Beijing auto show looks forward to the brand’s participation in the whole department, taking Yunnian -Z to lead the new trend of future travel.

At the Beijing Auto Show in 2024, Wangwang brand made a stunning appearance with all its products, among which the most striking thing was Wangwang U7 equipped with Yunqi -Z technology for the first time. Looking up to the brand’s participation in this exhibition not only demonstrated its strong strength in the field of new energy vehicles, but also brought a visual feast for the audience about future travel through the application of Yunqi -Z technology.

As the flagship model of Wangwang brand, Wangwang U7 has attracted the attention of many audiences with its unique dimension door family language and Interstellar headlight design. In terms of power, Wangwang U7 is equipped with a powerful power system, and its 0-100 km/h acceleration time is only 2.9 seconds, which shows Wangwang brand’s unremitting pursuit of vehicle performance.

However, the biggest highlight of U7 is not only its powerful performance, but that it is equipped with cloud -Z technology for the first time. As a revolutionary new technology developed by BYD, Yunqi -Z has realized complete electrification and adopted a highly integrated suspension motor. With the addition of this technology, looking up to U7 has reached an unprecedented height in handling and comfort.

The adjustment response speed of Yunqi -Z technology is as fast as 10 milliseconds, that is, it can complete nearly 50 adjustments in a blink of an eye, far exceeding the adjustment speed of the traditional active suspension system. This more accurate and real-time dynamic control makes the body looking up at U7 remain as stable as Mount Tai, as if suspended on the ground, which greatly improves the stability and safety of driving.

In addition, Yunqi -Z technology also has the characteristics of kinetic energy recovery. Different from the traditional hydraulic active suspension, the suspension motor used in Yunqi -Z can do work directly, and the traditional design of oil as medium is abandoned, so the energy transmission loss is smaller. At the same time, the suspension motor can realize the conversion of kinetic energy into electrical energy and charge the battery during operation, thus improving the energy utilization efficiency and extending the battery cruising range.

In addition to looking up at U7, looking up at the brand has also brought many other hot-selling models, such as looking up at U8 cross-country player version and looking up at U9. These models also show the profound strength and innovative spirit of Wangwang brand in the field of new energy vehicles. Among them, Looking Up at U8 Off-Road Player Edition has become the focus of the audience with its powerful off-road performance and unique configuration.

Generally speaking, the brand Wangwang participated in the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, which not only demonstrated its strong strength in the field of new energy vehicles, but also brought a visual feast for the audience about future travel through the application of Yunqi -Z technology. Looking up to the brand is leading the new energy automobile industry to a better future with its forward-looking technical layout and innovative spirit.

Jin Hyundai: The company has become the first batch of ecological partners of Baidu Wenxin.

Jin Hyundai said,The company has applied NLP (Natural Language Processing), OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and image recognition technologies in some software systems.At present, the specific application scenarios include:1) Automatic labeling of cadre evaluation.NLP technology is used to label all kinds of documents and materials of cadre evaluation automatically, which breaks through the integration of text multi-classification, semantic recognition and rule engine, and the accuracy of labeling is over 95%, which is completely practical.2) Intelligent search of knowledge base documents.Based on NLP technology, word segmentation, entity recognition and text similarity processing are carried out for document titles and contents, and a labeling system is established to label all documents. Under the traditional search strategy of text matching and sorting, intelligent search based on tags and semantic network is realized, and the accuracy of search results is greatly improved, which is closer to the needs of users.3) Text extraction of biomedical equipment report.Using OCR technology, the experimental reports of biomedical equipment (editable PDF and scanned PDF, etc.) are accurately extracted, which avoids the problems of low efficiency and error-prone caused by manual copying, and solves the problems of small font recognition and table breakage recognition.4) Image recognition of live equipment.OCR technology is used to identify and extract the instrument and interface data of power equipment, which greatly improves the efficiency of manual inspection. Compared with the general OCR model, it further solves the problems of identifying special characters (such as ω, μ) in the power field.5) Intelligent pre-examination of project data.Using image recognition and OCR technology, the key information of the project can be automatically recognized from the paper report image, and seals and signatures of different colors, shapes and sizes can be recognized at the same time. With the company’s further research on artificial intelligence technology and the implementation of measures such as the company’s access to Baidu Wenxin Yiyan, the company will have more and more research results and application scenarios in the field of artificial intelligence in the future. At present, similar products of MOSS are not involved.