It is inevitable that the real estate market will pick up in the first half of the year, such as "land king"

Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission Zhu Zhixin China Net Rui Wang photo

> > > State Council Office’s Press Conference on the Current Macroeconomic Situation [Record] < <

   The State Council Press Office will hold a press conference on the afternoon of August 7, 2009, inviting Zhu Zhixin, vice director of the National Development and Reform Commission, Ding Xuedong, vice minister of finance, and Suning, vice governor of the People’s Bank of China, to introduce the current macroeconomic situation and take questions from reporters.

   The Beijing News reporter asked at the press conference that the real economy is still in a difficult stage, but the prosperity of real estate has worried many people. For example, a new "land king" was shot on Guangqu Road in Beijing a while ago, including the developers themselves. I feel crazy and hard to understand. What do you think of the current situation of the real estate market? Is it necessary to make policy adjustments?

   Zhu Zhixin, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, replied that the real estate market can be judged in one sentence in the first half of the year: the real estate market continued to pick up in the first half of the year. I use three figures to illustrate: first, the investment in real estate development was 1,450.5 billion yuan, an increase of 9.9% over the same period last year; Second, the sales area of commercial housing was 341.09 million square meters, an increase of 31.7%; Third, the housing sales prices in 70 large and medium-sized cities in June rose by 0.2% compared with the same period last year. Overall, the real estate market is in the process of recovery.

  Zhu Zhixin said that when it comes to the continued recovery of the real estate market, the journalists present here think about it. A very important change may have taken place in the real estate market at the end of last year and the beginning of this year. In the process of warming up, there will also be some hot issues in some aspects, which is inevitable. I think we should promote the healthy development of the real estate market.

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Editor: Zhang Renhe

Where is Dad going? It’s like sending off the stars on Guanyin. They all have a second child.

Yang Wei’s family celebrated their twin daughters’ first birthday.

1905 movie network news On January 17, 2018, Yang Wei took a photo of a pair of twin daughters on the Weibo. Many netizens discovered that Yang Yangyang had long been a brother. Indeed, many of the stars who participated in the program had further communication and understanding with their children, and gave birth to a second child after the program. In a few years, will fathers be able to take their second-born children to the show again?

Tian Liang is a family of four.

In the first season of "Where is Dad?", Tian Liang was the first to have a second child. In early 2012, the news that Ye Yixi gave birth was reported in the media. Later, Tian Liang took Xiao Liangzi to participate in the fourth season of "Where is Dad?". Although the two children seem to be printed in the same mold, their styles are totally opposite to those of their older sister Cindy, while Tian Chenyu, a little bright boy, is more introverted and shy.

Stone and sister

On January 15th, 2014, Guo Tao admitted the rumor of having a daughter for the first time at the event. Stone’s sister’s name is Luna, and her English name is Isabella. She is five years old this year.

Everyday with my sister

In June 2015, Sean’s daughter Zoe was born. At first, Sean was reluctant to disclose her daughter’s photos, for fear that her daughter looked like herself and her eyes were too small to look good. But later, my daughter became more and more like my brother every day, which made Sean breathe a sigh of relief.

Kimi and his twin brother

On December 5th, 2015, Jimmy Lin’s beloved wife Chen Ruoyi gave birth to twin sons, elder brother Jenson and younger brother Kyson. All three sons are similar to Jimmy Lin’s riddle, and the genes are so powerful!

Sun Li gave birth

Before attending the second season "Where’s Dad?", Huang Lei had a second daughter and more sisters as early as 2013, but she rarely disclosed the information about her second daughter. On May 27th, 2017, Huang Lei’s wife, Sun Li, gave birth to her son in Hongkong. At that time, Huang Lei was criticized by netizens for his preference for sons and straight male cancer. But who doesn’t want to have both children?

Belle and her sister

Xiaoye, the second daughter of Lu Yi and Bao Lei, was also mysterious before. It was not photographed by the media until 2014. Now the two daughters are more and more alike, just like copying and pasting.

Liu Genghong family

In the fifth season, Liu Genghong actually has three children, Little Puff has a brother and a sister, which is really a happy family.

