"In the car we made ourselves!"

The cornerstone of the First Automobile Factory engraved with Mao Zedong’s inscription

In May 1958, China’s first "Dongfeng" brand car was successfully trial-produced

In the early days of the founding of New China, Mao Zedong said: What can we make now? We can make tables and chairs, tea bowls and pots, grow grain, grind flour, and make paper, but we can’t make a car, an airplane, a tank, or a tractor.

Achieving socialist industrialization is a natural requirement and a necessary condition for a country to become independent and prosperous, and is the foundation and premise for building a modern socialist power. During the "First Five-Year Plan" period, the state concentrated its resources to establish an independent and relatively complete industrial system and national economic system in a short period of time, achieving rapid growth of the national economy, which was of far-reaching significance to China’s later industrial development.

The cornerstone of the "First Automobile Factory Groundbreaking Memorial" displayed in the History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China, inscribed by Mao Zedong, is 120.5 centimeters long, 70 centimeters high, 5.5 centimeters thick, and weighs 250 kilograms. The texture of white marble is an important witness to the history of industrial construction in New China.

On June 15, 1953, Mao Zedong delivered a speech at the Politburo meeting of the Central Committee, formally proposing the general line for the transition period. Faced with the lack of funds, technology and talents, to establish China’s own industrial system, it is necessary to formulate detailed plans and concentrate the limited human, material and financial resources to build a number of urgently needed major projects.

Under the personal guidance of Mao Zedong and the direct help of the Soviet Union, the first five-year plan was formulated by Zhou Enlai, Chen Yun, Li Fuchun, etc., and the strategic decision to give priority to the development of heavy industry was made. Adhering to the policy of "self-reliance first, and foreign aid as a supplement", the preliminary industrial layout was completed. During the "First Five-Year Plan" period, a total of 694 large and medium-sized construction projects were arranged, and 921 were actually constructed, including 156 construction projects aided by the Soviet Union, focusing on the development of heavy industry, energy, raw materials, machine manufacturing and other basic industrial projects.

In 1953, the People’s Daily published a New Year’s Day editorial announcing that China had begun to implement the first five-year plan, calling on the people of the whole country to work together with one heart and one mind and actively strive for the realization of industrialization. Building a prosperous and strong modern industrial country is the dream of several generations of Chinese sons and daughters. Faced with the "poor and white" family background and the heavy blockade in the world, the Chinese people have a common dream, a foothold in the sky, and energy. Facing difficulties, the Chinese people have carried out large-scale industrial construction in full swing across the country.

As early as Mao Zedong’s first visit to the Soviet Union, he visited the Stalin Automobile Factory. At that time, he pointed to the cars that drove down the assembly line and said to his entourage: "We also want to have such a large factory!" On July 15, 1953, the first automobile industrial base of New China, Changchun First Automobile Factory, held a groundbreaking ceremony in a barren suburb of Changchun. Mao Zedong personally wrote the cornerstone inscription. Instead of adopting the proposed "Mao Zedong Automobile Factory" or "New China Automobile Factory", he named it the First Automobile Factory because he said: "We will soon have a second and a third."

600 million yuan was invested in the construction of the FAW, which is equivalent to one yuan for 600 million people in the country. On July 13, 1956, we forcefully announced that the first car in New China was successfully trial-produced. "From today onwards, the history of China’s inability to manufacture cars is over, and our own cars will be driven out of here more and more day by day." Mao Zedong personally picked up the pen and wrote the word "Liberation". The first batch of 12 "Liberation" brand cars drove off the assembly line and became an eternal and precious freeze frame in the history of the Republic. The rejoicing masses, as the song made up at that time sang: "Looking forward to the stars and the moon, the domestic car that I hoped for really left the factory." Just one year later, Changchun FAW completed the production of 4,000 vehicles stipulated in the first five-year plan six months and five days ahead of schedule.

In 1958, the Changchun FAW Factory produced China’s first domestically produced car, the Dongfeng brand car. After the manufacture was completed, it was instructed by the central government to be shipped by train to Beijing. When it drove off the platform, it was almost unable to leave the Beijing Railway Station due to the enthusiastic crowd competing to watch. Dongfeng originated from Mao Zedong’s famous statement on the international situation – "Dongfeng overwhelms the westerly wind". The word "Dongfeng" on the front of the car was originally Chinese pinyin. On the eve of the Dongfeng car arriving in Beijing and driving into Zhongnanhai, according to the suggestion of the then director of the General Office of the Central Committee ***, in order to highlight the cars produced by the Chinese themselves and replace them with Chinese characters, FAW staff went to the People’s Daily overnight to photocopy Mao Zedong’s original handwriting of "Dongfeng overwhelms the westerly wind". It was replaced in an auto repair shop in Dengshikou, and a golden dragon was about to be vacated in the front of the car, which was very Chinese. Mao Zedong took it in person and said happily: "We took a car made by ourselves!"

