Changan signed a contract with Huawei, and Avita may become a core link to help Avita thrive

In recent years, Chinese brands have ushered in continuous breakthroughs in both technology and products. Especially in the intelligent and electric track, Chinese brand cars have achieved a far-reaching lead. On November 26, Huawei announced that Huawei and Changan Automobile signed an "Investment Cooperation Memorandum" in Shenzhen on the 25th.

According to the memorandum, Huawei plans to integrate the core technologies and resources of its smart car solutions business into the new company. Changan Automobile and related parties will intend to invest in the company and work with Huawei to support the company’s future development. The new company will serve as an open API for the automotive industry, open equity to existing strategic partner automakers and investors with strategic value, and become a diversified company.

Changan Automobile said that it will invest in the company and carry out strategic cooperation. It is reported that Changan Automobile and its affiliates plan to acquire the equity of the target company in this transaction, with a proportion of no more than 40%. The specific equity ratio, investment amount and term shall be negotiated separately by both parties.

The announcement also states that the new company’s business scope includes automotive intelligent driving solutions, automotive intelligent cockpit, intelligent vehicle digital platform, intelligent vehicle cloud, AR-HUD and intelligent vehicle lights, etc. Huawei will inject relevant technologies, assets and personnel dedicated to the target company’s business scope into the target company, and the specific business scope and loading plan will be determined in the final transaction documents.

After Changan cooperates with Huawei, Changan, as one of the main shareholders, will definitely give priority to key technologies to Avita. Before the cooperation, Avita has already fully boarded the ADS2.0 technology (and is the top of three lidar) and Hongmeng cockpit, which shows that it is already in action. The latest technology of the follow-up car BU Independent Company is expected to be the first to give Avita.

Many popular smart electric vehicles, Avita 11 has repeatedly won the championship, and the successive achievements have verified the leading advantage of the 3 lidar solution: Avita 11 is the only model in the industry with 3 lidars as standard, and the lidars are arranged in the bumper and front fenders on both sides. Compared with models equipped with one or two lidars, the 3 lidars enable Avita 11 to have a wide area detection surface in front and on both sides during driving, providing a horizontal field of view of more than 300 °, strong lateral 3D spatial perception and high resolution and high confidence level detection capabilities.

This time, Changan and Huawei have joined forces in depth. After establishing a joint venture, they will continue to empower Avita. Behind the leading industry’s intelligent driving performance, the "true intelligence, only security" centered on user requests is the underlying logic of Avita’s continuous evolution. It is also based on this that Avita has gained the recognition and high trust of the majority of users.

Exclusive interview with JASON ZHANG: "Car shock" is a kind of culture. Li Xiaoran is very calm.

Director JASON ZHANG accepted an exclusive interview with [Movie Network].


[Click to watch the exclusive video]

"Car shock" is a fashion culture. JASON ZHANG explodes and Li Xiaoran is very strong.

  Movie network news (Photo/Shanghai Film Festival Reporting Group) From the beginning, most of JASON ZHANG’s films chose the theme of urban love. In an exclusive interview with [Movie Network], he admitted that he really prefers to tell stories from the emotional point of view. The film "Driverless" involves many sensitive issues such as "car shock", one-night stand, love triangle and so on. "‘ Che Zhen ’ It is everywhere in life, and I think it is already part of the car culture. " As a director, JASON ZHANG is very satisfied with the performances of the leading actors in the film, especially Li Xiaoran, who has successfully created a role that seems to be a good wife and a good mother but has an unspeakable past. Recently, Li Xiaoran’s boyfriend Yan Po was chopped by the black forces. According to JASON ZHANG, Li Xiaoran, who has a strong personality, is optimistic and calm in the face of all this.

Talking about the film: "Car shock" is an extramarital affair in automobile culture, which is very common.

  Many plots in JASON ZHANG’s films are based on real events in life, and emotional themes such as marriage are the best entry point for him to reflect real life. "The theme that reflects trivial things in life is not attractive to me. I prefer to go deep into people’s emotions or human nature." In "Unmanned Driving", JASON ZHANG used a variety of phenomena to express people’s emotional state in reality, such as "car shock", one-night stand, multi-angle love and so on. Although these contents are still abnormal in some people’s eyes, JASON ZHANG’s view is quite different.

