Samsung closed its last mobile phone manufacturing factory in China.

  Samsung officially closed its last mobile phone manufacturing factory in China.

  On October 2nd, it was reported in Reuters that Samsung Electronics said that it had stopped producing mobile phone products in China because of the increasingly fierce competition from domestic competitors in China. This also means that Samsung’s last factory in China, located in Huizhou, Guangdong Province, has also been shut down.

  Samsung China responded to the The Paper reporter that Huizhou Samsung Electronics was one of Samsung’s first factories in China in 1992. Considering the current situation of the global mobile phone market, in order to improve the efficiency of global production and operation, it was forced to make a decision to stop production in Huizhou.

  "In the past 27 years since entering China, Samsung has followed the industrial guidance direction of the China government and adjusted its industrial layout in time to adapt to the rapid development and changes of the China market. The adjustment of the Huizhou factory is a normal industrial adjustment; Samsung’s industrial layout in China has been transformed into a high-end manufacturing industry in line with the direction of the China Municipal Government. In the past six years, it has continued to invest in high-end industries in China, amounting to more than 20 billion US dollars, far higher than the amount of industrial adjustment, and will continue to invest in high-end industries in China in the future. " Samsung said in a statement.

  Samsung said that in view of the problem of employee placement, the company will fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees, and properly solve it through various forms such as branch relocation and re-employment support to minimize employee losses.

  Since the beginning of this year, there have been media reports that Samsung will continue to shut down this Huizhou mobile phone factory and transfer its production capacity to Vietnam, India and other countries to cope with the pressure of rising labor costs in China. In the low-end market of China, ODM or OEM mode is adopted.

  Samsung had previously responded to the media: "Due to the severe market situation and intensified competition in China, we are adjusting the output of Huizhou factory."

  Huizhou Samsung Electronics has been pushing the recruitment information of other companies on WeChat WeChat official account for several months to find job opportunities for Huizhou factory employees.

  The full name of Samsung Huizhou Factory is Huizhou Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., which was established in 1992 as a joint venture between samsung galaxy Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Huizhou Real Estate Corporation. It was officially put into production in September 1993 with a registered capital of $32 million. Mobile phone production was introduced in 2006, and now it has developed into 40 GSM/CDMA/3G mobile phone production lines and more than 30 SMD automatic production lines. The products MAINly include main audio, DVD home theater, mobile phone and other products, with a factory area of 120,000 square meters and a construction area of 35,000 square meters.

  In recent years, Samsung’s mobile phone sales in China’s domestic market are not good, and it is impossible to provide enough orders to the China factory; However, the high cost of the China factory made it impossible to receive orders from other Samsung markets, which led to a difficult situation for the China factory. In December last year, Samsung closed the Tianjin mobile phone factory.

  A few days ago, the market research company Strategy Analytics released a report saying that Samsung Electronics’ share in China’s smartphone market in the second quarter was less than 1% due to the influence of more China consumers choosing to buy domestic smartphones. In 2013, Samsung’s smartphone market share in China once reached about 20%.

  Samsung has also said that it is reorganizing and matching global industries, and the specific measures are to transfer intensive factories to countries with lower labor costs.

  Regarding the closure of Tianjin mobile phone factory, Samsung said that it actively eliminated backward production capacity, and at the same time, it vigorously increased investment in high-tech industries and added high-end manufacturing projects such as MLCC (multilayer ceramic capacitors) and new energy power batteries. Among them, the MLCC plant is expected to be completed by the end of this year. By then, Tianjin will become one of the major overseas production bases of Samsung Electric, providing basic electronic components for mobile phones, computers, automotive electronics and other equipment worldwide, greatly improving the level and internationalization of the electronics industry in Tianjin.

  Huang Degui, president of Samsung Greater China, recently told People’s Daily that Samsung has become an important participant in the high-quality development of China’s manufacturing industry. "In the future, Samsung will continue to provide China consumers with an important driving force for a better life through technological breakthroughs and high-tech products. At the same time, it will continue to adapt to the development and changes of the China market, strengthen reform and innovation, accelerate transformation and upgrading, and strive to achieve high-quality development."

