The 3 rd line battle field shines! The throne of football in China will give way! Wuhan soil cannon rises!

Like a model in heaven, it is really a good example in the world, this creator, positive energy! Welcome everyone to pay attention, like, comment, forward and collect, thank you!

The rising star of China football: From Lei Wu to Wei Shihao, when talking about the top football players in China, most people will undoubtedly answer "Lei Wu". The attacker who scored high scores in the Super League has become a symbol of the national team. But with the passage of time, a new name is quietly emerging, and that is Wei Shihao.

Lei Wu’s brilliant Lei Wu is undoubtedly the legend of China football. From the moment he first entered the Super League, his outstanding performance attracted countless eyes. Not only did he score in double figures for five consecutive years, but in the sixth season, he became the top scorer of the league with 27 goals. At his peak, he went to Spain to play for Espanyol and became the representative of China football in Europe. However, as she grew older, Lei Wu chose to return to China.

Looking for a new leader, Lei Wu still paid a lot for the national team and the club after returning to China, but his status gradually declined. This also makes people start to think, who can take over the banner of Lei Wu and become the new leader of the national football team? The Rise of Wei Shihao When it comes to this question, Wei Shihao is undoubtedly the most anticipated answer. In this season, the Wuhan three towns team is facing great difficulties. However, Wei Shihao brought hope to the team with his excellent performance. He not only scored goals at the crucial moment, but also solved the difficulties for the team almost every time. In the match with the Shenzhen team, he even staged a winner and won the team.

Wei Shihao, the hero at the crucial moment, not only performed well in the Super League, but also performed well in the AFC Champions League and the national team. He almost became the savior of the team at the critical moment. Whenever the team is in trouble, we can see Wei Shihao stand up and bring hope to the team.

At the moment of carrying the banner, Wei Shihao showed his strength in the Super League, the AFC Champions League and the national team. He not only scored key goals, but also brought vitality to the team on the court. It can be said that he has taken over the banner of Lei Wu and become the new leader of the national football team.

Looking forward to the future Wei Shihao’s outstanding performance undoubtedly made people have high hopes for him. He not only has excellent strength, but also has the potential to lead the team. Many people expect him to bring more honor to the national football team in the future.

What’s your opinion? What do you think of Wei Shihao’s performance? Do you think he can carry the banner of China football in the future? I look forward to your comments in the comments section.

Pay more attention If you are interested in football, Super League and Wei Shihao, please pay attention to our headlines, and we will bring you more exciting content.

The new star of China football: From Lei Wu to Wei Shihao, China football has been looking for a new leader, and Lei Wu once assumed this responsibility. His brilliant achievements and Spanish league experience made him the representative of China football in Europe. As time goes by, his state declines, which makes us start to think about who can take over the banner. At this time, Wei Shihao emerged as a highly anticipated answer. His performance in Wuhan Sanzhen team is not only outstanding in the Super League, but also shows his savior-like ability in the AFC Champions League and the national team. He seems to have taken over the banner of Lei Wu and become the new leader of the national football team.

The rise of Wei Shihao marks a new chapter in China football. His heroic performance at the crucial moment filled the fans with hope, whether in the Super League or the national team. His strength and charisma earned him the respect of the fans. He has started to carry the banner of China football and become the new leader of the national team.

In the future, we have good expectations for Wei Shihao. He not only has strength, but also has the potential as a leader, which can bring more honor to the national football team. His emergence makes people full of confidence in the future of China football, expecting him to continue to succeed in the international arena.

On the whole, the rise of Wei Shihao bodes well for China football. He has shown the potential of a leader and deserves high hopes from fans and the national team. I hope he can continue to make outstanding contributions to China football in the future and raise China football to a higher level.

On the whole, the rise of Wei Shihao bodes well for China football. He has shown the potential of a leader and deserves high hopes from fans and the national team. I hope he can continue to make outstanding contributions to China football in the future and raise China football to a higher level.

