Peng Yuyan sounded the rallying call, and all the warriors rallied to support the turtles

  9month24China Sea Turtle Conservation Union (hereinafter referred to as the "Union") and WildAid, an international nature conservation agency, have joined forces.WildAidPeng Yuyan, a well-known actor who has actively participated in the protection of sea turtles in recent years and participated in the filming of the marine protection documentary "Sea Turtle", will serve as a representative of "Sea Turtle Warrior" and issue an invitation to the public to take action.

  In recent years, due to various factors such as global warming, marine pollution, illegal poaching, fishing and release, and illegal trade in sea turtle products, the global sea turtle population and habitat quality have continued to decline, and sea turtles are facing an unprecedented survival crisis. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCNSix of the world’s seven remaining species of sea turtles are designated as"Extinction risk"Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and FloraCITESInclude all seven species of sea turtles in the appendixIThe international trade of sea turtles and their products is prohibited. At the same time, our country’s sea turtles are also facing problems such as continuous decline in population and serious shrinkage of main habitats, especially spawning grounds. In order to strengthen sea turtle protection,2018In 2008, the China Sea Turtle Conservation Alliance was established. Alliance members carried out different forms of activities across the country, widely publicized sea turtle protection knowledge, and carried out many sea turtle release activities. Over the past three years, a total of sea turtles that have been accidentally caught and rescued and recovered have been released1200Multiple. This year.8In May, the Alliance will99Only the recovered turtles were rescued and released into the sea, and satellite trackers were installed on several of them. Data collected shows that some of the turtles have now crossed the Taiwan Strait north, and others have reached the Philippines southward. This year6In January, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the State Forestry and Grassland Administration released the "National Key Protected Wildlife List (exposure draft) ", which has upgraded all sea turtles distributed in our country to national-level protected species. In this context, the China Sea Turtle Conservation Alliance and Wildlife Rescue launched"Turtle Warriors Rally"Action, and invited Zeng to work together to film the marine conservation documentary "Sea Turtleaid"Well-known actor Peng Yuyan participated. Peng Yuyan, as a turtle warrior, blew the sound to find"Turtle Warrior"The rallying call calls on the public to join the team to protect sea turtles. The alliance will also protect sea turtles what ordinary people can do"small thing"Sorted out and filmed into a video, and invited the public to pay attention to and participate in sea turtle protection through various media channels such as the Internet, social media and out-of-home advertising. Through continuous extensive and in-depth publicity, not only can the public fully understand the knowledge of sea turtle protection, but also encourage the public to participate in the protection work through actions within their ability, and extend the protection action to every ordinary person to form a joint force of the whole society to protect sea turtles. Peng Yuyan, who participated in the shooting, said:"Since I became involved in the protection of sea turtles, I have come to realize more and more that the people who protect sea turtles should not only be law enforcement officers, scientists, and environmentalists, but moreTurtle WarriorNo matter what career you have, no matter where you live, these are the things you can doWhen everyone wants to joinTurtle WarriorThe moment of salvation that the sea turtles are waiting for will come."In its work, the alliance has found that although people’s awareness of sea turtles has increased, urban populations living far from the coast do not know what they can do to protect sea turtles. WildAid, the international nature conservation agency, is one of the first members to join the China Sea Turtle Conservation Alliance. For three years, it has been conducting popular science publicity campaigns to raise public awareness of sea turtle protection. Steve, the chief representative of WildAid in Beijing, said:"In fact, each of us can do something, and it is very important. For example, reduce the use of single-use plastic products such as plastic bags; strictly abide by relevant regulations in tourist destinations with turtle spawning grounds and do not disturb turtle spawning; do not buy illegal turtle products; do not release turtles without permission; report illegal turtle trade you see in the market or online, etc. Ordinary people can also become warriors to protect turtles, which is what is needed to protect turtles most."The China Sea Turtle Conservation Alliance welcomes friends from all walks of life who are willing to participate in sea turtle protection and marine ecological protection, and become friends with Peng YuyanTurtle WarriorActively participate in marine conservation efforts.



   Current status of sea turtle protection in our country

  Sea turtles are a general term for marine turtle species. They have existed in the world since the age of dinosaurs and are a famous "living fossil". Worldwide shared7Sea turtles are affected by various factors globally7Sea turtles, as an important flagship species in the marine ecosystem, have attracted great attention from the international community. In the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, all sea turtles are listed as appendicesIIts international trade activities are severely restricted.

