Advanced intelligent driving+HarmonyOS 3 upgrade, Huawei’s M5 series advanced intelligent driving version will be released soon.

Recently, in the release of Huawei’s flagship new product in the spring of 2023, the official solemnly announced that Huawei’s advanced intelligent driving version of Wujie M5 and Wujie M5 EV will meet with consumers in April. In this flagship new product launch, Huawei Yu Chengdong said that Huawei’s M5 Advanced Intelligent Driving Edition will bring unprecedented intelligent driving experience to users. At the same time, all models of Huawei will upgrade the HarmonyOS 3, bringing users a top-level intelligent cockpit experience.

Huawei will upgrade all models in the world to HarmonyOS 3.

HarmonyOS 3 has made remarkable improvements in enhancing the intelligence of automobiles, realized the seamless connection experience of multiple products in the whole scene, and brought users a relaxed, convenient and experienced immersive driving experience. Its functions are also brand-new, such as super desktop, PC collaboration, intelligent car search, small art reminder, small art wake-up-free and HUD height adaptive adjustment, etc., and also introduced the privacy mode of the main driver to ensure the safety of user information.

At the press conference, Huawei announced that all models of Huawei will be upgraded to HarmonyOS 3, which means that car owners can not only enjoy the convenience of intelligent driving, but also experience the top experience of HarmonyOS 3 intelligent cockpit. HarmonyOS 3 breaks the three major pain points of "less application, slow upgrade and poor experience" in the past, and makes use of human factors technology and distributed technology, so that car owners can operate more easily, have a more comfortable interactive experience, obtain content resources more easily, have a smarter functional experience and have more convenient cross-device connection and control ability.

Huawei’s full stack technology deeply empowers Huawei to ask for boundaries.

The blessing of Huawei’s full-stack technology has brought top-level driving and control strength to all products in Huawei. In addition to the most advanced intelligent strength, the HUAWEI DriveONE electric drive platform provides a super-running four-second acceleration performance of zero hundred kilometers. Huawei’s self-developed HUAWEI DATS dynamic adaptive torque system can effectively improve the driving comfort of the vehicle during dynamic driving, making the vehicle more aware of the road and more calm, with leading handling and comfort at the same level. The strong and stable electric drive output of HUAWEI DriveONE three-in-one electric drive platform benefits from the industry-leading precision oil cooling technology, which greatly reduces the volume and noise of electric drive, fundamentally improves the power and quietness, and allows users to experience lower energy consumption and quiet driving, which perfectly combines power and economy.

Huawei’s M5 series high-end intelligent driving version adopts the ultimate aesthetic front face design, such as the low-down and forward-looking shape of the sports car, which not only shapes the dynamic momentum with full sense of output and great sense of movement, but also continues the simplicity and purity of the family. The interior fully demonstrates the concept of people-oriented open space, and the enclosed independent cockpit design. The interior of the whole vehicle is covered with high-grade Nappa leather, all-water leather and warm touch wood grain to create a fashionable interior with value. It is not only natural and environmentally friendly, but also brings users a soft experience closest to human skin, and it shows elegance and luxury everywhere.

Quality and word-of-mouth double harvest, Huawei is widely recognized in the world.

In the "Quality Report of New Passenger Cars in 2022", Huawei ranked first in the quality ranking of new energy brands, far ahead of the industry average. The comprehensive quality of Huawei’s industry has been recognized by consumers and many well-known media. The net recommended value of NPS for car owners is as high as 86.4%, ranking first in the industry. Excellent product quality shows that Huawei’s brand value has been recognized by users. The quality of Huawei’s products has won the favor of many users, which is inseparable from Huawei’s advanced research and development technology. Huawei is equipped with a number of independent latest technologies from Huawei to provide a strong car experience guarantee to meet customer needs.

Huawei officially announced that the advanced intelligent driving versions of Huawei’s Wujie M5 and Wujie M5 EV will be released in April, which will become a new benchmark for new energy vehicles in the 250,000-350,000 market segment. The high-end intelligent driving version launched this time aims to improve Huawei’s M5 family product sequence, providing consumers with more car purchase options. Huawei’s M5 Series Advanced Intelligent Driving Edition combines Huawei’s latest advanced intelligent driving and HarmonyOS 3 intelligent cockpit technology to provide a smarter, more convenient and more comfortable car experience. Backed by Huawei technology, Huawei’s M5 series advanced intelligent driving edition has top intelligent driving ability and extraordinary intelligent cockpit experience. We look forward to further practical experience and measured feedback after the release.

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Strive for "Ping-pong" and "Ping-pong" is wonderful —— The Fourth Table Tennis Competition of Loudi Intermediate People’s Court

Strive for table tennis.

