"Qingyu Nian" Season 2 79: Fan Xian Kills Empress Dowager for Vengeance, Is Emperor Qing Dead on Dadong Mountain?

In "Celebration of the Year";

There are many murderers who killed Fan Xian’s mother, Ye Qingmei.

And among them, the biggest mastermind is the current Empress Dowager;

She personally saw Ye Qingmei sniping at the two princes overnight.

Because of fear.

And choose to avoid future troubles forever.

But all of this happened 10 years later.

Fan Xian found out.

The words went back.

Although in Kyoto,

There was no confirmed news of Emperor Qing’s death.

But this news did not come out of nowhere.

Emperor Qing went to Dadong Mountain to worship the sky,

And the three great masters gathered at Dadong Mountain,

The whole world has long been known by everyone;

Therefore, those people in Kyoto had to believe it.

At this moment, in the Qing Dynasty,

The prince and the eldest princess,

Already united with the Qin family,

Intends to usurp power.

And the first thing the prince has to deal with,

They are the brothers who may threaten their throne.

First of all, the third child who went to Jiangnan with Fan Xian,

It was someone he had to deal with.

But just as the prince was about to make his move,

The third prince was taken away by the first prince,

Sent to a safe place.

And the other princes,

Not so lucky,

They all died under the plan of the Crown Prince.

And at this time, Fan Xian,

I found a hospital on the way.

Treat yourself to a wound.

And then it goes on and on.

They rushed back to Kyoto.

Because the First Prince controlled the Imperial Army and the Kyoto Garrison Division,

So after Fan Xian returned,

There was no hindrance.

Even if he is now.

He was branded a rebellion.

"How dare you come back now?"

After the First Prince met Fan Xian,

Immediately put it away.

Taken to a hidden place,

To prevent Fan Xian from returning to Beijing;

Be informed by others.

"How is the situation in Kyoto now?"

Fan Xian didn’t have any nonsense.

He directly asked the First Prince about the situation in Kyoto.

Soon the First Prince will also change the current situation;

They all informed Fan Xian.

Empress Dowager did not immediately attack Fan Mansion.

It was also unexpected to him.

At least it shows that she doesn’t believe it.

Fan Xianhui assassinated Emperor Qing.

And then, right after that.

Fan Xian took out the secret letter between the jade seal and Emperor Qing.

You see these two things.

The First Prince instantly understood.

Express willingness to assist Fan Xian with all his strength.

In this way, Fan Xian began to plan with the First Prince.

The first thing they have to deal with,

It was the Qin family rebel who had come to Kyoto.

If the prince wants to ascend the throne smoothly,

Relying solely on a name;

Is unlikely.

We still need the help of the military.

The Qin Family was the best choice.

The prince also promised,

After he has successfully risen to the top;

It will give the Qin family the highest power in the military.

After that, the Qin family was still the first person in the military.

Even after a hundred years of Qin Ye,

His descendants,

You can still enjoy this treatment.

This deal is for Qin Ye.

Too tempting.

And so it began.

I used all my strength.

Prepare to enter Kyoto.

Help the prince win the throne.

But Fan Xian naturally wouldn’t let the prince plot;

And it worked.

With the help of the First Prince,

Plus the jade seal and the letters of Emperor Qing that he carried,

Soon, Fan Xian successfully entered the palace.

Then let the forbidden army;

Controlled the eldest princess and the prince,

He also immediately walked into the Empress Dowager’s bedroom.

"Empress Dowager,

In the name of His Majesty,

Come here to escort, "

Fan Xian wrote the handwritten letter of Emperor Qing;

To the Queen Mother,

He stood aside very orderly,

Waiting for the Queen Mother’s response.

Soon, the Empress Dowager finished reading the letter.

He nodded slightly.

Let Fan Xiao handle it.

Next up in Kyoto.

After receiving the promise of the Queen Mother,

Fan Xian’s first thing;

He took a pill out of his chest.

With lightning speed;

Sent into the mouth of the Empress Dowager.


Please stay in the palace quietly, Empress Dowager. "

After Fan Xian fed the Empress Dowager the medicine,

He walked out of the harem without looking back.

And the Queen Mother took the pill.

I found myself unable to make a sound.

I could only watch helplessly as Fan Xian left.

There was endless resentment in his eyes.

After Fan Xian walked out of the harem,

He looked up at the sky.

He murmured something.


Today is also considered revenge for you. "

Fan Xian has been around for several years.

Through the power of the Inspectorate,

Learned that the Queen Mother was the beginning;

One of the people who killed Ye Qingmei,

Therefore, this hatred,

Naturally, he had to take the opportunity to report it.

It’s just the medicine that Fan Xian gave the Empress Dowager;

It’s not poison.

Because Fan Xian couldn’t afford to murder the Empress Dowager either.

In fact, the medicine that Fan Xian gave the Empress Dowager,

It was given to him by Fei Suke before.

While in Tanzhou,

Fei Jie noticed that Fan Xian was practicing domineering true qi,

In order to prevent Fan Xian from losing control;

That domineering energy,

When they leave,

I handed over the medicine to Fan Xian.

Tell him when he can’t control it.

Then eat it.

This medicine is not a poison.

It’s an undoing medicine.

After eating it, all the power in the body will be removed.

And it will also devour a certain amount of vitality.

This medicine Fan Xian has always carried with him,

Although it is a life-saving medicine,

But he never dared to eat.

Because he is reluctant.

His own skills.

And now it is delivered to the Queen Mother’s mouth.

It can be regarded as completing the mission of this medicine.

It will speed up and take away the life of the queen mother,

But there will be no symptoms of poisoning.

In a few days, the Empress Dowager will run out of oil and leave,

Even the imperial physician couldn’t find the reason.

This is what Fan Xian can think of;

The best way.

Now the prince and the eldest princess;

It’s all under control.

He only needed to bring the First Prince.

Just go and deal with the rebels sent by the Qin family.

As long as these rebels are dealt with,

Then the entire Gyeongkungu Kyoto;

He alone has the final say.

And pretty soon,

The pro-soldiers raised by the Qin family;

They arrived outside of Kyoto.

At this time, the First Prince also brought the Imperial Army and the Kyoto Garrison Division.

It’s ready at the city gate.

As soon as the rebels arrived,

The heavy crossbow machine above the city gate began to launch.

The war between the two armies was about to break out.

At this moment, throughout Kyoto,

There is only Fan Xian, a ninth-grade master.

It seems that the entire Qing Dynasty;

It was already in his hands.

But around Fan Xian’s heart,

There is also a big mystery.

That is whether Emperor Qing can;

In that earth-shattering battle of grandmasters,

Successfully survived.

In the Battle of Dadongshan in "Qing Yu Nian";

Emperor Qing’s plan;

It’s step by step.

He first let Fan Xian leave Wuzhu to protect himself;

Then let Hong Siitch attract firepower;

He also conspired with Ye Liuyun to temporarily change his mind;

Attack the other two great masters from behind.

However, the deepest hidden Emperor Qing;

Haven’t shot yet.

The conversation continued.

