It’s really not a little bit that mobile phones are harmful to health.

  How far is it from playing mobile phone every day to illness? Recently, a reporter from qianjiang evening news learned from the hospital that there is a 30-year-old clerk in Hangzhou who deals with computers, keyboards and mice every day, and likes to play with mobile phones during the spare time. As a result, his hands are numb enough to require surgery. Psychologists also warned mobile phone owners that if they keep looking at their mobile phones while shopping, they will spend more money. If you let your mobile phone sleep with you, it will do more harm to your health.

  Keyboard and mobile phone play too much.

  In addition to hand numbness, muscle atrophy will occur.

  Zhou Qi (a pseudonym), 30, keeps her hands on the keyboard at work and keeps brushing her mobile phone at rest. She also has a habit of sleeping on her desk with her hands on her pillow during lunch break. It seems that most people’s living habits have damaged her ulnar nerve. It shows that the right hand is numb and tingling, and it takes a long time to straighten your arm to recover. Even the buttons are awkward, and you can’t even carry chopsticks when eating … … After a series of examinations such as electromyography, Zhou Qi was diagnosed as "cubital tunnel syndrome".

  The ulnar nerve in medicine is what we usually call "numbness". It is one of the three main meridians on the arm. It starts from the cervical vertebra, passes through the elbow joint, sticks to the inside of the arm and goes down all the way to our ring finger and little finger. It is of great significance to our daily life, and the fine movements of our fingers, such as buttoning, holding chopsticks and holding a pen, can not be achieved without the contribution of ulnar nerve.

  Frequent elbow flexion and other actions will cause ulnar nerve compression, leading to "cubital tunnel syndrome", which will affect the function of fingers and palms. When the sensory function of ulnar nerve is affected, there will be symptoms of numbness of fingers or palms, and when its motor function is also affected, there will be phenomena such as weakness of fingers or muscles. If it is affected for a long time, it will easily cause muscle atrophy and even cause serious irreversible consequences.

  Use the keyboard and mouse for a long time, bend your elbows for a long time, or sleep on your desk, etc. Some people have cubital tunnel syndrome due to playing mahjong for several days, and office workers and surgeons are all high-risk groups. In order to completely cure the symptoms, Zhou Qi had to undergo surgery.

  The doctor reminded that to prevent such diseases, one is: rest.

  If you repeat an activity, whether it is typing, using the mouse or anything else, it is recommended to take a short break every 10 to 15 minutes to rest your elbow and wrist. During this period, you can stretch and exercise these two parts.

  Second, keep a good working posture.

  Adjust the height of the seat to keep the forearm as high as the keyboard. When using the keyboard, there should be no feeling of outward expansion and drooping, so that the elbows and wrists are in a relatively relaxed state.

  The third is: always be vigilant. Once there is numbness and discomfort in the finger, and it is a constant and persistent feeling, you must not ignore it easily. You should go to the hospital as soon as possible for professional judgment and exclusion.

  Play mobile phone while walking.

  Shopping is more expensive.

  A new study by American scientists shows that if you play with your mobile phone while shopping, it will not only increase the risk of hitting obstacles, but also make people spend a lot of money unconsciously.

  The research team of Fairfield University asked 231 participants to complete a simulated shopping task. One group of participants restrained themselves from taking out their mobile phones and only paid attention to the goods, while the other group randomly used their mobile phones intermittently for unrelated tasks (such as answering phones, sending and receiving text messages, listening to music, etc.). Both groups of participants used to shop according to a shopping list provided by the researchers, but the results showed that people who used their mobile phones occasionally or constantly in the store made far more unplanned purchases than those who concentrated on shopping.

  The researchers pointed out that when shopping, people may forget what goods they need most when they are distracted, but they will be attracted by the dazzling array of other goods in the store and take them into their pockets without thinking. Even if you only use your mobile phone occasionally during shopping, it will have this effect, which will lead to additional expenses. Therefore, we should concentrate on saving money when shopping.

  Wang Yiquan, an expert in early intervention of psychological problems in Hangzhou No.7 Hospital, said: "From the perspective of behavior patterns, those who rely heavily on mobile phones have poor self-control ability, and they are easily influenced by external information such as price reduction and new product listing when shopping, resulting in more impulsive consumption. From the analysis of emotional influence, the information from the mobile phone will affect the mood of shoppers, and these emotions may stimulate impulsive consumption whether positive or negative. Seeing good news, buy something to reward yourself or your family; When you see bad news, you should buy something to comfort yourself and decompress. For example, people often joke that ‘ Bao ’ Treating all diseases is the most vivid explanation of the influence of emotions on shopping. "

  We have to admit that consumption is indeed a good way to vent and quickly adjust emotions, but only if it is moderate. If it is inappropriate or even unreasonable consumption beyond one’s own ability to pay, one must be alert to whether there are psychological problems.

  In fact, in life, it is easy to understand the difference between men and women’s shopping habits. For most men, shopping is a kind of "torture". They often think about where to buy something, go straight to the destination and buy it, and then leave. They rarely pay attention to what other stores are selling along the way, and naturally they will not have unplanned consumption. Women tend to take shopping as a kind of "leisure", walk around, shop around, stop and watch more, and the temptation is more likely to lead to many unplanned consumption.

  Sleeping with your mobile phone is harmful to your eyes.

  Playing mobile phone for a long time at night often leads to sore eyes, sharp drop in vision, deepening myopia, and even dry eye. Once, because of playing mobile phone games for a long time, the function of meibomian gland was worse than that of the elderly.

  Everyone’s two eyes have a dominant eye and a non-dominant eye. Under normal circumstances, under the control of the brain, the eyes of both eyes are even, but after lying on the side, one eye has to shoulder a heavier eye task. Over time, if the balance is broken, the vision will be inconsistent between the left and right eyes.

  Sleeping with mobile phone is harmful to cervical health

  "Cervical arch inversion" is the most common pathological basis of cervical diseases. High pillow can make the head bend forward and increase the stress of the lower cervical vertebra, which may accelerate the degeneration of cervical vertebra. However, bad living habits such as lying on a high back and watching TV, surfing the Internet for a long time, lying down and playing with a mobile phone, and pulling the cervical vertebra for a long time will also lead to the curve lordosis decreasing, straightening and even bending back.

  Sleeping with mobile phone affects sleep quality.

  Adequate sleep is a necessary guarantee for a healthy life. When playing mobile phone, the production of melatonin (secreted by pituitary gland, which directly affects the quality of sleep) will be reduced, which will lead to less sleep and even inability to sleep. I believe those who play mobile phones until midnight or even later have a profound experience — — I’m not sleepy at all. I don’t want to sleep.

  Sleeping with mobile phones affects family harmony.

  Young people, once they have cell phone sleepiness, are not in a hurry to find a partner. They think that cell phones are so fun and have everything in them. Why do they need to find a partner? Parents look at the older single children, but they really hate the dead mobile phone. After three days, they cursed, "I know how to play with my mobile phone every day. Everyone else has grandchildren, so you will give me a mobile phone?"