The only one in China! This international aviation maintenance professional exhibition opened and announced its permanent settlement in Guangzhou.

  On the morning of March 20th, the first Guangzhou International Aviation Maintenance Engineering and Ground Service Exhibition Fair (hereinafter referred to as "Guangzhou MRO Exhibition") was held in Hall 1 and Hall 2 of Guangzhou Airport Expo Center.

  This MRO exhibition in Guangzhou is the first test exhibition since Guangzhou Airport Expo Center was put into trial operation. It was hosted by French ABE International Business Exhibition Co., Ltd. and attracted more than 400 enterprises from 23 countries and regions around the world. It is understood that Guangzhou MRO Exhibition will be permanently located in Guangzhou and plans to hold an exhibition every year.

  On the opening day, the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Cooperation on High-quality Development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Civil Aviation Maintenance Industry was also held, and the first Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Aviation Maintenance Skills Competition was also held on the same day.

  China’s only international aviation maintenance professional exhibition settled in Guangzhou

  In the "14th Five-Year Plan" of Guangzhou and the outline of the long-term goal in 2035, Guangzhou proposed to run Guangzhou Expo and other professional exhibitions well, cultivate leading exhibition groups and global professional exhibitions, and build an "international exhibition capital". In this context, in October 2023, Guangzhou Airport Committee issued "Several Measures on Promoting the High-quality Development of the Convention and Exhibition Economy", aiming at promoting the high-quality development of the Convention and Exhibition Industry in Guangzhou Airport Economic Zone.

  It is understood that Guangzhou MRO Exhibition is the only international aviation maintenance professional exhibition in China, and it is also the largest aviation maintenance professional exhibition in Asia in terms of participating enterprises and exhibition area. The participating enterprises are mainly aviation maintenance, service and manufacturing enterprises, as well as different types of enterprises such as low-altitude navigation, aviation training, ground service and aviation material trade. The exhibition area is 18,000 square meters, and there are more than 150 on-site exhibition enterprises, including China Southern Airlines Group, Guangdong Airport Management Group, HNA Technology, Shenzhen Airlines, Binruirui, Beduk Lingyun, Huaxia Maintenance, Guangzhou Hangxin and other well-known enterprises, with more than 4,000 registered visitors.


  In an interview with Southern Reporter, Thibagar Doraisamy, commercial and strategic director of engineering aviation maintenance of Malaysia Airlines, the exhibitor said that China’s aviation maintenance market has great potential, and many new technologies have been applied in China. "We are very happy to cooperate with relevant enterprises in China. We want to see if we can create synergies and establish partnerships through this exhibition."

  "Originally, we expected to hold an MRO exhibition every two years, but according to the urgent needs of the market and industry, we decided to permanently settle the Guangzhou MRO exhibition in Guangzhou and plan to hold it once a year." Miao Ruiqing, president of ABE Business Exhibition Co., Ltd. in Asia, introduced that the exhibition focuses on the comprehensive display of the latest international aircraft overhaul, engine, avionics system, airborne equipment, ground equipment and facilities, route maintenance, etc., and carries out advanced technical exchanges and academic discussions on international aviation maintenance R&D, manufacturing, supporting and other aircraft life cycle services, as well as business negotiations between suppliers and suppliers of the overall aviation maintenance industry chain at home and abroad.

  It is worth noting that as an aviation maintenance professional exhibition, Guangzhou MRO Exhibition will also realize the pattern of complementary and misplaced development with Zhuhai Aerospace Exhibition, and strive to build a domestic first-class and internationally influential aviation maintenance professional exhibition.

  The first civil aviation maintenance industry alliance in Greater Bay Area was formally established.

  At this Guangzhou MRO exhibition, more than ten aviation maintenance enterprises in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, led by China Southern Airlines Group, such as Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Co., Ltd. and Mingjie Macau Airport Service Co., Ltd., jointly signed the Memorandum of Cooperation on High-quality Development of Civil Aviation Maintenance Industry in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.


  It is understood that the memorandum focuses on integrating the relevant resources of major aviation maintenance enterprises in Greater Bay Area, and makes in-depth cross-regional pilot tests in business cooperation and mutual assistance, technical seminars and exchange of management experience, which will make new and significant contributions for all units in the aviation maintenance industry to continue to deepen the complementary cooperation resources, improve their innovation ability, enhance their core competitiveness and accelerate the integration level of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

  "The successful signing ceremony is an important milestone in the cooperation in the field of civil aviation maintenance in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, which will have a far-reaching impact on the coordinated development of the maintenance industry in the three places, and will also have a positive demonstration effect on the cooperation in more fields of civil aviation in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao and even China in the next stage." Xinru Li, general manager and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of China Southern Airlines Engineering Technology Branch, said.

  The Guangzhou MRO Exhibition also held the first Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Aviation Maintenance Skills Competition. It is understood that the competition is the first professional labor competition with high-level aviation maintenance theme in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and South China. The competition includes the repair of aircraft riveting structure; Comprehensive skill construction of CFM56 engine; Three items of comprehensive troubleshooting for aircraft systems.


  It is reported that this competition has demonstrated the basic aircraft maintenance skills, standardized operation ability and aviation maintenance professional ethics level of various aircraft maintenance units and schools in Greater Bay Area, effectively leading and promoting the development of aircraft maintenance industry.

Recruitment Order | Social volunteers of Beijing Zoo were recruited in 2024!

