Continue to lose money! Cyrus’s pre-loss in the first half of the year exceeded 1.25 billion yuan

Continue to lose money! Cyrus's pre-loss in the first half of the year exceeded 1.25 billion yuan

On July 14, Sailis released a pre-loss announcement for the first half of the year. According to the announcement, the official expects that the net profit attributable to the owner of the parent company in the first half of this year will be – 1.39 billion yuan to – 1.25 billion yuan, and the net profit attributable to the owner of the parent company after deducting non-operating gains and losses is expected to be – 1.93 billion yuan to – 1.80 billion yuan.

Regarding the reasons for the pre-loss of this period’s performance, the official pointed out that due to the promotion of the Quarter 1 automobile industry, users’ expectations that the M5 smart driving version will be released in the second quarter have a certain impact on the sales of existing models, so the company’s sales in the first half of the year did not meet expectations. At the same time, it also pointed out that high R & D investment in the core technology field of new energy vehicles has been maintained, and R & D and technical personnel have been continuously introduced, and R & D expenses have increased compared with the same period of the previous year. Regarding the follow-up development, the official said that with the launch of the M5 smart driving version and other new models, as well as the increase in overseas sales, the sales volume and profitability in the second

Continue to lose money! Cyrus's pre-loss in the first half of the year exceeded 1.25 billion yuan

In fact, it is not surprising that Cyrus released the estimated loss in the first half of the year. Since Cyrus cooperated with Huawei, its losses have been increasing. According to the financial report data: Cyrus lost more than 10 billion yuan in the four years from 2019 to 2022, of which the non-net profit in 2019 was – 884 million yuan, in 2020 – 2.308 billion yuan, in 2021 – 2.793 billion yuan, and in 2022 – 4.296 billion yuan.

Continue to lose money! Cyrus's pre-loss in the first half of the year exceeded 1.25 billion yuan

According to the data, the predecessor of Cyrus Group was Chongqing Xiaokang Industrial Group Joint Stock Company, which was established in September 1986. In April 2021, Xiaokang shares reached a cooperative relationship with Huawei. The two sides signed a memorandum of cooperation in the field of new energy vehicles and launched the first cooperative model Cyrus Huawei Smart Choice SF5. The new car was sold online on Huawei’s official website simultaneously, and entered Huawei stores and flagship stores at the same time. The price range is 21.68-24 6,800 yuan. Although both sides have given great resources to support the first model, Huawei Smart Choice SF5 sales are not ideal. In 2021, the annual sales volume of Cyrus SF5 was only 8,169 units.

In order to turn around sales, Xiaokang and Huawei cooperated again to launch the new energy brand AITO Wenjie. In 2022, three models of Wenjie/M5 EV and Wenjie M7 were launched one after another. With the launch of a number of models, the sales volume of Wenjie in 2022 has been rapidly improved, and the cumulative delivery volume for the whole year has reached 75,000. According to the official sales data, the cumulative production and sales volume of new energy vehicles of Cyrus in 2022 reached 139,132 and 135,054 respectively, an increase of 233.64% and 225.9% year-on-year respectively. Among them, the cumulative production and sales volume of Cyrus cars reached 83,701 and 80,041, an increase of 660.37% and 626.39% year-on-year. The world accounted for more than half of the sales volume of Cyrus in 2022.

Continue to lose money! Cyrus's pre-loss in the first half of the year exceeded 1.25 billion yuan

After entering 2023, although Huawei and Cyrus are emphasizing that the cooperation between the two sides will be further deepened, the sales of the Q & A brand have been cold in the market. Of course, the decline in sales has something to do with Tesla’s announcement of a big price reduction at the beginning of the year. Although Q & A also followed up with the price reduction after Tesla announced the big price reduction. The maximum reduction of its three models was 30,000 yuan, but the price reduction did not stimulate sales growth. Relevant data show that the retail sales of AITO Q & A in the first half of 2023 were 23,246 vehicles.

Continue to lose money! Cyrus's pre-loss in the first half of the year exceeded 1.25 billion yuan

In addition, after Ren Zhengfei signed the "Resolution on Huawei Not Building Cars" in March, it was a blow to Cyrus, which has always endorsed the Huawei brand. Or realized the crisis, on March 30, Cyrus launched its new brand "Blue Electricity" and launched its first model, priced 139,900 yuan – 151,900 yuan. It is understood that the Blue Electricity E5 uses BYD Freddie battery hybrid technology and Huawei’s smart car technology. After the launch, the sales of the Blue Electricity E5 were also unsatisfactory. Relevant data show that the sales of the Blue Electricity E5 were 250, 483 and 376 vehicles in the three months after the launch.

Continue to lose money! Cyrus's pre-loss in the first half of the year exceeded 1.25 billion yuan

It is not difficult to see that the price war among automakers at the beginning of the year and Huawei’s reaffirmation that it will not build cars have had a certain impact on Sailis Automobile. After all, without Huawei’s halo, Sailis’ true appeal in the market is still very limited. Therefore, for the cooperation with Huawei, Sailis still actively cooperates. Sailis said that at the end of June, the company has established an "AITO Inquiry and Sales Service Joint Working Group" with Huawei to be responsible for the end-to-end closed-loop management of marketing, sales, delivery, service, channels and other businesses. This is also another milestone event for the two sides to promote deepening cooperation. In the future, with a firm new energy strategy, continuous R & D investment and the support of partners, it will continue to drive towards a new fast lane for new energy vehicles.