Go back in time to the Battle of Dadongshan;

The moment Emperor Qing was attacked by Ye Liuyun and Four Gu Swords,

At this moment, Ye Liuyun;

He had already arrived in front of Emperor Qing.

He stretched out his hands.

He gently touched Emperor Qing in front of him.

And the sword of Sigujian,

Has pierced the air;

In an instant, he came to Emperor Qing’s back.

The original inevitable situation,

But in an instant;

There have been earth-shattering changes.

That was Ye Liuyun’s hand.

When approaching Emperor Qing.

Suddenly reversed direction,

He stroked towards the sword behind Emperor Qing.

It lightly pressed on the sword.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun also showed;

Your true position.

He stood on Emperor Qing’s side.

The officials saw Ye Liuyun;

After blocking the sword,

They all breathed a sigh of relief.

The apparent situation.

It wasn’t as bad as they had imagined.

In fact, Sigujian and Kuhe,

Although I didn’t think of Ye Liuyun;

Will stand on the side of Emperor Qing.

But both of them.

They also thought of the cunning of the people of Qing,

So until the last moment,

He would never allow himself to be in danger.

And this sword of the Four Gujian,

It broke Emperor Qing’s game.

Forced out of this big east mountain;

The real killer move was Ye Liuyun.

If before four Gu sword and bitter lotus;

They all used their trump cards.

Then Ye Liuyun would easily break into his back.

The two of them instantly.

It will be explained at the top of this Dadong Mountain.

Thinking of this,

In the hearts of the two.

A chill could not help but rise.

The current situation,

Already from the original three to two;

It became two against three.

Sigujian has been officially;

He withdrew his sword.

Although he and Kuhe,

They have all seen the current situation clearly.

But there is no turning back arrow when the bow is opened;

This was also the essence of Sword Intent Around.

Immediately after, Sigujian went again;

Instill the sword intent into the sword;

Then he rushed towards Ye Liuyun in an instant,

He spent all his life.

The strongest sword,

He intended to kill Ye Liuyun completely.

This sword instilled four Gu swords;

The whole person’s life and spirit.

And the condensation of beliefs.

In today’s world, no one can stop it.

Even Ye Liuyun, who is also a great master.

At this time, Ye Liuyun stood by Emperor Qing’s side,

He has no choice.

Avoid this sword.

Because once you get out of it,

Emperor Qing would be struck by this sword.

Smashed into mud.

Seeing that Emperor Qing was in a critical moment,

Wuzhu stood aside.

Still no intention of making a move,

It seems that everything is left to Ye Liuyun to resist.

Knowing that he could not stop this sword,

Ye Liuyun still chose to head on.

He used Flowing Cloud Sanshou to slap at Sigujian.

In fact, this is also Ye Liuyun;

The best option.

If Sigujian ignored Liuyun Sanshou,

This sword will kill Ye Liuyun;

Minced into slices of meat.

But once he avoids sanshou,

With a thought,

Spirit in the sword;

It also dispersed.

It can be said that Ye Liuyun is using his life;

To force Sigujian to make a choice;

Go to gamble that Four Gu Jian was seriously injured.

Once Si Gu Jian was seriously injured,

Just a bitterness;

It is impossible to win the joint efforts of Hong Sixiang and Wuzhu.

But the truth is,

Ye Liuyun can die,

However, Sigujian could not be seriously injured.

Just this white chi;

It’s really white chi to the extreme.

In the end, he still did not change his sword.

It was as if he couldn’t see the shot.

But the sword in his hand tilted slightly,

He pointed at Emperor Qing beside Ye Liuyun.

Although this move consumed a part of the sword intent,

But the power was also enough to kill Emperor Qing.

At this time, Ye Liuyun also knew;

I made a wrong bet.

Bai chi cannot be inferred from ordinary people.

In fact, when the four-look sword was unleashed.

Whether it is imposing or intelligent,

They had already suppressed Ye Liuyun.

It was he who gave Ye Liuyun a problem.

This white chi is not really white chi.

At least not at this moment.

At this moment, on the top of the eastern mountain,

Four great masters and a generation of kings;

All lived a seemingly long,

But in fact,

But it happened very quickly.

And the battle between Hong Sixiang and Kuhe,

It’s also the final part.

Because Emperor Qing let go of Hong Sixiang’s hand,

It caused the overbearing true qi in Hong Sixiang’s body;

Unload it all.

The last palm of the bitter lotus;

He stroked Hong Sixiang’s chest.

No more overbearing resistance.

It easily shattered Hong Sixiang’s chest.

At this moment, Hong Sixiang’s life;

It has also come to an end.

The balance of victory seems to be;

Tilted to the side of the two great masters.

But is that really the case?

Let’s talk next time.

The following story is even more exciting.

Updated once a day.

Remember to follow Ah Lele.

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L3 autopilot landing, software value is about to take off? Good for building new forces!

Recently, Shenzhen announced that from August 1st, the Regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Intelligent Networked Vehicles will be officially implemented. As the first regulation on intelligent networked vehicle management in China, Shenzhen will allow smart cars with L3 intelligent driving ability to go on the road. This breakthrough has made many people call 2022 the "first year of intelligent driving".

In the era of electric vehicles, intelligence has become the core of the competition among car companies. Whether it is intelligent hardware or system software, the whole industry has begun to embark on the road of involution. Self-parking in previous years, laser radar in 2021, 800V high-voltage platform this year, and navigation-assisted driving function have been in a state of fierce competition among car companies, especially among the new forces that build cars.

Starting from the introduction of L3 smart driving regulations in Shenzhen, China may gradually liberalize the relevant restrictions on smart driving, which is undoubtedly good news for new car companies. According to the forecast of china galaxy Securities, relevant models of Huawei and New Power are equipped with L3-class autopilot system, and the value of Weilai software will gradually increase, and the "intelligent value" of automobiles will become more prominent.

He Xiaopeng, CEO of Xpeng Motors, commented on the Regulations issued by Shenzhen, saying: This will be a landmark that is worth recording in the history of autonomous driving in China.

Among many new forces, Xpeng Motors is the best car company that does intelligent driving, including intelligent assisted driving NGP, intelligent voice in full scene and memory parking in parking lot. Tucki invests about 20% of its annual income in research and development, and its emphasis on research and development is as good as Huawei’s. Moreover, Tucki and Huawei are among the few enterprises in China that have intelligent assisted driving technology in urban road conditions. Recently, the urban NGP engineering version released by Tucki has also shown a wave of muscles in the industry. However, due to the lack of computing power of Tucki P5, the city NGP wants to play its biggest role, and it depends on the upcoming flagship SUV-Tucki G9.

Tucki G9 is not only equipped with the next-generation XPILOT 4.0 intelligent auxiliary system, but also its chip and computing power have been upgraded, and the experience of automatic driving and intelligent cockpit is more advanced. Coupled with the mass production of 800V high-voltage platform, it has a fast charging experience of 200 kilometers in 5 minutes, which is simply a benchmark model in the era of electric vehicles.

In the next few years, more advanced intelligent driving will appear on passenger cars. For new force car companies, the combination of intelligent hardware and software can further enhance the gross profit of vehicles, and the current loss situation of new forces is gradually reversing.

