Reporter investigation: It is difficult to return to taxi hailing in various places. What should be done to reflect on the new policy of online car hailing?

   CCTV News(Reporter, Wang Jiazu, Li Wenliang, Wang Xiaoying, Gao Yuting, Intern, Qi Chenji) "It has always been suggested that there are no cars nearby." This is a common feeling among many citizens who choose to ride online recently. Even during off-peak hours, it is not easy to take a taxi, and "the time to call a car has become longer" is becoming the norm in many cities.

  Data from Didi Chuxing shows that the difficulty of hailing a taxi in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen has increased to varying degrees. In June this year, the difficulty of morning and evening peak taxi hailing in four places increased by 12.4%, 17.7%, 13.2% and 22.5% respectively compared with the same period last year. In Beijing, after the implementation of the new policy of online car-hailing, the passenger order of online car-hailing platforms fell by about 10%.

  A year after the implementation of the new policy on online car-hailing, there are various signs that the previously surprising golden period of online car-hailing development is rapidly coming to an end. In some cities, online car-hailing is difficult to get, and drivers must increase their fares to accept orders. And the behavior of traditional taxis such as refusal and bargaining has not been significantly improved by the legalization of online car-hailing.

  What’s wrong with the online car-hailing market, and how should it be managed? Can returning to "taxi-hailing difficulty" make relevant departments reflect on the new policy?

A citizen uses a taxi app to get a ride in Xidan, Beijing. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Xulei

A citizen uses a taxi app to get a ride in Xidan, Beijing. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Xulei

  Online taxi: "There are no cars available nearby"

  On July 27, 2016, the Ministry of Transport and seven ministries jointly promulgated the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures"). China became the first country in the world to recognize the legal status of online car-hailing nationwide. Subsequently, detailed implementation rules have been issued in various parts of China. According to media statistics, 133 cities have announced new policies on online car-hailing.

  Recently, CCTV reporters visited the online car-hailing market in many cities in China and found that the number of online car-hailing has decreased significantly since the implementation of the New Deal for more than a year, making it difficult to take a taxi.

  From August 19th to 22nd, the reporter tried to play Didi Express at different times and locations in Beijing for three consecutive days. Only around 10 am on the 19th, a driver took the order at Chaoyangmen Subway Station in Chaoyang District and came within two minutes. The rest of the time, such as the morning peak on the 21st, at Landianchang South Road, Haidian District, the order with Didi Express has always been displayed as "no car available nearby"; at 7 pm on the 22nd, at the south of Hangkong Bridge, Didi Express also displayed "no car available nearby".

  At the same time in Jinan, Shandong Province, the reporter used Didi to take a taxi many times with only one success. At 7:30 am on the 22nd, Yanzi West Road, with Didi to call an order, no one took the order twice in a row, showing "no car available nearby". At around 8 o’clock, there was still no one taking the order at the intersection of Ping and Shandong University, which also showed "no car available nearby". In addition, the reporter also found in real time in many other areas that the mobile phone client side showed that the express train "There are fewer vehicles nearby and the waiting time is long". Only at 3 pm on the 22nd, the reporter used Didi to call a taxi near Qianfoshan Hospital in Shandong Province.

  At around 3:00 pm on August 24, the reporter used Didi Taxi to book a taxi in Anning District, Lanzhou, Gansu Province, and tried three times without anyone taking the order. Then he used Didi Express four times, each time at an interval of 5 minutes, and still no one answered. Most of the time, the map showed that there were no vehicles nearby.

  That day in Yinchuan City, Ningxia, the reporter sent out orders during off-peak hours. The mobile phone software showed that the vehicle would arrive within 1 to 4 minutes, making it easier to take a taxi. However, in places slightly away from the city, such as Beita Lake, Huabo Park, and Shenyang Road, no one answered the order after 1 minute.

  Why is it not easy to play online car-hailing? The subsidy is less, and the threshold is higher.

  Compared with the "golden period" two years ago, online car-hailing is obviously not so easy to get. What is the reason?

  Mr. Zong, 33, lives in the high-tech zone of Jinan City. He is a part-time driver of Didi Express and has been driving fast for more than a year. At first, he took the car to join the express team because his friend had a good income from driving fast. He said that at that time, because of various subsidies, his income was very good. At one point, he wanted to quit his job to drive fast. The most impressive order was to pull passengers to catch the train during peak hours, and the customer gave 2.5 times the reward.

  But this year, the "money scene" has begun to dim. He is glad that he did not quit his job. Many of his friends who drove fast cars in the past have already found other jobs. Mr. Zong believes that the main reason for the current lack of online car-hailing is that subsidies are less, and driving cannot earn money.

  "Sometimes I work until the early morning at night, and sometimes I can earn about 100 yuan for running on weekends. If I make this money, if I get a violation of regulations or something, I won’t be able to scratch it." Mr. Zong said that in the future, it will depend on how the implementation rules of Jinan are determined. According to the requirements in the exposure draft, his own private car will definitely not meet the conditions, and the cost will definitely increase greatly if it is converted to a operating vehicle. If it is not cost-effective, it will not be opened.

  Mr. Li of Yinchuan, Ningxia, has been running an express car for three years with his own 50,000 yuan private car. He chose to change careers this year because "there is no subsidy and he can’t make money." Mr. Li told reporters that many people buy cars worth tens of thousands of yuan to run Didi Express. According to the rules, the peers he knows are not up to standard.

  A staff member of an online car-hailing agency in Yinchuan City told reporters that the current Didi platform has begun to block the express numbers of substandard vehicles one after another. Among the drivers of Didi Express in Yinchuan, 80% of the cars or drivers do not meet the online car-hailing standards.

  The decrease in the number of online car-hailing, on the one hand, makes consumers feel that the car is not easy to play, but also makes other express drivers who choose to stay feel better. In Beijing, Yu Sijia, who was born in 1989, has been driving online car-hailing for a year and a half. At the end of last year, he successfully obtained the online car-hailing driver qualification certificate with a high score of 90 points. He told reporters that even if he has a good order income on weekdays, he still likes to take orders at night, because there are fewer owners who come out to take orders than in the past.

  Mr. Yang of Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, who bought an Audi A4 sports car, said that compared with the past, there are significantly fewer people in sports cars, and the work is easier than before, because the threshold has been raised. "You drive a car with tens of thousands of dollars to run a special car. To be honest, it is not fair to us. Fortunately, many people quit after the details came out."

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  Expert consultation: The threshold should be kept as low as possible

  Is it right to strictly control online car-hailing through high thresholds? Is there any indisputable place in the new policy of online car-hailing?

  According to data from the Ministry of Communications, there are currently more than 130 online car-hailing platform companies planning to carry out online car-hailing business, and 19 online car-hailing platform companies have obtained business licenses in relevant cities, but only 100,000 online car-hailing driver licenses have been issued in various places. On the demand side, as of December last year, the number of online taxi booking users reached 225 million. A mere 100,000 licensed online car-hailing drivers are facing the demand of more than 200 million people. Even with taxis, the contradiction between supply and demand in the market is also very sharp.

  "The regulations of’Beijing Renjing License ‘and’Shanghai Renren Shanghai License’ have caused a large number of original online car-hailing drivers to be unable to continue on the road, resulting in a serious imbalance between supply and demand," Ye Qing, a professor at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, told CCTV. Professor Ye Qing has written to the National Two Sessions for eight consecutive years to demand "bus reform" and is known as the first person in China’s bus reform. He said: "The management department has relatively high requirements for online car-hailing, but I think there is a way to solve this problem, that is, what is the standard of taxis in the city? The standard of online car-hailing is based on this standard, which is not lower than or parallel to the taxi standard, because a city’s taxis should pay attention to both economy and safety."

  Ye Qing said that too harsh conditions are suspected of being unfair. As long as the driver of the online car-hailing car has no illegal record and meets the driving age and other conditions, he can drive the online car-hailing car after passing the test. "To improve the online car-hailing system, especially when formulating regulations at the local level, the threshold should be lowered as much as possible."

  Cheng Huiqiang, a researcher at the Development Research Center of the State Council, also said in an interview with the media that the government should conduct big data analytics and urban transportation capacity assessments while strengthening supervision, so that the transportation capacity can be matched with the city’s transportation operation to meet the public’s travel needs.