  Our country has a total of5Sea turtle species are rich in resources in history, but in recent years, due to environmental pollution, human activities interference, illegal trade and other reasons, the decline of sea turtle populations in our country is very serious. Our country has always attached great importance to sea turtle protection1988When the Wildlife Protection Law was issued in 2008, all sea turtles were listed as national second-level key protected wild animals, and a series of work has been carried out. One is to strengthen the protection of sea turtle habitats. The National Nature Reserve for Sea Turtles in Huidong Port, Guangdong Province was established, and support was given to the establishment of a sea turtle protection station in Qilianyu, Sansha City, Hainan Province, so that sea turtle species resources and breeding environment can be effectively protected. The second is to actively carry out sea turtle breeding and release. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has organized and carried out sea turtle breeding and release activities in Xisha and other places for many years, and Guangdong and other coastal provinces and regions have also carried out sea turtle release for many years. Through the installation of trackers, the research on the migration of sea turtles has been strengthened, and technical support has been provided for better protection of sea turtles Make use of important time nodes such as Aquatic Wildlife Science Awareness Month, World Animal and Plant Day, Ocean Day, etc., to widely carry out protection publicity for sea turtles in various ways, and create a social atmosphere of caring for and protecting sea turtles. Fourth, strengthen scientific research. Through the continuous exploration of research institutes, protected area management institutions and other research units, the wild migration routes and breeding conditions of sea turtles have been initially figured out, and major breakthroughs have been made in the technology of artificial breeding of sea turtles. Fifth, strengthen law enforcement supervision. Law enforcement departments such as fishery administration, public security, customs, industry and commerce, and marine police have jointly strengthened the crackdown on illegal and criminal acts against sea turtles and other wild animals. They have carried out special projects to enforce the law, investigated and dealt with a number of illegal cases, and effectively cracked down on the arrogance of criminals.


   Sea Turtle Protection Proposal

  Sea turtles are a class of ancient large marine reptiles that have been1.5With a history of more than 100 million years, it is a veritable "living fossil". As the oldest species, sea turtles have been swimming in the ocean for hundreds of millions of years, but now they are facing multiple crises with nowhere to hide: they have lost most of their spawning grounds, their food is dwindling, plastic products are floating in the ocean… There are also many people who want to buy goods made from turtle shells, or food and medicine made from turtle meat and eggs, which has led to an increase in illegal capture and trade of sea turtles, and the survival pressure of sea turtles is increasing and the threat is increasing.

  As one of the flagship marine species, sea turtles are crucial to the health of marine ecosystems and are also an important indicator species for marine environmental monitoring. What happens to sea turtles is also a common encounter of many marine organisms. The damage of the marine environment is directly related to us humans, and the protection of the marine environment is also inseparable from everyone’s actions.

  We issue an initiative to all fishermen. As a fisherman, please commit to legal fishing operations and never illegally fishing for precious and endangered species such as sea turtles.

  We appeal to all divers. As a diver, please promise never to violate diver ethics and harm marine life.

  We appeal to all consumers. As a consumer, please promise never to buy any illegal turtles or other wildlife products.

  We also issue an appeal to all tourists. As a tourist, please promise never to bring any wildlife products into or out of the country illegally, nor to leave garbage in the sea or on the shore.

  We issue an initiative to all parents. As a parent, please teach your children to understand nature, care for wildlife, and be responsible for the environment from an early age.

  We also issue an initiative to every member of the public. Environmental protection and species protection require everyone’s participation. Even if you don’t live by the sea, the ocean is not far away from you; maybe you have never seen sea turtles with your own eyes, you can still help them. We appeal here: Please start with us from the small, don’t let the colorful ocean fade in our hands, protect sea turtles, you and I walk together!

Shenzhen’s bus taxis are basically electrified, reducing fuel consumption in the transportation industry by 95% and reducing carbon emissions by 2.20 million tons per year

The reporter learned from the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Commission that the current proportion of pure electric taxis in Shenzhen has reached 99.06%, basically realizing the full electrification of taxis. By the end of 2017, all buses in Shenzhen have been fully electrified, which means that Shenzhen has become the first city in the world where buses and taxis are basically fully electrified.