Table tennis is wonderful.

The Fourth Table Tennis Competition of Intermediate People’s Court

Exercise stretches health,

Competition inspires vitality.

On the sports stage,

Let’s work together-

With sweat and hard work,

With strength and tenacity,

Write poems of life!

opening ceremony

In order to enrich the cultural construction of the court and fully display the healthy spirit of the police, the Loudi Intermediate People’s Court held the fourth table tennis competition on the evening of December 13th and 14th. Li Zhengming, Party Secretary and Dean of the Intermediate People’s Court, attended the event. Xia Ziwei, member of the party group and vice president of the Intermediate People’s Court, made an opening speech.

Player style

Based on the principle of "national fitness, joint participation", a total of eight teams were formed to participate in the competition. On the field, the athletes were enthusiastic and devoted themselves to the competition, such as the straight shot, the horizontal shot, the spike, the spin ball, the curveball … Everyone chased after me, not to be outdone, and the wonderful moments were constantly staged, with cheers and applause one after another. The players showed their achievements, confidence and style. Every game, adhering to the belief of "never give up until the ball hits the ground", shows the energetic, combative and enterprising spirit of the court people in the new era.

After fierce competition, a total of 1 first prize was produced; 2 second prizes; 3 third prizes; 2 outstanding organization awards; 2 outstanding athletes.

Everyone has said that through this competition, they have strengthened their physique, tempered their will and exercised their team. In the future work, we will gather the courage and fearlessness shown in the competition into full enthusiasm for work, and make greater contributions to the sprint and the high-quality development of the court at the end of the year!

Original title: "Strive for" Ping-pong "Bo, and" Ping-pong "is wonderful-the Fourth Table Tennis Competition of Loudi Intermediate People’s Court"

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ChatGPT’s Enlightenment to Future Battlefield Intelligence Perception and Decision-making

Author: Liu Xinyu

The combination of artificial intelligence technology and unmanned aerial vehicle will greatly change the existing theory and mode of military operations. The power of artificial intelligence plays a role at all levels of the national defense industry, and the rapid development of artificial intelligence will define the next generation of war. Recently, ChatGPT, a generative artificial intelligence technology developed by OpenAI, has been paid attention to and used all over the world. ChatGPT is a large-scale generative pre-training language model based on transformer. It can train in existing data sets and generate texts similar to human language. This unique ability makes it an ideal tool for military applications. The underlying natural language model and technology that provides power for ChatGPT may completely change the artificial intelligence on the battlefield and have a great impact on the situation awareness and independent decision-making methods in future wars.

Intelligent situational awareness in the whole information domain

In the future military field, there will be a battlefield environment with complex information, high confrontation and changeable tasks. The highly uncertain combat environment puts forward extremely high requirements for the independent perception and cognitive ability of combat equipment. Military equipment needs to have the ability of automatic target detection and identification and multi-sensor data fusion. It can detect and fuse enemy target information and its own support information through autonomous and receiving information acquisition methods, and perceive the battlefield situation and extract important information for subsequent decision-making on the basis of obtaining full information domain.

Based on the demand for intelligent situational awareness, the generative artificial intelligence technology ChatGPT can be integrated into military vehicles, aircraft and other combat systems. With the application of artificial intelligence language robots trained by a large number of models, the required real-time information can be effectively coordinated in a multi-domain environment, and the input data from various sensors can be analyzed to generate a complete, comprehensive and real-time updated operational environment map.

Intelligent technology can play a key role in future military operations. Generative artificial intelligence technology can rely on its strong creativity, understanding and response speed to obtain cross-domain intelligence and battlefield situation data, improve the ability of insight into intelligence, form a highly simulated situation scene, realize dialogue between people and battlefield environment, provide real-time information and situation prediction, enhance the real-time and decision-making of battlefield situation perception, and better support real-time decision-making in military operations.

Real-time and efficient intelligent independent decision-making ability

At present, the autonomous decision-making ability of aircraft has been initially characterized by intelligence and independence. The US Air Force uses artificial intelligence "decision-making assistant tools" in distributed common ground system (DCGS) to help sort out and integrate a large amount of data. This artificial intelligence system connects most airborne intelligence and monitoring and reconnaissance platforms of the US Air Force, and integrates artificial intelligence technology into training to expand into other fields.

If the generative artificial intelligence technology ChatGPT is introduced into the decision-making method of aircraft, it can provide real-time information about enemy positions, movements and capabilities, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of friendly forces in tactical situations based on the prior information database and real-time signal, data and image databases, and at the same time based on the real-time interaction between aircraft and environment, so as to analyze, reason and make decisions, and realize rapid response to battlefield decision-making.

