Investigation on the waste of eating and broadcasting: the anchor makes "dark dishes" to spoil food.

  ● Originally, there were many "big stomach kings". The anchor put all the dishes on the table, and he couldn’t wait to build a hill and devour it. Now it is officially forbidden to be extravagant and wasteful. The "big-eaters" have turned to shops one after another and served a table of dishes one after another. In fact, many anchors have not eaten a few mouthfuls at all, and waste still exists in large numbers.

  ● Sauté ed lobster with mud, turkey noodles cooked with soy sauce, and "fruit salad" mixed with Chili noodles, soy sauce, vinegar and strawberries … … Some anchors are "ingenious". They choose to cook by themselves, but they focus on absurd and weird cooking methods. No matter how the dishes taste or whether they can be eaten, as long as they are enough to attract people’s attention, they will achieve their goals.

  ● Eating and broadcasting causes food waste, which violates the Civil Code and the anti-food waste law. The short video platform should properly review the programs related to eating and broadcasting, find out the food wasting behavior in time through manual inspection or technical filtering, and remind the relevant video producers to make rectification. If it is obviously illegal, it will be removed from the shelf.

  editorial comment/note

  Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant departments, studied and drafted the Announcement on Preventing and Reducing Catering Waste (Draft for Comment), and put forward a series of measures from eight aspects to promote the implementation of anti-catering waste, including strictly marking prices, implementing clear scalars, reducing banquet catering waste, and improving the dining evaluation system, which aroused widespread concern in society.

  According to public information, the food waste in China’s catering industry is serious. The annual food waste in urban catering alone is 17 billion to 18 billion kilograms, which does not include the food waste in residents’ family diets. After the banquet, a lot of leftovers were thrown away, online ordering goods were thrown away directly, and the anchor made "dark dishes" to get traffic and ruined food … … All kinds of waste phenomena emerge one after another.

  Cang Li Shi, the world is safe. On the occasion of the 2nd anniversary of the implementation of People’s Republic of China (PRC) Anti-Food Waste Law, Jingwei Edition of the Rule of Law opened the column of "Regulating Food Waste according to Law" and launched a series of investigation reports to expose the waste on the tip of the tongue, so as to promote the formation of a social fashion of "practicing economy and opposing waste". Stay tuned.

  □ Our reporter Han Dandong

  □ Intern of this newspaper Wang Yitian

  "You still want to see how many packets of sauce I put? Just mention it, no matter how many bags I put in, I will eat them all. " Recently, in order to bring turkey noodles, a female anchor on a short video platform made five cakes at a time, and then "out of control" kept adding sauce packets to them. Usually a whole bag of spicy sauce is unbearable. The anchor added 30 bags in a row, and then added a tablespoon of Chili oil and 6 fried eggs.

  "The average person but can’t eat, what’s more, you have to eat 5 copies. I don’t think you can. " A male anchor in the video provokes.

  "You just see if I can put it all ‘ Make ’ Yes! " The anchorwoman shouted. But when it came to the real "eating" part, the female anchor only ate two fried eggs and a few mouthfuls of noodles, and the video ended in a hurry.

  In the comments, some netizens questioned: originally, a packet of sauce was spicy enough for noodles. She put so many packets, so it was impossible to eat them. Isn’t it a waste of food? !

  Similar live or short videos are not uncommon on video platforms at present. After watching more than 30 related live broadcasts and more than 200 short videos recently, the reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" found that most of these videos attract netizens to click in and watch them continuously in an extremely exaggerated way, but often at the end of the live broadcast, there will be a full table of dishes, many of which have hardly moved, and some have only been eaten. There are also some anchors who are "ingenious". They choose to cook by themselves, but they focus on absurd and weird cooking methods. No matter how the dishes taste or whether they can be eaten, as long as they are enough for bloggers to get traffic, they will achieve their goals.

  How much waste exists in eating and broadcasting videos, and how to standardize this problem? The reporter conducted an investigation and interview on this.

  Eating and broadcasting shops is a serious waste.

  I didn’t eat a few mouthfuls of food on a table.

  The reporter found on several short video platforms that many anchors called "exploring shops" for drainage. In these videos, the anchor enjoys a full table of food, which is not only delicious, but also very impressive. Many users left a message in the comment area, "Can you finish eating so many dishes?" "I want to try such a large amount of food."

  "Zhang Xixi" is a shop-exploring blogger. In her videos, she can often be seen visiting restaurants with heavy oil tastes.

  In the first video, she visited a restaurant, and the boss on the side made it clear that their peppers were very spicy, and repeatedly discouraged the anchor from adding peppers to the dishes. She turned a deaf ear and told her boss that she was very spicy and wanted to eat the hottest.

  After shopping for a lot of food, a pot of red maocai was served, covered with a thick layer of Chili oil and Chili noodles, and the dishes below could not be seen at all. When eating, the anchor has been holding a bowl of rice in his hand. Every time maocai is eaten, the anchor will "oil" maocai on the rice in the bowl before putting it in his mouth.

  At the end of the video, there is a thick layer of oil on the rice, and the color has turned red. Until the end, the anchor didn’t move this bowl of rice much.

  After seeing this video, netizens questioned that the anchor used rice to suck Chili oil and didn’t eat rice. There was a lot of food left, which was a complete waste of food. "If you can’t eat spicy food, you should seek truth from facts. Why should you pretend to eat spicy food?" "Look at that bowl of rice. It’s all red and oily, and it’s changed color. Can you eat such rice? "

  The phenomenon of wasting food by eating and sowing has long been common. Earlier, the anchor "Sun Gouzi and Liu Laohu" mistakenly sent an unedited video of eating and broadcasting: eat fried dough sticks without swallowing, and then spit into the bowl after chewing. This behavior once triggered a hot discussion among netizens.

