Shandong comprehensively improves the public service quality of national fitness.

    Recently, the State Sports General Administration announced the second batch of national sports fitness model cities (districts) and national sports fitness model counties (cities, districts) were shortlisted, and 12 counties (cities, districts) including Qingdao, Dongying and Binzhou in Shandong Province and Zichuan District in Zibo City were shortlisted, ranking among the top in the country. Previously, Rizhao City, Chengyang District of Qingdao City and Boxing County of Binzhou City have been shortlisted for the first batch of national national fitness model cities and counties. Taking the exemplary creation as the starting point, the public service level of national fitness at all levels in the province has been continuously improved.

    At the same time, in accordance with the unified deployment of the province, cities actively promote new sports consumption, launch a number of characteristic sports events, create a number of outdoor sports quality products, launch a number of ice and snow sports demonstration projects, and create six excellent sports tourism routes at or above the provincial level.

    At present, the framework of Shandong national fitness system and the work pattern of "large groups" have been continuously improved. Create a "three-edge" sports belt along the Yellow River, the coast and the canal, and promote the integration of sports and education, sports and health, and sports and tourism in depth. Sports have made great progress in helping rural revitalization, and the national fitness atmosphere has become increasingly strong, and the quality of public services for national fitness has been comprehensively improved.

    Qiao Yunping, director of the Provincial Sports Bureau, said that this year we will continue to improve the construction of fitness facilities around the masses. Intensify the implementation of the short-board project of national fitness facilities, promote the supporting construction and daily management of sports facilities in urban residential areas, vigorously promote the implementation of the "four synchronizations" of community public sports facilities, and basically build a "fifteen-minute" fitness circle in urban communities in the province.

    Efforts have been made to expand the new carrier of national fitness and green convenience. Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", 77 large-scale sports parks have been built, renovated or expanded in our province, and the target tasks have been overfulfilled ahead of schedule, with a total of 165, and 15 more will be added during the year.

    In-depth promotion of national fitness facilities will be carried out, the maintenance and management of public fitness facilities will be promoted, and more than 100,000 pieces of sports equipment will be inspected and updated in time every year. At the same time, national fitness facilities such as intelligent fitness stations, intelligent fitness trails and national fitness halls will be vigorously built to continuously improve the level of intelligence.

    Guided by brand events, the national fitness events in our province are vigorously carried out. Last year, the National Fitness Games and the Winter National Fitness Games continued to be successfully held, with the number of participants exceeding 5 million, 13,000 community sports games, more than 50,000 mass sports events in the province, and the Shandong Intellectual Games and the Children’s Sports Conference were held for the first time.

    The construction of fitness facilities has been solidly promoted. The coverage rate of national fitness projects in counties and townships in the province has increased to 97.2%, and the per capita sports ground area in the province has reached 2.9 square meters. At present, the proportion of people who regularly take part in physical exercise in our province is 41.3%, and there are more than 48,000 sports social organizations and 258,000 social sports instructors at all levels.

    At present, all public stadiums and gymnasiums in the province and more than 2,000 school sports venues are open to the outside world. Coordinate central and provincial subsidies to support 136 public stadiums and gymnasiums to open to the public free of charge or at low fees, and set up more than 90 social supervisors for the opening of public stadiums and gymnasiums to continuously promote the standardized opening of public stadiums and gymnasiums and improve the service level.

    Rural sports continue to develop. The province has established 16 national and provincial demonstration bases for farmers’ physical fitness activities. In 2023, 4,091 "Four Games" of rural sports were held, and "Village Super" and "Village BA" and other events flourished everywhere.

    We will further promote the integration of sports and health, start 304 pilot projects of sports and health integration, and innovatively carry out the "Joint Action of Paying Attention to Adolescent Spinal Health". Regularly carry out national physical fitness testing, and provide testing and fitness guidance services to more than 100,000 people every year.

