Continue to lose money! Cyrus’s pre-loss in the first half of the year exceeded 1.25 billion yuan

Continue to lose money! Cyrus's pre-loss in the first half of the year exceeded 1.25 billion yuan

On July 14, Sailis released a pre-loss announcement for the first half of the year. According to the announcement, the official expects that the net profit attributable to the owner of the parent company in the first half of this year will be – 1.39 billion yuan to – 1.25 billion yuan, and the net profit attributable to the owner of the parent company after deducting non-operating gains and losses is expected to be – 1.93 billion yuan to – 1.80 billion yuan.

Regarding the reasons for the pre-loss of this period’s performance, the official pointed out that due to the promotion of the Quarter 1 automobile industry, users’ expectations that the M5 smart driving version will be released in the second quarter have a certain impact on the sales of existing models, so the company’s sales in the first half of the year did not meet expectations. At the same time, it also pointed out that high R & D investment in the core technology field of new energy vehicles has been maintained, and R & D and technical personnel have been continuously introduced, and R & D expenses have increased compared with the same period of the previous year. Regarding the follow-up development, the official said that with the launch of the M5 smart driving version and other new models, as well as the increase in overseas sales, the sales volume and profitability in the second

Continue to lose money! Cyrus's pre-loss in the first half of the year exceeded 1.25 billion yuan

In fact, it is not surprising that Cyrus released the estimated loss in the first half of the year. Since Cyrus cooperated with Huawei, its losses have been increasing. According to the financial report data: Cyrus lost more than 10 billion yuan in the four years from 2019 to 2022, of which the non-net profit in 2019 was – 884 million yuan, in 2020 – 2.308 billion yuan, in 2021 – 2.793 billion yuan, and in 2022 – 4.296 billion yuan.

Continue to lose money! Cyrus's pre-loss in the first half of the year exceeded 1.25 billion yuan

According to the data, the predecessor of Cyrus Group was Chongqing Xiaokang Industrial Group Joint Stock Company, which was established in September 1986. In April 2021, Xiaokang shares reached a cooperative relationship with Huawei. The two sides signed a memorandum of cooperation in the field of new energy vehicles and launched the first cooperative model Cyrus Huawei Smart Choice SF5. The new car was sold online on Huawei’s official website simultaneously, and entered Huawei stores and flagship stores at the same time. The price range is 21.68-24 6,800 yuan. Although both sides have given great resources to support the first model, Huawei Smart Choice SF5 sales are not ideal. In 2021, the annual sales volume of Cyrus SF5 was only 8,169 units.

In order to turn around sales, Xiaokang and Huawei cooperated again to launch the new energy brand AITO Wenjie. In 2022, three models of Wenjie/M5 EV and Wenjie M7 were launched one after another. With the launch of a number of models, the sales volume of Wenjie in 2022 has been rapidly improved, and the cumulative delivery volume for the whole year has reached 75,000. According to the official sales data, the cumulative production and sales volume of new energy vehicles of Cyrus in 2022 reached 139,132 and 135,054 respectively, an increase of 233.64% and 225.9% year-on-year respectively. Among them, the cumulative production and sales volume of Cyrus cars reached 83,701 and 80,041, an increase of 660.37% and 626.39% year-on-year. The world accounted for more than half of the sales volume of Cyrus in 2022.

Continue to lose money! Cyrus's pre-loss in the first half of the year exceeded 1.25 billion yuan

After entering 2023, although Huawei and Cyrus are emphasizing that the cooperation between the two sides will be further deepened, the sales of the Q & A brand have been cold in the market. Of course, the decline in sales has something to do with Tesla’s announcement of a big price reduction at the beginning of the year. Although Q & A also followed up with the price reduction after Tesla announced the big price reduction. The maximum reduction of its three models was 30,000 yuan, but the price reduction did not stimulate sales growth. Relevant data show that the retail sales of AITO Q & A in the first half of 2023 were 23,246 vehicles.

Continue to lose money! Cyrus's pre-loss in the first half of the year exceeded 1.25 billion yuan

In addition, after Ren Zhengfei signed the "Resolution on Huawei Not Building Cars" in March, it was a blow to Cyrus, which has always endorsed the Huawei brand. Or realized the crisis, on March 30, Cyrus launched its new brand "Blue Electricity" and launched its first model, priced 139,900 yuan – 151,900 yuan. It is understood that the Blue Electricity E5 uses BYD Freddie battery hybrid technology and Huawei’s smart car technology. After the launch, the sales of the Blue Electricity E5 were also unsatisfactory. Relevant data show that the sales of the Blue Electricity E5 were 250, 483 and 376 vehicles in the three months after the launch.

Continue to lose money! Cyrus's pre-loss in the first half of the year exceeded 1.25 billion yuan

It is not difficult to see that the price war among automakers at the beginning of the year and Huawei’s reaffirmation that it will not build cars have had a certain impact on Sailis Automobile. After all, without Huawei’s halo, Sailis’ true appeal in the market is still very limited. Therefore, for the cooperation with Huawei, Sailis still actively cooperates. Sailis said that at the end of June, the company has established an "AITO Inquiry and Sales Service Joint Working Group" with Huawei to be responsible for the end-to-end closed-loop management of marketing, sales, delivery, service, channels and other businesses. This is also another milestone event for the two sides to promote deepening cooperation. In the future, with a firm new energy strategy, continuous R & D investment and the support of partners, it will continue to drive towards a new fast lane for new energy vehicles.

The delivery guy has become a group with a high incidence of traffic accidents! Why is the "reasonable" algorithm "out of control"?

  Recently, the professional difficulties of some online platform takeaway brothers have attracted much attention to takeaway platforms and algorithm systems.

  "Xinhua View" reporter survey found that takeaway brothers have become a high-risk group of traffic accidents, and the algorithm labeled as accurate, reasonable and optimized has triggered extensive discussion in the industry.

  "The first thing I think of when I get up from a crash is not to time out"

  In recent years, the booming takeaway industry has reshaped people’s daily lives and become an important breakthrough point for economic development and employment in various places. According to a report released by Meituan, in 2019, the total number of takeaway riders who earned income through the platform reached 3.987 million, an increase of 23.3% over 2018; in the first half of this year, the total number of riders who earned income on the Meituan platform reached 2.952 million, a significant increase of 16.4% year-on-year.

