The real identity turned out to be a supermodel

Topic: picture channel

  I don’t know how to express my mood at the moment in words. I just want to say: Please give yourself a chance to make dreams may come.

  —— Eileen’s blog message expresses the feeling of winning the prize.

  On December 1st, the 57th Miss World contest came to an end in Sanya, Hainan Province. Eileen, who represented China in the contest, overtook other beauties from 105 countries and regions and was crowned as "Miss World". She was also the first China girl to win the title of "Elder Sister" in 57 years. Previously, it has been reported that Eileen is a company secretary. In fact, she is a supermodel with a height of 1.82 meters. Yesterday, the reporter telephoned the lucky one. She had a high voice on the other end of the phone and spoke very fast. As soon as she heard it, she was a girl who acted very aggressively. She said: "Before the final, I didn’t expect that I would win this championship at all. Now I want to enrich myself and go to graduate school majoring in human resources after winning the championship for one year." She said that she has not considered entering the entertainment circle for the time being.




  On December 1st, the 57th Miss World Final Gala was held in Sanya, China, and Miss China Eileen won the title.  



  On the evening of December 1st, the 57th Miss World Final Gala was held in Sanya, and Miss China Eileen won the title.

  After winning the prize, consider going to graduate school first.

  Dialogue article

  Eileen recalled that after winning the championship, Tatiana Kucharova, the last Miss World Czech, went to her room to congratulate her and said, "From then on, people all over the world will know that you are Miss World, and you should use your influence to benefit more people." Eileen made up his mind to finish the next journey by wisdom. "A woman’s beautiful time is very short, and only wisdom can really benefit the world."

  Little secret

  Express pride with modesty

  Strictly speaking, Eileen, who is 1.82 meters tall, is not that stunning beauty, but what did she do to conquer 10 international judges? Eileen said: "In fact, my greatest experience is to do everything well with a normal heart."

  Eileen is actually expressing her pride in a modest way, because her excellent performance during the contest has no need to boast. It is understood that Mrs. Molly, the president of Miss World, likes this new champion very much. When talking to her friends on the phone, she praised Eileen: "She usually performs very well and has a good popularity. Her victory is Inside (internal) rather than Outside (external)."

  The little annoyance

  Turn off the phone to avoid harassment.

  After Eileen won the championship, many relatives and friends called her to congratulate her, and many film and television companies and advertising companies wanted to talk to her about business, which made her feel a little annoyed, so she simply turned off her cell phone and moved to the mobile secretarial desk.

  Supermodels who have been popular in China, such as Qu Ying and Wang Haizhen, have entered the entertainment industry, but she said, "I am still a model, and I don’t want to be an artist for the time being, because everyone has his own aspirations, and I don’t know much about the entertainment industry. As for the future, let nature take its course." Eileen’s motto in life is "If you have the heart to plant flowers, you can’t open them." She said, "You can’t predict many things in the future."

  Little desire

  Go to graduate school after the expiration of "Shi Jie"

  Eileen, who has a very open-minded attitude towards life, actually does things in a planned way. She said: "From now on, my term as Miss World has also begun. I will go to some countries in the world to do public welfare and charity activities, and then come back to continue to be a model, in addition to going to graduate school."

  It is understood that Eileen was a special student in sports, focusing on hurdles and triple jump. He also received professional training in 100-meter hurdles, and he also had a special liking for basketball. He was a staunch fan of sports. Eileen has a strong vision for the upcoming 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. She said that she not only wants to watch the games and cheer for China, but also hopes to get the chance to take part in the relay with the torch in hand.

  Little secret

  Kindness is the first in choosing a boyfriend.

  Catalpa Lin, who is very tall, does not deny that it is difficult to find a boyfriend. "When foreign players see me, they all say, Oh, are you from China? China girls are so tall! They will jokingly say that you come to our country. We have tall, handsome and good boys here. " Zilin frankly said that the first criterion for the best boyfriend is kindness, followed by dedication and a sense of family responsibility.

  "godfather of models" is the driving force

  Behind the scenes

  Behind every successful man, there is a woman, and vice versa. Eileen’s behind-the-scenes promoter is Li Xiaobai, the head of New Silk Road Model Agency Co., Ltd., who is known as the "godfather of models". Li Xiaobai once discovered supermodels such as Yu Na, Yue Mei, Li Bing, Wang Haizhen and Xie Dongna, and was also the first person to discover Eileen. Yesterday, Li Xiaobai also used this newspaper to clarify for the first time that it is totally a rumor that Eileen is a secretary, and her real identity is the signing supermodel of New Silk Road.

