Beijing online car-hailing market bid farewell to foreign cars, non-Beijing owners: rice bowl gone

  Beijing, April 2 (Reporter Ma Chuang) According to the Voice of China "News Vertical and Horizontal" report, after Didi stopped sending orders to non-Beijing brand vehicles in the Third Ring Road last Monday, from yesterday (1st), Didi stopped sending orders to non-Beijing brand vehicles throughout Beijing. Data show that after the implementation of the new policy, Beijing’s standard online car-hailing will drop to 10% of the previous. In the face of Didi’s new policy, how do non-Beijing car owners who do not meet the requirements respond? In the face of concerns about "whether it will return to the difficulty of hailing a taxi", what new measures will Didi take?

  On March 20, Didi stopped sending orders to non-Beijing brand vehicles in Beijing’s Third Ring Road. Nine days later, Didi sent a notice to drivers on the client side, announcing that it would stop sending orders to non-Beijing brand vehicles throughout Beijing from April 1.

  Didi Chuxing staff said that the successive adjustments to the policy were to implement the relevant regulations in the Beijing online car-hailing rules. "According to the regulations of the Beijing online car-hailing rules, Didi will stop sending orders to the whole Beijing area, including those outside the Sixth Ring Road, before April 1."

  Some non-Beijing drivers have started looking for new jobs after the new rules were issued. Didi suggested that non-Beijing drivers go back to the place where the license plate belongs to continue to take orders, or participate in the recycling of used cars, discounted car purchases, and discounted car rental schemes. Some non-Beijing car owners expressed difficulty in this regard. "Sending a message is like an advertisement, which will definitely affect the driver, because my job is gone, I plan not to run, there is no way. There is definitely no business going back to the local area, and I will not recycle the newly bought car."

  In December last year, the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission and other departments jointly issued the "Detailed Rules for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services in Beijing", requiring that online car-hailing must be "Beijing people drive Beijing cars". At that time, Beijing gave a five-month transition period to facilitate drivers and online car-hailing platforms that meet the standards to submit applications and accept assessments. According to the regulations, engaging in online car-hailing services requires participating in national and local exams. Only after passing can you register for employment, and the valid period for registration of professional qualifications is 3 years.

  Although the exam questions were generally not difficult, Master Wei, the driver, said that he was a little unable to take the exam. "If you want to drive, you must first get a license, and you must take the online car-hailing driver’s license and service license. How can we pass the exam? If you ask me to participate, I will not participate."

  Didi’s new policy may be difficult for non-Beijing car owners to buy it. Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, said that although the implementation of the new policy may lead to some contradictions at the beginning, in the long run, the Internet sharing economy is still the general trend. "In the future, the market supply and demand may be unbalanced, and the supply will continue to decrease while the demand is still very large, so the price may rise in a short period of time, and it is very likely that you will not be able to get a car. This is the negative impact of the implementation of the new policy. At present, the sharing economy has just emerged. Including the friction between traditional industries and the sharing economy, it may require legal regulation. Conservatively speaking, it may be conducive to social stability."

  After Beijing stopped sending orders to non-Beijing-licensed vehicles, how are the current business conditions of online taxi drivers and taxi drivers who meet the standards? Many people are worried that they will face the problem of difficult taxi hailing again in the future. How will Didi respond to this?

  According to media reports, previously in Beijing, about half of the online car-hailing vehicles operated by foreign license plates used to account for about half. Now, coupled with the requirements of vehicle wheelbase, license plate and household registration, it is estimated that the online car-hailing cars that meet the requirements may only account for 10% of the current stock. Didi staff said that there will be new ways to deal with it in the future. "Since the reduction of transportation capacity may affect the success rate and waiting time of users in some areas and some times, we apologize for this. At the same time, we have also taken various measures to improve efficiency and hope to meet user requests as much as possible."

  In Beijing, many passengers have already felt that it is becoming more and more difficult to order a car. Some industry insiders believe that the impact of Didi’s suspension of foreign-brand cars will be felt soon, and this part of the impact will be mainly on express and special cars. Unlike the worried non-Beijing-brand drivers, many "Beijing-brand" online car-hailing drivers who meet the detailed regulations are full of expectations for the future. "Suddenly there are not so many cars, can you not live much? These days, it is obvious that there is more life, but the delivery distance is far. It is time for Didi to start promoting and rewarding drivers, which is the key."

