Tik Tok soft porn, with the wings of imagination.

Author | Liu Xiaotu

Editor | Li Chunhui

Coach An An, who took off his black silk, is being mercilessly abandoned by male users in Tik Tok.

Just in June this year, her live broadcast room was still watched by hundreds of thousands of viewers. It was called a gongs and drums and flags. However, after the account was briefly banned for reporting, the live broadcast data of coach An An turned sharply. In the last three live broadcasts in July, the total number of viewers dropped by millions, and the peak number of online users was only over 60,000.

When he was just put into the "little black room", coach An An was still very unwilling and tried to make a comeback by playing several trumpets, but unfortunately none of them succeeded. She felt particularly wronged and cried in tears in the video "I don’t know where I am wrong." Obviously, there was nothing wrong before,How happy the audience is to see it, why do they just scratch the ball and have soft pornography?Friends chasing complaints, you have no heart.

However, the audit does not believe in tears, and the flow has its own logic. After the re-broadcast, coach An An had no choice but to change his black silk and short skirt and put on his coaching clothes and jeans again. This time, the male students were not happy, and they dropped out of school with "no charm" and "no motivation". Things have developed here, and it is self-evident that fans are watching and like to watch.

Seeing coach An An fall, women’s rights groups shouted in Weibo and Douban that it was well sealed, and called on sisters to continue to actively participate in the "anti-pornography" campaign in Tik Tok. They have long been dissatisfied with the ponytail rocking, rubber band jumping and cartoon waist popular in Tik Tok, and regard them as soft pornography, denouncing them for objectifying women and challenging morality, which is more corrosive than real porn.

The competition between soft porn and hard porn is not in the category of hard candy evaluation. What we want to discuss is:On the contrary, the relatively strict censorship mechanism of the Chinese Internet "forced out" the magical powers of soft pornography and the understanding of its audience.In order to adapt to the audit rules, these contents have been constantly revised and evolved, and have formed a series of protective barriers, which can grow wildly without restraint. Anyone who rashly criticizes will be branded as a prostitute and narrow-minded in aesthetics.

"When I saw short sleeves, I immediately thought of white arms and shoulders, naked bodies, genitals, sexual intercourse, hybridization and illegitimate children. The imagination of China people can only make such a leap at this level. " This passage of Mr. Lu Xun is still so realistic today, but it can be interpreted more. The alienation and infiltration of soft pornography in the era of short video, are they over-imagining or are we over-imagining?

It’s not "silk stockings"

Coach An An was originally an ordinary creator in the field of pan-knowledge. She has been in Tik Tok for half a year, and has been explaining the real questions and main points of the driving test to her fans. In the early dozens of videos, the team tried to act, make up paragraphs and make up jingles, but the interactive data was always low, and there was no sign of fire.

Until the hot summer, coach An An’s live dress became cool, and a short skirt outlined a graceful curve, and some fans suddenly developed an impulse to learn. In May, her studio was a little hotter than usual, but it was still far from the top stream.

Fortunately, although there are not many new powders, they are very active and keen to share their feelings on the barrage. From time to time, they will boast coach An An’s "good figure" and "full charm". These users’ feedback must have been read by Teacher An. The evidence is that her live painting style has become sexy all the way, and black silk, high heels and short skirts with hips have become standard.

To tell the truth, most shaky people have long been immune to stockings. Dance, fashion, cross-dressing and other popular themes, the tentacles are all beautiful legs of stockings, black, white and pink, and it is not limited to men and women. There is nothing to make a fuss about.

However, Mr. An An has made hundreds of millions of little moves. In several live broadcasts in June, she often talked and began to sort out stockings and pull clothes. These intentional or unintentional hints attracted the male audience to make up their minds. Coupled with a charming tone, the live broadcast room is even more popular.

The posture of taking off shoes sideways made teacher An An famous in the first world war.Old drivers from Tik Tok came in from all directions, and tried to "beg" the teacher to lift his feet in the front row of the comment area. In just two weeks, coach An An’s Tik Tok account has increased by nearly 3 million, and the number of topics of the same name has quickly exceeded 1 billion.

Soon, two divided worlds appeared around the "An ‘an phenomenon". On the one hand, the popularity soared, and Tik Tok users were fascinated by it, calling it "a living Buddha" and "a good teacher". On the one hand, the wind review is extremely poor, and Douban netizens hate it and criticize it for "three views are not correct" and "vulgar and charming men".

However, in the face of the hot weather, any doubt has not affected the black silk to become a hard currency in the live broadcast room. Overnight, the driving test anchors all wore black silk with the wind, and of course, the anchor involution was indispensable-the shorter their skirts crossed, the larger their scales became.

Not long after, the wave of "black wire anchor, online goods" swept to fishing gear, jade, cars, outdoor sports and other fields.To sum up, it is the Tik Tok account whose core consumers are mainly men, and many of them want to copy the famous route of coach An An. The anchorwoman who sells fishing gear is always jumping on the fishing box, and only sees two legs on the screen, which is really enough.

The old driver in Tik Tok simply sorted out a timetable and organized a delegation to visit bloggers such as Jingbao, Xiaolan and Mona, which is euphemistically called rain and dew.

But in fact, Hard Sugar Jun has paid attention to several accounts for a long time and doesn’t think there is anything wrong with their content scale. However, with the excessive attention of male users in Tik Tok, the comment area is full of vulgar messages such as "Guys are here", "I’m ready after washing my hands" and "I’m ready". Even serious content will inevitably suffer criticism and reputation decline.

We shouldn’t maliciously speculate about the creator. But when bloggers’ content is distorted and even nourishes soft porn culture, should they be themselves or make adjustments?

Algorithm launches soft pornography

Since the beginning of this year, some women, especially women’s rights groups, have been greatly offended by all kinds of popular contents in Tik Tok, such as waist cartoon, ponytail rocking cartoon, rubber band jumping and black ribbon goods. They did have an overwhelming discussion in Douban and Weibo, and they intended to launch a counterattack.

But in this process, there are also serious differences among women. The deviation of its viewpoint mainly lies in that,In Tik Tok, is it men who turn women into objects of desire, or are women willing to recommend themselves to desire for traffic?Who should the spearhead of "anti-pornography" be targeted at first is a difficult problem.

In several cyber wars, the resistance to the "comic waist challenge" is the loudest. The participation of most people who eat melons in this matter basically starts with the hot search in Weibo, where "Yang Mi challenges comic waist", and they follow the trend and spit out a few words. But if we repeat the whole process of "Comic waist incident", we will find more interesting things.