Plus, Cao Ge, Hu Jun, Liu Ye, Zou Shiming, Wang Baoqiang, Sha Yi, Chun Wu, etc., whose second child appeared in the program "Where is Dad?", the stars really responded to the call of the country to open the second child. It seems that if I don’t have a second child in the future, I am embarrassed to go to the parent-child variety show.

International Hot Review: The whole world is dancing this dance. I didn’t expect this wave of culture to go out of the circle!

This article was transferred from [China News Network];
Zhongxin. com, December 18 (Zhang Naiyue) "Hands are shaking, feet are shaking". Recently, a dance called "Subject Three" has been constantly swiping the screen network, and even set off a craze around the world.
Even the Royal Russian Ballet, which is touring in China, "do as the Romans do". After the performance, it suddenly danced the popular online dance "Subject III", which won applause and laughter, and caused a heated discussion on the Internet.
"Swan Lake" meets "Subject 3"
The full name of "subject three" is "subject three in Guangxi", and its origin has been difficult to verify. Many people think that it comes from the anecdotal saying that "every Guangxi has to go through three exams in life: singing folk songs, talking about rice noodles and dancing".
Some netizens introduced on Russian social media that the popular "Ballet Edition Subject III" came from a performance of the Royal Russian Ballet in Shenyang, China recently. After the performance of "Swan Lake", the ballerinas danced "Subject III". Many dancers dressed in ballet costumes danced in unison with the rhythm of modern electronic music, and some people could not help smiling.
Image source: screenshot of social platform
This video also caused a sharing craze on social media platforms such as Facebook, X (original Twitter) and TikTok.
Some netizens said, "The adaptation is very interesting", "Ballet can’t escape the third subject" and "The ubiquitous third subject". Others left a message saying that "I didn’t expect this wave of culture to go out of the circle".
From "going out of the circle" to "going out to sea"
Not only ballet, "Subject III" also collided with Latin dance. At the 2023 World Sports Dance Grand Prix held in Shanghai in early December, many dancers, including the world champion of Latin dance, showed the "Subject III" combined with Latin dance steps, and the movements were full of power.
At present, "Subject 3" has become a hot challenge project of the global short video platform. Netizens from all over the world have left messages on social media, or shared their videos of "Subject 3".
Some people think that the action of "subject three" is cute.
Others worry about the fragile ankles behind the dancers’ silky steps.
"Subject 3" has sprung up in South Korea, and some people performed at the school graduation party, which attracted cheers from the audience. The entry of "subject three Korea" once rushed to the hot search. Some people said it was "wonderful" and thought it was "culture out of the circle", while others were curious. "Why is the whole world jumping?"
There are also bloggers who record teaching videos and teach "subject three" by hand.
Image source: screenshot of social platform
Some Korean netizens left a message under the video of a Jianghu dance teaching, "I really want to learn this."
More Russian bloggers dressed in cheongsam in Moscow’s Red Square challenged "Subject 3" for three times below zero. Some people are surprised that "subject three is popular all over the world?" Some people found that people in the video jumped up with them, and others reminded bloggers to keep warm.
Image source: Little Red Book blogger "Shao Dong in Russia" video screenshot
In addition, netizens from Britain, Ukraine, the Philippines, Spain and other countries showed off their dancing and attracted numerous praises.
Smile, dance and resonate.
"Subject III" can dance both solo and in groups: people twist their waists, swing their hips and wave their hands, and with their ankles half twisted, they are extremely silky in one go, which is called "in line with the mental state of contemporary people" and "the square dance of young people". Even if you watch it, you can have fun and relax from the video.
Image source: Tik Tok blogger "Love Beauty" video screenshot
Overseas, "Subject III" first spread among China students, and then "spread" to overseas teenagers. Many young people with foreign faces shouted, "The Russian area is divided", "The English area is not big, creating myths" and started "competition", which added heat to the "subject three".
Music and dance are ways of communication that can transcend nations and languages. "Subject III" spread quickly because of its easy-to-understand and relatively easy-to-remember dance and "brainwashing" music, which easily mobilized the senses and was easily imitated.
However, the success of "subject three" in becoming a cultural phenomenon "going out of the circle" or even "going out to sea" is inseparable from the feeling of relaxation and freedom it brings to people, which is a simple happiness that netizens from all over the world can experience. Faced with the pressure of reality, modern people can show their personality, gain resonance and vent their emotions by playing with stalks, and they can find happiness from it no matter where they come from.
The collision between ballet, Latin dance and the popular internet stem "Subject III" is the communication between tradition and modernity, and also the communication between different cultures. Between a gesture and a slide, the audience and dancers will smile, and different nationalities will know each other better.