Sancha capital market, Xiaomi’s optimistic smart driving company went to Hong Kong for IPO.

Author | Li Lan

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On March 30, three years ago, officer Lei announced to build a car. One hundred days later, Xiaomi led nearly 20 supply chain manufacturers such as Zongmu Technology, a smart driving solution provider.
As one of the first companies to invest and bet after Xiaomi entered the car, on March 28, 2024,On the day when Xiaomi’s first car, SU7, went public, Zongmu Technology also formally submitted a prospectus to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, intending to list the main board.
This is the third listing of Zongmu Technology.
In January 2017, Zongmu Technology was listed on the New Third Board and delisted in December of the same year. The reason given was "needed for the adjustment of the company’s operation and development strategy".
In November 2022, Zongmu Technology science and technology innovation board’s IPO application was accepted by the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and it planned to raise 2 billion yuan, but in September 2023, it chose to withdraw its listing application in science and technology innovation board.
Now,Vertical scientific and technological choiceGive up science and technology innovation board and launch a sprint to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
fromAccording to the prospectus,Zongmu Technology has been more cautious in its wording this time, and put more emphasis on products. At the same time, before applying for IPO, it also carried out a series of "light" actions.
asThe "veteran" who broke into the capital market for the third time doesn’t know.Can the listing of Zongmu Technology go smoothly this time?
The financial report has improved, and the business is exploring.
The most eye-catching part of the prospectus is that the gross profit margin has finally turned positive.
Compared with the unprofitable situation in November 2022, Zongmu Technology has achieved a positive gross profit margin. From 2021 to 2023, Zongmu Technology’s gross profit margin was -8.9%, -3.5% and 3.5%, respectively, corresponding to a gross profit of-20.07 million yuan,-16.29 million yuan and a profit of 17.33 million yuan. Revenue has a steady growth with a compound annual growth rate of 48.7%.

Moreover, the cash flow of Zongmu Technology has also become stable. According to the prospectus, there is still a lot of room for fault tolerance. As of January 31, 2024, Zongmu Technology had 33.2 million yuan in cash assets, leaving 1.19 billion yuan in unused bank facilities.
How did Zongmu Technology achieve "rebirth"?A lot of factors benefit from the continuous growth of the market as a whole.
Before the real commercialization of L4 comes, L2+ has the widest application prospect, among which, the "integrated operation and parking" has the highest cost performance. According to the monitoring data of the Institute of Advanced Technology Intelligent Automobile, in 2023, 3,504,800 new cars with automatic parking were delivered as standard in China market (excluding import and export), up by 22.10% year-on-year.
According to the data in the prospectus, in 2022, about 20% of the ADAS solution market for passenger cars in China will be automatic parking. Among them, APA solutions account for more than 80%. Based on the corresponding income in 2022, Zongmu Technology is the second in China and the first in China respectively.
At present, most parking and parking integrated solutions in the market are actually designed and integrated based on the 1.0 architecture, which simply combines the driving SoC and the parking SoC into one box. The biggest technical moat of technology is that only a single SoC can solve the two problems of parking and parking.
Although three of the top five automatic parking APA schemes are foreign suppliers,However, domestic suppliers have the advantage of being "close to the water", which is convenient to provide personalized customized services to domestic new energy vehicle enterprises. The market share of domestic suppliers has increased from less than 5% in 2018 to 16.7% in 2022, and it is expected to exceed 25.0% in 2027..

According to the data of burning knowledge consulting, in terms of sales revenue in 2022, the ranking of the company among mainland suppliers in China is as follows: Zongmu Technology ranks fifth in the ADAS market with a market share of 1.0%; Ranked second in the automatic parking solution market, with a market share of 4.9%; Ranked first in APA parking solution market, with a market share of 5.6%.
According to the prospectus,AVP and APA platforms have been used in 28 models, and the energy service robot for intelligent mobile energy solutions is equipped with L4-level autopilot function supported by Drop’nGo platform..
From the most basic composition, the products of Zongmu Technology can be divided into two main directions:First, intelligent driving hardware and solutions, including domain controller and camera, 4D millimeter-wave radar, ultrasonic radar and other gauge sensors; Second, provide research and development services related to autonomous driving.
The hardware part is divided into three products,That is, panoramic surveillance camera, automatic parking assistance function and autonomous parking function, which respectively correspond to three scenes: car panoramic "reversing radar", automatic parking in the car and remote parking outside the car..
A domain controller is a computer that manages specific vehicle functions or fields, such as active safety, automatic driving, parking or parking. The controller of Zongmu Science and Technology Domain collects data from sensors around the vehicle (including radar, camera and ultrasonic sensor) to build a model of the surrounding environment. The software algorithm embedded in the domain controller will then determine the appropriate action of the vehicle according to the model. Moreover, Zongmu Technology has also developed a separate software algorithm, which can be delivered as a comprehensive software embedded hardware product or as an independent software product.
Finally, the computing platform of Zongmu Technology provides the basis for all function iterations, and the Drop’nGo platform supports the development of intelligent driving functions from L0 to L4.
According to the prospectus, since its launch in 2017, the Drop’nGo platform has gone through several iterations, enhancing its multi-sensor data fusion capability, improving its adaptability to weather and lighting conditions, and expanding its application scenarios from indoor to outdoor.
The third generation of Drop’nGo platform can provide L2+ comprehensive intelligent parking function on passenger cars, and further empower energy solutions with L4 automatic driving function.
The hardware that science and technology can make money has changed year by year.
In December 2022, in the prospectus of Zongmu Technology,Describing himself as "one of the few first-class suppliers in China that can provide intelligent driving systems for automobiles, including L0-L4 intelligent driving control units and intelligent sensors", the importance attached to control units has declined.
From the perspective of income structure, Zongmu Technology mainly relied on car trajectory sensors for profit last year.
At present, the domestic self-driving auto market dominated by L2+ level still needs the second-gear APA integrated parking solution. According to the prospectus, the company is in a leading position in the market of ADAS, automatic parking and APA (automatic parking assistance system) parking solutions.