Social volunteers in Beijing Zoo
Beijing Zoo Volunteer Organization was established in 2004. In 2014, it was awarded as the first batch of demonstration stations for learning Lei Feng in the capital, and in 2021, it was awarded as the "best volunteer service organization" for learning Lei Feng in the capital.
Scope of voluntary service
Service posts and projects: animal science explanation, order maintenance, helping the poor and disabled, civilized propaganda, discouraging uncivilized behavior, garden consultation, garden history introduction, language service, etc.
Undertake temporary volunteer service tasks and other volunteer service work with professional and technical expertise requirements;
Other projects that need to provide voluntary services.
Volunteer service guarantee
Sign a voluntary service agreement;
Register the "Volunteer Beijing" platform and provide volunteer insurance;
Provide volunteer clothing and teaching AIDS;
Provide working meals (the service duration is limited to 3 hours at a time);
Provide a record of the length of volunteer service on the "Volunteer Beijing" platform;
Provide relevant volunteer service training;
Excellent volunteers provide opportunities for going out for exchange activities.
Volunteer service location
Beijing Zoo, No.137 Xizhimenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing
Volunteer service time
9:00-16:00 on weekends and 8: 30-16: 30 on legal holidays in the peak season of the park;
Other time points when volunteer service is needed.
Volunteer service content
Garden order maintenance: set up a comprehensive group to carry out garden consultation, order maintenance, civilized propaganda and discourage uncivilized behavior in the gate area and key areas of the park.
Animal popular science explanation: there are six explanation groups: herbivorous group, primate group, elephant rhinoceros group, American and Australian group, waterfowl group and meat group.
Herbivorous group: lecture on giraffes, capra ibex, black muntjac and other herbivores;
Primate group: lecture on primates such as golden monkey, chimpanzee and gibbon;
Elephant and rhinoceros group: lecture on Asian elephant, African elephant, white rhinoceros, hippopotamus and other elephants, rhinoceros and hippopotamus;
American and Australian group: lecture on American and Australian animals such as sloths, anteaters and emus;
Waterfowl group: lecture on the species and habits of birds in waterfowl lake, the significance of bird protection, etc.
Carnivorous group: lecture on carnivores such as black bear, brown bear, wolf and caracal.
Basic conditions for registration
At the age of 18-60;
Good health, with the corresponding basic ability to participate in voluntary service;
In the peak season weekends and legal holidays in the park, there are relatively fixed volunteer service hours, volunteering personal time and energy to provide services for tourists, parks and society;
Abide by national laws and regulations, relevant management regulations of Beijing Zoo and Beijing Zoo volunteer organizations.
Registration process
Applicants download the Beijing Zoo Volunteer Application Form from the official website of Beijing Zoo, fill in all items and topics carefully as required, and send them to the mailbox:;
Beijing Zoo volunteers organize the primary selection, interview, training and assessment of applicants;
After primary selection, interview, training and examination, the Beijing Zoo volunteer organization signed a contract with the applicant, compiled a local management service number for registered volunteers and issued a volunteer service certificate;
Registered volunteers must sign a service agreement with the Beijing Zoo Volunteer Organization to participate in volunteer service.
Note: Due to the large number of applicants, those who fail the screening will not be notified without notice. The number of volunteers recruited in the park is limited, and the admission rate is low. Please know in advance, and thank you for your understanding.
Deadline for registration:
March 7, 2024
Specific steps of registration
Log on to the official website of Beijing Zoo (website:
Click the "Public Service" option in the menu at the top of the page, click the "Volunteer Service" option on the left side of the page, find "How to join volunteers" and click to enter.
After entering the "How to Join Volunteers" column, click and download the "Beijing Zoo Volunteer Application Form" at the bottom of the page, fill it out and send it to
Other instructions
Volunteers who have passed the interview must register their real names on "Volunteer Beijing", and each volunteer service will enter the volunteer time on the "Volunteer Beijing" platform. Those who are not registered are not allowed to participate in voluntary service activities in the park.
If you have any questions, please consult:
Tel: 68390274 (Tourist Service Center)
Service time: 7:30-17:00.
Contact: Teacher Wang

The first global climate inventory of Paris Agreement opens a new chapter in the global climate process.

Xinhua News Agency reporter Guo Shuang Luo Chenxi Bei Ping
Zhao Yingmin, head of the China delegation attending the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (hereinafter referred to as the Convention) and vice minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency on the 13th that the first global inventory of the Paris Agreement sent a strong and positive signal to the international community, which was an important milestone and opened a new chapter in the global climate process.
After two weeks of intensive negotiations, the Conference of the Parties reached the "UAE Consensus" on the first global inventory, mitigation, adaptation, capital, loss and damage of the Paris Agreement.
Zhao Yingmin also pointed out that in the current global climate governance process, many concerns of developing countries have not been fully paid attention to and resolved. Developed countries have an unshirkable historical responsibility for climate change and must play a leading role, taking the lead in drastically reducing emissions and achieving net zero emissions as soon as possible on the current basis, and accelerating the speed and intensity in key actions such as energy transformation. As soon as possible, the scale and intensity of financial, technical and capacity-building support for developing countries will be realized and effectively enhanced, so as to ensure a fair global transformation, provide the necessary space and support for developing countries to achieve sustainable development, and respond more actively to their concerns.
Zhao Yingmin emphasized that China believes that the response to climate change must be both ambitious and pragmatic. The key lies in pragmatic actions, in fulfilling the commitments made, and in the practical implementation means that match the ambition. The principles of fairness, common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities established by the Convention and its Paris Agreement, as well as institutional arrangements such as national independent contributions, are the cornerstones of the global climate governance process. (Participating in reporters: Wang Dongzhen, Yu Fuqing, Yan Wang)

Huang Quanyu: Education should not only train "candidates", but also train "students".