  The relatively high income, stable salary payment and flexible working hours are the reasons why many workers are attracted to the food delivery industry. Wu Zhaoyun, a 35-year-old food delivery brother in Guangzhou, said that he has worked in factories, hotels and property companies. Since joining the food delivery team in 2017, he "feels that this career is very promising."

  While the number of takeaway riders continues to grow, takeaway brothers have become a group with a high incidence of traffic accidents. In recent years, there have been vicious traffic accidents in many places in China where takeaway brothers have caused deaths due to running red lights and violating the rules.

  The reporter learned from the Shenzhen traffic police department that in August this year alone, Shenzhen investigated and dealt with 12,000 traffic violations in the express delivery and takeaway food delivery industry, accounting for more than 10% of the total number of non-motor vehicle violations. The Shanghai medical emergency center healthcare workers said that they would encounter rider-related orders every week in August.

  "Rush" is the core reason. One rider said the delivery time given to him by the platform around 2018 was 40 minutes per order, but it was later compressed to 30 minutes. "Sometimes it takes 20 minutes to get takeaway from the merchant, and the remaining 10 minutes I have to ride 3km, run into the community, and wait for the elevator to go upstairs," he said.

  The main basis for the platform to compress time is the algorithm system based on big data and artificial intelligence. There is also a complete set of strict assessment mechanisms in cooperation with the algorithm system: on the one hand, the takeaway platform incentivizes takeaway riders to receive as many orders as possible with "price-per-order"; on the other hand, the platform strictly restricts riders through assessments such as on-time rate, bad review rate, and cancellation of order volume due to delivery reasons. The reduction in on-time rate means that takeaway riders lose the "order-taking advantage" in the platform’s algorithm, and will also be reduced in the internal ranking, missing various rewards.

  This "algorithm plus assessment" mechanism has multiplied the psychological pressure of practitioners. One rider said that once he collided with an electric car, "the first thing he thought of when he got up was that he couldn’t time out, and he didn’t care about how the other party and himself were injured. Now I think it’s ridiculous."

  Why are algorithms "out of control"?

  Several industry insiders believe that the deep problems behind the "algorithmic dilemma" deserve attention.

  On the one hand, the platform is "competing to the bottom", resulting in the "imbalance" of the algorithm.

  Data show that as of the second quarter of 2020, Meituan takeaway and have captured nearly 95% of the market share in the takeaway industry.

  Ma Liang, a professor at the School of Public Administration of Renmin University of China, believes that the short and concentrated characteristics of the takeaway industry determine that competition among enterprises is increasingly focused on the speed of food delivery, resulting in algorithms that should have integrated multiple indicators, ignoring the safety and stress of riders.

  "The food delivery industry has actually formed a’race to the bottom ‘, that is, constantly testing the bottom line indicator of delivery time. After exhausting all the competitive parameters, the pressure is pushed to the rider, resulting in the rider being at the limit and overloaded," he said.

  On the other hand, complex employment relationships lead to the transfer of risk, resulting in the algorithm’s "default".

  The reporter learned from the research that most food delivery riders have formed a complex employment relationship with the food delivery platform. Many food delivery riders often do not sign contracts directly with the platform, but sign contracts with third-party labor service companies through some apps, and the labor service companies change frequently. When an accident occurs, it is easy to lead to multiple parties kicking each other.

  In a case of a takeaway rider hitting a pedestrian, the rider said that he joined a takeaway platform in September 2018. At first, the labor agreement on the app showed that the employer was Ningbo Yumi Company; in August 2019, the agreement on the app was changed to Hangzhou Bangmang Company. He did not know who the employer was. During the court hearing after the accident, neither Ningbo Yumi nor Hangzhou Bangmang admitted that Huang was his employee.

  Liu Bo, the judge of the Huangpu District People’s Court in Guangzhou who was in charge of the case, said that in terms of the contract, the relationship between the rider and the labor service company is a labor relationship, but in fact the relationship between the labor service company and the rider is very loose. The platform uses the number of orders received and customer complaints to assess the rider, acting as an "employer." In the event of a traffic accident, the platform hides behind the labor service company and does not take any responsibility.

  Under the current laws and regulations, the traffic police cannot punish the enterprise, but only the rider. In the event of a traffic accident, the rider, not the enterprise, needs to bear the cost of violating the law and the risk of disability and death.

  Algorithms alone are not enough

  In the face of social doubts, said it would launch new features as soon as possible – "I am willing to wait 5 minutes/10 minutes more" buttons for consumers to choose from, while Meituan said it would improve the scheduling system to give riders 8 minutes of flexible time.

  Some interviewees believe that to solve the dilemma faced by takeaway riders, the most important thing is that platform companies can face up to, respect, and truly protect the rights and interests of workers, rather than allowing algorithms to become cold tools that only make money for enterprises.

  In recent years, in the face of the challenges of emerging business models, many places have begun to increase management efforts. For example, Foshan, Guangdong has built 89 fixed traffic safety education points to increase traffic safety education for delivery couriers and other groups; for takeaway enterprises with many traffic violations and weak traffic safety management, Foshan public security traffic police organized interviews with business leaders.

  Ma Liang suggested that the emerging business will inevitably pose an impact and challenge to the existing laws and regulations, and the general laws involving the protection of workers’ rights and interests, occupational safety, and safe production need to be revised in a timely manner. Issues directly related to a certain industry also need to be responded to in a timely manner by new regulations.

  In addition, the problems of the food delivery industry involve multiple departments, and the main regulatory departments should be further clarified to correct the disorderly competition behavior. Ma Liang also suggested that the food delivery riders belong to the "safety production problem in the flow" and should also be included in the assessment system of local governments to strengthen the local government’s supervision and law enforcement responsibilities. (Reporters Wang Pan, Ma Xiaocheng, Hu Lingguo, participated in writing: Mao Yizhu, Mao Xin)

BYD Qin L is coming, more space+brand new hybrid, estimated at 120,000, visually fire!

Uncle Brick’s Tip: The reading time of this article is about2minute

[New car after having a car] Today, BYD Qin L’s declaration map was officially exposed in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. As a brand-new model, Qin L will be positioned higher than Qin PLUS. The new car will be equipped with the latest DM5.0 hybrid system, or provide two pure electric endurance versions of 60km and 90km. The estimated starting price is around 120,000.