    At the same time, every year, our province carries out "Sports Volunteer and Civilized Practice", national fitness volunteer preaching, champion charity trip and other national fitness volunteer service activities, and has created 151 provincial-level national fitness volunteer service excellent sites. Forty-four projects were selected into the National Library of National Fitness Volunteer Service, and three projects were selected into the excellent cases of National Fitness Volunteer Service in 2023.

Top Ten Online Novels in 2023

Author: Night 1986

The rankings are in no order. After all, everyone has their own list. 1. The Book of Gone with the Times, written by Ji Cha, was originally written by Ji Cha when she returned to the harem. With the help of a blind fortune teller, the protagonist travels through troubled times and makes his own world. This book has been updated with 2.34 million words, and it is not finished yet.

Second, "If you cultivate immortality in the troubled times of Yaowu", the author Wen Chaogong, opened the book in 2023, and ended that year, with 3.54 million words in ten months. The protagonist can cross two worlds and be Nuo Nuo in the world of cultivating immortals. He can strike hard in the world of low martial arts and rely on the resources of the world of low martial arts to cultivate immortals in the world of cultivating immortals.

Third, "Dining Table of the Tang Dynasty", written by Yi and 2, is the theme of returning to the Tang Dynasty after Yi and 2 wrote "Brick of the Tang Dynasty". Compared with brick of the Tang Dynasty, the dining table of the Tang Dynasty has more sense of honor for the nation and the country. Everyone in the world, what’s going on in the world, is just a series of dishes on the table of Datang people. 3.86 million words have been updated, which is not finished.

Fourth, "The Traveler of the Spiritual Realm", the author bought Xiao Langjun, a supernatural urban sci-fi power stream, and sold the newspaper Xiao Lang, according to another masterpiece after "Da Feng Da Geng Ren", which won the first place in many lists on the first day of its release. The story is fascinating and I can’t stop. 4.1 million words have been updated, not finished.

5. "Deep Sea embers", the author Yuan Tong, the protagonist crossed a strange world and unexpectedly became ghost captain, constantly exploring the world. At the beginning, the readers were full of curiosity, and his ship was named Lost Hometown, which made us smile. 2.32 million words have been updated, which is not finished.

Six, "This game is too real", the author Morningstar LL, this is a behind-the-scenes black hand flow, the protagonist crossed the wasteland world and obtained a refuge system that can summon the fourth natural disaster player, so he became the manager of the game and fooled a number of players to work for themselves and successfully embarked on the peak of life. Let other players give him a super double 007 job. 6.63 million words have been updated, which is not finished.

Seven, "National Forensic Medicine", the author Zhiniao Village, this book is a stream of urban systems. The protagonist can improve the skills of forensic doctors by acquiring forensic systems and assisting in solving crimes. This book combines professionalism and interest, and the case description is true, which makes us feel immersive when reading. This book has been updated to 2.42 million words, and it is not finished.

Eight, "Red Heart Survey", the author’s feelings, this book has just come out and no one cares, feeling that it is going to save the street. Now it is in the top 5 of the monthly list. It is a novel that is a late bloomer and is also a Xianxia type. The physical book of this book has been sold on the whole network, with 7.64 million words updated and not finished.

Nine, "Beyond Time", the author Ergen, this is the sixth novel of Ergen, and it is still a consistent Xianxia. It incorporates the elements of eschatology and gangsters. The protagonist is decisive and intelligent, and is known as the protagonist who is most like Wang Lin in Ergen’s works. After experiencing a short trough, my ears returned to the top stream with this book. This book has been updated to 3.25 million words, and it is not finished.

Ten, "The Ring of Destiny", the author loves diving squid, the sequel to "The Mysterious World", has dominated many lists since its debut, and has won the title of golden keyboard in 2023, but there are many controversies, such as wanting to see the first story of the mysterious Lord, but it is not. Slow pace, etc. 4.1 million words have been updated, not finished.

I really admire the authors of these online novels. Their brains are open and they have all kinds of topics. Some of them are very real, but I didn’t expect it to be my own experience.

This article comes from what is worth buying website (

[Video] [Caption] There were no digital cameras in those days.

