising.

Original title: "More than one million online celebrity in Liangshan, Sichuan was sentenced"

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China’s accelerating L3 commercial smart driving has become an important car purchase decision for consumers.

  Recently, the Ministry of Transport issued the Technical Guide for Highway Engineering Facilities to Support Autopilot (hereinafter referred to as the Guide), proposing the overall framework and main technical indicators for highway engineering facilities to support Autopilot, which will be implemented on December 1 this year. The industry pointed out that the Guide released that China is stepping up efforts to support the development of smart car industry from the perspective of infrastructure construction, and plans to solve the bottleneck problem of intelligent networked automobile industrialization development through the "China Program" of vehicle-road-cloud integration. All-media reporters noticed that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently pointed out clearly that China’s autonomous driving technology is gradually being promoted, L3 level is gradually being commercialized, and L4 level is exploring demonstration applications. haveIt shows that the proportion of intelligent driving function in Chinese consumers’ car purchase decision is increasing rapidly.

  The Guide better supports the demand for automatic driving of vehicles from the perspective of infrastructure.

  The Ministry of Transport pointed out that research and practice at home and abroad show that the practical process of autonomous driving technology can be accelerated by moderately improving the intelligent level of highway infrastructure and providing auxiliary information for autonomous vehicles according to their cognitive and behavioral characteristics.

  The release of the Guide will guide the formation of a technical system that adapts to China’s management characteristics. It is reported that the Guide takes into account the characteristics of China’s traffic and environment, adopts a technical framework combining "end-edge-cloud" and establishes a technical system for highway engineering facilities to support autonomous driving. Through the information processing and interaction of "edge", edge cloud and central cloud are formed, which provide data support for road section level, provincial (regional) level and Ministry (national) level management platforms respectively. The technical system fully considers the characteristics of the management system, which is convenient for rapid popularization and application and related construction.

  The Ministry of Transport also pointed out that it is not easy for highway engineering facilities to support autonomous driving. In the process of determining technical indicators, the Guide fully considered the actual situation of existing highway engineering facilities. Under the overall technical framework of highway engineering facilities supporting autonomous driving, it analyzed and studied the role and influence of highway engineering facilities supporting autonomous driving, and put forward functional requirements, performance requirements and layout requirements for supporting autonomous driving.

  In recent years, China’s intelligent networked automobile industry has developed rapidly. According to the figures of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, 17 national-level test demonstration zones and 7 national-level test demonstration zones have been built nationwide.Pilot area, 16Pilot cities for coordinated development of infrastructure and intelligent networked vehicles. Up to now, China has opened more than 20,000 kilometers of test roads, with a total test mileage of more than 70 million kilometers.

  The commercialization of high-order autonomous driving is accelerating.

  In 2025, the newly added output value will exceed 1 trillion yuan.

  All-media reporters have noticed that many national departments have made important instructions on the development of autonomous driving many times recently. At the 2023 World Intelligent Networked Automobile Conference held on September 21st, Xin Guobin, a member of the Party Group and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, revealed that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is deepening the pilot demonstration of intelligent networked automobile access and on-road operation, accelerating the demonstration application of "vehicle-Lu Yun integration" at the city level, and forming a number of characteristic demonstration projects with the participation of domestic and foreign market players. "The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will work with the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and other departments to speed up the pilot of intelligent networked vehicle access and road traffic, and support the commercial application of L3 and higher autopilot functions. At present, the preliminary preparations for this work have been basically completed and entered the final release process. " At the Global Smart Car Industry Conference held on September 28th, Wu Feng, Director of Automobile Management Department of Equipment Industry Division I of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, further revealed the above information.

  According to the data of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, in 2022, the sales of new intelligent networked passenger cars equipped with assisted automatic driving systems in China reached 7 million, up 45.6% year-on-year, and the market share increased to 34.9%. In the first half of this year, the sales volume of new passenger cars with combined driving assistance reached 42.4%, an increase of nearly 10% compared with the same period last year. At present, many car companies are ready to mass-produce L3-class vehicles.