A guide to setting off fireworks and firecrackers in Shanghai in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China

"Taofu firecrackers are new every year, and the Lantern Festival is never over. Try your best to compete for nothing else, and Nong’s family has a tea-picking lamp. " Li Songlin, a Shanghai scholar during the Jiaqing period, wrote this poem on bamboo branches to record the customs of his hometown. The custom of setting off firecrackers in Shanghai has been passed down for a long time. Until the ban on firecrackers in recent years, this trend lasted for a long time. The sound of firecrackers has long been a common memory of generations. However, in the hundred years after Li Songlin, Shanghai has undergone earth-shaking changes, from a county in the south of the Yangtze River to an international metropolis. The custom of setting off firecrackers and relevant regulations have also changed from time to time, from which we can get a glimpse of the historical process of urbanization and modernization in Shanghai.
Meet the god of wealth, the city streets in the early morning of the fifth day of 2013.
For quite a long time, firecrackers, as a special offer for the Spring Festival, were not shown in public only once a year in the first month. In previous occasions such as weddings, funerals, housewarming and opening, it was inseparable from crackling. What is even more grand in the scene is the community festival held regularly-the God Meeting. Houses and shops along the street have already placed incense tables and hung firecrackers on the roadside. The crowd surrounded the gods through the streets and lanes, and the guns rang for the second time, and the smoke spread.
Firecrackers set off by the roadside in the contemporary God-welcoming Games
For modern Shanghai residents, it is far from necessary to wait until the annual sales season to buy firecrackers as daily necessities. There are many firecrackers in the incense shops and tin foil shops around the temple, as well as shops along the street selling matches and cigarettes. Firecrackers sold in Shanghai since the late Qing Dynasty are mainly divided into two categories: citizens can choose to buy foreign products or support local manufacturers. In modern Shanghai, fireworks and firecrackers were very dependent on imports. After the opening of the port, the scale of the city expanded and a large number of migrants poured in, and the demand for fireworks and firecrackers also increased. Liling, Liuyang and other places in Hunan Province have been important firecracker industries since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and their reputation has spread far and wide overseas. During the reign of Emperor Xian in the Qing Dynasty, there were more than 100,000 people engaged in "weaving guns" in Liuyang. By Xuantong, firecrackers exported by the two counties contributed 902,000 silver to the national finance every year. Wuchang and Hankou are also important producing areas, rich in a kind of firecrackers called "Quanhong". Fireworks and firecrackers in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River went down the river and appeared in the streets and lanes of Shanghai. There are a large number of businessmen from Hunan and Hubei who travel to Shanghai, and many of them take this as their business. The wealth brought by firecrackers makes them worry about food and clothing. Even if their hometown is in a bad year, there is a stable industry to make a living, so they will not go out to escape and be displaced.
Shanghai Qugong Real-life Temple was once a gathering place for Hunan businessmen traveling in Shanghai. Now the temple no longer exists, and the place was renamed Quxi Road.
According to the market survey in the late Qing Dynasty, the firecrackers produced in Hunan and Hubei are mostly 40,000 to 50,000 rings, which can’t fully satisfy the desire of Shanghai residents. Shanghai prefers big ostentation and extravagance, and favors the "high rise" of around 80,000 rings. If you don’t trust foreign firecrackers coming from afar and are worried about potential risks such as getting wet on the way, you can buy products freshly baked by local workshops in Shanghai. In modern Shanghai, with the convenience of geographical location and industrial development, materials gathered in all directions, and it was not difficult to obtain the five raw materials needed for the production of firecrackers: potassium chlorate, potassium nitrate, mirabilite, refined mirabilite and sulfur. The entry threshold of firecracker production is not high, and the technology is relatively simple. Hiring women and children for piecework production not only provides a livelihood channel for the urban poor in Shanghai, but also saves the production cost for firecracker manufacturers, and the price is naturally lower.
In modern times, Shanghai absorbed a large number of immigrants from surrounding areas, especially Ningbo, and the local firecracker workshops were mostly controlled by Ningbo immigrants. During the Republic of China, businessmen from Ningbo and Shaoxing joined forces with businessmen from Wuxi, Changzhou and other places in southern Jiangsu to form the Shanghai Firecracker Trade Association, hoping to compete with the Hunan and Hubei business gangs. When the competition among peers is fierce, consumers naturally benefit, and the shops under the trade association have clear industry norms and price scales, which has put an end to the phenomenon of exorbitant prices during the Chinese New Year holidays to a certain extent.
After determining the store, the timing of purchase is also very critical. According to industry practice, firecracker workshops usually start in September of the solar calendar, and intensive production lasts until March of the following year. April to August is the time for workers to return to their hometowns for farming. In addition to the peak season around the Spring Festival in the first month, there will also be a short sales peak when Tomb-Sweeping Day, the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Shanghai Chenghuang Temple are held in October. In the off-season, firecrackers are unsalable. Because of the difficulty in storage, the store usually gives a discount of about 50%. Around 1927, the price of firecrackers rose sharply, because the government of the Republic of China levied a "superstitious tax"-firecrackers, incense sticks, tin foil, paper horses and other things were regarded as superstitious products and were heavily taxed. Although the trade association and the Ningbo-Shaoxing Association of Shanghai Association jointly presented their grievances to the government and asked for exemption from such taxes and fees, they had little effect.
How to set it off is also a big problem. It should be noted that the prohibition of burning fireworks and firecrackers is not a new decree produced by contemporary cities to control air pollution. Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, cities have become increasingly crowded, and fire protection has become a major problem. For this reason, Nanjing, Yantai, Ningbo, Guangzhou and other cities in the late Qing Dynasty had clear regulations prohibiting the burning of firecrackers.
Discussion on the Prohibition of Firecrackers in Shenbao in the Late Qing Dynasty
