Advanced intelligent driving+HarmonyOS 3 upgrade, Huawei’s M5 series advanced intelligent driving version will be released soon.

Recently, in the release of Huawei’s flagship new product in the spring of 2023, the official solemnly announced that Huawei’s advanced intelligent driving version of Wujie M5 and Wujie M5 EV will meet with consumers in April. In this flagship new product launch, Huawei Yu Chengdong said that Huawei’s M5 Advanced Intelligent Driving Edition will bring unprecedented intelligent driving experience to users. At the same time, all models of Huawei will upgrade the HarmonyOS 3, bringing users a top-level intelligent cockpit experience.

Huawei will upgrade all models in the world to HarmonyOS 3.

HarmonyOS 3 has made remarkable improvements in enhancing the intelligence of automobiles, realized the seamless connection experience of multiple products in the whole scene, and brought users a relaxed, convenient and experienced immersive driving experience. Its functions are also brand-new, such as super desktop, PC collaboration, intelligent car search, small art reminder, small art wake-up-free and HUD height adaptive adjustment, etc., and also introduced the privacy mode of the main driver to ensure the safety of user information.

At the press conference, Huawei announced that all models of Huawei will be upgraded to HarmonyOS 3, which means that car owners can not only enjoy the convenience of intelligent driving, but also experience the top experience of HarmonyOS 3 intelligent cockpit. HarmonyOS 3 breaks the three major pain points of "less application, slow upgrade and poor experience" in the past, and makes use of human factors technology and distributed technology, so that car owners can operate more easily, have a more comfortable interactive experience, obtain content resources more easily, have a smarter functional experience and have more convenient cross-device connection and control ability.

Huawei’s full stack technology deeply empowers Huawei to ask for boundaries.

The blessing of Huawei’s full-stack technology has brought top-level driving and control strength to all products in Huawei. In addition to the most advanced intelligent strength, the HUAWEI DriveONE electric drive platform provides a super-running four-second acceleration performance of zero hundred kilometers. Huawei’s self-developed HUAWEI DATS dynamic adaptive torque system can effectively improve the driving comfort of the vehicle during dynamic driving, making the vehicle more aware of the road and more calm, with leading handling and comfort at the same level. The strong and stable electric drive output of HUAWEI DriveONE three-in-one electric drive platform benefits from the industry-leading precision oil cooling technology, which greatly reduces the volume and noise of electric drive, fundamentally improves the power and quietness, and allows users to experience lower energy consumption and quiet driving, which perfectly combines power and economy.

Huawei’s M5 series high-end intelligent driving version adopts the ultimate aesthetic front face design, such as the low-down and forward-looking shape of the sports car, which not only shapes the dynamic momentum with full sense of output and great sense of movement, but also continues the simplicity and purity of the family. The interior fully demonstrates the concept of people-oriented open space, and the enclosed independent cockpit design. The interior of the whole vehicle is covered with high-grade Nappa leather, all-water leather and warm touch wood grain to create a fashionable interior with value. It is not only natural and environmentally friendly, but also brings users a soft experience closest to human skin, and it shows elegance and luxury everywhere.

Quality and word-of-mouth double harvest, Huawei is widely recognized in the world.

In the "Quality Report of New Passenger Cars in 2022", Huawei ranked first in the quality ranking of new energy brands, far ahead of the industry average. The comprehensive quality of Huawei’s industry has been recognized by consumers and many well-known media. The net recommended value of NPS for car owners is as high as 86.4%, ranking first in the industry. Excellent product quality shows that Huawei’s brand value has been recognized by users. The quality of Huawei’s products has won the favor of many users, which is inseparable from Huawei’s advanced research and development technology. Huawei is equipped with a number of independent latest technologies from Huawei to provide a strong car experience guarantee to meet customer needs.

Huawei officially announced that the advanced intelligent driving versions of Huawei’s Wujie M5 and Wujie M5 EV will be released in April, which will become a new benchmark for new energy vehicles in the 250,000-350,000 market segment. The high-end intelligent driving version launched this time aims to improve Huawei’s M5 family product sequence, providing consumers with more car purchase options. Huawei’s M5 Series Advanced Intelligent Driving Edition combines Huawei’s latest advanced intelligent driving and HarmonyOS 3 intelligent cockpit technology to provide a smarter, more convenient and more comfortable car experience. Backed by Huawei technology, Huawei’s M5 series advanced intelligent driving edition has top intelligent driving ability and extraordinary intelligent cockpit experience. We look forward to further practical experience and measured feedback after the release.