Special topic: news channel special program commemorating the 30th anniversary of reform and opening up.

Enter [Chao Wen Tian Xia] > >

    CCTV News (Chao Wen Tian Xia): Today we will talk about taking pictures. People in China like to take pictures. Now, people can be seen holding all kinds of digital cameras and camcorders on any occasion, and they can take pictures on their mobile phones all the time. But 30 years ago, taking pictures was an expensive thing, and families had to wear the most beautiful clothes to take a group photo.

    This photo was left in 2007. A group of old photographers and old customers in Nanjing got together again, and the old master took pictures of the customers with the old seagull license plate camera. Look at the master’s hand. This is a film box. Every time you take a picture, you have to change it. The red cloth is used for shading. Moreover, most of these cameras can only take black and white photos, and the requirements for lighting are very high. Now it is not easy to see such a scene.

    With such a machine, film is very precious, and there is usually only one chance to take a photo, which also requires a high degree of photographers. Unlike now, photographers will take many samples and customers can choose at will. What the master holds in his right hand is actually the shutter of a camera. Experienced photographers will observe it carefully, and then they will seize the opportunity to pinch the ball, even if they are photographed. At that time, people were all amazed at this thing, and vividly called this kind of photo "pinch shadow".









    Time entered the mid-1980s, and more and more new things entered China with the reform and opening-up. The appearance of color film changed the photos from black and white to colorful. The stars in all kinds of picture books have become role models for women who love beauty. The white and flawless skin of the stars makes women envy them. Later, I learned that it can be achieved through darkroom processing. For a time, "hazy photos" became popular, and it was necessary to "be as beautiful as a star".

    At that time, photographers took a lot of thoughts to get the effect of "hazy photos", such as coating a thin layer of vaseline in front of the camera, or covering it with a layer of stockings, and matching with appropriate lighting. Needless to say, the effect is really good.

    This was sent to us by an audience friend. It was a family photo of their family in 1983. As you can see, the photo studio at that time also changed a lot. The studio was no longer a monotonous gray background, and the background decoration had a home atmosphere. At that time, the home phone was still very fresh, and photographers who understood people’s minds put the phone there as props.

    This is Beihai Park in Beijing in 1980. At that time, the technology of rapid roll-up attracted young men and women with wet film in their hands everywhere in the park. People were carrying film and looking at wet film, and the scene of rushing to print was like a landscape.

    At that time, there were domestic Le Kai color films, the price of which was half cheaper than that of imported Kodak and Fuji, and there were many color photos in the streets. The business was very hot. If you were quick, you could get your own photos in one day.

    However, this situation lasted for a few years, and the business of street photo booths gradually became deserted. Because people are becoming familiar with a kind of camera called "Fool", even those who have never studied photography just need to press the shutter. The key is that the "fool" is cheap and good, and books on how to use the fool camera are also very popular. From this time on, the camera has become one of the necessary tools for daily entertainment and leisure in many ordinary families.

    This is the first digital camera successfully developed by China in 1998 ―― "Seagull DC-33". At the end of 1990s, the concept of digital appeared, and digital cameras became popular rapidly. A small magnetic card could actually replace dozens of films, and the cost of printing shops kept decreasing.

    Nowadays, when people buy cameras, they are concerned about whether there are not tens of millions of pixels, whether the body and lens are anti-shake, whether the brand is famous enough, the camera’s function is becoming more and more powerful, and the body is becoming more and more exquisite. Such a scene, any scenic spot, is more common.

    In many photographic equipment stores, the past "fool" cameras and color films have gradually faded out of the counter, and a few film cameras have become sharp weapons for photography enthusiasts. The past dual-lens cameras have also become the favorite of the collection market. The old gentleman in Hangzhou has collected more than 1100 cameras.

    There are memories between square inches, old photos let us taste the popularity and fashion of the year, and the upgrading of electronic consumer products such as cameras makes people realize the changes of the times and life.

Editor: Wei Yu

Lifting the "unspeakable secret" in the Spring Festival, Jing’ an, a patient, went to work easily after the holiday.

