The delivery guy has become a group with a high incidence of traffic accidents! Why is the "reasonable" algorithm "out of control"?

  Recently, the professional difficulties of some online platform takeaway brothers have attracted much attention to takeaway platforms and algorithm systems.

  "Xinhua View" reporter survey found that takeaway brothers have become a high-risk group of traffic accidents, and the algorithm labeled as accurate, reasonable and optimized has triggered extensive discussion in the industry.

  "The first thing I think of when I get up from a crash is not to time out"

  In recent years, the booming takeaway industry has reshaped people’s daily lives and become an important breakthrough point for economic development and employment in various places. According to a report released by Meituan, in 2019, the total number of takeaway riders who earned income through the platform reached 3.987 million, an increase of 23.3% over 2018; in the first half of this year, the total number of riders who earned income on the Meituan platform reached 2.952 million, a significant increase of 16.4% year-on-year.

  The relatively high income, stable salary payment and flexible working hours are the reasons why many workers are attracted to the food delivery industry. Wu Zhaoyun, a 35-year-old food delivery brother in Guangzhou, said that he has worked in factories, hotels and property companies. Since joining the food delivery team in 2017, he "feels that this career is very promising."

  While the number of takeaway riders continues to grow, takeaway brothers have become a group with a high incidence of traffic accidents. In recent years, there have been vicious traffic accidents in many places in China where takeaway brothers have caused deaths due to running red lights and violating the rules.

  The reporter learned from the Shenzhen traffic police department that in August this year alone, Shenzhen investigated and dealt with 12,000 traffic violations in the express delivery and takeaway food delivery industry, accounting for more than 10% of the total number of non-motor vehicle violations. The Shanghai medical emergency center healthcare workers said that they would encounter rider-related orders every week in August.

  "Rush" is the core reason. One rider said the delivery time given to him by the platform around 2018 was 40 minutes per order, but it was later compressed to 30 minutes. "Sometimes it takes 20 minutes to get takeaway from the merchant, and the remaining 10 minutes I have to ride 3km, run into the community, and wait for the elevator to go upstairs," he said.

  The main basis for the platform to compress time is the algorithm system based on big data and artificial intelligence. There is also a complete set of strict assessment mechanisms in cooperation with the algorithm system: on the one hand, the takeaway platform incentivizes takeaway riders to receive as many orders as possible with "price-per-order"; on the other hand, the platform strictly restricts riders through assessments such as on-time rate, bad review rate, and cancellation of order volume due to delivery reasons. The reduction in on-time rate means that takeaway riders lose the "order-taking advantage" in the platform’s algorithm, and will also be reduced in the internal ranking, missing various rewards.

  This "algorithm plus assessment" mechanism has multiplied the psychological pressure of practitioners. One rider said that once he collided with an electric car, "the first thing he thought of when he got up was that he couldn’t time out, and he didn’t care about how the other party and himself were injured. Now I think it’s ridiculous."

  Why are algorithms "out of control"?

  Several industry insiders believe that the deep problems behind the "algorithmic dilemma" deserve attention.

  On the one hand, the platform is "competing to the bottom", resulting in the "imbalance" of the algorithm.

  Data show that as of the second quarter of 2020, Meituan takeaway and have captured nearly 95% of the market share in the takeaway industry.

  Ma Liang, a professor at the School of Public Administration of Renmin University of China, believes that the short and concentrated characteristics of the takeaway industry determine that competition among enterprises is increasingly focused on the speed of food delivery, resulting in algorithms that should have integrated multiple indicators, ignoring the safety and stress of riders.

  "The food delivery industry has actually formed a’race to the bottom ‘, that is, constantly testing the bottom line indicator of delivery time. After exhausting all the competitive parameters, the pressure is pushed to the rider, resulting in the rider being at the limit and overloaded," he said.

  On the other hand, complex employment relationships lead to the transfer of risk, resulting in the algorithm’s "default".

  The reporter learned from the research that most food delivery riders have formed a complex employment relationship with the food delivery platform. Many food delivery riders often do not sign contracts directly with the platform, but sign contracts with third-party labor service companies through some apps, and the labor service companies change frequently. When an accident occurs, it is easy to lead to multiple parties kicking each other.

  In a case of a takeaway rider hitting a pedestrian, the rider said that he joined a takeaway platform in September 2018. At first, the labor agreement on the app showed that the employer was Ningbo Yumi Company; in August 2019, the agreement on the app was changed to Hangzhou Bangmang Company. He did not know who the employer was. During the court hearing after the accident, neither Ningbo Yumi nor Hangzhou Bangmang admitted that Huang was his employee.

  Liu Bo, the judge of the Huangpu District People’s Court in Guangzhou who was in charge of the case, said that in terms of the contract, the relationship between the rider and the labor service company is a labor relationship, but in fact the relationship between the labor service company and the rider is very loose. The platform uses the number of orders received and customer complaints to assess the rider, acting as an "employer." In the event of a traffic accident, the platform hides behind the labor service company and does not take any responsibility.

  Under the current laws and regulations, the traffic police cannot punish the enterprise, but only the rider. In the event of a traffic accident, the rider, not the enterprise, needs to bear the cost of violating the law and the risk of disability and death.

  Algorithms alone are not enough

  In the face of social doubts, said it would launch new features as soon as possible – "I am willing to wait 5 minutes/10 minutes more" buttons for consumers to choose from, while Meituan said it would improve the scheduling system to give riders 8 minutes of flexible time.

  Some interviewees believe that to solve the dilemma faced by takeaway riders, the most important thing is that platform companies can face up to, respect, and truly protect the rights and interests of workers, rather than allowing algorithms to become cold tools that only make money for enterprises.

  In recent years, in the face of the challenges of emerging business models, many places have begun to increase management efforts. For example, Foshan, Guangdong has built 89 fixed traffic safety education points to increase traffic safety education for delivery couriers and other groups; for takeaway enterprises with many traffic violations and weak traffic safety management, Foshan public security traffic police organized interviews with business leaders.