  "At present, the global intelligent network.Investment in technology research and development continues to increase, and autonomous driving technology is gradually maturing. L2-class assisted driving has achieved scale application and function expansion, L3-class is gradually commercialized, and L4-class is exploring demonstration application. The "China Scheme" of car-Lu Yun integration is the key to solve the problem of intelligent networked car industrialization.

  According to the data of the National Intelligent Networked Automobile Innovation Center, by 2025, the new output value of China’s intelligent networked automobile industry will exceed 1 trillion yuan.

  L3′ s intelligent driving heats up, driving the industrial chain to have multiple daily limit.

  "The latest research shows that smart driving has shown signs of breaking the ice in the factors that are important for car purchase decision-making, accounting for a substantial increase. This provides a lot of product applications for autonomous driving companies, mass production on the train, and opportunities to achieve good user word-of-mouth closed loop and commercialization closed loop. "Su Tan, general manager of the Smart Car Business Department of the Intelligent Driving Business Group (IDG), believes that intelligent driving has become a key factor in the core car purchase decision, "especially in the range of 150,000-250,000 and the price range of 250,000-300,000.In automobiles, the penetration rate of core intelligent driving is increasing very fast, almost doubling in two years. "

  It is a glimpse of this trend. The reporter noticed that Internet companies and start-ups such as Huawei, Xiaoma Zhixing, which have been deeply involved in the field of intelligent driving for many years, have intensively landed high-end technologies for intelligent driving on mass-produced new cars in recent years. For example, the new M7, which has been highly concerned recently, has won 50,000 units in just 25 days. One of its biggest selling points is that it is equipped with Huawei ADS2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, which can realize high-speed and urban advanced intelligent driving without relying on high-precision maps. According to the data released by Yu Chengdong, the managing director of Huawei, the terminal BGCEO and the chairman of smart car solutions, 70% of MAX customers have installed Huawei’s ADS advanced smart driving package. In addition, it is also accelerating the landing of intelligent driving to achieve "hegemony" with Huawei. At present, Baidu Apollo’s high-level intelligent driving system has taken the lead in the new car of Dongfeng Lantu, and then the Extreme Yue 01, which cooperates with Geely, will also be available.

  The reporter noticed that due to the continuous warming of the concept of intelligent driving, many stocks in the A-share sector have recently taken turns to rise, and even batch daily limit has appeared. October 9, the first trading day after the A-share festival,Shares are particularly active, among whichIndustrial chain stocks performed brilliantly, asking the manufacturers of the new M7.One word daily limit, another model partnerDaily limit, parts supplierDaily limit

  Lu Jiamin said that L3′ s representative function is high-speed and the city NOA is gradually getting on the bus. Driven by the three core factors of policy, technology and cost, the turning point of intelligent driving is gradually emerging. At this stage, the focus is on intelligent key vehicle enterprises and intelligent industrial chain core component enterprises. "At the same time, driven by the three core factors of policy stimulus, intelligent catalysis and inventory cycle switching, we are optimistic that the sales volume, profitability and valuation of the automobile sector are expected to continue to improve from 23Q3. Optimistic about industrial chain stocks with smart driving technology as the core selling point. " Some institutional analysts believe that with the further acceleration of the landing of smart drivers, relevant listed companies may enter.Redemption period

First Shanghai: Maintain Galaxy Entertainment’s "Buy" rating target price of HK$ 56.08.

  First Shanghai released a research report saying that Galaxy Entertainment (00027) was maintained as a "buy" rating, and its performance in the fourth quarter of 2003 met expectations with a target price of HK$ 56.08. The launch of the third phase of "Macau Galaxy" w ill help the group to increase its market share. Due to the Group’s good products and services, the most stable balance sheet in the industry, the strong executive ability of the management, and the launch of the fourth phase project of Ludang, Hengqin project and potential overseas projects in the future; The bank is full of confidence in the long-term development of the group.