From the design point of view, Qin L is still BYD’s classic Dragon Face design language. The dragon face headlights, the dragon beard design and the large air intake below are all in the same strain as Qin PLUS, but the overall style is more extreme, especially the diversion ports on the left and right sides of the front bumper, which is more in line with the aesthetics of young consumers. The rear of the car still adopts the layout of penetrating taillights, and the overall visual effect is wider, simple and atmospheric.

In terms of body size, Qin L’s measurements are almost completely dominant compared with Qin PLUS, and the size is almost equal to that of a medium-sized car.

In terms of power, according to the information in the declaration map, Qin L will be equipped with a DM5.0 hybrid system consisting of a 1.5L engine and a motor, with the maximum power of 74kW for the engine and 160kW for the motor. Compared with the existing 1.5L engine powered by Qin PLUS, the fuel consumption is expected to be better. Lithium iron phosphate battery comes from Fudi, Zhengzhou, and its pure electric cruising range is expected to be 60km and 90km.

Write it at the end

Qin L is not the replacement of Qin PLUS, but a brand-new model between Qin PLUS and Han. The arrival of the new car will further complement the car product line of BYD Dynasty series and meet the challenges of opponents with stronger combination boxing. Of course, what Qin L is most looking forward to is the DM5.0 hybrid system it is equipped with, and we also look forward to it bringing us another surprise of the ultra-low fuel consumption measured when the Song PLUS DM-i debuted. If you are also concerned about Qin L, welcome to join our riders group of Qin L. Let’s look forward to the announcement of more information about the new car.

Looking forward to BYD Qin L, please click."Like+watching"!

Tiggo 9 hot promotion in Taizhou area! The promotion discount is 12,000 yuan. If you miss it, you won’t have it.

Recently, car home Taizhou preferential promotion channel has brought you a grand preferential activity! Among them, the models that have attracted much attention are under way, so that Taizhou riders can buy their favorite cars at a lower price. It is understood that this promotion can enjoy a maximum discount of 12,000 yuan, and the minimum starting price is only 145,900 yuan. If you are interested, you may wish to click "Check the car price" in the quotation form, strive for higher discounts and add more surprises to your car purchase!

Tiggo 9 is a luxury medium-sized SUV owned by Chery Automobile, and its design is full of strength and fashion sense. The front face design of this car adopts an atmospheric and steady design style, and the air intake grille adopts a large area of chrome decoration, which shows a sense of luxury and quality. The body lines are smooth and the overall style is fashionable, showing a strong sense of movement and technology. The design of Tiggo 9 not only conforms to the aesthetic trend of consumers, but also fully reflects the design strength and innovation ability of Chery Automobile. No matter the details or the whole, the Tiggo 9 has demonstrated excellent design level and craftsmanship, and it is a luxury medium-sized SUV that should not be missed.

Tiggo 9 is a medium-sized SUV with a body size of 4820*1930*1710mm and a wheelbase of 2820mm. The body lines are smooth, the side shapes are magnificent, the lines are simple and smooth, and the overall design is full of strength. The front tread is 1638mm, and the rear tread is 1641 mm. It is equipped with 245/50 R20 front and rear tires, and the rim style is fashionable and dynamic. The body lines are smooth, showing the luxurious temperament and sports style of Tiggo 9.

The interior design of Tiggo 9 is simple and atmospheric, with black and beige color scheme, giving people a noble and comfortable feeling. The steering wheel is made of leather, which feels comfortable, and the position can be manually adjusted up and down and back and forth, which is convenient for the driver to operate. The central control screen has a size of 12.3 inches, supports voice recognition control system, and can control functions such as multimedia, navigation, telephone, air conditioning and skylight. The front and rear rows are equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces for easy charging. The front seats also have heating and ventilation functions, and the driver’s seat is also equipped with electric seat memory function. The backrest of the second row of seats can be adjusted, and the rear seats can be laid down in proportion. Generally speaking, the interior design of Tiggo 9 is very humanized, comfortable and practical.

The Tiggo 9 is powered by a 2.0T 261 HP L4 engine with a maximum power of 192kW and a maximum torque of 400 N m.. With the 8-speed automatic manual transmission, this engine can bring excellent power performance and smooth shifting experience to drivers. No matter on urban roads or highways, Tiggo 9 can provide sufficient power reserves, so that drivers can feel passionate driving pleasure in all kinds of road conditions. In addition, the engine’s efficient combustion and advanced technology make its fuel economy performance excellent, making your driving more energy-saving and environmentally friendly.

In the evaluation of car home car owners, the design of Tiggo 9 is praised as a lot of atmosphere and domineering. The polygonal large-size air intake grille and the flat luminous logo make the whole car stand out, and the raised waistline on the side of the car body also adds a sense of fashion. The rear taillights have a through design, which is also an element that car owners like very much. As the flagship model of Chery, the design of Tiggo 9 is obviously loved by car owners.

Go out and eat less fruits and vegetables. Seven measures to help you remedy the lack of nutrition!

  Some netizens often ask: "I work outside, and I often don’t have enough vegetables. What should I do if I don’t have enough nutrition?" I always feel uncomfortable if I don’t eat vegetables! Is there any food that can replace the nutrition of fresh vegetables? Can taking multivitamin pills replace eating vegetables? "

  Indeed, many people go to barren hills or deserts, to foreign countries, to frontier areas and to poverty-stricken areas because of work needs, or for reasons such as teaching and helping the poor. These places often do not have enough fresh vegetables to supply. Even if there are vegetables, they are mostly radishes, cabbages and potatoes, especially leafy vegetables lacking dark green.

  If it’s ten days and a half, that’s fine. Get over it first, and then make it up when you come back. However, if it is a few months, or even a year or two, the lack of vegetables will inevitably affect your health.

  As we all know, adequate vegetables are very important for supplying vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin B2, vitamin K, potassium, calcium, magnesium, dietary fiber and various antioxidant substances.

  Ideally, there should be vegetables in the meal, and 300 to 500 grams of vegetables are eaten every day, and this weight does not include the part thrown into the trash can, but the part that is directly imported.