  Xu Kangming, the Ministry of Transport’s chief expert on deepening taxi reform, told the media that if the city’s transportation capacity can be fully tapped, the problem of taxi-hailing difficulties can be solved. He believes that the transportation capacity of cruise taxis and compliant online car-hailing has not been fully released. It is necessary to let the full potential of legal compliance be realized, and at the same time, it is necessary to allow some time for vehicles and personnel that meet the new regulations to enter the market.

There are many patients with psittacosis; These attractions are free to play during the Qingming holiday; Many countries announced oil production cuts; The explosion in St. Petersburg coffee shop has

[Looking at China]

Li Qiang meets Japanese Foreign Minister Lin Fangzheng

The State Council Prime Minister Li Qiang met with visiting Japanese Foreign Minister Lin Fangzheng in Ziguangge, Zhongnanhai on the 2nd. Li Qiang said that maintaining and developing Sino-Japanese friendly and cooperative relations is in the fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples. This year marks the 45th anniversary of the conclusion of the Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship. Both sides should abide by the spirit of the treaty and make firm efforts to develop lasting peaceful and friendly relations between the two countries. It is hoped that Japan and China will move in the opposite direction, strengthen dialogue and cooperation, properly manage differences, and jointly promote the construction of Sino-Japanese relations that meet the requirements of the new era.

The three departments strengthen land security and support the development of photovoltaic industry.

The Ministry of Natural Resources, National Forestry and Grassland Administration and the National Energy Administration jointly issued a notice recently, explicitly encouraging all localities to use unused land and existing construction land to develop photovoltaic power generation industry. (Xinhua News Agency)

Academician Zhong Nanshan: The probability of re-infection with XBB after infection with BA.5 is still high.

Recently, when talking about the prevention and control of coronavirus in a forum, Academician Zhong Nanshan said: The probability of people being infected with BA.5 and then infected with XBB is still high. At present, it is still necessary to consider vaccine intervention, so as to maintain the high immunity of people to COVID-19 infection. (Tide News)

There are many patients with psittacosis, expert: human-to-human transmission is rare.

Recently, an infectious disease, psittacosis, has appeared in some parts of China. It can cause cough, fever and lung infection, and these symptoms are very similar to COVID-19 and influenza. In this regard, Lu Hongzhou, director of the National Infectious Diseases Clinical Research Center, said that humans are usually infected by inhaling dry feces dust or bird feather dust from caged birds, and human-to-human transmission may occur, but it has always been considered rare. The diagnosis of psittacosis is usually confirmed by serological tests. If it is confirmed, antibiotic treatment is the first choice. (People’s Daily Health Client)

The rain and snow in the central and eastern regions entered the strongest period, and the temperature dropped greatly in Huanghuai and other places in North China.

From April 2 nd to 4 th, the largest range of rain and snow weather in central and eastern China entered the strongest period this year, and the local area will encounter heavy rain accompanied by strong convective weather. At the same time, strong cold air will gradually bring severe cooling to the northwest and central and eastern regions, and North China, Huanghuai and other places will also join the ranks of cooling, and many places will stage a big reversal of cold and warm. (China Weather Network)

In many places in Inner Mongolia, the scale and expenditure of non-staff personnel were thoroughly investigated, and some personnel were streamlined.

Recently, many places in Inner Mongolia have released the progress of "Statistics of supernumerary personnel and expenditures of government agencies and institutions". Based on the information published in some areas, at the same time, we also eliminated non-staff personnel who did not meet the employment requirements to implement total control. (澎湃)

Does a night market in Lanzhou need to scan the code for temperature measurement? Official: No, you can come in and out at will.

On April 2nd, it was circulated on the Internet that the Yellow River Food Ferry in online celebrity Night Market, which was just opened in Lanzhou, requested to have its place scanned and its temperature taken. In response, the operating staff of Lanzhou Yellow River Shidu Culture Night Market responded: "Now entering our night market does not require code scanning or temperature measurement. Our night market has just opened, and we have never heard of this statement. Three calls have been made tonight to ask about it. " (People’s Daily Health Client)

Guangzhou encourages the construction of standard factories that only rent but not sell.

Recently, the executive meeting of the Guangzhou Municipal Government deliberated and adopted the Implementation Opinions of the General Office of the Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government on Strengthening the Supervision of Land Supply and Post-supply, and the Rules for the Collection and Collection of Transfer Fees for State-owned Construction Land Use Rights in Guangzhou. The "Opinions" make it clear that we should encourage the construction of industrial affordable housing, only rent standard factories that are not for sale, provide "industrial affordable housing" for small and medium-sized enterprises, guide small and medium-sized enterprises to settle in, implement accurate investment promotion by housing, and solve practical problems such as unstable enterprise development, insufficient funds and limited development space demand in small and medium-sized enterprises. (Nanfang Daily)

Progress of negotiation between Shuangma No.1 Mine of Ningxia Coal Industry and Guo Sun Friends.

On April 2, Shuangma No.1 Mine of Ningxia Coal Industry issued a statement saying that on March 31, Guo Sun Friends was contacted again for consultation, but I was not contacted. I will continue to contact Sun Guoyou to negotiate and solve water use issues on the premise of legal compliance. (World Wide Web)

A large ancient smelting site was discovered in Baicheng County, Xinjiang.

Recently, cultural relics workers discovered a large ancient smelting site in the depths of Tianshan Mountain. This newly discovered ancient smelting site is located in a mountain stream called "Grave Ditch" in Baicheng County, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang. The site is about 2000 meters wide from east to west and 1500 meters long from north to south. Waste residue, porcelain pieces and glazed pottery pieces are scattered everywhere in the site. (Xinhua News Agency)

These attractions are free to play during the Qingming holiday! Ticket discount inventory is coming.

Tomb-Sweeping Day holiday is coming soon. At present, many scenic spots have introduced measures to reduce or exempt tickets. Huangshan, Wuyishan, Shennongjia, Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon and other scenic spots are limited to free tickets, while Chaka Salt Lake and Baquan Gorge enjoy half-price concessions. (People’s Daily Weibo)

From April 5th, some airlines reduced the fuel surcharge for domestic flights.

Qunar. com, Feizhu and other platforms have received notices from China Eastern Airlines, Shanghai Airlines and other domestic airlines, and will adjust the fuel surcharge collection standards for domestic flights from 0: 00 on April 5, 2023 (the date of issue). The adjusted standard is adult passengers: 30 yuan is charged to each passenger on the flight below 800km (inclusive), and 60 yuan is charged to each passenger on the flight above 800km, which is lower than that in 10 yuan and 20 yuan respectively. (Xinhua News Agency)

Tianlong-2 remote launch vehicle was successfully launched.

At 16: 48 on April 2, the Tianlong-2 Tele-1 carrier rocket successfully made its first flight at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China, and successfully put the space science satellite into the scheduled orbit, and the launch mission was a complete success. (Xinhua News Agency)

[Looking overseas]

Us media: the us government will promote the "light bulb ban" in the next few weeks.

It is reported that Biden’s government is preparing to implement a nationwide total ban on commonly used incandescent bulbs as part of its agenda to improve energy efficiency and climate. (CCTV News)

Lawyer Trump: Consider applying to transfer the "hush money" case to a more conservative court.

According to a report quoted by a person familiar with the matter by Bloomberg on the 2nd, the lawyer team of former US President Trump is considering the possibility of transferring his criminal case of "hush money" to the more conservative Staten Island District Court in New York State. (Zhongxin. com)

Japanese composer Ryuichi Sakamoto died.

According to many foreign media reports on April 2nd, Japanese composer Ryuichi Sakamoto died at the age of 71. (World Wide Web)

The Japanese government predicts that Tokyo will continue to face a tight power supply situation this summer.

According to the Japanese government’s forecast, the Tokyo area will continue to face the situation of tight power supply this summer. (CCTV News)

India announced that trade with Malaysia can be settled in Indian Rupee.

On April 1st, local time, the Indian Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying that India and Malaysia have agreed to use Indian Rupee for trade settlement. India’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that in addition to other existing currency settlement modes, trade between India and Malaysia can now be settled in Indian Rupee. (CCTV News)

Many countries announced the implementation of voluntary oil production reduction.

