Haiyuan, Ningxia: Deciphering the Ecological Password of Increasing Potato Income

  On August 10th, there was a soaking rain in Hongyang country, Haiyuan County, zhongwei City, Ningxia.

  Yang Hongqin, a villager in Anbao Village, walked out of her yard. She looked at the moon mountain covered with green mountains and sighed that the rain has been getting better and better in recent years, and it rained almost once a week recently. When the vegetation is lush, small animals such as ground squirrels, pheasants, rabbits and so on are "hidden" by thick vegetation.

  At one time, the soil on the slope couldn’t hold any moisture, and the 5-inch-long weasel could see clearly from the hillside. It was a time when one side of the soil and water couldn’t support one side. Cao Yuhu, the "shopkeeper" of Yang Hongqin’s family, was playing weasel with the villagers on this barren slope at that time. Although it was interesting, the life was sad.

  There is little rain, and potatoes, which are the "protagonists" of mountain people’s diet, are sometimes never harvested, not to mention wheat and beans. This year, in the 15-mu potato field in Yang Hongqin’s home, the roots are half a person’s height, and the purple and white potato flowers are arranged neatly.

Yang Hongqin works with all kinds of fresh vegetables in her garden. Zhang heshe

  "The thicker the potato vine, the bigger it is, indicating that the potato grows better. In recent years, the rain has been good, and the soil here is mainly black loessial soil and calcareous soil. The rainfall is mainly concentrated in July, August and September. The precipitation law is consistent with the potato tuber expansion period, which is very conducive to potato yield increase. " Pang Shenggang, secretary of the Party branch of Anbao Village, introduced.

  Although October is the potato harvest season, at this time, Pang Shenggang’s tone is firm: potatoes will definitely be harvested this year. Some potatoes dug out of the ground not long ago are big.

  In the past two years, Hongyang Township has built a potato seed breeding base in Machang Natural Village, Anbao Village, to realize self-propagation and self-sufficiency of high-quality virus-free seed potatoes. Looking at Hongyang Township, the whole township takes potatoes as the leading industry, and has built nearly 6,000 mu of potato first-class seed potato promotion demonstration zone, with a total of 58,000 mu of potato planting, an increase of more than 10,000 mu over last year.

  The increase of potato income is inseparable from the integration of new technologies and the promotion of new varieties, but it is also inseparable from the weather. Potato is a dry crop, but there is also a demand for rain. With less rain, the yield of potato is low, and the yield is naturally affected. In recent years, Hongyang Township has continuously promoted the potato industry. In addition to being suitable for planting potatoes, the increasing rainfall year by year has also increased the confidence of Hongyang people in planting potatoes.

Under the moon, grass grows and warblers fly. Zhang heshe

  Xihaigu is short of water, and Hongyang Township is no exception.

  Once, it was the collective memory of the villagers that the rain could not be stored and the soil erosion was serious. A flood in 1989 was firmly "nailed" in the memory of Yin Xuefeng, deputy head of Hongyang Township. The flood poured down the mountain, reaching the deepest point of 2 meters, which made many farmers’ water cellars "overflow". After the flood, except for the washed-out crops and silted rivers, the hills are still desolate.

  When will this bitter day end? The change began around 2003, when the villagers were told to close the mountain to prohibit grazing and not to put sheep on the mountain. Since October 2002, all cities and counties in Ningxia have started to close grazing. By 2003, the whole region had closed mountains to close grazing, and 3.8 million shepherds had been released "down the mountain", and domestic animals and sheep had been kept in captivity.

Under the moon, grass grows and warblers fly. Zhang heshe

  At first, some villagers didn’t understand that after so many years, who can change the soil and water in this area? However, the power of time proves everything.

  Over the years, Hongyang Township has returned 50,000 mu of farmland to forests, managed 13.6 kilometers of rivers, and continued to implement the policy of grazing prohibition and enclosure. Through specific measures such as changing sloping fields into terraces and keeping water from going downhill, the ecology will be restored. The villagers gradually discovered that the once barren hills and slopes were covered with vegetation, and the ecological migration was also taken over by nature. The most intuitive embodiment is that the rainfall is increasing year by year, and the average rainfall in previous years is 300— 400 mm, since 2016, the rainfall has become more abundant, reaching 750 mm in 2019, forming a unique regional microclimate, leaning against Nanhua Mountain in the north, and the mountains and rivers in Hongyang Township are flying.

  Cao Yuhu and Yang Hongqin took off the "hat" of the poor households who set up the card through policy assistance and hard work, and built a new house in 2018. Today, more than 70 sheep and 15 acres of potato land are the stable sources of income at home. Cao Yuhu works odd jobs in the village with the welding skills learned in the skills training class organized by the village. Three children grow up and go to school outside, and their lives are full of flavor. "Now let’s drive the sheep up the mountain. I won’t do it. I can’t bear to part with such a beautiful mountain." Yang Hongqin said.

  Duan Fuqiang, Party Secretary of Hongyang Township, said, "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. Through persistent ecological restoration, the improvement of the ecological environment that the people really feel directly drives farmers to increase their income. In the future, we will continue to lead the masses to a well-off society and live a better life by improving the ecology. " (Correspondent Zhang Heguang Daily, all-media reporter Zhang Wenpan)

Go out and eat less fruits and vegetables. Seven measures to help you remedy the lack of nutrition!

  Some netizens often ask: "I work outside, and I often don’t have enough vegetables. What should I do if I don’t have enough nutrition?" I always feel uncomfortable if I don’t eat vegetables! Is there any food that can replace the nutrition of fresh vegetables? Can taking multivitamin pills replace eating vegetables? "

  Indeed, many people go to barren hills or deserts, to foreign countries, to frontier areas and to poverty-stricken areas because of work needs, or for reasons such as teaching and helping the poor. These places often do not have enough fresh vegetables to supply. Even if there are vegetables, they are mostly radishes, cabbages and potatoes, especially leafy vegetables lacking dark green.

  If it’s ten days and a half, that’s fine. Get over it first, and then make it up when you come back. However, if it is a few months, or even a year or two, the lack of vegetables will inevitably affect your health.