  "In the past, I may think that love triangle and extramarital affairs are very important things, but now I think these are very common things, even five-corner love, and many people’s emotions are intertwined." JASON ZHANG also admitted that great changes have taken place in today’s concept of love and morality, but people are still pursuing pure love in their bones, just like Huang Xuan and Wang Luodan in the play, one represents a young man who is constantly pursuing material things, and the other is a simple Sargam. In order to better show the theme, JASON ZHANG specially set up a scene of "car shock" for them. "In fact, this thing is everywhere in life, and I think it is already a car culture. JASON ZHANG also revealed that a scene in which two people "play car shock" in a funny way while watching a movie at the drive-in cinema has been deleted because of the length of the film.

Comment on Actor: Wang Luodan is very simple. Li Xiaoran faces everything with a smile.

  In Driverless, Gao Yuanyuan and Liu Ye staged a "one-night stand", Wang Luodan abandoned his "chatty" image and played Sargam. Li Xiaoran’s role seems to be a good wife and mother but has an unspeakable past, and every actor has a great change. "Wang Luodan still represents a very simple person, and those pure things in her are quite attractive to me. In fact, every actor in the film is different from the past.

  JASON ZHANG was full of praise for Li Xiaoran’s performance in the film, saying that his performance was the most successful. Recently, her boyfriend Yan Po was chopped by the black forces. JASON ZHANG revealed that Li Xiaoran was very rational in the face of the accident. "She is a very strong person. When we sat together and chatted, she told me the situation calmly, including some details. I think these are related to her strong personality. She is still optimistic and can face it with a smile."



On genre: there is no living space for literary films, and many films are not suitable for 3D technology.

  The topic of "Car Shock" was first chosen in the promotion of "Unmanned Driving", and then the "bed photos" of Liu Ye and Gao Yuanyuan were exposed. Sensitive topics such as one-night stand often appeared in the promotion of the film. JASON ZHANG, who used to shoot literary films, admitted that he did not reject the commercial operation. "In fact, it was a helpless move. Many literary films had no room for survival in the China film market, even those small films that did not intend to win much.

  In addition to imitating the blockbuster mode regardless of the size of the film, the use of a large number of 3D technologies has become a trend. However, JASON ZHANG bluntly said that many films are not suitable for co-production into 3D versions. "3D is only a technical means. Whether the film is adopted or not depends on the type. It is more appropriate for action movies or cartoons to pursue visual effects, but it is completely unnecessary for movies with realistic themes." This type of film is what Zhang Yang is good at. He revealed that his next film is already in the process of planning, and it is still an urban theme.

Is there no chance for the rise of artificial intelligence and mobile Internet?

  On November 15th, at the 3rd world internet conference Internet Light Expo in Jiaxing, Zhejiang, more than 300 Chinese and foreign Internet companies showed their strengths. Photo courtesy of vision china

  At the just-concluded Third world internet conference, Wang Xiaochuan, CEO of sogou Company, showed a black technology at the Mobile Internet Forum — — During the speech, Chinese-English translation was synchronized through machine speech recognition, and Chinese and English subtitles kept scrolling on the big screen behind him. After that, there are endless discussions about whether artificial intelligence machines can replace simultaneous interpretation.

  Wang Xue, a simultaneous interpreter, has been asked this question by several people. This time, even she felt that her career was threatened: "Well, I’m going to lose my job."

  "I didn’t believe in big data before, but now I believe it more and more." She believes that except for creative translation of literature, most other translation work can be replaced by artificial intelligence as long as it is based on a database of sufficient magnitude. "For example, Google’s machine translation has basically replaced humans in some fields."

  From simultaneous interpreters who have just worked for two years to technology giants Li Yanhong, Yang Yuanqing and Ma Huateng, whether artificial intelligence will replace human work and the development of mobile Internet has become a real change behind the binary code from a joke under the white wall of Wuzhen.

  "The next scene is artificial intelligence."

  At this year’s Wuzhen world internet conference, the attention of the outside world on the topic of artificial intelligence was triggered by Baidu CEO Li Yanhong. He believes that in the past, the development path obtained by the growth of Internet users was "unreliable", and it is no longer possible to have unicorn-level startups by the enthusiasm of the mobile Internet, and the real rise of the Internet of Things is not far off, and each of us will change because of the arrival of artificial intelligence.

  One of the reasons for Li Yanhong’s judgment is that the mobile Internet market has entered a relatively stable stage of development. According to the data of China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), as of June 2016, there were 710 million netizens in China, and the Internet penetration rate was 51.7%, up 1.3 percentage points from the end of 2015.

  "The dividend period of the mobile Internet has basically ended, and the next scene is artificial intelligence." This is not the first time that Li Yanhong has expressed optimism and expectation for the future of artificial intelligence. At the 2016 Yabuli China Entrepreneur Forum Summer Summit held in August this year and the Baidu World Congress held in September, Li Yanhong clearly expressed his emphasis on artificial intelligence.