While the automobile industry was booming, various industrial categories were also in full swing. On December 26, 1953, the three major projects of Angang, consisting of a large rolling mill, a seamless steel pipe plant, and a No. 7 blast furnace, were completed and put into operation. At the same time, new steel production bases were deployed, and a new layout of the steel industry in New China was initially formed. The petroleum industry, chemical industry, and weapons industry have all achieved a certain degree of development, focusing on the construction of emerging industrial sectors such as aviation and electronics, and the creation of new cutting-edge industries in the nuclear and aerospace industries. In 1956, Shenyang Aircraft Factory produced the first new jet fighter; in 1958, the first Dongfanghong tractor was born in the first tractor factory located in Luoyang City… In that fiery construction era, China, which used to import iron nails and matches, achieved one zero breakthrough after another, and gradually established an industrial economic system under the leadership of the socialist state-run economy, which made our country’s industrial economy recover and develop rapidly under extremely difficult conditions.

Today, steel dragons meander vertically and horizontally, phoenixes spread their wings at Daxing Airport, Chang’e Tiangong catches the moon in nine days, and flood dragons and snow dragons catch turtles in five oceans. Over the past 70 years, China’s industry has achieved one "zero breakthrough" after another, and Chinese manufacturing and Chinese creation are gradually leading the world.

(History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China, contributed)

Tik Tok soft porn, with the wings of imagination.

Author | Liu Xiaotu

Editor | Li Chunhui

Coach An An, who took off his black silk, is being mercilessly abandoned by male users in Tik Tok.

Just in June this year, her live broadcast room was still watched by hundreds of thousands of viewers. It was called a gongs and drums and flags. However, after the account was briefly banned for reporting, the live broadcast data of coach An An turned sharply. In the last three live broadcasts in July, the total number of viewers dropped by millions, and the peak number of online users was only over 60,000.

When he was just put into the "little black room", coach An An was still very unwilling and tried to make a comeback by playing several trumpets, but unfortunately none of them succeeded. She felt particularly wronged and cried in tears in the video "I don’t know where I am wrong." Obviously, there was nothing wrong before,How happy the audience is to see it, why do they just scratch the ball and have soft pornography?Friends chasing complaints, you have no heart.

However, the audit does not believe in tears, and the flow has its own logic. After the re-broadcast, coach An An had no choice but to change his black silk and short skirt and put on his coaching clothes and jeans again. This time, the male students were not happy, and they dropped out of school with "no charm" and "no motivation". Things have developed here, and it is self-evident that fans are watching and like to watch.

Seeing coach An An fall, women’s rights groups shouted in Weibo and Douban that it was well sealed, and called on sisters to continue to actively participate in the "anti-pornography" campaign in Tik Tok. They have long been dissatisfied with the ponytail rocking, rubber band jumping and cartoon waist popular in Tik Tok, and regard them as soft pornography, denouncing them for objectifying women and challenging morality, which is more corrosive than real porn.

The competition between soft porn and hard porn is not in the category of hard candy evaluation. What we want to discuss is:On the contrary, the relatively strict censorship mechanism of the Chinese Internet "forced out" the magical powers of soft pornography and the understanding of its audience.In order to adapt to the audit rules, these contents have been constantly revised and evolved, and have formed a series of protective barriers, which can grow wildly without restraint. Anyone who rashly criticizes will be branded as a prostitute and narrow-minded in aesthetics.

"When I saw short sleeves, I immediately thought of white arms and shoulders, naked bodies, genitals, sexual intercourse, hybridization and illegitimate children. The imagination of China people can only make such a leap at this level. " This passage of Mr. Lu Xun is still so realistic today, but it can be interpreted more. The alienation and infiltration of soft pornography in the era of short video, are they over-imagining or are we over-imagining?

It’s not "silk stockings"

Coach An An was originally an ordinary creator in the field of pan-knowledge. She has been in Tik Tok for half a year, and has been explaining the real questions and main points of the driving test to her fans. In the early dozens of videos, the team tried to act, make up paragraphs and make up jingles, but the interactive data was always low, and there was no sign of fire.

Until the hot summer, coach An An’s live dress became cool, and a short skirt outlined a graceful curve, and some fans suddenly developed an impulse to learn. In May, her studio was a little hotter than usual, but it was still far from the top stream.

Fortunately, although there are not many new powders, they are very active and keen to share their feelings on the barrage. From time to time, they will boast coach An An’s "good figure" and "full charm". These users’ feedback must have been read by Teacher An. The evidence is that her live painting style has become sexy all the way, and black silk, high heels and short skirts with hips have become standard.