  Before, many anchors of the "Big Stomach King" used the method of repeatedly "spitting" and "eating" to destroy a large table of food, then cut out the "spitting" part, and finally edited it into a video of the "Big Stomach King".

  An Zi, a blogger on eating and broadcasting, told reporters that the anchor should not only rely on editing, but also master chewing skills. He picked up an egg to demonstrate, only to see that he stuffed the egg directly into his mouth and kept chewing it, looking like he was enjoying the food. After more than ten seconds, he swallowed it in his throat, and then picked up another egg and stuffed it into his mouth, seemingly feasting.

  "Do you think I swallowed it?" An Zi opened his mouth, but the reporter thought that the eggs he had swallowed were hidden under his tongue. An Zi said that such eating and broadcasting skills need a long time to practice, otherwise it is easy to vomit. With the later editing, a table of dishes can be quickly swept away.

  "An Zi" made a video of eating and broadcasting skills and uploaded it to a short video platform, which quickly gained tens of thousands of likes. In the comment area, there was a message from the audience, "It turns out that eating and broadcasting is like this." "Isn’t it a waste of food to eat fake?"

  Some insiders told reporters that there were a lot of "big stomach kings", and the anchor put all the dishes on the table, and he couldn’t wait to become a hill and devour it. Now it is officially forbidden to be extravagant and wasteful. The "big-stomach kings" have turned to shops one after another and served a table of dishes one after another. In fact, many anchors have not eaten a few mouthfuls at all, and waste still exists in large numbers.

  Zhang Ming (pseudonym) from Tianjin is a catering operator who has received many anchor visits. He told reporters that shopkeepers come to the store to eat in order to shoot videos, not really to eat. Every time a video is shot, the dishes are often cold and it is common to dump them.

  In this regard, Mr. Sun from Changsha, Hunan, shares the same feeling. Mr. Sun is a hotel owner who has received rave reviews on the third-party platform. His hotel is often visited by shop-visiting anchors, sometimes by teams and sometimes by individuals. Almost all the anchors will order most of the dishes in the menu, and then start tasting them.

  "anchor evaluation, you will eat one or two dishes, and finally you will take away very little, often wasting a table of dishes." Mr. Sun said with great heartache, "For the sake of publicity and promotion, the big anchor comes to visit the store, and we are all free of charge."

  A netizen named "Rourou" wrote that he was eating in a restaurant, and the table next door was a shop-exploring team with all kinds of equipment such as lighting and cameras. The flash never stopped during the serving, and the anchor commented on the dishes one by one, symbolically moving chopsticks. It was not until the team left that she found that a table of barbecues and side dishes basically did not move and were all wasted.

  When it comes to waste, the blogger "Yue" has his own "difficulties". She told reporters that she was arranged to visit five or six stores every day, and each family had to evaluate special dishes or packages. Often, a person faced a large table of dishes. "Time is particularly tight, and I have to catch up with the next one, and my appetite is limited. I really can’t eat that much. Sometimes I get up and vomit in the middle of the night after eating too much."

  "Some stores don’t let the anchor pack the food away, on the grounds that the food is provided by the store for free." Asked why he didn’t pack food, Yue replied.

  The Beijing Consumers Association has issued a document reminding that network anchors should not waste food, show fake food, overeating or other content that may easily lead to bad food consumption and food waste demonstration in the process of providing online performances and audio-visual program services. Such behavior has been suspected of violating the anti-food waste law.

  Another kind of eating and broadcasting bloggers’ eyes

  Spoil food and spoil the atmosphere.

  Braised prawns, prawns with tomato sauce and prawns with salt and pepper … … There are many ways to make prawns delicious. On the short video platform, the reporter saw such a video that the female anchor fried prawns with melon seeds and peanut shells.

  This is a video released by the anchor named "Huahua (Potato Home)" on April 5. The female anchor plays a "maid" dressed in a strange dress and enters the screen: "Hey, young master, what do you want to eat tonight?"

  "Something different." The male anchor replied.

  Then, the video entered the process of making "dark dishes". I saw that the female anchor opened a bag of melon seeds. With the words "prepare ingredients", she began to eat melon seeds, but instead of collecting the melon seeds, she put the melon seeds on the plate. Then, I collected a packet of peanut shells.

  After cooking oil, the female anchor put in peanut shells and melon shells in turn. "Now let’s add soy sauce and prawns!" Accompanied by music, the female anchor put prawns in the pot.

  The prawns out of the pot were placed on the plate, covered with a layer of black substance, which made netizens call it terrible. Did the anchor eat this prawn in the end? There is no explanation in the video that ended in a hurry. However, there are many comments in the comments, such as "shrimp that was good originally, who would want to eat it after such a toss" and "disgusting and wasting food".

  In addition, the anchor also produced "dark dishes" such as sauce-fried lobster with mud, oil-fried banana pitaya with soy sauce, and turkey noodles cooked with soy sauce. Some dishes were made in shapes that were unbearable to look straight at, making people sick.

  The reporter noticed that there are still many anchors who attract attention and attract traffic by making "dark dishes" like this.

  In the video released by the anchor "Tanjura Baby" on April 2, it poured a plate of Chili noodles into a pot of strawberries, and poured a lot of soy sauce and vinegar, calling it the new "fruit salad". Subsequently, the anchor poured two cups of different brands of milk tea together and added a can of lemon tea.

  Just when everyone thought this dish was coming to an end, the anchor actually scooped up a spoonful of lobster sauce and put it in the bowl. Many netizens exclaimed: "Can you drink milk tea mixed with lobster sauce?" "Disrespecting food is really irritating" … …

  These alternative and exotic eating and broadcasting have many fans on various short video platforms, and some people left a message saying that "it looks good and is ready to try". But more people are disgusted with this. Some netizens believe that this weird and exaggerated behavior itself is a disrespect for food and an obvious waste of food; Some netizens bluntly said that this kind of eye-catching behavior not only ruined food, but also played a wrong demonstration role and polluted the network atmosphere.

