The delivery guy has become a group with a high incidence of traffic accidents! Why is the "reasonable" algorithm "out of control"?

  Recently, the professional difficulties of some online platform takeaway brothers have attracted much attention to takeaway platforms and algorithm systems.

  "Xinhua View" reporter survey found that takeaway brothers have become a high-risk group of traffic accidents, and the algorithm labeled as accurate, reasonable and optimized has triggered extensive discussion in the industry.

  "The first thing I think of when I get up from a crash is not to time out"

  In recent years, the booming takeaway industry has reshaped people’s daily lives and become an important breakthrough point for economic development and employment in various places. According to a report released by Meituan, in 2019, the total number of takeaway riders who earned income through the platform reached 3.987 million, an increase of 23.3% over 2018; in the first half of this year, the total number of riders who earned income on the Meituan platform reached 2.952 million, a significant increase of 16.4% year-on-year.

  The relatively high income, stable salary payment and flexible working hours are the reasons why many workers are attracted to the food delivery industry. Wu Zhaoyun, a 35-year-old food delivery brother in Guangzhou, said that he has worked in factories, hotels and property companies. Since joining the food delivery team in 2017, he "feels that this career is very promising."

  While the number of takeaway riders continues to grow, takeaway brothers have become a group with a high incidence of traffic accidents. In recent years, there have been vicious traffic accidents in many places in China where takeaway brothers have caused deaths due to running red lights and violating the rules.

  The reporter learned from the Shenzhen traffic police department that in August this year alone, Shenzhen investigated and dealt with 12,000 traffic violations in the express delivery and takeaway food delivery industry, accounting for more than 10% of the total number of non-motor vehicle violations. The Shanghai medical emergency center healthcare workers said that they would encounter rider-related orders every week in August.

  "Rush" is the core reason. One rider said the delivery time given to him by the platform around 2018 was 40 minutes per order, but it was later compressed to 30 minutes. "Sometimes it takes 20 minutes to get takeaway from the merchant, and the remaining 10 minutes I have to ride 3km, run into the community, and wait for the elevator to go upstairs," he said.

  The main basis for the platform to compress time is the algorithm system based on big data and artificial intelligence. There is also a complete set of strict assessment mechanisms in cooperation with the algorithm system: on the one hand, the takeaway platform incentivizes takeaway riders to receive as many orders as possible with "price-per-order"; on the other hand, the platform strictly restricts riders through assessments such as on-time rate, bad review rate, and cancellation of order volume due to delivery reasons. The reduction in on-time rate means that takeaway riders lose the "order-taking advantage" in the platform’s algorithm, and will also be reduced in the internal ranking, missing various rewards.

  This "algorithm plus assessment" mechanism has multiplied the psychological pressure of practitioners. One rider said that once he collided with an electric car, "the first thing he thought of when he got up was that he couldn’t time out, and he didn’t care about how the other party and himself were injured. Now I think it’s ridiculous."

  Why are algorithms "out of control"?

  Several industry insiders believe that the deep problems behind the "algorithmic dilemma" deserve attention.

  On the one hand, the platform is "competing to the bottom", resulting in the "imbalance" of the algorithm.

  Data show that as of the second quarter of 2020, Meituan takeaway and have captured nearly 95% of the market share in the takeaway industry.

  Ma Liang, a professor at the School of Public Administration of Renmin University of China, believes that the short and concentrated characteristics of the takeaway industry determine that competition among enterprises is increasingly focused on the speed of food delivery, resulting in algorithms that should have integrated multiple indicators, ignoring the safety and stress of riders.

  "The food delivery industry has actually formed a’race to the bottom ‘, that is, constantly testing the bottom line indicator of delivery time. After exhausting all the competitive parameters, the pressure is pushed to the rider, resulting in the rider being at the limit and overloaded," he said.

  On the other hand, complex employment relationships lead to the transfer of risk, resulting in the algorithm’s "default".

  The reporter learned from the research that most food delivery riders have formed a complex employment relationship with the food delivery platform. Many food delivery riders often do not sign contracts directly with the platform, but sign contracts with third-party labor service companies through some apps, and the labor service companies change frequently. When an accident occurs, it is easy to lead to multiple parties kicking each other.