  Some Beijing taxi drivers believe that the new method of dispatching orders will ease traffic congestion to some extent. "Big cities are already very congested, and traffic in Beijing will be much better after the new policy. It is long overdue to stop them. At that time, the review will be very strict, and it will definitely be safe. Taxi companies are also in the background, and they are all safe to a certain extent. It is difficult to say whether private cars are safe or not."

  With the implementation of the new policy, only 10% of the stock of online car-hailing that meets the standards is left, which may not pose a threat to the traditional taxi market for the time being, and taxi companies do not have to exclaim "the wolf is coming" as before. As for the future development of online car-hailing, Zhu Wei said that the only thing left is to carry out refined operations in the public sector, and ways such as ride-hailing, data economy, and cooperative entrepreneurship may inject new blood into the online car-hailing industry. The development speed may not be as fast as in the past, but deep cultivation under the legal framework is the only way to consolidate the foundation of the enterprise.

  Zhu Wei analyzed that the first way to develop more is to add more hitchhikers, because the current proportion of hitchhikers may be relatively small, and their own vehicles, fixed routes, and usually can bring a few more people. This kind of behavior may exist in large numbers in the future, and it is also worth encouraging. The second is the data economy. Under the current model of the sharing economy, including vehicle information and vehicle route information, it must be counted in the big data platform of smart travel and smart cities. In the future, Didi will integrate and communicate data with the government and taxi companies in this regard, and there will be many good directions for the entire Beijing travel in the future. Third, Didi will have some travel, including a business plan to cooperate with drivers. At present, Didi, including the implementation measures for the implementation of the new policy in the future, must take the current law as the bottom line. If there are new situations and new problems when "Internet +" develops in the future, the country may further refine it, and there may be changes in legislation and law enforcement.

The network anchor will welcome real-name registration system’s involvement in pornography, gambling and drugs, etc., and will be blacked out (Figure)

  International online comprehensive news: The heads of more than 20 major domestic enterprises engaged in online performances (live broadcasts) jointly issued the "Beijing Webcast Industry Self-discipline Convention", promising that from the 18th, webcasting rooms must be marked with watermarks; Content storage time is not less than 15 days for future reference; All anchors must be real-name certified; For anchors who broadcast political, gun-related, drug-related, violent and pornographic content, serious cases will be blacklisted; Auditors conduct 24-hour real-time supervision on the live content on the platform.

  The brutal development of webcasting industry

  The extremely low industry threshold and the temptation to make money without leaving home make the network anchor team expand rapidly and fall into the strange circle of barbaric growth. In order to become popular, some network anchors should take off what they shouldn’t, show what they shouldn’t, do what they shouldn’t, and say what they shouldn’t, at the request of fans, in order to let the "golden master" get the so-called stimulation and pleasure. The original clean live broadcast room was made a mess.

  Low barriers to entry in the industry

  The surging webcast lowered the threshold of popularity and made it possible for many grassroots to become famous overnight — — A microphone and a camera have become the gold digging tools in cyberspace. According to media reports, on the webcast platforms such as Betta, Crouching, and Show Together, popular anchors with an annual income of millions of yuan are fully grasped, and some even earn more than 10 million yuan.

  Some anchors do whatever it takes to become popular.

  "Earn six figures a month" and "reward" … … The kaleidoscope-like webcasting makes the anchors rich and admired. At the same time, some anchors do whatever it takes to "get out of position". According to reports, an online male anchor named "play is Happy" broke into a school in Nanjing and publicly broadcast live to harass girls. What is even more paradoxical is that after the behavior of the network male anchor was stopped by the security guards in the school, his fans did not condemn the anchor but abused teachers and students online … …

  The income of network anchors mainly depends on netizens’ "reward"

  A staff member of the webcast platform revealed that the income of the network anchor mainly depends on the "reward" of netizens. As long as you are willing to take off and show off and meet the requirements of the "golden master", the "reward" will be high. Among the fans of the anchor, "local tyrants" abound, and they can spend a lot of money on their favorite anchors without even frowning. In order to make fans happy and get more "rewards", anchors naturally show their magical powers and perform heartily, making the network anchor space a low-level, vulgar and indecent place.

  A 12-year-old boy from Minhou, Fuzhou stole 30,000 yuan from his mother to give a gift to the network anchor.