  There are also some so-called food bloggers who publish various challenge videos. For example, "Challenge Hot", the anchor sent hot food into the mouth, and it was so hot that he gasped, but he also kept his facial expression from changing, and some food fell to the ground.

  Some netizens bluntly said that it is not worth the loss to attract traffic with this kind of eating behavior comparable to self-abuse, which not only makes people unhappy, wastes food, but also hurts their health.

  Malformed video is poorly directed.

  Strengthen supervision and offenders are removed from the shelves.

  According to Meng Qiang, a professor at the School of Law of Beijing Institute of Technology, the video writer ordered a lot of dishes for the video effect, but they were "tasted" and wasted, or the anchor wasted food by absurd cooking methods and abnormal eating and broadcasting, and failed to make rational use of the ingredients according to their functions, which undoubtedly belonged to food waste and violated the Civil Code and the anti-food waste law.

  "After these behaviors are spread through short video platforms, they may attract a large number of network users to watch, and then they may convey a kind of ‘ Can waste food ’ ‘ It’s cool to waste food ’ ‘ It’s fun to waste food ’ The wrong idea is contrary to China’s advocacy of civilized, healthy, resource-saving and environment-friendly consumption patterns and simple, moderate, green and low-carbon lifestyles, and may also have long-term adverse effects on minors whose values are forming, which is not conducive to the correct consumption concept and the spread of values at the social level, which is not conducive to the physical and mental health of minors. " Meng Qiang said.

  He believes that when short video anchors tend to order too much food and waste food in restaurants, restaurants have the responsibility to make appropriate reminders to guide them to order food as needed, and they cannot waste food for making short videos and promoting restaurants.

  "anchors who make their own dishes and record videos should also follow the relevant provisions of the anti-food waste law and establish a civilized, healthy, rational and green consumption concept. In family life, they should also cultivate good habits of forming scientific health, making the best use of things and preventing waste, and purchasing, storing and making food according to the actual needs of daily life." Meng Qiang said.

  According to the Anti-Food Waste Law, news media are not allowed to produce, publish or disseminate programs or audio-visual information that waste food, such as eating and overeating. If network audio-visual service providers find that users have violated the provisions of the preceding paragraph, they should immediately stop transmitting relevant information; If the circumstances are serious, it shall stop providing information services.

  According to this, Meng Qiang proposed that the short video platform should properly review the programs involving eating and broadcasting. If it is found that there is a large amount of food and food wasted in the form of eating and broadcasting, cooking, etc., the relevant video producers should be reminded of rectification, or videos that are obviously illegal should be removed from the shelves. If the online platform is not audited and supervised, resulting in a large number of videos promoting food waste such as overeating, the online information department shall order it to make corrections and give a warning according to law. If it refuses to make corrections or the circumstances are serious, it shall be fined, and it may be ordered to suspend relevant business or suspend business for rectification, and the directly responsible person in charge and other directly responsible personnel shall be investigated for legal responsibility according to law.

  Zhao Zhanling, a lawyer of Beijing Yunjia Law Firm, also said that network service providers and network audio and video service providers should immediately delete the shelves once they find that users have produced, released and disseminated such videos. Network audio and video service providers should also take active measures, such as manual inspection or technical filtering, to find illegal and ill-directed audio and video in time, and once found, stop transmitting services immediately.

Focusing on the 21st Hainan International Auto Show, Haima Auto’s quadruple spring gifts surprise consumers.

From March 21st to 24th, the 21st Hainan International Auto Show was held in Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center. As the "wind vane" of automobile consumption in Hainan, this year’s auto show attracts more than 100 popular brands including independent, joint venture, new energy and high-end, and meets the one-stop car purchase needs of consumers. Haima Auto made its debut with its first intelligent pure electric vehicle Haima 7X-E and the first domestic seven-seater Haima 7X, giving back to consumers with multiple surprise activities and car purchase benefits, and won the "First Prize of the Most Popular Automobile Brand Award of 2024 Hainan International Auto Show" in the selection of Hainan’s most popular automobile brands held during the auto show.

The strength of Haima’s two models is outstanding, and it is eye-catching at the auto show.

As the longest-running and most influential brand auto show in Hainan, Hainan International Auto Show can be described as a "sea of people" every year. Whether it is entry-level, luxury, mid-to-high-end, or energy types such as oil trucks, pure electricity and hybrid plug-ins, there is a lively scene in front of the booth, and consumers who try to take photos and negotiate for inquiry are in an endless stream.

It is reported that the Haima 7X-E and Haima 7X exhibited by Haima Automobile have great highlights in vehicle space, child safety and intelligent technology, attracting many extended families and business people to come to booth T1-13 in Hall 1 for inquiry, test ride and booking. Many consumers have said that "Haima’s intelligent technology, battery configuration, space design and other aspects are excellent, and the overall grade is much higher than that of the same class, and this year’s preferential benefits are very friendly."

Haima 7X is the first domestic seven-seater car with two children under Haima Automobile, and it is also a compact MPV. The whole department adopts a 7-seat layout of 2+2+3. The front row is turned into a sofa, creating a 165 lying mode, and the rear row is flat with a double bed, which opens the sleeping mode. It is also equipped with RPA remote parking, 540 HD panoramic image system, IACC integrated cruise assistance, LKA lane keeping assistance, SLA speed limit assistance and other functions, which can fully meet the travel needs of users.

