What should party member cadres learn and how to learn?

  Abstract: The history of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is also a history of learning. Learning is a strong driving force for the Communist Party of China (CPC) to improve himself. It is the continuous improvement of learning ability that promotes the development and growth of the Communist Party of China (CPC). The Communist Party of China (CPC) people rely on learning to go to today, and they must also rely on learning to go to the future. Over the past 95 years, the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s successful experience in improving learning ability is a valuable spiritual wealth for the construction of learning-oriented political parties in the future.

  [Keywords:] the Communist Party of China (CPC) learning ability learning-oriented political party [Chinese library classification number] D26 [document identification code] a

  The history of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is also a history of learning.

  It is a fine tradition of our party to attach importance to and be good at learning. Learning is a strong driving force for the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s development and self-improvement. It is in the process of learning that the Communist Party of China (CPC) constantly improves his leadership level and ruling ability. The birth of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is the great achievement of advanced elements studying Marxism seriously. After the outbreak of War of Resistance against Japan, faced with the new complicated situation, the Party’s theoretical literacy, policy level and knowledge ability need to be improved urgently. Mao Zedong proposed "to turn the whole Party into a big school". The learning activities of the whole party and the subsequent rectification movement have improved the Marxist theoretical level of the whole party and laid a solid foundation for winning the victory of the new-democratic revolution.

  Before and after the founding of New China, the CPC Central Committee demanded that party member cadres should make great efforts to learn how to manage and build cities. Deng Xiaoping once gave a positive evaluation: "On the eve of national victory, Comrade Mao Zedong called on the whole party to study again. We didn’t study badly that time. After entering the city, we quickly recovered our economy and successfully completed the socialist transformation. " In the new period of reform and opening-up, the outstanding problem facing China in catching up and building a socialist modern country is the shortage of talents. Deng Xiaoping deeply feels that "there are too few professionals who know all walks of life". How to solve this problem? The best way is to study. In this process, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has gradually established a top-down learning system: first, establish and improve the learning system for on-the-job leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels; The second is to hold a theoretical seminar for senior leading cadres; The third is to create a system of collective learning of the central leadership; The fourth is to strengthen the rotation training of cadres in party schools. In the 21st century, China has a deeper understanding of the word "learning type" which originated in the west. In September 2004, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee proposed to "focus on the theoretical and professional study of leading cadres, promote the study of the whole party, and strive to build a learning-oriented political party". The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward learning, service and innovation as the unified goal of the construction of the ruling party, which is a profound grasp of the law of the construction of the ruling party and a major theoretical innovation.

  Scientific arrangement of learning content ensures the pertinence and effectiveness of party member cadres’ learning.

  Faced with rich cultural knowledge, the choice of learning content is very important. Different times and tasks, the content of learning is definitely changing, but there are some common contents that must be persisted in learning for a long time. Mao Zedong once pointed out: "Without revolutionary theory, historical knowledge and a deep understanding of the actual movement, it is impossible for a political party that guides a great revolutionary movement to win." In other words, theory, history and knowledge closely related to work are eternal learning themes.

  Theoretical study should always be in the first place. To strengthen the party’s ideological and theoretical construction, the first task is to equip and innovate the theory, and learn to observe, analyze and solve problems by using Marxist standpoints and methods. Learning theory is the foundation of firm ideals and beliefs. Some cadres in party member are indifferent to their ideals and beliefs, and their spiritual level is not high. They even "don’t believe in Marxism-Leninism and believe in ghosts and gods". One of the important reasons is that they don’t pay attention to studying scientific theories and improving their ideological and theoretical literacy. The Communist Party of China (CPC)’s belief in communism and Socialism with Chinese characteristics’s belief are based on the scientific theory of Marxist dialectical materialism and historical materialism. Only when party member cadres firmly believe in this scientific theory can they establish lofty ideals and firmly adhere to the guiding position of Marxism. Theoretical study is the basis of theoretical innovation. Every major study activity in the history of the Party has promoted the theoretical innovation of the Party. Learning promotes innovation, and innovation calls for learning. The benign interaction between them is valuable experience in the construction of learning-oriented political parties.