From the perspective of profitability, the highest gross profit margin is the R&D services related to autonomous driving. In 2021 and 2022, the gross profit margin reached 42.7% and 50.8% respectively. However, in 2023, there was a waist cut, only 18.6%. Looking at the technology, it is pointed out that this is mainly due to the increasingly fierce market competition and the increase in project complexity, resulting in increased costs.
From the data of the prospectus alone, although Zongmu Technology does not have much exponential growth, it still has extraordinary incremental space.

Moreover, there are more choices when getting through the depth of customers. As of December, 2022, the overall customer matrix is still relatively simple. Among them, Cyrus accounts for more than 50% of the revenue, and the top five customers account for nearly 90%. By 2023, the number one customer has dropped to 43.8%, the customer diversity has increased, and the ability to resist risks has also been significantly enhanced.
Zongmu Technology is also constantly adjusting its customer service mode, and the autonomous driving R&D service has received a large order. In December 2023, it successfully obtained the Amphiman 3000 fixed-point from Changan Automobile to support its new car platform for a series of models, and it is expected to be mass-produced in 2024.

However, Zongmu Technology is still at a loss.

From 2021 to 2023, the net losses of Zongmu Technology were 434 million yuan, 588 million yuan and 564 million yuan respectively, and the adjusted net losses were 382 million yuan, 477 million yuan and 516 million yuan respectively.The total net loss for three years exceeded 1.3 billion yuan.
Of course, Zongmu Technology also has an explanation for this persistent loss.Even similar to the contents in the prospectus required for listing in science and technology innovation board in 2022, the chip is too expensive.
According to Zongmu Technology,With the overcapacity of global chips, this adverse impact on costs will be significantly reduced in the future. After all, whether it is hardware upgrade or solution iteration, the core need is computing power..
High-profile financing, multiple IPOs
Zongmu technology has always been highly anticipated by the capital market.
In the latest shareholding structure, Hong Kong Zongmu is the largest shareholder of the company, holding 22.17% of the shares. As a concerted action, Tang Rui and his mother Li Xiaoling control 33.3% of the shares of the company through multiple entities. In addition, Junlian Capital holds 7.55% of the shares as the second largest shareholder, while Xiaomi Group, which has received much attention, ranks the fifth largest shareholder with 4.73% of the shares.

The earliest round of financing record of Zongmu Technology occurred in 2015. In the previous year, in 2014, Mobileye, the world’s largest ADAS manufacturer, landed on the New York Stock Exchange, which means that the track of ADAS has been verified and opened a financing channel for Zongmu Technology, which is on the same track.
In June, 2021, Zongmu Technology announced the formal completion of Series D financing with a cumulative amount of $190 million.. Among them, the D3 round was led by Xiaomi Changjiang Industrial Fund, and the investors included Fosun Chuangfu, Langtai Capital, Shanghai Kechuang, Industrial Bank, strategic investors Changan Automobile and Coboda Investment.
Zongmu Technology completed 9 rounds of financing before IPO, and the accumulated subscription amount reached 2.247 billion yuan. Among them, in the E round of financing in March 2022, Zongmu Technology raised 867 million yuan at the subscription price of 93.56 yuan/share, and the company’s valuation exceeded 9 billion yuan.
However, the financing journey of Zongmu Technology is always interrupted for various reasons..
Zongmu used to be very close to listing. On January 19th, 2017, Zongmu Technology was approved to be listed on the National Small and Medium Enterprise Share Transfer System (NEEQ) with the stock code of 870816. However, "considering the business strategy and compliance cost at that time, we adjusted the future development strategy". Less than one year later, Zongmu Technology completed the termination of listing on December 11th, 2017.
The vigorous Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2022 has almost become a reality. However, in the end, due to the development strategy and other reasons, Zongmu Technology voluntarily withdrew its previous A-share listing application, and the withdrawal was officially accepted on September 27, 2023.
In the meantime,There is also news from the pulse that Zongmu Technology has a saying that the salary of fresh graduates will be reduced by 20%.

