Reporter investigation: It is difficult to return to taxi hailing in various places. What should be done to reflect on the new policy of online car hailing?

   CCTV News(Reporter, Wang Jiazu, Li Wenliang, Wang Xiaoying, Gao Yuting, Intern, Qi Chenji) "It has always been suggested that there are no cars nearby." This is a common feeling among many citizens who choose to ride online recently. Even during off-peak hours, it is not easy to take a taxi, and "the time to call a car has become longer" is becoming the norm in many cities.

  Data from Didi Chuxing shows that the difficulty of hailing a taxi in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen has increased to varying degrees. In June this year, the difficulty of morning and evening peak taxi hailing in four places increased by 12.4%, 17.7%, 13.2% and 22.5% respectively compared with the same period last year. In Beijing, after the implementation of the new policy of online car-hailing, the passenger order of online car-hailing platforms fell by about 10%.

  A year after the implementation of the new policy on online car-hailing, there are various signs that the previously surprising golden period of online car-hailing development is rapidly coming to an end. In some cities, online car-hailing is difficult to get, and drivers must increase their fares to accept orders. And the behavior of traditional taxis such as refusal and bargaining has not been significantly improved by the legalization of online car-hailing.

  What’s wrong with the online car-hailing market, and how should it be managed? Can returning to "taxi-hailing difficulty" make relevant departments reflect on the new policy?

A citizen uses a taxi app to get a ride in Xidan, Beijing. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Xulei

A citizen uses a taxi app to get a ride in Xidan, Beijing. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Xulei

  Online taxi: "There are no cars available nearby"

  On July 27, 2016, the Ministry of Transport and seven ministries jointly promulgated the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures"). China became the first country in the world to recognize the legal status of online car-hailing nationwide. Subsequently, detailed implementation rules have been issued in various parts of China. According to media statistics, 133 cities have announced new policies on online car-hailing.

  Recently, CCTV reporters visited the online car-hailing market in many cities in China and found that the number of online car-hailing has decreased significantly since the implementation of the New Deal for more than a year, making it difficult to take a taxi.

  From August 19th to 22nd, the reporter tried to play Didi Express at different times and locations in Beijing for three consecutive days. Only around 10 am on the 19th, a driver took the order at Chaoyangmen Subway Station in Chaoyang District and came within two minutes. The rest of the time, such as the morning peak on the 21st, at Landianchang South Road, Haidian District, the order with Didi Express has always been displayed as "no car available nearby"; at 7 pm on the 22nd, at the south of Hangkong Bridge, Didi Express also displayed "no car available nearby".

  At the same time in Jinan, Shandong Province, the reporter used Didi to take a taxi many times with only one success. At 7:30 am on the 22nd, Yanzi West Road, with Didi to call an order, no one took the order twice in a row, showing "no car available nearby". At around 8 o’clock, there was still no one taking the order at the intersection of Ping and Shandong University, which also showed "no car available nearby". In addition, the reporter also found in real time in many other areas that the mobile phone client side showed that the express train "There are fewer vehicles nearby and the waiting time is long". Only at 3 pm on the 22nd, the reporter used Didi to call a taxi near Qianfoshan Hospital in Shandong Province.

  At around 3:00 pm on August 24, the reporter used Didi Taxi to book a taxi in Anning District, Lanzhou, Gansu Province, and tried three times without anyone taking the order. Then he used Didi Express four times, each time at an interval of 5 minutes, and still no one answered. Most of the time, the map showed that there were no vehicles nearby.

  That day in Yinchuan City, Ningxia, the reporter sent out orders during off-peak hours. The mobile phone software showed that the vehicle would arrive within 1 to 4 minutes, making it easier to take a taxi. However, in places slightly away from the city, such as Beita Lake, Huabo Park, and Shenyang Road, no one answered the order after 1 minute.

  Why is it not easy to play online car-hailing? The subsidy is less, and the threshold is higher.

  Compared with the "golden period" two years ago, online car-hailing is obviously not so easy to get. What is the reason?

  Mr. Zong, 33, lives in the high-tech zone of Jinan City. He is a part-time driver of Didi Express and has been driving fast for more than a year. At first, he took the car to join the express team because his friend had a good income from driving fast. He said that at that time, because of various subsidies, his income was very good. At one point, he wanted to quit his job to drive fast. The most impressive order was to pull passengers to catch the train during peak hours, and the customer gave 2.5 times the reward.