  In the case of really not eating enough, you can take the following seven remedial measures. Although it can’t completely solve the problem, it can at least reduce some damage to the nutritional balance and make the body get more comprehensive nutritional and health care ingredients.

  Temporarily supplement multivitamins.

  If the dose of vitamin supplements is not too large, close to the normal amount of reasonable dietary intake, taking supplements is harmless. All the worries about supplements are in the case of large quantities. The vitamin content of some products is ten times or even dozens of times the daily recommended value, which is not suitable for long-term use.

  It must be recognized that although these nutrient supplements can prevent vitamin deficiency, they cannot replace all the health functions of vegetables, such as supplying potassium, calcium and magnesium, dietary fiber, antioxidants and other phytochemicals.

  Prepare some dried vegetables.

  You can buy some dried vegetables that can rise after soaking in water, take them to your work area, or order them online. Such as dried seaweed (Undaria pinnatifida, kelp, etc.), dried mushrooms, dried mushrooms, dried fungus, dried bamboo shoots, and evergreen (dried vegetables), as a supplement to the lack of vegetables.

  Dried products are convenient to store and carry, and it is also convenient to cook dishes after soaking. For example, put some soaked fungus and mushrooms in cooking, add some soaked bamboo shoots and mushrooms in stew and chicken, and add some soaked Undaria pinnatifida in soup, all of which are quite delicious.

  Although there are fewer vitamins after drying, at least a lot of minerals and dietary fiber can be supplemented. Minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium can still be preserved after drying. In particular, most dietary fiber can be preserved, which is very helpful to prevent constipation.

  Substitute potato, sweet potato, yam and other potatoes.

  Potato is a kind of food between vegetables and staple food. It contains starch, vitamin C, rich potassium, and some antioxidants, and its dietary fiber content is much higher than that of white rice and white flour.

  If potatoes are used to replace part of white rice and steamed bread, more vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium and dietary fiber can be obtained on the premise of the same total carbohydrate.

  For people who need to lose weight, we must pay attention to the fact that when eating potatoes, we should not put oil and salt. Instead, we should put them in a rice cooker and steam them with rice, and reduce the amount of white rice and flour while eating potatoes.

  For people who need to gain weight, adding some potato foods such as potatoes and yam to their daily staple food, such as stewing potatoes into vegetables, is just conducive to gaining weight.

  Increase the number of daily vegetables

  In some remote areas, although there are no fresh green leafy vegetables, there are still some storable vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, radish, onion and carrot.

  Although Chinese cabbage is not as nutritious as green leafy vegetables, it still contains a certain amount of vitamin C, dietary fiber and minerals.

  As long as you increase your food intake and eat more Chinese cabbage, you can get more nutrients and partially make up for the loss of insufficient varieties. This is the so-called "quantity compensation for insufficient quality". Carrot itself is a good thing. Eating some often can at least prevent vitamin A deficiency.

  Send bean sprouts and bean sprouts to increase green leafy vegetables.

  You can use soybeans, black beans, peas, etc. to soak them and eat them yourself to increase the variety of vegetables. Bud sprouts can spread green leaves as long as they see light, which belongs to green leafy vegetables. Common sprout vegetables include radish seedlings, buckwheat seedlings and peanut seedlings. The sprouts taste good and can be fried. Radish seedlings and buckwheat seedlings can also be eaten raw and cold directly.

  Even if there are only wheat and barley seeds, they can be made into wheat seedlings, then cut off and beaten into juice with their own beater. This is the best "green juice".

  It would be better if you could bring some seeds of green leafy vegetables such as Chinese cabbage and rape. You can get fresh vegetables by growing your own vegetables.

  Order canned vegetables online

  At present, there are many canned vegetables, such as canned tomatoes, canned green beans, canned mushrooms, canned asparagus, canned pickles, canned corn shoots, canned/bagged ketchup, etc., and the price of ordering in boxes is not high.

  Although canned food loses some vitamin C, it is not zero, and there is no loss of dietary fiber and potassium. It is convenient for storage and transportation, so direct order is enough. Take it out every day and eat a little at every meal, which still plays a big role in supplying nutrition.

  With all kinds of flower and fruit tea materials that can be soaked in water.

  Prepare your favorite tea, coffee, dried rose, dried chrysanthemum, dried roselle, dried lemon, etc., and make a drink with hot water. Although the quantity is limited, it can increase the supply of potassium, vitamin C, organic acids and some antioxidant substances.

  The so-called methods are always more difficult. As long as these methods are used in combination, we can overcome the difficulty of insufficient vegetables, and make our diet life much richer and healthier.

  Text/Fan Zhihong (Director of China Nutrition Society)

Interview with "Sunshine Sisters Amoy" Yin Tao: There is nothing wrong with TV actress.

Special feature of 1905 film network In this year’s film market, women’s films can always give the audience some surprises and touches. From now on, from "mother" to "sister" and now to "girlfriends group", will this woman’s softest emotion continue?

Or, can a male director do it?Bao Beier, who "recruits black physique", feels ready this time, ready to hand over the film to the audience at any time, and ready to face all kinds of comments and criticisms on the Internet in the future. Because he believes in this group of actors who support him and play "Sunshine Sisters Amoy".

It is true that the biggest charm of "Sunny Sisters Amoy" is to break the conclusion of the market that "middle-aged female stars have no chance to play". After all, it is a film with a female theme — — Complete female perspective, female role, female actor. Yin TaoLi ZengZhang XinyiMasu, Ni Hongjie,Jiang Xiaohan, have contributed to their beauty. Even so, there are still unfriendly comments on the Internet — — A group of TV actresses are gathered here.

Perhaps, it is these tagged definitions that make Sunshine Sisters Amoy the best weapon for "tearing labels".Yin Tao is the crowd of the original "Sunny Sisters Amoy". In her own words, "I like it so much, and my memory is very deep." .

Today, she has already won all the best actress awards in the three major awards in the TV industry (Flying Award, Golden Eagle Award and Magnolia Award), and seems to have more choices for the script. When she received this story, she took the project without any hesitation, because in the script, she saw that the screenwriter made many localized changes, "and this kind of girlfriends love is common all over the world."