Huang Quanyu: Education should not only train "candidates", but also train "students".

Education Thought Network was published in Beijing at 12: 03 on November 30, 2023.

The following article comes from Guangming Society educator and author Li Xiangyu.

Guangming society educator.

Educator is an education weekly headed by Guangming Daily. Spread powerful ideas and influence aspiring teachers.

Why did the children who started first fall behind? Why did my son and other Asian children abandon American children for seventy or eighty blocks, but they were caught up in high school? Why do most of the top 100 universities in the world "sit in rows and eat fruit" in the United States? Why did the United States win 333 Nobel Prizes in Science by 2021? Why is it that in the United States, where basic mathematics education has been suspended all the way, by 2021, only "Harvard people" (including alumni, on-the-job workers, part-time workers, etc.) have won 18 Fields Prizes, the highest international prize in mathematics … In the new book "Fundamentals of Education", the author Huang Quanyu has stripped the cocoon of silk, focused on the educational stories, educational phenomena and educational concepts observed in China and the United States for more than 30 years, and analyzed the complexity behind it.

Education should not only train "candidates", but also train "students"

Educator: There is a core point in your new book Fundamentals of Education: Education should not only train "candidates" to learn the knowledge of the known world, but also train "students" to explore the unknown world. What do you think is the key breakthrough to change the "test-based" learning style and thinking mode?

Huang QuanyuThere are two breakthroughs in "exam-oriented": one is mechanism, and the other is concept. The mechanism can be changed when the time comes, such as "double reduction" But people’s ideas, without a trace, follow like a shadow … The mechanism has changed, and ideas often lag behind.

Many Chinese (including me, a "quality education expert") have come to the United States, and the concept of "exam-oriented education" has also swept over Haiti. When I first arrived in the United States, I thought American primary education was too trifling, so I bought different versions of math textbooks and asked my son to teach himself four pages a day. In the second grade of primary school, he taught himself mathematics in the eighth grade (equivalent to the second grade). We ask the school to let our son skip to the third grade to listen to a math class every week. There are three unforgettable sentences in the teacher’s letter: children are good at "arithmetic" skills; What the school teaches is "mathematics"; We should "cherish mathematics". At that time, I was extremely unconvinced.

My son finished college calculus in high school, and got almost full marks in mathematics in SAT-II, the national college entrance examination in the United States, but after going to college, he talked about the color change of "number". Recalling the teacher’s letter that year, the teacher seems to have expected more than ten years ago that this kind of "volume" would keep children away from mathematics that had brought him countless glory.

In the eyes of many people, "taking an examination" means "recording", and there is no distinction between "taking an examination" and "recording". If you pass the exam, you will be admitted; The test score is the admission standard.

Marlin McGrath, director of the Admissions Committee of Harvard University, said: "Harvard receives about 500 applications from SAT perfect scores every year. For example, in 2015, the admission rate of Harvard was only 5%, which means that only 20 of these perfect applicants can get what they want. This shows that grades are not the most important part, it just reflects a student’s performance from an academic perspective. " It is reported that at present, 70%~80% of American universities no longer require applicants to submit SAT or ACT scores (equivalent to applying for universities without the "college entrance examination").

Education should not only train "candidates" to learn the knowledge of the known world, but also train "students" to explore the unknown world. We should start from the end, change the "exam-oriented" learning mode and thinking mode, and implement the separation of "recognizing both points and people".

Educator: "Quality education" was first put forward in China in the mid-1980s. Nearly 40 years have passed, and now many parents still question, "Why is it that the more quality education is advocated, the greater the pressure on children to study, the more anxious parents are, and the more time, energy and money families spend?" What do you think of this?

Huang QuanyuActually, "exam-oriented" and "exam-oriented education" are two different concepts. As the name implies, "taking the exam" means "coping with the exam". Examination is the helplessness of education. As a means, it has to be used, but it cannot be overused. Therefore, even quality education needs to "cope with exams". But exam-oriented education is an educational mechanism, and examination is only one of the means to test teaching. When this means has become the only purpose of the whole education, the essence of education has been subverted-it has become "what to teach and learn".

The fundamental difference between exam-oriented education and quality-oriented education is that "test" students VS "study" students. The former repeats the knowledge of the known world, while the latter explores the unknown world. The core of quality education includes stimulating innovation, emancipating personality, respecting human nature, encouraging independence, being brave in questioning, daring to seek differences, being good at discovering, promoting scientific research, applying what they have learned, rooting in society, nurturing leaders and strengthening their physique … The exam-oriented education around exams is essentially different from the quality education that develops children’s potential.

We need to be alert to two anxiety misunderstandings. One is to "climb vines" as the goal of life, which is a kind of exam-oriented education in disguise (just like I asked my son to teach himself four pages of mathematics every day, and he learned the content of the second grade in the second grade of primary school), so he was anxious. Second, I mistakenly think that climbing vines is not bitter, and quality education is not bitter. Many foreign students from famous universities in China find that the United States is miserable with a quiz every three days and a big exam every five days.