  But this year, the "money scene" has begun to dim. He is glad that he did not quit his job. Many of his friends who drove fast cars in the past have already found other jobs. Mr. Zong believes that the main reason for the current lack of online car-hailing is that subsidies are less, and driving cannot earn money.

  "Sometimes I work until the early morning at night, and sometimes I can earn about 100 yuan for running on weekends. If I make this money, if I get a violation of regulations or something, I won’t be able to scratch it." Mr. Zong said that in the future, it will depend on how the implementation rules of Jinan are determined. According to the requirements in the exposure draft, his own private car will definitely not meet the conditions, and the cost will definitely increase greatly if it is converted to a operating vehicle. If it is not cost-effective, it will not be opened.

  Mr. Li of Yinchuan, Ningxia, has been running an express car for three years with his own 50,000 yuan private car. He chose to change careers this year because "there is no subsidy and he can’t make money." Mr. Li told reporters that many people buy cars worth tens of thousands of yuan to run Didi Express. According to the rules, the peers he knows are not up to standard.

  A staff member of an online car-hailing agency in Yinchuan City told reporters that the current Didi platform has begun to block the express numbers of substandard vehicles one after another. Among the drivers of Didi Express in Yinchuan, 80% of the cars or drivers do not meet the online car-hailing standards.

  The decrease in the number of online car-hailing, on the one hand, makes consumers feel that the car is not easy to play, but also makes other express drivers who choose to stay feel better. In Beijing, Yu Sijia, who was born in 1989, has been driving online car-hailing for a year and a half. At the end of last year, he successfully obtained the online car-hailing driver qualification certificate with a high score of 90 points. He told reporters that even if he has a good order income on weekdays, he still likes to take orders at night, because there are fewer owners who come out to take orders than in the past.

  Mr. Yang of Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, who bought an Audi A4 sports car, said that compared with the past, there are significantly fewer people in sports cars, and the work is easier than before, because the threshold has been raised. "You drive a car with tens of thousands of dollars to run a special car. To be honest, it is not fair to us. Fortunately, many people quit after the details came out."

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  Expert consultation: The threshold should be kept as low as possible

  Is it right to strictly control online car-hailing through high thresholds? Is there any indisputable place in the new policy of online car-hailing?

  According to data from the Ministry of Communications, there are currently more than 130 online car-hailing platform companies planning to carry out online car-hailing business, and 19 online car-hailing platform companies have obtained business licenses in relevant cities, but only 100,000 online car-hailing driver licenses have been issued in various places. On the demand side, as of December last year, the number of online taxi booking users reached 225 million. A mere 100,000 licensed online car-hailing drivers are facing the demand of more than 200 million people. Even with taxis, the contradiction between supply and demand in the market is also very sharp.

  "The regulations of’Beijing Renjing License ‘and’Shanghai Renren Shanghai License’ have caused a large number of original online car-hailing drivers to be unable to continue on the road, resulting in a serious imbalance between supply and demand," Ye Qing, a professor at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, told CCTV. Professor Ye Qing has written to the National Two Sessions for eight consecutive years to demand "bus reform" and is known as the first person in China’s bus reform. He said: "The management department has relatively high requirements for online car-hailing, but I think there is a way to solve this problem, that is, what is the standard of taxis in the city? The standard of online car-hailing is based on this standard, which is not lower than or parallel to the taxi standard, because a city’s taxis should pay attention to both economy and safety."

  Ye Qing said that too harsh conditions are suspected of being unfair. As long as the driver of the online car-hailing car has no illegal record and meets the driving age and other conditions, he can drive the online car-hailing car after passing the test. "To improve the online car-hailing system, especially when formulating regulations at the local level, the threshold should be lowered as much as possible."

  Cheng Huiqiang, a researcher at the Development Research Center of the State Council, also said in an interview with the media that the government should conduct big data analytics and urban transportation capacity assessments while strengthening supervision, so that the transportation capacity can be matched with the city’s transportation operation to meet the public’s travel needs.

  Xu Kangming, the Ministry of Transport’s chief expert on deepening taxi reform, told the media that if the city’s transportation capacity can be fully tapped, the problem of taxi-hailing difficulties can be solved. He believes that the transportation capacity of cruise taxis and compliant online car-hailing has not been fully released. It is necessary to let the full potential of legal compliance be realized, and at the same time, it is necessary to allow some time for vehicles and personnel that meet the new regulations to enter the market.