  Xiaolin, a 12-year-old fifth-grade primary school boy in Minhou, stole his mother’s mobile phone to buy expensive virtual goods for the anchor in order to please his favorite network anchor, and spent nearly 30 thousand yuan a month.

  Netizens spent 50,000 yuan on gifts just to keep the female anchor calling his name.

  A fan with a live ID named "Dungeon Warrior" said that he had spent more than 10,000 yuan for his favorite female anchor since last year, which was nothing compared with those local fans who lavished millions. "In that world, as long as you spend money, you are the king. This is the feeling that watching star videos won’t happen at all. The female anchor will always interact with you. You can’t understand the satisfaction of calling your name and saying thank you and love you in front of tens of thousands of people. This gives me a sense of power and a strong sense of superiority, which makes me feel stronger than all the men in the room, especially with dignity, as if I control the world. "

  The competition in online celebrity is fierce, and the interest chains are interlinked.

  It is precisely because of online celebrity’s profitable capital that many companies, seeing the unlimited business opportunities, have started to concentrate on signing contracts and training, and input them into the live broadcast platform. "I’m Zero Egg" is a student at school. She emphasizes that she has natural characteristics without artificial synthesis. After being signed by a brokerage company, she will broadcast live on the Dragon Ball platform. In addition to the basic salary, the extra income from the live broadcast will be shared with the platform and the brokerage company. According to her, "most anchors are pushed to the live broadcast platform by brokerage companies, and some small platforms have less budgets and more direct docking with anchors." She said that even if a contracted anchor wants to get the top page, it is generally necessary for the anchor to apply for the top request with the company. "Then the company arranges the top through the registration order, but the chance of being topped is very small."

  Is it feasible for the popular anchor to enter the entertainment circle offline?

  Some people think that the live content of these eyeballs, such as posing, selling cute and playing cute, singing and telling jokes, may one day be bored by netizens. In fact, at present, some anchors have stepped out of the narrow space in their homes and gone outdoors and even internationally, and entertainment life such as travel, ball games and star conferences has gradually become live content.

  Expert suggestion: regulatory legislation needs to be refined

  Some legal experts said that because the definition of pornography in the current relevant laws is not specific enough, webcasting frequently plays "edge ball". Webcast, as a new product, should be based on its characteristics, and introduce a new basis to refine the supervision of live content, so that the live broadcast platform and practitioners can clearly understand their legal responsibilities. However, in view of the lack of protection for minors in the webcast platform, legal scholars have called for the urgent introduction of a grading system related to Internet content.

Jiangxi Civil Affairs Planning Finance and Welfare Lottery Finance and Asset Management Training Course was held in Xiamen National Accounting Institute.

  From September 26th to 30th, the training course of Jiangxi Civil Affairs Planning Finance and Welfare Lottery Finance and Asset Management was held in Xiamen National Accounting Institute. Deputy Director Ouyang Haiquan (director level) attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Li Jinxi, vice president of Xiamen National Accounting Institute, attended the opening ceremony. More than 80 people attended the training, including the responsible comrades of the Finance Department of the Department of Planning and Finance, the Provincial Welfare Lottery Center and the financial departments of the departments affiliated to the Department, and the responsible comrades of the civil affairs departments of all districts and cities, Ganjiang New District and counties (cities, districts).

  Ouyang Haiquan put forward four requirements to the financial personnel of the provincial civil affairs planning and welfare lottery system: First, Do not forget your initiative mind, bearing in mind the mission is the basic political follow of the financial personnel of the provincial civil affairs. Second, adhering to the standards and not making false accounts are the basic professional ethics of civil affairs financial personnel in the province. Third, lifelong learning and continuous improvement are the basic literacy pursuits of civil affairs financial personnel in the province. Fourth, cherish opportunities and strictly observe discipline, which are the basic training requirements for civil affairs financial personnel in the province.

  Dr. Lin Zhiyuan, Dr. Chen Yanping and Dr. Liu Yongquan from Xiamen University and Xiamen National Accounting Institute gave authoritative interpretations and practical guidance on budget performance management, internal control construction of administrative institutions, new Government Accounting System and state-owned assets management of administrative institutions.