A number of new regulations will be implemented in July: full implementation of ID card acceptance in different places.

  Zhongxin. com, July 1 ST, a number of tax reduction and fee reduction policies were implemented, car dealers were not allowed to increase the price of cars, and the acceptance of ID cards in different places was fully implemented … … A number of new regulations will be implemented today, which will soon affect all aspects of people’s lives.

  A number of tax reduction and fee reduction policies will be implemented today.

  According to the decision of the the State Council executive meeting, a number of tax reduction and fee reduction policies will be implemented today. In terms of tax reduction, the value-added tax rate was reduced from four to three, and the 13% tax rate band was abolished, forming a three-band structure of 17%, 11% and 6%. The pilot policy of pre-tax deduction of personal income tax for commercial health insurance will be extended to the whole country, and the expenses of individuals purchasing qualified commercial health insurance products are allowed to be deducted before tax according to the maximum annual limit of 2,400 yuan.

  In terms of fee reduction, we will further clean up and standardize the deposit in the field of engineering construction, clean up and standardize the government’s non-tax revenue surcharge in the field of energy, temporarily exempt the two supervision fees of banking and insurance, and reduce the radio frequency occupation fee.

  Simplify the handling of tax administrative licensing matters

  The Announcement on Simplifying the Procedures for Handling Tax Administrative Licensing Matters will come into effect today. The "Announcement" clarifies five measures to degenerate and optimize the procedures for handling tax administrative licensing matters, including simplifying the acceptance of documents, providing agency forwarding services, simplifying application materials, realizing the appointment of consulting services, and improving the delivery methods of documents.

  81 airports opened the "military priority according to law" channel.

  The Civil Aviation Administration and the Logistics Support Department of the Central Military Commission jointly issued a notice to open the "military priority according to law" channel at 81 civil aviation airports nationwide from now on, and encouraged other airports to open as appropriate according to their own conditions, so as to provide thoughtful and efficient services for military personnel in check-in, security inspection and boarding.

  All coal mine safety production work in China will implement the new standards.

  The State Administration of Work Safety and other departments jointly issued the Notice on Vigorously Promoting the Standardization of Coal Mine Safety Production. The "Notice" puts forward a number of requirements, including organizing new standards publicity training, creating an incentive mechanism for standardization work, and coordinating and promoting standardization construction.

  Full implementation of ID card acceptance in different places.

  From now on, the Ministry of Public Security has fully implemented the "three systems" of accepting resident identity cards in different places, reporting the loss and claiming them for loss. The Ministry of Public Security pointed out that public security organs should issue resident identity cards within 60 days from the date when citizens submit the Registration Form for Acceptance of Resident Identity Cards in Different Places. In areas with inconvenient transportation, the processing time may be appropriately extended, but the extension time shall not exceed 30 days; Where conditions permit, the period of making and issuing certificates can be shortened according to the actual situation.

  Handling ordinary passports and underpaying 40 yuan.

  The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance issued a notice to reduce some administrative fees, which is expected to reduce the burden on enterprises and society by 2.6 billion yuan. The "Notice" stipulates that starting from today, the fees for citizens’ entry and exit documents, the cost of motor vehicle driving license, the cost of temporary entry motor vehicle number plate and driving license, the compensation fee for soil and water conservation, the actual (trial) inspection fee for pesticides, and the protection fee for integrated circuit layout design will be reduced. According to relevant standards, ordinary passports are reduced from 200 yuan to 160 yuan.

  Since July, the new regulations on automobile sales have been implemented, and it is clear that dealers are not allowed to sell cars at a higher price. The picture shows the data map. Photo by Zhang Yun, a reporter from China News Service

  Car dealers are not allowed to sell cars at a higher price.

  The Measures for the Administration of Automobile Sales promulgated by the Ministry of Commerce will be implemented today. The measures have made clear provisions and requirements for increasing the price of automobile sales, providing three-guarantee certificates, and indicating the source of accessories. It stipulates that dealers are prohibited from raising the price of cars in all forms, and dealers must clearly indicate the prices of cars and accessories, and must attach certificates with the car when picking up the car.

  According to the "Measures", it is no longer necessary for automobile brands to authorize the sale of automobiles, and two modes of authorized sales and unauthorized sales are allowed to be parallel, and new automobile sales forms such as automobile supermarkets, automobile stores and automobile e-commerce will blossom.

  Travel tax increases

  The tax ceiling for various types of vehicles has generally increased since today. The annual tax standard for large buses will be adjusted from 480 yuan to 660 yuan, for medium buses from 420 yuan to 660 yuan, for small buses from 360 yuan to 660 yuan, and for ordinary cars from 180 yuan to 360 yuan. At the same time, the tax targets have also been adjusted, and all kinds of buses that were originally tax-free will also pay taxes at the same standard as private cars.

  Strengthen the "seller’s responsibility" for securities operating institutions

  The Measures for the Administration of the Suitability of Securities and Futures Investors will be implemented from now on. The core requirement of the Measures is to strengthen the requirement of "the seller is responsible" for securities, funds and futures operating institutions, so that the operating institutions must bear the obligations stipulated by law while obtaining operating income, ensure the equality and unity of rights and obligations, effectively prevent one-sided pursuit of economic interests, and promote high-risk securities and futures products to investors with insufficient risk tolerance, resulting in damage and influence on the legitimate rights and interests of investors.

  Increase penalties for illegal acts of traditional Chinese medicine.

  The "People’s Republic of China (PRC) Chinese Medicine Law" has been implemented today, with five highlights: (1) the important position and development policy of Chinese medicine are clarified; Establish a management system that conforms to the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine; Increase support for the cause of Chinese medicine; Adhere to both support and standardization, and strengthen the supervision of Chinese medicine; Increase penalties for illegal acts of traditional Chinese medicine.

  50,000 domestic cash transactions need to be reported.

  The Measures for the Administration of Reports on Large-value Transactions and Suspicious Transactions of Financial Institutions issued by the Central Bank will be implemented today. The Administrative Measures adjusted the RMB reporting standard for large cash transactions from "200,000 yuan" to "50,000 yuan", and the reporting standard for large cross-border transactions denominated in RMB was "200,000 yuan", and for the first time, non-bank payment institutions were included in the scope of responsibility.

  New invoice regulations: only the name of the enterprise can be filled in for office invoicing, and it cannot be reimbursed.

  According to the announcement of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China, starting from today, the purchaser must provide the corporate taxpayer identification number (i.e. "tax number") or the unified social credit code when issuing corporate invoices, otherwise it will not be used as a tax voucher to handle tax-related business. The announcement also requires that when the seller issues an invoice, it should truthfully issue an invoice that is consistent with the actual business; When the buyer obtains the invoice, it shall not request to change the name and amount.

  Mobile phone pre-installed software must be uninstalled.

  The Interim Provisions on the Administration of Preset and Distribution of Application Software for Mobile Intelligent Terminals will be implemented today. According to the regulations, production enterprises should restrict the sales channels, and should not install application software in mobile intelligent terminals without the consent of users, and all software except basic functions can be uninstalled. The application software of mobile intelligent terminal involved in charging shall strictly abide by the relevant provisions such as clearly marked price, express the charging standard and charging method, and express that the content is true, accurate and eye-catching, and the fee can be deducted only after being confirmed by the user.