To tell the truth, most shaky people have long been immune to stockings. Dance, fashion, cross-dressing and other popular themes, the tentacles are all beautiful legs of stockings, black, white and pink, and it is not limited to men and women. There is nothing to make a fuss about.

However, Mr. An An has made hundreds of millions of little moves. In several live broadcasts in June, she often talked and began to sort out stockings and pull clothes. These intentional or unintentional hints attracted the male audience to make up their minds. Coupled with a charming tone, the live broadcast room is even more popular.

The posture of taking off shoes sideways made teacher An An famous in the first world war.Old drivers from Tik Tok came in from all directions, and tried to "beg" the teacher to lift his feet in the front row of the comment area. In just two weeks, coach An An’s Tik Tok account has increased by nearly 3 million, and the number of topics of the same name has quickly exceeded 1 billion.

Soon, two divided worlds appeared around the "An ‘an phenomenon". On the one hand, the popularity soared, and Tik Tok users were fascinated by it, calling it "a living Buddha" and "a good teacher". On the one hand, the wind review is extremely poor, and Douban netizens hate it and criticize it for "three views are not correct" and "vulgar and charming men".

However, in the face of the hot weather, any doubt has not affected the black silk to become a hard currency in the live broadcast room. Overnight, the driving test anchors all wore black silk with the wind, and of course, the anchor involution was indispensable-the shorter their skirts crossed, the larger their scales became.

Not long after, the wave of "black wire anchor, online goods" swept to fishing gear, jade, cars, outdoor sports and other fields.To sum up, it is the Tik Tok account whose core consumers are mainly men, and many of them want to copy the famous route of coach An An. The anchorwoman who sells fishing gear is always jumping on the fishing box, and only sees two legs on the screen, which is really enough.

The old driver in Tik Tok simply sorted out a timetable and organized a delegation to visit bloggers such as Jingbao, Xiaolan and Mona, which is euphemistically called rain and dew.

But in fact, Hard Sugar Jun has paid attention to several accounts for a long time and doesn’t think there is anything wrong with their content scale. However, with the excessive attention of male users in Tik Tok, the comment area is full of vulgar messages such as "Guys are here", "I’m ready after washing my hands" and "I’m ready". Even serious content will inevitably suffer criticism and reputation decline.

We shouldn’t maliciously speculate about the creator. But when bloggers’ content is distorted and even nourishes soft porn culture, should they be themselves or make adjustments?

Algorithm launches soft pornography

Since the beginning of this year, some women, especially women’s rights groups, have been greatly offended by all kinds of popular contents in Tik Tok, such as waist cartoon, ponytail rocking cartoon, rubber band jumping and black ribbon goods. They did have an overwhelming discussion in Douban and Weibo, and they intended to launch a counterattack.

But in this process, there are also serious differences among women. The deviation of its viewpoint mainly lies in that,In Tik Tok, is it men who turn women into objects of desire, or are women willing to recommend themselves to desire for traffic?Who should the spearhead of "anti-pornography" be targeted at first is a difficult problem.

In several cyber wars, the resistance to the "comic waist challenge" is the loudest. The participation of most people who eat melons in this matter basically starts with the hot search in Weibo, where "Yang Mi challenges comic waist", and they follow the trend and spit out a few words. But if we repeat the whole process of "Comic waist incident", we will find more interesting things.

At the beginning of March this year, a group of Tik Tok women, online celebrity, initiated the creation of "comic waist", which attracted bloggers from all walks of life to imitate it. At this stage, they just want to show the perfect waistline, saying that skyshatter is just creating body anxiety, not to the point of objectifying women.

However, with the number of works played under # Comic Waist # exceeding 100 million, more and more people see the traffic bonus of this topic and secretly compete. The conventional figure display has suddenly become a challenge, and with the onlookers and comments of male users in Tik Tok, the painting style is completely ambiguous and vulgar.

Sociologist Baudrillard once said that magazines, television, movies and other powerful communication tools create a perfect female image. These "surreal" simulacra are in sharp contrast with real women, causing the latter anxiety and frustration. Relying on the powerful communication power, the media established cultural hegemony and finally colluded with men’s "fantasy sex".

New media such as short videos and live broadcasts make this hegemony even stronger.The "simulacra" has become a "simulacra". You know that female stars are distant goddesses, but it is easy to think that women around you should have the same good figure as Tik Tok and online celebrity, or at least the difference should not be too big.Especially with the "comic waist challenge" being calculated as a hot spot by the system, after being recommended by huge traffic, it will inevitably involve countless creators and appear in front of countless users in Tik Tok.

At this stage, the relevant video comment area has long been unsightly, and female bloggers are regarded as suppliers of sexual fantasies regardless of their original intentions. Naturally, there is no lack of "intentional" online celebrity to please male fans and make active adjustments in the creative direction. "My comic waist" lost its appeal and was replaced by "My comic waist for my boyfriend?" "Your girlfriend hasn’t taken a comic waist yet?" Waiting for the story of the female competition.