  As we all know, adequate vegetables are very important for supplying vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin B2, vitamin K, potassium, calcium, magnesium, dietary fiber and various antioxidant substances.

  Ideally, there should be vegetables in the meal, and 300 to 500 grams of vegetables are eaten every day, and this weight does not include the part thrown into the trash can, but the part that is directly imported.

  In the case of really not eating enough, you can take the following seven remedial measures. Although it can’t completely solve the problem, it can at least reduce some damage to the nutritional balance and make the body get more comprehensive nutritional and health care ingredients.

  Temporarily supplement multivitamins.

  If the dose of vitamin supplements is not too large, close to the normal amount of reasonable dietary intake, taking supplements is harmless. All the worries about supplements are in the case of large quantities. The vitamin content of some products is ten times or even dozens of times the daily recommended value, which is not suitable for long-term use.

  It must be recognized that although these nutrient supplements can prevent vitamin deficiency, they cannot replace all the health functions of vegetables, such as supplying potassium, calcium and magnesium, dietary fiber, antioxidants and other phytochemicals.

  Prepare some dried vegetables.

  You can buy some dried vegetables that can rise after soaking in water, take them to your work area, or order them online. Such as dried seaweed (Undaria pinnatifida, kelp, etc.), dried mushrooms, dried mushrooms, dried fungus, dried bamboo shoots, and evergreen (dried vegetables), as a supplement to the lack of vegetables.

  Dried products are convenient to store and carry, and it is also convenient to cook dishes after soaking. For example, put some soaked fungus and mushrooms in cooking, add some soaked bamboo shoots and mushrooms in stew and chicken, and add some soaked Undaria pinnatifida in soup, all of which are quite delicious.

  Although there are fewer vitamins after drying, at least a lot of minerals and dietary fiber can be supplemented. Minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium can still be preserved after drying. In particular, most dietary fiber can be preserved, which is very helpful to prevent constipation.

  Substitute potato, sweet potato, yam and other potatoes.

  Potato is a kind of food between vegetables and staple food. It contains starch, vitamin C, rich potassium, and some antioxidants, and its dietary fiber content is much higher than that of white rice and white flour.

  If potatoes are used to replace part of white rice and steamed bread, more vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium and dietary fiber can be obtained on the premise of the same total carbohydrate.

  For people who need to lose weight, we must pay attention to the fact that when eating potatoes, we should not put oil and salt. Instead, we should put them in a rice cooker and steam them with rice, and reduce the amount of white rice and flour while eating potatoes.

  For people who need to gain weight, adding some potato foods such as potatoes and yam to their daily staple food, such as stewing potatoes into vegetables, is just conducive to gaining weight.

  Increase the number of daily vegetables

  In some remote areas, although there are no fresh green leafy vegetables, there are still some storable vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, radish, onion and carrot.

  Although Chinese cabbage is not as nutritious as green leafy vegetables, it still contains a certain amount of vitamin C, dietary fiber and minerals.

  As long as you increase your food intake and eat more Chinese cabbage, you can get more nutrients and partially make up for the loss of insufficient varieties. This is the so-called "quantity compensation for insufficient quality". Carrot itself is a good thing. Eating some often can at least prevent vitamin A deficiency.

  Send bean sprouts and bean sprouts to increase green leafy vegetables.

  You can use soybeans, black beans, peas, etc. to soak them and eat them yourself to increase the variety of vegetables. Bud sprouts can spread green leaves as long as they see light, which belongs to green leafy vegetables. Common sprout vegetables include radish seedlings, buckwheat seedlings and peanut seedlings. The sprouts taste good and can be fried. Radish seedlings and buckwheat seedlings can also be eaten raw and cold directly.

  Even if there are only wheat and barley seeds, they can be made into wheat seedlings, then cut off and beaten into juice with their own beater. This is the best "green juice".

  It would be better if you could bring some seeds of green leafy vegetables such as Chinese cabbage and rape. You can get fresh vegetables by growing your own vegetables.

  Order canned vegetables online

  At present, there are many canned vegetables, such as canned tomatoes, canned green beans, canned mushrooms, canned asparagus, canned pickles, canned corn shoots, canned/bagged ketchup, etc., and the price of ordering in boxes is not high.

  Although canned food loses some vitamin C, it is not zero, and there is no loss of dietary fiber and potassium. It is convenient for storage and transportation, so direct order is enough. Take it out every day and eat a little at every meal, which still plays a big role in supplying nutrition.

  With all kinds of flower and fruit tea materials that can be soaked in water.

  Prepare your favorite tea, coffee, dried rose, dried chrysanthemum, dried roselle, dried lemon, etc., and make a drink with hot water. Although the quantity is limited, it can increase the supply of potassium, vitamin C, organic acids and some antioxidant substances.

  The so-called methods are always more difficult. As long as these methods are used in combination, we can overcome the difficulty of insufficient vegetables, and make our diet life much richer and healthier.

  Text/Fan Zhihong (Director of China Nutrition Society)

[Video] Websites such as "Cat Puff Video" and "Tudou" were punished for broadcasting illegal programs.

Go to [evening news] > >

    CCTV.com News (Evening News): The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television released the Announcement on Spot Check of Internet Audio-visual Program Services today, and well-known video websites such as "Cat’s Video" and "Tudou.com" were punished for their violations.

    The results of spot checks show that the Internet audio-visual programs provided by some websites contain obscenity, terror and violence, and endanger national security and interests. Some websites engage in Internet audio-visual program services without obtaining the License for Information Network Dissemination of Audio-visual Programs, some of which are not qualified for Internet information services, and some websites often disseminate audio-visual programs that do not meet the requirements of the state.

    In response to the above problems, local radio and television departments have ordered 25 websites that engage in Internet audio-visual program services without authorization, such as cat-flapping videos and super BT downloads, and whose broadcast content is seriously illegal, to stop the unauthorized Internet audio-visual program services. 32 websites, such as Tudou.com, China BT Download Network and Xunlei Commune, which repeatedly spread illegal audio-visual programs, but the violations were minor, were given warning and punishment.