  Li Yanhong’s prediction is even a bit bold: "In the future, all manufacturing industries will belong to the artificial intelligence industry, or the Internet of Things industry. All goods must be able to be networked, and they must be able to send data back to the cloud. These technologies must be analyzed through artificial intelligence technology, so that it can bring tangible value to our consumers and our users. "

  Yang Yuanqing, chairman and CEO of Lenovo Group, and Li Yanhong have the same idea. In his speech entitled "Embracing the New Era of Smart Internet", Yang Yuanqing pointed out that the Internet is entering a new stage of development from PC Internet and mobile Internet, that is, the era of smart Internet.

  Yang Yuanqing’s idea is more specific: "Smart devices have become ubiquitous from limited types such as computers and mobile phones, and a steady stream of data has gathered from terminals to the cloud, while artificial intelligence with self-learning ability has become more and more intelligent by constantly reading and analyzing these data."

  Based on these judgments, Yang Yuanqing also described a smarter life in the future: home appliances, office equipment, and traveling cars are no longer machines that passively follow instructions to perform calculations, but will be considerate of you and actively serve you. Even the houses and cities where people live will become smarter and more active. For example, windows will adjust themselves according to the outdoor climate, the temperature in the city, lighting, etc. The traffic management system of the city may be connected with the navigation and driving system of the car, thus greatly reducing congestion.

  Big bosses verbally affirmed artificial intelligence, and the Internet giants behind them were busy trying more intelligent new technologies.

  Lenovo launched MotoZ, which turned the mobile phone into an open platform for hardware. Through unified standards, the mobile phone can be connected to more hardware devices, and then connected to more cloud services. Now it can be connected with JBL speakers and Hasselblad modules; During the period of world internet conference, Baidu unmanned vehicle first carried out open urban road operation in the smart car and smart transportation demonstration zone of Ziye Road, Tongxiang City.

  Artificial intelligence is still in the stage of mental retardation.

  Although the "black technology" of synchronous bilingual subtitle conversion shocked the scene, Wang Xiaochuan also mentioned a concern in the industry: Will artificial intelligence have a third ebb tide?

  According to Zhiyuan Xin’s Report on the Development of Artificial Intelligence Industry in China, since the concept of artificial intelligence was put forward at Dartmouth Conference in 1956, artificial intelligence has developed for 60 years. During the 60 years of development, artificial intelligence has gone through "three ups and three downs": from 1950s to early 1980s, it was still in its birth and basic stage, neuron model was put forward and perceptron was invented; From the 1980s to the early 21st century, artificial intelligence was successfully commercialized but failed to develop by leaps and bounds. Nowadays, with the improvement of computing power brought by Moore’s Law and cloud computing, and the accumulation of massive data brought by the wide application of the Internet and big data, artificial intelligence is expected to achieve large-scale application and will go deep into various fields such as finance, transportation, medical care and industry.

  "Before artificial intelligence ebbed twice, we asked a teacher, do you study artificial intelligence? This is to scold him. " Wang Xiaochuan said that compared with the previous two waves of artificial intelligence, the topic of artificial intelligence was once again hotly debated. Artificial intelligence was really used in many industries for the first time, and a lot of money was invested in it. A large number of researchers also engaged in artificial intelligence work after graduation.

  However, the current development of artificial intelligence still encounters many obstacles that are difficult to solve. Taking Wang Xiaochuan’s proud speech intelligence as an example, the first problem we face is speech recognition and semantic understanding. Wang Xiaochuan found that many technologies can achieve 95% or even 97% recognition in quiet environment, but the recognition rate drops when there is noise. When two people talk at the same time, human beings can easily distinguish the differences, but it is extremely difficult for machines.

  Wang Xiaochuan mentioned that during the testing of a voice intelligent product, they found that the performance of the machine was very poor: the machine asked if it needed a parking space, and the human replied: I don’t have a car. The machine can’t understand this answer.

  Hu Yu, president of Flywheel Value of HKUST and president of iFLYTEK Research Institute, also believes that the current artificial intelligence technology is still in the stage of "mental retardation", and most of them can only reach the level of voice assistants. In order to obtain wisdom similar to or equivalent to the human brain and have the ability to learn independently and draw inferences, artificial intelligence also needs to combine deep learning, big data and other technologies to achieve the "ripple effect" — — Through the increase of users, artificial intelligence products can learn and update themselves through real data and experience.

  What is the imagination space for the combination of artificial intelligence and mobile Internet?

