
Mr. Mao Zedong once said: "China’s long-term feudal society has created splendid ancient culture." This shows the importance of culture to a society and even a country. A long history of civilization requires us to pass it on; The touching spirit wants us to continue; Up and down five thousand years of history, want us to pass on. This is the youth in New China, and this is what Mr. Mao Zedong calls the sun at eight or nine o’clock in the morning.

Chinese culture is profound and has a long history. The history of 5,000 years has also made foreign friends admire and admire it. There is only history to have the present, and only the ruins know the rise and fall. Therefore, only by inheriting the traditional culture can we cultivate ourselves and govern the country. Dare to ask which 21st century teenager doesn’t have such a dream? In Jing Ke Stabbed the King of Qin, when Jing Ke went to Qin, the ministers were in tears, but Jing Ke couldn’t bear to look at it, leaving an eternal famous sentence: "The wind is rustling and the water is cold, and the strong man will never return when he is gone." Which of Yan Wang, Jing Ke and Qin Wang in this article does not want their country to be prosperous, their people to live and work in peace and contentment, and their history and culture to be passed down by themselves?

Dynasties are not immutable, and culture is not. If a nation and a country do not have their own unique culture, then I think this country is not far from extinction. Why did Qin Shihuang burn books to bury Confucianism? Code of hammurabi, the first written code in human history, Athens, the first democratic country in human history, many firsts in human history, the first detailed chronicle history book in China history, and many firsts in China history all confirm what Emerson once said: "Culture opens the perception of beauty." Beauty refers not only to the beauty of image, but also to the perfection of culture. "Beauty" runs through us, and culture is interspersed among us. "Cultural progress is the law of the world, and cultural progress is also the trend of China." China people’s ideological and cultural progress, quality of life progress, scientific research progress, medical services progress. China has been making progress, and so have the people of China! In just 70 years, culture has brought us not only cohesion, but also our fighting capacity!