  The students have said that the wonderful lectures and lively learning exchanges of experts and scholars have enabled everyone to think, learn and succeed, effectively improving the comprehensive quality and professional ability of financial personnel, strengthening the construction of Jiangxi civil affairs talent team, and laying a solid foundation for promoting the high-quality development of civil affairs and wealth management. In particular, it is of special commemorative significance to hold training courses on the occasion of the 70th birthday of the motherland. The students said that they will promote the construction of great love civil affairs in Jiangxi in the new era with practical actions, paint a new picture of Jiangxi’s reform and development in the new era and make their due contributions to building a prosperous, beautiful, happy and modern Jiangxi.

Where is Dad going? It’s like sending off the stars on Guanyin. They all have a second child.

Yang Wei’s family celebrated their twin daughters’ first birthday.

1905 movie network news On January 17, 2018, Yang Wei took a photo of a pair of twin daughters on the Weibo. Many netizens discovered that Yang Yangyang had long been a brother. Indeed, many of the stars who participated in the program had further communication and understanding with their children, and gave birth to a second child after the program. In a few years, will fathers be able to take their second-born children to the show again?

Tian Liang is a family of four.

In the first season of "Where is Dad?", Tian Liang was the first to have a second child. In early 2012, the news that Ye Yixi gave birth was reported in the media. Later, Tian Liang took Xiao Liangzi to participate in the fourth season of "Where is Dad?". Although the two children seem to be printed in the same mold, their styles are totally opposite to those of their older sister Cindy, while Tian Chenyu, a little bright boy, is more introverted and shy.

Stone and sister

On January 15th, 2014, Guo Tao admitted the rumor of having a daughter for the first time at the event. Stone’s sister’s name is Luna, and her English name is Isabella. She is five years old this year.

Everyday with my sister

In June 2015, Sean’s daughter Zoe was born. At first, Sean was reluctant to disclose her daughter’s photos, for fear that her daughter looked like herself and her eyes were too small to look good. But later, my daughter became more and more like my brother every day, which made Sean breathe a sigh of relief.

Kimi and his twin brother

On December 5th, 2015, Jimmy Lin’s beloved wife Chen Ruoyi gave birth to twin sons, elder brother Jenson and younger brother Kyson. All three sons are similar to Jimmy Lin’s riddle, and the genes are so powerful!

Sun Li gave birth

Before attending the second season "Where’s Dad?", Huang Lei had a second daughter and more sisters as early as 2013, but she rarely disclosed the information about her second daughter. On May 27th, 2017, Huang Lei’s wife, Sun Li, gave birth to her son in Hongkong. At that time, Huang Lei was criticized by netizens for his preference for sons and straight male cancer. But who doesn’t want to have both children?

Belle and her sister

Xiaoye, the second daughter of Lu Yi and Bao Lei, was also mysterious before. It was not photographed by the media until 2014. Now the two daughters are more and more alike, just like copying and pasting.

Liu Genghong family

In the fifth season, Liu Genghong actually has three children, Little Puff has a brother and a sister, which is really a happy family.

Plus, Cao Ge, Hu Jun, Liu Ye, Zou Shiming, Wang Baoqiang, Sha Yi, Chun Wu, etc., whose second child appeared in the program "Where is Dad?", the stars really responded to the call of the country to open the second child. It seems that if I don’t have a second child in the future, I am embarrassed to go to the parent-child variety show.

Western media: rudiger was angry and failed to start & pre-match training was full of anger and his teammates were surprised.

Live on May 20th, according to the news in the western media "relevo", Real Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti chose to substitute rudiger in the second round against Manchester City, which surprised the whole team and made the players very angry.

Rudiger restrained Harland in the first leg against Manchester City, and An Shuai also publicly announced that rudiger would start. According to the media, because of this, when An Shuai changed his mind to let rudiger substitute, the German central defender felt a little unacceptable. Rudiger himself and his teammates were surprised.

In the competition, rudiger’s body language has spoken for itself. Real Madrid also predicted that rudiger would start, Alaba would be left-back, Cammavinga would reinforce the midfield and Rodrigo would be on standby.

After determining the starting lineup, rudiger was once very depressed, and several teammates tried to comfort and encourage the angry central defender. As a matter of fact, rudiger was full of anger during pre-match training, as if playing a top-level race, constantly seeking physical confrontation.

However, in the case of 0-2 backwardness, it is intriguing for An Shuai to replace modric with rudiger. It is obviously illogical for the central defender to change the midfield. The Real Madrid team thinks that this is an act of compensation by An Shuai to appease rudiger.