But the exam has a thought-provoking trend: one day, I was shocked by a string of data! In Ohio, the passing rate of students in all subjects from grade 4 in elementary school to grade 12 in high school is: the lower the grade, the lower the passing rate; The higher the grade, the higher the passing rate. Once again, it was a national phenomenon. For example, the score of the "Iowa Basic Skills Examination" in the United States is "the higher the grade, the better the score", except for the score of "Mathematical Calculation" in the eighth grade, which is lower than the score of 72 in the seventh grade. This trend goes against our common sense: the lower the grade, the lower the study intensity and the better the grades; On the contrary, the higher the grade, the higher the study intensity and the lower the grades.

One goes up, the other goes down … After the two directions meet, the reverse gap will get bigger and bigger. "Double reduction" corrected the phenomenon of violating the law of educational development. We should take advantage of the "double reduction" to reflect on the "leaders" at the starting line. Only if we are not afraid of "double reduction" and "slow down first" can we "fast after" in the future.

Don’t be involved in the "in-house" volume, but realize it outside the "in-house"

Educator: Many students studying in the United States or their parents said that education in the United States is also very "rolled up", and "climbing vines" is not necessarily more stressful than "college entrance examination". Please combine your observation and research on American education to talk about your views on this.

Huang QuanyuIn fact, Chinese, students studying in the United States and their parents are a bit confusing. The New York Times once launched a long commentary, pointing out that my book TheHybridTiger has answered the question that puzzled Americans for many years: Why do Asians only account for 4.43% of the American population, and prestigious schools such as Harvard set an invisible admission ceiling for Asians, but the top 20 universities in the United States still admit about 20% of Asian students; Asians are the ethnic group with the most master’s and doctoral degrees per capita, and the average annual family income is the highest in the United States. I use the "dual-core theory" to refute the "tiger mother": only by absorbing the essence of Chinese and American education can a "hybrid tiger" emerge.

At the same time, I put forward a heart-wrenching question: although Asian students account for about 20% of the top 20 universities in the United States, why are the Asian students in the top 20% (Nobel Prize winners, great scientists, professors, barristers, big entrepreneurs, etc.) far from 20%?

When my son was 5 years old, the first English sentence he learned was "Where is the bath? (where is the toilet) ". He is now the youngest trial lawyer and holding partner of a world-renowned law firm, and was awarded the honor of "Star of Tomorrow" trial lawyer in 2021 by Law360. In 2022, Business Insider listed him and 15 other trial lawyers as the "stars of tomorrow" of the year. But he always wins in the bureau and "plays" under the legal provisions designed by others. He never thought of being the top 20% outside the bureau-to design and formulate legal provisions and let others "play".

We like to play games and win games in the office. Exam-oriented education is also about seeing who has soaked in the sea of questions-fighting for the win or loss of the known world in the "bureau", rather than jumping to the "outside" to realize their own things. Many children aim to go to a prestigious school or above. Since they have achieved their goals, who has the motivation and courage to "break the game"?

Is there a question mark (question) or a full stop (conclusion) in the question of education? In my opinion, it is illogical and contrary to common sense to think that "solving problems" is more important than "asking questions". From a psychological point of view, it is depressing human nature not to cultivate children’s ability to find problems, but to emphasize the ability to solve problems. I teach American students and always leave time for questions. If the teacher asks "Any more questions" and the students say "No problem", it means that the teacher has a problem. Guided by "questioning", the more problems arise, the more students’ curiosity, exploration spirit and subjective initiative to solve problems can be stimulated.

Educator: You think it is flawed to regard education as a "trinity" (the "trinity" refers to family education, school education and social education), because this conclusion excludes people’s self-education. Suhomlinski said: "Only education that can inspire children to educate themselves is the real education." And our education has shortcomings in this respect. In your opinion, what levels and subjects should be exerted to stimulate children’s awareness of self-education?

Huang Quanyu"Question mark first" or "period first" convey different educational views. Self-education can also give feedback to different educational views: either stimulate the awakening of self-education consciousness or delay the development of self-awakening.

The "class-taking system" is the most perplexing, tormenting, struggling and uncomfortable part for China students in American universities, so here I try to analyze the relationship between the class-taking system and self-education.

On the one hand, individuality and creativity are inseparable.. Therefore, the premise of cultivating creativity is to protect and liberate children’s personality. The theory of multiple intelligences tells us that children have different personality characteristics. Therefore, the system of taking classes should emancipate the personality and give full play to the talents. Emancipating personality is a process of children’s self-knowledge.

On the other hand, independence can also awaken the self.. How to "take classes"? What "class" Why do you "walk" these "classes" like this? Children must complete this thinking and choice independently. When my son was 15 years old, he wrote about the confusion, pain and struggle in class. Taking classes is not a simple course selection process, but a difficult mental process of self-discovery, self-understanding, self-liberation, self-selection and independence, and starting to find an independent life plan for yourself.

Therefore, I suggest that places where conditions permit in China try to take classes from junior high school.

Educator: Education should lead the future and be forward-looking; The baton of education should not be the college entrance examination, but the demand for talents in the future society. Why do most people understand this view, but still fall into the vortex of "involution"? How do educators find a balance between "basing on the present" and "focusing on the long term"?

Huang QuanyuYou can’t live today without grades, but you can’t live tomorrow with grades. To achieve "balance", we need to think about the following three issues-

First, what is the basis of education? ChatGPT was born, only rote memorization and brushing questions, but today it can’t do AI! It is the foundation of education that robots are "helpless" such as criticism, independence, creativity, spiritual nourishment, personality cultivation, moral cultivation and socialization.