At the beginning of March this year, a group of Tik Tok women, online celebrity, initiated the creation of "comic waist", which attracted bloggers from all walks of life to imitate it. At this stage, they just want to show the perfect waistline, saying that skyshatter is just creating body anxiety, not to the point of objectifying women.

However, with the number of works played under # Comic Waist # exceeding 100 million, more and more people see the traffic bonus of this topic and secretly compete. The conventional figure display has suddenly become a challenge, and with the onlookers and comments of male users in Tik Tok, the painting style is completely ambiguous and vulgar.

Sociologist Baudrillard once said that magazines, television, movies and other powerful communication tools create a perfect female image. These "surreal" simulacra are in sharp contrast with real women, causing the latter anxiety and frustration. Relying on the powerful communication power, the media established cultural hegemony and finally colluded with men’s "fantasy sex".

New media such as short videos and live broadcasts make this hegemony even stronger.The "simulacra" has become a "simulacra". You know that female stars are distant goddesses, but it is easy to think that women around you should have the same good figure as Tik Tok and online celebrity, or at least the difference should not be too big.Especially with the "comic waist challenge" being calculated as a hot spot by the system, after being recommended by huge traffic, it will inevitably involve countless creators and appear in front of countless users in Tik Tok.

At this stage, the relevant video comment area has long been unsightly, and female bloggers are regarded as suppliers of sexual fantasies regardless of their original intentions. Naturally, there is no lack of "intentional" online celebrity to please male fans and make active adjustments in the creative direction. "My comic waist" lost its appeal and was replaced by "My comic waist for my boyfriend?" "Your girlfriend hasn’t taken a comic waist yet?" Waiting for the story of the female competition.

Ironically, it was not until the challenge baton was handed to the actress Yang Mi that negative public opinion began to detonate and ferment. Yang Mi was scolded, but it can’t be ignored that before she got involved, the topic of # Comic Waist # # Comic Waist Challenge # in Tik Tok had already topped 500 million to 600 million.

Ponytail rocking, rubber band jumping, black ribbon goods and so on are all hot spots in Tik Tok by the algorithm of "no feelings". The most painful thing is that the values and feelings of young users have not yet taken shape, and they do not have the ability to screen and filter information, so they are invisibly involved in soft pornography.

Some Tik Tok male users who love ponytail shaking love each other under the works of female online celebrity, saying "I can do it" and "the amount of exercise has come up";While running to the video of female students to "uphold justice", persuade "pay attention when you are old" and "you are still young, don’t shoot this".

This is a magical reality in all senses.

Soft erotic evolution theory

It must be pointed out that Tik Tok is still quite tough when dealing with vulgar and obscene content. Once the same city in Tik Tok was reduced to a secret position of erotic trading, the authorities quickly launched an investigation and rectification, and permanently banned a large number of illegal accounts.

To some extent, the auditing mechanism in Tik Tok is quite "strict". Many bloggers specialize in sending videos, and the rules of the tucao platform are too strict, and even normal works are difficult to publish. In online celebrity Fubao’s video, she complained about "no shorts in bars" and "no suspenders in swimming pools". As a heavy user in Tik Tok, Hard Candy Jun can also guarantee that he has never brushed hard pornographic content.

But in the final analysis, it is not difficult for the internet world to find such content.People really want to see hard disk works, so they will go to Tik Tok to find resources. Moreover, today’s young people seem to have lost interest in pure sex (at least in words) and rely more on the "sex" of the fantasy world.These two contents do show a trade-off relationship.

At present, animation, games, idols, short videos and other entertainment industries have made great achievements in the field of soft pornography and become a new paradise for young people. In those soft and light dream bubbles, all projections related to reality will be eliminated, and desires will be relieved in the softest way.

Japanese otaku, who doesn’t watch porn, is obsessed with China harem games. In this regard, a friend of Hard Sugar Jun who plays games explained that domestic games need to pass the audit, and we must grasp the scale in the design of roles, scenes and actions, and pay attention to where and how much clothes are exposed. Pure sex is too direct and naked, and if it is softer, it will have a new aesthetic taste.

Similarly, the relatively strict review mechanism of short videos has also inserted desires into the wings of imagination and completed evolution again and again.On the surface, this is an adaptation to auditing, but in the deep, it is also a catering to contemporary people’s secret psychology. The sexual and perfect objects over-displayed by the media make real men and women seem uninteresting, so people have to project their desires on symbols-leg control, hand control and restraint control came into being.

The platform does not allow topless breasts, so online celebrity people wear stockings, uniforms and hip skirts, and try to be as cool as possible within the permitted range, which leads to the ridicule of "Tik Tok watching movies, just around the corner". Hard Candy Jun once brushed the anchor in Tik Tok in the middle of the night with two cotton dolls, and was amazed!

Their creations all conform to the rules. Even wrapped in the coat of "aesthetic diversity" and "freedom to dress", you can’t blame it directly even if you feel inappropriate.

Not long ago, a blogger in Weibo wrote a long article denouncing "Three Pits flatter men and hate women", which aroused a hot topic in the whole network. Soon, Tik Tok Sankeng bloggers sent a video response, scrambling to vindicate the minority clothing culture. At the same time, they said that they like Hanfu, Lolita and JK uniforms, which belong to the freedom of dressing, and they will never accept disciplining women in the name of women’s rights.

There is a saying that ordinary boys actually don’t accept "exaggerated" dresses such as Hanfu and Lolita. However, it is not surprising that some people have the idea of "three pits to charm men". After all, many bloggers in short videos just use clothes as props and then make various sexual suggestive actions to cater to the fetish psychology of the opposite sex.

Anyway, it’s all aesthetic freedom, so it’s no wonder that after coach An An was banned, he cried and cried for himself. Yes, there was no problem at first, but how did it change later? Ponytail shaking, rubber band jumping and chest shaking dance are all the same.

Don’t like it, hard to say. Eat drink man woman has been in such a muddled state since ancient times. Fortunately, the algorithm is fair, and male bloggers have to bow for traffic. Women show their legs, men leak their breasts, Tik Tok soft porn has a bright future.

The original wheel test drive Tiggo 8 PRO is younger, more scientific and more luxurious.

With the listing of Tiggo 8 PRO in May this year, the Tiggo 8 family has formed a rich product matrix consisting of Tiggo 8, which focuses on power, Tiggo 8 PLUS, which focuses on fuel saving, and Tiggo 8 PRO, which focuses on technology. As the sales force of Chery and the star model in the independent medium-sized SUV market, the Tiggo 8 family has attracted much attention, and four products with different positioning are very eye-catching in their respective market segments. Not long ago, the Tiggo 8 PRO was pre-sold for 6 hours, and the order broke 30,000.