  In a case of a takeaway rider hitting a pedestrian, the rider said that he joined a takeaway platform in September 2018. At first, the labor agreement on the app showed that the employer was Ningbo Yumi Company; in August 2019, the agreement on the app was changed to Hangzhou Bangmang Company. He did not know who the employer was. During the court hearing after the accident, neither Ningbo Yumi nor Hangzhou Bangmang admitted that Huang was his employee.

  Liu Bo, the judge of the Huangpu District People’s Court in Guangzhou who was in charge of the case, said that in terms of the contract, the relationship between the rider and the labor service company is a labor relationship, but in fact the relationship between the labor service company and the rider is very loose. The platform uses the number of orders received and customer complaints to assess the rider, acting as an "employer." In the event of a traffic accident, the platform hides behind the labor service company and does not take any responsibility.

  Under the current laws and regulations, the traffic police cannot punish the enterprise, but only the rider. In the event of a traffic accident, the rider, not the enterprise, needs to bear the cost of violating the law and the risk of disability and death.

  Algorithms alone are not enough

  In the face of social doubts, said it would launch new features as soon as possible – "I am willing to wait 5 minutes/10 minutes more" buttons for consumers to choose from, while Meituan said it would improve the scheduling system to give riders 8 minutes of flexible time.

  Some interviewees believe that to solve the dilemma faced by takeaway riders, the most important thing is that platform companies can face up to, respect, and truly protect the rights and interests of workers, rather than allowing algorithms to become cold tools that only make money for enterprises.

  In recent years, in the face of the challenges of emerging business models, many places have begun to increase management efforts. For example, Foshan, Guangdong has built 89 fixed traffic safety education points to increase traffic safety education for delivery couriers and other groups; for takeaway enterprises with many traffic violations and weak traffic safety management, Foshan public security traffic police organized interviews with business leaders.

  Ma Liang suggested that the emerging business will inevitably pose an impact and challenge to the existing laws and regulations, and the general laws involving the protection of workers’ rights and interests, occupational safety, and safe production need to be revised in a timely manner. Issues directly related to a certain industry also need to be responded to in a timely manner by new regulations.

  In addition, the problems of the food delivery industry involve multiple departments, and the main regulatory departments should be further clarified to correct the disorderly competition behavior. Ma Liang also suggested that the food delivery riders belong to the "safety production problem in the flow" and should also be included in the assessment system of local governments to strengthen the local government’s supervision and law enforcement responsibilities. (Reporters Wang Pan, Ma Xiaocheng, Hu Lingguo, participated in writing: Mao Yizhu, Mao Xin)

Automobile Museum: Wind on Wheels

Reporter | Liu Zhaohui

  Do you still remember the first car you owned? In the memory of many people, their well-off life became clear with the speed of the wheels. The former Xiali, Santana, and Fukang… were the active attempts of Chinese automakers to bring cars into people’s lives, and also marked the beginning of the diversified production of automobiles in New China.

  From the height of an era, these cars that have now entered the museum show a living historical section of China’s economic take-off since the reform and opening up. And people also feel their lives and struggles intertwined with the development of the country in these base colors of the rolling wheels of the era…

The earliest and last "Poussin"

  The heat of midsummer has not dampened the enthusiasm of Shanghai citizens to "breathe" on weekends. On a blazing Sunday, the parking lot in front of the Shanghai Automobile Museum in Anting Town, Jiading District, was full of private cars of various brands and styles from visiting citizens. If you want to look for the imprint of the beginning of China’s family car era, if you want to find the imprint of China’s family car era, you can find it in this automobile museum. The two Santana cars called "Old Pusang" on display here have witnessed the unforgettable development of China’s automobile industry and China’s family car.

  The Chinese must be no stranger to the Volkswagen Santana sedan. For many people who are a little older, the Volkswagen Old Poussin is the "divine car" in their minds, which is a kind of hard-to-part feeling. Their memories of private cars began with the old Poussin.

  A black Santana sedan on display in the museum is as charming as an old gentleman from Shanghai. The license plate of the "1983 SAN" indicates its identity – it is a Santana assembled in Shanghai in 1983 in all imported parts. A lot happened in 1983, and the biggest event for the Chinese auto industry was the establishment of a joint venture between Shanghai Automobile Factory and what was then West German Volkswagen, called "Shanghai Volkswagen", and the first product of the joint venture was the Santana. At that time, no one could have predicted that the name of this car originated from a whirlwind in California called "SANTANA", which actually blew the whirlwind of family cars in China and became popular for nearly 30 years. It opened the door to the dream of owning a car for countless Chinese families, became synonymous with family cars, and changed people’s life patterns.

