Tik Tok soft porn, with the wings of imagination.

Author | Liu Xiaotu

Editor | Li Chunhui

Coach An An, who took off his black silk, is being mercilessly abandoned by male users in Tik Tok.

Just in June this year, her live broadcast room was still watched by hundreds of thousands of viewers. It was called a gongs and drums and flags. However, after the account was briefly banned for reporting, the live broadcast data of coach An An turned sharply. In the last three live broadcasts in July, the total number of viewers dropped by millions, and the peak number of online users was only over 60,000.

When he was just put into the "little black room", coach An An was still very unwilling and tried to make a comeback by playing several trumpets, but unfortunately none of them succeeded. She felt particularly wronged and cried in tears in the video "I don’t know where I am wrong." Obviously, there was nothing wrong before,How happy the audience is to see it, why do they just scratch the ball and have soft pornography?Friends chasing complaints, you have no heart.

However, the audit does not believe in tears, and the flow has its own logic. After the re-broadcast, coach An An had no choice but to change his black silk and short skirt and put on his coaching clothes and jeans again. This time, the male students were not happy, and they dropped out of school with "no charm" and "no motivation". Things have developed here, and it is self-evident that fans are watching and like to watch.

Seeing coach An An fall, women’s rights groups shouted in Weibo and Douban that it was well sealed, and called on sisters to continue to actively participate in the "anti-pornography" campaign in Tik Tok. They have long been dissatisfied with the ponytail rocking, rubber band jumping and cartoon waist popular in Tik Tok, and regard them as soft pornography, denouncing them for objectifying women and challenging morality, which is more corrosive than real porn.

The competition between soft porn and hard porn is not in the category of hard candy evaluation. What we want to discuss is:On the contrary, the relatively strict censorship mechanism of the Chinese Internet "forced out" the magical powers of soft pornography and the understanding of its audience.In order to adapt to the audit rules, these contents have been constantly revised and evolved, and have formed a series of protective barriers, which can grow wildly without restraint. Anyone who rashly criticizes will be branded as a prostitute and narrow-minded in aesthetics.

"When I saw short sleeves, I immediately thought of white arms and shoulders, naked bodies, genitals, sexual intercourse, hybridization and illegitimate children. The imagination of China people can only make such a leap at this level. " This passage of Mr. Lu Xun is still so realistic today, but it can be interpreted more. The alienation and infiltration of soft pornography in the era of short video, are they over-imagining or are we over-imagining?

It’s not "silk stockings"

Coach An An was originally an ordinary creator in the field of pan-knowledge. She has been in Tik Tok for half a year, and has been explaining the real questions and main points of the driving test to her fans. In the early dozens of videos, the team tried to act, make up paragraphs and make up jingles, but the interactive data was always low, and there was no sign of fire.

Until the hot summer, coach An An’s live dress became cool, and a short skirt outlined a graceful curve, and some fans suddenly developed an impulse to learn. In May, her studio was a little hotter than usual, but it was still far from the top stream.

Fortunately, although there are not many new powders, they are very active and keen to share their feelings on the barrage. From time to time, they will boast coach An An’s "good figure" and "full charm". These users’ feedback must have been read by Teacher An. The evidence is that her live painting style has become sexy all the way, and black silk, high heels and short skirts with hips have become standard.

To tell the truth, most shaky people have long been immune to stockings. Dance, fashion, cross-dressing and other popular themes, the tentacles are all beautiful legs of stockings, black, white and pink, and it is not limited to men and women. There is nothing to make a fuss about.

However, Mr. An An has made hundreds of millions of little moves. In several live broadcasts in June, she often talked and began to sort out stockings and pull clothes. These intentional or unintentional hints attracted the male audience to make up their minds. Coupled with a charming tone, the live broadcast room is even more popular.

The posture of taking off shoes sideways made teacher An An famous in the first world war.Old drivers from Tik Tok came in from all directions, and tried to "beg" the teacher to lift his feet in the front row of the comment area. In just two weeks, coach An An’s Tik Tok account has increased by nearly 3 million, and the number of topics of the same name has quickly exceeded 1 billion.