As a second-child, seven-seater car with "buy a car to send Hainan fuel card", Haima 7X won the favor of consumers at this auto show, especially many migratory birds and families living in Hainan, who expressed their intention to buy it. A northern uncle currently living in Sanya said, "I’ve always wanted to buy a scooter, and I’ve been watching Haima 7X for a long time. This time I’m here for it."

Haima 7X-E, as the first intelligent pure electric seven-seat vehicle produced by Hainan Free Trade Port, is also the pure electric version of Haima 7X. It integrates the four advantages of "large space, long battery life, high safety and full intelligence". Equipped with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited NP technology ternary lithium battery module, the cruising range is 510km, and it takes only 27 minutes to charge the battery from 30% to 80%. It also supports the external power supply function of 220V cars, which can meet the demand of outdoor travel. Because of its advantages of fast charging, solid battery life, intelligence and safety, Haima 7X-E is very popular at this auto show, and there are often consumers who negotiate and place orders in front of the booth.

Spring is warm, Haima Automobile warms up "new car owners" with car purchase benefits and surprise activities.

For a long time, buying a car at Hainan International Auto Show has become the tacit understanding of many consumers, because cars are more courteous and more affordable. This year’s auto show, in order to share its achievements in new energy, new technology and new intelligence with more consumers, Haima Automobile sincerely brought car purchase discounts and multiple gifts.

At this year’s Hainan International Auto Show, Haima 7X brought the "Four Spring Gifts" car purchase preferential activities, which made many "new Haima owners" from all over Hainan come on the spur of the moment and return home with a full load. According to reports, non-index users can directly enjoy a cash discount of 5,000 yuan, and they can also receive a new car insurance worth 5,000 yuan and a decoration gift package worth 3,500 yuan. If they order successfully, they can also participate in the lucky draw. At the same time, activities such as "Waiting for you to challenge" and "DIY together" held by Haima Automobile booth during Hainan International Auto Show also attracted a large number of citizens to participate.

At this year’s Hainan International Auto Show, major domestic and foreign brands gathered in Hainan to compete for strength and display technology, which not only made a good start for Hainan’s automobile consumption market in 2024, but also made consumers know more about car selection and car purchase. It also highlighted the infinite vitality and potential of Hainan’s automobile market and provided inexhaustible power for the development of Hainan’s free trade port automobile industry.

Write your own pornographic novels and sell them yourself? Hubei cracked the first case of illegal publishing by online writers.

Cctv newsRecently, the National Office of "Combating Pornography and Illegal Publications" reported that a case of publishing and distributing illegal publications through the Internet was uncovered in Wuhan, Hubei Province, involving more than 10 million yuan, and eight people were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment.

Since July 2017, the office of "eliminating pornography and illegal publications" in Hubei Province has received a report, saying that Tang, an online writer with the pen name "Mr. Deep Sea", is suspected of selling and selling illegal publications online. The "eliminating pornography and illegal publications" department of Wuhan City, in conjunction with the public security organs of Wuhan City, immediately set up a task force to carry out investigation and arrest. Subsequently, the task force went to many provinces and cities several times, and successively arrested online writer Tang and others, and destroyed four storage warehouses, printing departments and printing houses, and seized more than 20,000 copies of 41 kinds of illegal publications. This case is the first criminal case investigated and dealt with in Hubei Province, in which an online writer illegally published a publication, that is, the author printed his own publication without going through a publishing house.

Police of Wuhan Public Security BureauThe night we arrested him, he was working on a new work in the hotel where he lived.

It is found that Tang has been writing novels on the Internet for a long time, and published his own novels on the website for others to read by writing and serializing. Knowing that the five novels he wrote could not be published by the publishing unit stipulated by the state, Tang contacted Yin and Dong, who opened Taobao shop, respectively, to publish and distribute the above books to the readers through their online shop. The three agreed on the profit-sharing ratio of sales, with Yin and Dong selling in the online shop first and helping to contact printing, and then further selling in the online shop for profit. After investigation, more than 12,000 (12,372) copies of the above novels were printed, and the illegal business amount was more than 1.18 million yuan.

Hubei province "eliminate pornography and illegal publications" officeThe book written by Mr. Shen Hai contains pornographic content, homosexuality including pedophilia, and the reporter claims that it is very harmful to the physical and mental health of minors.

The task force also found out that online shop sellers Yin Mou, Dong Mou and others not only published and distributed illegal publications for writer Tang Mou, but also helped many other online writers to make and sell illegal publications, and the illegal business amounted to several million yuan.

On May 15, 2019, the Wuchang District People’s Court of Wuhan City sentenced the defendant Tang to four years in prison for the crime of illegal business operation; At the same time, seven other defendants, including Yin Mou and Dong Mou, were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from one year to three years and six months.

New Year’s Eve train tickets are opened today, and the national train operation map will be adjusted next Monday.

  Zhongxin Jingwei Client December 26th (Seimi Zhang) Looking forward to, looking forward to, the day of grabbing New Year’s Eve tickets has finally arrived. According to the regulation that the Internet and telephone booking of railway Spring Festival travel rush train tickets will be sold 30 days in advance, starting from today (26th), passengers can purchase train tickets for 2020 New Year’s Eve through the 12306 website and the "Railway 12306”APP.

Data map. Zhongxin Jingwei Seimi Zhang photo

  New Year’s Eve train tickets are on sale today.

  According to the Spring Festival holiday arrangement of the General Office of the State Council, the holiday will be suspended from January 24th (New Year’s Eve) to 30th (Sixth Day) in 2020. According to the regulation that the railway Spring Festival travel rush train tickets will be sold 30 days in advance by Internet and telephone booking, starting from today (26th), passengers can purchase the 2020 New Year’s Eve train tickets through the 12306 website and the "Railway 12306”APP.

