[Video] Websites such as "Cat Puff Video" and "Tudou" were punished for broadcasting illegal programs.

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    CCTV.com News (Evening News): The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television released the Announcement on Spot Check of Internet Audio-visual Program Services today, and well-known video websites such as "Cat’s Video" and "Tudou.com" were punished for their violations.

    The results of spot checks show that the Internet audio-visual programs provided by some websites contain obscenity, terror and violence, and endanger national security and interests. Some websites engage in Internet audio-visual program services without obtaining the License for Information Network Dissemination of Audio-visual Programs, some of which are not qualified for Internet information services, and some websites often disseminate audio-visual programs that do not meet the requirements of the state.

    In response to the above problems, local radio and television departments have ordered 25 websites that engage in Internet audio-visual program services without authorization, such as cat-flapping videos and super BT downloads, and whose broadcast content is seriously illegal, to stop the unauthorized Internet audio-visual program services. 32 websites, such as Tudou.com, China BT Download Network and Xunlei Commune, which repeatedly spread illegal audio-visual programs, but the violations were minor, were given warning and punishment.

Editor: Peng Wei