How is the construction progress of the pilot area of vehicle networking?

  Since the beginning of this year, the society’s attention to the Internet of Vehicles has been continuously improved, and the construction of national-level car networking pilot areas has continued to accelerate. At present, seven places have been approved to create a national-level car networking pilot area. What is the construction situation of the pilot area? What other aspects should be exerted by combining local advantages with development planning?

  Give full play to the advantages of geographic information

  Recently, the 2023 National Intelligent Driving Test Competition (Yangtze River Delta Division) started in Zhejiang Deqing Intelligent Networked Automobile Test Site. As an important supporting activity of the 2023 World Intelligent Networked Automobile Congress, this event includes a number of special events, including autonomous driving, production cars, car networking safety, etc., with a total of 16 test items, which attracted many brand car companies to compete in the same field.

  Why did this national event land in the small town of Deqing? As the first national-level vehicle networking pilot zone in China, Deqing relies on the advantages of geographic information industry agglomeration to constantly break through industrial boundaries and promote the cross-border integration and development of geographic information and vehicle networking industries. It is reported that Deqing Intelligent Networked Vehicle Test Site, covering an area of 172 mu, is the only public test site in Zhejiang Province that meets both bicycle intelligence and intelligent network testing. Since the completion of the test site, 28 autopilot test licenses have been issued to 20 enterprises. In addition, Deqing also completed the intelligent transformation of 181.6 kilometers of multi-road scenes, and the 949.3 kilometers of roads in the whole region were open for testing.

  Deqing is the highland of global geographic information industry gathering and the source of innovation, with the support of spatio-temporal information and the exploration of vehicle-Lu Yun integration technology at the forefront. "The technology of intelligent networked vehicles is constantly developing, and it is highly dependent on safe and reliable basic geographic information data. Deqing has taken precautions and laid a solid foundation for the development of intelligent networked vehicles industry." Zhu Xichan, a professor at Tongji University Automotive College, believes.

  Since the beginning of this year, Deqing has introduced 26 geographic information industry chain extension projects, 6 intelligent networked auto parts projects with a price of over 300 million yuan, and 7 completed projects. 32 leading enterprises, such as Founder Electric and Mache Technology, have settled in Deqing, and the upstream and downstream industries, such as geographic information, testing and verification, and unmanned low-speed vehicle production, have been gradually improved.

  Chihiro Location Company, which settled in Deqing, is the construction and operator of the national Beidou foundation reinforcement system. In April this year, Chihiro released the "Full Link Map of Beidou Spatio-temporal Intelligence Basic Capability", which marked that all the key links of Beidou Spatio-temporal Intelligence application were opened. At present, 23 mass-produced cars, such as SAIC, Tucki and Ideality, are equipped with Chihiro’s location and time-space intelligent service, with a cumulative service time of over 200 million hours.

  "The centimeter-level high-precision positioning technology was originally only used in the niche and professional surveying and mapping fields. Entering the field of car networking is not a simple transplant and copying, but a revolutionary transformation." Nian Jinfei, general manager of Chihiro Location Intelligent Driving Division, believes that the bottleneck of intelligent driving comes from collaborative infrastructure construction. In the next step, the enterprise will strengthen cooperation with Deqing and accelerate the implementation of the collaborative development of Beidou Road.

  Geographic information and global opening are the two major advantages of Deqing’s car networking industry development. "It is necessary to give full play to the first-Mover advantage of the geographic information industry, and continue to explore from the aspects of intelligent infrastructure optimization and upgrading, cloud control platform construction, and application scenario deepening, and form more experiences and practices that can be replicated and promoted." Tang Xianguo, director of the Dixin Development Center of Moganshan High-tech Zone in Huzhou, said. (Reporter Liu Wen)

  Expand more application scenarios

  Recently, a new energy commercial heavy truck model of Shiqiao Intelligent Technology (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. is being tested in the closed test field of Tianjin (Xiqing) national vehicle networking pilot area, and at the same time, there are more than 10 brands of new energy vehicles waiting for testing.

  "This year, facilities such as straight roads that meet European standards will be built at the testing site to meet the export testing needs of independent automobile brands in China. At present, some new energy vehicles have passed more than 200 test items such as automatic emergency braking and lane departure, and are eligible for listing. This year, a new power station was added to meet the charging and replacing test requirements of new models. " Han Bing, senior manager of the cockpit networking department of Shiqiao Intelligent Technology (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. said.