  On the 13th day of ticket sales in Spring Festival travel rush (December 24th), the national railways sold a total of 15.773 million tickets, and the number of tickets sold for two consecutive days exceeded 15 million. The Zhongxin Jingwei client combed and found that as of December 24, the national railways sold a total of 173 million tickets.

  Li Wenxin, deputy general manager of the State Railway Group, said at the 2020 National Spring Festival travel rush Video Conference on December 25th that on the basis of steadily promoting the pilot of e-tickets in the early stage, in 2020, Spring Festival travel rush will fully promote e-tickets on high-speed rail trunk lines and intercity railways, so that passengers can travel on high-speed rail without taking tickets.

  In addition, since December 12, 2019, the online ticketing time of train tickets has been extended from 6:00-23:00 to 6:00-23:30. During this period, passengers can purchase tickets, change tickets, refund tickets, and wait for orders online.

  Some air tickets are cheaper than high-speed rail.

  If you have money and no money, you don’t have to worry about going home for the New Year. It is also a good choice to fly home.

Screenshot of some flights from Beijing to Shanghai. Source: Flying Pig APP

  On the day of New Year’s Eve (January 24th), the railway "12306”APP showed that the price range of the second-class seat of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail was 553-558 yuan, and the Sino-Singapore Jingwei client discovered through the third-party ticketing platform that Beijing — The economy class price of many flights in Shanghai ranges from 300 to 400 yuan. Among them, the economy class price of flight HU7603 of HNA is only 285 yuan, which is nearly half cheaper than the second-class high-speed rail ticket of 553 yuan.

Screenshot of some flights and high-speed rail prices from Beijing to Qingdao. Source: Flying Pig APP

  The second-class seat price range of Beijing-Qingdao high-speed rail is 314-336 yuan, and the economy class ticket price of maiden flight JD5379 is 148 yuan, which is more than half cheaper than the second-class seat price of high-speed rail. The economy class ticket price of Air China flight CA1525 is 180 yuan, which is nearly 50% cheaper than the second class ticket price of high-speed rail.

Data map: Harmony train. Zhongxin Jingwei Xiong Jiali photo

  From 0: 00 on December 30th, the national railway will implement a new train diagram.

  From 0: 00 on December 30, 2019, the national railway will implement a new train operation map. This map adjustment has adjusted some train trips, which will further enhance the railway transportation capacity during Spring Festival travel rush to meet different needs.

  Xi ‘an will start high-speed EMU trains in Xiamen, Datong, Lianyungang and Anqing for the first time. For the first time, two pairs of high-speed trains to Taiyuan were opened in Hefei, and the fastest journey time from Hefei to Taiyuan was 6 hours and 05 minutes. Shenyang Railway is the first high-speed train from Shenyang to Yancheng, Rongcheng and Jilin to Shanghai. Hangzhou East to Chengdu East, Hangzhou East to Xinxiang East, Hangzhou East to Luoyang Longmen, Hangzhou East to Bozhou South opened the first direct high-speed rail.

  In order to meet the needs of large passenger flow capacity in the Yangtze River Delta and North China, six pairs of high-speed trains going to North China via Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway were added. They are Shanghai-Beijing South G416/5th, Shanghai-Tianjin West G442/1st, Hangzhou East-Tianjin West G446/5th, Ningbo-Beijing South G420/19th, Shanghai Hongqiao-Jinan West G2062/1st, Shanghai Hongqiao-Qingdao North G2066/5th.

  In addition, the running time from Xining to Shanghai has been shortened from 32 hours and 29 minutes to 30 hours and 34 minutes now, with a compression of 1 hour and 55 minutes; The running time from Shanghai to Xining has been shortened from 31 hours and 53 minutes to 28 hours and 29 minutes now, with a compression of 3 hours and 24 minutes. A regular train from Qingdao to Baotou was changed to a direct train, and the adjusted one-way operation time was reduced by at least 1.5 hours.

  After the map adjustment, there are 615 trains stopped at Zhengzhou East Station, which is 126 more than the current map of 489 trains. After the map adjustment, Zhengzhou East Station will increase the number of high-speed trains to Yancheng, Lianyungang, Rizhao West, Huai ‘an, Suqian, Anqing, Ganzhou West and Ruijin, and there will be 124 high-speed trains on the three high-speed railway lines of Zhengzhou-Chongqing, Zhengzhou-Fuzhou and Jinggang, an increase of 40 trains compared with the transition period in the first month of opening.

  The railway department reminds that passengers who plan to travel should pay attention to the 12306 official website and station announcements in time, inquire about the relevant train information, grasp the changes of trains, and make a reasonable ride plan. At the same time, due to the changes in the number and time of some trains after the map adjustment, passengers must carefully check the ticket face information before boarding, so as not to delay the trip.

A group of children’s Christmas wishes were very touching.

Original Lens WeLens

Christmas is only a week away. Who will you spend Christmas with, prepare Christmas gifts and wishes?

A month or two before Christmas every year, a steady stream of letters will pour into 123 Elf Road North Pole, and the recipient is the legendary Santa Claus who will quietly send Christmas gifts to children.

In this letter, children will share their year’s harvest with an old friend they will never meet, and make a wish to post the letter before Christmas, silently expecting that when they wake up on Christmas Day, they can see the long-awaited gift at the bedside.

Of course, this Santa Claus is not real, and letters will not be sent to the North Pole, although many children do believe it. In fact, this is the annual Operation Santa organized by USPS, in order to provide Christmas gifts to families who may not be able to provide more than their basic daily needs.

Children’s Christmas wishes are big or small. Some people want toys, some people want a greeting card, and some people just want a hug, and they don’t forget to tell Santa Claus to wear masks and gloves. ……


Want to be happy!