Editor: Peng Wei

Dashiqiao Township, Xichuan County: Cherry management is at the right time.

Recently, cherry blossoms in the big cherry greenhouse in Dashiqiao Township, Xichuan County, Nanyang City are blooming in the spring, and the small flowers are emitting the "fragrance" of spring. At present, it is the critical period for cherry trees to blossom and grow. Fruit trees have great demand for water and fertilizer, and high requirements for light, temperature and humidity control. Technicians and growers are pulling and pruning the big cherry trees to protect the growth and development of the big cherry. (Fan Xiaoheng Video Source: Propaganda Department of Luanchuan County Committee)

[See you at 8 o’clock] A lot of information! These hot issues were answered by the press conference of the National People’s Congress

  At 8 o’clock, witness the news every day. CCTV will sort out the big and small things that happened around us within 24 hours for you.


  A lot of information! These hot issues were answered by the press conference of the National People’s Congress

  On March 4th, the second session of the 13th National People’s Congress held a press conference, and Zhang Yesui, a spokesman, answered questions from Chinese and foreign journalists.

  ● How to deal with the increasingly tough US policy toward China?

  It should be noted that the interests of China and the United States have been deeply intertwined. I think a conflict and confrontation between China and the United States is not in the interests of either side. In addition, there is definitely no way out to deal with new problems under the background of globalization with the old thinking of the Cold War.

  I think the essence of Sino-US economic and trade relations is mutual benefit and win-win, so we hope that both sides will continue to step up consultations and reach a mutually beneficial and win-win agreement.

  ● What are the considerations for formulating the foreign investment law?

  The enactment of the foreign investment law is to innovate the legal system of foreign investment and replace the "three laws on foreign investment" (the law on Sino-foreign joint ventures, the law on foreign-funded enterprises and the law on Sino-foreign cooperative enterprises) and become the basic law for the utilization of foreign capital in China in the new era.

  ● The "Belt and Road" has caused some countries to fall into a "debt trap"?

  The "Belt and Road" adheres to the principle of mutual cooperation, joint construction and sharing, and also adheres to the market-oriented operation mode.

  Whether it is project selection or investment and financing cooperation, it is a decision made jointly by the participants.

  China attaches great importance to the sustainability of debt, and will not impose on others in project cooperation, let alone create any traps.

  ● Will China’s rising defense expenditure threaten other countries?

  China has always adhered to the path of peaceful development and implemented a defensive national defense policy. China’s limited defense expenditure is solely for safeguarding the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of the country and will not pose a threat to other countries.

  ● Is the Personal Information Protection Law submitted for consideration this year?

  The National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) has included the enactment of a personal information protection law in this legislative plan, and relevant departments are studying and drafting it with a view to its early promulgation.

  Important progress has been made in the case of Kang Mingkai, a Canadian national, suspected of committing a crime.

  According to relevant departments, since 2017, Kang Mingkai has often entered the country with an ordinary passport and a business visa, stealing and spying on China’s sensitive information and intelligence through his contacts in China. Spavor Michael Peter Todd is an important intelligence relation of Kang Mingkai, who provides information to Kang Mingkai. Kang’s behavior is suspected of stealing and spying on state secrets and intelligence for overseas, which has seriously violated the laws of China. The relevant departments stressed that China is a country ruled by law, and will resolutely crack down on illegal and criminal activities that seriously endanger national security. At the same time, it will handle cases in strict accordance with the law and in a civilized manner, fully protect the legal rights of Kang Mingkai and Michael, and arrange consular visits and other related matters according to law. The case-handling department will start the next judicial procedure in due course according to the handling of the case.


  China plans to launch 8-10 Beidou navigation satellites this year

  According to the China Satellite Navigation System Management Office, this year, Beidou satellite navigation system will continue to build high-density global networks, and it is planned to launch 8-10 Beidou navigation satellites, complete the launch of all MEO (Medium Earth Orbit) satellites, further improve the constellation layout of the global system, and comprehensively improve the service performance and user experience of the system.

  National Medical Products Administration: Three drugs, such as Weitongning tablets, were converted into prescription drugs.

  According to the website of National Medical Products Administration, National Medical Products Administration recently issued an announcement on converting three drugs, such as Weitongning tablets, into prescription drugs and revising the drug instructions. The announcement clearly stated that Weitongning tablets, Huazhishuan and Xiaoshuan Tongluo preparations (tablets, capsules and granules) should be transferred out of the over-the-counter drug list and managed according to prescription drugs, and the above drug instructions should be revised at the same time.


  Putin signed an order to suspend the performance of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

  Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an order to suspend the performance of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty on the 4th, which took effect on the same day. According to the Kremlin website, in order to take emergency measures to deal with the violation of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty by the United States, Putin signed relevant orders.

  South Korea and the United States launched the "alliance" exercise, the scale was reduced, and the schedule was halved.

  South Korea and the United States launched the joint command post exercise codenamed "Alliance" on March 4th. Compared with the previous "key decision" exercise, the exercise schedule was halved and the scale was reduced. South Korea and the United States recently announced that the joint military exercises codenamed "Key Decision" and "Vulture" will be stopped from this year, and the "Alliance" joint command post exercise will replace the "Key Decision" exercise.

  China, a skyscraper built horizontally, surprised foreigners!

  According to Future.com, recently, some foreign media were surprised to find that the world’s first horizontal skyscraper is about to be built in Chongqing, China. This covered bridge-shaped building with a length of more than 300 meters connects four skyscrapers at an altitude of 60 stories, instantly turning the building complex into a 3D "sail". The British "Daily Mail" used a full three-line headline to describe it like this: "China construction workers are about to build a huge commercial complex costing 2.7 billion pounds, and an incredible ‘ Horizontal skyscrapers ’ " .


  A college in Guangxi requires students to carry schoolbags in class? School: It is not mandatory.