Ironically, it was not until the challenge baton was handed to the actress Yang Mi that negative public opinion began to detonate and ferment. Yang Mi was scolded, but it can’t be ignored that before she got involved, the topic of # Comic Waist # # Comic Waist Challenge # in Tik Tok had already topped 500 million to 600 million.

Ponytail rocking, rubber band jumping, black ribbon goods and so on are all hot spots in Tik Tok by the algorithm of "no feelings". The most painful thing is that the values and feelings of young users have not yet taken shape, and they do not have the ability to screen and filter information, so they are invisibly involved in soft pornography.

Some Tik Tok male users who love ponytail shaking love each other under the works of female online celebrity, saying "I can do it" and "the amount of exercise has come up";While running to the video of female students to "uphold justice", persuade "pay attention when you are old" and "you are still young, don’t shoot this".

This is a magical reality in all senses.

Soft erotic evolution theory

It must be pointed out that Tik Tok is still quite tough when dealing with vulgar and obscene content. Once the same city in Tik Tok was reduced to a secret position of erotic trading, the authorities quickly launched an investigation and rectification, and permanently banned a large number of illegal accounts.

To some extent, the auditing mechanism in Tik Tok is quite "strict". Many bloggers specialize in sending videos, and the rules of the tucao platform are too strict, and even normal works are difficult to publish. In online celebrity Fubao’s video, she complained about "no shorts in bars" and "no suspenders in swimming pools". As a heavy user in Tik Tok, Hard Candy Jun can also guarantee that he has never brushed hard pornographic content.

But in the final analysis, it is not difficult for the internet world to find such content.People really want to see hard disk works, so they will go to Tik Tok to find resources. Moreover, today’s young people seem to have lost interest in pure sex (at least in words) and rely more on the "sex" of the fantasy world.These two contents do show a trade-off relationship.

At present, animation, games, idols, short videos and other entertainment industries have made great achievements in the field of soft pornography and become a new paradise for young people. In those soft and light dream bubbles, all projections related to reality will be eliminated, and desires will be relieved in the softest way.

Japanese otaku, who doesn’t watch porn, is obsessed with China harem games. In this regard, a friend of Hard Sugar Jun who plays games explained that domestic games need to pass the audit, and we must grasp the scale in the design of roles, scenes and actions, and pay attention to where and how much clothes are exposed. Pure sex is too direct and naked, and if it is softer, it will have a new aesthetic taste.

Similarly, the relatively strict review mechanism of short videos has also inserted desires into the wings of imagination and completed evolution again and again.On the surface, this is an adaptation to auditing, but in the deep, it is also a catering to contemporary people’s secret psychology. The sexual and perfect objects over-displayed by the media make real men and women seem uninteresting, so people have to project their desires on symbols-leg control, hand control and restraint control came into being.

The platform does not allow topless breasts, so online celebrity people wear stockings, uniforms and hip skirts, and try to be as cool as possible within the permitted range, which leads to the ridicule of "Tik Tok watching movies, just around the corner". Hard Candy Jun once brushed the anchor in Tik Tok in the middle of the night with two cotton dolls, and was amazed!

Their creations all conform to the rules. Even wrapped in the coat of "aesthetic diversity" and "freedom to dress", you can’t blame it directly even if you feel inappropriate.

Not long ago, a blogger in Weibo wrote a long article denouncing "Three Pits flatter men and hate women", which aroused a hot topic in the whole network. Soon, Tik Tok Sankeng bloggers sent a video response, scrambling to vindicate the minority clothing culture. At the same time, they said that they like Hanfu, Lolita and JK uniforms, which belong to the freedom of dressing, and they will never accept disciplining women in the name of women’s rights.

There is a saying that ordinary boys actually don’t accept "exaggerated" dresses such as Hanfu and Lolita. However, it is not surprising that some people have the idea of "three pits to charm men". After all, many bloggers in short videos just use clothes as props and then make various sexual suggestive actions to cater to the fetish psychology of the opposite sex.

Anyway, it’s all aesthetic freedom, so it’s no wonder that after coach An An was banned, he cried and cried for himself. Yes, there was no problem at first, but how did it change later? Ponytail shaking, rubber band jumping and chest shaking dance are all the same.

Don’t like it, hard to say. Eat drink man woman has been in such a muddled state since ancient times. Fortunately, the algorithm is fair, and male bloggers have to bow for traffic. Women show their legs, men leak their breasts, Tik Tok soft porn has a bright future.

A number of new regulations will be implemented in July: full implementation of ID card acceptance in different places.