  Tianjin (Xiqing) National Vehicle Networking Pilot Zone was established at the end of 2019, and a three-level test service system of 14.5 million km virtual test site, 1,475 mu closed test site and 24.5 km open test road was built, forming a complete closed loop of intelligent networked vehicle R&D and testing. "Tianjin (Xiqing) National Vehicle Networking Pilot Area has completed the intelligent upgrade of 408 intersections in Xiqing, realizing holographic perception of road traffic information, real-time data processing and multi-point service." Jiang Hongyi, a staff member of Tianjin (Xiqing) National Vehicle Networking Pilot Zone, said. As one of the national-level vehicle networking pilot areas in northern China, Tianjin (Xiqing) vehicle networking pilot area has accumulated experience in infrastructure renovation, digital platform construction and application scenarios, and further helped the rapid evolution of vehicle-road coordination to vehicle-city coordination.

  Zhang Yanan, chief expert of China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd., believes that the Internet of Vehicles is a complete closed loop formed by vehicles, roads, infrastructure and software algorithms. The integration of intelligent transportation into life will bring about industrial changes in more fields such as automobiles.

  Xie Hui, director of the Unmanned Intersection Research Center of Tianjin University, said that not long ago, 48 enterprises including the Unmanned Intersection Research Center of Tianjin University, Zhongqi Zhilian Technology Co., Ltd. and Tianjin Huancheng City Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd. displayed 24 intelligent networking facilities in Xiqing District, such as unmanned patrol guide cars, unmanned delivery cars and solar photovoltaic panels to charge unmanned vehicles, and planned to use more abundant vehicle networking application scenarios in time walk for one year.

  In Tianjin (Xiqing), there are still many test and application scenarios of intelligent driving to create a national-level car networking pilot zone. JD.COM unmanned logistics delivery vehicle in Zhangjiawo Town, Xiqing District has been in normal operation for 2 years. Gu Yunbiao, deputy director of Tianjin Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, said that by the end of 2023, the key roads in Xiqing District will strive to realize the open road of vehicle networking. By the end of 2024, Tianjin will strive to achieve 1000 kilometers of open roads, and take Xiqing District as the leader and the construction of the pilot area as the traction to accelerate the development of car networking. (Reporter Joline)

  Promote industrial ecological agglomeration

  In order to promote the upgrading of the traditional automobile industry and cultivate new advantages in industrial development, Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province has started to create a national car networking pilot zone since 2019, optimized the research, development, testing and demonstration application environment of intelligent networked vehicles, promoted the industrial agglomeration of intelligent networked vehicles, and built an innovative base for the source of car networking.

  "Liuzhou City has completed the construction of the first phase of the car networking pilot area, held national interconnection and large-scale testing activities, and completed 28 sub-intelligent networked car road test/demonstration applications for local car companies such as SAIC-GM-Wuling and Dongfeng Liuqi. License review and issuance work." Zheng Wei, head of the Industrial Development and Data Application Section of Liuzhou Big Data Development Bureau, said.

  At present, Liuzhou Vehicle Networking Pilot Area Project (Phase I) has invested 197 million yuan to realize the upgrading of 79.88 kilometers of road networking and 125 intersections, and has completed the deployment of 241 sets of vehicle networking C-V2X roadside equipment (RSU), 476 sets of edge computing units (MEC) and 1090 sets of roadside sensing equipment, creating off-site unmanned logistics scenes, Liuqi city logistics scenes and unmanned logistics vehicle scenes. It also completed the first phase of the public service platform in the vehicle networking pilot area, met the application of seven networked demonstration roads, realized the access management of intelligent transportation equipment, roadside equipment and signs and markings, and provided edge-level, regional-level and city-level vehicle networking application services.

  It is understood that the Liuzhou Vehicle Networking Pilot Area Project (Phase II) has completed the project establishment and obtained the approval of the feasibility study report, and the design scheme is being prepared. By the end of this year, it is planned to complete a total investment of about 100 million yuan, and complete the intelligent upgrading of 231 kilometers and 299 intersections of Liuzhou urban trunk roads, forming a full coverage of 5G, car networking network and Beidou high-precision positioning services. By 2025, the planned investment in the construction project of Liuzhou Vehicle Networking Pilot Area is 961 million yuan, which is expected to cover 650 kilometers of smart road network.