  The Paper reporter Ling Zhou

FISU Football World Cup

Xinhua News Agency, Fuzhou, November 1st (Reporter Li Haoze, Xiao Shiyao) The 2023 FISU Football World Cup ended in Jinjiang, Fujian on October 31st. The men’s team of paulista University in Brazil and the women’s team of Beijing Normal University won the men’s team and the women’s team respectively.

On October 31st, Zhou Xinyu (right), a player of Beijing Normal University team, shot in the game. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)

The men’s and women’s finals were held on October 31st. In the first women’s final, the women’s team of Beijing Normal University played against the women’s team of paulista University in Brazil. After the two sides scored twice in the regular time, they made no achievements, and the game entered a penalty shootout. In the end, the women’s team of Beijing Normal University scored five penalty kicks, defeating their opponents with a total score of 7:6 and winning the championship.

On October 31st, the starting players of Beijing Normal University team took a group photo before the game. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Lai Jincai)

In the men’s final, a penalty shootout was staged again, and the men’s team of paulista University in Brazil and the Ukrainian National University of Economics and Business competed fiercely. The two sides drew 1:1 at regular time, and drew a blank in overtime. Finally, the men’s team of paulista University of Brazil won the men’s team championship with a total score of 7:6 after a penalty shootout.

In the third-place battle held on the same day, the men’s team of the University of Uruguay and the women’s team of Bordeaux University of France beat their respective opponents and won the third place in the men’s team and the women’s team respectively.

Another China team, Hohai University Men’s Team, finished eighth in the men’s team, up five places from the last competition.

The FISU Football World Cup is held every two years, and this year is the second. The first four events were held in Jinjiang.

In 2024, the automobile market will face a growth boom: new energy vehicles will become new power, and the export end and intelligent driving will be driven by two wheels.

According to the recent institutional research report, summarize the investment points of related industries for your reference:

Automobile industryIn the first three quarters of 2023, the central and local governments issued a new round of policy combination boxing, such as new energy going to the countryside and automobile consumption and shopping festival activities, to further enhance market activity, promote the sustained release of potential purchasing power, and drive the order growth of the upstream parts industry. The domestic macro-economy has picked up moderately, and the logistics industry has stabilized and rebounded to drive the growth of truck sales. Under the favorable background of many parties,Automobile industryIn the first three quarters of 2023, the prosperity continued to pick up, and it is expected to continue until 2024.

Automobile exit endThe performance is bright, and the high growth tone of the new energy industry remains unchanged. Relying on the advantages of domestic automobile industry chain and the brand strength of continuous improvement,Automobile industryOutstanding performance at the export end is expected to become a new round of growth points. At present, the domestic economy is picking up moderately, the export end has entered the stage of heavy volume, and the new energy industry is booming. It is estimated that the automobile sales volume will reach 29.88 million in 2024, an increase of about 3% year-on-year. The sales volume of new energy vehicles was about 11.5 million, up about 25% year-on-year.

The second half of the electric car has arrived., intelligent network development into the fast lane. Since 2023, relevant policies for intelligent networked vehicles have been frequent, which is expected to catalyze the research and development and landing process of domestic high-level intelligent driving. Intelligent driving covers multi-field collaboration, and the industrial chain has ushered in rapid development. With the pilot work of L3 and L4 automatic driving gradually carried out in China, Tesla FSD with advanced intelligent assisted driving is expected to accelerate its entry into the China market.

HuaweiEmpowering the intelligent development of automobiles, the supporting industrial chain may usher in a revaluation. Huawei relies on the leading technology and channel advantages accumulated in the ICT and consumer electronics fields for many years to empowerAutomobile industryThe field of smart travel. The sales volume of Wenjie series is hot, reflecting consumers’ recognition of Huawei’s added value, and Huawei’s automobile related supporting industrial chain may usher in a revaluation.

capital proposals: It is suggested to pay attention to the main engine plants with bright performance at the export end of new energy.

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"Have dinner with me and I’ll give you $300,000!" Football superstars fall into the trap of Chinese aunts.

