Rush to the hot search! Break out! The concept of gold rose sharply

Overnight, "Kimi fever" swept through A shares, and the praise was endless.

In early trading today, the concept of Kimi continued to soar. Many stocks had a daily limit of "one", and the AI application side collectively surged. After 10 o’clock, the AI application side began to fall back, and the three major indexes weakened. But overall, the AI ? ? application is still the biggest hot spot in the morning. At the close of the morning, the Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.21%, the Shenzhen Component Index fell 0.42% and the Growth Enterprise Market Index fell 0.49%.

AI application is active

This morning, the concept of Kimi continued to soar.Huace movie and televisionUshered in a 20% daily limit,Zhangyue technologyZhongguang natural selectionAnd other stocks also have a daily limit of "one".

A few days ago, Kimi intelligent assistant raised the length of lossless context to 2 million words, which attracted market attention. According to industry insiders, as the gateway to GMartificial intelligenceThe basic technology of (AGI), lossless long context, has always been a research hotspot in the industry. The evolution of model architecture in history is essentially to improve the effective and lossless context length. The breakthrough of Kimi intelligent assistant in this field will undoubtedly promote the generalization ability of AIGC model and provide empowerment for more vertical industries. Many brokers believe that Kimi intelligent assistant is expected to become a benchmark product in the AIGC field, and its 2 million words lossless long text generation ability will help enterprises achieve high-quality and efficient content production.

There has been a lot of good news in the AI field recently. On the evening of March 20th, Cheng Yixiao, founder and CEO of Aauto Quicker, said at the company’s 2023 annual performance conference call that after the company launched the AI strategy in 2023, it would step by step promote the research and development training of self-developed large models and accelerate the scene landing of large models. For Wensheng video, Aauto Quicker has promoted special research and development at the end of last year. Cheng Yixiao said that this is a huge opportunity for the short video ecology. In the future, Aauto Quicker will combine the generation model with producer tools, and constantly help creators to lower the threshold of creation and improve the quality and efficiency of short video production.

On March 20,BaiduMap announced that the number of users of its "AI Guide" has exceeded 100 million, providing more than 10 million conversations every day. On March 21st, intelligent cloud held a Qian Fan product launch conference, and released three large lightweight models, namely ERNIE Speed, ERNIE Lite and ERNIE Tiny. The parameters are from large to small, which are suitable for fine-tuning as a base model in specific scenes, giving consideration to the model effect and reasoning performance, and being equipped with a low-computational AI accelerator card for reasoning, which is suitable for low-cost and low-delay applications.

AI hardware side,Memory chipThe plate is active,Dawei stockDeminliWait for the stock to soar.

On March 21, driven by the strong demand for AI storage hardware,micron technology, incAnnounced a third-quarter performance outlook that exceeded expectations. The outlook for total revenue and earnings per share far exceeded analysts’ expectations, and the share price of US stocks soared after hours.

Milky WaysecuritiesIt is said that the track belongs to a high-growth and strong cycle industry, and the current time is a new starting point for the next cycle of the track. In AI, demand recovery superpositiondigital economyUnder the background of rising demand for storage power, we are optimistic about the investment opportunities of listed companies related to the domestic storage industry chain.

Gold conceptRise sharply

Recently, it has continued to strengthen. This morning, it rose again,Dengyun stockZhongrun resourcesJingui silver industryWaiting for the top increase. "Gold" rushed to the forefront of the hot search list in the morning.

In the early morning of March 21st, Beijing time, the Federal Reserve announced that it would keep the federal funds interest rate range unchanged between 5.25% and 5.5%, which was in line with market expectations. This is also the fifth consecutive time that the Fed has kept interest rates unchanged since last September.

After the release of the interest rate resolution, the three major stock indexes of the US stock market and the spot gold price rose rapidly, and the spot gold price once exceeded $2,200 per ounce in intraday trading.

Galaxy futuresprecious metalResearchers believe that the rise in international gold prices is due to the fact that the recent US macroeconomic data is not in line with expectations, and on the other hand, Fitch downgraded new york.bankThe market risk aversion caused by rating has warmed up. At the same time, central banks continue to buy gold and constantly raise the gold price center. Therefore, the international gold price has stepped out of a round of rising market under various favorable factors.