When asked about the various difficulties and processes in the film, she gave all the military medals to the director Bao Beier, and as for all the achievements after the release, everything was still given to the audience. As an actress, she has already achieved her self-recognition.We naturally won’t let go of her knowledge of actors. When asked about the label of "TV actress" by netizens, she said decisively, "What’s wrong with TV actress?"

There is really nothing wrong with it. No matter how the outside world divides the actors into three grades, the confidence of the actors is still in Yin Tao’s heart. Movies, drama series, and even drama works, regardless of any carrier, it is the mission of actors to complete it.

The following is a record of Yin Tao’s dialogue:

1905 Movie Network: What is the biggest pressure to remake Sunshine Sisters Amoy?

Yin Tao: Because I think what I said this time will still have localized content in the story. At the same time, I think this emotion in the movie is common all over the world, so we will naturally have our own expression.I don’t have to watch the original movie again, because I like it so much that I have a deep memory.

1905 Movie Network: What is the biggest test in the filming process?

Yin Tao: I think the test may be Bao Dao. Actors don’t have such a big test. Because the role I played is actually very ordinary, and the strong plot is not on her. At the same time, she is not a person with distinctive personality characteristics, but you should play such a person you often see around you — — It may be to isolate the neighbors, which sister is upstairs and downstairs, which is actually quite difficult. Because the audience is close to her, they can feel whether you are real or not very directly.

1905 Movie Network: Can you share the coolest/tacit play in this work?

Yin Tao: I think it’s quite tacit that everyone is filming together. At the beginning, maybe a few girls are together, which is quite comfortable, so it really seems to be quite familiar.There is a scene in the movie where we are sitting in the car after the fight. I filmed it as soon as I came up. In this situation, it actually had no lines at first. Everyone’s state was particularly sad at first, and then they were sad, and suddenly I was happy, and everyone was crazy about it. From that moment on, everyone’s feelings came.Jiang Xiaohan, who plays Zhu Zhu, said, "Sunny Sisters Amoy" seems to be back. So, the scene was quite cool.

1905 Movie Network: How do you feel about a group of women filming this time?

Yin Tao: More appreciate each other, because Sunny Sisters Amoy is about the friendship between women, so everyone feels the same way. Many plots don’t need to be pondered and analyzed too much, so they can be understood in place, because in fact, they are the emotions we have had or the things we are experiencing, and the whole is quite enjoyable.

1905 Movie Network: Have you consciously taken this kind of female group play in recent years?

Yin Tao: Maybe just these stories make me feel quite interesting. I didn’t think too much about whether it was a group image of women or not. I think I’m past that time — — Is whether it’s a work based entirely on me. What if the whole film is about you, but the characters are not funny and the writing is not good?So I still think it will be very important for the role itself to be well written. If we can be with a group of very good actors again and really work together, that power will be even greater. So I still hope that every role is good and every actor is good, and the play will be better.

1905 Movie Network: Some netizens commented that this play is a "gathering of TV actresses". Will it be offended?

Yin Tao: What’s wrong with TV actress?Movies, drama series and dramas are really three different performance platforms, and even have different performance methods. I think it is normal for the other person to have such an idea if he is a layman or someone who is not engaged in our line of work. I think everyone can have their own ideas and criteria, but if you are in this line of work, it is clear to everyone that the three only need to change the shooting mode and presentation mode, and naturally they will have a good state.If it is so simple to distinguish between actors, I think IQ is worrying.

1905 Movie Network: Will you consider participating in some "her variety shows" in the future?

Yin Tao: Yes, if I can do it. But going to Sister Lang like Ceng Li, I may not be very good at it. I am lazy, and it seems very tired.I haven’t thought about what kind of variety show is ok or not. Anyway, I don’t reject any form. As long as I think it is ok, just like the role, I can complete it.

1905 Movie Network: Will you look forward to letting more post-90s and post-00s know you through younger works?

Yin Tao: I think this is a very normal rule. You can’t say that I don’t want it, but I don’t seem to have such a strong desire. They have their world, and we have our world. I think it’s also false if you want me to pretend to know them very well now, and then it seems a bit overwhelming to let them know us in particular, so I think I can express what I feel, and naturally there are people who like me.Of course, there will be people who don’t like me. It doesn’t matter. I think the first thing I give you is what I want to express. As for liking this matter, it must be natural. If it is particularly reluctant, I think everyone will be embarrassed.

Guangzhou senior high school entrance examination subject examination implementation plan released sports from 60 points to 70 points

  Guangzhou Daily News (all-media reporter Liu Xiaoxing) Since 2021, Guangzhou has implemented the reform of the enrollment system for high school examinations. The reform of the senior high school entrance examination promoted under the unified deployment of the higher authorities implements a new academic level examination system, a new comprehensive quality evaluation method for students and a new enrollment and admission mechanism. Yesterday, Guangzhou Education Bureau issued the "Implementation Plan of Guangzhou Junior High School Academic Level Examination for Chinese, Mathematics, English Morality, Law, History, Physical Chemistry and other subjects (Trial)", and answered the questions of candidates and parents in detail.

  From 2021 to 2023, the examination for admission and scoring subjects of Guangzhou junior high school academic level examination will be held from June 20 to 22 every year. The admission scoring subject adopts the "4+4" model, and the history exam is added, with a score of 90 points and a sports score of 70 points. The scores of language, mathematics and English were adjusted to 120. The score of morality and rule of law is adjusted to 90. Physical and chemical scores remain unchanged, with 100 points each.

  In terms of test questions, Chinese has added additional questions to encourage students to read more books, and appropriately widen the discrimination of Chinese test questions in a reasonable way. The number of questions in mathematics subjects remains unchanged, and the score of solving questions decreases. The spelling of words in the writing section of English subject is changed to text filling, and the number of questions in some types of questions decreases slightly with the shortening of the examination duration. The 100 points in physics and chemistry include 10 points in experimental operation.

  Focus question and answer: How do schools and students adapt to the new senior high school entrance examination?

  1. What are the admission scoring subjects?

  A: According to the "Implementation Opinions of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education on Further Promoting the Reform of the Enrollment System for Senior High School Examinations" (Guangdong Education Examination [2017] No.15), "In addition to the four subjects of Chinese, mathematics, foreign languages, physical education and health, at least four subjects of morality and rule of law, history, physics and chemistry should be taken as enrollment subjects for senior high schools, and six subjects should be encouraged to be taken as enrollment subjects for senior high schools." The admission scoring subjects in our city adopt the "4+4" model, that is, eight subjects such as Chinese, mathematics, English (including English listening and speaking), sports and health, morality and rule of law, history, physics and chemistry are taken as admission scoring subjects.