  Encourage and support the provision of disability prevention and rehabilitation services for the disabled.

  The Regulations on Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons will come into effect today. The regulations clearly stipulate that the state shall take measures to provide basic rehabilitation services for the disabled and support and help them integrate into society; Prohibition of discrimination on the basis of disability; The state encourages and supports organizations and individuals to provide disability prevention and rehabilitation services for the disabled, donate to the cause of disability prevention and rehabilitation for the disabled, and build relevant public welfare facilities; The provision of rehabilitation services for the disabled shall protect the privacy of the disabled and shall not discriminate against or insult them.

  The lifelong responsibility system is implemented for soil pollution control and remediation.

  The Measures for the Management of Soil Environment in Polluted Plots (Trial) will be implemented today. The method points out that according to the principle of "whoever pollutes will treat it", the unit or individual that caused soil pollution should bear the main responsibility for treatment and restoration. In principle, the treatment and restoration project should be carried out at the original site. During the treatment and restoration, measures should be taken to prevent secondary pollution to the plot and its surrounding environment. The lifelong responsibility system is implemented for soil pollution control and remediation.

On special New Year’s Eve, angels in white held his ground.

Seven medical staff on duty are eating "imprint" New Year’s Eve correspondent Yan Lingling for the picture.

Blessing cake sent by enthusiastic friends

  On New Year’s Eve, family reunion, having a reunion dinner, saying goodbye to the old year and welcoming the new year are the customs written into China people’s genes.

  However, on this special New Year’s Eve, about 80,000 medical staff in Wuhan are still sticking to their posts, leaving behind the figure of "the most beautiful retrograde". Encourage each other to welcome the new year with patients with new pneumonia, and send the fruit cake that was sent by enthusiastic friends to the family online for the New Year … … Give up reunion with relatives, only because of a common desire — —

  Stick to the battlefield and give more people the strength to overcome the epidemic.

  "I hope to win this war as soon as possible!"

  Medical staff of Jinyintan Hospital spend New Year’s Eve with patients.

  On New Year’s Eve, Changjiang Daily reporter made layers of protection and entered the isolation ward of Jinyintan Hospital in Wuhan, and visited doctors, nurses and patients with new pneumonia on the spot for New Year’s Eve.

  At 11: 30, nurse Yang Anli came to the front door of the new pneumonia isolation ward with Spring Festival couplets and lanterns, put the couplets on the door and hung the red lanterns. Yang Anli is a provincial model worker. In 2003, she went to Beijing to fight SARS on behalf of Jinyintan Hospital.

  There are more than 30 patients with new pneumonia diagnosed in the South Third District, and the hospital has prepared an apple for each of them. After the protection, nurse Le Yanling made a victory gesture to the reporter, carried the apples into the ward, and distributed the apples to the patients one by one.

  At 1 o’clock in the afternoon, the reporter came to Nansi District. Four nurses put on protective clothing and sent the hot jiaozi to the ward, giving each patient a copy.

  The reporter learned that Jinyintan Hospital is the earliest "four centralized" hospital in our city to deal with the new pneumonia epidemic. The hospital went to work as usual during the Spring Festival. In the first line of the decisive battle against the epidemic, more than 460 medical staff were on duty every day.

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Ke Aesthetics correspondent Li Jie Liu Lu)

  Dr. Han Yuan missed the group year video.

  Cake fruit sent from all over the country is "New Year’s Eve".

  "Professor Wang, come and have dinner!" At 5: 20 pm on January 24th, Professor Bing Wang, who rushed to Wuhan from Jingzhou Central Hospital, returned to the department. Cakes and fruits sent from all over the country became his "New Year’s Eve" this year.

  On the morning of 24th, Bing Wang got into intense work, and got off work at 12 noon. In the afternoon, he voluntarily gave up his rest for fear of the unstable condition of his seven patients, and missed the "video" of his family reunion in Jingzhou.

  "In the year of the 3 o’clock group at home, I didn’t receive a video call, and my family sent me a picture." Bing Wang said that his family’s annual meal was very rich, but his annual meal was not bad, which was very special.

  "How about cakes, fruits and dumplings? Not bad!" Bing Wang pointed to boxes of food on the table and said that these were sent by enthusiastic friends from all over the country. The first time I spent the New Year alone in a foreign country, I ate such an annual meal for the first time, but I was able to reunite with the medical staff who fought side by side. Bing Wang felt very warm. "I will finish my work later and video with my family."

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Yang Wei)

  The "video dinner" family of three told each other to be 9 years old and asked their parents to pay attention to safety.

  "Mom, I’m eating New Year’s Eve." "Eating New Year’s Eve, did you say a blessing to your grandparents?" … … At 6: 50 pm on January 24th, Yang Qian returned home after a day’s frontline battle against new pneumonia, and she and her husband Liu Xinghua got through a video call with her son who was in Huangzhou for the New Year.

  Liu Xinghua is a radiologist in Wuhan No.1 Hospital, who is responsible for taking CT images of patients. Yang Qian is a radiologist, who is responsible for registering patients at the window. He needs to contact a large number of patients with fever every day. Because my grandparents in Huangzhou always talk about their grandchildren on the phone, the couple sent their children to Huangzhou as soon as the winter vacation was over on January 6.

  "I didn’t expect that after returning to Han, the number of fever patients increased day by day. We were often busy late at night to go home, and sometimes it took several days to call our son." Liu Xinghua said that his son pays attention to the news of new pneumonia on TV every day and reminds them to pay attention to safety every time he calls.

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Xuan correspondent Yu Wei)

  Take off the protective mask from the intensive care unit and eat the "imprint" reunion dinner.

  On January 24th, at 12: 20, the first wave of "reunion dinner" was served at a small table outside the intensive care unit (NCU) of the First Hospital of Wuhan. Seven medical staff on duty just took off their protective masks, leaving a deep impression on their faces. The annual dinner on the table is a box lunch provided by the hospital, with a banana and a box of yogurt for each person.

  At this time, 15 critically ill patients were admitted to NCU, including one suspected new pneumonia patient who received isolation treatment. On the same day, there were 15 medical staff, including Shan Ping, director of the ward, and Sun Chun, head nurse. In the afternoon, the medical staff transferred the suspected patients with new pneumonia to the designated hospital for treatment.

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Xuan correspondent Yan Lingling)

  The nurse fought for more than 20 days and didn’t go home. The family had a new year’s meal across the screen.

  On New Year’s Eve, Feng Qiong, the head nurse of the first ward of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of Wuhan Sixth Hospital, who has been stationed in the hospital for more than 20 days and has not returned home, still sticks to the front line. "Don’t worry about family matters, it’s all up to me!" At 7 o’clock in the evening, Feng Qiong, who had just finished her work, ate the New Year’s Eve dinner sent by her husband, while taking advantage of this rare gap, she connected with her relatives at home by video phone, and a family of four had a different kind of annual meal through their mobile phones. Feng Qiong, who has been engaged in nursing for 25 years, has successfully completed the medical treatment of flood fighting in 1998, SARS in 2003 and Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. This time, in the fight against the new type of pneumonia, she is still in the forefront, leading a group of "white warriors" in the department to the front line.