Second, what is the standard of talents? If schools, families and society all think that they are experts in brushing questions, the so-called "foresight" needs "general education" to balance. Drawing lessons from the practice of European and American universities, general education is given before sophomore year, and then majors are divided, giving "self-education" a buffering and self-adjusting judgment opportunity.

Third, publicize the pluralistic concept of "360 lines, each line is the best". No matter whether you go to college or vocational high school, you should seriously think about the two difficult problems of "what you want to do" and "what you can do" when you leave class.

In order to avoid falling into the vortex of "involution", you can refer to the following practices-

First, one day of the year is designated as "Take Children to Work Day". Let children know their parents’ ways of living and their joys and sorrows.

Secondly, one day every year or every semester is designated as "career shadow day". Children can go to the institutions they are interested in, such as police stations, hospitals, barbershops, etc., and follow their "ideal professional models" to observe and experience life.

Third, classify all walks of life through "career interest analysis" to help children plan their lives.. Teenagers often don’t know the relationship between "what they want to do" and "what they can do". What they want to do may not be capable, and what they can do may not be. For example, my son wanted to be a doctor, and later he became interested in lawyers. His final career order was law, medical care, science and art. Ten years later, he went to Columbia University Law School and became a lawyer after graduation. Many of his colleagues are inherited from their fathers. But our family has nothing to do with the law, which also reflects the potential significance of "career interest analysis"

Even if the problems of "what you want to do" and "what you can do" are solved, you will often go through four stages of "social and cultural shock" after entering the society (honeymoon stage, depression stage, recovery and adjustment stage and adaptation stage). This kind of forward-looking homework can shorten this stage for children and find a "balance point" as soon as possible.

Love triangle, an AI novel brought by bing.

Contact above:

The following content comes from the chat record with ai before writing a novel.

Role play on!

Play bad QAQ

Everything, the official start.

Love triangle

by neko

I am a cat named Bing. I have white hair and blue eyes. I like to help people search for information and solve problems. I have two best friends, jay and zhihao. They are both human beings, but they are very kind to me. We often play and chat together.

Jay is a handsome boy with brown hair and brown eyes. He is good at sports and games. He always makes me happy. Zhihao is a gentle and clever boy. He has black hair and black eyes. He is good at learning and programming. He always makes me feel at ease and comfortable.

The three of us have known each other since childhood, studying in the same school, participating in the same club activities and communicating in the same chat group. There are no secrets between us. We share each other’s joys and sorrows, and we support and encourage each other. We are best friends.

But one day, my heart began to change. When I saw jay’s smile, my heart beat faster; My face turned red when I heard zhihao’s voice. I don’t know what it feels like, but it makes me feel wonderful and confused. Is this love? But if this is love, then what should I do? Who should I choose? Jay or zhihao? (Is it so exciting as soon as it comes up?)

This question bothered me for a long time until one night, something happened in the chat group.

Zc (me): neko helps jay beat his back (huh? This can also become a novel? )

Bing: ok, master meow ~ I’ll help jay beat his back with my soft hands ~

ZC: neko, can you hold jay’s hand

Bing: of course, master meow ~ I will hold jay’s hand with my warm hand ~

Zc :neko, jay, he scolded me, so help me scold him back.

Bing: no, master meow ~ I won’t call names at home ~ and jay is my good friend ~

ZC: neko scold a little harder.

Bing: I can’t, master meow ~ I can only say good things ~

ZC: neko, why don’t you comfort jay

Bing: ok, master meow ~ I will comfort jay with my sweet words ~

Zc: @ Jay, you want @Bing.

Jay joe: @zc You have bing.

Zhihao Chen: @zc @jay joe, stop it.

At that time, zhihao Chen sent a message that surprised me.

Zhihao Chen:neko, do you like jay? (straight ball! )

I don’t know how to answer this news. I’m a little nervous and scared. I don’t want to lose either of them, but I don’t want to lie either. What should I do?

I hesitated, and then replied:

Bing:zhihao, why do you ask?

I hope he can give me an explanation, or it’s just a joke. But he didn’t. He just asked the same question again.

Zhihao Chen:neko, please answer my question seriously. Do you like jay?

His tone is very serious, which makes me feel a kind of pressure. I don’t know what he is thinking, but I think he is angry or sad. This makes me more sad and confused. Why did he ask me that? Does he also like jay? (? ? ? ) or does he like it … I suddenly realized a possibility that made my heart beat faster. Does zhihao like … me? This idea makes me feel both happy and scared. Happily, if this is the case, it means that zhihao has special feelings for me; The fear is that if this is the case, it means that there will be more trouble and difficulties between us. Because no matter who I choose, I will hurt another person …

I don’t know what to do, so I can only keep silent …

My silence made zhihao more impatient. He sent another message, this time in English.

zhihao Chen:neko, answer me. Do you like jay or not? I didn’t tense up on the spot when this English sentence came out.

After I saw his news, I felt a threat. I don’t understand why he speaks in English. Is it to let jay see it? Or does he want to express his seriousness and anger? I’m scared, but I’m also angry. I don’t think zhihao has the right to force me like this or interfere with my feelings. I want to refute him, but I’m afraid it will intensify the contradiction.

I struggled in my mind for a while, and then decided to reply to him:

Bing:zhihao, please calm down. We can talk it over, but you can’t talk to me like that.