From the price point of view, the positioning of Tiggo 8 PRO is higher than that of Tiggo 8 and Tiggo 8 PLUS. On the basis of the advantages of the latter two, it further enhances the strength of science and technology and is called the flagship of science and technology. Recently, Brother Gu tested the Tiggo 8 PRO in Shangri-La, experienced its intelligent technology in Tibetan customs, and felt the fierce collision between traditional culture and advanced technology.

Younger sports, more technology and more luxury.

Although the positioning of the four products in the Tiggo 8 family is clear, for consumers, I am afraid they still don’t know how to start when it comes to specific choices. Compared with Tiggo 8 and Tiggo 8 PLUS, the characteristics of Tiggo 8 PRO can be summarized as younger sports, more technology and more luxury, which are the main differences from the previous products.

The first is the design of younger sports. The Tiggo 8 PRO adopts a completely different style from other models in the family. The air intake grille is larger and more open, and the mesh structure is dot-matrix design, which is more digital than the fashion star dot-matrix design of the Tiggo 8 PLUS. Headlights on both sides are connected by a chrome-plated visual strip, which runs through the grille. The shape of the front bumper has been redesigned, which is more integrated with the front grille, and the irregular cooling vents on both sides have also brought a strong digital effect.

The side of the car body is almost the same as that of the Tiggo 8 PLUS, and the shape of the wheel hub is slightly adjusted, keeping the overall fashion and dynamic. The tail design is closer to that of Tiggo 8, both of which are through taillights, but the shape is slightly different, and the shape of the rear bumper and exhaust pipe has not changed much. In terms of size, the Tiggo 8 PRO is the longest car body in the Tiggo 8 family, reaching 4745mm, so it will look more atmospheric in visual effect, while the car width, car height and wheelbase are consistent.

If the difference in design is only to improve the recognition of various models, then the difference in intelligent technology can best reflect the upgrade value of Tiggo 8PRO. It comes standard with a new generation of lion zhiyun Lion5.0 system, built-in with a new generation of high-performance car-level AI chips, and provides functions such as face recognition, non-inductive login, full-time wakeup-free multi-mode voice interaction, etc. On the whole, it has more functions and faster response. Of course, this is not enough to prop up the name of its flagship technology, so the Tiggo 8 PRO also has a 24.6-inch curved dual screen and Chery’s first W-HUD interstellar flying head-up display function.

Finally, there is luxury. When you enter the Tiggo 8 PRO car, you can not only feel a strong sense of science and technology, but also have a sense of luxury brought by wooden decorative boards, metallic speakers, large-area leather cladding, skylight atmosphere lights, the second row of shared entertainment smart screens, SONY 10 Yang surround sound and other configurations.

Focusing on the three key words of youth, technology and luxury, Tiggo 8 PRO provides consumers with a more valuable and "super-cup" medium-sized SUV choice, which is also of great significance to the Tiggo 8 family.

Kunpeng Power is as good as ever.

In terms of power selection, Tiggo 8 PRO provides 1.6TGDI/2.0TGDI engines. The test drive model of Brother Gu is a 2.0T four-wheel drive version, with a maximum power of 254 HP and a maximum torque of 390 Nm. It is matched with a 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox and equipped with a Chery full-scene intelligent four-wheel drive system. This version of the power configuration is also available on the Tiggo 8 PLUS, which is the highest specification power in the Tiggo 8 family. Whether it’s this 2.0T four-wheel drive or other Kunpeng power, Brother Gu has tried it, but he still experienced different aspects of this power in this test drive in Shangri-La.

Our test drive route has many complicated road conditions, from the north bank of Napahai to the south bank, and then from low altitude to high altitude to Baima Snow Mountain Pass. It is not uncommon to drive around the lake and mountains, bend, accumulate water and climb. When passing through the corner, the supporting performance of the Tiggo 8 PRO body is satisfactory, the roll is not big, and the body shaking of the rear passengers is small, which is acceptable for people who are prone to carsickness. On the day of the test drive, it was rainy, the road was slippery, and there were even many stagnant roads. Fortunately, the tires equipped with the Tiggo 8 PRO had good grip, and the intelligent four-wheel drive system also made us still confident when passing through the stagnant road at a high speed, and basically did not feel the slippage. Finally, the climbing section, the most eye-catching part of the 2.0T engine should be the acceleration ability in the middle and rear section, so the strong power needed for climbing can be given quickly, and the process of speed increase, turbine reaction and torque explosion is completed in one go. Of course, this is also indispensable for the four-wheel drive system.

Under these three road conditions, the performance of Tiggo 8 PRO is remarkable, which also shows that although it is a home SUV, it can also take into account some more extreme road conditions. On the whole, through this test drive, Brother Wheel found that the motivation and training of Tiggo 8 PRO actually had no obvious movement or comfortable direction, giving people a feeling that it was more in between. In the city, it is a conscientious family car, the power output is not radical, and it is even a little weak at the beginning, but when the speed comes up, you can get all the acceleration pleasure you want, and this process will still be based on comfort; Jumping out of the circle of the city, with strong power and four-wheel drive blessing, it can take on the responsibility of crossing mountains and seas.

It is understood that Tiggo 8 PRO will also launch a version equipped with Chery Kunpeng DHT hybrid system, from which we can also see the high-value positioning of Tiggo 8 PRO in the Tiggo 8 family. At present, Tiggo 8 PRO has been on the market for more than a month, and the market attention is still very high. After all, its appearance can be said to make the Tiggo 8 family look brand-new. More fashionable design and advanced technology further enhance the young and intelligent image of the family.

Xiaomi Auto’s first "heavyweight move" came: 澎湃 OS.

Xiaomi’s first "heavyweight", it’s coming!

Qualcomm Snapdragon Summit will be held from October 24th to 26th. At that time, Snapdragon 8 Gen3 will be officially unveiled as a new generation of high-end flagship SoC, and Xiaomi 14 series will be released at the end of October as the first model.

Wait, aren’t these things about the mobile phone circle? Do they have anything to do with the car circle? Don’t tell me, there is.

As the most important new product launch conference of Xiaomi in the year, in addition to Xiaomi 14 series, many people are still looking forward to the more mysterious Xiaomi self-developed OS, Xiaomi car, etc., and just today,Lei Jun really announced Xiaomi’s new self-developed first-generation system, namely Xiaomi HyperOS and 澎湃 OS system.