  (Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Xuan correspondent Luo Yao)

What is World Heritage? What are the requirements for inclusion in the World Heritage List?

  The 44th World Heritage Conference opened at 19: 00 on the 16th in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China. Affected by the global COVID-19 epidemic, the conference was held online in Fuzhou.

   What is World Heritage?

  Up to now, the total number of cultural relics and natural landscapes selected for the World Heritage List has reached 1,121.China has 55 world heritages, ranking first with Italy.What exactly is a "world heritage"? What conditions do you need to be selected for the World Heritage List?

  World Heritage refers to the rare and irreplaceable wealth recognized by UNESCO and the World Heritage Committee, and is a cultural relic and natural landscape with outstanding significance and universal value recognized by all mankind.

  △ In 1987, China’s Great Wall and Mount Tai were listed in the World Heritage List for the first time.

  World heritage includes three categories: world cultural heritage (including cultural landscape), world natural heritage and dual heritage of world culture and nature. In 1972, UNESCO adopted the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, which established a permanent and effective system based on modern scientific methods for the joint protection of cultural and natural heritage with outstanding universal value, and established the World Heritage List in 1976. China formally joined the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage on December 12, 1985. In 1987, six world heritages, including the Great Wall and Mount Tai, were included in the World Heritage List for the first time.

  △ In July 2019, "Liangzhu Ancient City Site" became the 55th World Heritage Site in China.

  At present, 55 world heritages in China have been selected into the World Heritage List. What conditions do you need to meet to stand out? First of all, it must have outstanding universal value in the world. For this reason, the Convention Operation Guide gives 10 standards of world heritage, including six standards for "cultural heritage" including artistic value, architectural achievement and cultural inheritance, and four standards for "natural heritage" including nature and species diversity and natural scenery. If the projects declared by various countries meet any of these standards, it is possible to enter the World Heritage List.

  The World Heritage List makes the world pay more attention to the protection of cultural and natural heritage. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has successively promulgated more than 70 local laws and regulations, which together constitute the legal protection system of world cultural heritage. For example, when tourists visit cultural relics and historic sites, they will face legal accountability for scribbling.

   News Link Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage: Protecting Cultural Diversity

  On the basis of the classification, protection and utilization of cultural heritage and natural heritage in the World Heritage List, on October 17, 2003, UNESCO adopted the Convention for the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage, and the protection of intangible cultural heritage has also received extensive participation from all over the world. At present, there are 42 intangible cultural heritage projects in China, ranking first in the world. China has established a four-level directory system at the national, provincial, municipal and county levels, and more than 100,000 representative items of intangible cultural heritage have been identified, and a large number of precious, endangered and valuable intangible cultural heritage have been effectively protected. (CCTV reporter Ma Li)

The 70th anniversary of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea | Tian Yiwei: Enlightenment from the contest between great powers in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

  The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, which took place in the early 1950s, was a just war for China people to defend peace and resist aggression. In this war, New China and the United States were the main rivals, and they had a comprehensive contest in military, political, economic and diplomatic fields. The people of China won victory and dignity in the face of serious difficulties in all aspects at the beginning of the founding of New China. Looking back at history, we can get inspiration from it and gain the strength to move forward.

  Stick to the bottom line and dare to fight

  On the morning of June 25th, 1950, the long-term small-scale armed conflict and friction changed qualitatively on the 38th parallel in the north-south center of the Korean Peninsula, and a large-scale civil war broke out in Korea.

  The U.S. authorities openly violated the UN Charter’s stipulation that "no intervention is allowed in matters that are essentially within the internal jurisdiction of any country" and immediately sent armed forces to intervene in the Korean civil war. In the absence of new China and the Soviet Union, it manipulated the United Nations Security Council to pass an illegal resolution to form the "United Nations forces" invading the DPRK. At the same time, naval forces were sent to invade the Taiwan Province Strait. At this point, the new China was founded less than a year ago.

  At the beginning of October, 1950, American troops crossed the 38th parallel and advanced rapidly to the border between China and North Korea, which seriously threatened China’s security.

  According to the request of the Workers’ Party of Korea and the Korean government and the wishes of the Korean people, the CPC Central Committee and Mao Zedong were far-sighted, scientifically analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of participating in the war, and resolutely made a major strategic decision to resist US aggression and aid Korea and defend the country. On October 8th, Mao Zedong issued an order in the name of the Chairman of the People’s Revolutionary Military Commission of China, "trying to change the northeast border guards to Chinese people’s Volunteer Army, and immediately dispatched them to North Korea, cooperating with the Korean comrades to fight against the aggressors and strive for a glorious victory". Mao Zedong stressed: "In short, we believe that we should participate in the war, and we must participate in the war. The benefits of participating in the war are great, and the damage of not participating in the war is great."

  When the United States was at its peak, the people of China dared to meet its challenges. This fearless heroism and courage was unique in the world where the phobia of America was prevalent at that time. Facts have proved that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China’s decision to send troops is completely correct, which embodies the China people’s will and determination to fight without fear of violence.

  Flexible and mobile to meet the weakness

  On October 19th, 1950, Chinese people’s Volunteer Army, led by Peng Dehuai, commander and political commissar, crossed the Yalu River from Dandong, Changdian Estuary and Ji ‘an respectively, and marched into the territory of North China, starting the great war to resist US aggression and aid Korea.

  Faced with the extreme disparity in equipment between the enemy and ourselves and the situation after the US troops crossed the 38th parallel, Mao Zedong and Peng Dehuai made a study on October 13th and 14th before the volunteers were dispatched, and decided that after the volunteers entered the DPRK, they would fight the defensive war first and then the counterattack. However, after the volunteers began to enter the DPRK on October 19, the situation on the Korean battlefield has undergone major changes.

  ▲ Profile photo: After Chinese people’s Volunteer Army entered the DPRK, Chairman Mao and Peng Dehuai, commander of the Volunteers, exchanged telegrams for many times to analyze the situation. According to the major changes in the battlefield situation in Korea, they decided to change the original plan and annihilate the enemy by means of mobile warfare. The picture shows Peng Dehuai (first from left) presiding over a combat meeting on the Korean front.

  The direction of war changes according to the situation. Mao Zedong and Peng Dehuai exchanged telegrams for many times to analyze the situation, and decided to change the original campaign plan and annihilate the enemy by means of mobile warfare, "striving for all possible victories on the basis of stability and reliability". At the same time, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the headquarters of the Volunteers judged that the "United Nations Army" headed by the US military was unaware of the dispatch of the Volunteers. MacArthur didn’t take China seriously and didn’t believe that China really dared to resist. He deployed a "triumphant offensive before Christmas" and asserted that "let the troops go home before Christmas." Mao Zedong said at that time that the more arrogant, conceited and ambitious MacArthur was, the better it would be for us.