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Yingheng Technology released its interim report for 2023, and the growth of Zhijia Networked Business exceeded expectations.

Recently, Yingheng Technology (1760.HK), a leading provider of automotive electronic solutions in China, released its interim results report for 2023. During the reporting period, it achieved operating income of 2.626 billion yuan, up 27% year-on-year, and the profit attributable to shareholders was 155 million yuan, which was basically the same as the same period of last year. Among them, the vehicle-related business continued its rapid growth momentum, with a year-on-year increase of 58.1%, leading the industry; The business performance of Zhijia Networked Network was even brighter, with a year-on-year increase of 117.6%.

Lu Yingming, Chairman, Co-CEO and Executive Director of Yingheng Technology, said: "The overall performance in the first half of this year continued to outperform the market performance. Relying on strong R&D capabilities and industrialization capabilities of new energy vehicles, the Group helps OEMs achieve cost-effective mass production solutions and promote business penetration. "

It is worth mentioning that Yingheng Technology’s gross profit margin remained at around 20% in the first half of the year, leading the industry average, and its operating profit margin was 8.1%, slightly lower than 9.5% in the same period last year. Excluding the additional investment in research and development, the company’s operating profit margin increased slightly by 0.5 percentage points compared with the same period of last year. With electrification and intelligence becoming the general trend of the global automobile industry, its complexity is getting higher and higher, and the technical advantages of Yingheng Technology in research and development are becoming more and more prominent, further consolidating its market position and increasing its market share.

Adhering to the development strategy of "light assets and heavy research and development", Yingheng Technology continued to increase investment in research and development in the first half of this year, and the proportion of research and development expenses in revenue increased to 8.9%, which was mainly used for testing and verifying equipment. By the end of the first half of 2023, the company had 1,058 full-time R&D related technicians, accounting for 70% of the total number of employees. It owns 256 patents and 207 software copyrights, increasing by 21 and 20 respectively compared with the same period of last year.

In June this year, Yingheng Technology cooperated with Horizon, a leading semiconductor company, to strengthen the development and application capabilities in autonomous driving and AI technology, established a vehicle-level autonomous driving test laboratory and an autonomous driving simulation test verification platform, and launched the first market-oriented high-grade autonomous driving domain control station solution based on Journey 5, helping the company to explore the autonomous driving market of low-priced cars.

In this regard, the management of Yingheng Technology said in a question from a reporter from the World Wide Web: "At present, the assembly rate of autonomous driving in China is not very high, and many shares are still provided by international manufacturers, which also means that the future development space of local domestic autonomous driving systems is very considerable. At present, Yingheng Technology’s self-driving products have also been supported by many customers and entered the mass production stage in the second half of this year. "

In August this year, Yingheng Technology was invited to participate in the Microelectronics Ecosphere Seminar 2023 organized by Hong Kong Science and Technology Park Corporation and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and exhibited the latest research and development achievements in automotive intelligence. Including MADC3.5, a cockpit integrated controller compatible with intelligent driving and cockpit functions, which is the third domain control station solution for middle and high-level automatic driving; And intelligent cockpit with time-of-flight ranging (ToF) function, which can provide a more perfect interactive experience of man-machine communication in the cabin.

It is reported that Yingheng Technology’s new R&D center in Hong Kong is located in Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, which is mainly responsible for automotive intelligent software, advanced power semiconductor applications and collaborative robot solutions. It is expected to officially operate in November this year, making good arrangements for the company’s products to enter overseas.

China’s accelerating L3 commercial smart driving has become an important car purchase decision for consumers.

  Recently, the Ministry of Transport issued the Technical Guide for Highway Engineering Facilities to Support Autopilot (hereinafter referred to as the Guide), proposing the overall framework and main technical indicators for highway engineering facilities to support Autopilot, which will be implemented on December 1 this year. The industry pointed out that the Guide released that China is stepping up efforts to support the development of smart car industry from the perspective of infrastructure construction, and plans to solve the bottleneck problem of intelligent networked automobile industrialization development through the "China Program" of vehicle-road-cloud integration. All-media reporters noticed that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently pointed out clearly that China’s autonomous driving technology is gradually being promoted, L3 level is gradually being commercialized, and L4 level is exploring demonstration applications. haveIt shows that the proportion of intelligent driving function in Chinese consumers’ car purchase decision is increasing rapidly.