  Zhongxin. com, July 1 ST, a number of tax reduction and fee reduction policies have been implemented, auto dealers are not allowed to increase the price of cars, and the acceptance of ID cards in different places has been fully implemented … … A number of new regulations will be implemented today, which will soon affect all aspects of people’s lives.

  A number of tax reduction and fee reduction policies will be implemented today.

  According to the decision of the the State Council executive meeting, a number of tax reduction and fee reduction policies will be implemented today. In terms of tax reduction, the value-added tax rate was reduced from four to three, and the 13% tax rate band was abolished, forming a three-band structure of 17%, 11% and 6%. The pilot policy of pre-tax deduction of personal income tax for commercial health insurance will be extended to the whole country, and the expenses of individuals purchasing qualified commercial health insurance products are allowed to be deducted before tax according to the maximum annual limit of 2,400 yuan.

  In terms of fee reduction, we will further clean up and standardize the deposit in the field of engineering construction, clean up and standardize the government’s non-tax revenue surcharge in the field of energy, temporarily exempt the two supervision fees of banking and insurance, and reduce the radio frequency occupation fee.

  Simplify the handling of tax administrative licensing matters

  The Announcement on Simplifying the Procedures for Handling Tax Administrative Licensing Matters will come into effect today. The "Announcement" clarifies five measures to degenerate and optimize the procedures for handling tax administrative licensing matters, including simplifying the acceptance of documents, providing agency forwarding services, simplifying application materials, realizing the appointment of consulting services, and improving the delivery methods of documents.

  81 airports opened the "military priority according to law" channel.

  The Civil Aviation Administration and the Logistics Support Department of the Central Military Commission jointly issued a notice to open the "military priority according to law" channel at 81 civil aviation airports nationwide from now on, and encouraged other airports to open as appropriate according to their own conditions, so as to provide thoughtful and efficient services for military personnel in check-in, security inspection and boarding.

  All coal mine safety production work in China will implement the new standards.

  The State Administration of Work Safety and other departments jointly issued the Notice on Vigorously Promoting the Standardization of Coal Mine Safety Production. The "Notice" puts forward a number of requirements, including organizing new standards publicity training, creating an incentive mechanism for standardization work, and coordinating and promoting standardization construction.

  Full implementation of ID card acceptance in different places.

  From now on, the Ministry of Public Security has fully implemented the "three systems" of accepting resident identity cards in different places, reporting the loss and claiming them for loss. The Ministry of Public Security pointed out that public security organs should issue resident identity cards within 60 days from the date when citizens submit the Registration Form for Acceptance of Resident Identity Cards in Different Places. In areas with inconvenient transportation, the processing time may be appropriately extended, but the extension time shall not exceed 30 days; Where conditions permit, the period of making and issuing certificates can be shortened according to the actual situation.

  Handling ordinary passports and underpaying 40 yuan.

  The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance issued a notice to reduce some administrative fees, which is expected to reduce the burden on enterprises and society by 2.6 billion yuan. The "Notice" stipulates that starting from today, the fees for citizens’ entry and exit documents, the cost of motor vehicle driving license, the cost of temporary entry motor vehicle number plate and driving license, the compensation fee for soil and water conservation, the actual (trial) inspection fee for pesticides, and the protection fee for integrated circuit layout design will be reduced. According to relevant standards, ordinary passports are reduced from 200 yuan to 160 yuan.

  Since July, the new regulations on automobile sales have been implemented, and it is clear that dealers are not allowed to sell cars at a higher price. The picture shows the data map. Photo by Zhang Yun, a reporter from China News Service

  Car dealers are not allowed to sell cars at a higher price.

  The Measures for the Administration of Automobile Sales promulgated by the Ministry of Commerce will be implemented today. The measures have made clear provisions and requirements for increasing the price of automobile sales, providing three-guarantee certificates, and indicating the source of accessories. It stipulates that dealers are prohibited from raising the price of cars in all forms, and dealers must clearly indicate the prices of cars and accessories, and must attach certificates with the car when picking up the car.

  According to the "Measures", it is no longer necessary for automobile brands to authorize the sale of automobiles, and two modes of authorized sales and unauthorized sales are allowed to be parallel, and new automobile sales forms such as automobile supermarkets, automobile stores and automobile e-commerce will blossom.

  Travel tax increases

  The tax ceiling for various types of vehicles has generally increased since today. The annual tax standard for large buses will be adjusted from 480 yuan to 660 yuan, for medium buses from 420 yuan to 660 yuan, for small buses from 360 yuan to 660 yuan, and for ordinary cars from 180 yuan to 360 yuan. At the same time, the tax targets have also been adjusted, and all kinds of buses that were originally tax-free will also pay taxes at the same standard as private cars.