"Have dinner with me and I’ll give you $300,000." In 2003, a female fan in China paid a lot of money to invite Ronaldo to dinner. Ronaldo was so happy that he didn’t know that he had fallen into someone else’s trap.

Speaking of Ronaldo, even those who don’t know football, I believe they have heard his name. Ronaldo’s full name is ronaldo luiz nazario de lima. If you mention Ronaldo’s achievements in football, you can even introduce him day and night without interruption. In addition, Ronaldo also has many nicknames, such as Ronnie, Fei Luo and Da Luo. Ronaldo was born on September 18th, 1976. When he was a child, his family was very poor, but it was his love for football that kept him from giving up this career, and he eventually grew up to be the king of football in the world.

In the growing experience of Ronaldo, Ronaldo can be said to have dealt with all kinds of people. Because of his high popularity, Ronaldo was still relatively strong in protecting his brand awareness when attending various activities, but what Ronaldo didn’t expect was that he actually stumbled in the hands of a China woman.

To mention this story, we have to look back to 20 years ago, that is, in 2003, when Ronaldo came to China for an exchange competition. After arriving in China, Ronaldo was quickly impressed by the enthusiasm of China fans. The scene of the game was surrounded by a sea of fans, all of whom shouted their names.

After the game, Ronaldo’s assistant told him that there was a female boss in China who wanted to have dinner with him. At first, Ronaldo refused. After all, his time is precious, but then the assistant said that the female boss was willing to pay $300,000 as a reward as long as he agreed to have dinner with her.

Hearing this, Ronaldo instantly felt very interested. He could get 300,000 yuan just by eating a meal. Why not go?

Before departure, Ronaldo specifically explained to his assistant that he must show the other party that he is just going to have dinner. If it involves endorsement or other things, he needs to talk about the price. After all, it is impossible to endorse a product casually, just 300,000.

After arriving at the scene, the female boss also made it clear that 300,000 yuan is only the cost of eating and does not involve endorsement. Ronaldo let his guard down. There were not only the female boss, but also many children who lined up to send flowers to Ronaldo.

The female boss also took out a jersey, expressing the hope that Ronaldo could wear this jersey to accept the welcome of the children, and told Ronaldo that this jersey was carefully designed by the children. Ronaldo then put on a special jersey, not only accepted the children’s flowers at the scene, but also performed a superb skill for the children at the scene.

Next, I entered the stage of eating. The whole process of eating was very relaxed, and Ronaldo didn’t feel any discomfort. After dinner, the female boss is also very generous to transfer 300,000 yuan on the spot.

At this time, Ronaldo still felt that the money was very easy to earn, and the female boss in China was really generous.

After Ronaldo returned to China, he forgot all about it because of training and competition. It was not until a long time later that Ronaldo heard the news of his endorsement of products in China from his friends. At this time, Ronaldo felt very puzzled that he did not endorse any products in China.

Only after watching the relevant advertising videos did Ronaldo recall the experience of having dinner with the female boss in China. Then Ronaldo also entrusted a lawyer to take the female boss to court.

The female boss in the story is Jiang Peizhen, the helm of Golden Voice. Jiang Peizhen was in charge of a candy factory at first, but the candy factory soon closed down due to poor management. In order to solve the dilemma, Jiang Peizhen found Wang Yaofa because she heard that Wang Yaofa had a formula in his hand. After being authorized by Wang Yaofa, Jiang Peizhen formally established Guangxi Golden Voice.

Relying on Ronaldo’s fame, Golden Voice quickly swept across the country, and the sales volume showed a surge in a short period of time. Jiang Peizhen has also become a myth in the industry, but this luck didn’t last long. Finally, in 2009, Golden Voice still had financial problems, and Jiang Peizhen was also included in the list of dishonesty.

President china portrait photography society and his party visited Meitu Company for a discussion.