It may be that the road to listing is not smooth and the top management has fluctuated.In February 2024,CTO Wang Fan joined Beidou Zhilian, and Wang Fan was one of the four core executives of Zongmu Technology. He started to build the Beijing Autopilot R&D Center, and completed the research and development of AVP1.0 in Zongmu Technology in 2017.
Fortunately, the new employee was the original team, and he was replaced by Jiang Weiping. He joined Zongmu Technology as early as 2013, and had previously worked in CSR Semiconductor Company and NVIDIA. Later, he left Zongmu Technology due to infighting and did not return to Zongmu until the end of 2022.
Go to the new track
On the premise that the APA market is saturated, Zongmu Technology tries to go further to the charging robot track.
In 2023, nearly 65% of Zongmu Technology’s revenue sources are car gauge sensors. Compared with technology companies, Zongmu Technology is more like a manufacturing enterprise. This may come from another manufacturing attribute of the founder, Tang Rui, CEO, who also founded Can Cong Robot.
In the official LinkedIn,The latest position of Zongmu Technology is the on-site operation and maintenance engineer of intelligent energy storage charging robot, and some positions are in Ningbo, mainly in Shanghai.

In late January of this year, Zongmu Technology and Can Cong Science and Technology launched the charging treasure in the automatic driving field and the low-speed fully automatic driving charging robot FlashBot. According to the prospectus,The first generation of FlashBot is equipped with 104 kWh storage capacity, which is one of the robots with the highest storage capacity among all L4-class self-driving energy service robots developed in the world.
Tang Rui said, "Can Cong robots are building a highly flexible mobile energy network to promote energy trading in a larger space-time range." At the application level, the most intuitive embodiment is to save electricity and money.
In December last year, two Flashbot were put into commercial operation in Zhangjiang Park, and an average of 272 kwh of electricity was purchased from the local microgrid every day, of which 185 kwh was sold back to the microgrid, and 87.5 kwh was used to provide charging service for new energy vehicles, with an average daily cycle of 2.6 times, which brought more than 12,000 yuan in income in that month, that is, the average daily net income of each device was close to that of 200 yuan.
Before the robot officially appeared, Zongmu Technology had actually been laying out its energy business.Zongmu Technology has also designed a set of SaaS software and a DragonNet program to maintain on-site operation. If the charging robot of Zongmu Technology can be commercialized, it may make some changes in the charging pile scene.
According to the data in the prospectus, from 2021 to 2023, the sales revenue of Zongmu Technology from wireless charging equipment and accessories for new energy vehicles was 129,000 yuan, 11.357 million yuan and 437,000 yuan respectively.
In addition, as an "external charging treasure" loaded with sensors, Flashbot is also a part of the flywheel that I hope to build. The energy service robot conducts algorithm training in different driving cases, and then gives data support to the ADAS car-level hardware.
Looking at the highlights of this reorganization of business, Zongmu Technology began to break through into more subdivided markets, and may be able to complete the listing more lightly. At that time, it will be the third listed company in the Xiaomi automobile industry chain after Sagitar and Hesai.


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Mercedes-Benz Shanghai Auto Show made a big move: 13 first/listed cars

On April 18th, the 20th Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition will open soon.Mercedes-Benz will present a lineup of 27 heavy-duty models with one world premiere, five China firsts and seven China-listed models at Hall 4.1 of the Shanghai International Auto Show.. All brand matrices of Mercedes-Benz, Mercedes -EQ, Mercedes-Maibakh, Mercedes -AMG and G-class off-road vehicles under the Trident Star Emblem are assembled.

  Three latest Mercedes-Maibakh products covering pure electric, hybrid and high definition will be released soon. Mercedes-Maibakh’s first mass-produced pure electric vehicle, the new Mercedes-Maibakh EQS pure electric SUV, will make its world debut during the auto show. Mercedes-Maibakh brand’s first plug-in hybrid car-Mercedes-Maibakh S 580 e plug-in hybrid car, and Mercedes-Maibakh S-class Haute Voiture limited edition will be listed together.


[New Mercedes-Maibakh EQS pure electric SUV]


[Mercedes-Maibakh S 580 e plug-in hybrid car]


[Mercedes-Maibakh S-class Haute Voiture limited set]

  The EQG concept car, the first pure electric vehicle in the history of G-class off-road vehicle, will usher in the first show in China, and the EQG concept car will show its impressive strength by virtue of its powerful 4×4 all-wheel drive system with four independently controllable motors.


  The new EQE pure electric SUV will usher in the first show in China. As the first domestic luxury pure electric SUV developed based on EVA pure electric platform, the new EQE pure electric SUV will set a market benchmark in terms of luxury, comfort, safety and technology with all-round strength, and bring all-powerful pure electric travel experience to China customers. In addition, a new generation of Mercedes-Benz GLE SUV will make its debut in China.


[New EQE pure electric SUV]


[New generation Mercedes-Benz GLE SUV]

  The new Mercedes-Benz long-wheelbase GLC SUV, which was pre-sold recently, will be officially launched at the auto show. As an important member of the domestic Mercedes-Benz family, the new long-wheelbase GLC SUV has added three rows and seven seats, making it the first model in the luxury medium-sized SUV market to offer both five-seat and seven-seat options, and at the same time, it has customized many exclusive upgrades for China customers.

  The S-class sedan family is about to welcome two new cars on the market: the Mercedes-Benz S 450 e L plug-in hybrid sedan equipped with the latest generation of plug-in hybrid technology, and the Mercedes-Benz S-class sedan that provides a variety of customized choices such as car paint and interior, which brings multiple respected choices for high-grade customers.