According to a report by Bloomberg on April 2, Saudi Arabia will implement a voluntary production reduction plan of 500,000 barrels per day from May until the end of 2023. Kuwait will voluntarily cut its oil production by 128,000 barrels per day from May until the end of 2023. The UAE will voluntarily reduce its oil production by 144,000 barrels per day from May to the end of 2023. Kazakhstan will contribute 78,000 barrels per day to OPEC+ production reduction. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Novak said that Russia will voluntarily reduce oil production by 500,000 barrels per day until the end of 2023. Algeria will cut its oil production by 48,000 barrels per day from May to the end of 2023. Oman will voluntarily reduce its oil production by 40,000 barrels per day from May until the end of 2023. (Interface)

Syria has been attacked by Israeli air strikes in recent days.

The Syrian media quoted the Syrian military as saying that in the early morning of April 2, Syria was once again attacked by Israel, which was the third air strike that Syria encountered in a week. (CCTV News)

The explosion in the coffee shop in St. Petersburg, Russia has killed one person and injured 25 others.

On April 2, local time, an explosion occurred in a coffee shop on Vasily Island in St. Petersburg, Russia, killing one person and injuring 25 others. According to what the reporter learned from the scene, the explosive device was brought into the coffee shop by a young woman. There were no security personnel and security inspection equipment inside the coffee shop, and the suspect activated the explosives by radio remote control. According to local media reports, the woman who brought explosives into the coffee shop was also injured in the explosion. She is now under police control. (CCTV News)

Russian ambassador to Belarus: nuclear weapons will be deployed to the western border of Russia-Belarus union countries

On April 2, local time, Russian Ambassador to Belarus Gryzlov said in an interview with Belarusian media that nuclear weapons will be deployed to the western border of Russia-Belarus union countries, which will improve the security capabilities of the union countries. (CCTV News)

Preliminary statistics show that Milatovic was elected as the new president of Montenegro.

On April 2, local time, Montenegro held the second round of voting for the presidential election. According to preliminary statistics, Milatovic won the presidential election with obvious advantages and was elected as the new president of Montenegro. (CCTV News)

The preliminary results of the Finnish parliamentary elections announced that the National United Party had the highest vote rate.

Late at night on April 2, local time, the preliminary results of the Finnish parliamentary elections were announced. According to the preliminary vote count results of the election, the National United Party won the highest vote and became the largest party in Parliament. (CCTV News)

[large company]

Bilibili UP main response "stop more tide": a little exaggerated.

On April 2nd, the topic of bilibili UP’s initiative to stop the tide rushed to the top of hot search. In this regard, some UP owners said that the suspension of the shift has nothing to do with the economic situation, and the income in bilibili this year is no less than before. There are also UP owners who say that hot search is a bit puzzling. As of press time, bilibili did not respond to the above news.

Shagang’s acquisition of Nangang changed, and CITIC Pacific cut off Hu.

On the evening of April 2, Fosun International announced the progress of its plan to sell 60% of Nanjing Nangang, saying that Nangang Group decided to exercise the preemptive right, and Fosun had signed an agreement with Nangang Group to sell 60% of Nanjing Nangang to it, and at the same time, it would terminate the transaction with Shagang Group on Nanjing Nangang’s equity. In fact, the real interception of Hu Shagang is the central enterprise CITIC. According to the announcement issued by Nangang Co., Ltd. that night, CITIC Pacific Special Steel Group increased its capital through its Xinyegang and became the controlling shareholder of the latter.

Hulu Beijing laid off 90% of its employees, and the laid-off employees were robbed by big factories.

Recently, the news that Hulu Beijing started layoffs exploded the Internet. Hulu Beijing mainly includes technology research and development and product teams. A person familiar with the matter said that the scale of layoffs in Hulu Beijing exceeded 90%. After the news of layoffs came out, a large number of headhunters, HR manufacturers and AIGC startups started the mode of grabbing people in the pulse. (per meridian)

Xu Lin, CTO of Sailis Group: AITO is dominated by Sailis, which is different from "Huawei makes cars".

On April 2nd, at the sub-forum of China Electric Vehicle committee of 100 Forum (2023), Xu Lin, CTO of Celestial Group and President of Celestial Automobile (rotating), said: "Our cooperation with Huawei, the brand of both parties is AITO Wenjie, and our cooperation mode is really joint design, joint development, joint quality control and joint marketing led by Celestial and highly empowered by Huawei, which are two different things from Huawei’s car building." (SSE)

Tesla charges new products to market.

Tesla officially announced on April 2 that it will launch new charging products on April 3. This product adopts high-strength low-carbon steel box and integrated stamping process.

Swiss media: UBS plans to lay off 20%-30% of its staff after acquiring Credit Suisse.

Swiss "Daily Herald" reported on April 2 that a senior manager of UBS revealed that UBS plans to lay off 20%-30% of its staff after acquiring Credit Suisse, and may cut about 11,000 jobs in Switzerland. (Interface)

[Nuggets Circle]

Brokers released gold stocks in April: these stocks were strongly supported and optimistic about technology and big consumption sectors.

In March, the A-share market fluctuated sideways, and the Shanghai Composite Index fell by 0.21% during the month. How to find opportunities in April? As of April 2, 26 brokers announced their monthly investment portfolios in April, covering many fields such as consumption, finance and technology.

Top ten bull stocks released in March

In March, A shares showed a trend of shock adjustment. As of the close of March 31st, the Shanghai Composite Index fell by 0.21%, the Shenzhen Composite Index fell by 0.49% and the Growth Enterprise Market Index fell by 1.22%. After excluding the new shares listed in the last six months, as of the close of March 31, the average increase of the top ten bull stocks in March remained at a high level, of which two bull stocks increased by more than 100%, and Rongda Photosensitive, which had the smallest increase, also increased by more than 70%.

This week, 17.277 billion yuan of market value restricted shares were lifted.

Judging from the market value of lifting the ban, April 7 is the peak period of lifting the ban. The market value of lifting the ban by the three companies totaled 8.019 billion yuan, accounting for 46.41% of the scale of lifting the ban this week. According to the closing price on March 31, the top three market values of lifting the ban are: Minglida, Zhongke Chuangda and Zhongfu Shenying. From the perspective of the amount of individual stocks released, the top three stocks released are: Minglida, Heshun Petroleum and Surveying and Mapping.

A shares will issue 10 new shares this week.

This week, A-shares will issue 10 new shares, including 2 owned by Beijing Jiaotong University and 4 from science and technology innovation board. Among them, Huasheng Hi-Tech and Wangcheng Technology were released on April 4th. On April 6th, Everbright Tongchuang, Suochen Technology, Hengshang Energy Saving, Sentai and Deere Chemical were issued. On April 7 th, it was released by North Changlong, Gaohua Technology and Qizhong Technology.

"A wealth selection"

The transaction volume of second-hand houses in many cities is "soaring", and "transfer with mortgage" in 100 cities promotes stock trading.

In March, the transaction volume of second-hand houses in Hangzhou exceeded 10,000 sets, and Chengdu exceeded 26,000 sets! While the transaction of second-hand houses in many cities is rising, the "transfer with mortgage" means that the transaction process of second-hand houses will be greatly simplified and the cost will be greatly reduced. This policy can not only revitalize the second-hand housing market, but also help the subsequent slow recovery of the first-hand housing market driven by the liquidity of second-hand housing.

Decryption of A-share Chairman after 90: Most of them are successors, and their achievements are two worlds.

In recent years, the "post-90 s" chairman is emerging in the A-share market at a faster speed. Their business history, succession process and business style have attracted market attention. Among the 51 post-90s directors, about 47 are children of former directors, actual controllers or major shareholders. Among the companies where these "post-90 s" chairmen are located, 24 have achieved year-on-year growth in net profit, and 27 have experienced year-on-year decline in net profit, showing a situation of ice and fire.

[Today’s notice]

10: 00-First-line Release The State Council held a press conference on the 6th Digital China Construction Summit.

15: 00-First-line Announcement The State Council will hold a press conference on the third China International Consumer Goods Expo.


Hawking’s speech in Beijing: Artificial intelligence may also be the terminator of human civilization.