What is the difference between a woman’s double vagina and double uterus and a normal woman? Are all born twins?

Xiaoling, 25, has had a menstrual cycle of more than 10 days since she was young. Later, after a one-time life, Xiaoling had recurrent vaginal inflammation. Xiaoling thought it was caused by her boyfriend, so after going to the hospital for gynecological examination, she didn’t expect to find out that she was a double vagina and a double uterus.

Xiaoling was very surprised. It is no wonder that since high school, her menstrual flow has been more than that of her peers. The confusion that has plagued her for many years has finally been solved. It turned out that it was all her uterus.

The doctor said that double uterus is not uncommon, but it is easy to be ignored.If women have problems such as long menstrual period, severe dysmenorrhea and abnormal vaginal discharge after menarche, it is best to check clearly as soon as possible to rule out the possibility of congenital malformation of reproductive tract.

The uterus is very special and important for women. It is a place for menstruation and pregnancy. Under normal circumstances, women only have one uterus, but there are also a few women who have the same as Xiaoling.Double uterus and vagina, clinically,This symptom is called oblique vaginal septum syndrome.

Vaginal oblique septum syndrome belongs to genital dysplasia.The main manifestations are congenital malformation of double cervix, double uterus, double vagina and complete or incomplete atresia of one vagina., mostly accompanied by atresia of vaginal urinary system malformation.

Source: Obstetrics and Gynecology, First Affiliated Hospital of Xijiao

The cause of oblique vaginal septum syndrome in women is related to the embryonic development process. Both hermaphroditic embryos have two sets of reproductive ducts, namely the mesonephric duct and the accessory mesonephric duct.About six weeks after embryonic development, the accessory mesonephros on both sides gradually develop female reproductive organs (uterus, fallopian tube and upper vagina) after complete fusion. In addition, the accessory mesonephros develop into urogenital sinus at the fourth week, which not only forms the kidney, but also induces the accessory mesonephros to fuse.

Once the development of the mesonephric duct is interrupted, the accessory mesonephric duct will also be affected, but because the other side is still developing normally, it will eventually lead to the consequences of asymmetric reproductive tract complicated with urinary system malformation, that is, the problem of double uterus.

At present, clinical oblique vaginal septum syndrome is mainly divided into three types.

Type I is a non-porous oblique septum type.: it usually occurs after menarche.Dysmenorrhea (progressive aggravation)The main manifestation is that the menstrual blood on the oblique septum can not be fully discharged, and the menstrual blood may flow back into the abdominal cavity, leading to pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic abscess and other secondary infections.

Type ⅱ is a perforated oblique partition type:Mainly manifested as followsProlonged menstrual cycle, endless menstrual dripping and brown secretion.Or complicated with infection, resulting in pus in the posterior compartment, and the secretion is purulent with odor.

Type ⅲ is the type of imperforate oblique septum combined with cervical fistula.: the patient’s menstrual period is prolonged,A small number of vaginal bleeding or purulent secretions.If not treated in time, it will further cause gynecological problems such as acute pelvic inflammatory disease or pelvic cyst.

In fact, it is hard for ordinary people to imagine the situation of double uterus. If the double uterus is diagnosed, the patient himself will be surprised and afraid. Does the double uterus have an impact on life?

Double uterus and double vagina patientsIf there is no discomfortThere are no problems such as menstrual blood retention,It has little effect on sexual life.However, if one vagina develops normally and the other vagina fails to develop, it may cause pain or bleeding if a man enters the undeveloped vagina in the same room.

Secondly, is pregnancy risky? Compared with normal women,It is difficult for women with double uterus to get pregnant, and the risk of danger during pregnancy will be higher than that of normal women., such as spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy; In the second trimester of pregnancy, the uterus is unable to resist the rising intrauterine pressure, and it is also easy to have miscarriage or premature delivery; In late pregnancy, due to the narrow uterine cavity and limited fetal activity, there is a high possibility of abnormal fetal position, which may cause placental abruption, premature rupture of membranes, postpartum hemorrhage and other problems.