[Mercedes-Benz S 450 e L]


"Mercedes-Benz S-Class sedan ingenious version"

  At this auto show, Mercedes -AMG brought a number of latest masterpieces showing luxury performance and forward-looking innovation. The most powerful S-class sedan in history-the new Mercedes -AMG S 63 E PERFORMANCE prototype special edition will debut in China market. As the third production model of Mercedes -AMG family applying E PERFORMANCE hybrid technology from F1 racing car, this new work has achieved the perfect combination of excellent performance and comfortable experience with many forward-looking technologies.


[Mercedes -AMG S 63 E PERFORMANCE pre-production special edition]


[Mercedes -AMG GLS 63 4MATIC+]


[New Mercedes -AMG pure electric EQE 53 4MATIC+]


[Mercedes -AMG C 43 4MATIC Travel Car Special Edition]

  The newly launched Mercedes -AMG GLS 63 4MATIC+ will also make its debut in China. Mercedes -AMG’s second mass-produced pure electric vehicle, the brand-new Mercedes -AMG pure electric EQE 53 4MATIC+, and the brand-new Mercedes -AMG C 43 4MATIC touring car special edition equipped with "one person, one machine" M139 2.0T engine will be on the market, igniting driving passion with surging performance.

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Speculators are eyeing Maotai Zodiac wine again? The price difference is as high as 40 thousand yuan

  Maotai launched the Zodiac wine in the Year of the Horse, the Year of the Sheep, the Year of the Monkey and the Year of the Rooster, among which the price of the Year of the Horse wine was 81,666 yuan/bottle on an e-commerce platform.

  For the same bottle of Zodiac Moutai, the price of Maotai official mall is 39,999 yuan, while the retail price of third-party e-commerce platform is 81,666 yuan, and the price gap is as high as 40,000 yuan. Li Baofang, general manager of Maotai Group, pointed out that the supervision of Zodiac wine should be strengthened to avoid excessive abuse, excessive speculation and inflated prices.

  It is understood that Maotai Zodiac Wine in the Year of the Dog is expected to be listed at the end of this month, with a starting price of 1699 yuan/bottle. Up to now, Maotai Zodiac Wine has launched four models: Jiawu Year of the Horse, B Year of the Sheep, Bingshen Year of the Monkey and Ding You Year of the Rooster. In recent years, the price of Maotai Zodiac wine has soared. Experts said that the price of Zodiac wine is artificially high, and investors must be alert to investment risks.

  Status quo: Maotai Zodiac wine is bullish all the way.

  It is understood that in January 2017, Maotai Zodiac Wine in the Year of the Rooster was announced to be listed, with a pre-sale price of 1219 yuan/bottle and an official sale price of 1299 yuan/bottle. On the first day, the sales of Maotai Zodiac wine in the Year of the Rooster exceeded 17 million yuan, and then some channels began to be out of stock or the supply was tight, which led to the rising price of Maotai Zodiac wine in the Year of the Rooster. At present, in Maotai Mall, the retail price of 53-degree 500ml Maotai Zodiac wine in the Year of the Rooster is 2399 yuan/bottle, but the inventory shows "0". In Maotai Mall, the most expensive Zodiac wine is 2.5L five-star 53-degree Year of the Horse Zodiac wine, the retail price is 39,999 yuan/bottle, and the inventory display is also "0".

  On the third-party e-commerce platform, the retail price of 53-degree 500ml Maotai Zodiac Wine in the Year of the Rooster is 3,499 yuan/bottle, which is 1,100 yuan higher than the price of Maotai official website, and it needs to be purchased by appointment. The price of 2.5L single bottle of Year of the Horse Zodiac wine is 81,666 yuan/bottle, which is 41,667 yuan more expensive than that of Maotai official website. The profit margin is quite large, and the intention of wine speculators is very obvious.

  What is the difference between the Zodiac Maotai and Feitian Maotai? A salesperson of a Maotai franchise store in Beijing told the Beijing Youth Daily that the two kinds of Maotai taste no different, that is, the packaging of the zodiac wine is more exquisite, very beautiful, and has commemorative and collectible value.

  Supervision: Zodiac wine is supplied in proportion.

  Regarding Maotai Zodiac Wine in the Year of the Dog, Li Baofang, general manager of Maotai Group, pointed out that according to the industry situation in 2017, Zodiac Wine needs rational development and strengthened supervision to avoid excessive abuse, excessive speculation and inflated prices. It is understood that in response to the market’s concern about the sales ratio of Maotai Zodiac wine in the Year of the Dog, Maotai Group recently issued the "Notice on the Implementation Ratio of Aged Moutai and Guizhou Moutai (Year of the Dog, 1898)", pointing out that the matching index of Maotai Zodiac wine in the Year of the Dog can be implemented monthly or quarterly, but it cannot be implemented cumulatively across quarters; If it is implemented quarterly, it can be implemented once in any month of the quarter, and the cumulative proportion index of Maotai Zodiac wine in the Year of the Dog in this quarter can be implemented at one time; The ratio index of Maotai Zodiac wine in the Year of the Dog that has not been implemented across quarters is invalid; Unaccepted stores don’t match Maotai Zodiac Wine in the Year of the Dog.