  The first beauty pageant was still "baby fat"

  Li Xiaobai still remembers the scene when he first met Eileen four years ago. He said: "At that time, during the SARS epidemic in 2003, our company only held a youth beauty contest in Beijing. At that time, Eileen also signed up for the competition. She was a freshman and participated in the beauty contest for the first time. At that time, she was not outstanding, and some babies were fat and inexperienced in many aspects. Finally, she only got a top ten player." But after the game, Li Xiaobai thought Eileen was a good prospect, so he asked her to sign a contract with the company. Soon, the company included Eileen in the training plan, and arranged for her to attend a high-end customized conference of an international brand. Then, Eileen went to Germany to perform with the company, and later she won the honor of top ten models in China.

  Mother once opposed her daughter to be a model.

  Li Xiaobai said: "Eileen’s comprehensive quality is very high, and her mother is a teacher at China Agricultural University. She has been educated very severely since she was a child. In order to let her enter the modeling world wholeheartedly, I have communicated with her mother for a long time because her mother once opposed her daughter’s entry into this circle." He said that he had single-handedly promoted many female models who are famous in the fashion circle. Compared with them, Eileen’s greatest advantage is that she is very smart and thoughtful, which is rare among female models born in 1980s. The most important thing is that Eileen’s professional ethics and ethics are particularly good, and she never goes outside to make extra money.

  Before becoming a "world elder sister", she was already worth a lot.

  Regarding the current value of Eileen after winning the championship, Li Xiaobai said with a smile: "This is really hard to disclose, but I can tell you that her value before winning the championship was considerable, even comparable to that of supermodels such as Ma Yanli and Qu Ying at the peak." Having said that, Li Xiaobai changed the subject and said: "Yesterday, many media reported that Eileen was the secretary of a company, which is totally nonsense. She is still the’ Super A Model’ signed by our company (the top model in China)." Li Xiaobai also revealed that since Eileen studied business administration, she was also interested in this aspect. In the future, after she left the runway, the company would arrange for her to join the management.