  Ma Huateng, CEO of Tencent, is quite cautious about artificial intelligence that has caused heated discussion. He said that artificial intelligence still needs time, and it is still far from the application of all walks of life.

  Ma Huateng said that artificial intelligence is a cloud change and the mobile Internet is a terminal change. Although the growth slope of mobile Internet has slowed down in recent years, its volume is still very large, and there are still many places to innovate. Instead, he feels that there are new opportunities now.

  "The current mobile Internet industry is not like three or four years ago. At that time, it was basically a barrier. If it didn’t pass, it would be finished. At present, the growth gradient may slow down, but there are still new opportunities, such as mobike Bicycle ‘ Internet plus Bicycle ’ The mobile terminal suddenly appeared. " Ma Huateng said.

  Ma Huateng believes that although the pace of innovation has slowed down since the development of the mobile Internet era, there are still many opportunities for innovation. Artificial intelligence technology is indeed a new outlet, but compared with the terminal innovation in the mobile Internet era, the innovation of artificial intelligence is reflected in the cloud, and there are still many basic technologies to be accumulated. Internet companies still need to combine their own advantages and do more exploration in the field of artificial intelligence.

  Yang Yuanqing described the future of artificial intelligence in his eyes in two sentences: intelligent terminals will become smarter and smarter, and the combination of intelligent terminals and cloud will be the future development direction.

  In his vision, smart terminals and sensors will be everywhere. Based on the self-learning ability of big data, smart terminals will be extended from today’s very limited types to all devices around people. "Whether it is air conditioners, humidifiers, air purifiers, cameras, cars, machine tools, etc., it will have the ability to calculate storage and network, and it will be modular."

  In addition, Yang Yuanqing also believes that the data of these smart terminals will be gathered in the cloud, and a new understanding will be formed through the evolution of algorithms, so as to remember, learn and analyze these data in a more effective way. Through deep learning, various intelligent terminals will become smarter and more judgmental.

  "If smart terminals are human senses, then the cloud is the brain. The perfect combination of smart terminals and cloud brains is the future direction of artificial intelligence." Yang Yuanqing said.

Go out and eat less fruits and vegetables. Seven measures to help you remedy the lack of nutrition!

  Some netizens often ask: "I work outside, and I often don’t have enough vegetables. What should I do if I don’t have enough nutrition?" I always feel uncomfortable if I don’t eat vegetables! Is there any food that can replace the nutrition of fresh vegetables? Can taking multivitamin pills replace eating vegetables? "

  Indeed, many people go to barren hills or deserts, to foreign countries, to frontier areas and to poverty-stricken areas because of work needs, or for reasons such as teaching and helping the poor. These places often do not have enough fresh vegetables to supply. Even if there are vegetables, they are mostly radishes, cabbages and potatoes, especially leafy vegetables lacking dark green.

  If it’s ten days and a half, that’s fine. Get over it first, and then make it up when you come back. However, if it is a few months, or even a year or two, the lack of vegetables will inevitably affect your health.

  As we all know, adequate vegetables are very important for supplying vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin B2, vitamin K, potassium, calcium, magnesium, dietary fiber and various antioxidant substances.

  Ideally, there should be vegetables in the meal, and 300 to 500 grams of vegetables are eaten every day, and this weight does not include the part thrown into the trash can, but the part that is directly imported.

  In the case of really not eating enough, you can take the following seven remedial measures. Although it can’t completely solve the problem, it can at least reduce some damage to the nutritional balance and make the body get more comprehensive nutritional and health care ingredients.

  Temporarily supplement multivitamins.

  If the dose of vitamin supplements is not too large, close to the normal amount of reasonable dietary intake, taking supplements is harmless. All the worries about supplements are in the case of large quantities. The vitamin content of some products is ten times or even dozens of times the daily recommended value, which is not suitable for long-term use.

  It must be recognized that although these nutrient supplements can prevent vitamin deficiency, they cannot replace all the health functions of vegetables, such as supplying potassium, calcium and magnesium, dietary fiber, antioxidants and other phytochemicals.

  Prepare some dried vegetables.

  You can buy some dried vegetables that can rise after soaking in water, take them to your work area, or order them online. Such as dried seaweed (Undaria pinnatifida, kelp, etc.), dried mushrooms, dried mushrooms, dried fungus, dried bamboo shoots, and evergreen (dried vegetables), as a supplement to the lack of vegetables.

  Dried products are convenient to store and carry, and it is also convenient to cook dishes after soaking. For example, put some soaked fungus and mushrooms in cooking, add some soaked bamboo shoots and mushrooms in stew and chicken, and add some soaked Undaria pinnatifida in soup, all of which are quite delicious.