  First, the main points of Shanghai are as follows:

  Summary of performance in the fourth quarter of 2003: Summary of performance in the fourth quarter of 2003:

  Galaxy’s net income increased by 254% year-on-year and 7% quarter-on-quarter to HK$ 10.3 billion (back to 80% in the same period in 2019) . The number of VIP gambling transcoding increased by 408% year-on-year and 6% quarter-on-quarter (back to 21% in the same period of 2019); The revenue from midfield betting increased by 398% year-on-year and 5.2% quarter-on-quarter (up by 13% compared with the same period in 2019). The adjusted EBITDA of the Group increased by 1.4% from the previous month to HK$ 2.8 billion (returning to 69% in the same period of 2019), and the EBITDA rate was 27%. After deducting the influence of low winning rate, EBITDA will increase by 100 million yuan. The overall performance is in line with expectations. The balance sheet of the Group remains very stable, with net cash of HK$ 23.5 billion (the strongest in the industry). In addition, because the Group is full of confidence in its future development, it announced another special dividend of 0.30 yuan per share. The annual dividend payout ratio reached 32%, which was higher than expected.

  Performance survey of "Galaxy Macau" and Star Hotel;

  During the period, the net income of "Macau Galaxy" and Star Hotel increased by 7% and 2% respectively from the previous month to HK$ 8.2 billion and HK$ 1.3 billion (re turning to 88% and 47% respectively in the same period of 2019); The adjusted EBITDA was HK$ 2.57 billion and HK$ 350 million respectively (returning to 80% and 45% in the same period of 2019, respectively). The EBITDA rates were 31.4% and 28.1% respectively. The occupancy rates of Galaxy Macau and Star Hotel are 95% and 100% respectively. At the end of l ast year, the group has added catering facilities in "Macau Galaxy" and transferred the high-end midfield gambling area located in the center; And re-planning the distribution of venues in the gambling area, hoping to improve the flow of people and customer experience. The Star Hotel also has plans to update its facilities.

  The update of the third and fourth phases of "Macau Galaxy";

  The third phase of "Macau Galaxy" will launch a high-end hotel (with about 100 rooms) in 2025, which will be provided to very high-end midfield customers and self-operated VIP customers. The Group is also continuing to advance the construction o f the fourth phase of "Macau Galaxy", which is expected to be completed in 2027. With a development area of about 600,000 square meters, this project will introduce a number of high-end hotel brands that have entered Macao for the first time, with a 4,000-seat theater, diversified catering, retail, non-gaming facilities, gardens and water play parks. The capital expenditure in 2024 is estimated to be about 6.1 billion yuan (of which 5.1 billion yuan will be used for th e third and fourth phases of "Macau Galaxy" and the rest will be used for the renovation of other facilities.

  Other points:

  In the fourth quarter, the group’s market share should drop to below 18%, but due to the group’s good products and the launch of new projects in the future, it is believed that the market share will pick up in the future. It is understood that the hotel occupancy rate of the group reached 100% during the Spring Festival; The performance of the midfield business has increased by 20% compared with the same period in 2019. In order to expand overseas visitors, the group has set up offices in Tokyo and Seoul to develop overseas business, and is preparing to set up an office in Bangkok.

French Top Ten Women List Released Movie Star Sophie Marceau List [Photos]

  The results of a "Top Ten Women" selection in France recently came out. Rashida Datti, the beautiful minister of justice who will be kicked out of the cabinet by President Sarkozy, topped the list, while Bruni, the "first lady", could hardly compete with her, with only the eighth place.

  Beauty minister is in the limelight.

  According to the report, the best women in France obviously have considerable international influence, and most of the selected figures are well-known, including veteran movie stars brigitte bardot and catherine deneuve.

  The 43-year-old Rashida Datti has always had a high-profile image as a "Dior-wearing female attorney general", and a series of recent storms, including her "deeds" such as returning to work five days after giving birth to a daughter and announcing that she will resign in June this year under the pressure of President Sarkozy, have kept her quite high exposure.