  According to relevant regulations, the sales volume of Maotai Zodiac Wine in the Year of the Dog in 2018 is planned to maintain the level of last year, mainly based on specialty stores and special distribution, supplemented by e-commerce and retail. Maotai will cancel the regional distribution system of Maotai Zodiac wine in the Year of the Dog, and all dealers will jointly distribute it. At the same time, Maotai will grade and match the number of Zodiac wines on a monthly basis according to the areas where specialty stores and special dealers are located. Among them, for specialty store channels, Maotai will distribute 20 pieces, 15 pieces and 10 pieces of Maotai Zodiac wine in the Year of the Dog to each store every month according to the region (province, prefecture and county); For special dealers, 15 pieces, 10 pieces and 5 pieces of Maotai Zodiac wine in the Year of the Dog are distributed to each household every month according to the region (province, prefecture and county); In addition, Dalian, Qingdao, Ningbo, Xiamen and Shenzhen are implemented according to the standards of provincial capitals.

  Plan: Maotai will increase the volume of the Spring Festival market.

  This month, it was reported at the 2018 working conference held by Maotai Group that no less than 7,000 tons of Maotai liquor and 6,000 tons of series liquor will be put in before the Spring Festival, reaching 25% and 20% of the annual plan respectively, so as to effectively meet the market demand for the Spring Festival. At the same time, it is proposed to resolutely control and manage the terminal prices of Moutai and Maotai-flavor series wines. We should take the word "stable" first, stabilize the market price, stabilize the market foundation and stabilize the market share. It is necessary to strictly manage the market price to prevent the price from rising too fast and the "high fever" from persisting.

  It is reported that the market price of Moutai is particularly sensitive near the Spring Festival. On January 8th, Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd. issued a special announcement, requiring subsidiaries at all levels of the company and Maotai Group to sell Feitian 53-degree 500ml Moutai at the price of 1,499 yuan/bottle, without boosting the price, so as to keep the retail price stable. It is recommended that the seller refer to it as appropriate, and do not hoard goods for sale or tie in.

  On January 9th, nearly 100 Maotai dealers jointly issued an initiative in Xi ‘an, unanimously promising to consciously safeguard the interests of consumers and consciously abide by the market order. The price of 53-degree 500ml Feitian Maotai liquor does not exceed 1,499 yuan/bottle, and it will not hoard goods, withhold sales, reluctantly sell or tie in, maintain its strength, deepen the market, improve its service, and be a righteous business for the grand cause of Maotai, the national liquor.

  Maotai Group said that since last year, the market of Moutai has changed from a buyer’s market to a seller’s market, and series of wines have also become a tight resource. But this is also the most difficult time to grasp and the most prone to problems. Maotai Group proposes to be rational and sober, be good at using dialectical thinking and dynamic thinking to examine the market, study the market, do a good job in the market, and strive for initiative.

  Text/reporter Zhao Xinpei

International Hot Review: The whole world is dancing this dance. I didn’t expect this wave of culture to go out of the circle!

This article was transferred from [China News Network];
Zhongxin. com, December 18 (Zhang Naiyue) "Hands are shaking, feet are shaking". Recently, a dance called "Subject Three" has been constantly swiping the screen network, and even set off a craze around the world.
Even the Royal Russian Ballet, which is touring in China, "do as the Romans do". After the performance, it suddenly danced the popular online dance "Subject III", which won applause and laughter, and caused a heated discussion on the Internet.
"Swan Lake" meets "Subject 3"
The full name of "subject three" is "subject three in Guangxi", and its origin has been difficult to verify. Many people think that it comes from the anecdotal saying that "every Guangxi has to go through three exams in life: singing folk songs, talking about rice noodles and dancing".
Some netizens introduced on Russian social media that the popular "Ballet Edition Subject III" came from a performance of the Royal Russian Ballet in Shenyang, China recently. After the performance of "Swan Lake", the ballerinas danced "Subject III". Many dancers dressed in ballet costumes danced in unison with the rhythm of modern electronic music, and some people could not help smiling.
Image source: screenshot of social platform
This video also caused a sharing craze on social media platforms such as Facebook, X (original Twitter) and TikTok.
Some netizens said, "The adaptation is very interesting", "Ballet can’t escape the third subject" and "The ubiquitous third subject". Others left a message saying that "I didn’t expect this wave of culture to go out of the circle".
From "going out of the circle" to "going out to sea"
Not only ballet, "Subject III" also collided with Latin dance. At the 2023 World Sports Dance Grand Prix held in Shanghai in early December, many dancers, including the world champion of Latin dance, showed the "Subject III" combined with Latin dance steps, and the movements were full of power.
At present, "Subject 3" has become a hot challenge project of the global short video platform. Netizens from all over the world have left messages on social media, or shared their videos of "Subject 3".
Some people think that the action of "subject three" is cute.
Others worry about the fragile ankles behind the dancers’ silky steps.
"Subject 3" has sprung up in South Korea, and some people performed at the school graduation party, which attracted cheers from the audience. The entry of "subject three Korea" once rushed to the hot search. Some people said it was "wonderful" and thought it was "culture out of the circle", while others were curious. "Why is the whole world jumping?"
There are also bloggers who record teaching videos and teach "subject three" by hand.
Image source: screenshot of social platform
Some Korean netizens left a message under the video of a Jianghu dance teaching, "I really want to learn this."
More Russian bloggers dressed in cheongsam in Moscow’s Red Square challenged "Subject 3" for three times below zero. Some people are surprised that "subject three is popular all over the world?" Some people found that people in the video jumped up with them, and others reminded bloggers to keep warm.
Image source: Little Red Book blogger "Shao Dong in Russia" video screenshot
In addition, netizens from Britain, Ukraine, the Philippines, Spain and other countries showed off their dancing and attracted numerous praises.
Smile, dance and resonate.
"Subject III" can dance both solo and in groups: people twist their waists, swing their hips and wave their hands, and with their ankles half twisted, they are extremely silky in one go, which is called "in line with the mental state of contemporary people" and "the square dance of young people". Even if you watch it, you can have fun and relax from the video.
Image source: Tik Tok blogger "Love Beauty" video screenshot
Overseas, "Subject III" first spread among China students, and then "spread" to overseas teenagers. Many young people with foreign faces shouted, "The Russian area is divided", "The English area is not big, creating myths" and started "competition", which added heat to the "subject three".
Music and dance are ways of communication that can transcend nations and languages. "Subject III" spread quickly because of its easy-to-understand and relatively easy-to-remember dance and "brainwashing" music, which easily mobilized the senses and was easily imitated.
However, the success of "subject three" in becoming a cultural phenomenon "going out of the circle" or even "going out to sea" is inseparable from the feeling of relaxation and freedom it brings to people, which is a simple happiness that netizens from all over the world can experience. Faced with the pressure of reality, modern people can show their personality, gain resonance and vent their emotions by playing with stalks, and they can find happiness from it no matter where they come from.
The collision between ballet, Latin dance and the popular internet stem "Subject III" is the communication between tradition and modernity, and also the communication between different cultures. Between a gesture and a slide, the audience and dancers will smile, and different nationalities will know each other better.