  In the history of the party, there have been two wrong styles of study: one is dogmatism, that is, copying Marxist books and copying other countries’ models; The other is empiricism, that is, ignoring theoretical study and theoretical guidance, often falling into transactionalism and losing the way forward. The basic experience gained by the Party after paying a heavy price is that we must adhere to the excellent style of study of integrating theory with practice, learn to use scientific theories to understand and analyze reality, use theories to guide practice, and test and develop theories in practice, so as to truly apply what we have learned, promote learning and learn from each other.

  The purpose of learning is all about application. Learning should be carried out closely around the development requirements of the cause of the party and the state, starting with a correct understanding and practical solution to new problems arising in social development, with problem learning. Learning is to solve problems, not to show up. The people are the creators of history, so they should be good at learning from the people and draw inexhaustible power from their wisdom and strength to promote the cause. The Party’s previous studies have been carried out on the basis of promoting the development of the cause and safeguarding and realizing the fundamental interests of the people, thus winning the support of the people. If you are divorced from the masses, sit and talk about things without the interests of the masses, or talk about theories without promoting career development, such learning is meaningless. The ongoing study and education of "two studies and one doing" emphasizes that the foundation lies in learning and the key lies in doing, that is, we should persist in applying what we have learned, do what we have learned, do what we have learned, and enhance our working skills and improve our ability to solve practical problems through learning.

  Establish and improve the learning guarantee mechanism

  Learning depends on consciousness as well as system. Perseverance is the most important thing in learning. If there is no certain institutional norms to restrain and habits cannot be formed, it will be difficult to persist in learning such a long-term and retreat task. For party building, learning is not only an individual behavior, but also an organizational behavior. An important goal of building a Marxist learning-oriented political party is to establish a perfect learning system, standardize learning and make learning a habit.

  The institutional guarantee to improve the learning ability is to link the learning situation of leading cadres with the assessment and promotion of cadres, form a learning-oriented employment orientation, build an institutional system of assessment and evaluation of party organizations’ learning, improve the system of learning, evaluation and examination, make the learning of party organizations form a long-term mechanism, and strive to create an atmosphere in which party member cadres love reading, read well and be good at reading. We must persist in taking theoretical literacy and learning ability as the important basis for selecting and appointing leading cadres, and let the broad masses supervise the learning situation of leading bodies and leading cadres, and select cadres who are truly learned, truly understood, truly believed and truly used to leading positions. It is necessary to strengthen the application of assessment results, and in the evaluation and reward of cadres, we should not only examine the virtue and diligence, but also pay attention to the study situation.

  Learning has gradually shifted from "engaging in activities" to "grasping the normal state", forming a long-term learning guarantee mechanism. According to the needs of the development of the situation, it is necessary to concentrate on learning for a period of time. However, learning is a long-term task, especially in the era of rapid development of science and technology. If you don’t learn, you will drop out. Therefore, you should persevere and form an institutional mechanism to ensure continuous learning. For example, establish and improve the training system, scientifically arrange pre-job training, professional training, promotion training, theoretical training, etc. Establish and improve various forms of thematic education system, and pay attention to the working mechanism of carrying out study and education on major festivals; For the study of leading cadres at all levels, it is also necessary to establish and improve the system of transforming learning achievements, and through various forms such as special seminars, collective exchanges, and research reports, the achievements of learning and education will be put into practice through decision-making bodies in time. The CPC Central Committee emphasizes that "two studies and one doing" is not an activity, but to highlight normal education and form regular, normalized and institutionalized inner-party learning and education.

  Leading cadres take the lead in learning, which is the key to building a learning party.

  The people are the creators of history, while leading cadres are the "key minority" and play a vital role in the process of social development. The construction of a learning party is a major project related to the development of the party and the country, and it is also a retreat work. If the "key minority" does not attach great importance to it and play a leading role in demonstration, it will be difficult to achieve practical results. Mao Zedong and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation are not only advocates and organizers of learning, but also practitioners. Their diligent actions and knowledgeable demeanor are examples for the whole party to learn. Since the reform and opening up, the central leadership has insisted on collective learning, which has set an example for the whole party and played a huge role in promoting and demonstrating the learning atmosphere in the whole party. Leading cadres should assume three roles in the process of learning and building a learning-oriented party organization, namely, meticulous organizer, active promoter and conscious practitioner.