  The report said that the French voted Datti as the "best woman" not only because of her fashion, beauty and sexy image, but also because of her toughness, independence and vitality in her political career. French feminist historian Florence Montereno commented on her, "Rashida Datti is full of ambition, determination and activity", which made her vote rate as high as 26%.

  The top ten are almost all mature women.

  It is rumored in French tabloids that Bruni, the "first lady", is very concerned about the close relationship between Datti and Sarkozy. It is even reported that Sarkozy made the decision to kick Datti out of the cabinet at Bruni’s behest. However, Bruni, who was born as a supermodel, was much inferior to Datti in this selection. With 16% of the votes, she not only failed in the top three, but also ranked eighth. However, this may have something to do with Bruni’s birthplace in Italy. Bruni became a French citizen after her "flash marriage" with Sarkozy last year.

  It is reported that the "Top Ten Women" in France are generally older, and the only one in the top ten who is under 40 years old is another beauty in Sarkozy’s cabinet-French Minister of Human Rights Rama Yade.

  France’s "Top Ten Women" list:

1. Rashida Datti, 43, French Minister of Justice.

2. Sophie Marceau, 42 years old, is a French movie star.

3. Claire Hazare, 52, news anchor Claire and her husband Couthures (photo).

Football (sports)

On the same day, in the tenth round of the Italian Football League in the 2023-2024 season, Inter Milan beat Rome 1-0 at home.

On October 29th, Inter Milan coach Inzaghi was on the sidelines. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Alberto Lingoria)

On October 29th, Inter Milan player Thuram (left) scored a goal in the game. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Alberto Lingoria)

On October 29th, Inter Milan player Thuram (left) competed with Roma player Ndika. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Alberto Lingoria)

On October 29th, Inter Milan player lautaro (left) competed with Roma player Lu Kaku. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Alberto Lingoria)

On October 29th, Inter Milan player lautaro (right) competed with Roma player Mancini. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Alberto Lingoria)

Why does life have to read history?

Beijing Daily Client | Author Han Sheng

History inspires wisdom. Wisdom is based on the understanding and comprehension level of human nature, things and truth.

Understanding of people

People’s social attributes determine that people have to deal with each other all the time. Therefore, knowing people is an important aspect of being in the world. High-level leaders need to know people better.

Han Xin, the genius commander who helped Emperor Gaozu Liu Bang conquer the world, paid special attention to the analysis and grasp of people. After the hongmen banquet, liu bang was sent to hanzhong, and Han Xin was appointed as the general to command the army under the strong recommendation of Xiao He and others. Liu Bang summoned Han Xin to analyze the odds of fighting against Xiang Yu. Han Xin, who is about to go to war, did not analyze the military issues such as the strength of the two sides, but directly asked Liu Bang to compare the qualities of the top leaders of both sides, and proposed that the top leaders should meet the four indicators of "courage, toughness, benevolence and strength". Therefore, Han Xin pays more attention to the leader’s character accomplishment than the obvious material conditions. Based on this, Han Xin thinks that Liu Bang can be a leader. At that time, when the strength between the enemy and the enemy was wide, this was simply an unexpected inference.

What is the basis of Han Xin? He noticed Xiang Yu’s aristocratic background. Nobles are "expensive" because they are knowledgeable, educated and humble, which is the same at all times and in all countries. This is the spirit of "expensive" and the characteristic of Xiang Yu. Although he is all-powerful on the battlefield, a thousand people are invincible with a roar, but he is gentle and polite to people. Everyone can see the advantages of Xiang Yu, but few people can see the other side of his personality, that is, he is too "cherishing things." Xiang Yu’s inheritance was laid down by himself, which was hard-won and cherished. Therefore, he was reluctant to divide people and was not atmospheric enough. When he won the award, he always put the reward in his hand and weighed it repeatedly. At the end of the award, it was quite different from the expectations of his subordinates and caused dissatisfaction. In the long run, the more men fight, the more boring they will be, and they will leave Germany. This is the fate of Xiang Yu, who can’t unite people closely. Therefore, he will go into decline. On the contrary, Liu Bang started from scratch and made some gains by the efforts of all. These things are not his own savings, so he knows very well that things are done by everyone, and things are divided by everyone. After the division, people are excited and can do even more next time. Therefore, the team will become more and more brave, and talents from all over the world will come in an endless stream. Xiang Yu and Liu Bang have different ways to analyze and deal with problems, so Liu Bang will eventually win. Han Xin’s analysis was incisive and fully proved in the Chu-Han War. Han Xin understood the truth that "the world belongs to the world" from the perspective of human nature, and anyone who wants to take it for himself will be spurned.