  Strengthen the "seller’s responsibility" for securities operating institutions

  The Measures for the Administration of the Suitability of Securities and Futures Investors will be implemented from now on. The core requirement of the Measures is to strengthen the requirement of "the seller is responsible" for securities, funds and futures operating institutions, so that the operating institutions must bear the obligations stipulated by law while obtaining operating income, ensure the equality and unity of rights and obligations, effectively prevent one-sided pursuit of economic interests, and promote high-risk securities and futures products to investors with insufficient risk tolerance, resulting in damage and influence on the legitimate rights and interests of investors.

  Increase penalties for illegal acts of traditional Chinese medicine.

  The "People’s Republic of China (PRC) Chinese Medicine Law" has been implemented today, with five highlights: (1) the important position and development policy of Chinese medicine are clarified; Establish a management system that conforms to the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine; Increase support for the cause of Chinese medicine; Adhere to both support and standardization, and strengthen the supervision of Chinese medicine; Increase penalties for illegal acts of traditional Chinese medicine.

  50,000 domestic cash transactions need to be reported.

  The Measures for the Administration of Reports on Large-value Transactions and Suspicious Transactions of Financial Institutions issued by the Central Bank will be implemented today. The Administrative Measures adjusted the RMB reporting standard for large cash transactions from "200,000 yuan" to "50,000 yuan", and the reporting standard for large cross-border transactions denominated in RMB was "200,000 yuan", and for the first time, non-bank payment institutions were included in the scope of responsibility.

  New invoice regulations: only the name of the enterprise can be filled in for office invoicing, and it cannot be reimbursed.

  According to the announcement of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China, starting from today, the purchaser must provide the corporate taxpayer identification number (i.e. "tax number") or the unified social credit code when issuing corporate invoices, otherwise it will not be used as a tax voucher to handle tax-related business. The announcement also requires that when the seller issues an invoice, it should truthfully issue an invoice that is consistent with the actual business; When the buyer obtains the invoice, it shall not request to change the name and amount.

  Mobile phone pre-installed software must be uninstalled.

  The Interim Provisions on the Administration of Preset and Distribution of Application Software for Mobile Intelligent Terminals will be implemented today. According to the regulations, production enterprises should restrict the sales channels, and should not install application software in mobile intelligent terminals without the consent of users, and all software except basic functions can be uninstalled. The application software of mobile intelligent terminal involved in charging shall strictly abide by the relevant provisions such as clearly marked price, express the charging standard and charging method, and express that the content is true, accurate and eye-catching, and the fee can be deducted only after being confirmed by the user.

  Encourage and support the provision of disability prevention and rehabilitation services for the disabled.

  The Regulations on Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons will come into effect today. The regulations clearly stipulate that the state shall take measures to provide basic rehabilitation services for the disabled and support and help them integrate into society; Prohibition of discrimination on the basis of disability; The state encourages and supports organizations and individuals to provide disability prevention and rehabilitation services for the disabled, donate to the cause of disability prevention and rehabilitation for the disabled, and build relevant public welfare facilities; The provision of rehabilitation services for the disabled shall protect the privacy of the disabled and shall not discriminate against or insult them.

  The lifelong responsibility system is implemented for soil pollution control and remediation.

  The Measures for the Management of Soil Environment in Polluted Plots (Trial) will be implemented today. The method points out that according to the principle of "whoever pollutes will treat it", the unit or individual that caused soil pollution should bear the main responsibility for treatment and restoration. In principle, the treatment and restoration project should be carried out at the original site. During the treatment and restoration, measures should be taken to prevent secondary pollution to the plot and its surrounding environment. The lifelong responsibility system is implemented for soil pollution control and remediation.

"Learn from Luo Jing’s good example" is the best "farewell"

Luo Jing, a famous broadcaster of CCTV, died of illness. 

[Video] Comrade Luo Jing, an excellent broadcaster of CCTV, died of illness.

    On the morning of June 5th, Luo Jing, an announcer of CCTV News Network, died in Beijing 307 Hospital. The picture shows the portrait of Luo Jing. It is reported that this photo was jointly selected by Luo Jing’s wife and funeral committee members, and I believe this photo can represent Luo Jing’s strong, optimistic, upright and steady attitude towards life.

    Luo Jing was in the mourning hall of Beijing 307 Hospital. Yesterday was the last day to accept public condolences to Luo Jing. On the third day of Luo Jing’s death, more than 4,000 people came to the mourning hall to pay their condolences. Among them, CCTV celebrities such as Li Ruiying, Wang Ning, Xu Li, Zhu Xun, Zhu Jun and Shui Junyi also came to offer their condolences.