Bright Moon in Northern Shandong: Miscellaneous Tan on New Year’s Day

As a national holiday, New Year’s Day has a history of only 70 years, but it carries the cultural genes that have been integrated into the nation for more than 3,000 years.
With regard to New Year’s Day, the accurate interpretation now refers to the first day of the Gregorian calendar (Gregorian calendar) every year, that is, January 1st of the Gregorian calendar. However, this interpretation strictly began with the founding of New China in 1949. In the long river of more than 3,000 years or even longer, New Year’s Day actually refers to the current Spring Festival, that is, the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar, and there are many nicknames such as Yuanri and Yuanzheng. If you read "January Day" in ancient poetry, it is the ancient people’s singing or expressing their feelings during the Spring Festival. Among them, Wang Anshi’s poem "Yuan Ri" in the Northern Song Dynasty is the most popular poem: the sound of firecrackers is one year old, and the spring breeze sends warmth into Tu Su. The rising sun sheds light on doors of each household, New peachwood charm is put up to replace the old. Bai Juyi, a famous man in the mid-Tang Dynasty, wrote "Five Drinks on January Day in Seven Years" in one breath with great interest after drinking on the first day of the first month in 833 AD (seven years refers to the seventh year of Tang Wenzong Taihe), the third of which is: three cups of blue-tailed wine and one cup of gum-tooth enamel. Except for Cui Changshi, no one is arguing with me.
In the Tang Dynasty, people took turns pouring drinks, and the last seat was called "Blue Tail Wine". In the Song Dynasty, Dou Ge explained in the Book of Wine: Today, when people drink Tu Su wine, the clouds can avoid the plague, which is also called blue-tailed wine. Or drink it at the end of the year, so it has the meaning of tail. As for the "gummy tooth jar", Mr. Lu Xun mentioned this scene in "A Random Talk on the Day of Sending Cooks": On the day when Kitchen Jun ascended to heaven, there was still a kind of sugar on the street, the size of a citrus, and there was this kind of thing in our place, but it was flat, like a thick pancake. That’s the so-called gum tooth-in fact, the simplest explanation can be maltose. -I believe readers have found clues: how do firecrackers, peach charms, Tu Su wine to avoid plague and maltose to send to the stove day look more and more like the Spring Festival now, rather than the New Year’s Day in this Gregorian calendar?
Indeed. Bai Juyi, Wang Anshi and countless Yuan Day and New Year’s Day in the poems before Qing Dynasty all refer to the Spring Festival, which is often referred to as the first day of the first month. A little exploration: "New Year’s Day" is an ancient Chinese word, which refers to the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar. In Oracle Bone Inscriptions, the yuan character is a human figure plus a horizontal, which means the head, so it has the meaning of beginning and initial. The pictograph of the word Dan points to the moment when the sun rises on the horizon, so New Year’s Day means "the first day", also known as "three yuan", that is, the yuan of the year, the yuan of the month and the yuan of the time. However, the so-called "first month" has also changed many times with the adjustment of the calendar in the long river of history. Of course, it is all about exploring the "first" or "beginning" of the year. The calendar of Xia Dynasty takes January in spring as the first month, that of Yin Shang Dynasty takes December in winter as the first month, and that of Zhou Dynasty is changed to November. After Ying Zheng, king of Qin, unified China and called him the first emperor, it was changed to October as the first month. The current first day of the first month, as New Year’s Day, started from Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and remained in use until the end of the Qing Dynasty. Of course, in addition to New Year’s Day and "Yuanri" in Bai and Wang’s poems, there are many names for expressing feelings on the initial day, such as Yuanzheng, Yuanchen, Shangri and Yuanshuo.
In 1949, the first plenary session of the China People’s Political Consultative Conference decided that the new China would adopt the universal method of AD chronology, and designated January 1st of the Gregorian calendar as the beginning of the New Year and listed it as a legal holiday, which is the current New Year’s Day or New Year. In order to distinguish the two "years" of the lunar calendar and the Gregorian calendar, the first day of the first month was renamed the Spring Festival. Back to January 1, 2024, this upcoming New Year’s Day, as a national holiday, actually has only a history of more than 70 years, but it carries the cultural genes that have been integrated into the nation for more than 3,000 years and is the "beginning" of countless hopes and bright future. As described by Xin Xiao, a Wei-Jin poet, in Poem of Yuan Zheng, Yuan Zheng started the Order Festival, and Jiaqing started from here. Salty plays for thousands of years, and the size is the same as Yuexi. Although the yuan in the poem refers to the present Spring Festival, we might as well use it without asking for a solution: wouldn’t it be nice to use this New Year’s Day to start all the beautiful things and warm up for the grand Spring Festival that will come soon?
However, regarding the blessing of New Year’s Day, it is somewhat ordinary to use Happy New Year or Happy New Year. There are enough treasures to be excavated in the profound Chinese traditional culture, such as the Book of Changes. In the Book of Changes, the combination of "Yuan Henry Zhen" appeared many times, and Confucius interpreted it as: "Yuan is good." Heng Zhe, Jia Zhi Hui also. Those who benefit are also the sum of righteousness. Chastity, things are done. A gentleman’s benevolence is enough to grow a man. Jiahui is enough to make a gift. Good things are enough to make peace. Zhen is solid enough to do things. A gentleman does these four virtues. Therefore, it says,’ Dry, Yuan, Heng, Li and Zhen.’ "This is an interpretation of the construction of personal and social virtues, which can be explained in a more popular way as Yuan is the origin, Heng is the collection, Li is the achievement, and Zhen is the righteousness. It can be said that "Yuan Henry Zhen" represents the four stages of virtue cycle upward, and also symbolizes the development logic of everything from weak to strong, which reveals the wisdom and self-confidence of Chinese culture concisely and clearly.
In this case, when we meet tomorrow on the banks of the Pujiang River near the East China Sea, we can smile and say: Yuan Henzhen! (Lubei Mingyue)

A group of children’s Christmas wishes were very touching.

Original Lens WeLens

Christmas is only a week away. Who will you spend Christmas with, prepare Christmas gifts and wishes?

A month or two before Christmas every year, a steady stream of letters will pour into 123 Elf Road North Pole, and the recipient is the legendary Santa Claus who will quietly send Christmas gifts to children.

In this letter, children will share their year’s harvest with an old friend they will never meet, and make a wish to post the letter before Christmas, silently expecting that when they wake up on Christmas Day, they can see the long-awaited gift at the bedside.

Of course, this Santa Claus is not real, and letters will not be sent to the North Pole, although many children do believe it. In fact, this is the annual Operation Santa organized by USPS, in order to provide Christmas gifts to families who may not be able to provide more than their basic daily needs.

Children’s Christmas wishes are big or small. Some people want toys, some people want a greeting card, and some people just want a hug, and they don’t forget to tell Santa Claus to wear masks and gloves. ……


Want to be happy!