As one of the 13 pilot cities of our country’s "demonstration and promotion of energy-saving and new energy vehicles", Shenzhen has been the first to promote new energy vehicles nationwide since 2010. At present, the fuel surcharge for fuel taxis in Shenzhen is 2 yuan/time. It is estimated that the annual surcharge for 21,400 electric taxis in Shenzhen is as high as 625 million yuan. Wang Huimin, a pure electric bus driver, told reporters that the cost of fuel vehicles per 100 kilometers is 77.55 yuan, and the maximum cost of electric vehicles is 25.3 yuan, which can be reduced by 67%.

According to statistics, after the full electrification of urban buses and taxis, Shenzhen’s annual emission reduction of nitrogen oxides and other pollutants is 869.6 tons. The annual reduction of carbon dioxide emissions is 2.209 million tons, which is almost equivalent to the carbon emissions of 800,000 household cars. Shenzhen’s transportation industry has also reduced fuel emissions by more than 95%. Low-noise pure electric vehicles also reduce noise pollution during driving.

"The windshield display of pure electric taxis will also appear in Luohu, Futian and other words. I will choose the vehicle on the way when I take a taxi, and I will no longer be afraid of being rejected by the driver," said Sister Min Wang of Shenzhen. The pure electric taxis in operation in Shenzhen are also equipped with intelligent end points, which realize functions such as facial recognition, real-time panoramic monitoring, accurate metering and multi-electronic payment.

The large-scale promotion and use of pure electric buses and taxis has also driven the rapid development of Shenzhen’s new energy industry. In 2017, the added value of Shenzhen’s new energy industry reached 67.64 billion yuan, an increase of 15.4%. Today, Shenzhen has become the largest and most clustered city in our country’s strategic emerging industries. BYD, a locally grown car company in Shenzhen, has been the global new energy vehicle sales champion for three consecutive years. New energy buses and taxis made in Shenzhen are also galloping in more than 200 large and medium-sized cities around the world, including London, Los Angeles, Tokyo and Sydney.

Dashiqiao Township, Xichuan County: Cherry management is at the right time.

Recently, cherry blossoms in the big cherry greenhouse in Dashiqiao Township, Xichuan County, Nanyang City are blooming in the spring, and the small flowers are emitting the "fragrance" of spring. At present, it is the critical period for cherry trees to blossom and grow. Fruit trees have great demand for water and fertilizer, and high requirements for light, temperature and humidity control. Technicians and growers are pulling and pruning the big cherry trees to protect the growth and development of the big cherry. (Fan Xiaoheng Video Source: Propaganda Department of Luanchuan County Committee)

On the 19th, Dongge Town, Wenchang will hold a volleyball match. These teams have their own characteristics →

Original title: A volleyball match will be held in Dongge Town, Wenchang on the 19th. These team names have their own characteristics →

New Hainan Client, Nanhai Net February 18 news (Reporter Wu Yuewen) During the Spring Festival, in 2024, the "Spring 99 Cup" Hainan (Wenchang) Village Volleyball Spring Festival was staged wonderfully, attracting many citizens and tourists to the scene to watch. In order to enrich the cultural life of the masses and create a good atmosphere for national fitness, on February 19th, the "Anti-drug Cup" nine-a-side men’s volleyball tournament in Dongge Town, Wenchang City will be held in the volleyball court of Xiafu School in Dongge Town and the volleyball court of Dongge Town Government.

Data Map: "See you again at the stadium" 2023 Dongge Town Township Volleyball Invitational Tournament in Wenchang City.

The reporter learned that the competition was jointly organized by the village neighborhood committees of Dongge Town and the relevant departments and units of the town. There were 17 teams including Dongge Juxizai Rice Team, Liangfeng Shrimp Team, Baofang Village Wenchang Chicken Team, Qunjian Sandworm Team, Fengshan Village Passion Fruit Team, Xiafu Black Goat Team and Tianlun Tilapia Team. These team names are very distinctive, highlighting the famous "specialties" in Dongge Town, Wenchang City.

Data Map: "See you again at the stadium" 2023 Dongge Town Township Volleyball Invitational Tournament in Wenchang City.

Data Map: "See you again at the stadium" 2023 Dongge Town Township Volleyball Invitational Tournament in Wenchang City.

The 9-a-side volleyball tournament will be held at 9: 00 am on February 19th at Dongge Town Government Volleyball Field. It is expected that the champion and runner-up will be decided at 10: 00 that night. Subsequently, an award ceremony was held, in which the first prize was 5880 yuan, the second prize was 4880 yuan, the third prize was 4880 yuan, and the third prize was 3880 yuan.