Xinmin Evening News (special correspondent Yu Wenlong, reporter Jiang Yuezhong) "Thank you, Director Liu and doctors and nurses, for lifting the’ unspeakable secret’ for me. I was discharged from the hospital today, and then I can go to work easily. " Today (7th) is the first day of work after the Spring Festival. Mr. Wang, who finished the discharge formalities early in the morning, made a special trip to bid farewell to Liu Meiling, director of anorectal department of Shibei Hospital in Jing ‘an District, thanking her and her colleagues for "working overtime" during the Spring Festival for their successful operation.
Caption: Director Liu Meiling is focusing on operating on patients. Photo by Zhang Yuping
Mr. Wang, who is in his thirties this year, is a white-collar worker in the company. He has been working at his desk for a long time and suffered from hemorrhoids. In the past six months, hemorrhoids have repeatedly bled and prolapse, but because of his busy work, he simply can’t take care of seeing a doctor. This is not true. Years ago, Mr. Wang worked overtime frequently, and hemorrhoids began to be a "demon" again. The bleeding was not only accompanied by prolapse and pain, but also people felt dizzy and weak, which made him miserable. He didn’t come to the anorectal department of Shibei Hospital until the holiday.
"Doctor, it is not convenient for me to ask for leave at ordinary times, and I am only free during the Spring Festival holiday. Please help me and arrange the operation!" Mr. Wang looked apologetic and pleading.
But Mr. Wang came too late, it was New Year’s Eve, and the hospital operating room only arranged emergency surgery.
Looking at Mr. Wang, who was pale because of long-term frequent bleeding, Liu Meiling immediately contacted Liao Hongxia, director of anesthesiology department, and explained the situation. Director Liao readily agreed: "We have a doctor on duty who can help patients arrange surgery." With the support of the Anesthesiology Department of the operating room, Director Liu quickly made nucleic acid for the patient and arranged hospitalization. During this period, he received the full support from the B-ultrasound room of the special inspection department and other departments. Director Liu and her team discussed the case according to the characteristics of Mr. Wang’s disease and formulated an "individualized" operation and nursing plan.
Caption: Liu Meiling and her team analyzed the patient’s situation and discussed the surgical plan. Photo by Gu Chenming
The next day, that is, on the first day of February 1, Liu Meiling and her team gave up their rest time and rushed to the hospital to operate on the patient. Zhang Yuping, the head nurse, personally sent the patient to the operating room and did psychological nursing before operation. Although the patient was considered to be a light mixed hemorrhoid before operation, after anesthesia, the patient’s hemorrhoid was "exposed": prolapse, bleeding and edema, which was obviously a severe acute hemorrhoid, which surprised all the medical staff present. The difficulty of the operation can be imagined. Fortunately, Director Liu has rich experience. She adjusted the surgical plan on the spot and decided to give the patient her improved compound minimally invasive surgery. Due to adequate preoperative preparation and simple communication with the patient, Liu Meiling took charge of the operation. With skillful medical skills, she gave the patient a minimally invasive operation with both internal and external hemorrhoids. The whole operation was very smooth, with small wound, less bleeding and short time, which reduced the pain of patients to a minimum. Surgery should not only determine the curative effect, but also give consideration to aesthetics. The postoperative assistant, Dr. Yu, immediately took a photo for the patient to see. The patient was very satisfied with the comparison of the photos before and after operation and gave a thumbs up.
After the operation, Head Nurse Zhang Yuping specially bought a big cake to share the happiness of the New Year with Mr. Wang and all the patients who could not go home for the New Year after the operation.
Caption: anorectal doctors and nurses celebrate the Spring Festival with patients who can’t go home for the New Year because of surgery. Photo by Sun Weiwei
It is understood that over the years, the anorectal department of Shibei Hospital has been adhering to the treatment concept of combining traditional Chinese and western medicine and has formed its own characteristics. In order to make Mr. Wang’s wound heal as soon as possible after operation, they also used traditional Chinese medicine hip bath, special dressing change and laser physiotherapy to promote the smooth healing of Mr. Wang’s wound. Under the careful treatment of medical staff in the anorectal department of Shibei Hospital, Mr. Wang recovered smoothly and was discharged from hospital 6 days after operation.
Director Liu Meiling also revealed to reporters that every holiday, such as May Day, November Day and Spring Festival, when the rest time is a little longer, the anorectal team of Shibei Hospital will arrange several special operation days, which is to help office workers who are not convenient to take time off at ordinary times and arrange surgery for them. The purpose is to make it convenient for them to take advantage of the holidays to treat and recuperate. During the Spring Festival this year, more than 10 inpatients in the anorectal department of this hospital were all office workers.

