Hechi, Guangxi: Activating online celebrity Elements to Make Network Civilization Shine.

  Online celebrity Gewei in Hechi and the 3rd Gepo Festival in Simeng Township, donglan were held in Simeng Sports Park recently, which was the third online celebrity Gewei held since the opening of online celebrity Chuangchuang Camp in Hechi, attracting more than 10,000 people from all counties (districts) in the city.

  In recent years, the Information Office of Hechi Municipal Committee has taken the initiative to give full play to its functional advantages, with the help of the internet, taking strengthening the construction of network celebrities as the focus and innovation point to promote the construction of network civilization. By building the "online celebrity Creation Camp", the online celebrity House was established, and the "online celebrity Song Fair" was held to unite and unite the online forces such as online celebrity and Media V, tell the story of Hechi well, spread the sound of Hechi well, shape the image of Hechi well, and gather positive energy for the development of Hechi.

  Be a good "online celebrity" housekeeper and carry forward the new trend of social civilization

  "This time in online celebrity, there should be a competition for the hegemony of the Zhuang King of Songs", "Our’ Twilight Plan’ public welfare activities can take photos of local longevity elderly people for free" and "Longevity elderly people can’t hold activities to replenish food and prolong their lives" … The curtain of the cultural tourism brand activities of "March 3 Hechi Carnival in Guangxi" has not yet been opened, and the Hechi online celebrity Creation Camp has already become lively.

  The Network Information Office of Hechi Municipal Committee insists on the Party’s management of the Internet, and incorporates the construction of network celebrities into the main points of the work of the Network Information Committee of the Municipal Committee. As a concrete measure to promote the network civilization work in the whole city, it continues to strengthen the role of network celebrities, and strengthen the contact and friendship of network celebrities through special investigations, seminars and exchanges, and build concentric circles online and offline. We have organized and carried out a series of online theme publicity activities, such as "Hechi online celebrity Hechi Beauty", "Yunshuo Magnificent and Charming Hechi" and "Shaking the New Hechi", focusing on the development of cultural tourism, rural revitalization, online public welfare and other fields, and created thousands of new media works to promote the new trend of online civilization. Up to now, Hechi online celebrity database has collected more than 150 online celebrities with more than 50,000 fans, including more than 10 online celebrities with more than 1 million fans.

  Be a good housekeeper and bridge the gap for the development of positive energy. Since 2023, more than 30 people, including Xiaojiang Media and Hechi Tribe, have been recommended to participate in e-commerce gatherings, cultural tourism promotion and other activities to help Hechi cultural tourism promotion, agricultural product sales and charity, so that online celebrity and the activists can achieve a double harvest of "flow" and "realization".

  Be a good "online celebrity" guide and encourage social responsibility.

  Hechi City has played a leading role in the organization of the Party Committee of the Internet industry, and strengthened the ideological and political guidance for famous online celebrities and enterprises. The Information Office of the Municipal Party Committee and other departments have successively conducted lectures in Internet companies such as Lida E-commerce Logistics Co., Ltd. and Yizhou Forum, constantly rallying ideological consensus and enhancing the political identity, ideological identity, theoretical identity and emotional identity of online celebrities to the Party.

  The "Hechi City Network Civilization Proposal" was issued to the whole city to guide the local media and network celebrities to consciously fulfill their social responsibility obligations. Hechi tribe, Zhuang township Xiao Mo and other media and network celebrities created and launched more than 1,000 high-quality works such as "Is this the taste of Hechi # Guangxi # Returning to Hechi for the New Year #", and Xiaojiang Media’s online public service advertisement "Even though there are 2020 difficulties, there are still 2021 kinds of persistence (dedicated to you who persist during the epidemic)". Internet celebrities such as Tan Lianqiao and Xiao Fan have devoted themselves to online public welfare undertakings. Online public welfare projects such as the "Neem Flower 1+1 Education Project" in Du ‘an and the "Partner Program" in Dahua Wild Lily have benefited children in mountainous areas, and online public welfare has continuously infiltrated people’s hearts.

  Hechi City encourages social responsibility by guiding network celebrities to give full play to their own characteristics and advantages, which has laid a solid foundation for promoting Hechi, promoting Hechi and revitalizing Hechi with the help of the Internet.

  Do a good job of "online celebrity" stylist and set an advanced typical benchmark.

  Hechi City has always attached great importance to the excavation and tree selection of celebrities in the positive energy network. It has set up a column of online celebrity Creation Camp on Hechi.com, organized reporters to conduct an exclusive report on positive energy online celebrity, launched more than 10 daily series of positive energy reports by online celebrity, such as "Mini Brother in Luocheng", and planned to launch a series of video works "New Life in Singing", a folk song with unique Hechi characteristics, to tell the daily stories of online celebrity in Hechi, spread the good voice of the Internet, and guide the cyberspace to form a positive atmosphere.

  Hechi City pays attention to the demonstration and guidance of network celebrities. By taking activities such as "Five Hundred" and "Strive to be a good netizen in Bagui" as the starting point, and taking the New Media Federation and online celebrity Creation Camp as the positions, it has done a good job in selecting typical trees for netizens. In recent years, it has recommended more than 20 network celebrities such as Gao Dongfeng and Hu Liufang as "good netizens in Bagui" models, moral models, the most beautiful people and good people around them. In addition, in recent years, phenomenal online celebrity, such as Waina, Wu Enshi and rural Xiaojing, have emerged in Hechi, becoming the flag pole of Hechi "online celebrity".

  In this year’s "V Viewing the New Countryside and Seeing the Changes in Hometown-Hechi New Media Entering Donglan Simeng Public Welfare", online celebrities, light and shadow sculptors and other public welfare organizations took photos of the birthday girl and more than 10 pairs of long-lived elderly people, leaving a precious mark on the old people’s half-century caring for each other. With the flashing of flashing lights, moving and sweet smiles were captured one by one, making the atmosphere of the whole event happy and romantic.

  Nowadays, the celebrity of positive energy network in Hechi City is gradually becoming an "important online force" for Hechi to further promote the construction of network civilization, becoming a disseminator of positive energy, a recorder of the times, a watcher of fairness and justice, and a promoter of social progress. (correspondent class teacher Wu Jianping Guangming Daily, all-media reporter Zhou Shixing)