Toys, game consoles and so on are naturally at the forefront of children’s wish list. However, before expressing their wishes, children will also talk about their performance this year.

"I have grown into a good boy this year.

I can count from 1 to 100 and recognize all 26 letters.

I want a cool hot wheels car. "

"I hope you and everyone in the Arctic have had the best year.

I want Lego’s Destiny’s Bounty toy this year.

I have always done well and studied hard at school.

I wish you a safe journey on Christmas Eve. "

"Merry Christmas to you in advance! I know you’re busy,

But I hope you can read this letter.

It was written by my brother and me.

We are all good children, and sometimes we fight.

But we still love each other.

We want to share a Switch together.

I know it will cost a lot of money,

So it’s okay if you don’t get it. "

"I want a real elf friend forever,

He’d better bring a small house with him,

There are beds, toilets, bathtubs, showers and the like.

"Please come and play with me. We can play anything.

If you want to bring me a present, I’ll wear a size 3 dress. "

Some children don’t want gifts, and even want to give gifts to Santa Claus.

"You are the best!

I want to be happy at Christmas! "

"When I wrote this letter to you, I was not very happy.

I hope you can answer a few questions:

1. Am I a vampire?

2. Are you the first person on earth? "

"Please put the gift,

To boys and girls all over the world.

Thank you. "

"I know I didn’t perform particularly well this year.

So it doesn’t matter if my Christmas stockings are empty.

Did someone tell you that you are the best?

I always believed that you were real, and no one else believed you.

They think their parents played you.


Please always believe in yourself.

P.S. I want to be the one who gives you a gift, so come on! "

Many children will also put their own paintings on it. Although the level of paintings is uneven, there will be occasional typos, but they are full of sincerity.


Please give mom a present, too.

Some children want Santa Claus to give gifts to their mothers or other family members.

"Santa Claus, when you come.

Please give my mother a big hug.

She really needs it. She works too hard. "

"I am writing this letter because I want to do something special for my mother.

Every year, my mother asks me to write down a Christmas wish list.

But we never asked her what she wanted.

My mother likes cooking. She told me that she wanted to go back to school to learn this.

Mom has lost her job, and she has been doing her best.

So if you can, can you give mom a laptop?

So that she can go to school. I really want to achieve this,

She always told me to pursue my dreams,

I also want her to realize her dream. "

"I’m sorry if I misspelled your name,

I want a floating skateboard this Christmas.

But what I want most is my mother.

Work can be smoother, don’t be blamed again.

I think she should be treated well. "

"This year has been too difficult because of the coronavirus.

But I expect to receive some Lego toys.

Because my mother said that she couldn’t give me a present this Christmas,

She hasn’t received her salary for a long time, so she can’t afford anything.

Because she takes care of us, gives us food and works hard.

So I hope she gets something,

Like a Christmas card. "

"I don’t need anything for Christmas,

But my brother needs a new pair of shoes.

His shoes are broken. "

"I wonder if we can make Christmas a day earlier?

Because my father works on Christmas Day,

He is a fireman,

So I’m not at home on Christmas day.

If he can be at home on Christmas day,

We would be very grateful. "


It’s so hard this year ……

This year, everyone has had a hard time, and the children are no exception. So there are also some sad stories in the letter.

"It’s hard this year. I lost my father and grandfather.

My mother is going through a very difficult time.

I hope you can give her some happiness. "

"What I want most this year is that my family can be reunited.

Mom and I are really having a hard time.

Can you help us out?

I hope you can write back to me,

And I want you to know

My family is really important to me. "

What is even more touching is that children still have hope for life.

"Please be careful this year.

You should wear a mask and gloves, because the epidemic remains.

I have some bad news.

My mother and sister died,

My angel dog died, too.

I love her so much!

I lay down next to her and held her until she left.

I shouldn’t be so unhappy in a happy letter.

I remain hopeful and grateful.

You have always given us a lot of support.

My family and I love you very much. Thank you for your efforts. "

"There’s some bad news,

One of my classmates went to heaven because of cancer.

I’m so sad.

But I’m slowly recovering.

Let’s think of something happy _


Give everyone a hug, Santa Claus. "


Maybe we don’t need Christmas presents.

There are also many children who say that they don’t want Christmas presents. Because they still have some bigger wishes.

"I don’t think everyone said thank you to you.

You sacrificed your life for the happiness of your children.

That’s amazing. You are really great.

Never forget this.

As for gifts? If I had to choose a gift,

That’s a donation to charity.

Shelters for the homeless, public libraries, anything.

Because what better gift than peace and happiness on earth? "

"This year I want to:

The epidemic is over and the world is at peace.