(Wu Yuewen)

Naked donation of 175 billion! The life of the richest woman in Silicon Valley, "the sparrow turns into a phoenix", is more wonderful than marrying a genius.

Waiting for the "reunion dinner" in spring

Wei Li

The reunion dinner on New Year’s Eve is also called reunion dinner, which means family reunion, happiness and auspiciousness. During the interview against COVID-19 epidemic this year, the author heard that an old father suffering from cancer and his three sons who were both in traffic law enforcement posts had a reunion dinner that was postponed again and again, waiting for the spring dinner. After many twists and turns, I found the client.

Du Hongping, Du Taoping and Du Jiangping are all traffic law enforcement officers, and their parents are also retired employees of Liangping traffic system, which can be described as a typical "second generation".

The eldest Du Hongping and the second Du Taoping worked in Liangping, and the third Du Jiangping was transferred to the high-speed law enforcement department in 2014. As traffic law enforcement officers, Spring Festival and Spring Festival travel rush are the busiest times for the three brothers. But according to tradition, every year on New Year’s Eve, the family will try their best to get together and have a lively reunion dinner.

Different from previous years, my 81-year-old father has been suffering from lung cancer for many years, and he has been treated with chemotherapy three times before and after, and his health is getting worse. The three brothers privately agreed that this year’s Spring Festival reunion dinner must bring together all the family members, old and young, with no one missing, and take a family photo to make the old father on his deathbed happy for one year.

"The plan is at six o’clock in the evening, and everyone will have a reunion dinner together after the third child comes back. Because my father is so old, plus it is terminal cancer, it may be the last reunion dinner. " Boss Du Hongping said.

Just as my mother was preparing the ingredients for the New Year’s Eve dinner, Du Jiangping, the third son of the law enforcement brigade in Chongqing’s main city, told everyone that she would be on duty on New Year’s Eve and suggested that the time for the New Year’s Eve dinner should be adjusted to the second day of the first month …

Everyone thinks it is ok to postpone it for two days, as long as the family can be reunited and have a sense of ceremony during the Spring Festival to meet the wishes of the elderly.

In order to prepare for this postponed reunion dinner, my father specially arranged for my mother to cook dried pig’s feet in advance and buy Liangping’s special product "Daoer Mie" braised dishes, so that my children and grandchildren can get together and feel the warmth of the big family. The second child Du Taoping also arranged for his wife and daughter to go to the supermarket on the first day of the first month to buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

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At noon on the second day of the first month, Du Jiangping, the third son, hurriedly drove back to Liang Ping’s hometown from the main city of Chongqing after work. Just when I arrived at the stairs of the traffic family home where my parents lived, a phone call stopped Du Jiangping and he was in a dilemma. The phone call was made by a colleague from the company-due to the severe epidemic situation in COVID-19, all people on leave are required to return to their posts immediately!

"It is complicated to get this notice, because my father’s condition is getting worse and worse, and it is rare to have such an opportunity to reunite. Returning to work immediately means that this reunion dinner has to be given up again."

Colleagues also kindly reminded Du Jiangping that due to the complicated identity of the people who came into contact during work, they must be disinfected before meeting their parents, so as to be careful to infect their families.

After much consideration, Du Jiangping informed his eldest brother at home to come downstairs, handed over the honey, cereal and other gifts he bought back to his father, and decided to return to work in the main city of Chongqing immediately.

"Just as I turned around, I heard a familiar voice-my mother shouted my nickname on the balcony on the third floor and told me to pay attention to safety and wear a mask during work. At this point, my heart is particularly sad, and my eyes are full of tears … "

In this way, the Dujia reunion dinner, which was originally postponed, can only be postponed for another time …

Among the three brothers, Du Jiangping, the third, spends the least time with his father. "When I was young, my father was a soldier and I was at home. When I grew up, my father was at home and I went to be a soldier again. Later, I went to work in high-speed law enforcement, and I always lacked companionship with my parents. Due to busy work, the last time I went home was more than two months ago. "

In Du Jiangping’s eyes, the father of a military background is particularly strict with the three brothers. He is often taught that a soldier will not fade after he leaves the army, and he should always keep his true colors as a soldier. Over the years, the three brothers have kept in mind their father’s teachings and worked hard to do their own jobs, all of which have become the backbone of the unit.

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Although the epidemic delayed this "reunion dinner", the father in the hospital bed often called the three brothers who fought in the front line of the epidemic and told them to pay attention to their health and take precautions.