Xiaomi Auto's first "heavyweight move" came: 澎湃 OS.

Xiaomi 澎湃 OS: the ecological operating system of people and cars

Like Xiaomi’s self-developed chips in history, Xiaomi’s self-developed system is also named after "澎湃".

Lei Jun said,It is based on the deep evolution of Android and the self-developed Vela system integration, completely rewriting the underlying architecture, and making a public base for the future tens of billions of devices and tens of billions of connections, which is a key leap for Xiaomi to move towards the whole ecology of people, cars and homes.

At present, the official version of Xiaomi 澎湃 OS has been packaged, Xiaomi 14 series will be the first mobile phone equipped with this system, and production has started, and MIUI will gradually be replaced and disappeared.

Xiaomi Auto's first "heavyweight move" came: 澎湃 OS.

Xiaomi mobile phone and Xiaomi smart home must be very familiar to everyone. After all, who doesn’t have one or two Xiaomi smart speakers or Xiaomi-sized household appliances at home?

What I am most looking forward to this brand-new Xiaomi HyperOS is undoubtedly its terminal interconnection ability, especially in terms of handcart interconnection.

Since the beginning of this year, with the mobile phone manufacturers entering the field of new energy vehicles, they have given full play to the accumulation of software intelligence that they are extremely good at, which has brought a comprehensive dimension reduction blow to the car.

For example, the Huawei HarmonyOS HarmonyOS intelligent cockpit, which has gained a great reputation in the industry, has become an important reference factor for many users when buying cars, and Meizu Flyme Auto, which helped Link 08 rank among the first echelon, has become its core advantages in terms of system fluency, UI aesthetics, functional interaction and the most unique ability of handcart interconnection.

Handcart interconnection is a general trend, but car companies with shallow software foundation obviously do not have such ability for a short time. Today, in addition to Huawei Meizu, car companies have also opened up the interconnection between Weilai mobile phone and Weilai car machine, realizing their own ecological closed loop.

Therefore, whether the entry of Xiaomi Auto and Xiaomi HyperOS can bring great changes to the industry has become a point that everyone is looking forward to at the beginning of next year.

Two big tricks of Xiaomi automobile: cost performance and intelligence

According to Guo Ming Tan, a well-known analyst of Tianfeng International, Huawei’s sales of M7 exceeded expectations, symbolizing that the competition focus of China electric vehicle market began to shift to autonomous driving, software, marketing and channels due to the high industrial division of labor in manufacturing.

Judging from Xiaomi’s core competitiveness, this new competitive pattern is undoubtedly very beneficial to it. Although Xiaomi’s car-making qualification is still very mysterious to the outside world, the progress of Xiaomi’s first car is rumored to be very smooth. Some time ago, it was also tested in various parts of Xinjiang in summer, and the 800V high-voltage platform achieved excellent energy consumption performance.

Xiaomi’s first car is positioned at the B+ level, with a sliding back design, which is similar to the popular Tesla Model3 and Tucki P7. In addition, the roof of the car will be equipped with the Helsai Science and Technology Lidar invested by Xiaomi.

On both sides of the car body, the same or optional solid-state blind-compensating radar is installed to provide stronger perception, make up for the backwardness of software algorithms, and accelerate the high-order intelligent driving to catch up with the first echelon of the current industry.

Xiaomi Auto's first "heavyweight move" came: 澎湃 OS.

As for the battery pack, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited will be selected as the battery supplier for Xiaomi’s first model. Previously, the parameters of the online exposure battery pack were rated voltage of 726.7V, rated capacity of 139Ah and battery degree of 101kWh. It is not difficult to see that it is a real 800V high-voltage platform model, and its positioning is not low, or it is within the price range of 250,000-300,000 yuan.

Comprehensive and cost-effective hardware stacking is obviously the best trick for Xiaomi to invade a new field. At the moment when the intelligent competition of automobiles is gradually becoming the core, the birth of Xiaomi HyperOS can also show Xiaomi’s leading edge in the intelligent cockpit, which is the natural strength of mobile phone manufacturers.

In addition, as a global top 500 enterprise, Xiaomi also has mature and perfect business channels in many overseas markets such as Southeast Asia, which is also the basic accumulation of Xiaomi Automobile going to sea in the future.

Xiaomi Auto's first "heavyweight move" came: 澎湃 OS.

Therefore, for Xiaomi Automobile, I’m afraid it’s more appropriate to describe it as "everything is ready, only the east wind is needed". Let’s take a look at whether the Xiaomi car listed early next year can completely subvert the whole industry.

Article source: Tianji. com

Digital video: the net repayment of financing is 6,954,300 yuan, and the financing balance is 759 million yuan (03.

K figure 300079_0

According to the information of digital video financing and securities lending, on March 18, 2024, the net repayment of financing was 6,954,300 yuan; The financing balance was 759 million yuan, down 0.91% from the previous day.

In terms of financing, 18,503,100 yuan was bought in financing on that day, 25,457,300 yuan was repaid in financing, and 6,954,300 yuan was repaid in net financing. In terms of securities lending, 300 shares were sold, 7,000 shares were repaid, the margin of securities lending was 1,516,400 shares, and the balance of securities lending was 7,885,300 yuan. The balance of margin financing and securities lending totaled 767 million yuan.

Disclaimer: This article is based on big data production, for reference only, and does not constitute any investment advice. Therefore, the operation risk is at your own risk.

Bamboo Slips and Silk Documents and the Historical Inheritance of Chinese Civilization

  Author: Yao Xiaoou (distinguished professor, College of Literature, Liaocheng University)

  From the "school of ancient history discrimination" and "examination of ancient history" in the 1920s, to the end of last century and the beginning of this century, Mr. Li Xueqin advocated "getting out of the age of doubting ancient history", and the research on China’s ancient history was getting deeper and deeper, among which the re-establishment of the concept of China’s 5,000-year-old civilization history was the key. Tracing the origin and historical inheritance of Chinese civilization has become a cultural event of concern to the whole society, and the discovery and research of bamboo and silk documents is an important link in the study of historical inheritance of Chinese civilization.

  Characteristics and advantages of bamboo and silk documents and China’s ancient historical records

  Archaeologists pointed out: "Over the past 20 years, the Chinese civilization tracing project has gradually unveiled the mystery of the origin of Chinese civilization through the investigation and excavation of many urban sites such as Liangzhu in Zhejiang, Shijiahe in Hubei, Taosi in Shanxi, Shimao in Shaanxi and Erlitou in Henan. The Chinese civilization tracing project has basically clarified the origin and early development of Chinese civilization. " (Chen Xingcan: Promoting the Spread of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture, People’s Daily, 20th Edition, August 18th, 2022) As a general rule, the study of world history judges the historical age through archaeological achievements, all of which are combined with literature. The richness and inheritance of China’s historical documents are obvious to all.