  Although there are fewer vitamins after drying, at least a lot of minerals and dietary fiber can be supplemented. Minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium can still be preserved after drying. In particular, most dietary fiber can be preserved, which is very helpful to prevent constipation.

  Substitute potato, sweet potato, yam and other potatoes.

  Potato is a kind of food between vegetables and staple food. It contains starch, vitamin C, rich potassium, and some antioxidants, and its dietary fiber content is much higher than that of white rice and white flour.

  If potatoes are used to replace part of white rice and steamed bread, more vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium and dietary fiber can be obtained on the premise of the same total carbohydrate.

  For people who need to lose weight, we must pay attention to the fact that when eating potatoes, we should not put oil and salt. Instead, we should put them in a rice cooker and steam them with rice, and reduce the amount of white rice and flour while eating potatoes.

  For people who need to gain weight, adding some potato foods such as potatoes and yam to their daily staple food, such as stewing potatoes into vegetables, is just conducive to gaining weight.

  Increase the number of daily vegetables

  In some remote areas, although there are no fresh green leafy vegetables, there are still some storable vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, radish, onion and carrot.

  Although Chinese cabbage is not as nutritious as green leafy vegetables, it still contains a certain amount of vitamin C, dietary fiber and minerals.

  As long as you increase your food intake and eat more Chinese cabbage, you can get more nutrients and partially make up for the loss of insufficient varieties. This is the so-called "quantity compensation for insufficient quality". Carrot itself is a good thing. Eating some often can at least prevent vitamin A deficiency.

  Send bean sprouts and bean sprouts to increase green leafy vegetables.

  You can use soybeans, black beans, peas, etc. to soak them and eat them yourself to increase the variety of vegetables. Bud sprouts can spread green leaves as long as they see light, which belongs to green leafy vegetables. Common sprout vegetables include radish seedlings, buckwheat seedlings and peanut seedlings. The sprouts taste good and can be fried. Radish seedlings and buckwheat seedlings can also be eaten raw and cold directly.

  Even if there are only wheat and barley seeds, they can be made into wheat seedlings, then cut off and beaten into juice with their own beater. This is the best "green juice".

  It would be better if you could bring some seeds of green leafy vegetables such as Chinese cabbage and rape. You can get fresh vegetables by growing your own vegetables.

  Order canned vegetables online

  At present, there are many canned vegetables, such as canned tomatoes, canned green beans, canned mushrooms, canned asparagus, canned pickles, canned corn shoots, canned/bagged ketchup, etc., and the price of ordering in boxes is not high.

  Although canned food loses some vitamin C, it is not zero, and there is no loss of dietary fiber and potassium. It is convenient for storage and transportation, so direct order is enough. Take it out every day and eat a little at every meal, which still plays a big role in supplying nutrition.

  With all kinds of flower and fruit tea materials that can be soaked in water.

  Prepare your favorite tea, coffee, dried rose, dried chrysanthemum, dried roselle, dried lemon, etc., and make a drink with hot water. Although the quantity is limited, it can increase the supply of potassium, vitamin C, organic acids and some antioxidant substances.

  The so-called methods are always more difficult. As long as these methods are used in combination, we can overcome the difficulty of insufficient vegetables, and make our diet life much richer and healthier.

  Text/Fan Zhihong (Director of China Nutrition Society)

Lazio can’t catch up with Naples and gain another 18 points advantage after the latest Serie A points report to Inter Milan.

In the early morning of March 12th, Beijing time, there were three rematches in the 26th round of Serie A in the 2022-23 season. After some fierce battles, Lazio drew 0-0 away from Bologna, Napoli beat Atalanta 2-0 at home and Udinese beat Empoli 1-0 away.

Napoli can be said to be invincible in Serie A this season. They lost to Lazio in the last round, but they can adjust quickly. Today, they continue to play at Diego Maradona Stadium against Atalanta, another arch-rival. Napoli completely suppressed their opponents. In the 5th minute, Napoli attacked on the right side, and Politano and Zalinski made a collision with the wall and broke into the restricted area. The goalkeeper Musso struggled to save the ball. In the 27th minute, Kvaratskheliya forcibly broke through the two-man defense on the left side of the restricted area and entered the restricted area, but his last shot was half a beat slow, and then the ball was blocked without angle. Two minutes later, Napoli took a free kick on the right side of the penalty area. Zalinski took the penalty and hung it to the back point. Osmain grabbed the nod and hit the goal, and the ball was only slightly higher than the crossbar.