Relatively speaking, the attitude of the concession is more tolerant, and the first day of the first month is the date of discharge; Although foreigners who manage the concession do not participate in activities such as ancestor worship and welcoming the gods, they can also get approval as long as they report in advance. In addition, if it is accidentally set off in violation of regulations, the perpetrators will be released immediately after symbolically "punishing the ocean triangle". Compared with ordinary consumers, the attitude of the concession towards firecrackers vendors is much stricter. It is absolutely not allowed for roadside shops to sell firecrackers on weekdays. As long as they are found by the patrol room, the shops will be arrested and fined less than 100 yuan, and the goods will be detained until the Chinese New Year. This kind of surprise inspection is very frequent, and the patrol house in songshan road, the French Concession, has this hobby. A large number of patrols often drive police cars to search at the door. Whenever such a situation occurs, the store must prepare a set of rhetoric to deal with it, claiming that these firecrackers are only reserved for their own use and have no sales plan. If people get all the stolen goods, they can only entrust the guild to intercede.
Although the concession has a moderate attitude, there are some kinds of fireworks and firecrackers that must not appear in the concession. In a file of the patrol house in Shanghai public concession in 1927, there were some kinds of fireworks, such as Kaushing (Gaosheng), Kio Long (Kowloon) and Liu Shing (Meteor). These kinds of "heavy firearms" which may cause noise nuisance to the people were blacklisted in the concession.
"Gaosheng", commonly known as "Ertui", is still very popular in contemporary times. Image source: Dongfang. com.
One of the most intolerable firecrackers in the concession is the cannon. It is still very popular in contemporary times, and it is a great weapon for primary school boys to scare girls, commonly known as "throwing guns"; In the period of the Republic of China, the cannon was the source of social panic. On the night of January 9, 1932, a passenger boarded the "Yamato" ship of Daida Company with a bag of guns. The cannon suddenly exploded in a casual touch. Although no casualties were caused, the noise was enough to make the whole ship out of order. People mistakenly thought it was a shooting and rushed into the cold river. The worse influence of slapping guns is produced in the streets. In the patrol house in the concession in the 1930s, it was described that "at the end of the past year, it was a common practice for hooligans and urchins to slap guns. In the streets and alleys, urchins hid the guns in their sleeves, followed by women in boudoir, and suddenly threw them out …" It can be seen that this kind of mischief has a long history. In the eyes of foreigners, it is obviously very ungentlemanly and indecent, and it is really indecent. When it is strictly prohibited, in fact, the police station can’t enforce the law on children, and street guns are repeatedly banned.
Although the concession promised to set off flammable firecrackers from the first day to the fifteenth day, this time was not fixed during the Republic of China. The Nanjing National Government advocated abolishing the lunar calendar and adopting the solar calendar. Therefore, in the 1920s and 1930s, Shanghai was allowed to shoot guns on the 15th day of New Year’s Day, but not during the Spring Festival. After the August 13th Incident, martial law was imposed at night in the concession, and firecrackers were not allowed after 5 pm in the French concession and 6 pm in the public concession. The Japanese puppet government is particularly sensitive to firecrackers, which is used to get rid of evil and filth, and makes the invaders feel pressure. In the early summer night of 1939, a rare lunar eclipse was observed in Shanghai, and the Chinese in the public concession set off firecrackers to drive away the tengu that swallowed the moon. This move made the Japanese military panic and suspected that it was a demonstration directed by anti-Japanese forces behind it. Japan submitted an investigation request to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of the Public Concession in an attempt to enforce the law across regions.
After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the commercial reconstruction, the firecracker guild resumed, and more than 40 firecracker workshops joined the guild and registered with the government for the record. The complete rules and regulations system was made public for the first time and had legal effect. The trade association even fully considered the government’s opinion and agreed not to produce the most unpopular gun. However, the market did not prosper for a long time, and inflation became increasingly serious. The workers in the firecracker workshop first rebelled. They set up the "Fireworks Industry Professional Conference" and started labor negotiations with the firecracker industry trade association, demanding higher treatment and higher wages. Prior to this, the trade association had decided to support Jiang Jingguo’s "August 19th" economic defense line, saying that although prices soared, the price of firecrackers would not rise. As a result, the profit of the firecracker industry has been difficult to support the expenditure of hiring labor.
At the beginning of liberation, the new government took over the old industrial and commercial organizations in Shanghai, and the firecracker industry ushered in a new life. It was no longer regarded as a superstitious product and was heavily taxed. On the contrary, this popular festival item was recognized by the new government and received strong support as a representative of local native products. In 1949 and 1950, various parades and celebrations were held frequently in Shanghai. On National Day, Army Day and the anniversary of the liberation of the city, people woke up at four o’clock in the morning with firecrackers and took to the streets. At eight o’clock in the evening, the parade will reach its climax, and there will be an hour-long fireworks display on the roof of Happy Valley Apartment at Huangpi North Road, Nanjing West Road.
During this period, the firecracker industry developed rapidly, and the number of firecracker workshops in the city rose to more than 50. In 1953, the firecracker dealers of the trade association responded to the call of the government and moved most of the workshops to Pudong towns outside the city, leaving only shops in Yimiao District and Penglai District in the city, but this does not mean that firecrackers are no longer popular in Shanghai. In 1956, the socialist industrial and commercial transformation was at its climax, and the whole city was filled with joy and passion. In the second week of January of that year alone, thousands of people lined up in the city to buy firecrackers every day. The local firecrackers were in short supply, and the trade associations sent people to Jiangyin, Shaoxing, Suzhou and other places to purchase goods every day. According to statistics, Shanghai residents had to set off more than 8 million firecrackers every day during that time. In the sound of firecrackers in the new era, the carnival Shanghai residents witnessed the rebirth of the city after a hundred years of vicissitudes and wars.
Celebration Parade in Shanghai in 1950s