Recently, Mr. Yan Taichang, Chairman of china portrait photography society, Mr. Han Yuezhi, Vice Chairman of china portrait photography society and Chairman of Post-production Professional Committee, Mr. Liang Jiande, Vice Chairman of china portrait photography society and Chairman of Cosmetic Modeling Professional Committee, and their delegation visited Meitu Company for exchange and discussion. Also present at the visit and discussion were Xu Chunsheng, Chairman of Platinum Jue Travel Photography Culture Group Co., Ltd., and Pan Baofu, founder of Extraordinary 6+1 Photography Group. Zheng Minglie, Chairman of Wiener Digital Printing Art Industrial Park, He Songlin, Senior Vice President of Meitu Company, Chen Jianyi, Vice President of Products and Xu Qingquan, Head of Meitu Yunxiu, accompanied him to visit and attend the symposium.

In the exhibition hall of Meitu Company, Chairman Yan Taichang and his party learned about the development history, company strategy, corporate culture, product innovation, core technologies and honors of Meitu Company in detail, and experienced the software and hardware products of Meitu, such as Xiu Xiu, Beauty Camera, Wink, Meitu Skin, etc. On the spot, they paid attention to and recognized the innovative products and leading imaging technologies of Meitu Company. During the introduction of Meitu’s corporate strategy, Chairman Yan Taichang and his party learned deeply that at present, Meitu, based on its image core competence, digs more scenes at the C-end, while focusing on the B-end market with SaaS and related businesses as its main focus. Based on Meitu’s continuous investment in scientific and technological innovation, accumulated grasp of the public’s aesthetics over the years, and understanding of the needs of a large number of users, Meitu Yunxiu, a one-stop intelligent retouching solution for the commercial photography industry, is launched. In this regard, Mr. Yan Taichang said that the imaging technology mastered by Meitu can solve the technical problems existing in the portrait photography industry in a targeted manner, and help photographers, retouchers and enterprises to improve retouching efficiency with the help of artificial intelligence technology, and help the standardization construction and digital transformation of the industry.

At the symposium, the two sides had an in-depth sharing and exchange on the current situation, pain points and future development direction of portrait photography industry. With the consumption upgrade of portrait photography industry, all enterprises are facing new opportunities and challenges. Both sides said that since the formal strategic cooperation was reached, through multi-field and high-level in-depth cooperation, more and more photographers and enterprises actively embraced the digitalization of portrait photography, and jointly explored and developed the digital economy with Meitu Yunxiu. "Technology" and "digitalization" are the key words for the development of portrait photography industry. Focusing on china portrait photography society’s leading role in the industry, Meitu Yunxiu will give full play to its technical advantages in the field of imaging technology, actively promote the continuous deepening of cooperation between the two sides, focus on overcoming the shortcomings of the industry, rely on image AI technology, jointly promote the high-quality development of portrait photography industry, and serve high-quality post-retouching to help portrait photography. Help the upstream and downstream industries to realize all-round digital transformation and upgrading. The head photography brands and later brands who participated in this symposium all said that intelligent retouching technology can actually help enterprises reduce costs and improve efficiency, and imaging technology is playing an increasingly important role in portrait photography ecology. Therefore, we should work together to seize the opportunities of digital development, promote the development of new businesses in various fields of the industry, create new formats, explore new modes, and make greater contributions to the digital transformation of portrait photography.

The person in charge of Meitu Yunxiu said that as one of the important strategies of Meitu’s B-end layout, Meitu Yunxiu is committed to promoting the high-quality development of portrait photography industry and serving high-quality post-retouching. Relying on the continuous breakthrough and innovation of imaging technology, Meitu Yunxiu will launch the first multi-terminal adaptation mode in the industry, flexibly adapt to complex equipment and network environment, and provide better and more convenient intelligent retouching services for enterprises and retouchers, helping enterprises achieve cost reduction and efficiency increase.

Since the two sides reached a strategic cooperation in 2022, based on the multi-dimensional cooperation between online and offline, the two sides have achieved a lot. As a strategic partner of china portrait photography society, Meitu Yunxiu will give full play to its advantages in imaging technology and artificial intelligence, further deepen cooperation with china portrait photography society, promote the digital and intelligent development of portrait photography industry, and comprehensively help accelerate the development of digital economy of portrait photography industry in China.