  The Guide better supports the demand for automatic driving of vehicles from the perspective of infrastructure.

  The Ministry of Transport pointed out that research and practice at home and abroad show that the practical process of autonomous driving technology can be accelerated by moderately improving the intelligent level of highway infrastructure and providing auxiliary information for autonomous vehicles according to their cognitive and behavioral characteristics.

  The release of the Guide will guide the formation of a technical system that adapts to China’s management characteristics. It is reported that the Guide takes into account the characteristics of China’s traffic and environment, adopts a technical framework combining "end-edge-cloud" and establishes a technical system for highway engineering facilities to support autonomous driving. Through the information processing and interaction of "edge", edge cloud and central cloud are formed, which provide data support for road section level, provincial (regional) level and Ministry (national) level management platforms respectively. The technical system fully considers the characteristics of the management system, which is convenient for rapid popularization and application and related construction.

  The Ministry of Transport also pointed out that it is not easy for highway engineering facilities to support autonomous driving. In the process of determining technical indicators, the Guide fully considered the actual situation of existing highway engineering facilities. Under the overall technical framework of highway engineering facilities supporting autonomous driving, it analyzed and studied the role and influence of highway engineering facilities supporting autonomous driving, and put forward functional requirements, performance requirements and layout requirements for supporting autonomous driving.

  In recent years, China’s intelligent networked automobile industry has developed rapidly. According to the figures of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, 17 national-level test demonstration zones and 7 national-level test demonstration zones have been built nationwide.Pilot area, 16Pilot cities for coordinated development of infrastructure and intelligent networked vehicles. Up to now, China has opened more than 20,000 kilometers of test roads, with a total test mileage of more than 70 million kilometers.

  The commercialization of high-order autonomous driving is accelerating.

  In 2025, the newly added output value will exceed 1 trillion yuan.

  All-media reporters have noticed that many national departments have made important instructions on the development of autonomous driving many times recently. At the 2023 World Intelligent Networked Automobile Conference held on September 21st, Xin Guobin, a member of the Party Group and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, revealed that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is deepening the pilot demonstration of intelligent networked automobile access and on-road operation, accelerating the demonstration application of "vehicle-Lu Yun integration" at the city level, and forming a number of characteristic demonstration projects with the participation of domestic and foreign market players. "The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will work with the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and other departments to speed up the pilot of intelligent networked vehicle access and road traffic, and support the commercial application of L3 and higher autopilot functions. At present, the preliminary preparations for this work have been basically completed and entered the final release process. " At the Global Smart Car Industry Conference held on September 28th, Wu Feng, Director of Automobile Management Department of Equipment Industry Division I of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, further revealed the above information.

  According to the data of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, in 2022, the sales of new intelligent networked passenger cars equipped with assisted automatic driving systems in China reached 7 million, up 45.6% year-on-year, and the market share increased to 34.9%. In the first half of this year, the sales volume of new passenger cars with combined driving assistance reached 42.4%, an increase of nearly 10% compared with the same period last year. At present, many car companies are ready to mass-produce L3-class vehicles.

  "At present, the global intelligent network.Investment in technology research and development continues to increase, and autonomous driving technology is gradually maturing. L2-class assisted driving has achieved scale application and function expansion, L3-class is gradually commercialized, and L4-class is exploring demonstration application. The "China Scheme" of car-Lu Yun integration is the key to solve the problem of intelligent networked car industrialization.

  According to the data of the National Intelligent Networked Automobile Innovation Center, by 2025, the new output value of China’s intelligent networked automobile industry will exceed 1 trillion yuan.

  L3′ s intelligent driving heats up, driving the industrial chain to have multiple daily limit.

  "The latest research shows that smart driving has shown signs of breaking the ice in the factors that are important for car purchase decision-making, accounting for a substantial increase. This provides a lot of product applications for autonomous driving companies, mass production on the train, and opportunities to achieve good user word-of-mouth closed loop and commercialization closed loop. "Su Tan, general manager of the Smart Car Business Department of the Intelligent Driving Business Group (IDG), believes that intelligent driving has become a key factor in the core car purchase decision, "especially in the range of 150,000-250,000 and the price range of 250,000-300,000.In automobiles, the penetration rate of core intelligent driving is increasing very fast, almost doubling in two years. "

