The network anchor will welcome real-name registration system’s involvement in pornography, gambling and drugs, etc., and will be blacked out (Figure)

  International online comprehensive news: The heads of more than 20 major domestic enterprises engaged in online performances (live broadcasts) jointly issued the "Beijing Webcast Industry Self-discipline Convention", promising that from the 18th, webcasting rooms must be marked with watermarks; Content storage time is not less than 15 days for future reference; All anchors must be real-name certified; For anchors who broadcast political, gun-related, drug-related, violent and pornographic content, serious cases will be blacklisted; Auditors conduct 24-hour real-time supervision on the live content on the platform.

  The brutal development of webcasting industry

  The extremely low industry threshold and the temptation to make money without leaving home make the network anchor team expand rapidly and fall into the strange circle of barbaric growth. In order to become popular, some network anchors should take off what they shouldn’t, show what they shouldn’t, do what they shouldn’t, and say what they shouldn’t, at the request of fans, in order to let the "golden master" get the so-called stimulation and pleasure. The original clean live broadcast room was made a mess.

  Low barriers to entry in the industry

  The surging webcast lowered the threshold of popularity and made it possible for many grassroots to become famous overnight — — A microphone and a camera have become the gold digging tools in cyberspace. According to media reports, on the webcast platforms such as Betta, Crouching, and Show Together, popular anchors with an annual income of millions of yuan are fully grasped, and some even earn more than 10 million yuan.

  Some anchors do whatever it takes to become popular.

  "Earn six figures a month" and "reward" … … The kaleidoscope-like webcasting makes the anchors rich and admired. At the same time, some anchors do whatever it takes to "get out of position". According to reports, an online male anchor named "play is Happy" broke into a school in Nanjing and publicly broadcast live to harass girls. What is even more paradoxical is that after the behavior of the network male anchor was stopped by the security guards in the school, his fans did not condemn the anchor but abused teachers and students online … …

  The income of network anchors mainly depends on netizens’ "reward"

  A staff member of the webcast platform revealed that the income of the network anchor mainly depends on the "reward" of netizens. As long as you are willing to take off and show off and meet the requirements of the "golden master", the "reward" will be high. Among the fans of the anchor, "local tyrants" abound, and they can spend a lot of money on their favorite anchors without even frowning. In order to make fans happy and get more "rewards", anchors naturally show their magical powers and perform heartily, making the network anchor space a low-level, vulgar and indecent place.

  A 12-year-old boy from Minhou, Fuzhou stole 30,000 yuan from his mother to give a gift to the network anchor.

  Xiaolin, a 12-year-old fifth-grade primary school boy in Minhou, stole his mother’s mobile phone to buy expensive virtual goods for the anchor in order to please his favorite network anchor, and spent nearly 30 thousand yuan a month.

  Netizens spent 50,000 yuan on gifts just to keep the female anchor calling his name.

  A fan with a live ID named "Dungeon Warrior" said that he had spent more than 10,000 yuan for his favorite female anchor since last year, which was nothing compared with those local fans who lavished millions. "In that world, as long as you spend money, you are the king. This is the feeling that watching star videos won’t happen at all. The female anchor will always interact with you. You can’t understand the satisfaction of calling your name and saying thank you and love you in front of tens of thousands of people. This gives me a sense of power and a strong sense of superiority, which makes me feel stronger than all the men in the room, especially with dignity, as if I control the world. "

  The competition in online celebrity is fierce, and the interest chains are interlinked.

  It is precisely because of online celebrity’s profitable capital that many companies, seeing the unlimited business opportunities, have started to concentrate on signing contracts and training, and input them into the live broadcast platform. "I’m Zero Egg" is a student at school. She emphasizes that she has natural characteristics without artificial synthesis. After being signed by a brokerage company, she will broadcast live on the Dragon Ball platform. In addition to the basic salary, the extra income from the live broadcast will be shared with the platform and the brokerage company. According to her, "most anchors are pushed to the live broadcast platform by brokerage companies, and some small platforms have less budgets and more direct docking with anchors." She said that even if a contracted anchor wants to get the top page, it is generally necessary for the anchor to apply for the top request with the company. "Then the company arranges the top through the registration order, but the chance of being topped is very small."

  Is it feasible for the popular anchor to enter the entertainment circle offline?

  Some people think that the live content of these eyeballs, such as posing, selling cute and playing cute, singing and telling jokes, may one day be bored by netizens. In fact, at present, some anchors have stepped out of the narrow space in their homes and gone outdoors and even internationally, and entertainment life such as travel, ball games and star conferences has gradually become live content.

  Expert suggestion: regulatory legislation needs to be refined

  Some legal experts said that because the definition of pornography in the current relevant laws is not specific enough, webcasting frequently plays "edge ball". Webcast, as a new product, should be based on its characteristics, and introduce a new basis to refine the supervision of live content, so that the live broadcast platform and practitioners can clearly understand their legal responsibilities. However, in view of the lack of protection for minors in the webcast platform, legal scholars have called for the urgent introduction of a grading system related to Internet content.