  Ma Liang suggested that the emerging business will inevitably pose an impact and challenge to the existing laws and regulations, and the general laws involving the protection of workers’ rights and interests, occupational safety, and safe production need to be revised in a timely manner. Issues directly related to a certain industry also need to be responded to in a timely manner by new regulations.

  In addition, the problems of the food delivery industry involve multiple departments, and the main regulatory departments should be further clarified to correct the disorderly competition behavior. Ma Liang also suggested that the food delivery riders belong to the "safety production problem in the flow" and should also be included in the assessment system of local governments to strengthen the local government’s supervision and law enforcement responsibilities. (Reporters Wang Pan, Ma Xiaocheng, Hu Lingguo, participated in writing: Mao Yizhu, Mao Xin)

Geely will launch the "Galaxy" brand? Seeing another multi-brand strategy, I don’t understand.

Written by: Listening to the Wind

Reviewer: Kan Second Sister

Editor: Xiao Xiao

It is difficult to say whether it is a curse or the times. In the past 20 years, among the many car companies in China, the success rate of those who want to engage in multi-brand strategies is not very high. But what is interesting is that even if there are so many lessons from the past, there are always car companies who want to test the waters of multi-brand strategies.

Previously, the official Weibo of Geely Automobile Group announced a set of information. On February 23, Geely will officially release the "Geely Brand New Energy Strategy" at the main venue of the Hangzhou Asian Games, and launch Geely’s mid-to-high-end new energy series models. It is reported that the new brand may be named "Galaxy", while the official Weibo of Geometry Automobile seems to reveal that the brand will be named "Galaxy" when forwarding the news.

It is worth noting that Geely Automobile’s current sub-brands are quite rich. In addition to the main brand Geely, it includes many brands such as Extreme Krypton, Lynk, Ruilan, Radar, Geometry, etc. If the acquired brands are included, it will be even richer. Now, with the news of the debut of the "Galaxy" brand, it means that Geely’s huge brand matrix will add another one.

On the surface, the huge brand matrix seems to demonstrate the strength of Geely Automobile, but it is still difficult to determine whether too many sub-brands are good or bad for Geely. As for whether it can break the curse of Chinese car companies’ difficulty in promoting multi-brand strategies, it is even more difficult to judge.

There are many lessons from the past, how did Geely break the game?

Judging from past experience, there are few successful cases of Chinese car companies implementing multi-brand strategies. Among them, Chery, as a pioneer, once formed a multi-brand operation structure including Chery, Kerry, Ruiqi, Wellin, Kaiyi and Qoros. But a cruel reality is that almost all of the above-mentioned brands except Chery have failed, and Chery has also begun to divest sub-brands in the long process of development, and finally only brought Jietu and Xingtu two brands with a certain amount of volume.

A more recent example is Great Wall Motors. Although it formed five brands with Haval, Wei brand, Euler, tank, and Great Wall pickup truck, it was once brilliant. Wei Jianjun, the founder of Great Wall Motors, also once used "our Great Wall Motors and other car companies are different in the path of branding, because we build brands by category" to demonstrate the success at that time.

But a reality that can be seen is that in the organizational restructuring at the end of last year, Great Wall Motors began an all-round resource integration, with only one core, "ONE GWM", that is, a Great Wall. Several of its major brands no longer fight each other, but began to gather resources. And this, to some extent, has subverted the previous business philosophy of Great Wall Motors "one car, one brand, one company".

As for the reasons, it is also easy to understand. Having more children is easy to fight, but it is also more troublesome to divide the family property. Lin Shi, secretary general of the China-Europe Association of Intelligent Networked Vehicles, told the editor of "Dogo Talk Car" that the advantage of the multi-brand strategy is that it can launch more models to meet market demand, and it is also conducive to the sharing of internal resources of car companies. However, at the same time, models are easy to overlap in terms of positioning and price, which forms internal friction. In addition, sub-brands need to add teams in production and service, which requires higher management and marketing requirements for car companies.

What’s more, from the launch of Geely brand and Lynk & Co brand plug-in hybrid models, Geely’s overall electrification is almost inevitable. Whether the emergence of a new brand will plunder the market of Geely’s original new energy brand and fuel vehicle brand, and form internal friction with them, who can predict?

History is strikingly similar, but not today.

Yang Xueliang, senior vice-president of Geely, previously said in an interview: "The mid-to-high-end new energy series has three power forms: pure electric, plug-in hybrid, and extended range hybrid. The new series will adopt a new design language and intelligent configuration, and emphasize user direct connection in operation." According to market news, the positioning of "Galaxy" may be between geometric and polar krypton, focusing on 20-300,000 yuan market.

That is to say, intuitively, Geely’s new brand can be distinguished from Geely’s existing new energy sub-brands, but this may not be the reason why Geely can successfully implement a multi-brand strategy. After all, every Chinese car company that implements a multi-brand strategy has more or less different sub-brands, and even Great Wall Motor’s "category distinction" is more obvious, but Great Wall Motor still chooses resource integration.

As the saying goes, "history is always strikingly similar", Geely’s multi-brand strategy may not necessarily succeed. But as the saying goes, "today is different". A significant difference from previous years is that China’s new energy vehicles have developed very rapidly in recent years, and the new energy vehicle market is also growing rapidly. Data show that the penetration rate of new energy vehicles will increase to 25.6% year-on-year in 2022. There is no doubt that this is a terrible data and an opportunity for Chinese car companies.

In addition, when Chinese automakers pursued multi-brand strategies before, the technology of Chinese automakers was generally average, and the brand perception was relatively low-end. But today is different. Take Geely as an example, its vast architecture has become the cradle of luxury car brands such as smart and Jidu, and its Raytheon Hi-P/F hybrid system has also become a popular choice in the current market. The industry change initiated by new energy vehicles is reshaping the ranking of automakers. Participants believe that they can benefit from it, and Geely is obviously one of them.

However, it may be important to note that even if a multi-brand strategy is implemented, it is still necessary to ensure the strength of the main brand. No matter whether it is Ford, BMW, or Toyota, Tesla, Volvo, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen and other international well-known car companies, there are many sub-brands, but they still have a main brand that can stand alone and even resist fierce competition and changes in the economic cycle. Of course, whether "Galaxy" is a product series or a "brand" is still uncertain, and the meaning of the two is still different.