In human society, knowing people’s wisdom is the first thing to learn, and knowing people can do things.But this is only one dimension. Can it be invincible only by popularity?

Or Han Xin. When he led an army across half of China in the north and arrived in Shandong today, a strategist named Kuai Tong came to visit and asked him why he was struggling with Xiang Yu. Kuai Tong analyzed the world situation and thought that three armed groups, Liu Bang, Xiang Yu and Han Xin, had been formed at that time. Although Han Xin was a subordinate of Liu Bang, his prominent position depended on the existence of Xiang Yu. Therefore, Kuai Tong advised Han Xin to let Xiang Yu go, so as to promote a tripartite confrontation and ensure his own safety and interests. However, Han Xin explicitly refused, because he read Liu Bang’s kindness of "driving me with his car, clothing me with his clothes, and eating me with his food", and he could not betray Li Yi. Obviously, Han Xin always believed in judging people, so as to defeat all his military opponents, and extended it to the political field, trusting Liu Bang and his "righteousness", showing his political naivety. Most of the problems that military strategists think about are local plane dimensions at that time, while politicians are much more complicated and profound. They are not at the same level, so military strategists are often no match for politicians. As a bystander of political strategists, Kuai Tong saw this clearly, while Han Xin didn’t realize that he was just a soldier, and Liu Bangze was going to be a soldier until Liu Bang deprived him of the King of Qi after the Battle of Gaixia, and even later he was stripped of the packet of the King of Chu and relegated to the vacant position of the imperial court, but it was too late. A general is a strategist who does things, while a general is a politician who commands the overall situation.

From Han Xin, we can see the limitations of being confined to knowing people. People are fickle, the most difficult to grasp, and those who want to be independent of the world just by looking at people will eventually be defeated by others. One-sided people are prone to paranoia, and will fall into the mire of rule by man, making it difficult to achieve great things.

A clear understanding and prediction of the situation

Situation analysis is a comprehensive judgment on physical geography, social sentiment, strength growth and decline and other factors. Su Qin’s analysis of the situation between the six countries and Qin in the Warring States Period is a classic.

After Shang Yang’s political reform, Qin’s military strength increased greatly, and it was militaristic and constantly attacked six countries. The six countries passively defended themselves and adopted the policy of forbearance and submission in succession, trying to ease the attack of Qin. Su Qin, a strategist, felt very strange. If the six countries were United, their territory would account for 4/5 of China, and manpower and material resources would also account for 4/5. Why should they yield to Qin? Concession is to fill Qin’s endless desires with limited land. Although it can be delayed for a while, it will surely die. He persuaded the six countries to unite against Qin one by one, and went to Qi, a big eastern country, to analyze the situation to the king of Qi: Qi has Mount Tai in the south, Langya in the east, Qinghe in the west and Bohai in the north, which is called a country with four blockades; The territory is vast, reaching more than 2,000 miles, with hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers, a mountain of grain, rich people, busy traffic, shoulder to shoulder, curtain-raising, sweating and high spirits. No one can compare the strength of Qi, but it makes people feel ashamed to succumb to Qin.