Finally, will twins be born in double uterus?The probability of pregnant twins in patients with double uterus is the same as that in normal women.The twin uterus is caused by the failure to fuse the accessory mesonephros in time when the embryo divides, and the twins are fertilized by two eggs or the fertilized eggs split into two fertilized eggs. There is no direct relationship between them.

Generally, there is no discomfort in the body, and few women will take the initiative to do gynecological examinations. Once the problems like double uterus and double vagina are detected, they will be nervous and worried. If you check the double uterus, what treatment methods are there?

  • surgical treatment

Surgery is the most common method to treat double uterus, which reconnects the divided uterus through surgery, thus helping the uterus to return to its normal shape. Surgery needs to be decided according to the patient’s condition. Generally, general anesthesia is needed, and postoperative wound care and rehabilitation and recovery training should be paid attention to.

  • medication

Medication can also be considered for double uterus, such as using hormone drugs to regulate menstrual cycle, so as to alleviate the problems of dysmenorrhea and irregular menstruation in double uterus.

  • physiotherapy

Physical therapy can be carried out with the help of professional doctors, including acupuncture and massage, with the aim of helping to relieve dysmenorrhea and improve menstrual discomfort.

  • Psychological support

Double uterus is not a rare disease, but the process of treating double uterus is long, and patients will feel great pressure. Therefore, medical care should give patients support, help and answer doubts in the treatment of God, and pay attention to patients’ emotional changes.

Oblique vaginal septum syndrome sounds terrible, but it has little effect on getting married and having children. Women should pay more attention to their health at ordinary times, and it is best to have gynecological examinations regularly to achieve early detection and treatment of diseases.


[1] "Congenital kidney deficiency! Abdominal pain is unbearable! Let’s take a look at how to diagnose and treat vaginal oblique septum syndrome. . Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2023-03-09

[2] "Does a woman’s double vagina affect normal pregnancy and childbirth? Family doctor online, June 18, 2014

[3] "The 24-year-old girl found two vaginas and double uterus? Doctors speak frankly: it’s rare to be in business for many years. Dr. Zou Lisha. 2023-04-12.

Reprinting is prohibited without the permission and authorization of the author.

Western media: rudiger was angry and failed to start & pre-match training was full of anger and his teammates were surprised.

Live on May 20th, according to the news in the western media "relevo", Real Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti chose to substitute rudiger in the second round against Manchester City, which surprised the whole team and made the players very angry.

Rudiger restrained Harland in the first leg against Manchester City, and An Shuai also publicly announced that rudiger would start. According to the media, because of this, when An Shuai changed his mind to let rudiger substitute, the German central defender felt a little unacceptable. Rudiger himself and his teammates were surprised.

In the competition, rudiger’s body language has spoken for itself. Real Madrid also predicted that rudiger would start, Alaba would be left-back, Cammavinga would reinforce the midfield and Rodrigo would be on standby.

After determining the starting lineup, rudiger was once very depressed, and several teammates tried to comfort and encourage the angry central defender. As a matter of fact, rudiger was full of anger during pre-match training, as if playing a top-level race, constantly seeking physical confrontation.

However, in the case of 0-2 backwardness, it is intriguing for An Shuai to replace modric with rudiger. It is obviously illogical for the central defender to change the midfield. The Real Madrid team thinks that this is an act of compensation by An Shuai to appease rudiger.

After the game, Galeries Lafayette also came to the dressing room, trying to boost the morale of the team, and also appeased rudiger a little. According to the media, An Shuai always prefers the central defender combination of Militao and Alaba.

Let the words shine! ChatGPT created a text game.

Recently, a new ChatGPT application, a text game, was discovered. Baidu found the game "Harry Potter Text Game" after a while, which was simple and fun.

In the game industry, word games used to be a very popular game type. However, due to the continuous development of game production technology, word games are gradually replaced by various games with visual and sound effects. However, with the development of natural language processing technology recently, word games have returned to people’s field of vision. ChatGPT is a language model that can generate natural language. It can be used to make word games, and it can also meet the needs of realization possibility and playability.