Soon, two divided worlds appeared around the "An ‘an phenomenon". On the one hand, the popularity soared, and Tik Tok users were fascinated by it, calling it "a living Buddha" and "a good teacher". On the one hand, the wind review is extremely poor, and Douban netizens hate it and criticize it for "three views are not correct" and "vulgar and charming men".

However, in the face of the hot weather, any doubt has not affected the black silk to become a hard currency in the live broadcast room. Overnight, the driving test anchors all wore black silk with the wind, and of course, the anchor involution was indispensable-the shorter their skirts crossed, the larger their scales became.

Not long after, the wave of "black wire anchor, online goods" swept to fishing gear, jade, cars, outdoor sports and other fields.To sum up, it is the Tik Tok account whose core consumers are mainly men, and many of them want to copy the famous route of coach An An. The anchorwoman who sells fishing gear is always jumping on the fishing box, and only sees two legs on the screen, which is really enough.

The old driver in Tik Tok simply sorted out a timetable and organized a delegation to visit bloggers such as Jingbao, Xiaolan and Mona, which is euphemistically called rain and dew.

But in fact, Hard Sugar Jun has paid attention to several accounts for a long time and doesn’t think there is anything wrong with their content scale. However, with the excessive attention of male users in Tik Tok, the comment area is full of vulgar messages such as "Guys are here", "I’m ready after washing my hands" and "I’m ready". Even serious content will inevitably suffer criticism and reputation decline.

We shouldn’t maliciously speculate about the creator. But when bloggers’ content is distorted and even nourishes soft porn culture, should they be themselves or make adjustments?

Algorithm launches soft pornography

Since the beginning of this year, some women, especially women’s rights groups, have been greatly offended by all kinds of popular contents in Tik Tok, such as waist cartoon, ponytail rocking cartoon, rubber band jumping and black ribbon goods. They did have an overwhelming discussion in Douban and Weibo, and they intended to launch a counterattack.

But in this process, there are also serious differences among women. The deviation of its viewpoint mainly lies in that,In Tik Tok, is it men who turn women into objects of desire, or are women willing to recommend themselves to desire for traffic?Who should the spearhead of "anti-pornography" be targeted at first is a difficult problem.

In several cyber wars, the resistance to the "comic waist challenge" is the loudest. The participation of most people who eat melons in this matter basically starts with the hot search in Weibo, where "Yang Mi challenges comic waist", and they follow the trend and spit out a few words. But if we repeat the whole process of "Comic waist incident", we will find more interesting things.

At the beginning of March this year, a group of Tik Tok women, online celebrity, initiated the creation of "comic waist", which attracted bloggers from all walks of life to imitate it. At this stage, they just want to show the perfect waistline, saying that skyshatter is just creating body anxiety, not to the point of objectifying women.

However, with the number of works played under # Comic Waist # exceeding 100 million, more and more people see the traffic bonus of this topic and secretly compete. The conventional figure display has suddenly become a challenge, and with the onlookers and comments of male users in Tik Tok, the painting style is completely ambiguous and vulgar.

Sociologist Baudrillard once said that magazines, television, movies and other powerful communication tools create a perfect female image. These "surreal" simulacra are in sharp contrast with real women, causing the latter anxiety and frustration. Relying on the powerful communication power, the media established cultural hegemony and finally colluded with men’s "fantasy sex".

New media such as short videos and live broadcasts make this hegemony even stronger.The "simulacra" has become a "simulacra". You know that female stars are distant goddesses, but it is easy to think that women around you should have the same good figure as Tik Tok and online celebrity, or at least the difference should not be too big.Especially with the "comic waist challenge" being calculated as a hot spot by the system, after being recommended by huge traffic, it will inevitably involve countless creators and appear in front of countless users in Tik Tok.

At this stage, the relevant video comment area has long been unsightly, and female bloggers are regarded as suppliers of sexual fantasies regardless of their original intentions. Naturally, there is no lack of "intentional" online celebrity to please male fans and make active adjustments in the creative direction. "My comic waist" lost its appeal and was replaced by "My comic waist for my boyfriend?" "Your girlfriend hasn’t taken a comic waist yet?" Waiting for the story of the female competition.

Ironically, it was not until the challenge baton was handed to the actress Yang Mi that negative public opinion began to detonate and ferment. Yang Mi was scolded, but it can’t be ignored that before she got involved, the topic of # Comic Waist # # Comic Waist Challenge # in Tik Tok had already topped 500 million to 600 million.