Su Qin’s situation analysis is based on two points: first, the mountains and rivers win; second, the human and material conditions. The former is congenital, while the latter can be changed. But all changes should be based on respecting nature and conforming to the law, that is, adapting to local conditions. Generally speaking, China or the world has only an abstract meaning. In order to survive and develop properly in China, we must first have a deep understanding of China’s natural conditions, which will form the basis of decision-making, and then consider using nature for social development. By combining nature with people, we can see many mysterious problems clearly. Su Qin was familiar with the geography of China, so he accurately pointed out the weaknesses of Qin Jun’s marching operations and the countermeasures. According to the danger of Guanzhong, the state of Qin is surrounded by mountains and waters, and it is more than self-sufficient. However, if it wants to attack the six countries far away, it must pass through the dangerous mountains, and the roads are rugged and vulnerable to attack. So why are South Korea and Wei unwilling to actively resist? Su Qin analyzed: Korea and Wei are blocking Qin’s eastward advancement, and Qin is determined to win, while Korea and Wei are resisting Qin Jun alone, and even if they win, they will suffer heavy casualties, not to mention defeat. Therefore, Korea and Wei are doing their best to resist Qin’s eastward advancement, in addition to defending the country from extinction, they are still guarding the door for the eastern countries; But if you submit to Qin, you can reduce losses and lead the disaster to the east. Su Qin revealed the key of geopolitics through the relationship between geographical situation and national interests. Therefore, even from their own interests, the eastern countries should resolutely support Korea and Wei, so as to help each other and protect themselves. If they have ulterior motives and try to lead Qin’s disaster to other countries,At most, we can only delay the time of being divided by one. When the truth was made clear, the kings of the six countries saw clearly the gains and losses, so they accepted Su Qin’s suggestion and formed a "vertical and horizontal" alliance to jointly resist Qin, which made Qin dare not covet the East for more than ten years.

Knowing people and analyzing the situation is basically based on the immediate understanding of the local area at that time, which belongs to plane thinking. People and interests change at any time, so do interpersonal or international relations. Therefore, we must understand the principle of interests, but we must never rely solely on interests. It is also inevitable that Su Qin’s "Union" alliance will collapse immediately after his death. In order to make this alliance stronger, we must have a deep understanding of the history, culture and traditions of various countries. Mutual understanding and respect are the basis for establishing an interest coordination mechanism. Many conflicts are caused by mutual ignorance or even judging each other based on self-imagination.With historical thinking, our understanding will change from plane to three-dimensional, and with depth, we will have a more important understanding, thus entering the third level.

A profound understanding of history

After Liu Bang defeated Xiang Yu, he chose Luoyang as the capital of the Western Han Dynasty. There are three main points in his basis: first, Luoyang is among the best in the world; Second, there are Zhongtiao Mountain, Xiaoshan Mountain, Xiong ‘er Mountain and Waifang Mountain in the southwest of Luoyang, with the Yellow River in the north and Chenggao in the east, which can be held; Third, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty took it as its capital and had a historical tradition. Deep down, Liu Bang still has a yearning to be on a par with the Zhou Dynasty. These three points are all reasonable from the perspective of the right place and the right time. However, the truth of a thing must match its nature and scale. If it is a small country, Luoyang has a really good terrain; However, if it is a unified central dynasty, the hinterland of the landscape package around Luoyang is too small to maneuver, which is a "death". The third is even more important. Liu (Lou), Liu Bang’s adviser, analyzed that after the founding of the Zhou Dynasty, the princes and chiefs of the Shang Dynasty and its previous generation were enfeoffed, which showed their tolerance and justice, so they won the support of all parties, and their capital was the center of all nations coming to the DPRK, basically without fortification; However, you have been fighting bloody battles for several years, and the society is full of sorrow and hatred. Therefore, the capital needs heavy defense, which is incomparable with the Zhou Dynasty. You can’t choose Luoyang with incomplete terrain as the capital. Liu Bang understood the truth and immediately made his capital in Chang ‘an, Guanzhong.