The climate is under control, and the new X box game machine. "

"P.S., it doesn’t matter if I don’t receive any gifts.

Let’s get everyone fed and clothed before giving gifts. "

I hope you can send toys to the children in the hospital.

And those children who live on the streets. "

"Can you don’t your Christmas present? I just want a card.

I really want a gift,

But I don’t want to be the only one laughing this year.

I hope others can smile,

Like someone who’s homeless.

So please,

What I want this Christmas is

A smile. "

"Dear Santa Claus,

Do you support the LGBTQ group?

If you can talk to God,

Can you tell me that I love him?

Ask him if he still loves me if I’m gay. "

I don’t want anything this Christmas,

But if I may, I also want to ask you a favor:

Please find a cure for Covid-19,

Give it to us and save the world.

Thank you. "


Be a "volunteer" for Santa Claus

In fact, this is the 108th year of Operation Santa Claus.

Every year before Christmas, the post office can receive many letters sent to the nonexistent Santa Claus. In 1912, Frank Hitchcock, the postmaster, wanted to do something good for the community, so he suggested opening and answering these letters to Santa Claus.

At first, only the local post office and citizens wrote letters and gave small gifts to the children who wrote letters. Later, some commercial companies and charities joined in, and gradually formed an annual fixed project-"Santa Claus Action".

"The US Postal Service receives thousands of letters to the North Pole every year.

The workload was too heavy, so Santa asked the post office to find some volunteers to help. "

They set a special address for Santa Claus and began to accept letters one or two months before Christmas. Everyone can write to Santa Claus, but the project will especially help families and children in need. Gifts will be sent before the festival to ensure that the writer can receive them before Christmas.

Over the years, the US post office has received hundreds of thousands of letters. In the past two years, activities have begun to expand to more and more cities. More and more "volunteers" of Santa Claus have joined in, and there are some children among the volunteers.

This year, due to the epidemic situation, the post office simply digitized all the letters it received and published them on the official website People can browse these letters at will and "claim" any number of letters they want to reply to, so as to help the children or families who write letters realize their holiday wishes.

Up to now, more than 20 thousand letters have been claimed this year. Many people are moved and encouraged by the contents of the children’s letters and try their best to help them realize their wishes.

Kim Frum, a spokesman for Santa Claus, said, "This year, more families may be affected financially and emotionally. If you can provide even the slightest help or a spark of happiness to those in need, it means the whole world to them. "

After sending gifts, Santa’s "volunteers" will also receive special commemorative cards.

Indeed, everyone has had a hard time this year. But when I saw the little wishes and great expectations of the children in their letters to Santa Claus, I found that they were still naive and hopeful after this special year.

And this kind of mutual help and persistence in the face of crisis is probably the real meaning of Christmas.

Perhaps, this Christmas, we can not only be the one waiting for gifts, but also help some people in need to realize their Christmas wishes.

Main reference materials:

The United States Postal Service and the Spirit of Santa

Original title: "A group of children’s Christmas wishes, which is very touching."

Football (sports)

On the same day, in the tenth round of the Italian Football League in the 2023-2024 season, Inter Milan beat Rome 1-0 at home.

On October 29th, Inter Milan coach Inzaghi was on the sidelines. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Alberto Lingoria)

On October 29th, Inter Milan player Thuram (left) scored a goal in the game. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Alberto Lingoria)

On October 29th, Inter Milan player Thuram (left) competed with Roma player Ndika. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Alberto Lingoria)

On October 29th, Inter Milan player lautaro (left) competed with Roma player Lu Kaku. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Alberto Lingoria)

On October 29th, Inter Milan player lautaro (right) competed with Roma player Mancini. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Alberto Lingoria)

ChatGPT’s Enlightenment to Future Battlefield Intelligence Perception and Decision-making

Author: Liu Xinyu

The combination of artificial intelligence technology and unmanned aerial vehicle will greatly change the existing theory and mode of military operations. The power of artificial intelligence plays a role at all levels of the national defense industry, and the rapid development of artificial intelligence will define the next generation of war. Recently, ChatGPT, a generative artificial intelligence technology developed by OpenAI, has been paid attention to and used all over the world. ChatGPT is a large-scale generative pre-training language model based on transformer. It can train in existing data sets and generate texts similar to human language. This unique ability makes it an ideal tool for military applications. The underlying natural language model and technology that provides power for ChatGPT may completely change the artificial intelligence on the battlefield and have a great impact on the situation awareness and independent decision-making methods in future wars.