China Youth Daily is concerned about how to treat the "usefulness" and "uselessness" of culture.

For drinking tea, it is obvious that ordinary white porcelain bowls can meet the demand, but why do we prefer porcelain tea set with fine workmanship? When writing, the arm rest is used to prevent the arm from being stained with ink. Obviously, as long as it has the function of putting the arm, why do we pay attention to its material and the carving on it? When we are moved by the beautiful artistic conception of an ancient poem, when we are fascinated by the exquisiteness and elegance of a handicraft, what do we get from it? What can those humanistic details and artistic values bring to our lives? Or, is culture "useful" or "useless" to our life?

The "uselessness" of culture is also "great use"

In the dialogue session hosted by Bai Yansong at the 15th Cultural China Forum, Pan Lusheng, chairman of China Folk Writers Association, pointed out that "useful" means "practical" and "useless" means aesthetic "useless". Material and spiritual use and life use are both useful and practical, while useless is also useful and even useful.

Pan Lusheng introduced that in Lin ‘an City in the Southern Song Dynasty, the palace culture, the literati culture and the street culture were integrated, which formed the idea of "craft for practical use", and also created a life style of unity of practicality and aesthetics in the Southern Song Dynasty. During this period, the weaving technology was superb, and the fabrics made were dense and light as cicada’s wings. Not only were there various types of yarn, Luo, Qi and Ling, but the silk reeling and embroidery techniques were also superb. The gardens in the Southern Song Dynasty are like three-dimensional landscape paintings with pavilions and winding paths, which contain the spiritual complex and aesthetic artistic conception of literati. From the clay figurines of children in the Song Dynasty in Zhenjiang Museum, to the Children’s Plays in the City in Taipei Palace Museum, from the white porcelain children’s pillows in Dingyao in the Palace Museum, to Song Jin’s Paintings of the Hundred Immortals in Cleveland Art Museum in the United States, all of them reflect the aesthetics and interest of life in which humanities and art are combined with street life.

In contrast, in today’s fast-paced diet and fragmented culture, modern people no longer seem to have an attitude of attaching importance to life aesthetics, and traditional crafts no longer pursue use value. In this context, should we learn from the ancients and return to the "elegant life" way of the Southern Song Dynasty?

"The handicraft tradition of the Southern Song Dynasty is historical and contemporary, which runs through the traditional Chinese aesthetic spirit, lifestyle and cultural taste." Pan Lusheng said. Therefore, he proposed to develop a new economy of Song rhyme culture, take people’s life needs as the guide, enhance cultural life experience, and study how elegant lifestyle can be integrated into today’s life, so that people can gain a sense of cultural identity.

Pan Lusheng believes that, on the one hand, by reviving traditional crafts, we can explore how to better inherit and utilize traditional craft and cultural resources at present, inject the culture of Xixiang into education and cultural communication, and serve people’s spiritual and cultural life. On the other hand, through the development of cultural industry with cross-industry barriers, traditional craft culture can be transformed into the resources of contemporary Song Yun cultural industry, creating higher economic value, thus better serving people’s material and cultural needs.

"Cultural pension" is worth looking forward to.