  On April 27th, the famous physicist stephen hawking gave a video speech at the Global Mobile Internet Conference held in Beijing. In his speech, Hawking reiterated that the rise of artificial intelligence is either the best thing or the worst thing for human beings. He believes that human beings need to be alert to the threat of artificial intelligence development. Because once the artificial intelligence breaks away from the bondage and redesigns itself in an accelerating state, human beings will not be able to compete with it because of the limitation of long biological evolution, thus being replaced.

  The following is Hawking’s speech:

  In my life, I have witnessed profound changes in society. One of the most profound changes, which has an increasing influence on human beings, is the rise of artificial intelligence. To put it simply, I think the rise of powerful artificial intelligence is either the best thing or the worst thing in human history. I have to say, whether it is good or bad is still uncertain. But we should do our best to ensure that its future development is beneficial to us and our environment. We have no choice. I think the development of artificial intelligence itself is a trend with problems, and these problems must be solved now and in the future.

  The research and development of artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly. Maybe all of us should pause for a moment and shift our research duplication from improving the ability of artificial intelligence to maximizing the social benefits of artificial intelligence. Based on this consideration, american association for artificial intelligence (AAAI) set up a forum on the long-term future of artificial intelligence in 2008-2009, and they have recently invested a lot of attention in the purpose-oriented neutral technology. But our artificial intelligence system needs to work according to our will. Interdisciplinary research is a possible way forward: it extends from economics, law and philosophy to computer security, formal methods and, of course, various branches of artificial intelligence itself.

  Everything produced by civilization is the product of human intelligence. I believe that there is no essential difference between what the biological brain can achieve and what the computer can achieve. Therefore, it follows the principle that computers can imitate human intelligence in theory and then surpass it. But we are not sure, so we can’t know whether we will be helped by artificial intelligence indefinitely, despised and marginalized, or probably destroyed by it. Indeed, we are worried that smart machines will be able to replace the jobs that human beings are doing and quickly eliminate millions of jobs.

  While artificial intelligence has been developing from primitive form and proved to be very useful, I am also worried about the result of creating something that can equal or surpass human beings: once artificial intelligence is out of bondage, it will redesign itself in an accelerating state. Limited by the long biological evolution, human beings cannot compete with it and will be replaced. This will bring great damage to our economy. In the future, artificial intelligence can develop from my will, a will that conflicts with us. Although I have always been optimistic about human beings, others believe that human beings can control the development of technology for a long time, so that we can see the potential of artificial intelligence to solve most problems in the world. But I’m not sure.

  While artificial intelligence has been developing from primitive form and proved to be very useful, I am also worried about the result of creating something that can equal or surpass human beings: once artificial intelligence is out of bondage, it will redesign itself in an accelerating state. Limited by the long biological evolution, human beings cannot compete with it and will be replaced. This will bring great damage to our economy. In the future, artificial intelligence can develop from my will, a will that conflicts with us. Although I have always been optimistic about human beings, others believe that human beings can control the development of technology for a long time, so that we can see the potential of artificial intelligence to solve most problems in the world. But I’m not sure.

  In January 2015, I signed an open letter on artificial intelligence with elon musk, a technology entrepreneur, and many other artificial intelligence experts, with the aim of advocating serious research on the impact of artificial intelligence on society. Before this, elon musk warned people that superhuman artificial intelligence may bring immeasurable benefits, but if it is not deployed properly, it may bring the opposite effect to human beings. I am with him on the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Institute for the Future of Life, an organization to alleviate the existing risks faced by mankind, and the aforementioned open letter was also drafted by this organization. This open letter calls for direct research that can prevent potential problems, at the same time, it also gains the potential benefits brought by artificial intelligence, and at the same time, it is committed to making artificial intelligence researchers pay more attention to artificial intelligence security. In addition, for policy makers and the general public, this open letter is informative and not alarmist. Everyone knows that artificial intelligence researchers are seriously thinking about these concerns and ethical issues, and we think this is very important. For example, artificial intelligence has the potential to eradicate diseases and poverty, but researchers must be able to create controllable artificial intelligence. The open letter with only four paragraphs entitled "Priority should be given to the study of powerful and beneficial artificial intelligence" made detailed arrangements for the research priorities in its attached 12-page document.

  In the past 20 years, artificial intelligence has been focusing on the problems arising from the construction of intelligent agents, that is, various systems that can perceive and act in specific environments. In this case, intelligence is a rational concept related to statistics and economics. Generally speaking, this is the ability to make good decisions, plans and inferences. Based on these works, a large number of integration and cross-breeding have been applied in artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, cybernetics, neuroscience, and other fields. The establishment of sharing theoretical framework, combined with the ability of data supply and processing, has achieved remarkable success in various subdivided fields. Such as speech recognition, image classification, automatic driving, machine translation, gait movement and question answering system.

  With the development of these fields, a virtuous circle is formed from laboratory research to economically valuable technologies. Even a small performance improvement will bring huge economic benefits, and then encourage longer-term and greater investment and research. At present, it is widely recognized that the research of artificial intelligence is developing steadily, and its influence on society is likely to expand, and its potential benefits are enormous. Since everything produced by civilization is the product of human intelligence; We can’t predict what we may achieve when this intelligence is amplified by artificial intelligence tools. However, as I said, it is not impossible to eradicate disease and poverty. Because of the great potential of artificial intelligence, it is very important to study how to benefit and avoid risks.

  Now, the research on artificial intelligence is developing rapidly. This study can be discussed in the short and long term. Some short-term concerns are about driverless driving, from civilian drones to autonomous vehicles. For example, in an emergency, a driverless car has to choose between a big accident with small risk and a small accident with high probability. Another concern is lethal intelligent autonomous weapons. Should they be banned? If so, how to define "autonomy" accurately. If not, how to be accountable for any improper use and fault. There are other concerns. Artificial intelligence can gradually interpret the privacy and concerns caused by a large number of monitoring data, and how to manage the economic impact caused by artificial intelligence replacing jobs.

  The long-term concern is mainly the potential risk that the artificial intelligence system is out of control. With the rise of super intelligence that does not follow human wishes, that powerful system threatens human beings. Is it possible to have such a misplaced result? If so, how did these situations arise? What kind of research should we invest in order to better understand and solve the possibility of the rise of dangerous super intelligence, or the emergence of intelligent outbreaks?

  At present, the tools to control artificial intelligence technology, such as reinforcement learning and simple and practical functions, are not enough to solve this problem. Therefore, we need further research to find and confirm a reliable solution to control this problem.

  Recent milestones, such as the self-driving car mentioned earlier and the artificial intelligence winning the Go game, are all signs of future trends. Huge investment has been poured into this technology. What we have achieved now is bound to be dwarfed by what we may achieve in the next few decades. And we are far from predicting what we can achieve when our minds are magnified by artificial intelligence. Perhaps with the help of this new technological revolution, we can solve the damage caused by some industrialization to nature. All aspects of our lives are about to be changed. In short, the success of artificial intelligence may be the biggest event in the history of human civilization.

  But artificial intelligence may also be the end of human civilization, unless we learn how to avoid danger. I once said that the all-round development of artificial intelligence may lead to the extinction of mankind, such as maximizing the use of intelligent autonomous weapons. Earlier this year, I and some scientists from all over the world supported its ban on nuclear weapons at the United Nations meeting. We are anxiously awaiting the result of the negotiation. At present, nine nuclear powers can control about 14,000 nuclear weapons, and any one of them can raze cities. Radioactive waste will pollute farmland in a large area, and the most terrible harm is to induce nuclear winter. Fire and smoke will lead to the global Little Ice Age. This result has caused the global food system to collapse, with doomsday turmoil, which is likely to lead to the death of most people. As scientists, we bear a special responsibility for nuclear weapons, because it is scientists who invented them and found that their influence is more terrible than originally expected.

  At this stage, my discussion of disasters may have frightened everyone present. I’m sorry. But as today’s participants, it is important for you to recognize your position in the future research and development that will affect the current technology. I believe that we are United to call for the support of international treaties or sign open letters to governments of various countries, and scientific and technological leaders and scientists are doing their utmost to avoid the uncontrollable rise of artificial intelligence.