Intelligent situational awareness in the whole information domain

In the future military field, there will be a battlefield environment with complex information, high confrontation and changeable tasks. The highly uncertain combat environment puts forward extremely high requirements for the independent perception and cognitive ability of combat equipment. Military equipment needs to have the ability of automatic target detection and identification and multi-sensor data fusion. It can detect and fuse enemy target information and its own support information through autonomous and receiving information acquisition methods, and perceive the battlefield situation and extract important information for subsequent decision-making on the basis of obtaining full information domain.

Based on the demand for intelligent situational awareness, the generative artificial intelligence technology ChatGPT can be integrated into military vehicles, aircraft and other combat systems. With the application of artificial intelligence language robots trained by a large number of models, the required real-time information can be effectively coordinated in a multi-domain environment, and the input data from various sensors can be analyzed to generate a complete, comprehensive and real-time updated operational environment map.

Intelligent technology can play a key role in future military operations. Generative artificial intelligence technology can rely on its strong creativity, understanding and response speed to obtain cross-domain intelligence and battlefield situation data, improve the ability of insight into intelligence, form a highly simulated situation scene, realize dialogue between people and battlefield environment, provide real-time information and situation prediction, enhance the real-time and decision-making of battlefield situation perception, and better support real-time decision-making in military operations.

Real-time and efficient intelligent independent decision-making ability

At present, the autonomous decision-making ability of aircraft has been initially characterized by intelligence and independence. The US Air Force uses artificial intelligence "decision-making assistant tools" in distributed common ground system (DCGS) to help sort out and integrate a large amount of data. This artificial intelligence system connects most airborne intelligence and monitoring and reconnaissance platforms of the US Air Force, and integrates artificial intelligence technology into training to expand into other fields.

If the generative artificial intelligence technology ChatGPT is introduced into the decision-making method of aircraft, it can provide real-time information about enemy positions, movements and capabilities, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of friendly forces in tactical situations based on the prior information database and real-time signal, data and image databases, and at the same time based on the real-time interaction between aircraft and environment, so as to analyze, reason and make decisions, and realize rapid response to battlefield decision-making.

The generative artificial intelligence robot can generate multiple sets of operational plans in a short time when the aircraft is faced with complex and uncertain operational conditions, and preview the battlefield process and results for each set of plans, so as to generate real-time optimal decisions in the face of complex requirements in terms of information acquisition, reaction time, calculation speed, tactical evolution and comprehensive evaluation, and support decision makers with diversified decision plans and deduction results.

Real-time and efficient intelligent autonomous decision-making method can cover the complex situation in real combat environment, play a similar role to human brain in high uncertainty environment, dynamically adjust attack and protection strategies according to real-time situation awareness and operational effectiveness evaluation, and realize efficient confrontation through closed loop of process.

Enlightenment and prospect of intelligent military

Generative artificial intelligence technology breaks the logic of time series calculation, and makes artificial intelligence in multiple sub-fields begin to merge technically. As a new technology in the field of artificial intelligence, deploying ChatGPT in military operations may enhance cross-domain combat capability and realize situational awareness and real-time independent decision-making in all information domains. In the future battlefield, if we can deploy the top-level layout and bottom-level algorithm of generative artificial intelligence with the guidance of military operations and equipment development, with its ability of understanding, responding and interacting with people, we can greatly improve the cognitive and decision-making methods in the battlefield, promote the technical upgrading in key areas, and realize the optimization iteration of combat capability.

From the point of view of data and subsequent development, generative artificial intelligence technology is a more advanced neural network deep learning algorithm, which has high requirements for training data, depends on the authenticity of training data and is easily disturbed by external information. Because of the long training time and billions of parameters, automatic machine learning is needed for multiple lines to generate better calculation results. Therefore, when transforming the technological achievements of generative artificial intelligence, it is necessary to take into account the parameterization requirements of scientific research technology development and the automation requirements of equipment application development, so as to achieve the balance between scientific research liquidity and industrial productization.

Generative artificial intelligence has brought a new paradigm to military applications and set a new route for the next generation of military operations. It is the main problem to apply generative artificial intelligence technology to the military field to actively explore the representation form of situation awareness and decision-making tasks for different military problems and consider how to use effective information for large-scale pre-training. The combination of artificial intelligence technology and military operations and technological innovation will reserve new ways for situation awareness and independent decision-making in future operations, and realize intelligent support for the development of new military equipment.