  At the same time, Liuzhou actively launched investment promotion and promoted the ecological agglomeration of new industries in the Internet of Vehicles. Guide key enterprises in Liuzhou, such as SAIC-GM-Wuling, Dongfeng Liuqi and Guangxi Automobile Group, to accelerate the R&D and production of intelligent networked vehicles and parts. At present, 11 head enterprises of networking such as CITIC Branch Zhilian, Furui Zhixing and Xidi Zhijia have been registered.

  In the future, Liuzhou Vehicle Networking Pilot Zone will build a new energy+intelligent networking innovation highland, accelerate the integration of industrial chain innovation chain, provide a policy environment for driverless cars to go on the road, form local standards, actively explore cross-industry standardization work and promote cross-industry interconnection of vehicle networking. "Liuzhou will firmly grasp the development window of the car networking industry, drive the intelligent networked automobile industry gathering such as product research and development, testing and production, and strive to create a scalable and replicable car networking construction model to comprehensively promote the transformation and upgrading of the automobile industry." Zheng Wei said. (Reporter Tong Zheng)

Police reminder! This kind of fraud is aimed at children.

Source: Shaoyang Public Security

After a long winter vacation.

Mobile phones and computers have lifted the ban

Children brush videos and play games. ……

But parents should be careful.

Mobile games not only affect children’s learning

There are also scams specifically for minors in the game!


Case study

In less than an hour, nearly 30,000 yuan was missing.

recent days

Xiao Yang, 9 years old, Changpu Town, Suining City, Shaoyang City

When brushing videos on grandma’s mobile phone at home,

See an advertisement

"download’ TT voice’

You can get a limited mobile game skin for free! "

After the software is downloaded

A netizen named "oath" added him as a friend.

Under the guidance of the other party

Xiao Yang downloaded the remote control and payment APP.

And turned on the "screen sharing" function.

soon afterwards

On the grounds of helping them get the game skin for free.

Let Xiao Yang provide the verification code

Xiao Yang, who is bent on limiting his skin, does it one by one.

However, after some operation.

Xiao Yang not only didn’t get the skin he wanted.

On the contrary, the bound bank card has spent more than 29,000 yuan in succession.

next day

Grandmother of the child who found the information of bank card deduction

Realizing that his grandson was cheated, he called the police for help.

After receiving the police

Shaoyang police immediately

Carry out investigation work

The case is still being further processed.

Let’s take a look at the routine of the liar.

Low-priced game currency recharge/out-of-print equipment

This kind of fraud is often aimed at primary and secondary school students who like to play games, have some available funds or often use their elders’ mobile phones. During the Spring Festival, many students must have received lucky money, and their wallets are full. If they can still control it by themselves, do they always want to decorate their game accounts: buy some out-of-print skin and charge some game gold coins … At this time, fraudsters will get wind of it.

Fraud routine

01. The fraudsters post private messages and advertisements through social platforms, and induce the victims to take the bait with the excuse of "selling out-of-print game equipment" and "selling game accounts at low prices".

02, then guide the victim to add their social software, and send strange links, asking for trading through the second-hand platform, which is generally seemingly safe, but in fact it is an informal second-hand trading platform.

03. Once the victim clicks on the link and pays as required, the swindler will say that there is a problem with the operation or the payment account, which leads to the closure of his account, and then ask the victim to pay the deposit and unfreeze the money on the pretext of using various words to induce the victim to make repeated payments and commit fraud.

And one of the most crucial words.

"You are a minor.

You need to use your parents’ mobile phone to get the gift package! "

This sentence deceives minors.

It is the parents’ money that is cheated.

Police tips

Strengthen anti-fraud education for children

There will be no pie in the sky. Strangers claim to have "free gifts", which is generally a trap.

Not greedy and cheap.

Don’t click on strange links, scan strange QR codes, don’t believe in strangers’ sweet words, and don’t transfer money to strangers easily.

Keep the payment information safe.

Parents should take good care of their mobile phones, bank card numbers, passwords, verification codes and payment codes of third-party payment institutions such as WeChat and Alipay, and don’t open the secret-free payment function unless necessary.

WeChat official account changed his version if he didn’t agree.

"Star sign" can make it easier for me to receive messages.

Now there are only three steps:


Original title: "Police reminder! This kind of fraud is aimed at children. "

Read the original text

Handball evolved from rugby.