  Recently, an article entitled "A college in Guangxi requires students to carry schoolbags in class? School: I feel like playing around with a book in class. "The video became popular on the Internet. Some netizens questioned that this behavior is a mandatory requirement of the school and it is difficult to implement. In this regard, the school issued a statement saying that students are not forced to wear schoolbags, and they advocate the nature and voluntary principle from beginning to end.

  The Forbidden City celebrates its 600th birthday: The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival will be exhibited again.

  Next year, the Forbidden City will celebrate its 600th birthday. The Palace Museum revealed on the 4th that it will launch dozens of high-quality exhibitions to show the charm of the 600-year-old Forbidden City. These exhibitions will be exhibited in the main hall of Wumen, the East-West Swallow Wing Building, the Wenhua Hall, the Wuying Hall, the East-West Six Palaces, the Shenwumen and other places, among which the highly sought-after "The Night Banquet of Han Xizai" and "The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival" will meet the audience again in 2020.


  The Spanish Embassy in China congratulated Wu Lei on his first goal: inspiring! Cheer for you

  Last Saturday night, Lei Wu scored a goal to help Spain win Balado Lide. On the morning of March 4, Weibo, the official of the Spanish Embassy in China, also sent a congratulatory message to celebrate Lei Wu’s first goal in La Liga — — "Extra: Football player Wu Leicheng became the first China player to score in La Liga! The news is inspiring, and everyone must have heard about it. Let’s congratulate him and cheer for him and China! "

  Li Junlin broke the national indoor record of men’s 800m.

  The fourth race of the 2019 National Indoor Track and Field Championships was held in Xi ‘an, Shaanxi. The biggest surprise of the day came from the men’s 800-meter preliminaries. Li Junlin, the champion of the event in the 2018 National Athletics Championships, set a new indoor national record with a time of 1 minute 49.62 seconds.


  Director Zheng Xiaolong talks about actors’ tax evasion: paying taxes according to law should start with children.

  On the 4th, Zheng Xiaolong said that the reasons for tax evasion in the entertainment industry are: ① Some people are unwilling to pay taxes; (2) There is overlap or inconsistency between national tax policies and local tax policies; There is no education that should be taxed according to law in our education since childhood. He suggested that children should be given ideological understanding early, so that when they have more income, they will have the concept of paying taxes according to law.


  [Yang Jie] Chairman of China Telecom was transferred to Chairman of China Mobile.

  On March 4th, Yang Jie, the chairman of China Telecom Group Co., Ltd., was officially transferred to China Mobile as the chairman. On the morning of the 4th, China Telecom held a farewell ceremony to see Yang Jie off to take office in the China Mobile Office Building next door. Shang Bing, the 64-year-old former chairman of China Mobile, will retire at the age of.

  [Luo Yazhou, Ying Xianyue, Wang Tongxiao] The three old people who kicked the door to put out the fire and save people received a bonus of 10,000 yuan: donated

  On March 2, two octogenarians in Depingba Community of Quzhou caught fire in bottled liquefied gas. They panicked, climbed out of the window and shouted for help on the canopy on the second floor. Hearing the call for help, neighbors Luo Yazhou, 75, Ying Xianyue, 88, and Wang Tongxiao, 74, went retrograde at the first time, kicked the door into the room and put out the fire to save people. Even firefighters praised them for their "wisdom and courage and proper command".

  According to a report in qianjiang evening news on March 5th, a platform plans to give 10,000 yuan to reward the old people. When the old people learned of the bonus, the result of negotiation was to donate the bonus to the community to transform the infrastructure. If there is any surplus, it will be donated to Master Sun’s house that caught fire.

  [Ling Lao and Zhang Lao] Two "comfort women" survivors were found in Hunan.

  Recently, in Yueyang, Hunan Province, 89-year-old Ling Lao and 91-year-old Zhang Lao bravely stood up, uncovered their scars and told their unfortunate experiences of being forcibly taken as "comfort women" by the Japanese army when they were girls. Up to now, there are only 15 survivors of "comfort women" registered in Chinese mainland.

  [Words] 4-year-old boy speaks English so fluently. Netizen: I am not as good as a baby.

  Recently, the video of a 4-year-old boy teaching English by words and deeds became popular on the Internet. In the video, it is surprising to speak pure English, and many netizens praise "English is better than me". Yan Yan’s mother said that Yan Yan can spell 2000 words now, and there is no need to learn English by rote. If English is integrated into life, children will naturally remember it.

  See you at 8 o’clock tomorrow!

  Editor: Xiao Xiao Cai Chunlin

How to eat pineapple "sting" without being "hurt" by it!

  It’s the season to enjoy pineapple at will, and its sweet fragrance is everywhere in fruit shops and mobile fruit carts on the street, which is irresistible! However, many people have had this experience: pineapple will "sting"! Not only will its coat and crown on its head prick hands, but its flesh will also sting its mouth! Our oral cavity will be strongly stimulated, resulting in tingling, acidity and itching of oral mucosa and gums. What’s more, it suffers from bleeding, inflammation, redness and swelling around the mouth and lips. This is why people often soak pineapples in salt water first — — Reduce the intensity of its "sting mouth".

  Why do pineapples sting?

  Because pineapple is so "smart", in order to prevent humans and other creatures from eating it, it not only wears a barbed armor, but also hides three heavyweight weapons in the flesh.

  The first heavy weapon: calcium oxalate needle crystal

  Calcium oxalate needle crystal is the physical killing means of pineapple. Under the microscope, the bundle of calcium oxalate needle crystal wrapped by pulp tissue cells is like countless dense needles. They have a very powerful characteristic: they are insoluble in water. So it is not easy to be dissolved by our saliva!

  When we chew pineapple pulp, we will destroy the tissue cells of the pulp because of the grinding of teeth, which is equivalent to opening the door to these invisible sharp needles that originally locked them. Once these sharp needles are released into the mouth, they will mercilessly "plunge" into any mucosal tissue they touch. With our continuous chewing, calcium oxalate needle crystals can be "pushed" into our tongue, inner wall of mouth, throat and gums, which are soft, delicate and have no resistance.