Toys, game consoles and so on are naturally at the forefront of children’s wish list. However, before expressing their wishes, children will also talk about their performance this year.

"I have grown into a good boy this year.

I can count from 1 to 100 and recognize all 26 letters.

I want a cool hot wheels car. "

"I hope you and everyone in the Arctic have had the best year.

I want Lego’s Destiny’s Bounty toy this year.

I have always done well and studied hard at school.

I wish you a safe journey on Christmas Eve. "

"Merry Christmas to you in advance! I know you’re busy,

But I hope you can read this letter.

It was written by my brother and me.

We are all good children, and sometimes we fight.

But we still love each other.

We want to share a Switch together.

I know it will cost a lot of money,

So it’s okay if you don’t get it. "

"I want a real elf friend forever,

He’d better bring a small house with him,

There are beds, toilets, bathtubs, showers and the like.

"Please come and play with me. We can play anything.

If you want to bring me a present, I’ll wear a size 3 dress. "

Some children don’t want gifts, and even want to give gifts to Santa Claus.

"You are the best!

I want to be happy at Christmas! "

"When I wrote this letter to you, I was not very happy.

I hope you can answer a few questions:

1. Am I a vampire?

2. Are you the first person on earth? "

"Please put the gift,

To boys and girls all over the world.

Thank you. "

"I know I didn’t perform particularly well this year.

So it doesn’t matter if my Christmas stockings are empty.

Did someone tell you that you are the best?

I always believed that you were real, and no one else believed you.

They think their parents played you.


Please always believe in yourself.

P.S. I want to be the one who gives you a gift, so come on! "

Many children will also put their own paintings on it. Although the level of paintings is uneven, there will be occasional typos, but they are full of sincerity.


Please give mom a present, too.

Some children want Santa Claus to give gifts to their mothers or other family members.

"Santa Claus, when you come.

Please give my mother a big hug.

She really needs it. She works too hard. "

"I am writing this letter because I want to do something special for my mother.

Every year, my mother asks me to write down a Christmas wish list.

But we never asked her what she wanted.

My mother likes cooking. She told me that she wanted to go back to school to learn this.

Mom has lost her job, and she has been doing her best.

So if you can, can you give mom a laptop?

So that she can go to school. I really want to achieve this,

She always told me to pursue my dreams,

I also want her to realize her dream. "

"I’m sorry if I misspelled your name,

I want a floating skateboard this Christmas.

But what I want most is my mother.

Work can be smoother, don’t be blamed again.

I think she should be treated well. "

"This year has been too difficult because of the coronavirus.

But I expect to receive some Lego toys.

Because my mother said that she couldn’t give me a present this Christmas,

She hasn’t received her salary for a long time, so she can’t afford anything.

Because she takes care of us, gives us food and works hard.

So I hope she gets something,

Like a Christmas card. "

"I don’t need anything for Christmas,

But my brother needs a new pair of shoes.

His shoes are broken. "

"I wonder if we can make Christmas a day earlier?

Because my father works on Christmas Day,

He is a fireman,

So I’m not at home on Christmas day.

If he can be at home on Christmas day,

We would be very grateful. "


It’s so hard this year ……

This year, everyone has had a hard time, and the children are no exception. So there are also some sad stories in the letter.

"It’s hard this year. I lost my father and grandfather.

My mother is going through a very difficult time.

I hope you can give her some happiness. "

"What I want most this year is that my family can be reunited.

Mom and I are really having a hard time.

Can you help us out?

I hope you can write back to me,

And I want you to know

My family is really important to me. "

What is even more touching is that children still have hope for life.

"Please be careful this year.

You should wear a mask and gloves, because the epidemic remains.

I have some bad news.

My mother and sister died,

My angel dog died, too.

I love her so much!

I lay down next to her and held her until she left.

I shouldn’t be so unhappy in a happy letter.

I remain hopeful and grateful.

You have always given us a lot of support.

My family and I love you very much. Thank you for your efforts. "

"There’s some bad news,

One of my classmates went to heaven because of cancer.

I’m so sad.

But I’m slowly recovering.

Let’s think of something happy _


Give everyone a hug, Santa Claus. "


Maybe we don’t need Christmas presents.

There are also many children who say that they don’t want Christmas presents. Because they still have some bigger wishes.

"I don’t think everyone said thank you to you.

You sacrificed your life for the happiness of your children.

That’s amazing. You are really great.

Never forget this.

As for gifts? If I had to choose a gift,

That’s a donation to charity.

Shelters for the homeless, public libraries, anything.

Because what better gift than peace and happiness on earth? "

"This year I want to:

The epidemic is over and the world is at peace.

The climate is under control, and the new X box game machine. "

"P.S., it doesn’t matter if I don’t receive any gifts.

Let’s get everyone fed and clothed before giving gifts. "

I hope you can send toys to the children in the hospital.

And those children who live on the streets. "

"Can you don’t your Christmas present? I just want a card.

I really want a gift,

But I don’t want to be the only one laughing this year.

I hope others can smile,

Like someone who’s homeless.

So please,

What I want this Christmas is

A smile. "

"Dear Santa Claus,

Do you support the LGBTQ group?

If you can talk to God,

Can you tell me that I love him?

Ask him if he still loves me if I’m gay. "

I don’t want anything this Christmas,

But if I may, I also want to ask you a favor:

Please find a cure for Covid-19,

Give it to us and save the world.

Thank you. "


Be a "volunteer" for Santa Claus

In fact, this is the 108th year of Operation Santa Claus.

Every year before Christmas, the post office can receive many letters sent to the nonexistent Santa Claus. In 1912, Frank Hitchcock, the postmaster, wanted to do something good for the community, so he suggested opening and answering these letters to Santa Claus.