  The overall shape of this Santana, produced 37 years ago, is not much different from the old Poussin we later saw on the market. The lines and corners of the whole car are square, but there are differences in some details such as lights and grille. There is a special "Shanghai" logo on the front intake grille of this Poussin, indicating that the vehicle is assembled at the Shanghai Automobile Factory. Although the internal configuration of this car is really the same as that of today’s family cars, such as the four-speed manual transmission and mechanical steering wheel, there is not so much auxiliary technology, but it can be said to be very excellent at the level of the year. Due to the high chassis, high horsepower, and a large fuel tank that can hold 60 liters of gasoline, Santana was very suitable for driving in China’s unsatisfactory road conditions at that time, and the advertising slogan "Own Santana, you are not afraid of traveling all over the world" also spread to thousands of families.

  Xin Chang, a full-time lecturer at the Shanghai Automobile Museum, told reporters that all the parts of the first batch of Santana assembled in Shanghai were imported from Germany, which was actually no different from imported vehicles. Santana, which inherited German quality, also started its own brand at that time with solid leather and durability. At that time, the price of Santana assembled with imported parts was also relatively expensive, costing nearly 200,000 yuan a piece, which was not affordable to ordinary people. However, with the domestic ability to produce parts independently, the price of Santana was gradually reduced, and eventually became the most classic "national car" for Chinese families. Xin Chang remembers that Poussin sold for 55,000 yuan a piece at its cheapest.

  Santana opened the prelude to the development of Chinese automobiles in the way of "joint venture production, market for technology", from the initial semi-bulk assembly, to the production of each manufacturing link to gradually achieve high standards, and then to achieve full localization and reach the international manufacturing level, laying the foundation for the independent development and joint venture of China’s automobile industry. Shanghai Volkswagen has launched Santana 2000, Santana 3000 and Santana Vista models one after another through technical research and digestion of Santana, but the sales of Pusang are still unable to shake. Just before the production is about to stop in 2012, there is even news that Pusang will increase the price to pick up the car, which is enough to see Pusang’s status in people’s hearts.

  From the original Poussin, to the Poussin, which was constantly upgraded in technology and configuration, Santana has always been the kind of square-headed image, during which many other car brands are rising and declining, but Santana is still the classic Santana. In the past 30 years, Poussin has been the responsibility of Volkswagen’s domestic sales in China, creating a total sales miracle of 3,213,710 vehicles. The total sales volume of the whole series has exceeded 5 million vehicles, making Santana the highest-owned car brand in China.

  A dynasty always comes to an end. Due to the appearance and accessories that could not keep up with the development of the times, in 2012, Shanghai Volkswagen officially discontinued the Poussin model. This classic model with a high chassis and a square front face was officially withdrawn from the market, replaced by the new Santana developed on a new platform. In the Shanghai Automobile Museum, a white Poussin that was the last batch to be discontinued in 2012 became the last witness of the "Poussin Dynasty".

  The earliest and last Pusang are transformed into a time-space tunnel spanning three decades in the Shanghai Automobile Museum. Those days with Santana are like a flood in the memory of visitors. Mr. Gao, a visitor, said of his former car, Santana: "He is an important friend that I will never forget in my life."

  In the early 1990s, at the age of 30, Mr. Gao decided to quit his original unit and go into business, and the Poussin he bought was his most loyal partner in family life and business. The Santana had been in operation for nine years. During these nine years, he worked hard for the Gao family "full attendance", but later the needs of business made Mr. Gao have to bid farewell to the old friend. He said: "When I saw its second owner drive it away, my heart was sore." He looked at the white Poussin in the exhibition hall, and his eyes seemed to see the old friend who had accompanied him again. It was a simple but deep feeling.

  The Poussin in the exhibition hall reminded some Santana owners of their own struggles, and some people who had never owned Santana also inexplicably developed an emotion for it. It was not so much that people were reluctant to part with Santana, but rather their own stories and feelings about youth and struggle along the way.

  Next to the Shanghai Automobile Museum is the "EV-AI Smart Port", which shows the life of the most fashionable electric vehicles at present, and the Expo Road at the entrance is also the test section of autonomous driving of Shanghai’s intelligent networked vehicles. Inside and outside the museum are the historical records and future visions of Chinese family car life. If Pusang had eyes to see out the window, he should be relieved.