List of new E Coupe configuration parameters for Mercedes-Benz E300 quotation

[Phoenix Auto Quotes Original] The brand-new Mercedes-coupe adheres to the uncompromising design for 49 years. On the basis of inheriting the luxury design of Mercedes-Benz, it also follows the intelligent driving and technological interconnection of E-class cars, combining aesthetics and intelligence, presenting the charm of "being smart and beautiful".

Comparison table of tariff reduction:

E class coupe

E200 coupe 522,800

E200 four-wheel drive 548,800

00 598,800

E200 convertible 642,800

E200 four-wheel drive 662,800

E43AMG 918,800

E63AMG 1,668,800

Original factory price

* The brand-new Mercedes-Benz E 200 coupe is RMB 558,000.

* The brand-new Mercedes-Benz E 200 4MATIC coupe is RMB 583,000.

* The brand-new Mercedes-Benz E 300 coupe is RMB 642,000.

Imported Mercedes-Benz E-Class E200 E200 four-wheel drive E300

E Coupe is a medium-sized and large coupe under Mercedes-Benz. Its design is young and fashionable, and it is loved by young consumers. Today (June 4th), I was invited to participate in the Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macao Auto Show, and the editor in front reported that the new generation of Mercedes-Benz E Coupe was officially launched, and three new models were launched, with the price range of 558,000-642,000 yuan. In terms of power, the new car is equipped with a 2.0T high and low power engine, and the transmission system is matched with the latest 9-speed automatic transmission of Mercedes-Benz.

The brand-new long-wheelbase E-Class car is divided into two different styling styles: sedan and sports car. We test-drive the more elegant E-Class car this time. The new long-wheelbase E-Class car continues the elegant and atmospheric design. At first glance, it won’t be too shameful to mistake it for an S-class. Compared with the standard wheelbase version, the wheelbase of the new long-wheelbase E-Class has increased by 140mm. The lengthened side is not awkward at all, but more stretched.

The new Mercedes-Benz E-Class Coupe is positioned as a coupe with a young and fashionable design, which is more in line with the aesthetics of young consumers. In detail, the front face adopts the latest family-owned star grille of Mercedes-Benz, and the decorations are chrome-plated; Headlights use full LED light source, which increases the overall sense of luxury. In addition, the new car also comes standard with a large panoramic sunroof.

In the rear part, the split LED light group is used on the rear tailgate, and the large-size LOGO is hung in the middle, which is full of symbols. In addition, the high-profile model will also be equipped with exhaust tailpipes with two sides, and the periphery will be decorated with chrome-plated decorative strips, which will increase the overall sports temperament to a greater extent.

Let’s look at the interior design, and the color and layout of the rules and regulations will fully reflect the luxurious texture of Mercedes-Benz. The buttons on the multi-function steering wheel are chrome-plated, and the large-size LCD instrument and central control panel will make drivers and passengers feel more fashionable. The design of air outlet of air conditioner breaks the traditional propeller style of Mercedes-Benz family. Foldable seats also increase the convenience of getting on and off the rear passengers.

Interior is the magic weapon of this generation of Mercedes-Benz models, and excellent design and excellent materials have formed great advantages for competitors. In the brand-new long-wheelbase E-class car, Mercedes-Benz introduced the technology of steering wheel sensing touchpad for the first time. On the steering wheel, there is a small touch pad at the position of the left thumb and the right thumb, which are used to control the left and right 12.3-inch LCD screens on the dashboard. The new car continues the design of Mercedes-Benz, and the steering wheel is also equipped with shift paddles. Located at the left rear of the steering wheel are the constant speed cruise control lever, the steering wheel adjustment lever and the turn signal lever.

The E63 S AMG is equipped with a 4.0L V8 twin-turbo engine, which can provide 612 horsepower and 850 N·m output. It is matched with a 9-speed AMG Speedshift MCT automatic manual transmission, and with a 4Matic+ four-wheel drive system, official data show that the E63 S AMG can accelerate 100 kilometers in 3.4 seconds, and the top speed is limited to the default speed of 250km/h by German car manufacturers. After the electronic speed limit is lifted, it is completely no problem to break through the 300 mark.

In terms of power, the new car will be equipped with a 2.0-liter turbocharged engine with different high and low power adjustments. The 2.0T low-power version of the engine has a maximum power of 135 kW and a peak torque of 300 Nm. The high-power version of the engine has a maximum power of 155 kW and a peak torque of 350 Nm. The transmission system will be matched with a 9-speed automatic gearbox, with an acceleration time of 5.3 seconds per 100 kilometers and a top speed of 250 kilometers per hour.

With 13.2-inch central control vertical screen, Geely Bo Yue L interior exposure.

Not long ago, after Geely Automobile officially released its brand-new SUV, Bo Yue L, the official interior map of the new car was also exposed for the first time. According to the information obtained, Bo Yue L will reveal more information on August 24th, and will be exhibited at the Chengdu Auto Show which opened on August 26th.

Judging from the official interior map, Bo Yue L adopts the design language officially called "Digital Symphony Technology Aesthetics", and the most striking thing in the whole car is the 13.2-inch central control vertical screen, which has the same effect as mercedes benz c Class. This screen has built-in Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip, which can realize rich intelligent technology configuration, and the glass on the surface of the screen has anti-reflection, anti-fingerprint and anti-glare films, and the resolution can reach 1440×1920. In addition, it can also realize three-screen linkage with the 10.25-inch hidden full LCD instrument on the left and the 25.6-inch AR-HUD augmented reality head-up system.

The steering wheel is a four-spoke style, and like the interior, it is a double-spell color scheme, which looks quite chic. The central passage area is covered with a large area of black piano paint material, and is equipped with a small crystal electronic stop bar. The two water cup holders on the right side are also chrome-plated, which brings a strong luxury texture.