Since entering the imperial country, whether the capital is properly chosen or not is related to the rise and fall of the dynasty or even the success or failure. Xiang Yu established the Kingdom of Western Chu, with its capital in Pengcheng. This is a land of four wars, and from the perspective of being the capital, it is actually a lower domain. However, Xiang Yu ignored the history and the situation of mountains and rivers, and even cooked and killed the advisers who advised him to make his capital in Guanzhong, and went his own way. As a result, the regime of Xi Chu did not have peace for a year, and he committed suicide in Wujiang River just a few years later. Vision and pattern determine the scale and success or failure of the cause.

It is extremely important to learn to look at problems historically. History teaches us to look at problems completely and systematically and avoid fragmented thinking.When many people think about a problem, they only extract some fragments closely related to it, but don’t understand it from the whole process. People who lack historical thinking only see trees instead of forests, but they can’t see through the essence when they see problems. Based on the fragmented thinking of a specific time and space, the opinions and conclusions are often tempting to fall into the trap. Sadly, people who fail are often convinced of their one-sided views. Sima Qian lamented Xiang Yu’s death, which is a great historian’s regret for paranoid politicians.

Zhang Liang became an outstanding strategist in the early Han Dynasty because he not only knew how to judge people and understand the geographical situation of mountains and rivers, but also knew how to grasp its context from the whole process of historical development, see through the phenomenon, directly attack the essence, and analyze it from three dimensions: interest relationship, geopolitics and historical tradition, thus surpassing Su Qin and Han Xin and assisting Liu Bang in establishing a stable Han Dynasty.

Studying history is the advanced stage of life, and we go in step by step. Our life and our understanding of the whole society are gradually improving, so we must read history in life.

(The author is a professor of history at Fudan University)

Explosive demand attracts the influx of capital. What new opportunities are there in the beauty industry?

From 2021 to now, the beauty track has been constantly running with "capital", which has surpassed last year in quantity.

According to public reports, on July 6th, the beauty industry was born with the largest amount of financing this year-KK Group was led by JD.COM with an investment of about 300 million US dollars. The group owns a large beauty collection store brand THE COLORIST and X11 and other new consumer and retail brands.

This is just a microcosm of the beauty industry. This year, there are only about 20 enterprises that have received more than RMB 100 million in financing, including Meishang, Lan, Xuelingfei, WOW COLOUR, USHOPAL and Liran.

With the help of capital, a large number of companies in the beauty field have gone public, covering the A-share, Hong Kong-share and US-share markets. Recently, companies that have been listed or will be listed in the beauty field include Kaichun Industry, Baiyang Medicine, Juju Zhilian, Betaine, Youquhui, and Yijia.

In this fiery market environment, the whole industry chain of beauty industry is welcoming the best times and the most business opportunities, and practitioners in the beauty field will undoubtedly enjoy more dividends. But if you want to capture business opportunities, you need to have a quick insight into the beauty industry.

Then, in the next half year of 2021, what are the trends and phenomena in the field of beauty that deserve special attention?

The heat of new consumption investment and financing has risen.The domestic product leader rises rapidly.

The glory of domestic products may be traced back to the perfect diary that sprang up three years ago. Many people once thought that this was just a gust of wind. However, a large number of brands, such as Huaxi Zi, Ximuyuan and Runbaiyan, which ran out in the following years, made people realize that the spring of domestic brands has really come.

Take this year’s Tmall 618 as an example. In the sub-category of beauty field, the performance of new domestic brands is particularly bright-in the four sub-categories of powder cake, makeup set, honey powder/loose powder, eyebrow pencil/eyebrow powder/eyebrow cream, Hua Xizi is the first; In the categories of makeup remover, pure dew, makeup spray, etc., it is the domestic brands such as one by one, the sky of daisies and Berry Beauty.

A data of Tmall can also prove this point. In 2020, 3,000 beauty merchants opened stores in Tmall, but more than 2,000 of them were new domestic brands. And among them, 30 beauty brands have become "dark horses", achieving sales of over 100 million.

Among them, there are a lot of investment opportunities, but capital is also a double-edged sword. How to treat capital rationally and grasp the investment opportunities is a subject we need to study. It is reported that the founding partner and chairman of Jiayu Fund will present the latest insight "Let capital empower brands instead of killing them" at the upcoming China Cosmetics Conference, and look forward to his opinions.