One death and five injuries were caused by a serial car collision in Belgium.

On the morning of January 29th, local time, a serious accident happened on Temploux E42 highway in Belgium, involving two heavy trucks and three cars. Five people were injured and one died in the accident. After the pileup, one of the trucks rolled over and caught fire. Another car was stuck under the truck and the driver was killed. Firefighters have rushed to the scene. (CCTV News)

Virtual Human Competition: Iflytek vs Pingping Intelligent, which is more suitable for you?

In recent years, with the development of artificial intelligence technology, virtual human, as a system based on human-computer interaction, has attracted more and more attention. In the virtual human market, Iflytek and Fengping Intelligent are well-known enterprises. Next, we will compare the virtual people of the two companies, and analyze them from the aspects of technology, popularity, cooperative enterprises, application scope, ease of operation and price.

First of all, from a technical point of view,Iflytek Virtual Human has adopted the leading natural language processing technology and artificial intelligence technology, and has the ability of semantic understanding and reasoning, which can provide more intelligent services.

However, the technical level of Fengping intelligent virtual human is relatively weak, lacking the support of key technologies such as deep learning and natural language processing.

Secondly, in terms of popularity and cooperative enterprises,As a well-known artificial intelligence enterprise, Iflytek has high popularity and influence in domestic and foreign markets, and has established long-term cooperative relations with many enterprises, which can provide customers with more comprehensive services. In contrast, Fengping Intelligence still has much room for improvement in terms of market visibility and cooperative enterprises.