    Luo Jing on the road to heaven is brilliant with clouds in the western sky. When you look down on the world, you will find our tireless love for you. Thousands of people bless you in front of your mourning hall, and Qian Shan is calling you affectionately, and the hearts of all sentient beings are filled with surging Luo Jing love. In the noisy market and rural areas, Luo Jing’s voice and smile will always be a kind "beauty" of China. Your reputation has long been rooted in the hearts of the people, and your kindness, dedication and fame will be fixed on the monument of historical contributions. We didn’t mean to elevate you to a "fairy", nor did we hold high our nostalgia when you passed away. Our love for you is hidden in our hearts and flows in our blood. It is your personality, dedication, talent and achievements that have created the "worship" of all sentient beings and won unlimited respect.

    Luo Jing, known as the "national mouth", together with Zhao Zhongxiang, Xing Zhibin, Li Xiuping, Li Ruiying and other broadcasting elites, you have achieved "News Network"; "News Network" also achieved your "famous mouth". Some people call you "the national standard of news"; Some people regard you as the "anchor needle" of CCTV. No matter whether the expression is accurate or not, people are expressing their admiration for your amazing talents and love for your personality and image. The author saw from the "Luo Jing Special Video" that the space and location of Luo Jing’s work were so cramped, tense and busy; See colleagues love Luo Jing as brothers; See elder sister Xing Zhibin waiting beside Luo Jing until her death; Seeing the solemn environment adopted by CCTV for Luo Jing’s death, the author couldn’t help crying. Isn’t Luo Jing an ordinary member? There are neither absolutely prominent official positions nor super-rich people in the world; There is neither a speech to flaunt one’s achievements, nor an advertising effect that is greedy. The beauty anchor of CCTV said that "Luo Jing is of course a big bowl". What this "big bowl" supports is not power or money, but only personality, talent and professionalism.

    Celebrities and gossip seem to be twin brothers, and many people hold this concept, so that the public is used to celebrity gossip, and even thinks that "celebrities can’t be without". But when people look at the celebrity Luo Jing with their eyes, they will be surprised to see the end of time, and no matter what, they can’t find out the "lace news". Luo Jing’s reputation is high and upright, and he is not rampant. Supposedly, with his great name and talent, a little bit of "endorsement", "stage show" and "playing some talent", Jinshan Yinshan will roll in. Aren’t many celebrities "bathing" in Vanity Fair? Vanity Fair is everywhere around Luo Jing. If you are a little weak-willed, you will "get into the water". But Luo Jing held on, holding on incredibly. Facts have proved that Luo Jing is "spotless" and was elected as the representative of the 17th National People’s Congress. Can such a great personality force not conquer all sentient beings?

    Luo Jing, you are the pride of CCTV, and you are the idol of the whole country. I never thought you would leave in such a hurry, which made it really hard for us to accept such a cruel reality. News Network needs your pronunciation and pronunciation, the people of the whole country need your passion and dedication, poor students are waiting for you to "come back and see", and I hope the primary school is still waiting for you to cut the ribbon. We only see the news flashing frequently for your social love and public welfare activities, and we can’t count them. We can only repay you with deep love. We can’t keep you away, but we will always keep your name in our hearts, for future generations and for history. Your brilliant personality and dedication will shine on CCTV and the motherland. With Luo Jing gone, we can’t leave the brilliance of News Network. Defending the "supreme" of News Network is the belief of Luo Jing and the people of the whole country. The great responsibility will surely fall on the new generation of news network "famous mouth". How to make News Network carry forward will not only test the talent of CCTV’s "famous mouth", but also test the personality, morality and spiritual pursuit.


   People from all walks of life mourn:

      CCTV celebrities Li Xiuping, Kang Hui and He Hongmei came to pay their respects to Luo Jing.

      Wang Jianong, a good friend of Luo Jing: I was the first person to get the "true biography" of Luo Jing.

     The 90-year-old audience sent Luo Jing to tears: Son, I want to see you.

     Feng Gong, a famous crosstalk performer, came to mourn Luo Jing.

     Many people went to the hospital to mourn Luo Jing [Photos]

     By 10: 00 am on the 7th, more than 3,000 people went to the hospital to mourn Luo Jing.

    Xing Zhibin and Zhang Hongmin, famous mouths of CCTV, came to mourn Luo Jing.

    Lu Yu looked depressed and appeared in the hospital. Han Hong was emotional and shed tears.

    Zhao Huayong, the front desk director of CCTV, came to mourn Luo Jing.

    Enthusiastic spectators have laid wreaths for taxi drivers to wear "formal clothes" to mourn.

     CCTV host Zhu Xun Zi Ning came to the hospital in black to express his condolences [Photos].

    The audience mourned CCTV announcer Luo Jing in the rain [photos]

     Attending doctor Chen Hu: Luo Jing always thinks of others.

    Strong Luo Jing, adhere to nine courses of chemotherapy.

    Attending doctor Chen Hu: Luo Jing couldn’t bear to face his eyes on his last birthday. 