[Beautiful scenery] The forest is dyed and the autumn colors are gorgeous. Go to the water town to meet the most beautiful autumn scenery in the south of the Yangtze River.

  Autumn always gives people a lonely atmosphere, like a fading picture scroll, pouring out the sadness of parting. The autumn in the Red River Water Town is bright and lush.

  For Yunnan, the circulation of the four seasons seems to be less and less obvious, and perhaps only this yellow fallen leaf can witness the arrival of autumn.

  If you want to chase the red leaf scenery, it is better to feel the street of Honghe water town first. This is autumn in the town, and it will be autumn after a short stay.

  Sometimes I look up at the sky, blue and clear, and my thoughts are infinite. Golden ginkgo, coupled with the blue sky, this transparent sunny and dazzling golden color collides with the unique taste and beauty of autumn.

  Rather critical always thought that autumn could be called when the trees were full of golden colors. In fact, autumn, when a leaf falls slowly, is so complete and silent.

  In the season of osmanthus fragrance, the whole red river water town is soaked in the sweet osmanthus fragrance. In perception, the sense of smell often takes the lead. You haven’t noticed the yellow flowers hidden in the branches. A little wind blows, and the faint fragrance first finds the sense of existence.

  Even the clean streets are stained with osmanthus fragrans, which is unique in autumn, and it looks unique. A sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance makes people stay for a long time. The scenery of the street and the mood of the season are all frozen at this moment in the town.

  In autumn, there are not only fragrant osmanthus, but also red maple. A maple leaf, from light green to orange red, only feels that autumn has arrived in the world, and I don’t know how much wind and rain are swaying. Brilliant as a flower, flaming like a sunset, like fireworks of life, burning in the branches of late autumn.

  Walking in such a small town, the traffic between buildings is nothing to do with me at the moment. Enjoy the warmth of sunshine and the quietness of time. I would like to have a cup of good tea and enjoy autumn scenery in this season.

  Red River water town with abundant autumn colors.

  So beautiful

  If you happen to be there.


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Source: Honghe Tourism

Handball evolved from rugby.

Handball is not only a football term, but also a sport. Today, in the column "Small Class of the City Games", the small body takes you to understand handball.
Handball Project Setting in the City Games
Caption: Handball Events Setting Table Source/Shanghai Sports (the same below)
Related collections of Shanghai Sports Museum
There are many collections and stories about handball in the Shanghai Sports Museum, and some of them are specially selected. Let’s have a look.
Caption: The French Handball Federation visited Shanghai to commemorate the card.
This is a commemorative card given to the French Handball Federation when it visited Shanghai. On the top of the commemorative card, there is a scene of a female handball player playing, and the French meaning below is "Thanks to the French Handball Federation".
Caption: Men’s handball ball in 2021.
This ball has been officially endorsed by the International Handball Federation and printed with accreditation standards, and can be used in official competitions. Handball is a ball game developed by combining the characteristics of basketball and football, which is played by hand and scored by the ball into the opponent’s goal. Handball originated in Europe at the end of 19th century and was introduced to China in 1950s.
This is the end of the collection. If you want to see the beauty of the collection up close, you are welcome to visit the Shanghai Sports Museum.
Cold knowledge about handball
1. Glue the players’ hands in handball competition.
A layer of glue is attached to the surface of handball. This layer of glue can well form friction with athletes’ hands, thus preventing handball from getting rid of in fierce competition. Handball has glue not only on the ball, but also on the players’ hands and on the court.
2. The size and weight of handball
Handball is smaller than football, basketball and volleyball, only half the size of football and weighs only 425 to 475 grams. Compared with the football volleyball, handball is small and light, so the rhythm of handball competition is faster and more offensive, and speed becomes the key factor to win.
3. Domestic unpopular minority sports are second only to football in Europe.
Handball is relatively small in China. It has both the laws of football and rugby, and its main features are "chasing" and "fighting". But in Europe, handball is the second largest team event after football.
"First time" in handball events
1. Time to enter the Olympic Games for the first time
In 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, handball was first held as a competition in the Olympic Games.
2. When was the first World Championships held?
In 1928, the first World Men’s Handball Championship was held in Germany. In 1957, the first World Women’s Handball Championship was held in Yugoslavia.
3. When did China handball team participate in the Olympic Games for the first time?
In 1984, the China women’s handball team participated in the Olympic Games for the first time and won the bronze medal, which was a milestone breakthrough in the history of handball in China.

What is the relationship between the first batch of the first batch of millet and Qualcomm?

Zhongguancun Online Message: Lenovo Interpise Hu Xiaomi’s starting flagship chip is the second time.The first time is two years ago, Snapdragon 855, the responsible person of the Lenovo mobile phone business at that time was still the manner we are familiar with the shopkeeper.

After a year, Lenovo once again grab the first hair of the Snapdragon High-end flagship chip and did the world’s first.Where is Xiaomi?The first Qualcomm flagship chip has suddenly collapsed for many years?

In addition to the high-end flagship chip, the second flagship dragon 870 is also losing from Xiaomikou.This makes us have to doubt, is Xiaomi can’t work?The first shot becomes the first batch. It may be better twice. If it is a regular loss, there is really a problem.