  It is a glimpse of this trend. The reporter noticed that Internet companies and start-ups such as Huawei, Xiaoma Zhixing, which have been deeply involved in the field of intelligent driving for many years, have intensively landed high-end technologies for intelligent driving on mass-produced new cars in recent years. For example, the new M7, which has been highly concerned recently, has won 50,000 units in just 25 days. One of its biggest selling points is that it is equipped with Huawei ADS2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, which can realize high-speed and urban advanced intelligent driving without relying on high-precision maps. According to the data released by Yu Chengdong, the managing director of Huawei, the terminal BGCEO and the chairman of smart car solutions, 70% of MAX customers have installed Huawei’s ADS advanced smart driving package. In addition, it is also accelerating the landing of intelligent driving to achieve "hegemony" with Huawei. At present, Baidu Apollo’s high-level intelligent driving system has taken the lead in the new car of Dongfeng Lantu, and then the Extreme Yue 01, which cooperates with Geely, will also be available.

  The reporter noticed that due to the continuous warming of the concept of intelligent driving, many stocks in the A-share sector have recently taken turns to rise, and even batch daily limit has appeared. October 9, the first trading day after the A-share festival,Shares are particularly active, among whichIndustrial chain stocks performed brilliantly, asking the manufacturers of the new M7.One word daily limit, another model partnerDaily limit, parts supplierDaily limit

  Lu Jiamin said that L3′ s representative function is high-speed and the city NOA is gradually getting on the bus. Driven by the three core factors of policy, technology and cost, the turning point of intelligent driving is gradually emerging. At this stage, the focus is on intelligent key vehicle enterprises and intelligent industrial chain core component enterprises. "At the same time, driven by the three core factors of policy stimulus, intelligent catalysis and inventory cycle switching, we are optimistic that the sales volume, profitability and valuation of the automobile sector are expected to continue to improve from 23Q3. Optimistic about industrial chain stocks with smart driving technology as the core selling point. " Some institutional analysts believe that with the further acceleration of the landing of smart drivers, relevant listed companies may enter.Redemption period

How to eat pineapple "sting" without being "hurt" by it!

  It’s the season to enjoy pineapple at will, and its sweet fragrance is everywhere in fruit shops and mobile fruit carts on the street, which is irresistible! However, many people have had this experience: pineapple will "sting"! Not only will its coat and crown on its head prick hands, but its flesh will also sting its mouth! Our oral cavity will be strongly stimulated, resulting in tingling, acidity and itching of oral mucosa and gums. What’s more, it suffers from bleeding, inflammation, redness and swelling around the mouth and lips. This is why people often soak pineapples in salt water first — — Reduce the intensity of its "sting mouth".

  Why do pineapples sting?

  Because pineapple is so "smart", in order to prevent humans and other creatures from eating it, it not only wears a barbed armor, but also hides three heavyweight weapons in the flesh.

  The first heavy weapon: calcium oxalate needle crystal

  Calcium oxalate needle crystal is the physical killing means of pineapple. Under the microscope, the bundle of calcium oxalate needle crystal wrapped by pulp tissue cells is like countless dense needles. They have a very powerful characteristic: they are insoluble in water. So it is not easy to be dissolved by our saliva!

  When we chew pineapple pulp, we will destroy the tissue cells of the pulp because of the grinding of teeth, which is equivalent to opening the door to these invisible sharp needles that originally locked them. Once these sharp needles are released into the mouth, they will mercilessly "plunge" into any mucosal tissue they touch. With our continuous chewing, calcium oxalate needle crystals can be "pushed" into our tongue, inner wall of mouth, throat and gums, which are soft, delicate and have no resistance.

  The second weapon: bromelain

  This enzyme can be extracted from the pulp, peel and even stem of pineapple. Little friends who often cook must be familiar with this enzyme, because it is an important "second party" of tender meat powder. The common tender meat powder is either papain or bromelain.

  Proteases, as the name implies, can decompose protein. On the one hand, bromelain will activate the "PAR" protease "alarm" in oral epithelial cells and free nerve endings, and after being activated, it will awaken the nerve pathway that can trigger itching. On the other hand, bromelain itself does destroy the protein of our oral mucosa — — It is achieved by decomposing and "cutting" the connective proteins between cells.

  In this way, the defense network of oral mucosal cells is "relaxed" and the barrier protection is weakened, which makes it easier for some pathogens to take an opportunity to trigger inflammation or immune response.