Next, from the perspective of application scope and simplicity of operation,Fengping intelligent virtual human has a wider range of applications, which can be applied to a variety of industries and scenarios, such as education, medical care, hotels and so on.

The operation simplicity of Fengping intelligent virtual human benefits from its advanced technology and innovative functions. It is understood that Fengping intelligent virtual human can clone a digital avatar through a short video, and can control the digital avatar to complete video production, live broadcast and other tasks through simple voice or text instructions. This quick and simple operation greatly reduces the threshold for users to use virtual people, and at the same time improves the user’s experience.

In contrast, the operation mode of Iflytek Virtual Human is relatively complicated, which requires users to learn and train to give full play to its functions.

Therefore, the simplicity of operation of Fengping intelligent virtual human has also become a big advantage in the market. Users can get started quickly and complete various tasks quickly, saving time and energy and improving work efficiency.

Finally, in terms of price,The price of Fengping intelligent virtual human is relatively low, which is more close to the people and can meet the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises. The price of virtual human in Iflytek is higher, which is suitable for larger enterprises.

To sum up, Iflytek virtual human is far superior to Pingping intelligent virtual human in technology, popularity and cooperative enterprises. However, Fengping intelligent virtual human has more advantages in application scope, simplicity of operation and price. Therefore, users can choose their own virtual human products according to their own needs.

After VAR awarded OPE a penalty for Liverpool handball, Salah shot wide and missed the penalty.

Mohamed Salah missed a penalty for OPE against Bournemouth at noon on Saturday.

VAR awarded Liverpool handball

Salah broke the reds’ first goal of the season.

Klopp lost to relegation fighter Bournemouth.

What happened? Liverpool were awarded a penalty for Adam Smith’s handball, which gave them a chance to equalize the score against Bournemouth. Salah stood up for Liverpool’s first penalty of the season and uncharacteristically missed the ball!

The bigger picture: Liverpool hope to take advantage of last week’s 7-0 victory over Manchester United on the South Coast. Philip Bill scored the only goal of the game, and the Red Army fell behind. They thought they had a chance to return to the game before Salah missed the penalty.

IOT Card and Industry 4.0: The Future Trend of Intelligent Manufacturing

In recent years, with the rapid development of Internet of Things technology, IOT card has become a topic of great concern. As a special SIM card, IOT card can transform various items into IOT devices that can be connected to the Internet, giving them the ability of wireless communication. In this paper, we will discuss the reasons why IOT card is a hot topic, as well as its application and development trend.

First, why has the IOT card become a hot topic?

IOT card has become a hot topic for the following reasons:

The rise of smart home: With the gradual popularization of the concept of smart home, people’s demand for smart home equipment is also growing. IOT card can connect smart home devices with the Internet, thus realizing remote control and data sharing, which greatly facilitates people’s lives.

Application expansion of Internet of Things: Internet of Things technology has been more and more widely used in smart cities, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent transportation and other fields, and the IOT card, as an important part of Internet of Things equipment, has attracted more attention.

Advantages of low cost and power consumption: IOT card adopts low-power wide area network technology (LPWAN), which has the advantages of low cost, low power consumption, low bandwidth and long-distance transmission. This means that IOT cards can be applied to a wider range of fields and further promote the development of the Internet of Things.

Second, the application of IOT card

The application scope of IOT card is very wide, mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Smart home: IOT card can connect all kinds of smart home devices to the Internet, such as smart door locks, smart lighting, smart home appliances and so on. These devices can realize remote control and data sharing through the Internet, which is convenient for people’s lives.

Smart city: IOT card can connect all kinds of devices in the city to the Internet, such as smart bus, smart parking, smart street lamps and so on. These devices can realize intelligent management through the Internet, and improve the service level of the city and the quality of life of residents.

Intelligent medical care: IOT card can connect all kinds of medical equipment to the Internet, such as telemedicine and health monitoring. These devices can be implemented through the Internet.

Realistic on-site monitoring, telemedicine, etc., to improve the efficiency and quality of medical services.

Intelligent transportation: IOT cards can connect transportation equipment to the Internet, such as intelligent vehicles and intelligent traffic lights. These devices can realize intelligent management through the Internet and improve traffic efficiency and safety.