  The second weapon: bromelain

  This enzyme can be extracted from the pulp, peel and even stem of pineapple. Little friends who often cook must be familiar with this enzyme, because it is an important "second party" of tender meat powder. The common tender meat powder is either papain or bromelain.

  Proteases, as the name implies, can decompose protein. On the one hand, bromelain will activate the "PAR" protease "alarm" in oral epithelial cells and free nerve endings, and after being activated, it will awaken the nerve pathway that can trigger itching. On the other hand, bromelain itself does destroy the protein of our oral mucosa — — It is achieved by decomposing and "cutting" the connective proteins between cells.

  In this way, the defense network of oral mucosal cells is "relaxed" and the barrier protection is weakened, which makes it easier for some pathogens to take an opportunity to trigger inflammation or immune response.

  Knowledge small link:

  In fact, many fruits and vegetables contain both calcium oxalate crystals and proteases, such as papaya, spinach and figs. When we eat these fruits and vegetables, we won’t have obvious irritation, because the calcium oxalate crystals they contain are not needle-shaped, but oval or dumbbell-shaped and other non-lethal irregular shapes, so they won’t hurt our oral mucosa.

  But kiwifruit is an exception. Calcium oxalate crystals in kiwifruit pulp are also needle-shaped, and kiwifruit also contains cysteine proteolytic enzyme. Therefore, when we eat kiwifruit, we will feel tingling more or less. Therefore, kiwifruit is also a kind of fruit that can "eat people", but it is not as fierce as pineapple, probably because its weapons and equipment are not as good as pineapple.

  The third weapon: organic acids

  The sour taste produced by organic acids such as citric acid, malic acid and quinic acid contained in pineapple not only stimulates our taste receptors, but also stimulates the pain receptors in the oral cavity. Combined with the first two weapons of pineapple, the lethality is self-evident.

  The "killer" to conquer pineapple

  How many have you learned?

  In order to conquer the killer of pineapple and make it a delicious dish for human beings, our ancestors summed up several stunts for us:

  1. Salt water soaking: This is the most common treatment method, which is said to "destroy bromelain". However, this principle is controversial and unsolvable, because sodium chloride in table salt is not a heavy metal salt, so it can’t denature protein. At best, some organic acids in pulp can be dissolved in water by soaking in salt water, thus reducing the stimulating effect of organic acids. Moreover, it is a bit salty to be sweet — — A small amount of salty taste can increase the taste buds’ perception of sweetness, which makes us feel "Wow! So sweet and beautiful! "

  Of course, some people support that salt can reduce the activity of bromelain, and tell us through laboratory research data that different concentrations of salt water can really improve the problem of pineapple sting to varying degrees. When the concentration of saline increased significantly (from 0% to 3.5%, and then to 7% and 10.5%), the activity of bromelain decreased gradually. But what is the principle, it seems that it has not been verified.

  2. Pepper salting: This is a classic way to eat in Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan. It is sweet, sour, salty and spicy, and it is very delicious. As for whether the pain caused by spicy taste overwhelmed the acupuncture pain of pineapple in the end, or whether capsaicin and salt together inhibited the activity of bromelain, it is hard to say. I really expect someone to study this topic well to solve my confusion.

  3. Heating: As a protein afraid of heat, bromelain can’t continue to show off at high temperature. When pineapple pulp is heated above 60 degrees Celsius, bromelain will be inactivated and calcium oxalate needle crystals will be dissolved to some extent. This is also the reason why pineapple pulp in delicious foods such as pineapple goo old meat and pineapple rice won’t make us feel stung. However, after heating to this temperature, the crisp, tough and cool taste of the pulp may be discounted, and interested friends can try it.

  However, there must be some friends who refuse to heat the pineapple and are too lazy to soak it in salt water. So, how can you enjoy the delicious pineapple and relieve the pain of your mouth? The following two items are for reference — —

  1. Make a quick decision: don’t eat slowly for a long time, and don’t give pineapple black weapons a chance to kill you fully;

  2. Rinse your mouth in time: rinse your mouth immediately after eating pineapple to reduce the residence time of calcium oxalate needle crystals and bromelain in your mouth. If you like, you can rinse it several times, and the effect will be better. Text/Liu Suiqian (popular science worker, clinical nutritionist, member of China Nutrition Society)

China is the biggest victim of "spyware", and the United States has the most attacks.

We should be alert to the threat of "spyware" to national defense information security. [Illustration of Fang Han in the People’s Liberation Army newspaper]

  Looking through the "China Internet Annual Information Security Report" published by the IT industry, we can see that last year, the number of computer viruses infected by software in the world increased explosively. Kingsoft Internet Security alone intercepted as many as 240,156 new virus samples, among which the number of Trojan viruses accounted for 73% of the total number of new viruses, reaching 175,313.

  Spyware is the most rampant computer virus with a large number of names, which not only erodes the information security in various fields such as politics, economy and culture, but also brings unprecedented challenges to the national defense information security.

  China is one of the biggest victims of "spyware" attacks.

  With the development of information technology, computers are becoming more and more popular in social life. On the one hand, computers bring convenience to our lives, on the other hand, they also bring hidden dangers to information security. Turn on the computer every day, and maybe at the same time, you open a pair of eyes that peek at your own information.

  According to statistics, among the countries attacked by "spyware", China is one of the biggest victims. In the second half of last year, about 64,000 computers were affected by malicious programs every day, of which 26% were in China, which is higher than any other country.

  According to some data, in recent years, almost all the most lethal viruses spread in the world have been raging in China.

  The United States frequently attacks mainland websites.

  In 2005, China National Computer Network Emergency Technology Processing Coordination Center conducted sampling monitoring on network attacks, and found that 220,000 hosts from abroad had launched attacks on mainland China.

  Among them,The countries and regions that frequently attack websites on the mainland are the United States (40%), Japan (11%), Taiwan Province, China (10%) and South Korea (8%).The monitoring also found that there are about 27,000 Trojan attacks on the mainland outside China, mainly located in the United States, South Korea and Taiwan Province, China; There are about 16,000 IP’s abroad that control zombie hosts in mainland China, mainly located in the United States, South Korea and Taiwan Province, China. In terms of website page tampering, the total number of tampered websites in mainland China reached 24,477, of which 3,831 were tampered with by government websites, accounting for 16% of the tampered websites in the whole mainland.