5: 00 a. m. The domestic media made a controversial decision: China football became the winner, and the fans screamed.

At 5: 00 am on October 31st, Beijing time, the latest news came from China Football. According to the domestic media "Football Daily", Titipan, the main midfielder of Thailand team, was seriously injured, and it was difficult for Dangda to play in China. This report also caused great controversy and discussion.

"Football Daily" wrote: "In the third round of the AFC Champions League in Bangkok, Titipan, the main midfielder of the Thai team, suffered tears in the anterior cruciate ligament and medial collateral ligament of his knee, and he will face a long recovery period of at least 8 months after the operation.

In addition to Titipan, 35-year-old striker Dangda also missed at least four weeks due to injury, making it difficult to catch up with Thailand’s home game against China on November 16th. Dangda is the third shooter in the history of Thailand. "

It can be seen from the report in Football News that China football has become the winner, and Thailand’s main players were injured before the preliminaries started. Although the media did not disclose more information, China now needs to rely on the injured opponents to win, which still attracted a lot of fans’ condemnation.

Some fans said: "They have all fallen to hope that others will get hurt and even be sent off. It is still Thailand. You can imagine what the level of football in China is. " Some fans also said: "It’s useless, the men’s football team still can’t win."

Of course, some fans said: "All the benefits are vulnerable in front of a stable national football team. The Japanese team and the European powers have played back and forth. We are still here to discuss with Thailand and Vietnam how we can not lose. It is really a laugh. "

Virtual Human Competition: Iflytek vs Pingping Intelligent, which is more suitable for you?

In recent years, with the development of artificial intelligence technology, virtual human, as a system based on human-computer interaction, has attracted more and more attention. In the virtual human market, Iflytek and Fengping Intelligent are well-known enterprises. Next, we will compare the virtual people of the two companies, and analyze them from the aspects of technology, popularity, cooperative enterprises, application scope, ease of operation and price.

First of all, from a technical point of view,Iflytek Virtual Human has adopted the leading natural language processing technology and artificial intelligence technology, and has the ability of semantic understanding and reasoning, which can provide more intelligent services.

However, the technical level of Fengping intelligent virtual human is relatively weak, lacking the support of key technologies such as deep learning and natural language processing.

Secondly, in terms of popularity and cooperative enterprises,As a well-known artificial intelligence enterprise, Iflytek has high popularity and influence in domestic and foreign markets, and has established long-term cooperative relations with many enterprises, which can provide customers with more comprehensive services. In contrast, Fengping Intelligence still has much room for improvement in terms of market visibility and cooperative enterprises.

Next, from the perspective of application scope and simplicity of operation,Fengping intelligent virtual human has a wider range of applications, which can be applied to a variety of industries and scenarios, such as education, medical care, hotels and so on.

The operation simplicity of Fengping intelligent virtual human benefits from its advanced technology and innovative functions. It is understood that Fengping intelligent virtual human can clone a digital avatar through a short video, and can control the digital avatar to complete video production, live broadcast and other tasks through simple voice or text instructions. This quick and simple operation greatly reduces the threshold for users to use virtual people, and at the same time improves the user’s experience.

In contrast, the operation mode of Iflytek Virtual Human is relatively complicated, which requires users to learn and train to give full play to its functions.

Therefore, the simplicity of operation of Fengping intelligent virtual human has also become a big advantage in the market. Users can get started quickly and complete various tasks quickly, saving time and energy and improving work efficiency.