  Compared with the current senior high school entrance examination policy, it has added history subjects, which embodies the basic role of history subjects and strengthens the effective connection with the "3+1+2" model of comprehensive reform of college entrance examination in our province.

  2. Who are the test subjects?

  A: The subjects of the examination are the fresh graduates of junior high schools in our city from 2021 to 2023, and the returning students and former students who applied for ordinary high schools in our city.

  3. How to arrange the exam?

  A: The "Implementation Opinions of Guangzhou Education Bureau on Further Deepening the Reform of the Enrollment System for Senior High School Examinations" (Sui Jiao Gui Zi [2018] No.8) stipulates that the examinations of physics and chemistry, morality and rule of law and history are subject to "no examination papers". The two subjects of the joint examination are arranged to take the examination in turn at the same session, and the examination papers are sent and received separately. The examination papers are sent and received for 15 minutes in the middle of the examination, during which candidates are not allowed to leave the examination room in principle.

  4. What should junior high schools do?

  A: The school should strictly implement the curriculum plan, curriculum standard and curriculum plan, adhere to the principle of "five educations", guide teachers to deeply understand the subject characteristics, knowledge structure and thinking methods, scientifically grasp the students’ cognitive laws, and do a good job in every class.

  Chinese subject should pay special attention to setting situations and putting forward tasks, so that students can learn and use language in practice, help students express themselves in real language communication environment, achieve the combination of learning and application, and develop students’ language ability. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the implementation of reading famous books in unified textbooks.

  The number of questions in mathematics is unchanged, the objective questions are unchanged, and the answers are reduced. Based on the curriculum standards, we should make good use of teaching materials, ensure the score of objective questions, attach importance to cultivating students’ mathematical thinking and avoid falling into "routine" training. Pay due attention to the change of the topic orientation of the college entrance examination and the new curriculum standard of senior high school, pay attention to the connection between junior high school and senior high school, and strengthen the application of mathematics.

  English subjects should pay attention to the guidance of students’ correct values in the process of language learning. Consolidate the basic knowledge of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar, learn discourse knowledge, and develop students’ thinking ability in understanding, interpreting, analyzing, inferring, evaluating and creating texts. Special attention should be paid to increasing high-quality language input in and out of class and strengthening reading training.

  The teaching of ethics and rule of law should be based on the curriculum standards, make good use of the textbooks compiled by the state, and implement the fundamental task of educating people; Structuring the teaching content with the concept of discipline as the core and contextualizing the teaching content with the theme as the guide; Benchmark academic quality evaluation standards, highlight the cultivation of students’ ability to apply what they have learned, and avoid aggravating students’ memory burden because of closed-book exams.

  History discipline should deeply understand the curriculum standards, make good use of unified textbooks, adhere to the correct ideological orientation and value judgment, pay attention to guiding students to deepen their understanding of history on the basis of mastering the basic knowledge of Chinese and foreign history, and improve their historical reading ability and historical thinking ability.

  According to the proposition of curriculum standards, teachers should correctly understand the curriculum standards, make good use of textbooks, make good use of the materials in textbooks, guide students to substitute more physical perspectives in their daily life observation and experience, and be willing to explore the principles of physics in life. Strengthen the cultivation of information acquisition and arrangement, critical thinking, experimental exploration, and expression of physical terms, and implement experimental operation skills in ordinary teaching.

  Chemistry discipline should attach importance to cultivating and maintaining students’ interest in learning chemistry, strengthen the cultivation of basic chemistry concepts and discipline thinking modes, disperse the burden and pressure of chemical language learning, let students enter the laboratory more, and ensure that the basic operations involved in the eight basic experiments stipulated in the curriculum standards pass the test.

  5. What should students do?

  A: Students should conscientiously do well in every class of all subjects. In addition to mastering solid basic knowledge and skills, they should also pay attention to the cultivation of subject thinking and be good at applying the knowledge and methods learned from books to real and complex problem solving. In the study of all subjects, we should strengthen reading and improve the ability of information processing and written expression. Pay attention to social life, current political hotspots and scientific and technological development, and closely combine subject learning with life practice. Take seriously the experimental practice of physics, chemistry and other subjects, use your brains and do more, and improve your scientific inquiry ability.

Like it | Every year, a group of high-speed trains will be opened to traffic, and more than 300 top experts are planning Xiong’ an … The National Development and Reform Commission revealed a wave of

  Cctv newsAt 3 o’clock this afternoon, the press center of the 19th National Congress held the fourth press conference. He Lifeng, Party Secretary and Director of the National Development and Reform Commission, Zhang Yong, Deputy Director, and Ning Ji Zhe, Deputy Director, answered reporters’ questions on the hot issues of China’s economic development.

  We sorted out the dry goods of this press conference from three aspects, and let’s take a look at what changes have taken place in our lives in the past five years and what kind of life we will have in the future.

  Look at the data, look at the quality and look at the benefits: China’s economy is stable, steady and positive.

  He Lifeng said that in the past five years, China’s economy has developed in a sustained and healthy way, and it has maintained a development trend of steady progress and steady progress. Major economic indicators, prices, employment, and poverty alleviation have remained stable, and significant progress has been made in promoting institutional reform, "three to one, one reduction and one supplement", and promoting economic transformation and upgrading. Specifically:

  It is estimated that the expected growth target of about 6.5% for the whole year will be successfully achieved and better results will be achieved. The total economic output will exceed 80 trillion yuan by the end of this year.

  The number of new jobs in cities and towns nationwide has remained above 13 million for four consecutive years.

  More than 55 million people have been lifted out of poverty in four years, and more than 10 million people will be reduced this year. The incidence of poverty has dropped to 4.5% at the end of 2016, and it is expected to drop below 4% by the end of this year.

  "Three to one, one drop and one supplement" has achieved good results. So far, the production capacity of backward steel has exceeded 110 million tons, the production capacity of backward coal has exceeded 400 million tons, and the re-employment of more than 1.1 million people has been solved simultaneously.