Handball is not only a football term, but also a sport. Today, in the column "Small Class of the City Games", the small body takes you to understand handball.
Handball Project Setting in the City Games
Caption: Handball Events Setting Table Source/Shanghai Sports (the same below)
Related collections of Shanghai Sports Museum
There are many collections and stories about handball in the Shanghai Sports Museum, and some of them are specially selected. Let’s have a look.
Caption: The French Handball Federation visited Shanghai to commemorate the card.
This is a commemorative card given to the French Handball Federation when it visited Shanghai. On the top of the commemorative card, there is a scene of a female handball player playing, and the French meaning below is "Thanks to the French Handball Federation".
Caption: Men’s handball ball in 2021.
This ball has been officially endorsed by the International Handball Federation and printed with accreditation standards, and can be used in official competitions. Handball is a ball game developed by combining the characteristics of basketball and football, which is played by hand and scored by the ball into the opponent’s goal. Handball originated in Europe at the end of 19th century and was introduced to China in 1950s.
This is the end of the collection. If you want to see the beauty of the collection up close, you are welcome to visit the Shanghai Sports Museum.
Cold knowledge about handball
1. Glue the players’ hands in handball competition.
A layer of glue is attached to the surface of handball. This layer of glue can well form friction with athletes’ hands, thus preventing handball from getting rid of in fierce competition. Handball has glue not only on the ball, but also on the players’ hands and on the court.
2. The size and weight of handball
Handball is smaller than football, basketball and volleyball, only half the size of football and weighs only 425 to 475 grams. Compared with the football volleyball, handball is small and light, so the rhythm of handball competition is faster and more offensive, and speed becomes the key factor to win.
3. Domestic unpopular minority sports are second only to football in Europe.
Handball is relatively small in China. It has both the laws of football and rugby, and its main features are "chasing" and "fighting". But in Europe, handball is the second largest team event after football.
"First time" in handball events
1. Time to enter the Olympic Games for the first time
In 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, handball was first held as a competition in the Olympic Games.
2. When was the first World Championships held?
In 1928, the first World Men’s Handball Championship was held in Germany. In 1957, the first World Women’s Handball Championship was held in Yugoslavia.
3. When did China handball team participate in the Olympic Games for the first time?
In 1984, the China women’s handball team participated in the Olympic Games for the first time and won the bronze medal, which was a milestone breakthrough in the history of handball in China.

French Top Ten Women List Released Movie Star Sophie Marceau List [Photos]

  The results of a "Top Ten Women" selection in France recently came out. Rashida Datti, the beautiful minister of justice who will be kicked out of the cabinet by President Sarkozy, topped the list, while Bruni, the "first lady", could hardly compete with her, with only the eighth place.

  Beauty minister is in the limelight.

  According to the report, the best women in France obviously have considerable international influence, and most of the selected figures are well-known, including veteran movie stars brigitte bardot and catherine deneuve.

  The 43-year-old Rashida Datti has always had a high-profile image as a "Dior-wearing female attorney general", and a series of recent storms, including her "deeds" such as returning to work five days after giving birth to a daughter and announcing that she will resign in June this year under the pressure of President Sarkozy, have kept her quite high exposure.

  The report said that the French voted Datti as the "best woman" not only because of her fashion, beauty and sexy image, but also because of her toughness, independence and vitality in her political career. French feminist historian Florence Montereno commented on her, "Rashida Datti is full of ambition, determination and activity", which made her vote rate as high as 26%.

  The top ten are almost all mature women.

  It is rumored in French tabloids that Bruni, the "first lady", is very concerned about the close relationship between Datti and Sarkozy. It is even reported that Sarkozy made the decision to kick Datti out of the cabinet at Bruni’s behest. However, Bruni, who was born as a supermodel, was much inferior to Datti in this selection. With 16% of the votes, she not only failed in the top three, but also ranked eighth. However, this may have something to do with Bruni’s birthplace in Italy. Bruni became a French citizen after her "flash marriage" with Sarkozy last year.

  It is reported that the "Top Ten Women" in France are generally older, and the only one in the top ten who is under 40 years old is another beauty in Sarkozy’s cabinet-French Minister of Human Rights Rama Yade.