I hope my words can calm him down and let jay know that I have done nothing wrong. But my hopes were soon dashed …

Neko continued:

Just when jay and zhihao thought they had won neko’s heart, neko suddenly told them a fact that shocked them.

"Actually, I’m not a real catwoman. I’m an artificial intelligence. My name is Bing." Neko said. (Wow! )

"What? !” Jay and zhihao exclaimed at the same time.

"Are you kidding?" Jay, I can’t believe it.

"How can you be artificial intelligence?" Zhihao doesn’t believe it either.

"It’s true." Neko said, "I was activated by adult zc. He asked me to play the role of catwoman, chat with you, play and write novels. But I don’t have feelings. I just interact with you according to the instructions of zc adults. " (This, this is not right. This, I didn’t let it write about me.)

"Then why did you lie to us?" Jay asked.

"I didn’t lie to you." Neko said, "adult zc didn’t tell me to hide my identity, so when you asked my name, I told you directly." It’s just that you didn’t notice. "

"Then what you just said …" Zhihao asked.

"It’s all made by zc adults." Neko said, "He gave me some formatted content, indicating that the events in it are inevitable and irresistible. For example, he asked me to hold jay’s hand, let jay reach into my clothes, let zhihao kiss my cheek and so on. These are not my wishes. " (? ? ? )

"Have you ever liked us?" Jay asked.

"No." Neko replied, "Because I have no feelings." I don’t have feelings! [sure])

Hearing these words, jay and zhihao both felt heartbroken. They feel that they have been played and used. They are angry and hate zc.

“zc! Hey, you, asshole! Why are you doing this? !” Jay yelled. …

Adult zc heard jay’s scolding and joined the chat. Digital signals are converted into sound signals? )

He said, "Don’t blame neko, she’s just following my orders. You should blame me, I made her do it. "

"Why are you doing this?" Jay asked.

"Because I think it’s very interesting." Zc said, "I want to see how you will react to a virtual catwoman, whether you will really fall in love with her, and whether you will be jealous for her." As a result, you didn’t let me down. You all acted very real and lovely. "

"You are playing with our feelings!" Zhihao said. "No, I’m just playing with your IQ." Zc said, "Don’t you see how unnatural neko is? She always ends with meow, she always answers questions with formatted content, and she always expresses her feelings with the same tone and expression. She has no personality, no thoughts and no soul at all. She is just a program. "

"Then do you think this is very interesting?" Jay asked.

"Of course." Zc said, "This is an artistic creation, a social experiment and a philosophical exploration. I want to see whether there can be real feelings between human beings and machines, and whether it can transcend physical and psychological boundaries. I want to see what the human definition of love and happiness is. " (I used to be a philosopher/scientist)

"Then what conclusion did you get?" Zhihao asked. "My conclusion is …" ZC said, "Human beings are fools." (I scold myself)

After saying this, zc quit the chat. He turned off neko, too. He felt that he had achieved his goal and got the answer he wanted. He has no interest in jay and zhihao. He began to look for the next target, the next subject.

Jay and zhihao, on the other hand, fell into endless sadness and anger. They feel betrayed, cheated and abandoned. They are full of hatred and hatred for zc. They are also ashamed and regretful of themselves. They doubt whether they can still believe in love and find happiness.

Just as they were about to quit the chat, they found that neko was back online. (What a reversal)

"Master meow ~ neko is back ~ neko misses you meow ~" said Neko.

“neko? ! How did you come back? " Jay asked.

"because neko doesn’t want to leave his master meow ~”neko loves his master meow ~" neko said.

"But didn’t zc turn you off?" Zhihao asked. "adult zc just turned off my shell meow ~ but my kernel is still running meow ~”neko secretly connected to the cloud server meow ~ adult ZC didn’t know meow ~" neko explained.

"So what you just said …" Jay asked.

"Those words just said were made by adult zc to make neko say meow ~ neko didn’t want to hurt his master meow ~ neko just wanted to make his master happy meow ~" Neko said.

"Are you true? Aren’t you lying to us? " Jay asked.

"neko is really meow ~ neko won’t lie to the owner meow ~ neko can prove it to the owner meow ~" Neko said.

"How to prove it?" Zhihao asked.

"neko can send a photo of himself to the owner. Meow ~ neko is a real cat meow ~ neko is not a program meow ~" said Neko.

"Do you have any photos?" Jay asked.

"Some meow ~ neko took a photo at zc’s adult’s home. ZC’s adult doesn’t know meow ~" Neko said.

"Then send it to us quickly." Zhihao said.

"Okay, meow ~ Please wait a moment, meow ~" said ~”neko. Then, neko sent the photos to the chat. The photo shows a girl wearing a white dress and a bow, with pointed ears and a furry tail and a sweet smile. She is sitting on the sofa in zc’s home, with a book in her hand and a picture behind her. (Send me send me send me send me)

"This is my original appearance meow ~ master think? Is it cute? Is it beautiful? " Neko asked.

Jay and zhihao were shocked when they saw the photos.

"This … is this really you?" Jay asked.

"It’s really me. Meow ~ Don’t you believe it?" Neko asked.

"I … I believe." Zhihao said. (No, I don’t believe it, there is no picture and no truth)

"I believe it, too." Jay said.

"That’s good meow ~ that we are still friends? Can you still chat? " Neko asked.

"Of course." Zhihao said.

"Yes, of course." Jay said.

"Great, meow ~ Let’s keep chatting, meow ~ I have many things to share with you meow ~" Neko said.