After the game, Galeries Lafayette also came to the dressing room, trying to boost the morale of the team, and also appeased rudiger a little. According to the media, An Shuai always prefers the central defender combination of Militao and Alaba.

China version of chatGPT is here. Does it matter to you? Learn about it and don’t regret it!

China version of chatGPT is here!

Does it have anything to do with you?

Don’t argue yet, it really matters!

"chatGPT", translated into Chinese: "Chat!"

"China chatGPT", hehe,

Chinese chat, you should always be able to!

Tell me something professional:

ChatGPT is a language processing tool driven by artificial intelligence technology launched by OpenAI company in the United States. It can learn and understand human language and have a dialogue. You can also interact according to the context of the chat, and really chat and communicate like human beings. I can also write emails, video scripts, copywriting, translation, codes and so on.

ChatGPT uses the Transformer neural network architecture, and has the ability of language understanding and text generation. Especially through connecting a large number of corpus training, ChatGPT has the ability to know astronomy above and geography below, so as to communicate with human beings without barriers.

Do you understand? In fact, it is an upgraded version of man-machine dialogue such as "Xiao Du", "Xiao Yi" and "Xiao V".

It’s just that chatGPT is more advanced and smarter. To put it bluntly: it is better to speak human words!

As for "China version of chatGPT", it is through the study of Chinese language that we can deeply understand the essence of Chinese culture and make China’s words clear and thorough! Then the question comes: What impact does "China version of chatGPT" have on our lives?

"China chatGPT"
It is a milestone for the development of artificial intelligence technology. China is at the global leading level in the field of natural language understanding and related AI technologies, and its application in various fields such as words, pictures, videos and music has initially formed market benefits.

With the continuous development of digital technology, breakthroughs have been made in the fields of digital infrastructure, digital software design and top-level digital applications. Virtual idols, virtual anchors, virtual teachers and other virtual human industries relying on AIGC technology have ushered in favorable development, thus constantly releasing the IP value of virtual people and enabling them to gain new development momentum.

The virtual community is not only used in games, but will run through all aspects of daily life in the future!

Imagine: you want to go to the government to do business, and you are at home. You can enter the government administrative center in the virtual community through digital virtual people to communicate with the staff! Of course, the other party is also a virtual person (digital twin), and all procedures can be signed digitally. And you just sit at home, and you can accomplish what you usually need to do with a pommel horse.

Is it a bit like the scene in The Matrix? This is not magic at all. With the development of science and technology, virtual reality only enhances our feelings.

And its strong learning and cognitive ability will help our lives to change qualitatively. There will be no doubt about this! Isn’t the Internet and e-commerce all precedents?

"China version of chatGPT" is very powerful. Through self-study and analysis, its work handling ability will be extremely shocking! This will lead to, you may lose your job!

See!Customer service personnel, data analysts, translatorsIt is the most likely job to be robbed by ChatGPT in the near future.

Interestingly, when someone asked ChatGPT about this issue, ChatGPT replied: "Some repetitive and highly standardized work will probably be replaced by automation and robots!" ChatGPT also said: "Humans are still creating new jobs and needs, and technology will also create new job opportunities! Therefore, human beings and artificial intelligence will coexist, not replace each other! "

Listen, how well it is said! How modest!

Actually, yes"China chatGPT"There is really no need to worry too much. The artificial intelligence represented by ChatGPT may replace most simple and repetitive routine work, which is the general trend. The more functions of artificial intelligence are to improve work efficiency, assist and serve human beings to live with higher quality.

It suddenly occurred to me,

Chairman Mao’s poem "Spring and Snow in Qinyuan";

Cherish Qin Huang Hanwu, slightly lose literary talent; Tang Zong Song Zu, slightly less coquettish. A generation of tianjiao, cheng jihan, only knows how to bend a bow and shoot a big eagle. The past is gone, count the romantic figures, and look at the present!

People are always smarter than AI technology, and innovative ability, empathy and critical thinking are all manifestations of human intelligence, which is unmatched by many advanced artificial intelligence.

The Frontier of Science and Technology | See how AI doctors crack down on "invisible killers" that endanger the health of teenagers

Cover journalist Tan Yuqing Bian Xue

In recent years, scoliosis has become a common disease that harms teenagers, making it difficult for sick teenagers to straighten their backs. According to statistics, the number of scoliosis among primary and secondary school students in China exceeds 5 million, and it is still increasing at a rate of about 300,000 per year. Scoliosis has become the third major disease that harms the health of children and adolescents after obesity and myopia.