Another highlight of the interior of the new car is that it is equipped with ambient lights that run through the center console and the door panels on both sides. It consists of 27 groups of vertical strip lights, which can bring different visual experiences by simulating voiceprints, breathing and running water changes in music rhythm, voice interaction, air conditioning linkage and different modes.

In addition, Bo Yue L is equipped with Yanfei Lishi Audio, with 11 speakers and Hi-Fi sound effects. It is worth mentioning that the audio set in the headrest can realize the split transmission of voice broadcast and entertainment sound while driving, and the two do not interfere with each other.

Having said that, let’s review the appearance of Bo Yue L. The front face of the new car adopts a large-size shield-shaped air intake grille, and the interior of the grille is filled with many black block structures, which brings visual effects similar to ancient armor and looks very combative.

A penetrating light strip is added above the grille, and it is segmented, and the shape of "sword" extends to both sides. With the luminous Geely LOGO hidden inside the light strip, both sharpness and recognition are guaranteed. The bottom is surrounded by a trapezoidal front, and the interior is decorated with a black mesh structure.

The shape of the side of the new car looks very lean, creating a dynamic body posture through the sinking roof line and the obvious waist line, and the upper part of the car body has also been blackened, which is helpful to enhance the fashion atmosphere of the whole car with the double five-spoke wheels below.

The tail of Bo Yue L also uses a penetrating taillight, which echoes the front face and extends to both sides with a broken line design. It looks like the letter "H" when viewed from the rear, but it looks like the letter "L" upside down when viewed from the side, which looks very personal. Although the bottom is not equipped with bilateral exhaust, it is surrounded by exaggerated black and matte decorative boards, showing a certain sporty atmosphere.

Bo Yue L will provide fuel and hybrid power options. The fuel version is equipped with Drive-E series 1.5TD and 2.0TD engines. The former has a maximum power of 133 kW and a peak torque of 290 Nm. The maximum power of the latter is 160 kW and the peak torque is 325 Nm. The transmission system is matched with a 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox.

The hybrid version is equipped with the Lei Shenqing Hi·X oil-electric hybrid system, which consists of a 1.5T three-cylinder hybrid engine and a 3-speed hybrid electric drive transmission DHT Pro. The comprehensive power of the system is 180kW, and the comprehensive torque can reach 540Nm. Under NEDC working conditions, the comprehensive fuel consumption per 100km is 4.2L, and the comprehensive cruising range can reach 1300km.

Bo Yue L based on Geely CMA architecture, both in appearance and interior, has broken our inherent understanding of Geely models and is in line with fashion personality, which is understandable. After all, young people have gradually become the main consumer in the automobile market, and many brands are also trying to win their favor.

For reference, the price range of Xingyue L is 13.72-185,200 yuan, and the positioning of Bo Yue L is lower than that of Xingyue L, so the price of the new car may be lower. In the future, this car will compete with Changan UNI-T, Haval God Beast and Guangzhou Automobile Chuanqi Yingku, which also focus on the young market. We will continue to pay attention to more information about the new car. (Text/Comfort)

Bamboo Slips and Silk Documents and the Historical Inheritance of Chinese Civilization

  Author: Yao Xiaoou (distinguished professor, College of Literature, Liaocheng University)

  From the "school of ancient history discrimination" and "examination of ancient history" in the 1920s, to the end of last century and the beginning of this century, Mr. Li Xueqin advocated "getting out of the age of doubting ancient history", and the research on China’s ancient history was getting deeper and deeper, among which the re-establishment of the concept of China’s 5,000-year-old civilization history was the key. Tracing the origin and historical inheritance of Chinese civilization has become a cultural event of concern to the whole society, and the discovery and research of bamboo and silk documents is an important link in the study of historical inheritance of Chinese civilization.

  Characteristics and advantages of bamboo and silk documents and China’s ancient historical records

  Archaeologists pointed out: "Over the past 20 years, the Chinese civilization tracing project has gradually unveiled the mystery of the origin of Chinese civilization through the investigation and excavation of many urban sites such as Liangzhu in Zhejiang, Shijiahe in Hubei, Taosi in Shanxi, Shimao in Shaanxi and Erlitou in Henan. The Chinese civilization tracing project has basically clarified the origin and early development of Chinese civilization. " (Chen Xingcan: Promoting the Spread of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture, People’s Daily, 20th Edition, August 18th, 2022) As a general rule, the study of world history judges the historical age through archaeological achievements, all of which are combined with literature. The richness and inheritance of China’s historical documents are obvious to all.

  Mr. Qian Cunxun, a famous expert on books and documents and a Chinese-American scholar, has a detailed exposition on the characteristics and advantages of China’s historical documents in his famous book "Books on Bamboo and Silk —— Ancient Written Records of China". He said: "most of the history of mankind depends on the spread of written records, so it has been preserved to this day." China people’s recording methods and techniques of thoughts and activities have their own special position in the history of world cultural development. " Mr. Qian pointed out: "A major feature of China’s written records is its unique persistence and continuity. This feature enables a creative ancient culture in the world to continue to this day. In addition to the common sounds and meanings of ordinary characters, China characters also have their own special forms. This kind of characters with special forms transcends the changes in time and the limitations in space, unites the Chinese nation and creates one of the greatest cultures in the world. "

  In the preface to the book, Mr. Li Xueqin quoted the above comments and said, "I believe that anyone who has read the book on bamboo and silk will be moved by this significant conclusion." Mr. Li’s "significant judgment" includes its significance in clarifying the origin of Chinese civilization. "Book on Bamboo and Silk" gives a comprehensive account of the origin of China’s books, from inscriptions on Oracle bones, inscriptions on inscriptions and inscriptions on tablets to bamboo slips and silk books. Generally speaking, from the perspective of document inheritance, bamboo slips and silk books, especially the bamboo slips that record books, are particularly valuable for discussion.

  The carrier of bamboo slips is bamboo slips, which are all kinds of writing materials made of bamboo and wood, including bamboo slips, bamboo slips, bamboo slips and bamboo slips. Because Jane is a large number, the above written materials are often collectively referred to as "Jane". A book made up of simplified editions is the most common form of ancient books.

