Recruitment Order | Social volunteers of Beijing Zoo were recruited in 2024!

Social volunteers in Beijing Zoo
Beijing Zoo Volunteer Organization was established in 2004. In 2014, it was awarded as the first batch of demonstration stations for learning Lei Feng in the capital, and in 2021, it was awarded as the "best volunteer service organization" for learning Lei Feng in the capital.
Scope of voluntary service
Service posts and projects: animal science explanation, order maintenance, helping the poor and disabled, civilized propaganda, discouraging uncivilized behavior, garden consultation, garden history introduction, language service, etc.
Undertake temporary volunteer service tasks and other volunteer service work with professional and technical expertise requirements;
Other projects that need to provide voluntary services.
Volunteer service guarantee
Sign a voluntary service agreement;
Register the "Volunteer Beijing" platform and provide volunteer insurance;
Provide volunteer clothing and teaching AIDS;
Provide working meals (the service duration is limited to 3 hours at a time);
Provide a record of the length of volunteer service on the "Volunteer Beijing" platform;
Provide relevant volunteer service training;
Excellent volunteers provide opportunities for going out for exchange activities.
Volunteer service location
Beijing Zoo, No.137 Xizhimenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing
Volunteer service time
9:00-16:00 on weekends and 8: 30-16: 30 on legal holidays in the peak season of the park;
Other time points when volunteer service is needed.
Volunteer service content
Garden order maintenance: set up a comprehensive group to carry out garden consultation, order maintenance, civilized propaganda and discourage uncivilized behavior in the gate area and key areas of the park.
Animal popular science explanation: there are six explanation groups: herbivorous group, primate group, elephant rhinoceros group, American and Australian group, waterfowl group and meat group.
Herbivorous group: lecture on giraffes, capra ibex, black muntjac and other herbivores;
Primate group: lecture on primates such as golden monkey, chimpanzee and gibbon;
Elephant and rhinoceros group: lecture on Asian elephant, African elephant, white rhinoceros, hippopotamus and other elephants, rhinoceros and hippopotamus;
American and Australian group: lecture on American and Australian animals such as sloths, anteaters and emus;
Waterfowl group: lecture on the species and habits of birds in waterfowl lake, the significance of bird protection, etc.
Carnivorous group: lecture on carnivores such as black bear, brown bear, wolf and caracal.
Basic conditions for registration
At the age of 18-60;
Good health, with the corresponding basic ability to participate in voluntary service;
In the peak season weekends and legal holidays in the park, there are relatively fixed volunteer service hours, volunteering personal time and energy to provide services for tourists, parks and society;
Abide by national laws and regulations, relevant management regulations of Beijing Zoo and Beijing Zoo volunteer organizations.
Registration process
Applicants download the Beijing Zoo Volunteer Application Form from the official website of Beijing Zoo, fill in all items and topics carefully as required, and send them to the mailbox:;
Beijing Zoo volunteers organize the primary selection, interview, training and assessment of applicants;
After primary selection, interview, training and examination, the Beijing Zoo volunteer organization signed a contract with the applicant, compiled a local management service number for registered volunteers and issued a volunteer service certificate;
Registered volunteers must sign a service agreement with the Beijing Zoo Volunteer Organization to participate in volunteer service.
Note: Due to the large number of applicants, those who fail the screening will not be notified without notice. The number of volunteers recruited in the park is limited, and the admission rate is low. Please know in advance, and thank you for your understanding.
Deadline for registration:
March 7, 2024
Specific steps of registration
Log on to the official website of Beijing Zoo (website:
Click the "Public Service" option in the menu at the top of the page, click the "Volunteer Service" option on the left side of the page, find "How to join volunteers" and click to enter.
After entering the "How to Join Volunteers" column, click and download the "Beijing Zoo Volunteer Application Form" at the bottom of the page, fill it out and send it to
Other instructions
Volunteers who have passed the interview must register their real names on "Volunteer Beijing", and each volunteer service will enter the volunteer time on the "Volunteer Beijing" platform. Those who are not registered are not allowed to participate in voluntary service activities in the park.
If you have any questions, please consult:
Tel: 68390274 (Tourist Service Center)
Service time: 7:30-17:00.
Contact: Teacher Wang

One death and five injuries were caused by a serial car collision in Belgium.