  Military information construction should guard against "spyware"

  With the advancement of military construction transformation and the development of information technology, the number of computers used for national defense needs is increasing year by year, which puts forward higher requirements for national defense information security protection. According to the survey, many people think that if computers used for military and national defense construction are physically isolated from the Internet, they can sit back and relax.

  In fact, all kinds of free software tools we often use, as well as newly downloaded versions of upgrade software or installation software, are probably a carrier to hide "spyware".

  Some computer users in the army and local departments with the function of national defense construction often don’t realize this problem. They only pay attention to external security and computer shielding, but ignore the infection of viruses through software, which makes it possible for "spyware" to invade.

  Symptoms of being attacked by "spyware"

  Browsers are inexplicably modified, many toolbars are added, webpages are turned into irrelevant strange pages, files are modified or lost for no reason, and computers are suddenly shut down automatically … A senior IT person said, "If this happens, it is likely that you have encountered spyware".

  Spyware is a computer virus that does great harm to national defense information security. Like spies sneaking into the target, "spyware" often sneaks into the target in a hidden way.

  Software bundling is the most common and hidden way. It is usually put together with a utility software. When users install this utility software, "spyware" will automatically install it quietly. Although some vague statements are usually given in the software installation agreement, I’m afraid not many people will patiently read the lengthy agreement before confirming it. There are even some softwares that are actually "spyware" in the name of anti-spyware.

  As it turns out, after browsing some malicious websites or clicking some links, you may also install "spyware" programs in your browser or system. "Spyware" often has dual software characteristics. On the surface, it has practical and attractive basic functions, such as mp3 playing, BT downloading, or a small game, but in fact it hides a hidden component, which records users’ online behavior and habits and returns relevant information to software publishers.

  The survey shows that in 2006, 81% of personal computers in China were infected with "spyware", and some computers were infected with as many as 25 kinds of "spyware". Another survey of 2,066 enterprises showed that 80% of enterprises in China reported the problem of "spyware". The harm of "spyware" has been more serious than virus, and it has become the number one "killer" endangering the security of national defense information.

  Information security needs to prevent blocking at the same time

  The development of information technology is like a double-edged sword, which brings new challenges to national defense security. Nowadays, network technology has become a new means of military operations. Using "spyware" to spy on each other’s national defense secrets and destroy each other’s network will cause huge losses to each other and even lead to total collapse.

  The increasingly prominent problem of national defense information security has aroused universal concern in the world. To solve the problem of national defense information security, we must strengthen the national defense concept of the whole people and take the road of independent innovation and development.

  -Enhance awareness of network security. First, strengthen security education, so that national defense front workers can further understand the current situation of international network security, realize the seriousness of the struggle against stealing secrets, and enhance their awareness of self-prevention; Second, computers used in the field of national defense should use specially provided software, and do not use pirated software or download various software on the Internet at will to cut off the source of virus infection; Third, the state should strengthen legislation on information security, intensify efforts to crack down on rogue software, "spyware" and other malicious software, and purify cyberspace.

  -Strengthening the construction of network information talents. We should learn from some practices of foreign troops, absorb network experts, build a network information security team, and improve China’s network security prevention ability.

  -Accelerate the pace of software development. At present, the United States, India and other countries are recognized as big countries in software development and sales, but China is still relatively backward in this respect. The state should strengthen the development of software with independent intellectual property rights. In particular, it is necessary to develop software that has a significant impact on our country’s information security and meet the needs of important fields such as national defense and military.

  -Strengthening research on anti-virus technology. At present, in the field of network security, the main technical support means are firewall, intrusion detection, data encryption and anti-virus, among which anti-virus technology is the most widely used. The state should strengthen the research on anti-virus technology and continuously improve the active defense ability of national defense information security.

Editor: Li Yongchao

Recruitment Order | Social volunteers of Beijing Zoo were recruited in 2024!