Intelligent manufacturing: IOT card can connect industrial equipment to the Internet, realize intelligent management of industrial equipment, and improve production efficiency and quality.

Third, the development trend of IOT card

The future development trends of IOT cards mainly include the following points:

Large-scale application: With the gradual popularization of Internet of Things technology, IOT cards will be more widely used, which will further promote the development of Internet of Things.

Industry consolidation: The industrial chain of IOT cards will be gradually integrated, and enterprises in different links will cooperate more closely, thus realizing the standardization and scale of IOT card production.

Improvement of low-power technology: the core technology of IOT card is low-power technology, and the future IOT card will pay more attention to the improvement and application of low-power technology.

Improvement of security: With the increasing application of IOT cards, the security of IOT cards will become an important issue. In the future, the IOT card will strengthen the security guarantee and improve the trust and satisfaction of users.

The combination of AI and IOT card: The combination of artificial intelligence and IOT card will bring more innovative applications, thus further promoting the development of IOT technology.

IV. Conclusion

In a word, as a key component of the Internet of Things, IOT card has a wide range of application scenarios and broad development prospects. With the continuous development of technology and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, I believe that IOT cards will be more widely used in smart homes, smart cities, smart medical care, intelligent transportation, intelligent manufacturing and other fields in the future. At the same time, the industry consolidation of IOT card, the improvement of low-power technology, the improvement of security and the combination with artificial intelligence will also become important trends in the future development of IOT card.

[This article was originally issued by the official Qingyi IOT Card, and the source of reprinting needs to be noted]

Is it really easy to turn graphics into video?

How many content creators keep up late to cut videos of liver explosion? Have you ever thought that one day we can get rid of this heavy work and be done by AI instead? In fact, judging from the development status of AIGC industry, the above imagination is entirely possible to become a reality, and it may be in the near future.

From the perspective of Xiaobian, the content editing industry will go through three stages of development, and we are currently in the initial state of the second stage.

The first stage: pure manual editing

In the traditional sense, it is the manual editing of staying up late to burst the liver. The quality of editing depends on the level of editors and the time spent. This stage is characterized by "high labor intensity" and "a lot of repetitive work". It is precisely because of this pain point that with the progress of technology, the pain point of "excessive physical labor" was first solved by AI. After all, what AI is best at is simple and repetitive labor.

The second stage: manual +AI collaboration stage

AI is good at simple and repetitive movements, but AI is not only good at simple and repetitive movements. So the development of video editing industry has entered the stage of "manual +AI collaborative editing". From the clipping used in our daily life to some commercial clips in the toB field, we can see that AI smart clips are active among them.

Watson, an artificial intelligence system of IBM, edited the trailer for the sci-fi thriller movie Morgan as early as 2016. The technical team collected 100 thriller movie trailers for Watson to machine learn. Watson’s unique training model tagged the details of these trailers, such as picture, audio, scene connection, sound configuration, etc., decomposed and learned one by one, and assigned them to its own creative model. Finally, Watson successfully used the trained data model to select materials from 90-minute movies, and edited them into a 6-minute trailer, which was successfully put into use for film announcement.

Up to now, this kind of intelligent matching tool platform has evolved to the extreme, and ordinary users can simply use AI function for intelligent editing. On the local AI intelligent graphic-to-video platform, one frame per second is the highest, and the user inputs the edited copy. AI will automatically perform intelligent picture matching from the platform’s powerful online material library, presenting its own intelligent video generation results in seconds, and matching all-round details such as pictures, dubbing, subtitles, etc. in one stop. Users can directly export and use it with simple confirmation, especially in the production of popular science content and simple sharing content with low editing difficulty.

At the same time, AI, as an auxiliary tool of intelligent editing, is also blooming in the development direction. At present, all kinds of AI-enabled editing software emerge in an endless stream, some of which support intelligent graphic-to-video, some of which focus on recording and cutting, and some of which can simulate the voice of the user for dubbing modification and adjustment. The "scoop" can also be quickly corrected through AI. In short, the current AI intelligent editing industry is in a thriving development trend. It can be said that with the progress and integration of technology, AI will be fully involved in the field of intelligent editing, and our video editing work will be greatly released.