On the aesthetic level of life, the "usefulness" and "uselessness" of culture may be a philosophical proposition, but in the medical field, the "usefulness" of culture is indispensable. According to Zheng Xiaoying, academician of the Academy of Sciences of developing countries and director of the Peking University Population Research Institute, culture is even more "useful" than science and technology.

Zheng Xiaoying said, "Everyone’s ultimate wish is to grow old healthily and say goodbye to the world happily. This is by no means a problem that can be solved by relying solely on science and technology or medical means, but a realm that must be achieved through the combination of culture, art and technology. In this sense, the infiltration of culture is more important than the development of science and technology. "Zheng Xiaoying believes that" medical art education should be integrated into medical education so that every doctor can accumulate deeper artistic accomplishment and cultural heritage. "

Zheng Xiaoying pointed out that cultural blessing is also needed to deal with the problem of population aging. She introduced that with the intensification of the aging process, the life expectancy of China’s population is also increasing rapidly. However, most of the increased life expectancy is unhealthy, that is, life expectancy with disabilities. Among the disabled people in China, 53% are elderly people. To solve the problems of these elderly disabled people, we need the support of science and technology, but more importantly, we need the support of culture. "Let them be happy and enjoy the benefits brought about by the reform and opening up to the maximum. This is not a problem that can be solved by a simple assistive device."

At the same time, Zheng Xiaoying emphasized the concept of "cultural support for the aged", which is a way to support the aged on the premise that the material needs of the elderly are basically guaranteed, on the basis of meeting spiritual needs, on the basis of communicating emotions, exchanging ideas and having a healthy body and mind, and on the purpose of publicizing individuality, advocating independence and enjoying the spirit of happiness and pleasure. "Cultural pension meets the spiritual needs of the elderly. For the elderly without children, this pension model is particularly important." Zheng Xiaoying said.

How to realize the mutual integration of science and technology and humanities

Undoubtedly, the integration of culture, art and technology can make people’s lives better. So, as an individual, how should we start from ourselves and realize the integration of technology and humanities? This is also a question that Wang Yuming, an academician of China Academy of Engineering and an expert in fluid sealing engineering technology, is often asked.

Wang Yuming laughed and called himself a "science man". "However, although my main business is mechanical engineering, I am not" mechanical "culturally. He is a student of Mr. Ye Jiaying, a consultant of the Chinese Poetry Society, the director of the Poetry Working Committee of colleges and universities, and the president of the Tsinghua University Lotus Pond Poetry Society. It can be said that he is a person who perfectly balances "poetry and distance".

When answering the question "how to realize the mutual integration of science and technology and humanities", Wang Yuming believes that in terms of values, science and technology and humanities and arts are both pursuing truth, goodness and beauty, and they are essentially interlinked; In the mode of thinking, both of them need logical thinking and inspiration epiphany thinking, which can promote each other. The same is true of many masters of science and technology (such as Einstein, Yang Zhenning, Qiu Chengtong, Gu Yuxiu, Qian Xuesen, etc.). However, the most important thing is to have a "pure heart" in both scientific research and literary creation.

On the "Use" of China Culture from the Outside

The Chinese culture has a long history, and the "useful" culture not only created the fashion life of the ancients, but also injected spiritual strength into solving modern social problems, and also brought about an impact on the civilized development of neighboring countries.