  Mr. Qian Cunxun, a famous expert on books and documents and a Chinese-American scholar, has a detailed exposition on the characteristics and advantages of China’s historical documents in his famous book "Books on Bamboo and Silk —— Ancient Written Records of China". He said: "most of the history of mankind depends on the spread of written records, so it has been preserved to this day." China people’s recording methods and techniques of thoughts and activities have their own special position in the history of world cultural development. " Mr. Qian pointed out: "A major feature of China’s written records is its unique persistence and continuity. This feature enables a creative ancient culture in the world to continue to this day. In addition to the common sounds and meanings of ordinary characters, China characters also have their own special forms. This kind of characters with special forms transcends the changes in time and the limitations in space, unites the Chinese nation and creates one of the greatest cultures in the world. "

  In the preface to the book, Mr. Li Xueqin quoted the above comments and said, "I believe that anyone who has read the book on bamboo and silk will be moved by this significant conclusion." Mr. Li’s "significant judgment" includes its significance in clarifying the origin of Chinese civilization. "Book on Bamboo and Silk" gives a comprehensive account of the origin of China’s books, from inscriptions on Oracle bones, inscriptions on inscriptions and inscriptions on tablets to bamboo slips and silk books. Generally speaking, from the perspective of document inheritance, bamboo slips and silk books, especially the bamboo slips that record books, are particularly valuable for discussion.

  The carrier of bamboo slips is bamboo slips, which are all kinds of writing materials made of bamboo and wood, including bamboo slips, bamboo slips, bamboo slips and bamboo slips. Because Jane is a large number, the above written materials are often collectively referred to as "Jane". A book made up of simplified editions is the most common form of ancient books.

  Literatures written in simplified books were used very early. "Shangshu Toz": "Hey! Tell Doss, … only I know, but the ancestors of Yin have books and codes, and Yin died in the summer. " The words quoted in Todos are from the mouth of the Duke of Zhou, and the object of teaching is the adherents of Shang Dynasty. From this, we can see that the existence and content of the documents in the Shang Dynasty were well known at that time. Its credibility is beyond doubt. In Oracle Bone Inscriptions, there are also many records of "books" and their use. Academic circles have a positive conclusion about the fact that simplified books have been used in Yin and Shang Dynasties. According to this, we can know that the existing Shang Shu Pan Geng and the source of Shang Song in the Book of Songs have cultural and institutional roots.

  In addition, because of the material properties of organic materials, the document carrier of bamboo and silk is difficult to be preserved under normal conditions, which makes the number of ancient bamboo and silk buried in walls, underground and other places rediscovered by later generations small, so it should be especially cherished.

  Discovery of bamboo and silk documents in past dynasties and its significance

  Qin Shihuang burned books to bury Confucianism, which blocked the inheritance of China literature to a great extent. In the Han Dynasty, all kinds of pre-Qin classics appeared one after another, except for the book-carrying law in four years. During the period of Emperor Wu, ancient books of the pre-Qin period were unearthed in the walls of Confucius’ old house and other places. At that time, there were people who gave away the old books in the pre-Qin period. Ancient pre-Qin books discovered in the Han Dynasty mainly include the following three aspects.

  First, Confucius’ book in the wall. Historical Records Biography of the Scholars: "Kong’s family has an ancient book" Shangshu ",while Anguo read it in this text, because it started his family. I have won more than ten articles from the Book, and I have covered the Book of History. " Han Shu Yi Wen Zhi said: "The author of The History of Ancient Chinese Literature is out of the wall of Confucius. At the end of Emperor Wu’s reign, the King of the Communist Party of Lu ruined Confucius’ residence and wanted to enlarge his palace, but he got dozens of articles, such as The History of Ancient Chinese Literature, The Book of Rites, The Analects of Confucius and The Book of Filial Piety, all of which were ancient characters. " Liu Xin’s Book of Dr. Taichang: "When King Lu Gong destroyed Confucius’ residence, he got ancient prose in a bad wall. There are thirty-nine Yi Li, sixteen Books, … and the Spring and Autumn Annals, all of which were written by Zuo Qiuming, and more than twenty books were hidden in the secret mansion, but they were not published."

  Second, other unearthed documents and books in the Han Dynasty, including Li, Shangshu and Xiaojing. History of Han Art and Literature: "Li Gu Jing was written by Lu Yanzhong and Confucius, which is similar to seventeen articles, with thirty-nine articles more." Kong Yingda’s Justice of Shangshu quoted Liu Xiang’s Bielu: "At the end of Emperor Wu, if the people had the Thai Oath in the wall, they would give it." Kong also quoted Fang Hong, assistant minister of Huangmen in the 14th year of Jian ‘an in Xian Di, as saying: "In the first year of Taihe in Xuan Di, women in Hanoi had a bad old house and got three articles of Thai Oath." Xu Chong’s "On the Table of Explaining Words": "The author of the Classic of Ancient Chinese Filial Piety was presented by the three old people of Lu when he was filial to Emperor Zhao."

  Third, Zuo Zhuan presented by Zhang Cang and the ancient books presented by Hejian to the king. Xu Shen’s Pre-narration of Shuowen Jiezi said: "Beiping Hou Zhang Cang presented Zuo’s Biography in the Spring and Autumn Period". Its writing is "self-similar" to the book in Confucius’ wall and the Ding Yi inscription unearthed. "Han Shu He Jian Xian Wang Chuan": "He Jian Xian Wang De was established two years ago with filial piety, studying the past well and seeking truth from facts. If you get a good book from the people, you must write it well, keep it true, and add gold and silk to it. Because the people of the Quartet Taoism are not far away, or there are old books from ancestors, which are often presented to the king, so there are many books. And the Han Dynasty, etc … The books presented to the king are all ancient books before the Qin Dynasty, and the titles of Zhou Guan, Shang Shu, Li Ji, Mencius and Lao Zi are all recorded by legends and discussed by the people of seventy. "

  All kinds of classics we use today have been handed down by scholars in the Han Dynasty. All kinds of ancient pre-Qin books appeared in the Han Dynasty are of great significance to the establishment of the learning system in the Han Dynasty, and their influence has continued until now.