On the morning of January 29th, local time, a serious accident happened on Temploux E42 highway in Belgium, involving two heavy trucks and three cars. Five people were injured and one died in the accident. After the pileup, one of the trucks rolled over and caught fire. Another car was stuck under the truck and the driver was killed. Firefighters have rushed to the scene. (CCTV News)

Exploring culture: What is culture and how to identify whether there is culture or not?

Culture refers to the values, belief system, behavior norms, artistic creation, language, customs and traditions shared by a society or group. It is the product of human evolution and social development, which helps to shape the identity and thinking mode of individuals and groups.

Identifying whether a person has a culture is not simply about whether he has a high degree of education or extensive knowledge. The embodiment of culture depends more on a person’s ideological depth, values, interpersonal communication and behavior. Here are some ways to identify whether a person is literate or not:

Breadth and depth of knowledge: A literate person usually has a wide range of knowledge, not limited to a certain field, but also can deeply understand and think about what he has learned.

Open mind and curiosity: Educated people usually have open mind, are willing to accept new ideas and ideas, and are curious about different cultures and concepts.

Art and aesthetic consciousness: Culture and art are closely related, and literate people usually have a certain ability to appreciate and understand art forms such as painting, music and literature.

Language expression ability: A literate person usually has good language expression ability and can express his views and thoughts in accurate and vivid language.

Social consciousness and code of conduct: Educated people usually have high social consciousness, can respect others, abide by social code of conduct, and actively participate in social activities.

In a word, literacy is not only knowledge, but also a way of thinking, a code of conduct and an understanding of the world. By observing a person’s knowledge, way of thinking, artistic appreciation, language expression and social behavior, we can preliminarily judge whether he has culture or not. However, culture is a complex concept, and everyone’s understanding and expression may be different, so we should keep an open mind, respect diversity, and have positive exchanges and dialogues with others.

Supreme Law: The construction of smart courts will also actively pay attention to the application of ChatGPT technology.

Beijing, March 10 (Reporter Huang Yuling) On the 10th, the Supreme People’s Court held the fifth activity of the series of all-media live interviews on the interpretation of the Work Report of the Supreme People’s Court in 2023. Regarding the recent wave of artificial intelligence triggered by ChatGPT around the world, Chen Qiwei, deputy director of the Supreme People’s Court Information Center, introduced the latest situation of the construction and application of artificial intelligence in the court.

Chen Qiwei mentioned that the Supreme People’s Court has always attached great importance to the application of artificial intelligence technology, and courts all over the country insist on using technology to promote the quality, efficiency and power changes of court work. In 2014, the people’s courts built the world’s largest trial information resource library, realizing the real-time aggregation of court case data in the country every five minutes. At present, more than 300 million cases have been aggregated. These massive judicial big data resources covering structured cases, file images, trial audio and video, and documents have laid a good foundation for the application and development of judicial artificial intelligence. Up to now, the overall framework of judicial data platform and smart court brain has been formed, and its service capacity has covered 98% of the courts in China (3,470). Since 2022, the total number of services has exceeded 600 million. According to the practical experience in various places, the whole-process intelligent assistant case handling supported by the application of judicial artificial intelligence can effectively reduce the routine work of judges by more than 30% and improve the trial efficiency by more than 20%.

Chen Qiwei said that after ChatGPT came out, it attracted wide attention from various industries. The construction of smart courts is also actively paying attention to the possible changes brought about by the application of this technology. At the same time, as a vertical application of judicial artificial intelligence, the construction of smart court has its own characteristics, such as stricter requirements on the seriousness and accuracy of answering questions, and compared with ChatGPT’s open application from digital space to digital space, judicial artificial intelligence needs to pay more attention to the support of physical space to physical space. For example, it is necessary to use judicial artificial intelligence to actually support the automatic classification and cataloging of electronic files, and it is necessary to realize the automatic generation of trial transcripts by means of accurate positioning of speech roles and adaptive multilingual models during the trial. These technical problems are also very challenging.