The generative artificial intelligence robot can generate multiple sets of operational plans in a short time when the aircraft is faced with complex and uncertain operational conditions, and preview the battlefield process and results for each set of plans, so as to generate real-time optimal decisions in the face of complex requirements in terms of information acquisition, reaction time, calculation speed, tactical evolution and comprehensive evaluation, and support decision makers with diversified decision plans and deduction results.

Real-time and efficient intelligent autonomous decision-making method can cover the complex situation in real combat environment, play a similar role to human brain in high uncertainty environment, dynamically adjust attack and protection strategies according to real-time situation awareness and operational effectiveness evaluation, and realize efficient confrontation through closed loop of process.

Enlightenment and prospect of intelligent military

Generative artificial intelligence technology breaks the logic of time series calculation, and makes artificial intelligence in multiple sub-fields begin to merge technically. As a new technology in the field of artificial intelligence, deploying ChatGPT in military operations may enhance cross-domain combat capability and realize situational awareness and real-time independent decision-making in all information domains. In the future battlefield, if we can deploy the top-level layout and bottom-level algorithm of generative artificial intelligence with the guidance of military operations and equipment development, with its ability of understanding, responding and interacting with people, we can greatly improve the cognitive and decision-making methods in the battlefield, promote the technical upgrading in key areas, and realize the optimization iteration of combat capability.

From the point of view of data and subsequent development, generative artificial intelligence technology is a more advanced neural network deep learning algorithm, which has high requirements for training data, depends on the authenticity of training data and is easily disturbed by external information. Because of the long training time and billions of parameters, automatic machine learning is needed for multiple lines to generate better calculation results. Therefore, when transforming the technological achievements of generative artificial intelligence, it is necessary to take into account the parameterization requirements of scientific research technology development and the automation requirements of equipment application development, so as to achieve the balance between scientific research liquidity and industrial productization.

Generative artificial intelligence has brought a new paradigm to military applications and set a new route for the next generation of military operations. It is the main problem to apply generative artificial intelligence technology to the military field to actively explore the representation form of situation awareness and decision-making tasks for different military problems and consider how to use effective information for large-scale pre-training. The combination of artificial intelligence technology and military operations and technological innovation will reserve new ways for situation awareness and independent decision-making in future operations, and realize intelligent support for the development of new military equipment.

Quantum machine learning: the intersection of quantum computing and artificial intelligence

With the continuous progress of technology, the concept of quantum computing is more and more widely known. As a new computing paradigm, quantum computing is very different from traditional computing methods. It can deal with problems that traditional computers can’t handle, which makes quantum computing have broad application prospects in the field of artificial intelligence. Quantum machine learning, as an important field where quantum computing and artificial intelligence intersect, has a wide and far-reaching application prospect. This paper will introduce the basic concept, principle and application of quantum machine learning, and analyze its future development trend.

First, the basic concepts of quantum machine learning

Quantum machine learning is a technology that uses quantum computing to realize machine learning. Its main purpose is to use the advantages of quantum computing to deal with problems that traditional computers can’t handle and improve the efficiency and accuracy of machine learning. The main difference between quantum machine learning and traditional machine learning is that it uses qubits to store and process data instead of classical bits used in traditional machine learning.

Second, the principle of quantum machine learning

The principles of quantum machine learning mainly include quantum data coding, quantum state preparation and quantum algorithm design. Among them, quantum data coding is the process of coding classical data into quantum States, so that the efficiency and accuracy of machine learning can be improved by using the characteristics of superposition and entanglement of quantum States. Preparation of quantum states is a process of putting qubits into the required quantum states. By controlling and operating qubits, the conversion between different quantum states can be realized, thus realizing various algorithms in machine learning. The design of quantum algorithms is the process of designing and implementing quantum algorithms, which can be optimized on quantum computers, thus achieving the purpose of machine learning.

Third, the application of quantum machine learning

Quantum machine learning is widely used, including classification, clustering, regression, dimensionality reduction and other fields. Here are some applications:

  1. Quantum neural network

Quantum neural network is a new type of neural network, which uses quantum bits to store and process data. Quantum neural network can deal with complex nonlinear problems, which makes it have a wide application prospect in image recognition, speech recognition and other fields.

  1. Quantum support vector machine

Quantum support vector machine is a support vector machine algorithm based on quantum computing, which can process high-dimensional and nonlinear data sets faster and improve the accuracy and efficiency of classification. Quantum support vector machine is widely used in bioinformatics, image processing, financial forecasting and other fields.