  After the Han Dynasty, the famous event of finding ancient simplified books in tombs was the discovery of "Jizhong Bamboo Book". Wang Guowei made an incisive judgment on the significance of the discovery of bamboo slips and silks, including "Jizhong Bamboo Slips", in the study of China’s ancient history. He said, "There was a book in the wall of Confucius, and then there was the study of ancient writers since the Han Dynasty. There are ancient artifacts unearthed in Zhao and Song Dynasties, and then there are ancient artifacts and ancient characters since Song Dynasty. After the bamboo book of Jizhong was unearthed in the Jin Dynasty, the result was not significant because of the chaos in Yongjia. However, Du Yuzhi’s Zuo Zhuan and Guo Pu’s Shan Hai Jing all quoted his theory, and the deeds of Yu, Yi and Yi Yin recorded in Bamboo Annals have become a major issue in China’s literature. However, the knowledge in China’s books depends on the discoverer of the underground, and it is not from today. " (Wang Guowei: "China’s newly discovered knowledge in the past two or three decades")

  It is said in the Annals of Bamboo Books that "those who share common interests do things of the emperor, not two-phase republic", which is different from that described in Records of the Historian Zhou Benji, but it is supported by Tsinghua bamboo slips. In a word, the discovery of bamboo slips and silks unearthed in the Han Dynasty is of great significance and far-reaching influence on the narrative of China’s ancient history and the inheritance of Chinese civilization.

  The Discovery of Bamboo and Silk Documents since the 20th Century and Its Significance

  Unearthed documents have played a key role in many important advances in academic research in the twentieth century. At the beginning of the 20th century, Wang Guowei used the newly discovered Oracle bone inscriptions at that time to write papers such as "Examination of the First Duke and the First King Seen in Yin Oracle Inscriptions" and "Continued Examination of the First Duke and the First King Seen in Yin Oracle Inscriptions", which proved that the history of Shang Dynasty described in Historical Records was basically correct, and thus inferred "the authenticity of Xia Houshi lineage". This assertion has extended the recorded history of China for more than 1000 years.

  From the end of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century, many discoveries and researches on bamboo and silk documents were greatly promoted. From the carrier, besides bamboo slips and silks, there are also Oracle Bone Inscriptions, bronze inscriptions, Wen Tao and inscriptions. Bamboo slips and slips mainly include two categories, one is documents, and the other is books. Documents include common tomb dispatches, ancient files, official documents, decrees and bookkeeping, as well as calendars, calendars, Japanese books and miscellaneous medical prescriptions. These types of documents are first-hand materials for studying the social system at that time and the living conditions of ancient people, which are naturally valuable. However, from the perspective of the historical inheritance of Chinese civilization, handed down classics and books similar to handed down classics are of greater significance. Bamboo Slips of Chu Tomb in Guodian, Bamboo Slips of Warring States Collected in Shanghai Museum, Bamboo Slips of Warring States Collected in Tsinghua University and Bamboo Slips of Warring States Collected in Anhui University contain many classics. For example, there are three kinds of Lao Zi and Yi Yi in Guodian bamboo slips, The Book of Songs and various Confucian documents in Shanghai bamboo slips, The Book of Songs and Shangshu in Tsinghua bamboo slips, The Book of Songs, National Style and The Analects of Confucius in Anda bamboo slips. In addition, the bamboo slips and Qin slips of the Western Han Dynasty collected by Peking University, and the Western Han bamboo slips of the tomb of Hai faint Hou, etc., also have important historical document value.

  There are two aspects worthy of special attention in the historical significance of the classic simplified literature. The first is the study of thinkers represented by Confucius in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, including their ideological origin, the formation of unified ideas and their transmission in later generations. The second is the exploration of the ancient history of China, including the dating and historical orientation of the ancient history of Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties and before.

  On the first aspect, the first breakthrough was made because of the publication of Bamboo Slips of Guodian Chu. On November 7th, 1999, the third edition of China Youth Daily published a series of articles written by Pang Pu, a famous philosopher and intellectual historian, with the title "How Bamboo Slips from Guodian Chu Tomb Rewrite the History of China Thought". The center of this group of articles is to discuss the inheritance of Guodian bamboo slips from Confucius to Mencius. The simplified version of Laozi has another meaning. The organizer of Guodian Bamboo Slips pointed out: "A and C of the simplified version of Laozi are the earliest copied versions of Laozi so far. Most of its sentences are similar or the same as this edition of Laozi. " This is strong evidence for affirming Lao Zi and his books recorded in historical documents. The study of the relationship between Laozi and Confucius can also be further deepened. Documents such as "Yi Yi" and "Five Elements" suggest that the Simeng School was widely spread in Chu at that time. New Confucian literature, such as "Self-assertion of Sex", "Poverty Reaches Time" and "The Way of Tang Yu", is also of great significance to the history of China’s thoughts. These show the inseparable relationship between Chu culture and the culture of the Central Plains during the Warring States period, and even for a number of periods. This is an excellent illustration of the pluralistic unity of Chinese culture.

  As far as the history of China’s "three generations" is concerned, the existence of the Xia Dynasty was questioned by the school of ancient history differentiation, and as mentioned earlier, Wang Guowei once inferred the "authenticity of Xia Houshi’s lineage" contained in Historical Records based on the Oracle bones in the Yin ruins. According to "Guoyu Luyu", after being defeated by Tang, "Jie ran to the south nest". Rong Chengshi, a bamboo slip on Shanghai Bo, gives a more detailed account of this important historical event: "Jie is the Lishan family who fled, and Tang attacked it from this, and fell from the slogan to cut Kaminokado high." Jie is the south nest family who fled, and Tang attacked it. I fled to the wilderness of Sangwu. " Comparing the two, the main contents of Xia Jie’s ending in handed down literature and unearthed literature are consistent. The latter also mentioned that Jie’s final destination was "the wilderness of Cangwu". This is intriguing. In history, "the wilderness of Cangwu" is related to Shun. In the neighboring areas of this area, some unearthed bronzes are classified as "early Shang period", which is very beautiful and its cultural source is worth studying. Unearthed documents such as Tsinghua bamboo slips "Thick Father" and "Shenbuwei" also provide new materials for the study of Xia history.

  Among the ancient civilizations in the world, the connotation and inheritance of Chinese civilization have their own characteristics. As far as the inheritance of civilization is concerned, the three generations of history and culture summarized by Confucius are represented by the chapters "Zai Yu Wen Wu Di De", "Emperor’s Family Name" and "Book of Rites and Liyun" in The Book of Rites, which have been passed down from generation to generation. Since the 20th century, the unearthed bamboo and silk documents have played an important role in the inheritance of contemporary Chinese civilization, which is worth our further study.