  According to some authoritative media reports in the world, there are now more than 90 "unicorn" enterprises in science and technology (described as start-ups with good development prospects), accounting for about one-third of the world. Compared with some big countries with the most "unicorn" enterprises, we are only a few less. This fully shows that China’s new technology industries and technology enterprises are developing vigorously. In 2016, the contribution rate of China’s scientific and technological progress reached 56.2%, and the expenditure on research and experimental development reached 1.55 trillion yuan.

  See the problem: private investment is weak? The tide of foreign capital withdrawal? What should we do?

  Weak private investment? Manufacturing and real estate are really weak now.

  Zhang Yong, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said:

  The slowdown of private investment has something to do with the slowdown of investment in the whole society, and it also has some characteristics of its own. Because the areas where private investment is concentrated are mainly manufacturing and real estate. Manufacturing involves transformation and upgrading, and real estate involves destocking. These two industries are relatively weak now.

  However, on the whole, private investment has maintained a steady and sustained growth trend. From January to September this year, private investment increased by 6%, 3.5 percentage points faster than last year.

  In view of the weak private investment, in the future, we should further lower the threshold through decentralization, especially making a negative list to make the market more transparent and give private enterprises greater decision-making power.

  In addition, efforts are being made to build a government information platform, especially a credit system, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of private enterprises. At the same time, the State Council issued a special document to stimulate the vitality of private investment and further guide private investment to invest in these areas with long industrial chain and good growth prospects.

  The management system of pre-entry national treatment plus negative list will be fully implemented for foreign investment

  In response to the voice of the wave of foreign capital withdrawal in the society, Ning Ji Zhe, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that in recent years, China has been in the forefront of attracting foreign capital in the world. In order to solve some difficulties faced by foreign-funded enterprises in their development, the next step will be to continue to improve the business environment, fully implement the management system of national treatment plus negative list before entry, and greatly relax market access.

  In terms of fair competition, foreign-funded enterprises should also be given national treatment after their entry. All enterprises registered in China are treated equally and equally.

  In terms of investment facilitation, we adhere to the new mode of foreign investment management based on filing system. At present, more than 96% of foreign investment is subject to localized filing management. Some places are still exploring deepening reforms and further improving the convenience of investment as a whole.

  Look at the future

  The coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei has exceeded expectations.

  In terms of transportation, a number of "broken roads" and a number of "bottleneck roads" have been opened, which add up to more than 800 kilometers.

  In terms of industrial upgrading and transfer, Beijing has transferred a number of non-capital but relatively high-quality enterprise projects to Tianjin and Hebei.

  Great progress has been made in ecological and environmental protection, and the greening around Beijing has been greatly strengthened. Great practical results have been achieved in controlling pollution such as burning loose coal and launching the "blue sky defense war";

  People’s livelihood, including education, medical care, health and so on, has made great progress.

  By the end of this year, Beijing municipal authorities and municipal administrative departments will take the lead in starting the relocation.

  The sub-center of Beijing City is mainly located in Tongzhou, and the master plan of Tongzhou is in full swing to re-connect with the master plan of Beijing City. As a sub-center of Beijing City, the construction of this phase mainly focuses on the construction of centralized office areas of administrative institutions. After several years of efforts, the main part has been basically completed. According to the plan, by the end of this year, Beijing-level major organs and some municipal administrative departments will take the lead in starting the relocation.

  More than 300 top experts at home and abroad are doing the overall planning of xiong’an new area.

  In recent months, the planning and construction of xiong’an new area has made positive and great progress. More than 300 top experts from home and abroad and 12 teams were organized to design the overall planning of xiong’an new area and the planning of the start-up area and the start-up area according to the world vision, international standards, China characteristics and the general requirements of high-point positioning. This plan has entered the final stage of tackling key problems.

   The first draft of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area planning is being solicited for comments.

  Regarding Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area’s national strategy, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) is taking the lead in speeding up the preparation of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area’s plan, which will provide a blueprint for the future construction of Greater Bay Area. At present, the first draft has been formed, and opinions are being solicited.

  The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge will strive to be basically open to traffic by the end of this year. At the same time, relevant policies are being studied to facilitate the convenience of people, funds and other market liquidity factors, such as customs clearance policies.

  In the future, a number of high-speed trains will be opened to traffic every year.

  In promoting the development of high-speed rail, He Lifeng said that the National Development and Reform Commission, together with the Ministry of Communications and the Railway Corporation, is deeply studying specific policies. It is predicted that there will be a number of high-speed rails under construction every year in the future, and a number of high-speed rails will be opened to traffic every year to better meet and serve the objective needs of people’s travel.

These 24 kinds of collocation Look are not repeated every day! Learn to dress up as a street fashion charm young lady

Everyone has a different understanding of fashion. For many girls, clothes are very fashionable all year round. After entering autumn, the temperature in different regions is different, and the matching scheme is also different. For girls who pursue fashion, there will be a specific control over color and style.

Dust coat and coat are essential items in girls’ wardrobes after entering autumn and winter. How to wear a sense of fashion has a great relationship with the style of clothes.

Classic khaki, trench coat with shoulder pad design, and the feeling of revealing legs with skirts is more fashionable and stylish. Or use a black medium-long style coat with black riding boots to become a cool girl. The coat in suit style is very Han Faner’s temperament, and it adopts different collocation methods of the same color system to create a balanced effect from top to bottom.

After the autumn, the collocation frequency of trousers is constantly improving, and girls prefer high-waisted trousers. With a certain degree of looseness, the suit pants have a certain sense of drooping, which will make the legs thin and long.

The upper body is matched with a short coat, mainly a knitted coat, which is more gentle and atmospheric, showing a fashionable effect. I believe that wearing this way, walking in the street is the person with the highest return rate.

After the popularity of retro style, more and more girls like clothes with small designs, especially the bubble sleeves brought by the retro style of the palace. For girls with narrow shoulders, they are very friendly and the photos are particularly beautiful.

A jacket with shoulder pads and a skirt have a princess’s sense of sight. Paired with pointed high heels or pointed boots, you can present the fashion of the overall shape and turn into a street fashion charm, miss!

Every autumn and winter, there is definitely a choice of matching sweaters. Wear a shirt with a sweater, and the part that shows the neckline is very distinctive. With a skirt, the lady is gentle.