ChatGPT is a natural language generation technology based on artificial intelligence, which can generate related natural language output according to a given input. This technology has a wide range of applications, which can be used for automatic reply, intelligent customer service, automatic article generation and so on. In the field of games, ChatGPT can be used to make various types of word games, such as adventure games and word puzzle games.

The key to making a word game lies in its realization possibility and playability. The possibility of realization refers to the technical difficulty and resources needed for the game, while the playability refers to whether the game is attractive enough to make players have enough motivation to play. In ChatGPT, because it is an AI-based technology, it is relatively difficult to make word games. In addition, because ChatGPT can generate high-quality natural language output, the playability of the game will be very high. Players can influence the progress of the game according to their own choices, making the game more interactive and playable.

In addition to the possibility and playability, the user viscosity of the game is also a very important factor. In the text game made by ChatGPT, because it can generate different outputs according to the player’s choice, the experience of each game will be different. This feature can increase the player’s desire to explore and the repeatability of the game, thus improving the user’s viscosity of the game. In addition, ChatGPT can also optimize the game according to the feedback of players, so as to better meet the needs of players and further improve the user’s viscosity.

Generally speaking, ChatGPT can be used to make word games with high playability and user viscosity. Although word games may have lost their charm in the past, with the development of natural language processing technology,

Exhibition, word games have become interesting and attractive again. For game producers, the appearance of ChatGPT provides them with a brand-new way of making games, which enables them to make more interesting games with less resources and time.

For players, the word game made by ChatGPT is also a new game experience. Compared with traditional word games, the games made by ChatGPT are more interactive and exploratory, which makes players feel more immersed and involved. In addition, because the output of each game is different, players can experience different stories and endings, making the game more interesting and challenging.

However, in order to make the word game truly user-friendly, it needs to be continuously optimized and updated. By collecting player feedback and data analysis, producers can understand the needs and preferences of players, so as to optimize and improve the game. In addition, constantly introducing new levels and tasks can increase players’ interest and challenge, thus improving users’ viscosity.

In a word, the word game made by ChatGPT has the possibility of realization and playability, and has a high user viscosity. With the continuous development of natural language processing technology, we believe that this type of game will become more and more popular and bring more fun and experience to game producers and players.

IDC MarketScape: Baidu Security is the leader in NESaaS market.

Recently, IDC, an authoritative international consulting organization, released the report IDC MarketScape: China Public Cloud Network Edge security-as-a-service (NESaaS) Market (hereinafter referred to as IDC Report). With its leading AI security technology capability, Baidu was in the leading position in the evaluation of China public cloud network edge security-as-a-service market in 2022.

IDC pointed out that based on the summarization and refinement of Baidu’s years of security practices, relying on artificial intelligence and big data, Baidu has terabyte (TB)-level cloud security protection capability under the all-round technical support and escort of Baidu’s security, and the risk of intercepting malicious web pages and user searches exceeds 100 billion times every year. At the same time, Baidu Intelligent Cloud Security is one of Baidu’s five security areas. Combining the technical advantages in AI field and the long-term service experience in cloud computing field, it has gradually established a complete and comprehensive multi-class security product matrix and security solutions to meet various business needs, forming a secure and reliable cloud base, effectively protecting the security of government and enterprise assets.

This is another recommendation after Baidu Security was selected as the recommended manufacturer of IDC’s "China Data Security Technology Development Roadmap, 2022" this year. It shows that Baidu Security has been at the leading level in the industry in AI security, data security, cloud security, business security and mobile security.

In recent years, with the increasing variety, quantity and importance of cloud assets, its allure to network attackers is also increasing. Based on the above network security requirements, IDC put forward the concept of Network Edge security-as-a-service (NESaaS) in 2022 in order to better guide enterprises to solve the network security construction in complex IT environment. IDC believes that NESaaS, as a stack of comprehensive network security capabilities, can naturally and efficiently integrate various security capabilities, thus fully embodying the concept of software-defined security access.

IDC’s report focuses on Baidu’s intelligent threat hunting platform, which is the product of Baidu’s integration of technologies such as deep learning and big data analysis. The platform has six advantages, such as powerful intelligent tracing, three-dimensional API protection, supporting 0day/Nday attack detection, automatic drainage honeypot, abundant attack and defense exercise toolbox, low false alarm and low false alarm, etc. It analyzes the network traffic of customers in the form of gateway, identifies the identity of attackers through powerful intelligent tracing mechanism, and assists customers in advanced security by combining real-time data and intelligent algorithm model.