  France’s "Top Ten Women" list:

1. Rashida Datti, 43, French Minister of Justice.

2. Sophie Marceau, 42 years old, is a French movie star.

3. Claire Hazare, 52, news anchor Claire and her husband Couthures (photo).

These 24 kinds of collocation Look are not repeated every day! Learn to dress up as a street fashion charm young lady

Everyone has a different understanding of fashion. For many girls, clothes are very fashionable all year round. After entering autumn, the temperature in different regions is different, and the matching scheme is also different. For girls who pursue fashion, there will be a specific control over color and style.

Dust coat and coat are essential items in girls’ wardrobes after entering autumn and winter. How to wear a sense of fashion has a great relationship with the style of clothes.

Classic khaki, trench coat with shoulder pad design, and the feeling of revealing legs with skirts is more fashionable and stylish. Or use a black medium-long style coat with black riding boots to become a cool girl. The coat in suit style is very Han Faner’s temperament, and it adopts different collocation methods of the same color system to create a balanced effect from top to bottom.

After the autumn, the collocation frequency of trousers is constantly improving, and girls prefer high-waisted trousers. With a certain degree of looseness, the suit pants have a certain sense of drooping, which will make the legs thin and long.

The upper body is matched with a short coat, mainly a knitted coat, which is more gentle and atmospheric, showing a fashionable effect. I believe that wearing this way, walking in the street is the person with the highest return rate.

After the popularity of retro style, more and more girls like clothes with small designs, especially the bubble sleeves brought by the retro style of the palace. For girls with narrow shoulders, they are very friendly and the photos are particularly beautiful.

A jacket with shoulder pads and a skirt have a princess’s sense of sight. Paired with pointed high heels or pointed boots, you can present the fashion of the overall shape and turn into a street fashion charm, miss!

Every autumn and winter, there is definitely a choice of matching sweaters. Wear a shirt with a sweater, and the part that shows the neckline is very distinctive. With a skirt, the lady is gentle.

As a popular color all year round, green in autumn and winter tends to be dark green, which is advanced and fashionable when matched with earth tone’s skirt and contrasting colors.

All along, the collocation of black is very popular. How can we match black with a unique charm? Black suit with loafers, special age reduction.

Black dress with knee boots, the collision between black and white is more intense. Use a little black dress with a plaid suit to show a lady’s temperament.

For the collocation of black and white, the simplest way is that the whole body is black with metal as ornament and bare legs as collocation, and the overall shape is fashionable and youthful.

The matching ratio between black and white is evenly distributed. The white shirt skirt is matched with a black sweater, and the belt in the middle has great personality and characteristics. A pair of Martin boots creates a cool girl.

In daily life, the way of overlapping is very popular, especially with shirts as the base, sweaters or sweaters, and the neckline is exposed, which is very temperament and fashionable.

Pairing boots is the choice of most girls, and the overall sense of modeling is very strong. This kind of modeling collocation is very friendly to girls in the southern region.

The collocation of fashionable young ladies is generally combined with the current fashion trends, such as checkered bell-bottoms and off-the-shoulder tops, to create a lady’s temperament and street fashion sense.

Choose this year’s popular sports style sports suit to create a fashionable and elegant model, and use the combination of black and white to create a classic fashion shape.

These 24 kinds of collocation Look are not repeated every day. Follow the learning and match like this, and you can also dress up as a street fashion charming young lady!

iPhonese3 release time new message, A15 processor price touching

Apple usually releases a new iPhone phone in September, such as the iPhone13 series of mobile phones introduced in September this year, except for the general iPhone mobile phone, Apple will also launch the iPhonese series mobile phone.

iPhonese series mobile phone is Apple’s low-cost iPhone mobile phone, using small screen design, iPhonese series mobile phone is also known for users, such as Apple’s iPhonese2 mobile phone, unfortunately iphonese2 Mobile phone does not support 5G Internet access.

According to foreign media Macrumors, the latest report, the latest report, showing Apple’s words in the first quarter of next year, and the specific time is expected to be launched at the end of March next year.

According to Apple, I broke the news, the new iPhone is designed in appearance or the iPhone old model, based on iPhone8, equipped with a 4.7-inch screen.

Of course, the IPHONESE series is not its highlight. The brightest of the iPhonese series is hardware configuration and cheap prices. The iPhonese3 mobile phone will be equipped with more powerful processors to support 5G Internet, iPhonese3 mobile phone will be equipped with A15 processor Gao Tong X60 modem, iPhonese3 mobile phone is expected to be the cheapest 5G version of iPhone.