At first, only the local post office and citizens wrote letters and gave small gifts to the children who wrote letters. Later, some commercial companies and charities joined in, and gradually formed an annual fixed project-"Santa Claus Action".

"The US Postal Service receives thousands of letters to the North Pole every year.

The workload was too heavy, so Santa asked the post office to find some volunteers to help. "

They set a special address for Santa Claus and began to accept letters one or two months before Christmas. Everyone can write to Santa Claus, but the project will especially help families and children in need. Gifts will be sent before the festival to ensure that the writer can receive them before Christmas.

Over the years, the US post office has received hundreds of thousands of letters. In the past two years, activities have begun to expand to more and more cities. More and more "volunteers" of Santa Claus have joined in, and there are some children among the volunteers.

This year, due to the epidemic situation, the post office simply digitized all the letters it received and published them on the official website People can browse these letters at will and "claim" any number of letters they want to reply to, so as to help the children or families who write letters realize their holiday wishes.

Up to now, more than 20 thousand letters have been claimed this year. Many people are moved and encouraged by the contents of the children’s letters and try their best to help them realize their wishes.

Kim Frum, a spokesman for Santa Claus, said, "This year, more families may be affected financially and emotionally. If you can provide even the slightest help or a spark of happiness to those in need, it means the whole world to them. "

After sending gifts, Santa’s "volunteers" will also receive special commemorative cards.

Indeed, everyone has had a hard time this year. But when I saw the little wishes and great expectations of the children in their letters to Santa Claus, I found that they were still naive and hopeful after this special year.

And this kind of mutual help and persistence in the face of crisis is probably the real meaning of Christmas.

Perhaps, this Christmas, we can not only be the one waiting for gifts, but also help some people in need to realize their Christmas wishes.

Main reference materials:

The United States Postal Service and the Spirit of Santa

Original title: "A group of children’s Christmas wishes, which is very touching."

Microsoft’s new Bing daily users exceeded 100 million, mainly due to the integration of AI chat bots.

On March 10th, local time on Thursday, Microsoft said that the number of daily users of its bing search engine exceeded 100 million, mainly because the new version of Bing integrated the artificial intelligence chat function, and the number of users of the company’s Edge browser was also growing steadily.

Yusuf Mehdi, vice president and chief marketing officer of Microsoft, said, "We fully realize that our market share is still very small and low, with only single digits." He said that compared with Google, Microsoft’s share in the search market is quite small. "On the other hand, it feels good to go to the dance!"

Google has not published the number of daily users of search engines. However, according to StatCounter, the market share of Google search engines in the United States is usually slightly lower than 90%, compared with 6% or 7% for Bing.

Microsoft said that there are "millions of active users" who are trying out the preview version of Bing with integrated artificial intelligence chat function, and about one third of them are people who have never used Bing before. Microsoft also attributed this to the slow but steady growth of Microsoft Edge browser. Microsoft Edge browser sets Bing as the default search engine. If users insist on switching to other search engines, Edge browser will repeatedly prompt users to switch back to Bing.

A month ago, Microsoft launched the artificial intelligence chat robot function in the limited preview version of Bing, with OpenAI’s Large Language Model (LLM) as the supporting technology. So far, Microsoft has made some adjustments to the behavior of robots to solve the problem that robots sometimes have strange and threatening content in conversations. One of the changes is to limit the number of responses that the chat bot can give in a single instance, because the longer the conversation, the easier it is for the bot’s response to deviate. Recently, Microsoft also introduced some "personalized" functions for chat bots to make the answers more direct or interesting.

Last month, Microsoft began to add "New Bing" function to Edge browser, Skype, Windows 11 taskbar and some development tools. In addition, Microsoft is also testing "multi-modal artificial intelligence" technology, which can handle various forms of input including images, text, audio and video. (Chen Chen)

What is the Internet of Things AIoT?

AIoT intelligent internet of things is artificial intelligence internet of things. AIoT is the abbreviation of AI Artificial Intelligence and IoT Internet of Things. It is an artificial intelligence Internet of Things that collects a large amount of data from different dimensions through the Internet of Things and stores it in the cloud. Based on big data analysis and AI and other technologies, it realizes the digitalization and intelligence of everything. Artificial intelligence is a subject that studies how computers can simulate people’s thinking processes and intelligent behaviors. It is based on bionics, the improvement of algorithm model and calculation speed, and the commonality between human neurons and computer doors (doors are the basic unit of computers). Its strength lies in its learning, reasoning, thinking, planning and other abilities, which ordinary intelligent machines can’t do.

The embedded Internet of Things needs to learn a lot, so don’t learn the wrong route and content, which will lead to a salary failure!

Share a data package for free, almost over 150g. The learning content, face classics and projects are relatively new and complete! It is estimated that it will cost at least dozens to buy some fish.

The Internet of Things refers to the real-time collection of any object or process that needs to be monitored, connected and interacted through various devices and technologies such as information sensors, radio frequency identification technology, global positioning system, infrared sensors, laser scanners, etc., and the collection of all kinds of required information such as sound, light, heat, electricity, mechanics, chemistry, biology, location, etc., and the realization of ubiquitous connection, identification and management between things and people through various types of network access. Through this definition, we can feel that this will be a huge database, and the learning process of artificial intelligence also needs a lot of data information. Obviously, this is a link between artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, which can link them together and play a greater role.

In short, the Internet of Things (IoT) uses terminals with different protocols to carry out information interaction and intelligent processing through a certain agreed protocol, while artificial intelligence can keep learning and become more and more intelligent with data. If artificial intelligence is software, it needs the Internet of Things as a carrier, and if it is hardware, it needs artificial intelligence to drive it. Therefore, we can also regard the Internet of Things as a carrier of artificial intelligence.