  Literatures written in simplified books were used very early. "Shangshu Toz": "Hey! Tell Doss, … only I know, but the ancestors of Yin have books and codes, and Yin died in the summer. " The words quoted in Todos are from the mouth of the Duke of Zhou, and the object of teaching is the adherents of Shang Dynasty. From this, we can see that the existence and content of the documents in the Shang Dynasty were well known at that time. Its credibility is beyond doubt. In Oracle Bone Inscriptions, there are also many records of "books" and their use. Academic circles have a positive conclusion about the fact that simplified books have been used in Yin and Shang Dynasties. According to this, we can know that the existing Shang Shu Pan Geng and the source of Shang Song in the Book of Songs have cultural and institutional roots.

  In addition, because of the material properties of organic materials, the document carrier of bamboo and silk is difficult to be preserved under normal conditions, which makes the number of ancient bamboo and silk buried in walls, underground and other places rediscovered by later generations small, so it should be especially cherished.

  Discovery of bamboo and silk documents in past dynasties and its significance

  Qin Shihuang burned books to bury Confucianism, which blocked the inheritance of China literature to a great extent. In the Han Dynasty, all kinds of pre-Qin classics appeared one after another, except for the book-carrying law in four years. During the period of Emperor Wu, ancient books of the pre-Qin period were unearthed in the walls of Confucius’ old house and other places. At that time, there were people who gave away the old books in the pre-Qin period. Ancient pre-Qin books discovered in the Han Dynasty mainly include the following three aspects.

  First, Confucius’ book in the wall. Historical Records Biography of the Scholars: "Kong’s family has an ancient book" Shangshu ",while Anguo read it in this text, because it started his family. I have won more than ten articles from the Book, and I have covered the Book of History. " Han Shu Yi Wen Zhi said: "The author of The History of Ancient Chinese Literature is out of the wall of Confucius. At the end of Emperor Wu’s reign, the King of the Communist Party of Lu ruined Confucius’ residence and wanted to enlarge his palace, but he got dozens of articles, such as The History of Ancient Chinese Literature, The Book of Rites, The Analects of Confucius and The Book of Filial Piety, all of which were ancient characters. " Liu Xin’s Book of Dr. Taichang: "When King Lu Gong destroyed Confucius’ residence, he got ancient prose in a bad wall. There are thirty-nine Yi Li, sixteen Books, … and the Spring and Autumn Annals, all of which were written by Zuo Qiuming, and more than twenty books were hidden in the secret mansion, but they were not published."

  Second, other unearthed documents and books in the Han Dynasty, including Li, Shangshu and Xiaojing. History of Han Art and Literature: "Li Gu Jing was written by Lu Yanzhong and Confucius, which is similar to seventeen articles, with thirty-nine articles more." Kong Yingda’s Justice of Shangshu quoted Liu Xiang’s Bielu: "At the end of Emperor Wu, if the people had the Thai Oath in the wall, they would give it." Kong also quoted Fang Hong, assistant minister of Huangmen in the 14th year of Jian ‘an in Xian Di, as saying: "In the first year of Taihe in Xuan Di, women in Hanoi had a bad old house and got three articles of Thai Oath." Xu Chong’s "On the Table of Explaining Words": "The author of the Classic of Ancient Chinese Filial Piety was presented by the three old people of Lu when he was filial to Emperor Zhao."

  Third, Zuo Zhuan presented by Zhang Cang and the ancient books presented by Hejian to the king. Xu Shen’s Pre-narration of Shuowen Jiezi said: "Beiping Hou Zhang Cang presented Zuo’s Biography in the Spring and Autumn Period". Its writing is "self-similar" to the book in Confucius’ wall and the Ding Yi inscription unearthed. "Han Shu He Jian Xian Wang Chuan": "He Jian Xian Wang De was established two years ago with filial piety, studying the past well and seeking truth from facts. If you get a good book from the people, you must write it well, keep it true, and add gold and silk to it. Because the people of the Quartet Taoism are not far away, or there are old books from ancestors, which are often presented to the king, so there are many books. And the Han Dynasty, etc … The books presented to the king are all ancient books before the Qin Dynasty, and the titles of Zhou Guan, Shang Shu, Li Ji, Mencius and Lao Zi are all recorded by legends and discussed by the people of seventy. "

  All kinds of classics we use today have been handed down by scholars in the Han Dynasty. All kinds of ancient pre-Qin books appeared in the Han Dynasty are of great significance to the establishment of the learning system in the Han Dynasty, and their influence has continued until now.

  After the Han Dynasty, the famous event of finding ancient simplified books in tombs was the discovery of "Jizhong Bamboo Book". Wang Guowei made an incisive judgment on the significance of the discovery of bamboo slips and silks, including "Jizhong Bamboo Slips", in the study of China’s ancient history. He said, "There was a book in the wall of Confucius, and then there was the study of ancient writers since the Han Dynasty. There are ancient artifacts unearthed in Zhao and Song Dynasties, and then there are ancient artifacts and ancient characters since Song Dynasty. After the bamboo book of Jizhong was unearthed in the Jin Dynasty, the result was not significant because of the chaos in Yongjia. However, Du Yuzhi’s Zuo Zhuan and Guo Pu’s Shan Hai Jing all quoted his theory, and the deeds of Yu, Yi and Yi Yin recorded in Bamboo Annals have become a major issue in China’s literature. However, the knowledge in China’s books depends on the discoverer of the underground, and it is not from today. " (Wang Guowei: "China’s newly discovered knowledge in the past two or three decades")

  It is said in the Annals of Bamboo Books that "those who share common interests do things of the emperor, not two-phase republic", which is different from that described in Records of the Historian Zhou Benji, but it is supported by Tsinghua bamboo slips. In a word, the discovery of bamboo slips and silks unearthed in the Han Dynasty is of great significance and far-reaching influence on the narrative of China’s ancient history and the inheritance of Chinese civilization.