  Last October, I set up a new organization in Cambridge, England, trying to solve some inconclusive problems in the rapid development of artificial intelligence research. "Livelihoom Intelligent Future Center" is an interdisciplinary research institute dedicated to studying the intelligent future, which is crucial to the future of our civilization and species. We spend a lot of time studying history and going deep into it — — Mostly about stupid history. So it is a gratifying change that people turn to study the future of intelligence. Although we are aware of the potential dangers, I am still optimistic, and I believe that the potential benefits of creating intelligence are enormous. Perhaps with the help of this tool of new technological revolution, we will be able to reduce the harm caused by industrialization to nature.

  Every aspect of our lives will be changed Hugh Prince, my colleague in the graduate school, admitted that the Livelihoom Center was established in part because the university established the Center for Existential Risk. The latter examines the potential problems of human beings more widely, while the focus of the Livelihood Center is relatively narrow.

  The latest development of artificial intelligence, including the European Parliament’s call for drafting a series of regulations to manage the innovation of robots and artificial intelligence. Surprisingly, there is a form of electronic personality involved to ensure the rights and responsibilities of the most capable and advanced artificial intelligence. A spokesman for the European Parliament commented that as more and more fields in daily life are increasingly influenced by robots, we need to ensure that robots serve mankind now and in the future. The report submitted to members of the European Parliament clearly believes that the world is at the forefront of the new industrial robot revolution. It may be possible to analyze whether to provide robots with the rights as electronic people, which is equivalent to legal persons. The report emphasizes that at all times, researchers and designers should ensure that every robot design contains a stop switch. In Kubrick’s movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, Hal, a malfunctioning supercomputer, didn’t let scientists into the space capsule, but it was science fiction. What we have to face is the truth. Lorna Blazere, a partner of Osborne Clark International Law Firm, said in the report that we don’t recognize whales and gorillas have personalities, so there is no need to rush to accept a robot personality. But concerns have always existed. The report admits that in a few decades, artificial intelligence may surpass the scope of human intelligence, and artificial intelligence may surpass the scope of human intelligence, thus challenging human-computer relations. The report finally calls for the establishment of European robotics and artificial intelligence institutions.To provide technical, ethical and regulatory expertise. If members of the European Parliament vote for legislation, the report will be submitted to the European Commission. It will decide which legislative steps to take within three months.

  We should also play a role in ensuring that the next generation not only has the opportunity but also has the determination to fully participate in scientific research at an early stage, so that they can continue to exert their potential and help mankind create a better world. This is what I meant when I first talked about the importance of learning and education. We need to jump out of the theoretical discussion of "how things should be" and take action to ensure that they have the opportunity to participate. We are standing at the entrance to a beautiful new world. This is an exciting and uncertain world, and you are the pioneers. I bless you.

The Indian government falsely claimed that China’s mobile phone stole information to conduct a large-scale review.

  Overseas networkAugust 16 th According to Indian media reports, the Indian government issued a warning to various mobile phone manufacturers in China for rectification within a time limit on the grounds of "worrying about data leakage endangering security", and began a large-scale review of electronic products imported from China.

  According to the Times of India,The Indian government "suspects that China mobile phone manufacturers are stealing users’ information", such as contact lists and short messages, falsely claiming that they are engaged in "hacking", and issued a warning to the major smartphone manufacturers in China for rectification within a time limit.

  Although Apple, Samsung and Indian mobile phone manufacturers received similar notices, most of them were China mobile phone brands. According to reports, the warning was issued by the Indian Telecommunications Bureau, and a total of 21 companies were notified.

  The Indian media quoted an Indian official as saying, "The government requires these companies to carry out rectification in accordance with India’s safety provisions before August 28, and the government may also conduct audits to ensure that they comply with relevant regulations." The official also said that "if these companies are found to be in violation of regulations, they will be fined".

  According to The Times of India,The Indian government has started a large-scale review of electronic products imported from China on the grounds of "worrying about data leakage endangering security".

  A recent study by Indian Industry Group shows that the market value of China enterprises in India’s emerging telecommunications industry is increasing, reaching nearly $22 billion, which has aroused a strong reaction within the Indian government. They think that these China enterprises may illegally obtain information of individuals, enterprises and government agencies. According to reports, an internal government source said, "IndiaThe government believes that many electronic devices in China transmit or store data in servers in China, which may bring security risks, especially when the border tension between the two countries increases."

  This is not the first time that India has cracked down on China products. According to overseas reports, the Indian government announced on August 9th local time that it would impose anti-dumping duties on 93 kinds of products imported from China.

  According to Indian media reports, the trade balance between China and China is tilted towards China, and the trade deficit has reached 51.09 billion US dollars (about 339.8 billion RMB). A large number of goods imported from China flooded the Indian market, and’s smart phones have won "half of the country" locally, which has greatly hit the local industry. Earlier, a survey agency in India released a report saying that Indian consumers are more willing to buy China goods than local Indian goods. The report quoted the interviewees as saying that among similar products, Indian-made products are expensive, while China products have the most advantages in price and good quality.

  Gao Feng, spokesman of China’s Ministry of Commerce, revealed last month that in the first half of this year, India has launched 12 trade investigations against China, once again becoming the country with the largest number of trade investigations against China.

  According to the 2016 China-India Bilateral Trade Report released by the Indian Embassy in China in February this year, China has replaced the United States and the United Arab Emirates as India’s largest trading partner and the largest source of imports. In 2016, the trade volume between China and India reached US$ 71.18 billion, including US$ 11.75 billion in exports and US$ 59.43 billion in imports. India’s trade deficit with China was US$ 47.68 billion.

  Lan Jianxue, an expert on South Asia at the China Institute of International Studies and a former diplomat in India, said that China has been a key target country for India’s anti-dumping for many years, and it has always been so. However, he stressed that in view of the current tense confrontation between China and India, India’s adoption of this measure at this time does not rule out catering to the extreme anti-China sentiment in its own country. (Compile/Overseas Network Yang Jia)

Heavy! "National unified legal professional qualification examination implementation measures" issued.

  CCTV News:According to the website of the Ministry of Justice, the "Measures for the Implementation of the National Unified Legal Professional Qualification Examination" was considered and adopted at the ministerial meeting of the Ministry of Justice on April 25, 2018. It is hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of the date of promulgation. The full text is as follows: 

Measures for the implementation of the national unified legal professional qualification examination

(Promulgated by DecreeNo. 140th of the Ministry of Justice on April 28, 2018)

Chapter I General Principles

  the first In order to standardize the national unified legal professional qualification examination, these measures are formulated in accordance with the Judges Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC), Public Prosecutors Law of the People’s Republic of China, Civil Service Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC), Lawyers Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC), Notary Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC), Arbitration Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC), Administrative Reconsideration Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC), Administrative Punishment Law of the People’s Republic of China and relevant state regulations.

  the second The national unified legal professional qualification examination is a national examination organized by the state to select qualified legal professionals.

  Newly appointed judges, newly appointed prosecutors, applicants for practicing as lawyers, notaries and legal arbitrators for the first time, and civil servants in administrative organs who are engaged in the examination of administrative punishment decisions, administrative reconsideration, administrative rulings and legal advisers for the first time shall pass the national unified legal professional qualification examination and obtain legal professional qualifications.

  Except as otherwise provided by laws and administrative regulations.

  Article The national unified legal professional qualification examination shall be legal, fair and just.

  Article 4 The Ministry of Justice, together with the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate and other relevant departments and units, will form the National Coordinating Committee for Unified Legal Professional Qualification Examination, and hold consultations on major issues concerning the National Unified Legal Professional Qualification Examination.

  Article 5 The implementation of the national unified legal professional qualification examination shall be subject to supervision by supervisory organs, secret organs and the society.

Chapter II Examination Organization

  Article 6 The national unified legal professional qualification examination shall be implemented by the Ministry of Justice.

  Article 7 The judicial administrative organs of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall specify specialized institutions to undertake the examination of the national unified legal professional qualification examination in accordance with relevant regulations.

  The judicial administrative organs at the municipal level divided into districts or districts (counties) of municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, under the supervision and guidance of the judicial administrative organs at higher levels, undertake the examination of the national unified legal professional qualification examination within their respective jurisdictions.