Early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment are the key points to combat scoliosis, otherwise it may develop into a very serious deformity, which may affect cardiopulmonary function and even lead to paralysis in severe cases.

Scoliosis model

In the past, doctors would diagnose scoliosis by manual measurement and X-ray screening, but with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into medical imaging technology, this step may be further optimized. In the screening stage, it is only necessary to "simply take pictures" to preliminarily determine whether scoliosis occurs, and in the diagnosis stage, the "experienced" AI system can also assist doctors to quickly read films for diagnosis.

Why can taking pictures replace x-rays? How does AI system assist doctors in screening and diagnosing scoliosis? Recently, the cover journalist explored the development of AI+ medical imaging technology.

It only takes a few seconds. Did the AI system tell you about scoliosis?

In the "simulated physical examination room", the reporter saw the hardware part of the spine AIS intelligent screening and diagnosis system (hereinafter referred to as the "system")-a rectangular metal frame about 2 meters high, with a group of small cameras in the center of the top. It looks simple, but the effect is not simple. The reporter’s on-site experience found that it took only a few seconds from detection to obtaining the report results.

The hardware part of the system is the camera.

"As long as the examinee stands in a standard position and poses Adam’s position to expose his back, the system can quickly complete the screening by using an infrared depth camera to collect information on his back." According to Fan Jipeng, the person in charge of the Shuangxin Department of Chengdian Gold Disk, the system will map and transform the image information collected by the camera to get the depth information of multiple posture key points on the back, so as to calculate the back asymmetry index and judge whether the subject may have scoliosis.

Schematic diagram of screening process

He said that this intelligent system will get closer and closer to the level of X-ray diagnosis by constantly learning actual cases and optimizing existing algorithms. While ensuring the accuracy and efficiency of screening, it can also prevent the teenagers being tested from being exposed to X-ray radiation.

This new technology may help to better implement the scoliosis examination project that was included in the physical examination of students in 2022. "We think the greatest significance of the screening system is that it can quickly complete large-scale examinations, so that children with scoliosis who have not yet been discovered will not be delayed."

Interface of scoliosis diagnosis system

In the diagnosis stage, the intelligent system is also a good assistant for doctors. Fan Jipeng explained that in the traditional process, in order to diagnose scoliosis, doctors need to measure the Cobb angle of the spine with a ruler, but this is time-consuming. Different doctors will make some errors when measuring by hand. Doctors with less experience may need to consult for scoliosis with large curvature, and the diagnosis time will be prolonged. However, after deep learning, the artificial intelligence system can accurately read and measure the film within 3~5 seconds, and give diagnosis suggestions.

At present, the system has completed the screening and diagnosis of more than 5,000 cases of scoliosis. "Now we are cooperating with Electronic Science and Technology University Hospital, Zhongshan Pok Oi Hospital and Shenzhen Children’s Scoliosis Center, and this number will be continuously updated."

Training "AI Good Doctor" by "Engraving" Algorithm of Expert Experience

"The accuracy of top doctors’ diagnosis of scoliosis may be 85%~90%, and the overall accuracy of our system will continue to approach this figure." Fan Jipeng said that at present, of course, the accuracy of top experts is higher, but compared with ordinary doctors, the system may have exceeded their basic level.

So, what gives the diagnosis system the ability to catch up with top experts? The answer is the experts themselves.

"When experts mark the angles of thousands of scoliosis cases, the system will learn based on this and solidify the experience of top experts into the algorithm, thus reaching a higher diagnostic level." In Fan Jipeng’s view, although the system is not as good as top experts, it is used to assist ordinary doctors in diagnosis or help improve their medical level.

The marked samples provided by human experts are the "success stories" of artificial intelligence doctors, but Fan Jipeng said that this is also one of the difficulties in the development of AI doctors. Different races, even people in different regions, will have certain differences. If the diagnosis is accurate enough, researchers need to collect as many samples as possible for AI to learn.

At present, the real large-scale landing of the system still faces some difficulties in the process. "How to make the medical examiners go through the inspection process quickly and how to ensure that their Adam posture is standard requires some corresponding training."

Therefore, the system will learn more practical cases, further optimize its algorithm program, continuously improve the diagnostic accuracy, and design detailed operating standards for the system, "for example, what is the standard Adam position, how to do it well, etc."