In the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic, Du Hongping, the boss, is the head of Yunlong exit traffic health quarantine station of G42 Chongqing-Yichang Expressway. "Commanding more than 1,000 cars to pull over every day during the rush hour means making thousands of gestures. When eating after work, it is difficult to hold the chopsticks steadily and it hurts all over."

Du Taoping, the second child, is guarding the card at Qixing Station of X116 Line adjacent to Guanyin Town, Dazhu, Sichuan. When he returns to the unit, he must do a good job in ensuring the supply of rice bags, vegetable baskets, meat plates and fruit plates in the city and the normal agricultural production.

At the Dawan Toll Station in Yubei District, Chongqing-adjacent section of G65 Baomao Expressway, I found the third Du Jiangping who was inspecting the vehicle. Du Jiangping’s brigade is the third brigade of Chongqing Traffic Administrative Law Enforcement Corps Expressway. During the duty, be responsible for patrolling the 101-kilometer-long road surface in the jurisdiction and handling emergencies. Referring to this postponed reunion dinner, Du Jiangping choked several times: "When I was a teenager, my father sheltered me from the wind and rain and raised me to grow up; When my father is old, I can’t be filial before bed and accompany him. I only hope that this epidemic will end as soon as possible, and the family will take a family photo and have a reunion dinner. "

There are no heroes who fall from the sky, only mortals who stand up. It is these countless "retrograde people" who, regardless of holidays or during the epidemic, give up their small families for everyone, keep one side safe, and protect the stability of a city, in exchange for peace in the world and good years.

We also expect that this postponed "reunion dinner" will open as scheduled in the flowers and spring breeze.

(Author: Liangping District Radio and Television Station)

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What is the difference between a woman’s double vagina and double uterus and a normal woman? Are all born twins?

Xiaoling, 25, has had a menstrual cycle of more than 10 days since she was young. Later, after a one-time life, Xiaoling had recurrent vaginal inflammation. Xiaoling thought it was caused by her boyfriend, so after going to the hospital for gynecological examination, she didn’t expect to find out that she was a double vagina and a double uterus.

Xiaoling was very surprised. It is no wonder that since high school, her menstrual flow has been more than that of her peers. The confusion that has plagued her for many years has finally been solved. It turned out that it was all her uterus.

The doctor said that double uterus is not uncommon, but it is easy to be ignored.If women have problems such as long menstrual period, severe dysmenorrhea and abnormal vaginal discharge after menarche, it is best to check clearly as soon as possible to rule out the possibility of congenital malformation of reproductive tract.

The uterus is very special and important for women. It is a place for menstruation and pregnancy. Under normal circumstances, women only have one uterus, but there are also a few women who have the same as Xiaoling.Double uterus and vagina, clinically,This symptom is called oblique vaginal septum syndrome.

Vaginal oblique septum syndrome belongs to genital dysplasia.The main manifestations are congenital malformation of double cervix, double uterus, double vagina and complete or incomplete atresia of one vagina., mostly accompanied by atresia of vaginal urinary system malformation.

Source: Obstetrics and Gynecology, First Affiliated Hospital of Xijiao

The cause of oblique vaginal septum syndrome in women is related to the embryonic development process. Both hermaphroditic embryos have two sets of reproductive ducts, namely the mesonephric duct and the accessory mesonephric duct.About six weeks after embryonic development, the accessory mesonephros on both sides gradually develop female reproductive organs (uterus, fallopian tube and upper vagina) after complete fusion. In addition, the accessory mesonephros develop into urogenital sinus at the fourth week, which not only forms the kidney, but also induces the accessory mesonephros to fuse.

Once the development of the mesonephric duct is interrupted, the accessory mesonephric duct will also be affected, but because the other side is still developing normally, it will eventually lead to the consequences of asymmetric reproductive tract complicated with urinary system malformation, that is, the problem of double uterus.

At present, clinical oblique vaginal septum syndrome is mainly divided into three types.

Type I is a non-porous oblique septum type.: it usually occurs after menarche.Dysmenorrhea (progressive aggravation)The main manifestation is that the menstrual blood on the oblique septum can not be fully discharged, and the menstrual blood may flow back into the abdominal cavity, leading to pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic abscess and other secondary infections.

Type ⅱ is a perforated oblique partition type:Mainly manifested as followsProlonged menstrual cycle, endless menstrual dripping and brown secretion.Or complicated with infection, resulting in pus in the posterior compartment, and the secretion is purulent with odor.