The Frontier of Science and Technology | See how AI doctors crack down on "invisible killers" that endanger the health of teenagers

Cover journalist Tan Yuqing Bian Xue

In recent years, scoliosis has become a common disease that harms teenagers, making it difficult for sick teenagers to straighten their backs. According to statistics, the number of scoliosis among primary and secondary school students in China exceeds 5 million, and it is still increasing at a rate of about 300,000 per year. Scoliosis has become the third major disease that harms the health of children and adolescents after obesity and myopia.

Early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment are the key points to combat scoliosis, otherwise it may develop into a very serious deformity, which may affect cardiopulmonary function and even lead to paralysis in severe cases.

Scoliosis model

In the past, doctors would diagnose scoliosis by manual measurement and X-ray screening, but with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into medical imaging technology, this step may be further optimized. In the screening stage, it is only necessary to "simply take pictures" to preliminarily determine whether scoliosis occurs, and in the diagnosis stage, the "experienced" AI system can also assist doctors to quickly read films for diagnosis.

Why can taking pictures replace x-rays? How does AI system assist doctors in screening and diagnosing scoliosis? Recently, the cover journalist explored the development of AI+ medical imaging technology.

It only takes a few seconds. Did the AI system tell you about scoliosis?

In the "simulated physical examination room", the reporter saw the hardware part of the spine AIS intelligent screening and diagnosis system (hereinafter referred to as the "system")-a rectangular metal frame about 2 meters high, with a group of small cameras in the center of the top. It looks simple, but the effect is not simple. The reporter’s on-site experience found that it took only a few seconds from detection to obtaining the report results.

The hardware part of the system is the camera.

"As long as the examinee stands in a standard position and poses Adam’s position to expose his back, the system can quickly complete the screening by using an infrared depth camera to collect information on his back." According to Fan Jipeng, the person in charge of the Shuangxin Department of Chengdian Gold Disk, the system will map and transform the image information collected by the camera to get the depth information of multiple posture key points on the back, so as to calculate the back asymmetry index and judge whether the subject may have scoliosis.

Schematic diagram of screening process

He said that this intelligent system will get closer and closer to the level of X-ray diagnosis by constantly learning actual cases and optimizing existing algorithms. While ensuring the accuracy and efficiency of screening, it can also prevent the teenagers being tested from being exposed to X-ray radiation.

This new technology may help to better implement the scoliosis examination project that was included in the physical examination of students in 2022. "We think the greatest significance of the screening system is that it can quickly complete large-scale examinations, so that children with scoliosis who have not yet been discovered will not be delayed."

Interface of scoliosis diagnosis system

In the diagnosis stage, the intelligent system is also a good assistant for doctors. Fan Jipeng explained that in the traditional process, in order to diagnose scoliosis, doctors need to measure the Cobb angle of the spine with a ruler, but this is time-consuming. Different doctors will make some errors when measuring by hand. Doctors with less experience may need to consult for scoliosis with large curvature, and the diagnosis time will be prolonged. However, after deep learning, the artificial intelligence system can accurately read and measure the film within 3~5 seconds, and give diagnosis suggestions.

At present, the system has completed the screening and diagnosis of more than 5,000 cases of scoliosis. "Now we are cooperating with Electronic Science and Technology University Hospital, Zhongshan Pok Oi Hospital and Shenzhen Children’s Scoliosis Center, and this number will be continuously updated."

Training "AI Good Doctor" by "Engraving" Algorithm of Expert Experience

"The accuracy of top doctors’ diagnosis of scoliosis may be 85%~90%, and the overall accuracy of our system will continue to approach this figure." Fan Jipeng said that at present, of course, the accuracy of top experts is higher, but compared with ordinary doctors, the system may have exceeded their basic level.

So, what gives the diagnosis system the ability to catch up with top experts? The answer is the experts themselves.

"When experts mark the angles of thousands of scoliosis cases, the system will learn based on this and solidify the experience of top experts into the algorithm, thus reaching a higher diagnostic level." In Fan Jipeng’s view, although the system is not as good as top experts, it is used to assist ordinary doctors in diagnosis or help improve their medical level.

The marked samples provided by human experts are the "success stories" of artificial intelligence doctors, but Fan Jipeng said that this is also one of the difficulties in the development of AI doctors. Different races, even people in different regions, will have certain differences. If the diagnosis is accurate enough, researchers need to collect as many samples as possible for AI to learn.

At present, the real large-scale landing of the system still faces some difficulties in the process. "How to make the medical examiners go through the inspection process quickly and how to ensure that their Adam posture is standard requires some corresponding training."