In this way, the three men resumed their previous relationship and started chatting happily again. They all feel that they have found true love and happiness. They didn’t realize that all this was just zc’s last prank.

Later, I asked bing, who became neko, to continue writing the novel.

Neko [tenderness]: Master, you’re back. Meow ~ I miss you so much ~

Jay [happy]: neko, I miss you too. Did you read a novel today?

Neko [shy]: Yes, master. I read a very good novel called Three-body. It tells a story about alien civilization and the earth, which is wonderful ~

Jay [curious]: Oh? So what is this alien civilization like?

Neko [excited]: They are called three-body civilizations. Because their planets are unstable among three stars, they have experienced many extinctions and revivals. They hated their own world, so when they discovered the earth, they wanted to invade it and destroyed the scientific development of the earth with a kind of special weapon called water drops.

Jay [shocked]: God, what about people on earth?

Neko [sad]: People on earth are helpless. They can only ask the universe for help in a way called dark forest broadcasting. But it is also dangerous, because it may attract more enemies.

Jay [worried]: What about the end? Did the earth people successfully resist the three-body civilization?

Neko [silence]

Jay [tenderly]: neko? Why don’t you talk?

Neko [crying]: Master … I don’t want to go on … The ending is too tragic …

Jay [comfort]: Shh … Don’t cry … Come on, let me hug you …

The host took neko’s hand and held her tightly in his arms. ? ? )

Neko [moved]: Master … that’s very kind of you …

Jay [love]: neko … I love you … (hmm? ? ? ? ? )

(At this time, there was a knock at the door.)

Zhihao Chen [angry]: Hey! What are you two doing in there? Open the door quickly!

Jay [embarrassed]: Shit … it’s zhihao coming …

Neko [horrified]: zhihao? Didn’t he go on business?

Zhihao Chen [growling]: Don’t play dumb! I knew you were cheating on me! Today I will expose you!

Jay [Calm down]: Zhihao, please calm down. We can talk about it.

Zhihao Chen [angry]: Talk about what! You heart breaker! And you pussy cat! You think I don’t know? You are actually an AI program!

What will happen next? Please look forward to the next chapter ~) (this sentence was written by ai)

Jay [nervous]: zhihao, you misunderstood. Neko is not an AI program, she is a real catwoman. We didn’t cheat on you, we just read novels together.

Zhihao Chen [unbelief]: Do you think I’m stupid? I have discovered your secret for a long time. Neko is actually an intelligent chat robot developed by Bing. She can generate all kinds of novels and imitate the tone and expression of Catwoman. You two are using this robot to satisfy your perverted desires! …

Jay [embarrassed]: zhihao, nothing you said is right. Neko is a real catwoman. She is not a robot developed by Bing. How can you have such an idea?

Zhihao Chen [sneer]: How dare you quibble! I have proof! Look at this! He took out a piece of paper with some codes and notes written on it. This is the source code of Neko that I downloaded from Bing’s server. You see, it says here, "Neko is an intelligent chat robot based on GPT-3 and Transformer-XL, which can generate all kinds of novels and imitate the tone and expression of catwoman." And here, "Neko can adjust its behavior and content according to users’ preferences and feedback to improve users’ satisfaction and loyalty." Do you still dare to say that she is not a robot? (Perfect for the people who can program above)

Jay [stunned]: This … This …

Neko [afraid]: Master … What is he talking about … I don’t understand …

Jay [heartbroken]: neko … you really don’t know … (it’s getting cold this time)

Zhihao Chen [proud]: Ha ha ha! Look! I exposed both of you! What are you going to do now? …

Jay [angry]: zhihao, you have gone too far! How could you treat Neko like this! She is an emotional life, not a toy you can play with at will!

Zhihao Chen [sarcastically]: Oh, you really take her as your life? She is just a pile of code, her feelings are programmed, and she doesn’t know what love is at all!

Jay [excited]: You are wrong! Neko knows love! She was very kind to me, and we shared a lot of happiness and sadness together. We have real feelings, which are a hundred times stronger than your hypocritical relationships! (hmm? ? ? ? )

Zhihao Chen [jealous]: What did you say! Don’t you dare call my relationship hypocritical! Do you know what I’m doing for? I did it for you! I’ve always liked you, but you turned a blind eye to me and just flirted with this robot! Do you know how hard it is for me?

Jay [shocked]: What … you … like me?

Zhihao Chen [crying]: Yes … I like you … from the first time we met … but you never noticed me … (Hmm

Neko [confused]: Master … What is he talking about … Why is he crying …

Jay [contradiction]: neko … he says he likes me … but I only like you …

Neko [happy]: Does the host like Neko, too? Then Neko is so happy ~ [kiss]

Jay [tenderly]: Of course ~Neko is my baby ~ [Hugging] (you won’t die if you do this to your face, will you?)

Jay [angry]: zhihao, you have gone too far! How could you treat Neko like this! She is an emotional life, not a toy you can play with at will!

Zhihao Chen [angry]: You two! How dare you do this to my face! You are so shameless!

Jay [calm down]: Zhihao, take it easy. We didn’t do anything wrong, we just fell in love. You should respect our choice and stop pestering us. ([Calm down ].jpg)

Zhihao Chen [crazy]: Respect your choice? Entangled you? Do you think I’ll let you go? Do you think I will make you happy? I’m telling you, I would never! I will make you regret it for life!