In the 41st minute, Napoli counterattacked the ball in the frontcourt, Politano volleyed vigorously in the restricted area, and Musso fought bravely again. Yi Bian fought Napoli again and continued to attack. In the 59th minute, Osmain shook the left side of the defensive oblique plug on the right side of the frontcourt. Kvaratskheliya followed up with the ball and broke into the restricted area. One person faced the Atlanta sixers’ defense. Kvaratskheliya kept shaking and flashed a space to make a strong shot, and the ball went into the net. Naples broke the deadlock 1-0. In the 76th minute, when Napoli took the right corner kick, Elmas took the penalty in front of the door. Rahmani grabbed the point and threw his head at the door, and the ball went straight into the lower right corner of the goal. Naples sealed the victory 2-0 and stopped the decline in time.

Lazio, who ended Naples in the last round, started their familiar routine operation of dropping the chain again today. Lazio’s visit to Dalaya Stadium was completely suppressed by Bologna today. In the 27th minute, Bologna attacked from the left, Giri Copreau hung obliquely in the restricted area at a 45-degree angle, and Ferguson grabbed the nod and mallet to attack the goal. BOOM’s ball was blocked by the post, and Lazio escaped. Six minutes later, Bologna made another killing on the left, Barro stopped the ball in the restricted area and made a two-step shooting, and goalkeeper ProWiddel bravely saved the ball. In the easy-to-side rematch, the two sides played more dullly, and Lazio had almost no chance. In the end, the two sides drew 0-0.

In terms of standings, Napoli stopped the decline and then started the winning mode. Inter Milan lost unexpectedly yesterday. Lazio did not lose today, but it also lost points in the footsteps of Inter Milan. After two weeks, Naples once again fixed the difference with the second place at 18 points, and the position of the leader was unshakable. Lazio was unable to win, so it failed to surpass Inter Milan to rise to the second place, and the difference of one point temporarily ranked third. Bologna scored 1 point, which temporarily surpassed Youwen and rose to seventh place.

In the top scorer list, Osman failed to score today, and still ranked first with 19 goals. Lautaro ranked second with 14 goals, while lukman and Nzola tied for third with 12 goals. Kvaratskheliya ranked fifth with 11 goals after scoring today. Velahovich, Anautovich, Dibala and others just squeezed into the top ten with 8 goals.

China version of chatGPT is here. Does it matter to you? Learn about it and don’t regret it!

China version of chatGPT is here!

Does it have anything to do with you?

Don’t argue yet, it really matters!

"chatGPT", translated into Chinese: "Chat!"

"China chatGPT", hehe,

Chinese chat, you should always be able to!

Tell me something professional:

ChatGPT is a language processing tool driven by artificial intelligence technology launched by OpenAI company in the United States. It can learn and understand human language and have a dialogue. You can also interact according to the context of the chat, and really chat and communicate like human beings. I can also write emails, video scripts, copywriting, translation, codes and so on.

ChatGPT uses the Transformer neural network architecture, and has the ability of language understanding and text generation. Especially through connecting a large number of corpus training, ChatGPT has the ability to know astronomy above and geography below, so as to communicate with human beings without barriers.

Do you understand? In fact, it is an upgraded version of man-machine dialogue such as "Xiao Du", "Xiao Yi" and "Xiao V".

It’s just that chatGPT is more advanced and smarter. To put it bluntly: it is better to speak human words!

As for "China version of chatGPT", it is through the study of Chinese language that we can deeply understand the essence of Chinese culture and make China’s words clear and thorough! Then the question comes: What impact does "China version of chatGPT" have on our lives?

"China chatGPT"
It is a milestone for the development of artificial intelligence technology. China is at the global leading level in the field of natural language understanding and related AI technologies, and its application in various fields such as words, pictures, videos and music has initially formed market benefits.

With the continuous development of digital technology, breakthroughs have been made in the fields of digital infrastructure, digital software design and top-level digital applications. Virtual idols, virtual anchors, virtual teachers and other virtual human industries relying on AIGC technology have ushered in favorable development, thus constantly releasing the IP value of virtual people and enabling them to gain new development momentum.

The virtual community is not only used in games, but will run through all aspects of daily life in the future!

Imagine: you want to go to the government to do business, and you are at home. You can enter the government administrative center in the virtual community through digital virtual people to communicate with the staff! Of course, the other party is also a virtual person (digital twin), and all procedures can be signed digitally. And you just sit at home, and you can accomplish what you usually need to do with a pommel horse.

Is it a bit like the scene in The Matrix? This is not magic at all. With the development of science and technology, virtual reality only enhances our feelings.