In the dialogue session, Cheng Yonghua, former Japanese ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to People’s Republic of China (PRC) and executive vice president of China-Japan Friendship Association, introduced the "use" of Japanese culture to neighboring countries. He said that China’s culture had a profound influence on the Korean Peninsula, Viet Nam and Japan. Take Japan as an example. The Sui, Tang and Song Dynasties were the historical peaks of Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges. During this period, ancient Japan sent 19 groups of envoys to China to study, with a maximum of 600 people at a time. In addition to sending envoys, a large number of international students also came to China from ancient Japan. Many of them stayed for many years, and some even stayed in China to work as officials in Chang ‘an until they died and were buried in Chang ‘an. In 645 AD, the ancient Japanese carried out the "Dahua Innovation" movement, abolished the monopoly regime system in big noble, and established an ancient centralized state with reference to the rules and regulations of the Tang Dynasty in China. During the Song Dynasty, more and more Japanese people came to China to study. Jian Zhen, a monk in the Tang Dynasty, traveled eastward to preach the precepts to Japan and was honored as the ancestor of Japanese Buddhist legalists. The Tang Zhaoti Temple complex built by him and his disciples in Nara, Japan, embodies the architectural characteristics of the Tang Dynasty and is the largest and most beautiful building in Japan’s existing Tianping era. Japanese characters are also born out of Chinese characters. At first, there were only languages but no characters in Japan. In asuka period, Buddhist classics introduced into Japan along with Buddhism made Chinese characters penetrate into Japanese life. The first Chinese characters were used by ancient Japanese as phonography, but they were troublesome in the process of use, so heian period invented katakana and hiragana with reference to the radicals and cursive scripts of Chinese characters. In addition, the present Japanese court music-gagaku,It is also music from the Tang Dynasty in China.

Cheng Yonghua said that Sino-Japanese exchanges have a history of 2,000 years. Today, Japanese young people are still attracted by China’s rapid economic development and technological innovation, and feel that "they should go to China to see more and communicate more".

Whether it is "practical" or "useless", the China culture of the same strain needs and deserves to be passed down and carried forward by contemporary people. As Pan Lusheng said, culture is a nation’s overall lifestyle and value system. If the ancients’ fashion is integrated into contemporary life, we may be able to create a pioneer culture with temperature, connotation and taste in the new era.

Explosive demand attracts the influx of capital. What new opportunities are there in the beauty industry?

From 2021 to now, the beauty track has been constantly running with "capital", which has surpassed last year in quantity.

According to public reports, on July 6th, the beauty industry was born with the largest amount of financing this year-KK Group was led by JD.COM with an investment of about 300 million US dollars. The group owns a large beauty collection store brand THE COLORIST and X11 and other new consumer and retail brands.

This is just a microcosm of the beauty industry. This year, there are only about 20 enterprises that have received more than RMB 100 million in financing, including Meishang, Lan, Xuelingfei, WOW COLOUR, USHOPAL and Liran.

With the help of capital, a large number of companies in the beauty field have gone public, covering the A-share, Hong Kong-share and US-share markets. Recently, companies that have been listed or will be listed in the beauty field include Kaichun Industry, Baiyang Medicine, Juju Zhilian, Betaine, Youquhui, and Yijia.

In this fiery market environment, the whole industry chain of beauty industry is welcoming the best times and the most business opportunities, and practitioners in the beauty field will undoubtedly enjoy more dividends. But if you want to capture business opportunities, you need to have a quick insight into the beauty industry.

Then, in the next half year of 2021, what are the trends and phenomena in the field of beauty that deserve special attention?

The heat of new consumption investment and financing has risen.The domestic product leader rises rapidly.

The glory of domestic products may be traced back to the perfect diary that sprang up three years ago. Many people once thought that this was just a gust of wind. However, a large number of brands, such as Huaxi Zi, Ximuyuan and Runbaiyan, which ran out in the following years, made people realize that the spring of domestic brands has really come.

Take this year’s Tmall 618 as an example. In the sub-category of beauty field, the performance of new domestic brands is particularly bright-in the four sub-categories of powder cake, makeup set, honey powder/loose powder, eyebrow pencil/eyebrow powder/eyebrow cream, Hua Xizi is the first; In the categories of makeup remover, pure dew, makeup spray, etc., it is the domestic brands such as one by one, the sky of daisies and Berry Beauty.

A data of Tmall can also prove this point. In 2020, 3,000 beauty merchants opened stores in Tmall, but more than 2,000 of them were new domestic brands. And among them, 30 beauty brands have become "dark horses", achieving sales of over 100 million.

Among them, there are a lot of investment opportunities, but capital is also a double-edged sword. How to treat capital rationally and grasp the investment opportunities is a subject we need to study. It is reported that the founding partner and chairman of Jiayu Fund will present the latest insight "Let capital empower brands instead of killing them" at the upcoming China Cosmetics Conference, and look forward to his opinions.