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The girlfriend’s anger can only cheer frogs to fire, a humidifier that makes people love

Author: Science and Technology BB

Recently, my mood is really bad, and I don’t say a pile of things. I recently girlfriend, I can’t move it, I will have a flame mountain every time I go home.

Know the mountain, I have a tiger, I am biased towards the mountain! (Don’t go back, how can I come, I haven’t understood it, I maybe it is possible.

The fire is really big, how is the Sichuan hot pot? It is not a level, this is spell damage, which is far better than physical damage.

Cause: She is estimated by the fire because the weather is dry, blowing air conditioners at night, causing the body’s moisture loss, thus causing anger. In order to give the ancestors to reduce the fire, I also had a pain, and I bought a big humidifier. Using a humidifier, the dry environment in the home is really a lot, and the girlfriend is significantly smaller. Since there is an effect, it is ready to arrange to the ancestors. In order to let her in the dry weather, they are not lacking in the loss of moisture, drinking water must be necessary (buy a cup), can be in the humidifier in the humidifier, A card frozen mini humidifier (from the product test).

Demand: Humidifier, small, and portable in the office. Second, the value is not bad, otherwise not only can’t destroy the fire, it is easy to enter the oil. Humidifier is used, and cost-effective. (Satisfied, there is basically nothing)

The humidifier is mainly divided into two types of household humidifiers and industrial humidifiers.

One is an ultrasonic humidifier, one is a pure humidifier.

The chevan frog humidifier belongs to the ultrasonic humidifier category, which can disperse 5 microns water molecules, so that the skin enjoys the benefits of the benefits, one gesture to meet daily humidity demand, two rain forests are booming moisture summer air-conditioned room, winter heating dry, accompanied 365 days a year.

This humidifier has a leather handle, which is convenient to carry two spray ports. Two add water methods, which can directly open the top cover for humidifier, plus water, of course, you can also add water from the top. Add water, you can do not open the water, the open water is a little suitable for the bottle to slowly pour it, prevent water flow splash.

The package accessory manual, the data cable, and the water-absorbent (itself can be used for a long time can be replaced) is still very thoughtful, it does not need to be purchased again at least in a short time.

The chevy humidifier built into a 2000mAh built-in battery, and it can be done for 7 hours or so, and it can be inserted, and the charging hole is Micro-USB design, the back of the humidifier. If it is a Type-C port applicability will be higher.

The humidifier is turned on, click Open a single hole spray mode.

The humidifier is turned on, and the double hole spray mode can be opened if you double-click.

The humidifier top cover can be separated, convenient to water storage, the upper cover is the main functional area, and the water tank can be appropriately added according to the scale.

The water absorbers on the humidifier can be swapped, and the inside is a filter element, dirty can be replaced, always maintains hygienic, effectively inhibits the hyperplasia of bacterial viruses.

The water tank also comes with rice wheat stone, which can be fixed at the bottom of the humidifier, and countless fine small holes on the rice stone can also filter the impurities in natural water. The humidifier uses water dispenser filtration, and there is bacteriostatic silver ion and The water absorbing filter has a good antibacterial effect under the action of double protection.

This product is suitable for tap water, do not use pure water, distilled water, if the water soluble essential oil can be placed, because his fog is KHz microporous atomization piece. Atomized water without white powder, its atomization piece is also specially treated, and the anti-corrosion is done.

There is a non-slip mat design at the bottom, which can make the humidifier to be more secure and will not slip freely.

The key next to the key is a timed switch, and the length of the humidification can be set with you, and you can set 1H / 2H / 4H, no operation, after 12h, the machine will shut down by default. Meet your different needs.


This humidifier positioning is portable, easy to take place, suitable for office, small square room. Simple design style, whether as humidified tools, or as a room for the room, is a good choice.

My girlfriend has had a small humidifier in the house with a small humidifier, and the skin is moist. Of course, my happiest is that my girlfriend is a lot, no longer with sleep. NS.

This small humidifier, color value and function are very good, I have a deep heart.

This is still very nice if you have a demand.

Recommended index: five stars

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