Type ⅲ is the type of imperforate oblique septum combined with cervical fistula.: the patient’s menstrual period is prolonged,A small number of vaginal bleeding or purulent secretions.If not treated in time, it will further cause gynecological problems such as acute pelvic inflammatory disease or pelvic cyst.

In fact, it is hard for ordinary people to imagine the situation of double uterus. If the double uterus is diagnosed, the patient himself will be surprised and afraid. Does the double uterus have an impact on life?

Double uterus and double vagina patientsIf there is no discomfortThere are no problems such as menstrual blood retention,It has little effect on sexual life.However, if one vagina develops normally and the other vagina fails to develop, it may cause pain or bleeding if a man enters the undeveloped vagina in the same room.

Secondly, is pregnancy risky? Compared with normal women,It is difficult for women with double uterus to get pregnant, and the risk of danger during pregnancy will be higher than that of normal women., such as spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy; In the second trimester of pregnancy, the uterus is unable to resist the rising intrauterine pressure, and it is also easy to have miscarriage or premature delivery; In late pregnancy, due to the narrow uterine cavity and limited fetal activity, there is a high possibility of abnormal fetal position, which may cause placental abruption, premature rupture of membranes, postpartum hemorrhage and other problems.

Finally, will twins be born in double uterus?The probability of pregnant twins in patients with double uterus is the same as that in normal women.The twin uterus is caused by the failure to fuse the accessory mesonephros in time when the embryo divides, and the twins are fertilized by two eggs or the fertilized eggs split into two fertilized eggs. There is no direct relationship between them.

Generally, there is no discomfort in the body, and few women will take the initiative to do gynecological examinations. Once the problems like double uterus and double vagina are detected, they will be nervous and worried. If you check the double uterus, what treatment methods are there?

  • surgical treatment

Surgery is the most common method to treat double uterus, which reconnects the divided uterus through surgery, thus helping the uterus to return to its normal shape. Surgery needs to be decided according to the patient’s condition. Generally, general anesthesia is needed, and postoperative wound care and rehabilitation and recovery training should be paid attention to.

  • medication

Medication can also be considered for double uterus, such as using hormone drugs to regulate menstrual cycle, so as to alleviate the problems of dysmenorrhea and irregular menstruation in double uterus.

  • physiotherapy

Physical therapy can be carried out with the help of professional doctors, including acupuncture and massage, with the aim of helping to relieve dysmenorrhea and improve menstrual discomfort.

  • Psychological support

Double uterus is not a rare disease, but the process of treating double uterus is long, and patients will feel great pressure. Therefore, medical care should give patients support, help and answer doubts in the treatment of God, and pay attention to patients’ emotional changes.

Oblique vaginal septum syndrome sounds terrible, but it has little effect on getting married and having children. Women should pay more attention to their health at ordinary times, and it is best to have gynecological examinations regularly to achieve early detection and treatment of diseases.


[1] "Congenital kidney deficiency! Abdominal pain is unbearable! Let’s take a look at how to diagnose and treat vaginal oblique septum syndrome. . Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2023-03-09

[2] "Does a woman’s double vagina affect normal pregnancy and childbirth? Family doctor online, June 18, 2014

[3] "The 24-year-old girl found two vaginas and double uterus? Doctors speak frankly: it’s rare to be in business for many years. Dr. Zou Lisha. 2023-04-12.

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What is the secret of success? See what AI says?

The secret of Musk’s success can be summarized as follows:

1. Have a great vision and sense of mission. Musk’s companies have a common goal, that is, to promote human development to a more sustainable, efficient and advanced future. He is committed to creating changes in space, renewable energy and transportation.

2. Not afraid of failure and challenge. Musk faces many challenges in the field of innovation, but he can always overcome difficulties with courage and perseverance and constantly push the project forward. He believes that "failure is the mother of success" and believes in learning and improving through trial and error.

3. Strong execution and leadership. Musk can keep clear thinking and guiding direction in complex organizations and projects. He pays attention to detail and is responsible for every aspect of the company.

4. Stick to your values. Musk has been paying attention to what he considers important issues, including environmental protection and the safety of artificial intelligence. He believes in the connection between enterprises and society, and strives to make the company succeed in emphasizing social responsibility and sustainable development.

5. Keep learning and innovating. Musk is a generalist. He has extensive knowledge and skills, and firmly believes that complex problems can be solved through continuous learning and practice. He is always looking for new ideas and methods to promote the development of companies and individuals.