Social volunteers in Beijing Zoo
Beijing Zoo Volunteer Organization was established in 2004. In 2014, it was awarded as the first batch of demonstration stations for learning Lei Feng in the capital, and in 2021, it was awarded as the "best volunteer service organization" for learning Lei Feng in the capital.
Scope of voluntary service
Service posts and projects: animal science explanation, order maintenance, helping the poor and disabled, civilized propaganda, discouraging uncivilized behavior, garden consultation, garden history introduction, language service, etc.
Undertake temporary volunteer service tasks and other volunteer service work with professional and technical expertise requirements;
Other projects that need to provide voluntary services.
Volunteer service guarantee
Sign a voluntary service agreement;
Register the "Volunteer Beijing" platform and provide volunteer insurance;
Provide volunteer clothing and teaching AIDS;
Provide working meals (the service duration is limited to 3 hours at a time);
Provide a record of the length of volunteer service on the "Volunteer Beijing" platform;
Provide relevant volunteer service training;
Excellent volunteers provide opportunities for going out for exchange activities.
Volunteer service location
Beijing Zoo, No.137 Xizhimenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing
Volunteer service time
9:00-16:00 on weekends and 8: 30-16: 30 on legal holidays in the peak season of the park;
Other time points when volunteer service is needed.
Volunteer service content
Garden order maintenance: set up a comprehensive group to carry out garden consultation, order maintenance, civilized propaganda and discourage uncivilized behavior in the gate area and key areas of the park.
Animal popular science explanation: there are six explanation groups: herbivorous group, primate group, elephant rhinoceros group, American and Australian group, waterfowl group and meat group.
Herbivorous group: lecture on giraffes, capra ibex, black muntjac and other herbivores;
Primate group: lecture on primates such as golden monkey, chimpanzee and gibbon;
Elephant and rhinoceros group: lecture on Asian elephant, African elephant, white rhinoceros, hippopotamus and other elephants, rhinoceros and hippopotamus;
American and Australian group: lecture on American and Australian animals such as sloths, anteaters and emus;
Waterfowl group: lecture on the species and habits of birds in waterfowl lake, the significance of bird protection, etc.
Carnivorous group: lecture on carnivores such as black bear, brown bear, wolf and caracal.
Basic conditions for registration
At the age of 18-60;
Good health, with the corresponding basic ability to participate in voluntary service;
In the peak season weekends and legal holidays in the park, there are relatively fixed volunteer service hours, volunteering personal time and energy to provide services for tourists, parks and society;
Abide by national laws and regulations, relevant management regulations of Beijing Zoo and Beijing Zoo volunteer organizations.
Registration process
Applicants download the Beijing Zoo Volunteer Application Form from the official website of Beijing Zoo, fill in all items and topics carefully as required, and send them to the mailbox: bjzoo2007@126.com;
Beijing Zoo volunteers organize the primary selection, interview, training and assessment of applicants;
After primary selection, interview, training and examination, the Beijing Zoo volunteer organization signed a contract with the applicant, compiled a local management service number for registered volunteers and issued a volunteer service certificate;
Registered volunteers must sign a service agreement with the Beijing Zoo Volunteer Organization to participate in volunteer service.
Note: Due to the large number of applicants, those who fail the screening will not be notified without notice. The number of volunteers recruited in the park is limited, and the admission rate is low. Please know in advance, and thank you for your understanding.
Deadline for registration:
March 7, 2024
Specific steps of registration
Log on to the official website of Beijing Zoo (website: www.bjzoo.com).
Click the "Public Service" option in the menu at the top of the page, click the "Volunteer Service" option on the left side of the page, find "How to join volunteers" and click to enter.
After entering the "How to Join Volunteers" column, click and download the "Beijing Zoo Volunteer Application Form" at the bottom of the page, fill it out and send it to bjzoo2007@126.com.
Other instructions
Volunteers who have passed the interview must register their real names on "Volunteer Beijing", and each volunteer service will enter the volunteer time on the "Volunteer Beijing" platform. Those who are not registered are not allowed to participate in voluntary service activities in the park.
If you have any questions, please consult:
Tel: 68390274 (Tourist Service Center)
Service time: 7:30-17:00.
Contact: Teacher Wang

China Software: It is planned to raise no more than 2 billion yuan from the actual controller and its subsidiaries for the research and development of mobile fixed terminal operating system products.

China Software announced on February 25th that it plans to issue no more than 90,130,600 shares to the company’s actual controller, China Electronics and Information Industry Group Co., Ltd. (China Electronics) and its wholly-owned subsidiary, CLP Jintou Holdings Co., Ltd. (CLP Jintou), with a fixed fundraising of no more than 2 billion yuan, which will be used for the research and development of mobile and fixed terminal operating system products, the research and development of cloud-oriented server operating system products and the construction of embedded operating system capability platform.

You can break through the 18-year-old threshold of dating software by setting it at will.

  When the society is still debating whether minors should ban smart phones, it is undeniable that mobile phones have become an important tool in children’s lives, which not only provides the benefit of convenient contact, but also has the harm of being addicted to games. Some minors register dating software and step into the dating territory that belongs to adults; Some children even blindly expand their circle of friends by pushing friends through WeChat, which opens a dangerous door. In the interview, the reporter found that in reality, there have been many cases in which minors have been sexually assaulted by others through making friends through mobile APP and WeChat.


  High school girls’ mobile phone friends were molested.

  A few months ago, Xiaoya, a high school girl, met Xiao Tao, a boy two years older than herself, through a mobile dating APP. Looking at the other person’s head, Xiaoya inevitably had a good impression on him. Across the screen, the two people’s behavior and words and deeds are also less scruples, and even some ambiguous words and deeds. After a few days of chatting on dating software, the two met in a big shopping mall.

  However, meeting is not as famous as meeting. Xiao Tao’s appearance is far from the avatar on dating software, and even a little rustic. Xiaoya was unhappy and ignored Xiao Tao’s love, playing games in the video game area by herself.

  In fact, 17-year-old Xiao Tao secretly went to work in the city from other places without telling his parents, and just found a job. Making friends by mobile phone has become an important way for him to integrate into the life of big cities. Xiao Tao is full of expectations for this meeting and is looking forward to a beautiful relationship. Looking at Xiaoya’s back playing games, he couldn’t help hugging Xiaoya from behind. I didn’t think about it, but I was strongly resisted and sternly reprimanded by Xiaoya.

  Xiao Tao was poured a pot of cold water by Xiaoya’s indifferent attitude, and then she thought that she had spent 100 yuan to buy coins for Xiaoya to play games, which made her feel even more lost. So he childishly hid each other’s bags, called Xiaoya to the underground garage, and angrily told Xiaoya to ask 100 yuan for money to recover economic losses.

  When he got the money back, Xiao Tao was still angry. On the spur of the moment, he pushed Xiaoya to the wall and reached out and touched the privacy of the other party. When he was just arrested by the police, Xiao Tao didn’t feel that this move could be a big deal, and he didn’t realize that it was a crime. In the end, Xiao Tao was sentenced by the court for compulsory indecency.

  Although one is the victim and the other is the defendant, when handling this case, Feng Miaomiao, deputy director of the First Procuratorate of Xicheng Procuratorate, felt sorry for both children. If it weren’t for the mobile dating software, the lives of two minors would have been completely different. Now, one is forced to molest, leaving a psychological shadow, and one is imprisoned when he first enters the society. In a sense, he is a victim.

  "How can two minors register for dating apps?" While handling the case, Feng Miaomiao paid more attention to this mobile dating software. There are also many criticisms of this software on the Internet, one of which is the low age limit threshold, which has a bad influence on minors.

  Just one month after Xiaoya’s case happened, the National Network Information Office launched a special rectification campaign against the chaos of the network audio platform, and this software is also under the rectification. It was not until last month that the software was restored to the shelves and the registration threshold was raised to 18 years old.