Ponytail rocking, rubber band jumping, black ribbon goods and so on are all hot spots in Tik Tok by the algorithm of "no feelings". The most painful thing is that the values and feelings of young users have not yet taken shape, and they do not have the ability to screen and filter information, so they are invisibly involved in soft pornography.

Some Tik Tok male users who love ponytail shaking love each other under the works of female online celebrity, saying "I can do it" and "the amount of exercise has come up";While running to the video of female students to "uphold justice", persuade "pay attention when you are old" and "you are still young, don’t shoot this".

This is a magical reality in all senses.

Soft erotic evolution theory

It must be pointed out that Tik Tok is still quite tough when dealing with vulgar and obscene content. Once the same city in Tik Tok was reduced to a secret position of erotic trading, the authorities quickly launched an investigation and rectification, and permanently banned a large number of illegal accounts.

To some extent, the auditing mechanism in Tik Tok is quite "strict". Many bloggers specialize in sending videos, and the rules of the tucao platform are too strict, and even normal works are difficult to publish. In online celebrity Fubao’s video, she complained about "no shorts in bars" and "no suspenders in swimming pools". As a heavy user in Tik Tok, Hard Candy Jun can also guarantee that he has never brushed hard pornographic content.

But in the final analysis, it is not difficult for the internet world to find such content.People really want to see hard disk works, so they will go to Tik Tok to find resources. Moreover, today’s young people seem to have lost interest in pure sex (at least in words) and rely more on the "sex" of the fantasy world.These two contents do show a trade-off relationship.

At present, animation, games, idols, short videos and other entertainment industries have made great achievements in the field of soft pornography and become a new paradise for young people. In those soft and light dream bubbles, all projections related to reality will be eliminated, and desires will be relieved in the softest way.

Japanese otaku, who doesn’t watch porn, is obsessed with China harem games. In this regard, a friend of Hard Sugar Jun who plays games explained that domestic games need to pass the audit, and we must grasp the scale in the design of roles, scenes and actions, and pay attention to where and how much clothes are exposed. Pure sex is too direct and naked, and if it is softer, it will have a new aesthetic taste.

Similarly, the relatively strict review mechanism of short videos has also inserted desires into the wings of imagination and completed evolution again and again.On the surface, this is an adaptation to auditing, but in the deep, it is also a catering to contemporary people’s secret psychology. The sexual and perfect objects over-displayed by the media make real men and women seem uninteresting, so people have to project their desires on symbols-leg control, hand control and restraint control came into being.

The platform does not allow topless breasts, so online celebrity people wear stockings, uniforms and hip skirts, and try to be as cool as possible within the permitted range, which leads to the ridicule of "Tik Tok watching movies, just around the corner". Hard Candy Jun once brushed the anchor in Tik Tok in the middle of the night with two cotton dolls, and was amazed!

Their creations all conform to the rules. Even wrapped in the coat of "aesthetic diversity" and "freedom to dress", you can’t blame it directly even if you feel inappropriate.

Not long ago, a blogger in Weibo wrote a long article denouncing "Three Pits flatter men and hate women", which aroused a hot topic in the whole network. Soon, Tik Tok Sankeng bloggers sent a video response, scrambling to vindicate the minority clothing culture. At the same time, they said that they like Hanfu, Lolita and JK uniforms, which belong to the freedom of dressing, and they will never accept disciplining women in the name of women’s rights.

There is a saying that ordinary boys actually don’t accept "exaggerated" dresses such as Hanfu and Lolita. However, it is not surprising that some people have the idea of "three pits to charm men". After all, many bloggers in short videos just use clothes as props and then make various sexual suggestive actions to cater to the fetish psychology of the opposite sex.

Anyway, it’s all aesthetic freedom, so it’s no wonder that after coach An An was banned, he cried and cried for himself. Yes, there was no problem at first, but how did it change later? Ponytail shaking, rubber band jumping and chest shaking dance are all the same.

Don’t like it, hard to say. Eat drink man woman has been in such a muddled state since ancient times. Fortunately, the algorithm is fair, and male bloggers have to bow for traffic. Women show their legs, men leak their breasts, Tik Tok soft porn has a bright future.