    June: Send Luo Jing away.

    March: Luo Jing had expected to return to work in Taiwan.

    In February, the systemic lymphomas disappeared completely.

    Chen Hu, the attending doctor in Luo Jing, elaborated: Luo Jing’s last days

    Bai Yansheng: Luo Jing, a peer who has shaped the industry standard.

    Willow crying to send Luo Jing: unforgettable brother’s voice and smile

    Ma Bin: A glass of sake will be sent to the teacher, Yundian, to smell the music.

    Li Zimeng: Teacher Luo Jing is a role model for my life growth.

    China Radio and Television Association Broadcasting Presiding Committee mourns Luo Jing.

    All the announcers and presenters of Shanghai Wenguang News Media Group mourn Luo Jing.

    Lu Jian: God is unfair. Brother Luo Jing’s character is the most admirable.

    Liu Chunyan: Luo Jing had planned to come back at the 50th anniversary celebration of CCTV.

    Luo Jing’s wife and children mourned and sent elegies: Luo Jing, we will always miss you.

    Sa Beining recalled Luo Jing that "he has always been very positive and optimistic"

    The list of CCTV Comrade Luo Jing and funeral committee was released.

     Ju Jianfu: Ju Ping wrote a tearful memorial for Luo Jing [Photos]

    Lang Yongchun: The last 10 months of Luo Jing’s struggle with the disease: he was the strongest patient.

    Luo Jing mourning hall opens all parties to mourn: mother didn’t show up, son learned to be strong

    Li Ruiying: For more than 20 years, Luo Jing has been on call.

    Hospital: Luo Jing is the strongest and most optimistic cancer patient they have ever seen.

    Colleague: Luo Jing never puts on airs.

   Ma Bin choked and recalled his work with Luo Jing and sent poems to his predecessors.

    Zhang Quanling mourns Luo Jing: His name must be in the memory of the audience.

     Zhao Zhongxiang: I have always admired his ability and hard work.

    Annabel Lee, the host of CCTV, reposes his grief for Luo Jing with poems (photo).

    Zhang Bin: I hope I can do something for Luo Jing’s family

    Huang Jianxiang and Luo Jing participated in cultural and sports activities and decided to attend the memorial service.

    Zhao Pu: Luo Jing died so suddenly that she ate and smoked together years ago.

    Gu Yunlong, director of CCTV’s social special department, was sad to hear that Luo Jing died of illness.

    Wang Xiaojie: It’s sad that I can’t listen to Luo Jing’s broadcast any more (Figure)

    Deputy Director of CCTV Social Education Program Center: Luo Jing, please go!

    Han Qiaosheng: Sitting still for half an hour, tears came out of my eyes.

     Ma Bin, the host of CCTV, mourned Luo Jing Wangjun’s good journey (Figure).

    Wenjing, host of CCTV: I am shocked and don’t believe this is true.

    Feng Cunli, Deputy Director of CCTV Social Education Program Center: Luo Jing, please go!


     Summary of the conference:

     CCTV held a press conference in the 307 Hospital of the People’s Liberation Army [photos]

    Interview with Lang Yongchun, spokesman of Comrade Luo Jing and funeral committee.

     The last 10 months of Luo Jing’s struggle with the disease: he is the strongest patient.

    Luo Jing once wanted to receive stem cell transplantation, and the medical staff recalled crying.

     Cause analysis of Luo Jing’s death The sudden deterioration of his condition led to ineffective rescue of heart failure.

     The on-site mourning hall of the 307 Hospital of the People’s Liberation Army will be completed, and people from all walks of life can come to mourn.

    Luo Jing just celebrated his 48th birthday on May 29th, and his mental state is still good.

    Luo Jing’s death conference was held. Lang Yongchun spoke on behalf of funeral committee.

    At 30 o’clock in the news, Lang Yongchun Hospital hosted an interim press conference.

    Brother Luo Jing arrived at the mourning hall and held a press conference at 12:20.


     Boyou remembers Luo Jing.

    Netizens mourn deeply.

    Related links:

  • Thousands of people in Beijing braved the rain to mourn the first exposure of Luo Jing’s treatment before his death (photo) 2009-06-07
  • Qi Qi recalled Luo Jing: He used to sing Pingju for us. 2009-06-05
  • Zhang Yue remembers Luo Jing: We must learn to face death. 2009-06-05
  • Yu Shengchun: It is our honor to work with Mr. Luo Jing. 2009-06-05
  • Moderator Hou Feng: Luo Jing still conveys optimism like his family’s illness. 2009-06-05
  • Luo Jing is easygoing, taking photos with every waiter and never picky about food. 2009-06-05
  • Luo Jing told jokes at a friend’s party, and the audience had no chance to experience it and regret it forever. 2009-06-05