  False age registration lacks supervision

  The reporter downloaded the dating APP full of fashionable gimmicks involved in the case, and the user agreement has been highlighted: "If you are under 18 years old, please read and fully understand this agreement with the legal guardian, and use the software and related services with the consent of the legal guardian."

  The reporter registered with the mobile phone number. In the process of improving the information, the page prompts: "Filling in the correct information will help match, and we will protect your private information." The reporter found that if you are under 18 years old, the system will prompt that the setting failed and you can’t continue. As long as you choose to reach the age of 18, you can pass. You don’t need to upload your ID card, and there is no additional verification procedure, so you can register successfully, and then you can choose someone who matches you to chat.

  The reporter also registered another dating software that has been installed more than 100 million times. Although there is no special clause about minors in the user agreement, there is also an age threshold in the registration process. You can’t choose a date of birth under the age of 18 to register, but you can choose a date of birth that reaches the age of 18, and you can register successfully. There is also no substantive audit procedure.

  Prosecutor Feng Miaomiao said that setting a threshold based on age is helpful to prevent minors from stepping into the social circle of adults, receiving some bad information or suffering illegal harm, which is beneficial to the protection of minors. However, this threshold that can be broken only by users’ arbitrary settings is ineffective. For minors who are curious or have practical needs, it is as easy as blowing off dust to falsely report their age. And it is hard for them to really realize that what will be waiting for them when they enter the online world of adults with a pass that does not meet their real age?

  The reporter learned that in the previous cases of sexual assault on minors, it was also revealed that the dating software company did not verify the identity information of the registered personnel, which led to the problem that minors could register and log in by falsely reporting their age, and there were huge loopholes in management. Some procuratorates also specially issued procuratorial suggestions to relevant authorities to urge them to strengthen supervision and management of online dating platforms.

  The painful cases and the procuratorial suggestions of the procuratorate all show that the problem that the dating software does not verify the identity and the minors may be illegally infringed needs to be solved urgently.

  Prosecutors in Feng Miaomiao said that the technologies of uploading ID cards and even face recognition are very mature, which can completely verify identity and shield false information. However, for these software companies, strict identity audit will inevitably cause some users to resist, which will affect the registration and usage of users, and enterprises certainly have no incentive to do substantive audit.


  Wechat QR code is more dangerous to push friends.

  In the interview, the reporter learned that in addition to using mobile APP to make friends, there is also a way of making friends among middle school students — — Friends circle pushes each other, that is, authorizing others to send their photos and WeChat QR codes to friends circle and WeChat group for divergent communication. In this way, children quickly develop "friends" and meet more strangers. Others push each other and even spend some money to let others help them push.

  For most adults, WeChat friends are usually family, friends and people who have work contacts and life contacts, and the circle of friends has certain privacy. Except Wechat business and promoters, most people don’t spread their QR codes and open their circle of friends at will.

  Minors are keen on this more open and almost undefended way of making friends than adults, and they also put themselves in a very dangerous situation.

  In a real case, Tingting, a 14-year-old middle school student, met a girl of the same age in another school in an extra-curricular cram school. When Tingting learned that the other classmate could help push the circle of friends, she also wanted to try this way of making friends out of curiosity.

  After being pushed the QR code and photos to the circle of friends in a nine-square grid, there were indeed many more people who took the initiative to chat with Tingting through WeChat. Tingting had a good talk with one of the boys. Although Tingting is strictly controlled by her parents and students are not allowed to use mobile phones at school, Tingting still takes the opportunity to chat with each other. After the first meeting between the two sides, Tingting reported that she was raped by the other side. After investigation, the man often looks for "prey" by adding WeChat friends.

  According to the reporter’s understanding, there are far more cases in which minors are invaded by strangers because of WeChat’s mutual promotion of friends.

  Even if the age threshold of dating software is in name only, there is still a threshold after all, and WeChat Twitter can be said to be irresponsible. In the police investigation, the middle school student who objectively bridged Tingting’s acquaintance with a strange man said that he was not familiar with both of them, but only vaguely had an impression of helping Tingting push her friends. As for their true identity and surname, who knows nothing. After helping to push friends, she deleted both of them’ WeChat.

  This middle school student often helps her peers push friends in their circle of friends. Some people even send her a few dollars red envelope to help her push friends. When the number of friends added by the other party meets the demand, she deletes the information of pushing friends. In this way, she can earn some pocket money.

  "This way of making friends seems incredible to adults, but it is very common among students ‘ Market ’ 。” Shi Liang, assistant prosecutor, told reporters that some students are proud of having a large number of WeChat friends and even compare with each other, eager to open their doors to the adult world in this way to show their social skills and personal charm.

  Unfortunately, children think this is just a way to meet more friends, but in the eyes of the "hunters" who are waiting for an opportunity, this "open" way of making friends is itself an ambiguous signal.


  The dating platform should verify the identity essence.

  Shi Liang said that many minors’ psychological cognition and physical development are unbalanced. They feel that they have almost the same physique as adults and have gained the ability to enter the adult world. But in fact, their awareness of society, self-prevention awareness and self-protection ability are far from perfect, and they are easily tempted or hurt.

  "The Internet has become indispensable in modern society. We can’t hinder social progress because the Internet may harm minors, but we can keep up with relevant supporting measures. In the final analysis, it is still that our adult society did not do its own work, did not establish enough protection mechanisms, and did not do effective education and communication, so that children were exposed to danger. " Shi Liang said.

  Prosecutor Feng Miaomiao suggested that the dating platform should be required to carry out substantive identity verification, such as uploading ID cards and face recognition, through administrative mandatory provisions, at least the self-discipline rules of trade associations, and at the same time pay attention to protecting the privacy of minors. This not only protects minors, but also helps to reduce the possibility of other online dating crimes. As an Internet and software enterprise, it should also shoulder social responsibilities, and not turn a blind eye to the possible signs of illegal crimes in order to pursue the number of users and economic benefits. Industry supervision departments should strictly manage, intensify inspection and punishment, and purify the network environment. (Reporter Sun Ying Illustration Feng Chenqing)

  (The minors involved in the article are all pseudonyms)