  The Discovery of Bamboo and Silk Documents since the 20th Century and Its Significance

  Unearthed documents have played a key role in many important advances in academic research in the twentieth century. At the beginning of the 20th century, Wang Guowei used the newly discovered Oracle bone inscriptions at that time to write papers such as "Examination of the First Duke and the First King Seen in Yin Oracle Inscriptions" and "Continued Examination of the First Duke and the First King Seen in Yin Oracle Inscriptions", which proved that the history of Shang Dynasty described in Historical Records was basically correct, and thus inferred "the authenticity of Xia Houshi lineage". This assertion has extended the recorded history of China for more than 1000 years.

  From the end of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century, many discoveries and researches on bamboo and silk documents were greatly promoted. From the carrier, besides bamboo slips and silks, there are also Oracle Bone Inscriptions, bronze inscriptions, Wen Tao and inscriptions. Bamboo slips and slips mainly include two categories, one is documents, and the other is books. Documents include common tomb dispatches, ancient files, official documents, decrees and bookkeeping, as well as calendars, calendars, Japanese books and miscellaneous medical prescriptions. These types of documents are first-hand materials for studying the social system at that time and the living conditions of ancient people, which are naturally valuable. However, from the perspective of the historical inheritance of Chinese civilization, handed down classics and books similar to handed down classics are of greater significance. Bamboo Slips of Chu Tomb in Guodian, Bamboo Slips of Warring States Collected in Shanghai Museum, Bamboo Slips of Warring States Collected in Tsinghua University and Bamboo Slips of Warring States Collected in Anhui University contain many classics. For example, there are three kinds of Lao Zi and Yi Yi in Guodian bamboo slips, The Book of Songs and various Confucian documents in Shanghai bamboo slips, The Book of Songs and Shangshu in Tsinghua bamboo slips, The Book of Songs, National Style and The Analects of Confucius in Anda bamboo slips. In addition, the bamboo slips and Qin slips of the Western Han Dynasty collected by Peking University, and the Western Han bamboo slips of the tomb of Hai faint Hou, etc., also have important historical document value.

  There are two aspects worthy of special attention in the historical significance of the classic simplified literature. The first is the study of thinkers represented by Confucius in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, including their ideological origin, the formation of unified ideas and their transmission in later generations. The second is the exploration of the ancient history of China, including the dating and historical orientation of the ancient history of Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties and before.

  On the first aspect, the first breakthrough was made because of the publication of Bamboo Slips of Guodian Chu. On November 7th, 1999, the third edition of China Youth Daily published a series of articles written by Pang Pu, a famous philosopher and intellectual historian, with the title "How Bamboo Slips from Guodian Chu Tomb Rewrite the History of China Thought". The center of this group of articles is to discuss the inheritance of Guodian bamboo slips from Confucius to Mencius. The simplified version of Laozi has another meaning. The organizer of Guodian Bamboo Slips pointed out: "A and C of the simplified version of Laozi are the earliest copied versions of Laozi so far. Most of its sentences are similar or the same as this edition of Laozi. " This is strong evidence for affirming Lao Zi and his books recorded in historical documents. The study of the relationship between Laozi and Confucius can also be further deepened. Documents such as "Yi Yi" and "Five Elements" suggest that the Simeng School was widely spread in Chu at that time. New Confucian literature, such as "Self-assertion of Sex", "Poverty Reaches Time" and "The Way of Tang Yu", is also of great significance to the history of China’s thoughts. These show the inseparable relationship between Chu culture and the culture of the Central Plains during the Warring States period, and even for a number of periods. This is an excellent illustration of the pluralistic unity of Chinese culture.

  As far as the history of China’s "three generations" is concerned, the existence of the Xia Dynasty was questioned by the school of ancient history differentiation, and as mentioned earlier, Wang Guowei once inferred the "authenticity of Xia Houshi’s lineage" contained in Historical Records based on the Oracle bones in the Yin ruins. According to "Guoyu Luyu", after being defeated by Tang, "Jie ran to the south nest". Rong Chengshi, a bamboo slip on Shanghai Bo, gives a more detailed account of this important historical event: "Jie is the Lishan family who fled, and Tang attacked it from this, and fell from the slogan to cut Kaminokado high." Jie is the south nest family who fled, and Tang attacked it. I fled to the wilderness of Sangwu. " Comparing the two, the main contents of Xia Jie’s ending in handed down literature and unearthed literature are consistent. The latter also mentioned that Jie’s final destination was "the wilderness of Cangwu". This is intriguing. In history, "the wilderness of Cangwu" is related to Shun. In the neighboring areas of this area, some unearthed bronzes are classified as "early Shang period", which is very beautiful and its cultural source is worth studying. Unearthed documents such as Tsinghua bamboo slips "Thick Father" and "Shenbuwei" also provide new materials for the study of Xia history.

  Among the ancient civilizations in the world, the connotation and inheritance of Chinese civilization have their own characteristics. As far as the inheritance of civilization is concerned, the three generations of history and culture summarized by Confucius are represented by the chapters "Zai Yu Wen Wu Di De", "Emperor’s Family Name" and "Book of Rites and Liyun" in The Book of Rites, which have been passed down from generation to generation. Since the 20th century, the unearthed bamboo and silk documents have played an important role in the inheritance of contemporary Chinese civilization, which is worth our further study.

  Guangming Daily (11th edition, March 16th, 2024)

Five out of ten beauty bloggers are recommending "it"!

There is a saying in the beauty industry.

"China brush tens of millions.

Qingxian County in Hebei Province accounts for half. "

Qingxian County is located in Cangzhou City.

It is "the hometown of makeup brushes in China"

If you’re here,

Platforms such as Tik Tok, Xiaohongshu, and Bi Li.

Search for "makeup brush"

You will find that

Five out of ten beauty bloggers

Are recommending Cangzhou makeup brushes.

"Cangzhou makeup brush"

How cow is Cangzhou Qingxian makeup brush?

Let’s watch it together


"Buying a cosmetic brush depends on the place of shipment.

It’s from Cangzhou, just close your eyes and enter! "

in recent years

China native makeup brush brand

More and more popular with beauty bloggers

Many of them are domestic products with high cost performance.