  Guangming Daily (11th edition, March 16th, 2024)

5: 00 a. m. The domestic media made a controversial decision: China football became the winner, and the fans screamed.

At 5: 00 am on October 31st, Beijing time, the latest news came from China Football. According to the domestic media "Football Daily", Titipan, the main midfielder of Thailand team, was seriously injured, and it was difficult for Dangda to play in China. This report also caused great controversy and discussion.

"Football Daily" wrote: "In the third round of the AFC Champions League in Bangkok, Titipan, the main midfielder of the Thai team, suffered tears in the anterior cruciate ligament and medial collateral ligament of his knee, and he will face a long recovery period of at least 8 months after the operation.

In addition to Titipan, 35-year-old striker Dangda also missed at least four weeks due to injury, making it difficult to catch up with Thailand’s home game against China on November 16th. Dangda is the third shooter in the history of Thailand. "

It can be seen from the report in Football News that China football has become the winner, and Thailand’s main players were injured before the preliminaries started. Although the media did not disclose more information, China now needs to rely on the injured opponents to win, which still attracted a lot of fans’ condemnation.

Some fans said: "They have all fallen to hope that others will get hurt and even be sent off. It is still Thailand. You can imagine what the level of football in China is. " Some fans also said: "It’s useless, the men’s football team still can’t win."

Of course, some fans said: "All the benefits are vulnerable in front of a stable national football team. The Japanese team and the European powers have played back and forth. We are still here to discuss with Thailand and Vietnam how we can not lose. It is really a laugh. "

The seventh generation of agricultural robots, the whole environment "data" monitoring irrigation! Science and Technology Empowers Jinshan "Smart Agriculture"

Jinshan as an agricultural regionIn recent years, the transformation of old and new kinetic energy in agriculture has been continuously promoted.Through the empowerment of science and technology, we will accelerate the development of agriculture into science and technology, intelligence, informationization and precision, and put wings on rural revitalization..

At present, it is spring ploughing season. At Diantian Robot Smart Farm in Tinglin Town, technician Zhou Pengfei is debugging the latest generation of agricultural robots with his colleagues. Rotary tillage, ridging, watering, sowing, and sending operation instructions through mobile phones, these agricultural robots equipped with GPS and Beidou dual systems will "do their jobs" and automatically realize accurate operations with an error of less than 5 cm.

Zhou Pengfei, Technician of Shanghai Diantian Agricultural Cooperative.

Manual operation can’t make a straight line. If we use our machine, every positioning is very accurate, and a straight line will be formed from point to point, making the ridge surface very flat.

In order to change the traditional agricultural production mode, six years ago, Shanghai Diantian Agricultural Cooperative targeted the field of intelligent agricultural robots. Nowadays, the agricultural robots in the cooperative have been updated to the seventh generation. By using technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence image recognition and big data system, more than 30 tasks such as farming, weeding and picking can be carried out, covering all aspects from cultivated land to harvest.

Zhangqian, a staff member of Shanghai Diantian Agricultural Professional Cooperative.

After upgrading, we also have some of our own supply chains, including some cooperative factories.

At the same time, the AI intelligent operating system and saiga architecture of agricultural robots independently developed by the cooperative can realize the cooperative operation of multiple agricultural robots independently, and truly realize the digitalization of the whole process of agricultural planting and farming management. At present, these intelligent agricultural robots have been widely used in farms in Shanghai, Zhejiang and Northeast China. In 2023, the annual GDP of cooperatives is expected to reach 150 million yuan.

Wang Jinyue, Chairman of Shanghai Diantian Agricultural Cooperative.

In the future, this R&D system will be more open, open source and more adaptable.

"Intelligentization" is not only applied to agricultural operations, but also reflected in modern agricultural irrigation. In the cooperative base of Tinglin Town Huawei Water Saving Technology Group Co., Ltd., a large number of air and soil sensors are distributed in the intelligent strawberry greenhouse with full environmental control. They pay close attention to the growth of crops all the time, and the data such as soil pH value and dry humidity will be monitored in real time and sent back to the computer, which will give instructions after judgment, so as to realize accurate automatic irrigation.

Jiang Tingting, technician of Huawei Water Saving Technology Group Co., Ltd.

The expert system will analyze whether these data are in line with the growth of crops, so that we can know whether it needs watering or fertilization.

By monitoring irrigation with "data" of the whole environment, each greenhouse can save more than 95% of water and fertilizer, and the strawberry yield is also increased by nearly 30%. At present, Huawei has carried out intelligent water and fertilizer integration, Internet of Things agriculture, digital factory, facility cultivation system construction and technical guidance in all regions of the country, covering an area of more than 3 million mu in 25 provinces across the country. Only Huawei drip irrigation technology can benefit about 1.2 million mu of farmland every year, saving costs and increasing efficiency for growers by about 1.2 billion yuan.

Lv Mingli, Chairman of Huawei Water Saving Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Huawei has accumulated more than 20 years in the industry, and we are the first entity to realize the commercial application of crop growth models, accurately matching different growth stages to meet the needs of water, fertilizer, light and heat.

At present, Jinshan District has established smart agriculture experimental zones such as BOE, Songlin, Jiufeng and Rongmei. The intelligent soilless culture system was built by Zhilian Factory, a special vegetable in Langxia Town, BOE, with the help of AI technology, and the mechanized planting coverage in the vegetable growing process was over 90%. Dingdong is the first self-operated vegetable planting base to buy vegetables, which can realize the mechanization of seedling raising, tillage, ridging, transplanting, plant protection and harvesting. In the next step, Jinshan will focus on the joint construction of the national agricultural science and technology modernization pioneer zone, and continuously introduce, digest and absorb cutting-edge agricultural science and technology achievements, so that digital empowerment can promote the high-quality development of Jinshan agriculture.

After VAR awarded OPE a penalty for Liverpool handball, Salah shot wide and missed the penalty.

Mohamed Salah missed a penalty for OPE against Bournemouth at noon on Saturday.

VAR awarded Liverpool handball

Salah broke the reds’ first goal of the season.

Klopp lost to relegation fighter Bournemouth.

What happened? Liverpool were awarded a penalty for Adam Smith’s handball, which gave them a chance to equalize the score against Bournemouth. Salah stood up for Liverpool’s first penalty of the season and uncharacteristically missed the ball!

