What changes will C919′ s successful first flight bring to our lives?

  On May 5th, China’s first international mainstream trunk passenger plane C919 taxied after landing safely at Shanghai Pudong International Airport. At 14: 01 on the same day, China’s first international mainstream trunk passenger plane C919 made its first flight at Shanghai Pudong International Airport, and landed safely at Shanghai Pudong International Airport at 15: 19, and its first flight was successful. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ding Ting photo

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 5 (Reporter Meng Hanqi, Jia Yuankun and Xie Jiao) On May 5, China’s first large jet C919 with completely independent intellectual property rights rushed into the sky at Shanghai Pudong Airport, successfully completing its first flight mission, fulfilling the "airplane dream" that Chinese people had been waiting for for for half a century. The successful first flight of a large plane not only inspired the aviation industry, but also closely related to the lives of ordinary people.

  The upgrading of aviation industry sounded the "first shot"

  C919 large passenger plane is a large jet civil aircraft developed by China in accordance with international civil aviation regulations, with completely independent intellectual property rights. According to the advanced aerodynamic layout, structural materials and airborne system, the developers have planned 102 key technical problems, including the integrated design of aircraft engine, the control law design of fly-by-wire flight control system and active control technology.

  Don’t think that C919 is just a cold code name, but this name has great expectations. The full name of C919 is COMAC919, in which "C" is the initials of China and the abbreviation of the English name of COMAC, the main manufacturer of China. The first "9" means everlasting, while "19" means that the first medium-sized passenger plane in China has a maximum capacity of 190 seats.

  The reporter learned from China Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd. that the first flight of the C919 lasted for more than one hour, the cruising altitude of the aircraft was about 3,000 meters, and the cruising speed was about 300 kilometers per hour.

  It is generally believed in the industry that the successful maiden flight of C919 has sounded the first shot for the upgrading of China’s aviation industry, which will have a far-reaching impact on large aircraft manufacturing and even high-end manufacturing. With the introduction of relevant industrial policies, it will not only help to accelerate the formation of domestic large aircraft industrial clusters, but also expect long-term overall returns on related stocks. For example, machine integrators, system-level integrated suppliers and raw materials fields will usher in a broad market space.

  Upstream and downstream industries "take off"

  The big plane was successfully launched and cheers came from all over the country.

  The production, matching and assembly of C919 large passenger aircraft involved more than 200 enterprises and 22 provinces and cities, involving nearly 200,000 people, and promoted the establishment of 16 joint ventures in airborne systems such as avionics, flight control, power supply, fuel and landing gear. Chen Shangyong, an external flight consultant of Yihang Aviation Group, said that the mass production of C919 will drive the development of upstream and downstream industries such as metal materials, metallurgical processing, CNC machine tools and power control, and its pull on related markets will exceed one trillion.

  According to the forecast, China’s air transport market alone will need nearly 6,000 trunk passenger planes in the next 20 years, with a value of nearly 900 billion yuan.

  The vigorous development of industry and increasing demand will directly affect employment. According to statistics, if the civil aviation large aircraft project forms an industry, there is a demand for 80 workers in the downstream parts field behind an aircraft factory worker; The civil aircraft project will provide 12 times the employment opportunities for related industries. For every $100 million invested in the aviation industry, aviation and related industries will produce $8 billion in 10 years.

  As a "professional nose user", AVIC Chengfei Civil Aircraft Company has driven the development of more than 20 upstream enterprises around, some of which are providing accessories for star models such as Boeing and Airbus. Tang Jianzhong, deputy chief engineer of AVIC Chengfei Civil Aircraft Company, said that with the commercialization of domestic aircraft, more jobs will be created and the employment of a large number of high-tech talents will be solved.

  It is matched with the improvement of the training mechanism of aviation high-skilled talents. It is understood that with the launch of the C919 project, the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Shanghai Jiaotong University set up a special class for civil aircraft design to train professionals. With the development of C919 project, GCAT, jointly organized by Comac of China, General Electric Company and Avionics International, has also been promoted.

  When can the people "fly first"?

  "C919 integrates the highest scientific and technological applications in the field of civil aviation manufacturing at home and abroad, with a high design starting point. I believe it will definitely become a star model. " Liu Shaoyong, chairman of China Eastern Airlines Group and a national super pilot, said.

  "For the people, the success of the flight test of the C919 means that there will be new options in addition to Airbus and Boeing in the future, and it is a domestic model option." Chen Shangyong said. Netizens also praised it, saying that "the big plane has fulfilled the China aviation dream of ordinary people" and "domestic aircraft will be supported after commercial operation in the future".

  When we are happy, many people secretly expect: When can we get on the C919 passenger plane?

  At present, the market order for C919 large passenger aircraft has reached 570. In 2016, China Eastern Airlines became the first user of C919 large passenger aircraft in the world. Within one year after the first flight of C919 passenger plane, Comac China and China Eastern Airlines will start negotiations on the supply and demand of five aircraft.

  Although the first flight was successful, it is still a long way from commercial operation. It is understood that the first flight is not a commercial operation of carrying passengers, but a step required to obtain various qualifications. After the first flight of C919 is successful, it needs to complete all kinds of forensic tasks before mass production. According to industry insiders, it takes about 3 or 4 years for civil aircraft to obtain evidence for flight test, and it will not enter the commercialization stage until the evidence is obtained.

  "The agreement between China and Europe and the United States on airworthiness forensics has opened up a situation for the smooth forensics of C919 aircraft in the United States and the European Aviation Administration. We look forward to the early success of obtaining evidence for C919, and look forward to delivering it to us for commercial operation as soon as possible after completing various forensics." Liu Shaoyong said.