Cosmetic industryThe first share"Frequent listed companies have strong stock prices.

As of July 9, the closing price of Huaxi Bio (688363.SH), the first share of hyaluronic acid, was 284.30 yuan/share, which was more than five times higher than the listing issue price of 47.79 yuan/share. The P/E ratio has exceeded 200, and the market value once exceeded 150 billion. Huaxi Bio, which has the hard power of biotechnology and the whole industrial chain, has become the core asset sought after by investment institutions.

Since the renewal of management in the second quarter of 2020, shanghai jahwa, under the leadership of Pan Qiusheng, chairman and CEO, has started a century-old national brand revival war, with remarkable reform results, the stock price reached a record high, and the total market value once exceeded 40 billion yuan.

Polaiya, a local cosmetics company, has achieved rapid growth even under the influence of last year’s epidemic. This year, it has made a good start, with revenue of 905 million in the first quarter, up 48.88% year-on-year.

There are also companies such as Liren Lizhuang, Northbell, Yuyuan, Focus Media, etc., which are outstanding in the cosmetics track. It is reported that the chairmen or CEOs of these seven listed companies will gather at the 14th China Cosmetics Conference held at the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center on August 5-6, when the latest strategies and the methodology behind them will be released on the spot.

Efficacy, skin care, high light moment, emerging track is worthy of attention.

This year’s 618, the only domestic brand in the TOP10 category of Tmall beauty is Winona. The data shows that Winona has been ranked as the TOP10 beauty and skin care category of double 11 Tmall for three consecutive years since 2018. Especially last year, Winona sparked a discussion boom with the only domestic brand of TOP10 in Tmall skin care category.

On March 25th this year, Winona’s parent company Betani successfully landed on the Growth Enterprise Market of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, with a total market value of over 110 billion yuan. Since 2017, Winona’s market share has gradually surpassed international brands such as Vichy, la roche-posay and Avene. At present, Winona ranks first in the domestic efficacy skin care market with a market share of 23%.

Winona is not the only one who has grabbed the huge dividend in the efficacy skin care market.

According to public information, in 2020, Tmall’s flagship store sales ranked the top three brands in terms of year-on-year growth rate, including Quadi and Runbaiyan under Huaxi Bio, and Yuze under shanghai jahwa. Among them, Quadi’s growth rate reached 99.94%, Runbaiyan’s growth rate reached 187%, and Yuze’s growth rate reached 265%.

Efficacy skin care market has become the hottest "emerging market".

Opportunity lies in China Cosmetics Conference.

In the field of beauty, if there is a platform that can link the most beauty resources and business opportunities, it is China Cosmetics Conference.

Since its inception in 2008, the China Cosmetics Conference, jointly created by Pinguan APP and Cosmetics Watch, has successfully invited at least 500 first-line coffee makers from the commercial, economic and even cultural fields in China to share their thoughts and opinions, including many bosses of listed companies outside the industry, top investors and opinion leaders, such as Zhong Shanshan, Shen Nanpeng, Jiang Nanchun, Wei Zhe, Luo Zhenyu and Fang Yuyou.

More than 200 investors from all over the country attend the meeting every year, which is an important platform for investment institutions and financial media to study the frontier ideas of market development and expand industry resources.

With the rapid recovery and prosperity of China’s beauty market ahead of the world, the 14th China Cosmetics Conference with the theme of "China Time" will be held at the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center on August 5 -6, 2021.

In addition to the main forum, there are six sub-forums on new marketing, new channels, new domestic products, new product development, efficacy skin care and design innovation. The first theme exhibition of "Beauty New Domestic Products" will also be launched, and 100+ emerging domestic brands will be exhibited at the same time.

If you are interested in listed companies, cutting-edge domestic products and new beauty tracks, the 2021 China Cosmetics Conference is the most information-intensive and must not be missed event in the whole year. Scan the QR code below to view the full agenda.