  Knowledge small link:

  In fact, many fruits and vegetables contain both calcium oxalate crystals and proteases, such as papaya, spinach and figs. When we eat these fruits and vegetables, we won’t have obvious irritation, because the calcium oxalate crystals they contain are not needle-shaped, but oval or dumbbell-shaped and other non-lethal irregular shapes, so they won’t hurt our oral mucosa.

  But kiwifruit is an exception. Calcium oxalate crystals in kiwifruit pulp are also needle-shaped, and kiwifruit also contains cysteine proteolytic enzyme. Therefore, when we eat kiwifruit, we will feel tingling more or less. Therefore, kiwifruit is also a kind of fruit that can "eat people", but it is not as fierce as pineapple, probably because its weapons and equipment are not as good as pineapple.

  The third weapon: organic acids

  The sour taste produced by organic acids such as citric acid, malic acid and quinic acid contained in pineapple not only stimulates our taste receptors, but also stimulates the pain receptors in the oral cavity. Combined with the first two weapons of pineapple, the lethality is self-evident.

  The "killer" to conquer pineapple

  How many have you learned?

  In order to conquer the killer of pineapple and make it a delicious dish for human beings, our ancestors summed up several stunts for us:

  1. Salt water soaking: This is the most common treatment method, which is said to "destroy bromelain". However, this principle is controversial and unsolvable, because sodium chloride in table salt is not a heavy metal salt, so it can’t denature protein. At best, some organic acids in pulp can be dissolved in water by soaking in salt water, thus reducing the stimulating effect of organic acids. Moreover, it is a bit salty to be sweet — — A small amount of salty taste can increase the taste buds’ perception of sweetness, which makes us feel "Wow! So sweet and beautiful! "

  Of course, some people support that salt can reduce the activity of bromelain, and tell us through laboratory research data that different concentrations of salt water can really improve the problem of pineapple sting to varying degrees. When the concentration of saline increased significantly (from 0% to 3.5%, and then to 7% and 10.5%), the activity of bromelain decreased gradually. But what is the principle, it seems that it has not been verified.

  2. Pepper salting: This is a classic way to eat in Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan. It is sweet, sour, salty and spicy, and it is very delicious. As for whether the pain caused by spicy taste overwhelmed the acupuncture pain of pineapple in the end, or whether capsaicin and salt together inhibited the activity of bromelain, it is hard to say. I really expect someone to study this topic well to solve my confusion.

  3. Heating: As a protein afraid of heat, bromelain can’t continue to show off at high temperature. When pineapple pulp is heated above 60 degrees Celsius, bromelain will be inactivated and calcium oxalate needle crystals will be dissolved to some extent. This is also the reason why pineapple pulp in delicious foods such as pineapple goo old meat and pineapple rice won’t make us feel stung. However, after heating to this temperature, the crisp, tough and cool taste of the pulp may be discounted, and interested friends can try it.

  However, there must be some friends who refuse to heat the pineapple and are too lazy to soak it in salt water. So, how can you enjoy the delicious pineapple and relieve the pain of your mouth? The following two items are for reference — —

  1. Make a quick decision: don’t eat slowly for a long time, and don’t give pineapple black weapons a chance to kill you fully;

  2. Rinse your mouth in time: rinse your mouth immediately after eating pineapple to reduce the residence time of calcium oxalate needle crystals and bromelain in your mouth. If you like, you can rinse it several times, and the effect will be better. Text/Liu Suiqian (popular science worker, clinical nutritionist, member of China Nutrition Society)

Fuxin Software was financed to buy RMB 13 million, and accumulated RMB 39 million in the past three days.

On February 23, the data of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges showed that Fuxin Software received a financing purchase amount of RMB 13 million, ranking 606th in the two cities. On that day, the financing repayment amount was RMB 17 million, and the net sales amount was RMB 3,615,000.

In the last three trading days, from 21st to 23rd, Fuxin Software received financing to buy RMB 09 million, RMB 16 million and RMB 13 million respectively.

In terms of securities lending, 00,000 shares were sold and 00,300 shares were bought.

This article comes from: financial circles

Author: Liangrongjun


A number of special tourist routes will be released, and you can come here for holidays.

Source: CCTV news client

Yesterday, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism held a regular press conference for the third quarter. A number of catalogues such as "Orange, Red, Orange and Green Rural Scenery", "China Road" Top Ten go on road trip Boutique Routes and Sports Tourism Boutique Routes will be released one after another.

A number of characteristic tourist routes will be released.