From Qingxian county

The internet beauty industry is even more popular.

"The world’s makeup brushes look at China,

China makeup brush to see Cangzhou. "

The statement

Qingxian County is a leader in Cangzhou cosmetic brush industry.

About 40 million cosmetic brushes a year.

From here to the world

Give birth to many well-known domestic brands.

"Buying a cosmetic brush depends on the place of shipment.

It’s from Cangzhou,

Just close your eyes and enter! "

This year’s 618 e-commerce shopping festival

Qingxian makeup brushes sold over 5 million online.

Know these little makeup brushes

What is the annual output value?

3 billion yuan!

This brush out the "face value economy"

Really can’t be underestimated.

How did Qingxian become attached to the makeup brush?

More than 30 years ago

The local government has introduced investment

Many Korean-funded brush companies

Mainly for foreign high-end brands to do OEM.

Kang Shaoxing, now the president of Qingxian Cosmetic Brush Industry Association.

I worked there at that time.

After he accumulated some skills and experience,

Founded in 2006.

Cangzhou’s First Domestic Makeup Brush Factory

—— Qingxian Xingyuan Brush Factory

In 2011, the trademark "Ainuoqi" was registered again.

Starting from generation processing

To start your own brand of makeup brushes.

Xingyuan Brush Factory is gradually in Tmall, Tik Tok and so on.

Multiple e-commerce platforms open the market

these years

Riding the east wind of e-commerce

Qingxian county has emerged one after another.

"Qin system", "receiving wolves" and "Qin Dance Hall" and so on.

Makeup brush brand

These private brands

Open up channels through new Internet games.

Win the favor of the market

Become the "online celebrity" in the field of domestic cosmetic brushes


One of the cradles of Qingxian cosmetic brush industry.

Dongyaozhuang village

Bei Ali research institute

Evaluate"China Taobao Village"

In 2021

Qingxian county quilt China light industry Federation

And China daily necessities industry association.

"Hometown of Makeup Brush in China"


Qingxian, the Hometown of Cosmetic Brush in China.

More than 500 brands have been registered

Qingxian county makeup shua products

Its share in the domestic market is about 60%

There are hundreds of millions of makeup brushes every year.

Sell it to the world from here.

Small makeup brushes "brush" out of big industries

"This makeup brush decorated with sika deer stripes,

It was jointly signed by our family and the Summer Palace.

Liuhe Taiping series brush sets,

Using artificial fiber, soft and fluffy … "

At 10 o’clock in the morning on November 3,

In a live broadcast room in Yaozhuang Village, Machang Town, Qingxian County.

The anchor Yuan Huiyan is holding "Ainuoqi"

Brand makeup brush for live broadcast

In order to build brand core competitiveness

From 2018 onwards,

Xingyuan Brush Factory launched the Summer Palace co-branded products.


Since Liuhe Taiping series brushes came out.

The sales volume has exceeded 60,000 sets.

Thanks to years of technical accumulation

And continuous innovation

Cosmetic brush of Xingyuan Brush Factory

The road to private brands is getting smoother and smoother.

With the development of Xingyuan Brush Factory

The foundation of the local cosmetic brush industry continues to consolidate.

The industrial chain has basically taken shape

The popularity has also been further opened.

Quality raw material suppliers start

Supply advanced raw materials to Qingxian brush-making enterprises

Breaking the raw material market monopolized by Japanese and Korean brands.

Industrial development

Bring more employment opportunities

In and around Dongyaozhuang village

Engaged in cosmetic brushes and supporting products.

About 2000 people are produced and sold.

Zhixingyuan brush factory

There are more than 100 villagers from the surrounding area.

Also including Yuan Huiyan

Some young people.

From working for a Korean factory

Do OEM work in a self-built factory

Then develop a high-quality domestic cosmetic brush brand.

Qingxian County, Hebei Province

"There are really two brushes."

Comprehensively compiled from Hebei Daily client, Jiyun, power grid headlines, Taobao, bilibili, etc.

Pay attention to Hebei News Network and learn the latest news in Hebei.

ChatGPT’s Enlightenment to Future Battlefield Intelligence Perception and Decision-making

Author: Liu Xinyu

The combination of artificial intelligence technology and unmanned aerial vehicle will greatly change the existing theory and mode of military operations. The power of artificial intelligence plays a role at all levels of the national defense industry, and the rapid development of artificial intelligence will define the next generation of war. Recently, ChatGPT, a generative artificial intelligence technology developed by OpenAI, has been paid attention to and used all over the world. ChatGPT is a large-scale generative pre-training language model based on transformer. It can train in existing data sets and generate texts similar to human language. This unique ability makes it an ideal tool for military applications. The underlying natural language model and technology that provides power for ChatGPT may completely change the artificial intelligence on the battlefield and have a great impact on the situation awareness and independent decision-making methods in future wars.

Intelligent situational awareness in the whole information domain

In the future military field, there will be a battlefield environment with complex information, high confrontation and changeable tasks. The highly uncertain combat environment puts forward extremely high requirements for the independent perception and cognitive ability of combat equipment. Military equipment needs to have the ability of automatic target detection and identification and multi-sensor data fusion. It can detect and fuse enemy target information and its own support information through autonomous and receiving information acquisition methods, and perceive the battlefield situation and extract important information for subsequent decision-making on the basis of obtaining full information domain.

Based on the demand for intelligent situational awareness, the generative artificial intelligence technology ChatGPT can be integrated into military vehicles, aircraft and other combat systems. With the application of artificial intelligence language robots trained by a large number of models, the required real-time information can be effectively coordinated in a multi-domain environment, and the input data from various sensors can be analyzed to generate a complete, comprehensive and real-time updated operational environment map.

Intelligent technology can play a key role in future military operations. Generative artificial intelligence technology can rely on its strong creativity, understanding and response speed to obtain cross-domain intelligence and battlefield situation data, improve the ability of insight into intelligence, form a highly simulated situation scene, realize dialogue between people and battlefield environment, provide real-time information and situation prediction, enhance the real-time and decision-making of battlefield situation perception, and better support real-time decision-making in military operations.