  Article 8 The judicial administrative organ responsible for organizing and implementing the examination and its examination staff shall strictly abide by the provisions of the state secrecy laws and regulations, and strengthen the secrecy management of the national unified legal professional qualification examination.

Chapter III Registration Conditions

  Article 9 Persons who meet the following conditions may sign up for the national unified legal professional qualification examination:

  (1) Having People’s Republic of China (PRC) nationality;

  (two) support the constitution of People’s Republic of China (PRC), enjoy the right to vote and be elected;

  (3) Having good political and professional qualities and moral conduct;

  (4) Having full capacity for civil conduct;

  (5) Having a bachelor’s degree in law from a full-time ordinary institution of higher learning and obtaining a bachelor’s degree or above; Bachelor degree or above in illegal science in full-time colleges and universities, and obtain master of law, master of law or above; Full-time colleges and universities have bachelor degree or above in illegal courses and obtained corresponding degrees, and have been engaged in legal work for three years.

  Article 10 Under any of the following circumstances, persons may not sign up for the national unified legal professional qualification examination:

  (1) Having received criminal punishment for intentional crime;

  (2) Having been expelled from public office or having had his lawyer’s practice certificate or notary’s practice certificate revoked;

  (three) the legal professional qualification certificate has been revoked;

  (four) being given two years not to sign up for the national unified legal professional qualification examination (national judicial examination), or being given life not to sign up for the national unified legal professional qualification examination (national judicial examination);

  (five) because of serious dishonesty, the relevant state units identified as the object of joint punishment for dishonesty and included in the national credit information sharing platform;

  (6) Being banned from engaging in legal professional treatment for life due to other circumstances.

  If a person under any of the circumstances specified in the preceding paragraph has gone through the registration formalities, the registration is invalid; Those who have already taken the exam will have invalid test results.

Chapter IV Contents and Methods of Examination

  Article 11 The specific examination time and related arrangements of the national unified legal professional qualification examination will be announced to the public three months before the examination is held.

  Article 12 The national unified legal professional qualification examination implements the national unified proposition.

  The content and proposition scope of the national unified legal professional qualification examination shall be subject to the Outline of the National Unified Legal Professional Qualification Examination published by the Ministry of Justice that year.

  Article 13 The national unified legal professional qualification examination is held once a year, which is divided into two parts: objective examination and subjective examination, and comprehensively examines the political literacy, professional ability and professional ethics that candidates should have in the legal profession.

  Candidates who pass the objective test can take the subjective test, and the objective test is valid in this year and the next test year.

  Article 14 The national unified legal professional qualification examination adopts paper-and-pencil examination or computerized examination.

  Article 15 The national unified legal professional qualification examination shall be marked by the whole country, and the qualified scores shall be determined uniformly. The examination results and qualified scores shall be announced by the Ministry of Justice.

Chapter V Disciplinary Treatment

  Article 16 Candidates who violate the examination discipline shall be given a verbal warning, ordered to leave the examination room and cancel the examination results, confirmed that the examination results of that year are invalid, and shall not sign up for the national unified legal professional qualification examination within two years according to the relevant provisions, depending on the circumstances and consequences; If it constitutes an intentional crime, it shall be given a lifelong ban on signing up for the national unified legal professional qualification examination.

  Candidates and other relevant personnel who violate the administration of public security shall be dealt with by the public security organs; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated by judicial organs according to law.

  Article 17 Examination staff who violate work discipline shall be punished according to the relevant provisions, depending on the circumstances and consequences; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated by judicial organs according to law.

Chapter VI Qualification Granting and Management

  Article 18 Persons who have passed the national unified legal professional qualification examination and do not have the circumstances specified in the first paragraph of Article 10 of these Measures may apply for granting legal professional qualifications in accordance with the prescribed procedures, and the Ministry of Justice will issue legal professional qualification certificates.

  Article 19 Where a legal professional qualification certificate is obtained by cheating, bribery or other improper means, the Ministry of Justice shall revoke the original decision to grant legal professional qualification and cancel its legal professional qualification certificate.

  Article 20 If a person who has obtained the legal professional qualification violates the Constitution and laws, obstructs judicial justice, violates professional ethics, etc., the judicial administrative organ shall, according to the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Justice, treat him accordingly according to his circumstances and consequences.

  Article 21 The judicial administrative organ shall record the relevant information of the personnel who have obtained the legal professional qualification and the relevant information of the personnel who have dealt with it according to Articles 19 and 20 of these Measures into the national legal professional qualification management system and publish it on the official website of the Ministry of Justice.

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions

  Article 22 Before the implementation of these measures, graduates with bachelor’s degree or above in law major in institutions of higher learning who have obtained a student status (examination record) or obtained corresponding qualifications, or graduates with bachelor’s degree or above in illegal major in institutions of higher learning and have legal professional knowledge, can sign up for the national unified legal professional qualification examination.

  Article 23 The implementation of the national unified legal professional qualification examination may, within a certain period of time, appropriately relax the examination candidates in hard, remote and ethnic minority areas in terms of registration academic qualifications and examination qualification standards, and implement separate management of their legal professional qualifications. The specific measures shall be determined by the National Unified Legal Professional Qualification Examination Coordination Committee.

  Organize the national unified legal professional qualification examination in ethnic autonomous areas, and the candidates can use the national language to conduct the examination.

  Article 24 The provisions of these Measures shall apply to China citizens who are permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Macao Special Administrative Region and residents of Taiwan Province who take the national unified legal professional qualification examination.

  Article 25 The specific rules for active servicemen to take the national unified legal professional qualification examination shall be formulated separately by the Ministry of Justice in conjunction with the Political and Legal Committee of the Central Military Commission.

  Article 26 Other policies and regulations of the national unified legal professional qualification examination shall be announced in the announcement of the annual national unified legal professional qualification examination after being determined by the national unified legal professional qualification examination coordination Committee.

  Article 27 The Ministry of Justice shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Measures.

  Article 28 These Measures shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.

Naked donation of 175 billion! The life of the richest woman in Silicon Valley, "the sparrow turns into a phoenix", is more wonderful than marrying a genius.

Waiting for the "reunion dinner" in spring

Wei Li

The reunion dinner on New Year’s Eve is also called reunion dinner, which means family reunion, happiness and auspiciousness. During the interview against COVID-19 epidemic this year, the author heard that an old father suffering from cancer and his three sons who were both in traffic law enforcement posts had a reunion dinner that was postponed again and again, waiting for the spring dinner. After many twists and turns, I found the client.

Du Hongping, Du Taoping and Du Jiangping are all traffic law enforcement officers, and their parents are also retired employees of Liangping traffic system, which can be described as a typical "second generation".

The eldest Du Hongping and the second Du Taoping worked in Liangping, and the third Du Jiangping was transferred to the high-speed law enforcement department in 2014. As traffic law enforcement officers, Spring Festival and Spring Festival travel rush are the busiest times for the three brothers. But according to tradition, every year on New Year’s Eve, the family will try their best to get together and have a lively reunion dinner.

Different from previous years, my 81-year-old father has been suffering from lung cancer for many years, and he has been treated with chemotherapy three times before and after, and his health is getting worse. The three brothers privately agreed that this year’s Spring Festival reunion dinner must bring together all the family members, old and young, with no one missing, and take a family photo to make the old father on his deathbed happy for one year.

"The plan is at six o’clock in the evening, and everyone will have a reunion dinner together after the third child comes back. Because my father is so old, plus it is terminal cancer, it may be the last reunion dinner. " Boss Du Hongping said.

Just as my mother was preparing the ingredients for the New Year’s Eve dinner, Du Jiangping, the third son of the law enforcement brigade in Chongqing’s main city, told everyone that she would be on duty on New Year’s Eve and suggested that the time for the New Year’s Eve dinner should be adjusted to the second day of the first month …

Everyone thinks it is ok to postpone it for two days, as long as the family can be reunited and have a sense of ceremony during the Spring Festival to meet the wishes of the elderly.