The third stage: pure AI editing stage

In the future, AI will run video editing in the whole process, even the currently difficult "audit" work. This is a bold idea put forward by Xiaobian, which has certain subjectivity. The main idea of this view is that the compliance and rigor of AI creation are unmatched by human editing. At present, AI editing is still in the primary stage, so human assistance is needed in content review and sensitive screen screening. However, the speed and capacity of AI learning is far beyond that of human beings. With a large number of legal provisions and review rules being learned by AI, the whole process of video editing will be completed by AI.

AI can even avoid problems such as audit omission caused by human fatigue and negligence. Even, while recording and cutting, real-time synchronization, the completion of shooting is a piece of export, which is not completely impossible. In addition to the research and development of AI automatic editing software, there may be AI shooting intelligent hardware devices, workstations and other products in the future, so as to maximize the convenience of video production. The development of AI technology makes us more daring to imagine its bright future.

In addition, what really makes Xiaobian feel that the intelligent editing industry will eventually rise vigorously is that the existing problems "seem" are not problems, and AI will eventually break them one by one with strong technical strength. When the AI industry was just beginning to develop, we were worried that AI would replace some human jobs. At that time, the prediction given by the technology industry was that "art, creativity and other jobs that need to exert human imagination will not be replaced".

However, at present, AI’s original painting has become a reality, and the field of artistic creativity has become the first industry to be impacted. It can be seen that AI’s "imagination" is far beyond our imagination, and the speed of technology iterative update is much faster than expected. The future is really coming.

verified! OPPO new machine will be equipped with Qualcomm New Snapdragon 8 chip

On December 1, OPPO announced at the 2021 Qualcomm Snapdragon Technology Summit that OPPO’s new flagship machine will be equipped with a new generation of Snapdragon 8 5G mobile platform and will be available in the first quarter of 2022. At the same time, including onePlus, which has previously become an OPPO sub-brand, the cooperation between OPPO big family and high-tech will enter a new stage, continue to promote 5G in the global Pu Wei development, explore and build intelligence.cell phoneThe next stage.

Zhang Xiao, vice president of OPPO Overseas Sales, said: "OPPO has been close to Qualcomm to maintain closeness, mutual trust, continues to achieve new results in the process of promoting 5G global development. OPPO flagship products have taken the lead in using flagship Snapdragon Motion Platform, in order for global users to bring excellent innovation mobile experience. OPPO flagship new products with new generation of Snapdragon 8 5G mobile platform will continue to provide users with strong power and diverse extra experience. We believe, OPPO flagship new products The annual flagship product will be again defined. "

Since the open business, the popularity and development of 5G in the world have always maintained rapidly. The latest data shows that as of the end of May, 2021, 169 operators in 70 countries and regions around the world have launched 5G commercial services [data from the Global Mobile Suppliers Association Global Mobile Supplier Association "global 5G Terminal Development Status Report "]. As the fourth largest smartphone brand in the world, OPPO continues to work with Industrial partners in Qualcomm, and work together to promote 5G from the products and applications.

In 2021, OPPO has launched a variety of mobile phones with Snapdragon 5G mobile platform, including the Find X3 series, RENO6 series, not only bringing more global users.5G mobile phoneChoose, also bringing more kinds of technological innovations for them. After the brand mission of "Technology is a good world", OPPO is more focused on scientific innovation from the perspective of 5G mobile phone products. For example, the OPPO Find X3 series is equipped with a full-link color management system that provides color visual enhancements for users with weak color identification capabilities, bringing superior and user-friendly. Screen experience.

In addition, in April 2021, OPPO was used to complete Europe’s first SA commercial manufacturer using the Snapdragon Mobile platform, and Higtong worked hands with Qualcomm to promote 5G SA network construction, and accelerated 5G commercial landing in the global market. Up to now, OPPO has become a partner with more than 80 operators around the world, and has achieved further business progress in Europe and emerging markets, including Latin America, South Africa, and in Europe, including Latin America. These achievements are inseparable from the leading technical partners represented by Qualcomm.

OPPO has always adhered to the idea of ??opening, mutual benefit, win – win, working with more industry-leading partners including Qualcomm, actively exploring more valuable cutting-edge technology and applications. OPPO and brand OnePlus faces the future, insist on the implementation of technological innovation to promote 5G evolution, ecological cooperation is the key force to play 5G scale effects, through all-round innovation and cooperation, constantly bringing quality experience and excellence product.