Real-time and efficient intelligent independent decision-making ability

At present, the autonomous decision-making ability of aircraft has been initially characterized by intelligence and independence. The US Air Force uses artificial intelligence "decision-making assistant tools" in distributed common ground system (DCGS) to help sort out and integrate a large amount of data. This artificial intelligence system connects most airborne intelligence and monitoring and reconnaissance platforms of the US Air Force, and integrates artificial intelligence technology into training to expand into other fields.

If the generative artificial intelligence technology ChatGPT is introduced into the decision-making method of aircraft, it can provide real-time information about enemy positions, movements and capabilities, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of friendly forces in tactical situations based on the prior information database and real-time signal, data and image databases, and at the same time based on the real-time interaction between aircraft and environment, so as to analyze, reason and make decisions, and realize rapid response to battlefield decision-making.

The generative artificial intelligence robot can generate multiple sets of operational plans in a short time when the aircraft is faced with complex and uncertain operational conditions, and preview the battlefield process and results for each set of plans, so as to generate real-time optimal decisions in the face of complex requirements in terms of information acquisition, reaction time, calculation speed, tactical evolution and comprehensive evaluation, and support decision makers with diversified decision plans and deduction results.

Real-time and efficient intelligent autonomous decision-making method can cover the complex situation in real combat environment, play a similar role to human brain in high uncertainty environment, dynamically adjust attack and protection strategies according to real-time situation awareness and operational effectiveness evaluation, and realize efficient confrontation through closed loop of process.

Enlightenment and prospect of intelligent military

Generative artificial intelligence technology breaks the logic of time series calculation, and makes artificial intelligence in multiple sub-fields begin to merge technically. As a new technology in the field of artificial intelligence, deploying ChatGPT in military operations may enhance cross-domain combat capability and realize situational awareness and real-time independent decision-making in all information domains. In the future battlefield, if we can deploy the top-level layout and bottom-level algorithm of generative artificial intelligence with the guidance of military operations and equipment development, with its ability of understanding, responding and interacting with people, we can greatly improve the cognitive and decision-making methods in the battlefield, promote the technical upgrading in key areas, and realize the optimization iteration of combat capability.

From the point of view of data and subsequent development, generative artificial intelligence technology is a more advanced neural network deep learning algorithm, which has high requirements for training data, depends on the authenticity of training data and is easily disturbed by external information. Because of the long training time and billions of parameters, automatic machine learning is needed for multiple lines to generate better calculation results. Therefore, when transforming the technological achievements of generative artificial intelligence, it is necessary to take into account the parameterization requirements of scientific research technology development and the automation requirements of equipment application development, so as to achieve the balance between scientific research liquidity and industrial productization.

Generative artificial intelligence has brought a new paradigm to military applications and set a new route for the next generation of military operations. It is the main problem to apply generative artificial intelligence technology to the military field to actively explore the representation form of situation awareness and decision-making tasks for different military problems and consider how to use effective information for large-scale pre-training. The combination of artificial intelligence technology and military operations and technological innovation will reserve new ways for situation awareness and independent decision-making in future operations, and realize intelligent support for the development of new military equipment.

Those who have a positive infection in Shanghai today have three emergency measures to implement three aspects

At 5:00 pm on June 26, the Shanghai Municipal Government News Office organized a press conference of the 218th press conference of Shanghai New Crown Pneumonia’s epidemic prevention and control work. Zhao Dandan, deputy director of the Municipal Health and Health Commission, Lai Xiaoyi, a second -level inspector of the Municipal Commerce Commission, Long Wanli, deputy head of Jing’an District, Zhang Yefang, deputy head of Fengxian District, and Sun Xiaodong, deputy director of the Municipal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, attended the relevant situation and answered questions from reporters. Essence Municipal Government spokesman Yin Xin presided over a press conference.

Some reporters asked, how many medium -risk areas are there at present in Shanghai? After a lapse of a few days, there is a sporadic infection in Shanghai. Can you do some analysis for the current epidemic situation?

Zhao Dandan said that as of now, there are 13 areas of risks in the city in the city, involving Xuhui, Baoshan, Songjiang, Yangpu, Hongkou, Putuo, Jing’an, Minhang, Fengxian, etc. Risk -regional. In this way, since 0:00 on June 27, there are 12 central risk areas left in Shanghai.

After 5 consecutive days in Shanghai, there were no social positive infections, and there was a sporadic positive infection today. It should be soberly realized that the transmission of Omikon’s mutation is fast and hidden. As the current flow of personnel gradually increases, the risk of rebound in the Shanghai epidemic still exists. Therefore, we must adhere to the total policy of "dynamic clearing zero", strictly implement the "four -party responsibility", and focus on implementing three aspects of emergency response measures:

First, in terms of command systems, the city and district -level command systems have always maintained a stress state. After discovering positive infections, they must respond as soon as possible, and respond to emergency response in a timely manner to block the spread of epidemic as soon as possible.

Second, in terms of discovery mechanisms, constantly improved the convenient and sensitive discovery mechanism, established and improved the comprehensive monitoring system of "nucleic acid+antigen", "place code+digital sentry", "hot kidnapper+pharmacy" Early discovery, early report, early disposal.

Third, in terms of the synergy mechanism, maintaining the collaboration between the public security, public health, industrial information, and big data centers and districts. Once those who are positive are found, they will immediately implement the "2+4+24" requirements, that is, the flow team is 2 hours. Arrive at the scene, complete the core information of the flow tone within 4 hours, and initially check the basic situation and complete the flow report within 24 hours.

Here, the friends of the general public are invited to continue to adhere to the "three -piece set" and "five more", and to do the following:

The first is to keep in mind the "two musts", that is, the code must be scanned, and nucleic acid detection must be performed as required.

The second is that in the face of the influence of the epidemic prevention personnel, we should fulfill the responsibility of epidemic prevention and truthfully inform the event trajectory and other information. We will protect your privacy.

Third, once suspicious symptoms such as fever occur, be sure to do personal protection and go to the nearest clinics in time.