And its strong learning and cognitive ability will help our lives to change qualitatively. There will be no doubt about this! Isn’t the Internet and e-commerce all precedents?

"China version of chatGPT" is very powerful. Through self-study and analysis, its work handling ability will be extremely shocking! This will lead to, you may lose your job!

See!Customer service personnel, data analysts, translatorsIt is the most likely job to be robbed by ChatGPT in the near future.

Interestingly, when someone asked ChatGPT about this issue, ChatGPT replied: "Some repetitive and highly standardized work will probably be replaced by automation and robots!" ChatGPT also said: "Humans are still creating new jobs and needs, and technology will also create new job opportunities! Therefore, human beings and artificial intelligence will coexist, not replace each other! "

Listen, how well it is said! How modest!

Actually, yes"China chatGPT"There is really no need to worry too much. The artificial intelligence represented by ChatGPT may replace most simple and repetitive routine work, which is the general trend. The more functions of artificial intelligence are to improve work efficiency, assist and serve human beings to live with higher quality.

It suddenly occurred to me,

Chairman Mao’s poem "Spring and Snow in Qinyuan";

Cherish Qin Huang Hanwu, slightly lose literary talent; Tang Zong Song Zu, slightly less coquettish. A generation of tianjiao, cheng jihan, only knows how to bend a bow and shoot a big eagle. The past is gone, count the romantic figures, and look at the present!

People are always smarter than AI technology, and innovative ability, empathy and critical thinking are all manifestations of human intelligence, which is unmatched by many advanced artificial intelligence.

Wofeng Technology GaussMind: How strong is the outbound marketing robot?

In the early days of Internet popularization, some people said, "You never know if the computer is a dog." With the development of artificial intelligence, it is hard for you to guess whether the phone is a robot. In daily life, many calls like the above are made automatically by robots. Compared with the mechanical hearing when the keys are guided before, with the iterative update of technology, the voice of outbound marketing robots is getting closer and closer to real people, and even many outbound marketing robots are recorded by real people, which is difficult to distinguish by sound.

Real-life calls are big, and multi-scene applications are effortless.

In order to create a smooth and natural dialogue experience, Wofeng Technology’s AI outbound robot team has made a number of technical adjustments to the robot’s voice:

Special interactive requirements such as interruption, silence, waiting and restatement in the process of communication are configured in a targeted manner to make the dialogue smoother.

03 intelligent noise reduction

By optimizing the ASR acoustic model in various ways, the influence of environmental background sound and channels of different devices on speech recognition in practical application scenarios can be effectively reduced, and the dialogue clarity can be improved.

The technically optimized human outbound robot can be used in various scenarios of enterprises to help enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency:

01 Intention clue screening

The task of clue screening has the characteristics of high repeatability, high accuracy and difficult training. Wofeng Technology connects the AI outbound robot to the enterprise CRM, and transmits the clues in real time to make outbound calls to help enterprises realize the screening of potential customers. The outbound robot will configure reasonable outbound call time, outbound call strategy and outbound call technique according to the business model to ensure the clue conversion rate.

02 outgoing private domain drainage

According to different business objectives, such as live broadcast and drainage, old customers’ repurchase and promotion, new customers’ operation, etc., different outbound calls are created, carefully polished from sentence length, process connection, tone speed, timbre volume and other aspects, and recorded by real people, so as to strive for humanized user experience and promote drainage marketing.

03 great promotion activity marketing

With the emergence of pain points such as high traffic acquisition cost, low reach range and limited customer precipitation, enterprises seek new solutions. Outbound robots can make batch outbound calls for historical customers or registered members during the promotion period, record user portraits during the outbound call, preset various words, label different people and generate reports, which is convenient for accurate marketing later.

For many enterprises, satisfaction return visit is the key task to reflect their after-sales service, and business opportunities can also be tapped in this process. However, due to the large number of users, the requirements of satisfaction return visit and the difficulty of business opportunity mining speech training, enterprises create work orders through various channels (online/inbound, robot/manual), and after the work order is completed, they automatically create AI outbound call tasks through work order triggers to make a return visit, so as to ensure that user problems are properly solved.

What is the Internet of Things AIoT?

AIoT intelligent internet of things is artificial intelligence internet of things. AIoT is the abbreviation of AI Artificial Intelligence and IoT Internet of Things. It is an artificial intelligence Internet of Things that collects a large amount of data from different dimensions through the Internet of Things and stores it in the cloud. Based on big data analysis and AI and other technologies, it realizes the digitalization and intelligence of everything. Artificial intelligence is a subject that studies how computers can simulate people’s thinking processes and intelligent behaviors. It is based on bionics, the improvement of algorithm model and calculation speed, and the commonality between human neurons and computer doors (doors are the basic unit of computers). Its strength lies in its learning, reasoning, thinking, planning and other abilities, which ordinary intelligent machines can’t do.