In order to prepare for this postponed reunion dinner, my father specially arranged for my mother to cook dried pig’s feet in advance and buy Liangping’s special product "Daoer Mie" braised dishes, so that my children and grandchildren can get together and feel the warmth of the big family. The second child Du Taoping also arranged for his wife and daughter to go to the supermarket on the first day of the first month to buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

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At noon on the second day of the first month, Du Jiangping, the third son, hurriedly drove back to Liang Ping’s hometown from the main city of Chongqing after work. Just when I arrived at the stairs of the traffic family home where my parents lived, a phone call stopped Du Jiangping and he was in a dilemma. The phone call was made by a colleague from the company-due to the severe epidemic situation in COVID-19, all people on leave are required to return to their posts immediately!

"It is complicated to get this notice, because my father’s condition is getting worse and worse, and it is rare to have such an opportunity to reunite. Returning to work immediately means that this reunion dinner has to be given up again."

Colleagues also kindly reminded Du Jiangping that due to the complicated identity of the people who came into contact during work, they must be disinfected before meeting their parents, so as to be careful to infect their families.

After much consideration, Du Jiangping informed his eldest brother at home to come downstairs, handed over the honey, cereal and other gifts he bought back to his father, and decided to return to work in the main city of Chongqing immediately.

"Just as I turned around, I heard a familiar voice-my mother shouted my nickname on the balcony on the third floor and told me to pay attention to safety and wear a mask during work. At this point, my heart is particularly sad, and my eyes are full of tears … "

In this way, the Dujia reunion dinner, which was originally postponed, can only be postponed for another time …

Among the three brothers, Du Jiangping, the third, spends the least time with his father. "When I was young, my father was a soldier and I was at home. When I grew up, my father was at home and I went to be a soldier again. Later, I went to work in high-speed law enforcement, and I always lacked companionship with my parents. Due to busy work, the last time I went home was more than two months ago. "

In Du Jiangping’s eyes, the father of a military background is particularly strict with the three brothers. He is often taught that a soldier will not fade after he leaves the army, and he should always keep his true colors as a soldier. Over the years, the three brothers have kept in mind their father’s teachings and worked hard to do their own jobs, all of which have become the backbone of the unit.

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Although the epidemic delayed this "reunion dinner", the father in the hospital bed often called the three brothers who fought in the front line of the epidemic and told them to pay attention to their health and take precautions.

In the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic, Du Hongping, the boss, is the head of Yunlong exit traffic health quarantine station of G42 Chongqing-Yichang Expressway. "Commanding more than 1,000 cars to pull over every day during the rush hour means making thousands of gestures. When eating after work, it is difficult to hold the chopsticks steadily and it hurts all over."

Du Taoping, the second child, is guarding the card at Qixing Station of X116 Line adjacent to Guanyin Town, Dazhu, Sichuan. When he returns to the unit, he must do a good job in ensuring the supply of rice bags, vegetable baskets, meat plates and fruit plates in the city and the normal agricultural production.

At the Dawan Toll Station in Yubei District, Chongqing-adjacent section of G65 Baomao Expressway, I found the third Du Jiangping who was inspecting the vehicle. Du Jiangping’s brigade is the third brigade of Chongqing Traffic Administrative Law Enforcement Corps Expressway. During the duty, be responsible for patrolling the 101-kilometer-long road surface in the jurisdiction and handling emergencies. Referring to this postponed reunion dinner, Du Jiangping choked several times: "When I was a teenager, my father sheltered me from the wind and rain and raised me to grow up; When my father is old, I can’t be filial before bed and accompany him. I only hope that this epidemic will end as soon as possible, and the family will take a family photo and have a reunion dinner. "

There are no heroes who fall from the sky, only mortals who stand up. It is these countless "retrograde people" who, regardless of holidays or during the epidemic, give up their small families for everyone, keep one side safe, and protect the stability of a city, in exchange for peace in the world and good years.

We also expect that this postponed "reunion dinner" will open as scheduled in the flowers and spring breeze.

(Author: Liangping District Radio and Television Station)

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"live in a room and don’t fry"! At least nine provinces and cities let the system land at the provincial level.

  Cctv newsGoverning the chaos in the real estate market is a major event that many cities have concentrated their firepower on recently. From the end of June, seven ministries and commissions issued documents to control the chaos in the real estate market in 30 cities, to the first case in China that the black intermediary gang committed the crime of organized crime of underworld nature, and news of cracking down on speculative real estate speculation and black intermediary in various places kept appearing in the media. In the past two months, at least 16 cities have successively issued detailed rules, and at least 9 provinces (cities) have implemented the system at the provincial level.

  9 provinces (cities) have implemented the system of controlling real estate chaos.

  The reporter observed that at least 16 cities have successively issued detailed rules since the documents of seven ministries were issued at the end of June, namelyChengdu, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Foshan, Kunming, Hefei, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Xuzhou, Wuhan, Yichang, Taiyuan, Lanzhou and Guiyang.andShenzhen; At least nine provinces (cities) let the system fall from the provincial level, namelyChongqing, Shandong, Hubei, Zhejiang, Fujian, Yunnan, Heilongjiang, Jilin and Guizhou.

  From the focus of rectification, some of the relevant documents of these provinces and cities are consistent with those issued by seven ministries, but some have added or refined relevant contents according to their own characteristics.

  In view of the illegal behavior of real estate development enterprises, Kunming will"After obtaining the pre-sale permit of commercial housing, the real estate development enterprise failed to disclose all the saleable houses and pre-sale prices at one time within 10 days"Included in the scope of remediation. This provision has been mentioned in Chengdu, Hubei, Heilongjiang and other documents.

  Jilin, Heilongjiang and other provinces have also listed the situation that the supervisory duties are not in place as the key actions to be cracked down. As clearly stated in the document issued by Jilin Province on August 13, it is necessary to increase"The real estate market supervision responsibility is not fulfilled"The blow, including the ineffective regulation of the real estate market, failed to perform the real estate transaction management functions and real estate market supervision duties according to law; There is no online signing and filing of commercial housing and second-hand housing transaction contracts.

  There are different ways to crack down on illegal fund-raising in the real estate sector.

  Hubei: according to local characteristics, increase the scope of key attacks.

  The reporter noted that the "Work Plan for the Special Action to Control the Chaos in the Real Estate Market in Hubei Province" has added a lot of content on the basis of the documents of the ministries and commissions.

  For example, in cracking down on "black intermediaries", the focus of the crackdown has increased."Solicit business by concealment, fraud, coercion, bribery and other improper means, trick consumers into trading or force trading", "illegally collect fees other than the house price of the purchaser to speculate on the house number" and "solicit business by false housing and false price information"Etc.; In cracking down on violations of laws and regulations by housing enterprises, it has increased"If the pre-sale plan of commercial housing is put on record as a blank house, it will be sold in the form of fully renovated commercial housing without authorization"Wait for the content.

  Zhejiang: 10 departments jointly issued a document to control real estate chaos.

  On July 24th, Zhejiang Province issued the "Notice on Launching Special Actions to Combat Illegal Acts against the Interests of the Masses and Control the Chaos in the Real Estate Market", which was jointly issued by 10 departments. Compared with the notices issued by seven ministries and commissions, Zhejiang has also added a lot of contents according to local characteristics.

  For example, in combating "speculative real estate speculation", it has been added."Without obtaining relevant financial qualifications, engage in real estate financial business by using online platforms and equity crowdfunding platforms, or engage in relevant financial business in violation of regulations despite obtaining relevant financial qualifications"Terms; In the fight against "black intermediaries", new"instigating and assisting buyers to forge social security, tax payment, marriage, household registration and other certificates to avoid real estate control policies such as restricting purchases and loans"Terms.

  The notice issued by Zhejiang Province mentioned that:"It is necessary to seriously investigate and deal with all kinds of violations of laws and regulations. Depending on the seriousness of the case, cities can take written warnings, be included in the blacklist of real estate integrity, interview the person in charge, publicly expose, suspend online signing, suspend business for rectification, revoke qualifications and licenses, administrative penalties, and incorporate multi-sectoral joint punishment to implement various market restrictions."

  Chongqing: The public security department is deeply involved in rectifying the real estate chaos.

  Chongqing, which has joined the "judicial means", has also made great efforts to rectify it. The remediation plan jointly issued by the Municipal Bureau of Land and Housing Management and the Municipal Public Security Bureau has made Chongqing the first city among the above 30 cities to be deeply involved in joint law enforcement to rectify the chaos in the real estate market.