Baidu’s intelligent threat hunting platform is based on big data intelligence and AI analysis model’s ability of accurate portrait and tracing of attackers, and realizes tracing analysis and blocking of users, equipment and network IP at three levels. It can identify the identity of potential attackers by association analysis combined with intelligence database, completely subverting the passive mode based on IP tracing in the past. Compared with the common honeynet tracing scheme in the industry, the tracing success rate is increased by 2~5 times, and the problem of low tracing success rate and easy circumvention in the industry is solved in a breakthrough.

At present, Baidu’s intelligent threat hunting platform has been widely used in energy, government affairs, transportation, Internet and other industries. With its outstanding AI security capability, it has made outstanding offensive and defensive performance and traceability performance in network offensive and defensive drills and red-blue confrontation actions for head customers such as government, enterprises and energy, and helped government and enterprise organizations win the first place in offensive and defensive drills.

In a project case of an energy company, by virtue of the product’s efficient perception and protection ability to unknown threats, it helps customers to deal with advanced threats such as 0day/Nday and APT attacks more efficiently, realizes rapid detection and response to security threats, and improves the efficiency of security operation and maintenance. It can not only build a complete defense-in-depth system, combine real-time data and artificial intelligence algorithm model, assist customers to make advanced security decisions, empower security operation and maintenance personnel, effectively deal with known and unknown threats, and fight against 0-Day and N-Day. It can identify the identity of attackers through a powerful intelligent traceability system, completely overturn the passive mode based on IP traceability in the past, and efficiently escort key infrastructure systems.

With Baidu’s leading AI security capability fully integrated into all modules of Baidu’s brain and covering all businesses in Baidu AI Cloud, under the unique advantage of "integration of cloud and intelligence", Baidu Security will continue to be innovative and pragmatic in the future, take on the strong demand for security from the market and enterprises, and devote itself to building an intelligent integrated security system based on AI and big data based on the rich technical precipitation of Baidu AI and big data, so as to accelerate the process of enterprise intelligent security integration.

Industrial design works collection version improves tips!

Authorization | Huangshan first painting

Part 1: Type of typography

The type of works of the works can be roughly divided into parallel type, slanted, full version, free type, symmetrical, left and right divided, up and down, gravity, detail, background type.

01 / sided form

The elements perform a differential arrangement of different positions, and the screen has relatively symmetrical feeling by both connection and different elements.

Scheduled application

Picture application

Product typesetting application

Squiry in parallelized multi-use for pictures and product color, material research analysis, etc.

02 / slide typesetting

Type elements and texts in the shape of a curve, or tilt the picture, so that the layout exhibits unstable visual sensation, and the overall is more rhyme.

Scheduled application

Photo application

Product typesetting application

03 / full version

The text is placed on the image on the arranging, which can be placed in the middle, or it can be placed in the middle, but also intersect, but there must be a certain logic.

Full version of the application

Full version of the product typography

Full version of the graphic version

04 / free form

There is no regular typography, the layout is very lively, to avoid the integrity of the typography, incomplete.

Do not recommend product typography

05 / Symmetrical Form

Give human rationality, the feeling of work, but avoid the visual sensation of the dead plate.

Symmetric form application

06 / left

The layout is divided into two parts, the layout of the balance, forming a strong comparison effect, wearing the text, making the layout more coordinated.

Application of left and right divided layout

Photo application


07 / up and down segmentation

The layout is divided into two parts, the picture can be a single can also be a single, highlighting the energetic atmosphere, the text is light and free, you can write it.

Up and down segmentation is easy to operate, text and content can be discharged from the layout for the vertical version.

Application of up and down partial layout

Photo application


08 / gravity form

The entire layout has a focus and highlights the visual focus.

Cardiological form layout application


Photo application

09- Detail form

Highlight the material and function of the product through the magnification of the product details. Enhance the visual effect of the picture.

Detail form layout application


10 / background form

Place the product in the background template environment.