This year coincides with the overlapping of the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day. The eight-day holiday is an important holiday for people to visit relatives and friends and go out for a trip. The autumn scenery is beautiful and it is also a season of strong tourism demand.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism will launch 149 "orange-orange-green rural scenic spots" national rural tourism boutique routes, highlighting the content of "celebrating and harvesting villages", and attracting tourists to enter beautiful countryside to enjoy autumn scenery, taste autumn charm and enjoy autumn fruits. Enjoy the rich and gorgeous rural autumn scenery, taste the scenery and delicacies in the north and south of the Yangtze River, experience the diversified and integrated rural tourism format, and feel the material abundance and full spirit of the new era and the beautiful countryside in creative fairs, harvest festivals and art exhibitions.

Jointly with the General Administration of Sports, we will release 12 excellent sports tourism routes during the National Day holiday, including "Zhangjiakou Chongli Outdoor Sports Tourism Route", "Village BA" and "Village Super" sports tourism routes and other special sports tourism routes.

In addition, there are ten go on road trip boutique routes, including "Lin Hai Mi Jing Da Hinggan Mountains Forest Crossing Road" and "Deep Grassland Horqin-Wulagai Grassland Galloping Road", which have relatively perfect transportation infrastructure and rich cultural tourism resources and are suitable for go on road trip. There are 20 non-legacy tourist routes, including the colorful non-legacy tour in Hexiang, Longjiang Wetland, and the non-legacy of "Water Rhyme, Suzhou and Suzhou".

This year’s Mid-Autumn National Day holiday cultural tourism activities are brilliant.

During the Mid-Autumn National Day holiday this year, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism made great efforts to improve the supply quality of cultural and tourism products during the holiday period, promote the accelerated recovery of the cultural and tourism industries, and better meet the people’s yearning for a better life.

In order to improve the quality of supply during the holiday season, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will publish a national list of fine tourism performing arts, and launch a number of fine tourism performing arts projects with rich cultural connotations and superb artistic level. Guide the healthy and orderly development of music festivals and concerts to meet the new demand of "traveling with performances". Around the theme of "Celebrating Reunion and Enjoying the Festival", more special tourism products suitable for family trips will be launched.

Continue to promote all localities to work together with cultural tourism enterprises, platform enterprises and financial institutions to launch a series of measures to benefit the people, such as consumption subsidies, full consumption reduction and fare concessions. Hold "Colorful China Festival Good Things" cultural and tourism trade promotion activities, and focus on displaying and promoting high-quality products and services in the fields of fine performing arts, musical instruments and porcelain. From September 26th to October 1st, the National Performing Arts Expo was held in Yibin City, Sichuan Province, and the national key performances during the Mid-Autumn National Day were released.

List of must-play games in 2022. What stand-alone games can’t be missed this year?

This content comes from @ What is worth buying APP, and the opinions only represent the author himself | Author: Lone Star Tears

The year 2022 has come to an end, and this year’s games have also been sold. Generally speaking, it is a relatively calm year. The top-quality games like 3A masterpieces have emerged one after another, and there are many transplanted games on various platforms. If you are a steam player, it’s really fun. The following is a list of stand-alone games that must be played this year. Please check it out.

Best of the year, I didn’t expect to be able to play in March until December. I thought the interest in the wilderness could be compared but it was postponed, so Hidetaka Miyazaki won another award of the year and won! To tell the truth, the Elden ring that has been polished for so long is also worthy of the name. The game experience of the open soul world is not weaker than that of the wilderness. Well, the bug numerical balance has also been fixed, and we can look forward to the launch of DLC.

The God of War was expected by many people before its launch, but after its release, its reputation was uneven, mainly because the black people in the west were too correct to ruin the game experience. More importantly, bilibili UP sent a 30-minute video denouncing the boring plot for ruining the game. When the firepower was so fierce, it had to be the last time "The Last Survivor 2" was released.

Putting aside the boring correctness, this sequel continues the regular gameplay of the last one, with high-definition image quality and semi-open world design. The degree of innovation is not much, the monster repetition rate is high, and the plot pit is not filled enough. It’s a bit like the feeling of a large DLC in the last one, but it’s still fun, and it’s a qualified 3A masterpiece anyway.

After the release of Plague Legend 2, the word-of-mouth rose linearly, and the previous work received rave reviews. This work brought a novel experience to the players, much better than Ares 5. Well, it’s no problem to rank second in the year, although this IP is quite new, but the game industry is always talking about strength.