  Subsequently, the volunteers quickly grasped the characteristics of the battlefield, promptly seized the enemy’s misjudgment and weaknesses that did not adapt to our army’s night fighting, melee and encirclement and circuitous operations, and quickly concentrated superior forces in local areas, marching and fighting for 13 days and nights in a row, and repelled the crazy attacking enemy from the Yalu River to the south of the Qingchuan River, killing more than 15,000 people. Volunteers crushed MacArthur’s arrogant attempt to occupy all Korea and end the Korean War on Thanksgiving Day, and won the first battle.

  Flexible strategy and tactics are the magic weapon for our army to win and the powerful weapon for China people to defeat the world’s number one military power with inferior equipment in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. History has proved that to compete with a strong enemy, we must avoid its sharp edge, attack its soft spot, change according to the situation, make full use of our strength, give full play to our strengths, and strike and consume the enemy with the local advantages of rapid gathering until victory is achieved.

  Active layout to reverse the war situation

  The victory of the first battle of the volunteers into the DPRK did not greatly change the whole battlefield situation, and the volunteers still did not gain a foothold in the DPRK. The "United Nations Army" led by the US military has not been hit hard to the point of passive defense, and will launch a large-scale attack on the volunteers at any time.

  On November 4, 1950, Mao Zedong and Peng Dehuai were in the rear and in the front, at the same time, they realized that the United States might carry out a powerful counterattack and telephoned each other to discuss their coping strategies. The battle plan studied by Peng Dehuai and the leaders of the headquarters of the Volunteers shows that the Volunteers are prepared to take the initiative to lay out the battlefield, withdraw the main force to the familiar areas after the first battle to rest and build a counterattack position, lure the enemy into depth and ambush and panic in the air. This strategic consideration is the development of Mao Zedong’s thought of establishing a defense line in the south of Tokugawa and Ningyuan highway lines before the volunteers entered the DPRK, with the aim of fundamentally reversing the Korean war situation and mastering the strategic initiative.

  After the US military occupied Pyongyang, the United States was immersed in the joy that the Korean War was about to "win". At this time, "Americans can only listen to the sound of victory." When the "United Nations Army" was suddenly and quickly attacked by the volunteers in the first battle, they were unwilling to admit the fact that the volunteers participated in the war, thinking that the Koreans who appeared in North China were probably sporadic volunteers.

  After several discussions, the US military and political authorities made the wrong decision to occupy the whole of China by force, even though they were not sure about the intention of the Volunteers to participate in the war. Bradley, chairman of the American Chiefs of Staff, later said in his memoirs: On the important days from November 2 to 9, "we looked through the materials and sat down to think carefully, but unfortunately we made ridiculous conclusions and decisions." On November 24th, MacArthur ordered a "general offensive" and publicly announced his general offensive plan to the press, saying that the goal of military occupation of all Korea could be achieved immediately. However, what he didn’t expect was that the volunteers had quietly surrounded his troops.

  On the evening of November 25th, the volunteers on the western front suddenly launched a counterattack against the enemy. At first, they aimed at the weak links of the Eighth Army of the United States, concentrated their efforts to encircle and annihilate the two divisions of the Second Army of South Korea, which had weak fighting capacity in attacking the right wing, and opened the battle gap. Then, they concentrated the 38th Army and the 42nd Army, and made a detour to the rear of the Eighth Army of the United States, cutting off the retreat of the Ninth Army of the United States from the south, and surrounded its main force on three sides by the Qingchuan River centered on Guichuan and Junyuli. MacArthur couldn’t figure out where so many volunteer troops came from, and the "United Nations Army" he played was confused, which made his plan to annihilate the volunteers and hit the Yalu River burst in an instant, and turned to anxiously command the troops to escape from the encirclement of the volunteers.

  The second campaign completely shattered MacArthur’s "last" offensive to end the Korean War and return to China at Christmas, repelled the frenzied enemy to the south of the 38th parallel, recovered Pyongyang and annihilated more than 36,000 enemies. Bradley wrote in his memoirs: From October 31 to the end of December, "these 60 days are the most severe test moment of my professional military career … … The Korean War unexpectedly changed from victory to humiliating defeat — — The most shameful failure in the history of our army. " MacArthur determined that "the attack must be transferred to the defense".

  The failure of the "United Nations Army" is fundamentally the failure of the decision-making of the military and political authorities in the United States. It is that they regard their national strength and military power as powerful and blindly use force to subdue bring disgrace to oneself in China. The key to victory is that the people of China can turn the tide of the war, not be afraid of powerful enemies, take the initiative to set up the battlefield in the theater they are familiar with, confuse the enemy with superb strategies and tactics, and lure the enemy into our preset grand strategy of encirclement and suppression of the battlefield. History has proved that we can’t deal with a strong enemy passively. On the basis of in-depth study and grasping the characteristics and laws of the enemy and ourselves, we must take the initiative to set up a game, "invite you to the urn" and gather the best to annihilate the enemy.

  Despise arrogance to promote talk.

  By June 1951, after five battles, the battlefield forces of the enemy and ourselves had tended to be balanced, and the front was stable in the north and south of the 38th parallel, resulting in a stalemate in the war.

  The American military and political authorities found that by May 1951, the United States had paid more than 100,000 casualties and more than 10 billion dollars in direct war expenses for this war, but it was a very difficult situation. In order to ease the contradictions between the United States and its allies and safeguard the key interests of the United States — — In the interest of Europe, on May 16th, the National Security Council of the United States met and adopted a policy memorandum on North Korea, which determined that the ultimate goal of the United States in North Korea was to establish a favorable defense line in the 38th parallel and seek to conclude an armistice agreement.

  The CPC Central Committee and Mao Zedong decided to implement the policy of talking while playing, and to carry out political struggle and military struggle simultaneously. On the one hand, they were prepared to hold negotiations with the United States to strive for a truce and withdrawal with the 38th parallel as the boundary; On the other hand, they have no illusions about the success of the negotiations. They must make long-term and lasting military plans and smash any attack by the "United Nations Army" with resolute military strikes to cooperate with the smooth progress of the armistice negotiations.

  On August 18th, the "United Nations Army" started an air offensive and a ground offensive against me to cooperate with the negotiations on the military demarcation line. In the summer and autumn defense campaign in 1951, the Volunteers and the Korean People’s Army killed and wounded more than 157,000 prisoners of the "United Nations Army", and the Volunteers suffered more than 33,000 casualties. The "United Nations Army" only occupied 646 square kilometers of land at the cost of heavy casualties, far from achieving the goal of demanding that the volunteers and the Korean People’s Army withdraw from 12,000 square kilometers during the negotiations. Therefore, the "United Nations Army" had to return to the negotiating table for negotiations.

  On November 23, after the DPRK-China representative put forward the plan of military demarcation line, the two sides reached an agreement based on the DPRK-China plan to "take the existing actual contact line of both sides as the military demarcation line, and each side retreated 2 kilometers to establish the demilitarized zone during the military armistice". On October 8, 1952, the United States unilaterally announced that the armistice negotiations would be adjourned indefinitely.