The bigger picture: Liverpool hope to take advantage of last week’s 7-0 victory over Manchester United on the South Coast. Philip Bill scored the only goal of the game, and the Red Army fell behind. They thought they had a chance to return to the game before Salah missed the penalty.

King of cunning! Mourinho will do whatever it takes to reach another new height.

Mourinho has a wide range of highlights in his experience of coaching some top clubs in Europe. However, his most famous night happened in the Champions League in 2010/11, when two mysterious red cards seemed to benefit Real Madrid in the following rounds. Real Madrid’s qualification from Group G has been stabilized, and Mourinho tried to take action in the last game of the group stage against Ajax. Mourinho incarnated as a master of shuffling, clearly instructed Ramos and Alonso, and took the initiative to get two yellow cards and was sent off.

After Ramos and Alonso are sent off, they will be suspended for one game, but they will remain innocent in the most important knockout. Sure enough, Alonso completed this task in an efficient way and took the initiative to apply for a red card and was sent off. Ramos then received a second yellow card. As expected, the referee Craig Thompson did what was expected and sent off the two players. Then, Ramos walked up to the referee and shook hands with him, which made it more obvious that he was accepting Mourinho’s instructions.

Although Mourinho’s bold decision achieved the expected results, it also brought some adverse side effects to Real Madrid. UEFA ordered Real Madrid to pay a huge fine, Mourinho was suspended for two games and fined 40,000 euros, and the club was also fined 120,000 euros. This legendary coach who calls himself "a special one" makes UEFA very angry! Despite his cunning tricks, Mourinho felt the pain of facing his arch-rival Barcelona not once, but twice that season. First of all, Barcelona performed better in the two rounds of the Champions League semi-final and eliminated Real Madrid.

Under the leadership of coach Guardiola, Barcelona also easily won the La Liga championship with a 4-point advantage. Mourinho finally left Real Madrid in 2013 and returned to Chelsea, starting his second coaching career. After winning the Premier League title again at Stamford Bridge, the 60-year-old handsome man’s worth and reputation gradually declined. Before he took charge of Rome in 2021, his teaching achievements at Manchester United and Tottenham Hotspur were unsatisfactory and mixed.

Beta thinks: During coaching Real Madrid, Mu Shuai will do whatever it takes to reach another new height! Mourinho is not only a special one, but also a veritable king of cunning. His unique personal charm attracts countless fans! I hope he can go further in Rome!

So for this news, fans, do you have anything to say? If you like this article, welcome to pay attention to Beta and chat with the stars and the ball game.

Is it really easy to turn graphics into video?

How many content creators keep up late to cut videos of liver explosion? Have you ever thought that one day we can get rid of this heavy work and be done by AI instead? In fact, judging from the development status of AIGC industry, the above imagination is entirely possible to become a reality, and it may be in the near future.

From the perspective of Xiaobian, the content editing industry will go through three stages of development, and we are currently in the initial state of the second stage.

The first stage: pure manual editing

In the traditional sense, it is the manual editing of staying up late to burst the liver. The quality of editing depends on the level of editors and the time spent. This stage is characterized by "high labor intensity" and "a lot of repetitive work". It is precisely because of this pain point that with the progress of technology, the pain point of "excessive physical labor" was first solved by AI. After all, what AI is best at is simple and repetitive labor.

The second stage: manual +AI collaboration stage

AI is good at simple and repetitive movements, but AI is not only good at simple and repetitive movements. So the development of video editing industry has entered the stage of "manual +AI collaborative editing". From the clipping used in our daily life to some commercial clips in the toB field, we can see that AI smart clips are active among them.

Watson, an artificial intelligence system of IBM, edited the trailer for the sci-fi thriller movie Morgan as early as 2016. The technical team collected 100 thriller movie trailers for Watson to machine learn. Watson’s unique training model tagged the details of these trailers, such as picture, audio, scene connection, sound configuration, etc., decomposed and learned one by one, and assigned them to its own creative model. Finally, Watson successfully used the trained data model to select materials from 90-minute movies, and edited them into a 6-minute trailer, which was successfully put into use for film announcement.

Up to now, this kind of intelligent matching tool platform has evolved to the extreme, and ordinary users can simply use AI function for intelligent editing. On the local AI intelligent graphic-to-video platform, one frame per second is the highest, and the user inputs the edited copy. AI will automatically perform intelligent picture matching from the platform’s powerful online material library, presenting its own intelligent video generation results in seconds, and matching all-round details such as pictures, dubbing, subtitles, etc. in one stop. Users can directly export and use it with simple confirmation, especially in the production of popular science content and simple sharing content with low editing difficulty.

At the same time, AI, as an auxiliary tool of intelligent editing, is also blooming in the development direction. At present, all kinds of AI-enabled editing software emerge in an endless stream, some of which support intelligent graphic-to-video, some of which focus on recording and cutting, and some of which can simulate the voice of the user for dubbing modification and adjustment. The "scoop" can also be quickly corrected through AI. In short, the current AI intelligent editing industry is in a thriving development trend. It can be said that with the progress and integration of technology, AI will be fully involved in the field of intelligent editing, and our video editing work will be greatly released.

The third stage: pure AI editing stage

In the future, AI will run video editing in the whole process, even the currently difficult "audit" work. This is a bold idea put forward by Xiaobian, which has certain subjectivity. The main idea of this view is that the compliance and rigor of AI creation are unmatched by human editing. At present, AI editing is still in the primary stage, so human assistance is needed in content review and sensitive screen screening. However, the speed and capacity of AI learning is far beyond that of human beings. With a large number of legal provisions and review rules being learned by AI, the whole process of video editing will be completed by AI.

AI can even avoid problems such as audit omission caused by human fatigue and negligence. Even, while recording and cutting, real-time synchronization, the completion of shooting is a piece of export, which is not completely impossible. In addition to the research and development of AI automatic editing software, there may be AI shooting intelligent hardware devices, workstations and other products in the future, so as to maximize the convenience of video production. The development of AI technology makes us more daring to imagine its bright future.

In addition, what really makes Xiaobian feel that the intelligent editing industry will eventually rise vigorously is that the existing problems "seem" are not problems, and AI will eventually break them one by one with strong technical strength. When the AI industry was just beginning to develop, we were worried that AI would replace some human jobs. At that time, the prediction given by the technology industry was that "art, creativity and other jobs that need to exert human imagination will not be replaced".

However, at present, AI’s original painting has become a reality, and the field of artistic creativity has become the first industry to be impacted. It can be seen that AI’s "imagination" is far beyond our imagination, and the speed of technology iterative update is much faster than expected. The future is really coming.