The plot follows the previous one. This time, I fled in the picturesque French scenery. Each character has unique skills, and the rats are even more shocking. Chinese dubbing and beautiful soundtrack add gameplay, and later it changed from historical color to magical color. The conversion is a bit true, but overall, it is fun and must be played!

This year, two new year’s treasure dreams were sold. At the beginning of the year, Arzeus and November Zhu/Zi got a good evaluation unexpectedly. As long as they are not too shoddy, fans will accept this series of treasure dreams. Both of them adopt the open world gameplay and take risks in a world full of treasure dreams. This novel experience is still very good. From the sales volume, it can be seen that fans really take this set.

It’s a must-play, but it’s only for fans or players who like this kind of pet collection. In addition, these two works are exclusive versions of switch, and you have to have a switch to play.

It’s a pretty good independent boutique game. The gameplay is against games such as Hades and action Roguelite. Every death will inherit new features, which is reflected in the game that the characteristics of future generations are strengthened. Each future generation has different skills or attributes. Experience new equipment and new skills in the brush, and you can’t stop playing for a few minutes or more. Compared with the previous work, this second generation has richer level design, more diverse occupations and skills, and a variety of upgrade systems. You can explore and try it again and again, and it is an excellent work in general.

A boutique stand-alone jrpg game produced by an independent game developer with a humble budget is simply a horizontal version of the game. The score on the game website is as high as 9.7 points. No matter the plot, music, art or gameplay are carefully polished, the overall play is a kind of cool feeling of playing PSP clearance games when I was a child, which is very nostalgic! This game is considered as a dark horse this year. Although it is unpopular, its quality is extremely excellent. Support it and you must play it!

Follow-up: This year, some games, such as The Lost Light 2, The Desperate Horizon to the West and Sniper Elite 5, are also high-quality games, but they are not listed due to the limitation of space. With the support of some domestic games, Taiwu Huajuan and most of them are quite good-quality games produced this year. The transplanted fun games include Triangular Strategy, Two-person Tour, and Exotic Record of Goddess 5.

The author declares that there is no interest in this article, and welcomes rational exchange and harmonious discussion among value friends ~

ChatGPT: Friend or Enemy of Man?

ChatGPT, a chat robot based on artificial intelligence technology, has recently become a hot topic. According to the latest survey, 50% of enterprises in the United States are already using ChatGPT, and 48% of them even let it work instead of employees. This news triggered a heated discussion among netizens, and everyone discussed and chatted.

In this digital era, the advantages and values of ChatGPT also appear. As an advanced technology application, ChatGPT can improve the efficiency and quality of enterprises and individuals, save time and cost, and create more value and possibilities. For example, in the field of customer service, ChatGPT can provide users with services and solutions 24 hours a day. In the field of code, ChatGPT can quickly write high-quality code; In the field of copywriting, ChatGPT can generate attractive copywriting according to the target audience and scenes, and so on. Moreover, the increasing popularity of ChatGPT also shows that the demand for intelligent services in human society is growing.

However, we also need to see the problems and challenges existing in ChatGPT. As a robot based on data and algorithms, ChatGPT is not perfect. It may have errors, deviations, loopholes and so on, and it is difficult to control its behavior and consequences. For example, in terms of data security, ChatGPT may disclose or abuse the private information of users or enterprises; In terms of ethics, ChatGPT may violate or destroy social norms and values; In terms of legal liability, ChatGPT may cause or participate in some illegal or infringing acts and so on.

Break a million users in a week and have 100 million users in two months.

Of course, ChatGPT needs to constantly improve its technology and functions in the future development, especially in data security and ethics. ChatGPT developers need to seriously think about chatting.

In this ever-changing era of science and technology, the appearance of ChatGPT has brought many new opportunities and challenges to mankind. As human beings, we need to master the control ability of science and technology, use it with the right attitude and methods, and keep up with the development and changes of science and technology to maintain our competitiveness and innovation ability.

Therefore, ChatGPT is both a friend and an enemy of mankind. It has brought us unprecedented convenience and efficiency, but it also requires us to use and manage it more rigorously and carefully. I don’t know if you are expecting or resisting the pressure that AI will bring us in the future.

First place in active service! Jose Mourinho is the best player in the world, and the myth of Porto is still reappearing, with lawsuits against referees and protests against severe punishment.