  At the end of 1952, after dwight eisenhower was elected president of the United States, the American authorities were planning a large-scale military adventure. In order to prevent the "United Nations Army" from landing in the north of Korea, the Volunteers and the Korean People’s Army made large-scale anti-landing preparations. On the frontal front of the east and west coasts of Korea, they dug 8090 tunnels and 720 kilometers, dug trenches and traffic trenches for 3100 kilometers, and built anti-airborne and anti-tank positions, completely changing the fragile situation of the fortifications on the east and west coasts of Korea. It urged the American authorities and the "United Nations Army" to abandon the attempt of large-scale landing adventure and resume the armistice negotiations unilaterally interrupted for half a year on April 26, 1953.

  On June 8, the chief representatives of the two sides formally signed an agreement on the repatriation of prisoners of war. By June 18th, all the preparations before the armistice had been completed. However, on the 18th, the South Korean Li Chengwan Group forcibly detained the captured Korean People’s Army personnel in the name of "on-the-spot release", thus undermining the armistice agreement and arousing strong international repercussions.

  On June 20th, the DPRK-China delegation called for an adjournment of the talks to protest against Li Chengwan’s sabotage. At the same time, from June 24th to July 27th, the Volunteer Army and the Korean People’s Army launched an attack on the front 25km position defended by the South Korean Army, killing more than 78,000 people and recovering 192.6km2 of positions, severely punishing the Li Chengwan Group and deepening the internal contradictions in the United States. Next, Eisenhower put pressure on Li Chengwan, and mark clark, the third commander-in-chief of the United Nations Army, gave up. On July 27th and 28th, 1953, Clark, Kim Il Sung and Peng Dehuai signed the armistice agreement in Wenshan, Pyongyang and Kaesong, and the Korean armistice was realized. At this point, the armistice negotiations that lasted for two years and one month came to an end, and the China People’s War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea that lasted for two years and nine months ended successfully.

  Clark wrote in his memoirs: "I became the first commander of the U.S. Army who signed an unsuccessful armistice treaty in history, and I felt disappointed and painful. I think my predecessors, General MacArthur and General Li Qiwei, must feel the same way. "

  What you can’t get on the battlefield, you can’t get at the negotiating table. Talking while fighting makes the United States feel that the war will only bring more losses to itself if it drags on. They had to formally sign a military armistice agreement with the DPRK in Panmunjom.History has proved that we can’t get any luck in fighting a strong enemy, and we must abandon our illusions in order to force the enemy to go to peace talks with unbearable losses.(The author is the political assistant of the Evaluation and Demonstration Research Center of the Academy of Military Sciences)

What is the difference between a woman’s double vagina and double uterus and a normal woman? Are all born twins?

Xiaoling, 25, has had a menstrual cycle of more than 10 days since she was young. Later, after a one-time life, Xiaoling had recurrent vaginal inflammation. Xiaoling thought it was caused by her boyfriend, so after going to the hospital for gynecological examination, she didn’t expect to find out that she was a double vagina and a double uterus.

Xiaoling was very surprised. It is no wonder that since high school, her menstrual flow has been more than that of her peers. The confusion that has plagued her for many years has finally been solved. It turned out that it was all her uterus.

The doctor said that double uterus is not uncommon, but it is easy to be ignored.If women have problems such as long menstrual period, severe dysmenorrhea and abnormal vaginal discharge after menarche, it is best to check clearly as soon as possible to rule out the possibility of congenital malformation of reproductive tract.

The uterus is very special and important for women. It is a place for menstruation and pregnancy. Under normal circumstances, women only have one uterus, but there are also a few women who have the same as Xiaoling.Double uterus and vagina, clinically,This symptom is called oblique vaginal septum syndrome.

Vaginal oblique septum syndrome belongs to genital dysplasia.The main manifestations are congenital malformation of double cervix, double uterus, double vagina and complete or incomplete atresia of one vagina., mostly accompanied by atresia of vaginal urinary system malformation.

Source: Obstetrics and Gynecology, First Affiliated Hospital of Xijiao

The cause of oblique vaginal septum syndrome in women is related to the embryonic development process. Both hermaphroditic embryos have two sets of reproductive ducts, namely the mesonephric duct and the accessory mesonephric duct.About six weeks after embryonic development, the accessory mesonephros on both sides gradually develop female reproductive organs (uterus, fallopian tube and upper vagina) after complete fusion. In addition, the accessory mesonephros develop into urogenital sinus at the fourth week, which not only forms the kidney, but also induces the accessory mesonephros to fuse.

Once the development of the mesonephric duct is interrupted, the accessory mesonephric duct will also be affected, but because the other side is still developing normally, it will eventually lead to the consequences of asymmetric reproductive tract complicated with urinary system malformation, that is, the problem of double uterus.

At present, clinical oblique vaginal septum syndrome is mainly divided into three types.

Type I is a non-porous oblique septum type.: it usually occurs after menarche.Dysmenorrhea (progressive aggravation)The main manifestation is that the menstrual blood on the oblique septum can not be fully discharged, and the menstrual blood may flow back into the abdominal cavity, leading to pelvic inflammatory disease, pelvic abscess and other secondary infections.

Type ⅱ is a perforated oblique partition type:Mainly manifested as followsProlonged menstrual cycle, endless menstrual dripping and brown secretion.Or complicated with infection, resulting in pus in the posterior compartment, and the secretion is purulent with odor.

Type ⅲ is the type of imperforate oblique septum combined with cervical fistula.: the patient’s menstrual period is prolonged,A small number of vaginal bleeding or purulent secretions.If not treated in time, it will further cause gynecological problems such as acute pelvic inflammatory disease or pelvic cyst.

In fact, it is hard for ordinary people to imagine the situation of double uterus. If the double uterus is diagnosed, the patient himself will be surprised and afraid. Does the double uterus have an impact on life?

Double uterus and double vagina patientsIf there is no discomfortThere are no problems such as menstrual blood retention,It has little effect on sexual life.However, if one vagina develops normally and the other vagina fails to develop, it may cause pain or bleeding if a man enters the undeveloped vagina in the same room.

Secondly, is pregnancy risky? Compared with normal women,It is difficult for women with double uterus to get pregnant, and the risk of danger during pregnancy will be higher than that of normal women., such as spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy; In the second trimester of pregnancy, the uterus is unable to resist the rising intrauterine pressure, and it is also easy to have miscarriage or premature delivery; In late pregnancy, due to the narrow uterine cavity and limited fetal activity, there is a high possibility of abnormal fetal position, which may cause placental abruption, premature rupture of membranes, postpartum hemorrhage and other problems.

Finally, will twins be born in double uterus?The probability of pregnant twins in patients with double uterus is the same as that in normal women.The twin uterus is caused by the failure to fuse the accessory mesonephros in time when the embryo divides, and the twins are fertilized by two eggs or the fertilized eggs split into two fertilized eggs. There is no direct relationship between them.

Generally, there is no discomfort in the body, and few women will take the initiative to do gynecological examinations. Once the problems like double uterus and double vagina are detected, they will be nervous and worried. If you check the double uterus, what treatment methods are there?

  • surgical treatment

Surgery is the most common method to treat double uterus, which reconnects the divided uterus through surgery, thus helping the uterus to return to its normal shape. Surgery needs to be decided according to the patient’s condition. Generally, general anesthesia is needed, and postoperative wound care and rehabilitation and recovery training should be paid attention to.