As a popular color all year round, green in autumn and winter tends to be dark green, which is advanced and fashionable when matched with earth tone’s skirt and contrasting colors.

All along, the collocation of black is very popular. How can we match black with a unique charm? Black suit with loafers, special age reduction.

Black dress with knee boots, the collision between black and white is more intense. Use a little black dress with a plaid suit to show a lady’s temperament.

For the collocation of black and white, the simplest way is that the whole body is black with metal as ornament and bare legs as collocation, and the overall shape is fashionable and youthful.

The matching ratio between black and white is evenly distributed. The white shirt skirt is matched with a black sweater, and the belt in the middle has great personality and characteristics. A pair of Martin boots creates a cool girl.

In daily life, the way of overlapping is very popular, especially with shirts as the base, sweaters or sweaters, and the neckline is exposed, which is very temperament and fashionable.

Pairing boots is the choice of most girls, and the overall sense of modeling is very strong. This kind of modeling collocation is very friendly to girls in the southern region.

The collocation of fashionable young ladies is generally combined with the current fashion trends, such as checkered bell-bottoms and off-the-shoulder tops, to create a lady’s temperament and street fashion sense.

Choose this year’s popular sports style sports suit to create a fashionable and elegant model, and use the combination of black and white to create a classic fashion shape.

These 24 kinds of collocation Look are not repeated every day. Follow the learning and match like this, and you can also dress up as a street fashion charming young lady!

Five out of ten beauty bloggers are recommending "it"!

There is a saying in the beauty industry.

"China brush tens of millions.

Qingxian County in Hebei Province accounts for half. "

Qingxian County is located in Cangzhou City.

It is "the hometown of makeup brushes in China"

If you’re here,

Platforms such as Tik Tok, Xiaohongshu, and Bi Li.

Search for "makeup brush"

You will find that

Five out of ten beauty bloggers

Are recommending Cangzhou makeup brushes.

"Cangzhou makeup brush"

How cow is Cangzhou Qingxian makeup brush?

Let’s watch it together


"Buying a cosmetic brush depends on the place of shipment.

It’s from Cangzhou, just close your eyes and enter! "

in recent years

China native makeup brush brand

More and more popular with beauty bloggers

Many of them are domestic products with high cost performance.

From Qingxian county

The internet beauty industry is even more popular.

"The world’s makeup brushes look at China,

China makeup brush to see Cangzhou. "

The statement

Qingxian County is a leader in Cangzhou cosmetic brush industry.

About 40 million cosmetic brushes a year.

From here to the world

Give birth to many well-known domestic brands.

"Buying a cosmetic brush depends on the place of shipment.

It’s from Cangzhou,

Just close your eyes and enter! "

This year’s 618 e-commerce shopping festival

Qingxian makeup brushes sold over 5 million online.

Know these little makeup brushes

What is the annual output value?

3 billion yuan!

This brush out the "face value economy"

Really can’t be underestimated.

How did Qingxian become attached to the makeup brush?

More than 30 years ago

The local government has introduced investment

Many Korean-funded brush companies

Mainly for foreign high-end brands to do OEM.

Kang Shaoxing, now the president of Qingxian Cosmetic Brush Industry Association.

I worked there at that time.

After he accumulated some skills and experience,

Founded in 2006.

Cangzhou’s First Domestic Makeup Brush Factory

—— Qingxian Xingyuan Brush Factory

In 2011, the trademark "Ainuoqi" was registered again.

Starting from generation processing

To start your own brand of makeup brushes.

Xingyuan Brush Factory is gradually in Tmall, Tik Tok and so on.

Multiple e-commerce platforms open the market

these years

Riding the east wind of e-commerce

Qingxian county has emerged one after another.

"Qin system", "receiving wolves" and "Qin Dance Hall" and so on.

Makeup brush brand

These private brands

Open up channels through new Internet games.

Win the favor of the market

Become the "online celebrity" in the field of domestic cosmetic brushes


One of the cradles of Qingxian cosmetic brush industry.

Dongyaozhuang village

Bei Ali research institute

Evaluate"China Taobao Village"

In 2021

Qingxian county quilt China light industry Federation

And China daily necessities industry association.

"Hometown of Makeup Brush in China"


Qingxian, the Hometown of Cosmetic Brush in China.

More than 500 brands have been registered

Qingxian county makeup shua products

Its share in the domestic market is about 60%

There are hundreds of millions of makeup brushes every year.

Sell it to the world from here.

Small makeup brushes "brush" out of big industries

"This makeup brush decorated with sika deer stripes,

It was jointly signed by our family and the Summer Palace.

Liuhe Taiping series brush sets,

Using artificial fiber, soft and fluffy … "

At 10 o’clock in the morning on November 3,

In a live broadcast room in Yaozhuang Village, Machang Town, Qingxian County.

The anchor Yuan Huiyan is holding "Ainuoqi"

Brand makeup brush for live broadcast

In order to build brand core competitiveness

From 2018 onwards,

Xingyuan Brush Factory launched the Summer Palace co-branded products.


Since Liuhe Taiping series brushes came out.

The sales volume has exceeded 60,000 sets.

Thanks to years of technical accumulation

And continuous innovation

Cosmetic brush of Xingyuan Brush Factory

The road to private brands is getting smoother and smoother.

With the development of Xingyuan Brush Factory

The foundation of the local cosmetic brush industry continues to consolidate.

The industrial chain has basically taken shape

The popularity has also been further opened.

Quality raw material suppliers start

Supply advanced raw materials to Qingxian brush-making enterprises

Breaking the raw material market monopolized by Japanese and Korean brands.

Industrial development

Bring more employment opportunities

In and around Dongyaozhuang village

Engaged in cosmetic brushes and supporting products.

About 2000 people are produced and sold.

Zhixingyuan brush factory

There are more than 100 villagers from the surrounding area.

Also including Yuan Huiyan

Some young people.

From working for a Korean factory

Do OEM work in a self-built factory

Then develop a high-quality domestic cosmetic brush brand.

Qingxian County, Hebei Province

"There are really two brushes."

Comprehensively compiled from Hebei Daily client, Jiyun, power grid headlines, Taobao, bilibili, etc.

Pay attention to Hebei News Network and learn the latest news in Hebei.