  1. Quantum clustering

Quantum clustering is a method to realize clustering analysis by quantum computing, which can process a large number of data faster and improve the accuracy of clustering. Quantum clustering is widely used in biology, image processing, market analysis and other fields.

Quantum dimensionality reduction is a method to realize dimensionality reduction analysis by quantum computing, which can process high-dimensional data faster and reduce the complexity and storage space of data. Quantum dimensionality reduction is widely used in data mining, image processing, natural language processing and other fields.

Fourth, the future development trend of quantum machine learning

With the continuous progress of quantum computing technology, the application prospect of quantum machine learning will be more and more extensive. In the future, the development trend of quantum machine learning mainly includes the following aspects:

  1. Further improvement of hardware technology

At present, the performance of quantum computer needs to be improved, and the development of hardware technology will help to improve the efficiency and accuracy of quantum machine learning.

  1. Innovation of algorithm design

With the deepening and development of quantum machine learning theory, algorithm design will become more and more important. In the future, quantum machine learning algorithms will be more complex and efficient.

  1. Expansion of application scenarios

With the continuous expansion of the application scenarios of quantum machine learning, the future will involve more fields, including physics, chemistry, biology, finance, transportation and so on.

To sum up, quantum machine learning, as an important field where quantum computing and artificial intelligence intersect, has a very broad application prospect. In the future, quantum machine learning will continue to develop and innovate in hardware technology, algorithm design and application scenarios, thus bringing more benefits and development opportunities to human society.

Messi assists Mbappé to beat brest 2-1 away.

Messi assists Mbappé in the lore.

In the early morning of March 12th, Beijing time, brest played at home in the 27th round of Ligue 1 against Paris Saint-Germain. As there are probably four relegation teams in Ligue 1 this season, brest ranks 15th, but only one point ahead of the relegation zone. In terms of total value, the Paris team is as high as 890 million, while brest is only 80 million.

In the 37th minute of the game, Messi instigated the attack, and Mbappé shot hard and was saved, but the ball was not far away, and Sohler made up the shot to break the goal.

In the 44th minute, brest got the chance through a simple long pass, and Hornot faced the defense of the two men and shot from a small angle to equalize the score.

In the 90th minute, Messi sent a wonderful assist, Mbappé passed the goalkeeper and finished the lore. Messi completed the milestone of 300 assists and Mbappé scored 2000 goals.

In the end, Paris beat brest 2-1 away, got rid of the depression of the Champions League and ushered in a four-game winning streak.

At 22: 30 pm on March 11th, Bayern beat augsburg 5-3 in the 24th round of the Bundesliga.

In the second minute, Berisha turned and shot low, hitting the ball into the lower right corner of the goal. Sommer couldn’t save it, and Bayern scored 0-1.

In the 16th minute, Sane divided the ball to the right in front of the penalty area. Cancelo caught the ball and entered the penalty area. He swung past the defender’s right foot and volleyed at a small angle. Bayern equalized the score 1-1.

In the 19th minute, Manet passed the ball with a barb on the right side of the penalty area, and pawar shot the ball in front of the door. Bayern overtook augsburg 2-1.

In the 35th minute, Bayern’s right corner kicked into the penalty area, and Delicht grabbed the header in the middle, and the goalkeeper flew to save the ball. pawar’s right foot volley in front of the door scored twice, and Bayern scored 3-1 augsburg.

In the 45th minute, Manet volleyed his left foot from the restricted area and was saved. Sanet headed into the empty net in front of the door, and Bayern led augsburg 4-1.

In the 55th minute, Berisha took the penalty. He tricked Sommer into hitting the right side of the goal and scored twice. augsburg was 2-4 behind Bayern.

In the 74th minute, Bayern made a reactionary fast break after stealing in the frontcourt. Cancelo passed the back point on the right side of the penalty area, Alfonso Davidson volleyed the goal, and Bayern led augsburg 5-2.

In the 93rd minute, Vargas made a high-speed dash with the ball on the left, and came to the front of the bottom line on the left side of the penalty area. cardona followed him and scored a goal. augsburg scored 3-5 Bayern.

Bayern started: 27- Sommer, 2- Yu Pamekano, 4- Driget (83′ 23-Blind), 5- pawar, 19- Alfonso-Davies (77′ 40- Mazravi), 22- Cancelo, 6- kimmich, 7- Gnabry (71′ 25-Muller).

Augsburg starting: 1- Ji Chivici, 2- Gumny (46′ 22-Yago), 6- Gouweleeuw, 23- Bauer, 3- pedersen, 27- engers (46′ 13- Rexbeke), 14- Baumgartlinger, 10-A- Mayer (77′ 34