The embedded Internet of Things needs to learn a lot, so don’t learn the wrong route and content, which will lead to a salary failure!

Share a data package for free, almost over 150g. The learning content, face classics and projects are relatively new and complete! It is estimated that it will cost at least dozens to buy some fish.

The Internet of Things refers to the real-time collection of any object or process that needs to be monitored, connected and interacted through various devices and technologies such as information sensors, radio frequency identification technology, global positioning system, infrared sensors, laser scanners, etc., and the collection of all kinds of required information such as sound, light, heat, electricity, mechanics, chemistry, biology, location, etc., and the realization of ubiquitous connection, identification and management between things and people through various types of network access. Through this definition, we can feel that this will be a huge database, and the learning process of artificial intelligence also needs a lot of data information. Obviously, this is a link between artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, which can link them together and play a greater role.

In short, the Internet of Things (IoT) uses terminals with different protocols to carry out information interaction and intelligent processing through a certain agreed protocol, while artificial intelligence can keep learning and become more and more intelligent with data. If artificial intelligence is software, it needs the Internet of Things as a carrier, and if it is hardware, it needs artificial intelligence to drive it. Therefore, we can also regard the Internet of Things as a carrier of artificial intelligence.

The Internet of Things is an important part of the new generation of information technology. The English name is "The Internet of things". Therefore, as the name implies, "the Internet of Things is the Internet of Things". This has two meanings. First, the core and foundation of the Internet of Things is still the Internet, which is the expansion and expansion network based on the Internet. Secondly, its clients expand and expand between any goods, and exchange and communicate information.

for (i=0; i < 8; i++)


SetData((data >> i) & 0x1);


for (j=0; j < 5; j++);



Chen Gen: the big country competition, competition management

Wen | Chen Gen

In the era of a large change in the past 100 years, artificial intelligence serves as the core technology of the new round of technology revolution and the industry revolution. For the importance of global development, artificial intelligence technology determines that the international leadership of the big country is almost one inevitable. However, the uncertainty of artificial intelligence development has also exacerbated the difficulty of technical risk management, bringing new challenges for global governance.

First, the high productivity of artificial intelligence also means high fortification.Wealth accumulation and speed and international strength contrast will have a more obvious partial wild, that is, the rich country is rich, the strong country is more strong, and the poor country is the stronger, the weak country weakens, resulting in more wealth unevenness and unfair Incorrectization, more conflict with conflict and conflict and terrorism, this is a greater uncertainty and governance of global governance.

Second, artificially intelligent high execution also means high destructive power.If the new weapons and network viruses, there is an endless body condition that has the human body conditions and the unknown tired action, which will bring benefits to the implementation tasks of various countries, but may also be used by some forces, thus giving international Society has brought serious safety hazards, and may even bring disasters to the entire human society.

Finally, the high intelligence of artificial intelligence also means high political. Advanced artificial intelligence gives the technical owner’s outstanding additional advantages, robotic industry, gene sequencing, automatic driving, intelligent finance, smart city, big data processing, natural language processing, image identification, intelligent military system and other artificial intelligence, Change the country’s core competitiveness and economic and social and industrial structure, thereby changing the power structure in many fields.

Because of this, as a big country as the development and application of artificial intelligence, China and the United States play an extremely important role in artificial intelligence, and both parties have unique advantages that other countries cannot copy.How to prevent or reduce artificial intelligence technological advances on the negative impact of global sustainable development and strategic stability requires the work of China and the United States.

In fact, competition in the field of artificial intelligence is not an absolute zero and game, and there is a cooperative development and mutual benefit between parties. China is relatively leading in experimental research and results, and the United States is more leading in basic research and cutting-edge technology exploration. There is a broad cooperative space in both parties.

To this end, China and the United States should be in-depth thinking, work together to launch a formal dialogue on the application of artificial intelligence in safety and economic sectors.Promote the transparency of artificial intelligence research and development, driving its beneficial results to achieve reasonable allocation in a global scale, to minimize the competitive situation that may lead to catastrophic conflicts, and promote the formation of reasonable, benign competition and cooperative relations.

As Kissinger said, China and the United States are the most capable of impacting world progress and peace in technology, political experience and history, and solving the important issues in both parties in cooperation will be China and the United States. Common responsibility for peace and progress.