On the list of the best coaches in the history of world football by IFFHS (International Federation of Football History and Statistics), Mourinho won the active championship with 242 points, beating Guardiola with 221 points. Coupled with the coach who has retired to the second line, Mu Shuai ranked second with 257 points, and Ferguson ranked first in history. The top ten are Ferguson, Mourinho, Guardiola, Wenger, Loew, Ancelotti, Bosco, Simone, Lippi and Deschamps.

The selection mechanism is regarded as a fair bureau, which scores according to the annual ranking of each category, including the world football year national team coach list and the club coach list in. The first place gets 20 points, the second place gets 19 points, the third place gets 18 points, and so on. The 20th place gets 1 point, and those below 20 places won’t get points.

According to this list, Mu Shuai is undoubtedly the highest in the world and the highest in scores among active coaches. What’s important is that Mourinho’s success has a high gold content, and it’s hard for anyone to repeat it. The most important honor is to lead Porto, who has a relatively flat and mediocre lineup, to complete the Europa League and the Champions League in succession, and to achieve the triple crown, the Manchester United low-ebb triple crown and the European champion in Rome together with Inter Milan, which is also unpopular.

Obviously, unlike other coaches, Mourinho led the team without paying attention to the morale and unity of the team, and was good at making a division of iron and blood. He played a super-large whole with a seemingly ordinary lineup and propped up his team’s victory in five finals in Europe. As a result, wherever Mourinho goes, there will be a group of die-hard players, and even many people say that "a scholar dies for a confidant", and his personality charm is full, which is a double-edged sword for Mu Shuai’s coaching. Some people who don’t listen to him will directly become thorns. Bogba is a good example.

At present, Mu Shuai has turned the team into a division of iron and blood in Rome, and has performed strongly in the double track of Serie A and Europa League. In the 26th round of Serie A against Sassuolo, after winning, he will catch up with Inter Milan, which ranks second in the standings, and get 50 points. The European War is expected to reappear the myth of coaching Porto, leading the team to win the European Championship for two consecutive years and at different levels, and now it has entered the top 8 of the Europa League with one foot. However, Mu Shuai himself was in trouble. He scolded the fourth official and got a red card when he lost 1-2 to Cremonese in round i24 in a store. Later, Mu Shuai received a fine, suspended for two games and imposed a fine of 10,000 euros. He chose a hard bar and filed a lawsuit directly with the referee group, because the fourth official provoked a scolding battle, and then asked the referee to show a red card, suggesting that the referee deliberately manipulated the game.

In the process of bringing a lawsuit against the referee, the heavy penalty suffered by Mu Shuai has not been implemented. Mu Shuai led his team to beat Juventus 1-0 and Real Sociedad 2-0 in the past two games. Now Mu Shuai’s heavy penalty came into effect on March 11th. The Italian Football Association confirmed that Mu Shuai failed to file a lawsuit against the referee. After the heavy penalty came into effect, Mu Shuai issued a document to protest and made a handcuff gesture directly to express his strong dissatisfaction. This gesture was only during his coaching at Inter Milan. Then Mourinho will not be able to improvise the 26th round of Serie A between Rome and Sassuolo and 27th round between Rome and Lazio, and the second round of the Europa League quarter-final will not be affected by the League.

Husband and wife internet robot: take you to understand AI artificial intelligence

The definition of AI artificial intelligence

In recent years, artificial intelligence can be said to be really hot, which has attracted the attention of many people and enterprises. It is a branch of computer science, which can imitate human intelligence to perform tasks, which is equivalent to having self-thinking consciousness. It is a new technical science used to research, develop, simulate, extend and expand the theoretical technology and application system of human intelligence. Since its appearance, artificial intelligence can be said to be increasingly mature and its application fields are increasing. Artificial intelligence can simulate the information process of human consciousness and thinking, and can deal with problems like human beings, even surpassing human beings.

Application of AI artificial intelligence in enterprises

Artificial intelligence can now be said to have become the first choice of major enterprises, and has run through all aspects of manufacturing such as design, production, management and service. Now artificial intelligence technology has been widely used in security, e-commerce, finance, medical care, education, personal assistant, autonomous driving and other fields. Artificial intelligence technology can automatically perform tasks, no longer need manual processes or tasks as in the past, improve enterprise performance and productivity, and can also exceed the human limit, give full play to the value of data and create huge benefits for enterprises.

At present, artificial intelligence has actually penetrated into all fields of our lives. In real life, almost everyone has access to AI artificial intelligence. From the aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation to the new economy, until the meaning and value of life itself, artificial intelligence can be said to have brought rapid changes to various industries of human beings.