Drive to a well-off life

  In the 1990s, Santana, Jetta and Fukang were collectively referred to as the "old three" of domestic cars and were the main force in the domestic family car market. Tang Guohua of Changsha, Hunan Province, has collected the first Fukang car that rolled off the production line in his "Hexi Automobile Exhibition Hall".

  In the late 1990s, Tang Guohua was transferred from the Air Force to the position of deputy director of the labor bureau in a district. After learning about machine repair during his time in the army, Tang Guohua, who had car dreams, did not follow the steps to become his director. Instead, he plunged into the automobile distribution industry, began selling Dongfeng auto parts, and gradually developed the business into automobile dealership. Today, the Hunan Lantian Automobile Group he founded is firmly in the top three in Hunan’s automobile dealership industry. The cars displayed in the Hexi Automobile Culture Center are some of the vehicles collected by the Lantian Group during its 20-year development.

  Since the start of his career benefited from "Dongfeng", in the early days of founding the automobile sales group, Tang Guohua only did "Dongfeng Department". By chance, Tang Guohua went to Dongfeng Group to work, and a friend told him that the first Fukang sedan jointly produced by Dongfeng and Citroen was thrown in the wind and rain in a corner of the Xiangfan factory. When Tang Guohua, who liked to collect vehicles, heard about it, he immediately went to the relationship and looked for the relevant certification records of this car. Finally, it was determined that this was indeed the first Fukang produced by Dongfeng Citroen. After a conversation with the senior management of Dongfeng Company, the other party was moved by Tang Guohua’s enthusiasm and agreed to hand over the car to Tang Guohua for collection.

  According to historical records, on September 4, 1992, the first CKD-assembled "Fukang" sedan was officially rolled off the production line at the Xiangfan Dongfeng Automobile Assembly and Trial Plant. The car was the first car assembled and produced by Shenlong Automobile Co., Ltd., a joint venture between Dongfeng Automobile and Citroen Automobile, using parts imported from the Ornai General Assembly Plant in France. Its name in the origin market was Citroen ZX, and after being introduced to China, the Chinese name was designated Shenlong Fukang.

  In 2017, Tang Guohua, who was like a treasure, shipped the white Fukang car with number 00001 back to Changsha, and after some rectification, it was displayed in his car culture exhibition hall. Because the first 4S store operated by Lantian Group was the Dongfeng Citroen brand, this Fukang was of special significance to Tang Guohua, and it was almost the "treasure of the town hall".

  In fact, the reason why Tang Guohua has a soft spot for Fukang is also because the first car he bought in 1999 was also Fukang.

  "Back then, I was driving it to run business and drag accessories. It accompanied me throughout the difficult journey of starting my business in the early stage…" Looking back on the road to entrepreneurship, Tang Guohua, 57, is full of emotions. "At that time, it was a very face-saving thing to be able to drive a Fukang car." Tang Guohua said that this car accompanied the start and take-off of his entrepreneurial road. "Driving to talk about business can bring more trust to customers." Tang Guohua said with a smile. At that time, he ran business, not afraid of hardship or tiredness, and he also drove to Guangdong, Hubei and other places regardless of day and night. In addition to the province, he often drove to Guangdong, Hubei and other places, and each time the Fukang car did not disappoint him.

  He gave the Fukang car that accompanied Tang Guohua’s business to his younger brother and nephew one after another. It was not until 2018 that the "classic car" that ran nearly 400,000 kilometers was honorably retired and was collected by Tang Guohua in his automobile culture center.

  In charge of a car group with tens of billions of yuan in revenue, Tang Guohua has achieved "car freedom". After Fukang, he bought Dongfeng Citroen C5, Dongfeng Nissan Loulan, Infiniti, Mercedes-Benz S and other cars. When changing cars, the old cars were not sold, and they all became his collection. Tang Guohua wants to treat his treasure of the year as an element of car culture and share it with riders. In his opinion, this is not only to remember the original intention of hard work, but also because used cars "have temperature and stories". Of course, his favorite is the Fukang sedan that accompanied him to start from scratch 21 years ago.