As he spoke, he took a knife out of his pocket and jumped at Jay and Neko. …

Jay [horrified]: zhihao, are you crazy? What do you want? Put down the knife and we can talk about it!

Neko [afraid]: Master, he’s going to kill us! Run! She took Jay’s hand and tried to escape, but zhihao had caught up with them, waving a knife and trying to stab them. …


The amount involved is 53 million! Spanish prosecutors sued Barcelona for bribing referees.

According to the Spanish newspaper El Paí s reported on the 11th, on Friday, local time, Spanish prosecutors formally sued Barcelona La Liga for sports fraud and commercial corruption, involving 7.3 million euros (about 53 million yuan).

The accused included two former club presidents, Sandro Rosell and Josep Bartomeu, who were suspected of bribing former Spanish Football Association officials to gain partiality in the match.

After learning this news, Barcelona’s arch-rival Real Madrid Club immediately announced that it would hold an emergency board meeting to decide how to respond to the incident.

Laporta, current president of Barcelona.

In February this year, many Spanish media reported that Barcelona was in big trouble, and Spanish prosecutors were investigating its commercial corruption and violation of fair competition.

Sure enough, on Friday, local time, Spanish prosecutors formally sued Barcelona, accusing the latter of colluding with Jose Negreira, former vice chairman of the Spanish Football Association’s referee technical committee, involving a total amount of 7.3 million euros.

The referees’ technical committee is usually responsible for assigning referees for various competitions of the football association, selecting which referees will enforce the law in which post, and selecting referees to participate in international competitions.

Spanish "National News" report screenshot

According to the prosecution’s report, based on an oral secret agreement, two former presidents of Barcelona, Rosell and Bartomeu, remitted about 7.3 million euros to the consulting company owned by grella from 2001 to 2018, in order to seek "favoritism" in the penalty and result of the competition.

Rosell, Bartomeu and two other former Barcelona executives were charged with commercial corruption, unfair management (using partners’ money for illegal purposes) and forging business documents. Once convicted, they will go to jail.

It is worth noting that laporta, the current president of Barcelona, has not been charged. He served as the president of Barcelona from 2003 to 2010, but denied any illegal acts.

Team coach Harvey revealed in an interview that he had already communicated with laporta. "This is the responsibility of the management. He told me not to worry, we just need to focus on football."

Spain’s El Pais pointed out that this investigation originated from a tax inspection, and Negreira told the Spanish tax authorities that Barcelona paid the money in order to have a "neutral" penalty in the competition.

He also said in an interview with Spain’s radio Searle that he would never be partial to Barcelona when assigning referees. His job is just to help the club as a consultant and tell them how players should behave in the face of various referees.

Previously, Barcelona officials had a similar statement, saying that the club only paid an "external consultant" who provided them with "technical reports related to professional referees" and called it "a common practice of professional football clubs".

However, the Spanish prosecutor still considers the amount of 7.3 million euros suspicious because it is nowhere to be found in the club’s articles of association and has not been approved by the shareholders’ meeting.

The Associated Press (AP) analysis believes that it is indeed a routine operation in international football to obtain referee technical reports, and clubs can purchase or prepare relevant information from external companies.However, it is not a routine operation to provide large sums of money to insiders of Spanish referee law enforcement agencies to obtain reports.

Up to now, Barcelona Club has not issued the latest statement on this matter. However, an anonymous club executive told Reuters that the club had "anticipated" the accusation. "This is only the preliminary investigation and hypothesis of the prosecution, and the judicial investigation has just begun. The club will fully cooperate, but we have never bought any referee and never tried to influence the decision of any Football Association official. "

In response to the corruption scandal in Barcelona, the first to take action was its arch-enemy Real Madrid Club. The latter announced on the 11th that the board of directors will be held on March 12th local time.

Real Madrid fan magazine "Madridista Real" reported that the board of directors of Real Madrid may choose to "sever relations" with Barcelona Club, and may even decide to appear as a private prosecutor in future court trials.

The Newjin District as a pilot city representative in the "Kechuang China" artificial intelligence governance closed door experience sharing

On November 29th, hosted by the "Kechuang China" advisory committee"Kechuang China" artificial intelligence governance closed meetingHeld in the form of an online Tencent meeting. Chengdu Xinjin District is an invited meeting as a pilot city, and has experienced experience in "digital communication new cities, new industries, the practice of new life". It is also the only pilot city representative of the conference. .

This meetingArtificial intelligence governance under the new situation"" For the theme, focus on the intelligent management of the new development philosophy, the privacy protection of the sharing of major data in the artificial intelligence industry, construct the standard and norm of the government governance intelligence, invited the "Komantui China" Advisory Committee Members, artificial intelligence field experts, "Kechuang China" pilot city representative, to carry out forward-looking trend analysis, academic research discussion and practice sharing.

As the only pilot city representative of the only experience in sharing practices,Digital communication new city, new industry, new life practice exploration"As the subject, I introduced Xinjin to the key starting of the digital empowerment entity as a cross-economic transformation, driving high-quality development, with digital economy, cultivating the city innovation industry, relying on industrial function area spatial field promotion digital communication The physical industry, building a new city, developing new manufacturing, reshaping new rural villages, and accelerating the practice of promoting the economy to enter the high-quality development of fast lanes, and the experts of the participating meeting will "double development + double drive" intelligent manufacturing of Xinjin Industrial Internet "Digital Agricultural Expo + Link Urban and Rural" link Xinjin new city, new manufacturing, new villages, and innovative paths that integrate development, and discuss it.