Finally, in terms of price,The price of Fengping intelligent virtual human is relatively low, which is more close to the people and can meet the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises. The price of virtual human in Iflytek is higher, which is suitable for larger enterprises.

To sum up, Iflytek virtual human is far superior to Pingping intelligent virtual human in technology, popularity and cooperative enterprises. However, Fengping intelligent virtual human has more advantages in application scope, simplicity of operation and price. Therefore, users can choose their own virtual human products according to their own needs.

With the development of science and technology, what changes will artificial intelligence bring to our lives?

With the development and application of technology, artificial intelligence has gradually entered people’s lives, and more and more enterprises and organizations have begun to use AI technology in their business. In the future, with the further development of technology, the application prospect of artificial intelligence will be broader and will become an important driving force in the digital age.

At present, artificial intelligence has been widely used in many fields, such as medical care, financial services, transportation, education, entertainment and other fields. For example, in the field of medical care, artificial intelligence can help doctors diagnose and treat diseases quickly and accurately by analyzing and processing a large number of medical data; In the field of financial services, artificial intelligence can provide customers with more personalized financial services by analyzing and processing a large number of financial data; In the field of transportation, artificial intelligence can improve the efficiency and safety of traffic management and reduce the incidence of traffic congestion through vehicle networking technology; In the field of education, artificial intelligence can provide students with more personalized learning services through intelligent teaching systems; In the field of entertainment, artificial intelligence can provide users with entertainment services that are more in line with their needs through the analysis of users’ interests and preferences.

With the continuous development and innovation of artificial intelligence technology, its application prospect will be broader. For example, artificial intelligence will be more and more widely used in smart homes, smart cities, driverless and other fields. Smart home will provide people with a more intelligent, comfortable and safe living environment through the connection and cooperation of intelligent devices; Smart cities will improve the level and efficiency of urban management and services through big data analysis and intelligent management; Unmanned driving will improve traffic safety and reduce traffic congestion through technologies such as automatic driving and intelligent navigation.

Although the application prospect of artificial intelligence is very broad, it also faces some challenges and problems in the application process. For example, issues such as data security, privacy protection, interpretability of algorithms, and the impact of artificial intelligence on the job market require the joint efforts of all parties to promote the further development of technology and applications.

The application prospect of artificial intelligence is very broad and it will play an important role in the future economic and social development. At the same time, we should also note that the application of artificial intelligence technology needs to balance the development of technology and society, taking into account issues such as data security and privacy protection, so that it can be truly used by human beings and promote human development and progress.

Come, enrich my knowledge | Bill Gates favorite book list first annual exposure

Every year-end or holiday, Microsoft founder Bill Gates Bill Gates will continue their "book selection" in the traditional personal social media platforms, recommended books of the year list of books he had in mind for everyone.

Not long ago, Bill Gates once again to share with you the five books, compared with previous years of books, five book clear "Technology sense of" full, contains two great science fiction, and discuss the future development of technology books let us work together to preview it!

Klara and the Sun

– Kazuo Ishiguro

This is caused by

The Nobel Prize in Literature

Winner Kazuo Ishiguro newly published science fiction story takes place in a dystopian future,

It tells the story of the friendship between the generated artificial intelligence robot Clara with a sick little girl.

Gates Book Review – "

Power is not evil robot

Instead, they can serve as companions to accompany people. This book got me thinking, has a super intelligent robot lives will be like – we had them as a technology, or

More important things

. "

Project Hail Mary

– Andy Weir

Project Hail Mary from the "Mission to Mars" The Marsian author Andy Weir (Andy Weir) hand, and "Mission to Mars" This book also appeared in the 2020 Bill Gates

Summer reading list

superior. It tells the story of a high school science teacher awoke to find himself in another galaxy,

Also take up the task of lifting the earth crisis.

Gates Book Review – "The story is about how he uses science and engineering to

save the world

. This book is very interesting, I’ll read it all weekend. "


– Maggie O’Farrell

This year, Bill Gates is recommended only a single book

Historical novel

The author wrote it with a fictional way how sad tear a family, explain how Shakespeare was writing his sorrow into power.

Gates Book Review – "If you’re a fan of Shakespeare, you’ll love this touching novel,

It tells the story of Shakespeare’s personal life affect the creation of one of his most famous plays.



Thousand Brains: A New Theory of Intelligence

– Jeff Hawkins

From technology entrepreneurs Hawkins (Jeff Hawkins) this book

More superficial

Way to introduce the sophisticated mode of operation of the human cerebral cortex,

More imagination and provides clues for the future of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Gates Book Review – "Hawkins identity may be best known for co-inventor of the PalmPilot, but he spent a few years time to study

Neuroscience and machine learning

The link between this book is the best introduction to his thought. "

The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race

– Walter Isaacson

It was awarded in 2020

Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Jennifer Doudna biography of the story,

She was "God scalpel said," the CRISPR gene editing technology has attracted attention.

Gates Book Review – "CRISPR gene editing system over the past decade

Coolest, perhaps most importantly,

One scientific breakthroughs. This book is about the Nobel laureate biochemist Jennifer Doudna and her colleagues is how to find it.

Author Isaacson nicely highlights the most important ethical issues in genetic editing.