  "A car should not be just a tool, but an element of life." As an entrepreneur, Tang Guohua has a deep fascination with "car culture". In the Changsha Hexi Automobile City he built, not only do dozens of 4S shops operate, but the completely free "Hexi Automobile Culture Center" attracts people who love car culture. In addition to the first domestic Shenlong Fukang, Tang Guohua’s Fukang, and Dongfeng Citroen C5, there are also various precious models of different eras such as Mercedes-Benz steam cars, Beetles, Red Flag courtesy cars, Shanghai brand cars, Willis, etc., as well as engines, car chassis and car-related cultural objects.

  Although more than 100 million yuan has been invested in the vehicle collection, Tang Guohua said that dreams have nothing to do with money. He hopes to make more young people love cars, understand history and cherish the present. Tang Guohua told reporters that the car culture exhibition hall has been declared to the Hunan Provincial and Changsha Municipal Cultural Tourism Bureau as "Hunan Vehicle Museum", and it is estimated that it will be approved soon. By then, this will be the real first automobile museum in Hunan. (Reporter, Liu Zhaohui)

Foshan Zhiji LS6 hot promotion, the highest discount of 10,000! Not to be missed

Recently, the preferential promotion channel in Foshan, car home has brought you a popular model-a limited-time special event. It is reported that this medium and large SUV model is currently in the process of price reduction promotion, and the highest discount amount has reached 10,000 yuan. The most surprising thing is that the minimum starting price is only 219,900 yuan, which makes this high-end model more intimate. If you are interested in Zhiji LS6, you may wish to click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get a higher discount.

Zhiji LS6 is a stylish and dynamic SUV. Its front face design uses a large area of chrome decoration and streamlined lines, creating a strong visual impact. The air intake grille adopts a unique star-shaped design, which complements the overall style of the car body and shows the brand’s personality and fashion sense. The body lines are smooth and dynamic, and the roof adopts suspended design, coupled with the unique C-pillar design, which further highlights the aesthetic feeling of the whole vehicle. The side of the car body is also equipped with large-sized wheels and wide tires, which further highlights the sporty feeling of the car. In terms of interior, Zhiji LS6 adopts a luxurious and comfortable design style, equipped with a large central control screen and a full LCD instrument panel, so that drivers can better control the situation of the whole vehicle. The whole vehicle adopts intelligent driver assistance system and safety configuration as standard, providing drivers with a safer and more comfortable driving experience.

Zhiji LS6 is a medium-sized SUV with a body size of 4904*1988*1669mm and a wheelbase of 2950mm. The body lines are smooth, showing a dynamic and steady style. The front tread is 1698mm, the rear tread is 1707mm, the front tyre size is 235/50 R20, and the rear tyre size is 255/45 R20. The matching of tires and rims makes the whole body more atmospheric. The lines on the side of the car are simple and smooth, showing the sense of fashion and sports of Zhiji LS6.

The interior design of Zhiji LS6 is very exquisite, using high-quality materials and advanced technology to bring comfortable driving experience to drivers and passengers. The steering wheel is made of genuine leather, which makes it feel comfortable. At the same time, it supports manual adjustment up and down and back and forth, which is convenient for the driver to adjust to the most comfortable position. The size of the central control screen has reached 26.3 inches, and the display effect is very clear. It supports the voice recognition control system, including multimedia, navigation, telephone and air conditioning, which is convenient for drivers to operate. The front seats are equipped with heating and ventilation functions, the driver’s seat also supports the memory function of electric seats, the auxiliary seats support the functions of front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment and height adjustment (2-way), and the second row seats support backrest adjustment. The rear seats can be tilted in proportion, which increases the flexibility of space. In addition, the front and rear rows are equipped with Type-C and USB interfaces, which are convenient for passengers to charge.

Zhiji LS6 is an electric SUV with excellent power performance. The maximum engine power reaches 231 kW and the maximum torque is as high as 450 N m.. This makes it show excellent performance during acceleration and driving. At the same time, Zhiji LS6 also has an efficient electric drive system, which can provide a smooth and quiet driving experience. In addition, Zhiji LS6 also adopts advanced battery technology and intelligent charging system to bring users a longer cruising range and a more convenient charging experience. In a word, the engine performance of Zhiji LS6 is excellent, which can meet the user’s demand for driving performance and comfort.