Background form layout application

Part II: Tips

Type of skills can be roughly divided into four types, text skills, lend white skills, graphic skills, color skills.

01 / font skill

Select the most comfortable font size

The font size of the font size has a relatively regular magnification, that is, 0.5 times relationship growth

Select the level of the font

Multiple family text information block processing relationship, visual experience between different locations, text blocks, pay attention to the comfort of the font spacing and the line spacing.

Select the level of the font

Different dimensional texts on the above visual experience.

Font selection

Understand the character of the font, avoid using the default font to avoid using the transition to use and ugly fonts, pay attention to avoid simultaneous use of both fonts and two or more different colors.

Font selection

Pay attention to the readability of the text, do not leave a lonely word, use small uppercase letters and carefully use the text of the text.

02 / Dossy Tips

What is a white?

Even if we call it "white", it does not mean that the actual space must be white.

As long as you don’t repeat any graphics or elements on the page. It originates from traditional art, which is originally the difference in the shape of the user more accurately.

Dossy is a space between each element and the surrounding space. When the designer talks about the white: they are actually negative space.

The word "negative space" originated in conflict, blank spaces can be filled with any color. The actual white and "留 白" "negative space" did not really associate, "darker" and "negative space" can be used interchangeably.

Do you want to leave?

Dossy is the basic element of the design, leaving a white simply is a premeditated guidance reader to capture the information necessary to express the information.

And improve the visual feeling of reading.

In the layout of the work set, there is enough space to reserve enough space, do not let information are too stacked, accounting for full space. Too many information will directly lead to a decrease in the interest of the examiner, and a slightly sparse version of the typography will make reading more comfortable.

Picture with text

Dossy is a simple art. You don’t have to pursue information on the page and drawings. Appropriate leaves give people a reading rest, and you can also cause unlimited imagination.

03 / graphic skills

A / Emphasize graphic comparison, increasing visual readability

Using contrast color and complementary color, enhance the readability of information, select the main color according to the subject, and use another color to match the decoration, produce visual tension, attract reading readers.



B / Weak background

Weak background, fuzzy color reduces the level of reading order,

Highlight design destination visuality and information readability,

The weakening of the background, the convexity of the text will make information reading more visual impact.



Weak background, emphasizing information.

C / segmentation geometry screen

Add a rectangular boundary box other than the text or set a color block under text, forming a product label, and the relationship is generated by the background and label, allowing the user to focus on the geometry.

Through the segmentation of the geometric frame, the reader’s vision center is focused on the information points within the frame.

D / gold segmentation skills

Gold segmentation: The ratio of the shorter portion of the line segment is equal to the longer portion and the overall length ratio, and its ratio is about 0.618.



Layout: Set the size into a gold segmentation ratio.

Rebum: Use the gold segmentation ratio to control the white space.

Content: Try to utilize the proportion of gold.

04 / color skills

A / contrast color

Two colors of the 12 color phase rings are 120 ° color. The matching method of the color color can generally use the color of the picture very jumped. It is now much more than sports products.

B / same color

Then there are two colors of the 12 color phase rings in the color of 30 °. Use the similar color on the product to enhance the overall feeling of the picture.

C / complementary color

The distance between the two colors in the 12-color ring is 180 ° color. The complementary color is exaggerated, and the visual impact is very strong.

D / neighboring color

The distance between the two colors in the 12 color phase ring is 60 ° color. The neighboring color is a relaxed feeling.

Co-like – then two colors of the two colors in the 12-color rings in the color of 30 °. Use the similar color on the product to enhance the overall feeling of the picture.

Complementary Color – The distance between the two colors in the 12-color ring is 180 ° color. The complementary color is exaggerated, and the visual impact is very strong.

Neighborhood – The distance between the two colors in the 12-color ring is 60 ° color. The neighboring color is a relaxed feeling.

Color of the golden rule – 6: 3: 1

The main color is a proportion of 60%, and the secondary color is 30% ratio, and the auxiliary color is a 10% ratio. Generally, the color of the color of the color is followed in the product color matching.

6: 3: 1

Color golden law is reflected in the product

Children’s products generally use multiple colors or irregular use of colors


You can follow this or a certain way to type and layout, but the products and rhythm of each person are different, so everyone finds the style and typography of our products. It is also important.