Therefore, the system will learn more practical cases, further optimize its algorithm program, continuously improve the diagnostic accuracy, and design detailed operating standards for the system, "for example, what is the standard Adam position, how to do it well, etc."

Three minutes learn the wire to withstand the current estimation, knowing this is called electricity

Work temperature is 30 ° C, and the amount of carrier flow under the long-term continuous 90% load is as follows:

1.5 square millimeters – 13A

2.5 square millimeters – 26A
4 square millimeters – 32A

6 square millimeters – 47A
16 square millimeters – 92A

25 square millimeters – 1220A

35 square millimeters – 150A

Current conversion power:



So on and so forth.

For example, if the carrier traffic is 14A, it is: 220W × 14=3080W, then 1.5 square copper wire power is 3.08 kW.

Long-term current allowed by national standard:

4 square is 25-32A

6 square is 32-40A

In fact, these are the theoretical security values, and the limit value is more than these.

The maximum power allowed by the 2,5 square copper wires is: 5500W.

4 square 8000W, 6 square 9000W is no problem.

40A’s digital meter is normal 9000W absolutely no problem. The 12000W of the machine will not be burned.


Copper wire wires allow long-term current:

2.5 square millimeters (16A ~ 25A)
4 square millimeters (25A ~ 32A)
6 square millimeters (32A ~ 40A)

for example :

1. Each computer consumes approximately 200 ~ 300W (about 1 to 1.5a), then 10 computers need a 2.5-square millimeter copper wire power supply, otherwise a fire may occur.

2, the large 3 air conditioner consumption is approximately 3000W (about 14a), then one air conditioner requires a separate 2.5 square millimeter copper wire power supply.
3, the current housing outlet is generally 4 square millimeters of copper wire, so the home appliances open at the same time must not exceed 25A (ie 5500 watts), some people replace the wires in the house to 6 square millimeters copper wires are useless. Because the wires entering the meter are 4 square millimeters.
4. Early housing (15 years ago) The import line is generally 2.5 square millimeter aluminum wire, so the home appliances open at the same time must not exceed 13A (ie 2800 watts).

5, household appliances that are relatively large consumption are: air conditioner 5a (1.2), electric water heater 10a, microwave oven 4a, rice cooker 4a, dishwasher 8a, drying machine 10a with drying function, electric heater 4a.

Among the fire caused by the power supply, it is due to the heat of the hair, so all the joints must be welded, and the contact devices that cannot be welded 5 to 10 years must be replaced (such as socket, air switch, etc.).


Copper wire wire cable traffic standard cable flow oral estimation:

Take the next two o’clock in nine, and go to the next time.

Thirty-five take three o’clock, double bunom group is five.

The conditions have changed, and the high temperature is 10% off copper upgrade.

The number of tube is two or three four and eight seven six folds.


This mouth is not directly pointed out to various insulated lines (rubber and plastic insulation lines), but "cross-section is multiplied in a certain number" to be represented.

"Two five-point multiply by nine, go to the next time," said that various cross-sectional aluminum insulation lines of 2.5mm2 and below are about 9 times the number of carriers of the cross-section. Such as 2.5mm2 wires, the carrier flow is 2.5 × 9=22.5 (a). The multiple relationship between the carriage of 4mm2 and more wires and the number of cross-section is row, the line number is row, the multiple is successively reduced by 1, i.e., 4 × 8, 6 × 7, 10 × 6, 16 × 5, 25 × 4.

"Thirty-five Take Three Fiveth, Double Bunction] Say", it is said that 35mm2 lead traffic is 3.5 times the number of cross-section, ie 35 × 3.5=122.5 (a). Wire from 50 mm 2 and above, the multiple relationship between the amount of carrier flow and the number of cross-section becomes a set of two two lines, and the multiple is 0.5. That is, 50, 70mm2 wire has a total of 3 times the number of cross-section; 95, 120 mm2 lead traffic is 2.5 times the number of cross-sectional area, and push it according to the secondary.

"Conditions have changed, high temperature nine fold copper upgrades". The above mouth is the copper core insulation line, which is determined under the condition of 25 ° C in ambient temperature. If the aluminum core insulation line is in the area where the ambient temperature is higher than 25 ° C, the wire carrier flow can be calculated according to the above-mentioned oral calculation method, and then hits it again; when used is not an aluminum wire but the copper core insulation line, Its carrier flow is slightly larger than the same size aluminum wire, and can calculate a carrier flow than the aluminum wire in the above-mentioned oral method. For example, the flow of 25mm2 copper wire can be calculated according to 25 mm2 aluminum wire.


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