[Video] [Caption] There were no digital cameras in those days.

Special topic: news channel special program commemorating the 30th anniversary of reform and opening up.

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    CCTV News (Chao Wen Tian Xia): Today we will talk about taking pictures. People in China like to take pictures. Now, people can be seen holding all kinds of digital cameras and camcorders on any occasion, and they can take pictures on their mobile phones all the time. But 30 years ago, taking pictures was an expensive thing, and families had to wear the most beautiful clothes to take a group photo.

    This photo was left in 2007. A group of old photographers and old customers in Nanjing got together again, and the old master took pictures of the customers with the old seagull license plate camera. Look at the master’s hand. This is a film box. Every time you take a picture, you have to change it. The red cloth is used for shading. Moreover, most of these cameras can only take black and white photos, and the requirements for lighting are very high. Now it is not easy to see such a scene.

    With such a machine, film is very precious, and there is usually only one chance to take a photo, which also requires a high degree of photographers. Unlike now, photographers will take many samples and customers can choose at will. What the master holds in his right hand is actually the shutter of a camera. Experienced photographers will observe it carefully, and then they will seize the opportunity to pinch the ball, even if they are photographed. At that time, people were all amazed at this thing, and vividly called this kind of photo "pinch shadow".









    Time entered the mid-1980s, and more and more new things entered China with the reform and opening-up. The appearance of color film changed the photos from black and white to colorful. The stars in all kinds of picture books have become role models for women who love beauty. The white and flawless skin of the stars makes women envy them. Later, I learned that it can be achieved through darkroom processing. For a time, "hazy photos" became popular, and it was necessary to "be as beautiful as a star".

    At that time, photographers took a lot of thoughts to get the effect of "hazy photos", such as coating a thin layer of vaseline in front of the camera, or covering it with a layer of stockings, and matching with appropriate lighting. Needless to say, the effect is really good.

    This was sent to us by an audience friend. It was a family photo of their family in 1983. As you can see, the photo studio at that time also changed a lot. The studio was no longer a monotonous gray background, and the background decoration had a home atmosphere. At that time, the home phone was still very fresh, and photographers who understood people’s minds put the phone there as props.

    This is Beihai Park in Beijing in 1980. At that time, the technology of rapid roll-up attracted young men and women with wet film in their hands everywhere in the park. People were carrying film and looking at wet film, and the scene of rushing to print was like a landscape.

    At that time, there were domestic Le Kai color films, the price of which was half cheaper than that of imported Kodak and Fuji, and there were many color photos in the streets. The business was very hot. If you were quick, you could get your own photos in one day.

    However, this situation lasted for a few years, and the business of street photo booths gradually became deserted. Because people are becoming familiar with a kind of camera called "Fool", even those who have never studied photography just need to press the shutter. The key is that the "fool" is cheap and good, and books on how to use the fool camera are also very popular. From this time on, the camera has become one of the necessary tools for daily entertainment and leisure in many ordinary families.

    This is the first digital camera successfully developed by China in 1998 ―― "Seagull DC-33". At the end of 1990s, the concept of digital appeared, and digital cameras became popular rapidly. A small magnetic card could actually replace dozens of films, and the cost of printing shops kept decreasing.

    Nowadays, when people buy cameras, they are concerned about whether there are not tens of millions of pixels, whether the body and lens are anti-shake, whether the brand is famous enough, the camera’s function is becoming more and more powerful, and the body is becoming more and more exquisite. Such a scene, any scenic spot, is more common.

    In many photographic equipment stores, the past "fool" cameras and color films have gradually faded out of the counter, and a few film cameras have become sharp weapons for photography enthusiasts. The past dual-lens cameras have also become the favorite of the collection market. The old gentleman in Hangzhou has collected more than 1100 cameras.

    There are memories between square inches, old photos let us taste the popularity and fashion of the year, and the upgrading of electronic consumer products such as cameras makes people realize the changes of the times and life.

Editor: Wei Yu