  • medication

Medication can also be considered for double uterus, such as using hormone drugs to regulate menstrual cycle, so as to alleviate the problems of dysmenorrhea and irregular menstruation in double uterus.

  • physiotherapy

Physical therapy can be carried out with the help of professional doctors, including acupuncture and massage, with the aim of helping to relieve dysmenorrhea and improve menstrual discomfort.

  • Psychological support

Double uterus is not a rare disease, but the process of treating double uterus is long, and patients will feel great pressure. Therefore, medical care should give patients support, help and answer doubts in the treatment of God, and pay attention to patients’ emotional changes.

Oblique vaginal septum syndrome sounds terrible, but it has little effect on getting married and having children. Women should pay more attention to their health at ordinary times, and it is best to have gynecological examinations regularly to achieve early detection and treatment of diseases.


[1] "Congenital kidney deficiency! Abdominal pain is unbearable! Let’s take a look at how to diagnose and treat vaginal oblique septum syndrome. . Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2023-03-09

[2] "Does a woman’s double vagina affect normal pregnancy and childbirth? Family doctor online, June 18, 2014

[3] "The 24-year-old girl found two vaginas and double uterus? Doctors speak frankly: it’s rare to be in business for many years. Dr. Zou Lisha. 2023-04-12.

Reprinting is prohibited without the permission and authorization of the author.

Can’t wait! Chelsea want to win Leipzig in January, and are interested in being a good frontcourt player in Brighton.

Chelsea have been paying attention to Nkunku for a long time. As many teams are eyeing this Leipzig Red Bull general, the Blues hope to win him first in the winter window. In this way, you can avoid joining the fierce battle for Ming Xia. The Blues know that it is not easy to take such an important player from Leipzig Red Bull in the middle of the season, and I’m afraid it will cost more money than Ming Xia. However, Chelsea is willing to do so, rather than wait until next summer to fight with other teams.

Nkunku has started 14 games in 15 games so far in the new season, and is the regular main force of the team. The data performance of scoring 10 goals and assisting once and participating in the team’s 16 goals is enough to show that this general is still in an excellent state in the new season, which is not much different from last season. As far as Leipzig Red Bull’s player operation strategy is concerned, the price-in-place area is, uh, no sale, but the club prefers to let Nkunku go at the end of the season, not in the middle. There was a player trade between Chelsea and Leipzig Red Bull. Werner is an example. At the beginning, the Blues met the buyout request of Leipzig Red Bull, and directly won Werner in full. This season, Leipzig Red Bull bought back, and Chelsea didn’t do much to block the price.

It can be seen that the two clubs still maintain a good relationship. Chelsea hope to use this relationship to persuade Leipzig Red Bull to let Nkunku go in the winter window, and the Blues will try their best to meet the requirements in terms of price. It is reported that Nkunku’s current transfer fee will reach 52 million pounds. It is reported that Chelsea has reached an agreement with the player on a five-year contract, but it has not yet been formally signed. Chelsea hope to finalize Nkunku’s joining as soon as possible to avoid big sleep. After all, there are many teams interested in Nkunku. Although an agreement has been reached with the players, after all, the contract has not been signed, and there will still be variables.

If the negotiations go well, the Blues even hope to reach an agreement with Leipzig Red Bull on the Nkunku deal before the World Cup starts. The current position of the Blues is to win Nkunku as soon as possible, while the Red Bull of Leipzig still insists on Ming Xia’s position of re-selling Nkunku. In addition to Nkunku, Chelsea also want to introduce another middle-front-back player, who is currently playing for Trossat in Brighton. When negotiating with Brighton about its coach Potter, the Blues noticed Trossat. This frontcourt player’s contract with Ming Xia will expire. If a team outside the Premier League persuades players to vote in January, then they can win it without a visa.

Now Atletico Madrid is very interested in Trossat, hoping to win the 27-year-old Argentine frontcourt attacker in the winter window. Chelsea will have to compete with Atletico Madrid, and the Blues have an advantage in the competition for Trossat. Porter had previously coached in Brighton and had a cooperative relationship with Trossat. If Porter contacts Trossat personally, the players will be more willing to vote. If he joins the Blues, Trossat doesn’t have to go to other leagues to get used to playing again. These are the advantages of Chelsea. However, Atletico won’t give up Trossat easily, and will make every effort to pursue it. The primary goal of Chelsea’s winter window is Nkunku, and Trossat is not the primary goal.

2023 Shanghai Civil Service -Summer Class Course Shiner

2023 Shanghai Civil Service Summer Class


Summer series

Suitable object

(1) Zero foundation, candidates who are relatively weak in Shanghai civil servants’ examinations

(2) In the preliminary examination, I hope to focus on training during the summer vacation to quickly improve the ability to take the test

(3) Xiaobai, candidates who are committed to the post of civil servants for freshmen

(4) Candidates who need to follow, guide, and urge the test ability to improve the ability to improve the ability to improve

Form of class

Famous teachers of Huazhi, concentrated training, face -to -face teaching, classroom interaction, and on -site questioning and services to make students experience better.

Series features/highlights

· Scientific planning

Make full use of the summer time to reasonably plan courses, and choose courses scientifically to maximize the effect of learning in a limited time.

Construction framework

Understand the essence and answer methods of each type of question, establish a complete knowledge system, and avoid moving hard.

· Comb

Reading, careful investigation, and comparison of outlines, carry out key knowledge, conduct carpet -style review, and fully familiarize with the test content.

·Filling in the gaps

Help students find vulnerabilities or symptoms, provide targeted suggestions, and timely check the leakage.

· Focus on refining

Grasp the "key points", break each, make full use of the summer follow -up learning, and establish a diversified knowledge system.

· Consolidate review

Strengthen the exercise simulation questions, real questions, and prediction questions, and consolidate the content of what they have learned.


Weekend series

Suitable object

(1) Candidates who are weaker in Shanghai Civil Service Examination

(2) In the preliminary examination, candidates who have not learned much about the Shanghai civil servant exam

(3) Candidates who want the system to review and improve a comprehensive improvement

(4) Candidates who need to write a full -process system for writing or interviews, and hope that candidates who have bonuses and protocol guarantees

(5) Students who need to follow, guide, and urge the test ability to improve the ability to improve the test.

Form of class

Opposite the offline: Facing teaching, classroom interaction, questioning and services on the spot, making students experience better.

Series features/highlights

Learn through

Offline Huazhi senior teachers have taught the skills and strategies of admitting the skills and strategies to learn the theoretical skills and lay a solid foundation.

· Practice

Provide a sufficient quantity to preserve questions, consolidate high after class, and practice the questions.


Simulation simulation exams, you can practice, calm, and stable test room mentality.

· Separate teaching

Basic-Title Sea-Sprint-Interview, Stage Learning, layer up, strength prediction.

· Science learning

Consolidate the basic mastery method+sprint knowledge large combing+pre -test training.

· Answer

Follow -up questions, questions and answers, questioning questions, questioning of classrooms, questioning after class, assignment questions, all efficiency guarantee within 24 hours;


Huazhi senior teachers have been taught in person to help learn more.