The Internet of Things is an important part of the new generation of information technology. The English name is "The Internet of things". Therefore, as the name implies, "the Internet of Things is the Internet of Things". This has two meanings. First, the core and foundation of the Internet of Things is still the Internet, which is the expansion and expansion network based on the Internet. Secondly, its clients expand and expand between any goods, and exchange and communicate information.

for (i=0; i < 8; i++)


SetData((data >> i) & 0x1);


for (j=0; j < 5; j++);



What can one server do?

A wave of 1500 people were organized before the activities of Alibaba Cloud servers, and 200 people were organized. But I am not organized now.

But when organizing this activity, I learned that everyone has a common question:Is this server use? ?

When it comes to the server, many people may say distributed, do calculation, crawl, and procedure background service, multi-person cooperation, etc.

In fact, these ordinary people can not use it, I will say that everyone can use it.

Everyone must have a work folder when you work, the students are your own courseware, exam, prepare for interview, and so on.

The friend who has already worked, there will be a file that puts your own important document, MarkDown, Pictures, Resume, etc.

Such an important folder, and we have to update every day, and we are worried about the computer is lost, or it is broken, suddenly these are not seen.

So we want to back up.

There is also our frequent personal computers and working computers to synchronize some private information, rather than passing on WeChat.

These are the use scenarios of Git private service, and it is very easy to use.

Everyone also knows GitHub, Gitee can also engage in private warehouses to back up, synchronous files, but their documents may put a lot of important information, including their own passwords, key classes, and put it above. It is not necessarily safe. You are not afraid of which major bugs will leak your information [wit]

More crossed, GitHub and Gitee are speed-off. After all, the functional positioning of people is not a network disk.

There is a large file in the project (more than a few hundred m), such as PDF, PPT, etc. It will make you suffocate.

Later, I will send a document to tell, how do you have a git private service!

This can be used to generate a download link of the file, or the local file can also be transmitted to the server.

It is equivalent to making an object store, in fact, cloud manufacturers also have objects stored.

However, we can do one, not enough, very classmates, you should not know how object storage, in fact, we can use the server to be a similar company.

I have been deployed on the server with a tool written by Go now. Used to pass files with the server, or create a temporary download link for some files.

These are direct command lines,

In this way, I wrap the command package into a shell command, want to pass the file, directly uploadTomyServer, and then return to the downloadable link, this file also passed to my server.

I also put my project code on GitHub:

Interested exciting friends can go to learn a wave, and give a star. Haha.

Do a website, for example, everyone knows how to write a few lines of code with HTML, but how to show someone else?

If you use your own computer to do a server, you can only access your website with your device in the same router, and this device can not have your website.

Because your IP is not a public IP.

If there is a cloud server, it is a public network IP, your website can make anyone visit.

Or a service you provide allows anyone to use.

For example, in the second example, we can develop a file storage, this service, I only put the command line to others, others can use my service to generate a link, of course their files have passed to me. On the server.

Again a way of use.

I have previously organized the activities of the server, Ali Cloud gave me an Excel, let the face are the list of friends who buy servers here, I will directly put this list directly to the group, let everyone check, appear in list You can find me to cash back, do you have anything.

There are several big problems that do this:

  • Everyone is going to download Excel, do contrast, there will be someone to change the content of Excel and then say it is bought from you, I can’t make a comparison with Excel.
  • Excel has a personal information from others, which is unstoppable.
  • If everyone uses Excel inquiry, private letter I cash back, one is nearly two thousand people to find me cash back, my WeChat is imposed, this becomes physical activity.

How should I do it?

I simply write a query page, the backend logic is to read an Execl form, everyone enters her Ali Cloud ID in the query page, if in Excel, the page will return the QR code of the cash back group, everyone can be independent Scan code is plus group.

In this way, I will finally send an equal red envelope directly in the cash group, is it great to reduce human cost?

Of course, I generated the QR code of 17 cash back groups. According to certain rules, they show friends passing through the query.

It is such a very ordinary query page.

After the query passes, the cash back group is displayed.

But to deploy on the server, because there is no public network IP, others can’t use your service.

Learn Linux

Learning Linux actually engaged in a virtual machine on your computer, or you can also learn the dual system, but this is very testing how your computer performance is.

If you have a server, it is a separate computer. How do you Hoho Huoho, and you don’t have to shut down a year, you can always run your task, and your local computer is completely isolated.

More convenient, you are now in the system, such as Centos, want to do an experiment, need to be on the unbantu, if it is a cloud server, the replacement system is in the background point, one button is reloaded, the cloud manufacturer basically supports all the system installation of.

We usually play Linux is often equipped with various environments, then this Linux is played by yourself (generally unwarring use root permission), in short, the environment is unable to reload, basically reload.

The cloud server reloading the system is too convenient.

There is also an environment where you are not easy to match. If you play this environment later, you will go back to this previously matching environment rather than re-fitting the system.

Then you can save the function with the cloud server, you can play a mirror package in the moment you match the environment. If the environment is broken, you will fall back to the status of the last mirror package. This is very fragrant.


In fact, there are still many other uses, but I just say that everyone is universally used.

The above, the three points mentioned: git private service, document storage service, build a website, I will send a hand to do your hand, truly use the server to improve our work learning efficiency!

Regarding the activities of the free collar server, I will not organize so many people also involve the cash back. Some of the friends do not look at the group information, then directly private letter and I complain, I am really handling, body and mind Too much.

If you want to buy a server, you can purchase this link:


Now is the double eleven event, or the activity price is over, and it will be over in December.

The price is really very cheap now, 60 blocks for new users can buy one year,But I will no longer be cash out, everyone can buy it yourself through the link..

If you want to register a new number, pay attention to real-name certification requires a new ID card.

It is recommended to buy these two servers, which is all, cost-effective.