Cosmetic industryThe first share"Frequent listed companies have strong stock prices.

As of July 9, the closing price of Huaxi Bio (688363.SH), the first share of hyaluronic acid, was 284.30 yuan/share, which was more than five times higher than the listing issue price of 47.79 yuan/share. The P/E ratio has exceeded 200, and the market value once exceeded 150 billion. Huaxi Bio, which has the hard power of biotechnology and the whole industrial chain, has become the core asset sought after by investment institutions.

Since the renewal of management in the second quarter of 2020, shanghai jahwa, under the leadership of Pan Qiusheng, chairman and CEO, has started a century-old national brand revival war, with remarkable reform results, the stock price reached a record high, and the total market value once exceeded 40 billion yuan.

Polaiya, a local cosmetics company, has achieved rapid growth even under the influence of last year’s epidemic. This year, it has made a good start, with revenue of 905 million in the first quarter, up 48.88% year-on-year.

There are also companies such as Liren Lizhuang, Northbell, Yuyuan, Focus Media, etc., which are outstanding in the cosmetics track. It is reported that the chairmen or CEOs of these seven listed companies will gather at the 14th China Cosmetics Conference held at the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center on August 5-6, when the latest strategies and the methodology behind them will be released on the spot.

Efficacy, skin care, high light moment, emerging track is worthy of attention.

This year’s 618, the only domestic brand in the TOP10 category of Tmall beauty is Winona. The data shows that Winona has been ranked as the TOP10 beauty and skin care category of double 11 Tmall for three consecutive years since 2018. Especially last year, Winona sparked a discussion boom with the only domestic brand of TOP10 in Tmall skin care category.

On March 25th this year, Winona’s parent company Betani successfully landed on the Growth Enterprise Market of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, with a total market value of over 110 billion yuan. Since 2017, Winona’s market share has gradually surpassed international brands such as Vichy, la roche-posay and Avene. At present, Winona ranks first in the domestic efficacy skin care market with a market share of 23%.

Winona is not the only one who has grabbed the huge dividend in the efficacy skin care market.

According to public information, in 2020, Tmall’s flagship store sales ranked the top three brands in terms of year-on-year growth rate, including Quadi and Runbaiyan under Huaxi Bio, and Yuze under shanghai jahwa. Among them, Quadi’s growth rate reached 99.94%, Runbaiyan’s growth rate reached 187%, and Yuze’s growth rate reached 265%.

Efficacy skin care market has become the hottest "emerging market".

Opportunity lies in China Cosmetics Conference.

In the field of beauty, if there is a platform that can link the most beauty resources and business opportunities, it is China Cosmetics Conference.

Since its inception in 2008, the China Cosmetics Conference, jointly created by Pinguan APP and Cosmetics Watch, has successfully invited at least 500 first-line coffee makers from the commercial, economic and even cultural fields in China to share their thoughts and opinions, including many bosses of listed companies outside the industry, top investors and opinion leaders, such as Zhong Shanshan, Shen Nanpeng, Jiang Nanchun, Wei Zhe, Luo Zhenyu and Fang Yuyou.

More than 200 investors from all over the country attend the meeting every year, which is an important platform for investment institutions and financial media to study the frontier ideas of market development and expand industry resources.

With the rapid recovery and prosperity of China’s beauty market ahead of the world, the 14th China Cosmetics Conference with the theme of "China Time" will be held at the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center on August 5 -6, 2021.

In addition to the main forum, there are six sub-forums on new marketing, new channels, new domestic products, new product development, efficacy skin care and design innovation. The first theme exhibition of "Beauty New Domestic Products" will also be launched, and 100+ emerging domestic brands will be exhibited at the same time.

If you are interested in listed companies, cutting-edge domestic products and new beauty tracks, the 2021 China Cosmetics Conference is the most information-intensive and must not be missed event in the whole year. Scan the QR code below to view the full agenda.