  There are nine key points in Chongqing’s rectification:

  Fabricating and spreading false information about real estate to disturb public order;

  The "speculative house number" is illegally profitable;

  Illegal fund-raising in the real estate sector;

  Forging official documents, certificates and supporting documents;

  Misappropriation and occupation of real estate transaction funds;

  "sell more in one room";

  Infringement of citizens’ personal information;

  Threatening personal safety;

  Suspected of disturbing public order, obstructing social management, infringing on personal rights and property rights and other illegal acts.

  Among them, the key points in the rectification of "threatening personal safety" are — — Development enterprises or intermediaries use threats, intimidation and other violent means to expel tenants, forcibly increase rents or maliciously deduct rents and deposits; Black and evil forces dominate the market and undermine the management order of the real estate industry.

  "This rectification, once the problem is found, is not a simple interview, fine. The deterrence of law enforcement will also be significantly enhanced. " The person in charge of the Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Land and Housing Management said.

  "Resolutely hold accountable those who abuse their powers and neglect their duties."

  "Illegal behavior of real estate development enterprises" is one of the focuses of this special action. On July 31, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development announced a list of 20 illegal real estate development enterprises and intermediaries investigated and dealt with in various places, involving Beijing, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Chongqing, Changsha, Xi ‘an and Jilin. This is the first public exposure after the document "Special rectification of chaos in the property market" was issued.

  According to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, these real estate development enterprises and intermediaries are involved in illegal activities such as price gouging, property hoarding, unapproved sales and false propaganda.

  It is worth mentioning that the documents issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development are clear:"To carry out rectification actions ineffective, people complain more, and the real estate market has serious violations of laws and regulations, it is necessary to intensify supervision. Departments and personnel suspected of concealing, abusing their powers and neglecting their duties must be resolutely accountable. "

  The seven ministries and commissions of "housing, living and not speculating" require 30 cities to act first.

  The full name of the document issued at the end of June is "Notice on Launching Special Actions in Some Cities to Combat Illegal Acts against the Interests of the Masses and Control the Chaos in the Real Estate Market". This notice jointly issued by seven ministries decided to launch special actions in 30 cities from the beginning of July to the end of December this year. The focus of remediation mainly includes four types of behaviors, namelySpeculative real estate speculation, real estate "black intermediary", illegal real estate development enterprises and false real estate advertisements.

  In addition, five kinds of false real estate advertisements, such as fabricating, spreading false information, or misinterpreting relevant real estate policies, are listed.

  The above-mentioned document also lists the "list of cities to carry out special actions first": Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Hangzhou, Hefei, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Jinan, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, Changsha, Chongqing, Xi ‘an, Kunming, Foshan, Xuzhou, Taiyuan, Haikou, Ningbo, Yichang and Harbin.

  In May, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development interviewed the heads of 12 cities including Xi ‘an, Haikou, Sanya, Changchun, Harbin, Kunming, Dalian, Guiyang, Xuzhou, Foshan, Chengdu and Taiyuan. In August, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development also talked about the main leaders of Haikou, Sanya, Yantai, Yichang and Yangzhou. These interviewed cities, except Sanya, Dalian, Yantai and Yangzhou, are all on the list of this special action. Of course, the focus of the interview is different, but the starting point is the same, "housing is not speculation." (CCTV News Comprehensive Beijing Youth Daily)

These 24 kinds of collocation Look are not repeated every day! Learn to dress up as a street fashion charm young lady

Everyone has a different understanding of fashion. For many girls, clothes are very fashionable all year round. After entering autumn, the temperature in different regions is different, and the matching scheme is also different. For girls who pursue fashion, there will be a specific control over color and style.

Dust coat and coat are essential items in girls’ wardrobes after entering autumn and winter. How to wear a sense of fashion has a great relationship with the style of clothes.

Classic khaki, trench coat with shoulder pad design, and the feeling of revealing legs with skirts is more fashionable and stylish. Or use a black medium-long style coat with black riding boots to become a cool girl. The coat in suit style is very Han Faner’s temperament, and it adopts different collocation methods of the same color system to create a balanced effect from top to bottom.

After the autumn, the collocation frequency of trousers is constantly improving, and girls prefer high-waisted trousers. With a certain degree of looseness, the suit pants have a certain sense of drooping, which will make the legs thin and long.

The upper body is matched with a short coat, mainly a knitted coat, which is more gentle and atmospheric, showing a fashionable effect. I believe that wearing this way, walking in the street is the person with the highest return rate.

After the popularity of retro style, more and more girls like clothes with small designs, especially the bubble sleeves brought by the retro style of the palace. For girls with narrow shoulders, they are very friendly and the photos are particularly beautiful.

A jacket with shoulder pads and a skirt have a princess’s sense of sight. Paired with pointed high heels or pointed boots, you can present the fashion of the overall shape and turn into a street fashion charm, miss!

Every autumn and winter, there is definitely a choice of matching sweaters. Wear a shirt with a sweater, and the part that shows the neckline is very distinctive. With a skirt, the lady is gentle.

As a popular color all year round, green in autumn and winter tends to be dark green, which is advanced and fashionable when matched with earth tone’s skirt and contrasting colors.

All along, the collocation of black is very popular. How can we match black with a unique charm? Black suit with loafers, special age reduction.

Black dress with knee boots, the collision between black and white is more intense. Use a little black dress with a plaid suit to show a lady’s temperament.

For the collocation of black and white, the simplest way is that the whole body is black with metal as ornament and bare legs as collocation, and the overall shape is fashionable and youthful.

The matching ratio between black and white is evenly distributed. The white shirt skirt is matched with a black sweater, and the belt in the middle has great personality and characteristics. A pair of Martin boots creates a cool girl.

In daily life, the way of overlapping is very popular, especially with shirts as the base, sweaters or sweaters, and the neckline is exposed, which is very temperament and fashionable.

Pairing boots is the choice of most girls, and the overall sense of modeling is very strong. This kind of modeling collocation is very friendly to girls in the southern region.

The collocation of fashionable young ladies is generally combined with the current fashion trends, such as checkered bell-bottoms and off-the-shoulder tops, to create a lady’s temperament and street fashion sense.

Choose this year’s popular sports style sports suit to create a fashionable and elegant model, and use the combination of black and white to create a classic fashion shape.

These 24 kinds of collocation Look are not repeated every day. Follow the learning and match like this, and you can also dress up as a street fashion charming young lady!

Anba’s CV3 AI domain controller SoC series won the Electronic Industry Award for Automobile Product of the Year.


Ambarella’s CV3 AI domain controller SoC series (hereinafter referred to as "AMBA", NASDAQ: AMBA, a semiconductor company specializing in AI vision chips) was awarded the annual automobile product award in the 2022 Electronics Industry Award, and was highly praised in the annual semiconductor product category.

The Electronic Industry Award is sponsored by British @CIE magazine, which aims to recognize the best professionals, products, projects and companies in the entire electronic industry.

In the annual "Electronics Industry Awards" of "Components in Electronics", a well-known British media (magazine/website), Ambarella won the "2022 Product Award" by virtue of CV3 automotive AI domain controller SoC.

Anba’s award-winning CV3 series realizes centralized AI sensing processing (including high-pixel vision processing, millimeter-wave radar, laser radar and ultrasonic radar), multi-sensor deep fusion and regulation and control of autonomous vehicles by integrating multiple sensors on a single chip. As a result, ADAS L2+ to L4 automatic driving systems have a higher level of environmental awareness.

The selection method of "Electronic Industry Award" is to invite experts in the industry to vote online, and add the votes of an independent expert jury to finally get the winner. The award has entered its fifth year and will soon become an important activity in the industry, opening the door for new business opportunities.

About Anba

Anba’s products are widely used in artificial intelligence computer vision, video image processing, video recording and other fields, including video security, advanced driver assistance system (ADAS), electronic rearview mirror, driving recorder, driver and cabin intelligent monitoring, intelligent car unmanned driving and robot application, etc. Anba’s high-performance, low-power AI processor provides ultra-high definition image processing, video compression and powerful neural network processing. It can extract valuable data from high-resolution video and radar information, and it plays an important role in the fields of intelligent perception, sensor fusion and central domain control processing system. For more information, please visit