In the word-of-mouth evaluation of car home car owners, we can see that she spoke highly of the appearance and sense of science and technology of Zhiji LS6. The design of Zhiji LS6 is really attractive, full of modernity and avant-garde. In addition, Zhiji LS6 also has excellent performance and advanced technology, which is one of the reasons why it has attracted much attention. No matter in appearance, performance or technology, Zhiji LS6 has demonstrated its strength and charm. We look forward to more car owners driving the Zhiji LS6 in person and feeling the surprise and fun it brings.

What is a digital video camera?

What is a digital video camera?

  Digital Video camera is DV, which is the abbreviation of Digital Video. Translated into Chinese, it means "Digital Video". It is a digital video format jointly developed by many famous home appliance giants such as Sony, Panasonic, Shengli, Sharp, Toshiba and Canon. However, in the joint development of a digital video format. However, in most cases, DV stands for digital camera. According to the purpose of use, it can be divided into: broadcast-grade models, professional-grade models and consumer-grade models. According to the storage medium, it can be divided into: magnetic tape type, optical disk type, hard disk type and memory card type.

Development course of digital camera

  It has been 16 years since the first digital camera was born in 2011. During these 16 years, digital cameras have undergone tremendous changes. The storage media range from DV to DVD to hard disk, with a total pixel of 800,000 to 5 million, and the image quality ranges from standard-definition DV(720×576) to high-definition HDV(1920×1080).

The first DV camera was born in 1995.

  In July, 1995, Sony released the first DV camera DCR-VX1000. Once released, DCR-VX1000 was widely adopted by TV journalists and producers all over the world. This product uses Mini-DV format tape, adopts 3CCD sensor (3 1/3 inch, 410,000 pixel CCD), 10x optical zoom and optical anti-shake system, and the price at the time of release is as high as 4,000 yuan. DCR-VX1000 is a major change in the history of imaging. Since then, civil digital cameras have entered the digital age.

Sony DCR-VX1000, the first DV camera

The first DVD camera was born in 2000.

  In August 2000, Hitachi introduced the first DVD camera DZ-MV100. At that time, this product could only be recorded by DVD-RAM. Hitachi first brought DVD as a storage medium into a digital camera, and used an 8cm DVD-RAM burning disc as a storage medium, which got rid of the inconvenience of DV tape and was a major innovation after DV camera. However, at that time, not many people paid attention to this product. DZ-MV100 was only sold in Japan, and it was hard to find a trace in the domestic market. It was recognized that DVD cameras should be widely promoted by Sony three years later.

The first DVD camera DZ-MV100

In 2004, the first micro hard disk camera was born.

  In September, 2004, JVC launched the first batch of 1-inch micro hard disk cameras MC200 and MC100, and the hard disk began to enter the field of consumer digital cameras. The capacity of the two hard disks is 4GB, and the video images taken are compressed by MPEG-2, so users can flexibly change the compression rate to extend the shooting time. The adoption of hard disk media makes it extremely convenient for digital cameras to exchange information with computers. Both MC200 and MC100 and several subsequent 1-inch micro hard disk cameras can flexibly replace micro hard disks. By June, 2005, JVC released the Everio G series with 1.8-inch high-capacity hard disk camera. The maximum capacity reached 30GB, and the volume was well controlled, and the price remained at the level of similar DV cameras.

The first micro hard disk camera JVC MC200

In 2004, the first HDV 1080i HD camera was born.

  In September 2003, Sony, Canon, Sharp and JVC jointly formulated the HD camera standard HDV. In September 2004, Sony released the first HDV 1080i high-definition camera HDR-FX1E. The recording resolution of HDV reached 1440×1080, and the horizontal scanning line was doubled compared with that of DVD, and the definition was revolutionized. HDR-FX1E, including the HDV cameras introduced later, used the original ones.

The first HDV 1080i HD camera HDR-FX1E

In 2010, the first 3D camera was born.

  Up to now, the 3D revolution has all revolved around Hollywood blockbusters and major sports events. With the advent of Panasonic HDC-SDT750 3D camera, this technology is one step closer to home users. Panasonic HDC-SDT750 is the world’s first 3D camera. After the launch of this camera, we can capture every unforgettable moment of life with 3D lens in the future, such as children’s first step, university graduation celebration and so on. Panasonic released the HDC-SDT750 3D camera on July 28th, 2010. The official price is RMB 11,998 (excluding 3D lens). It is designed with dual lenses and equipped with Panasonic’s high-end series of 3mos image sensors. (What is a 3D camera? )

The first 3D camera Panasonic HDC-SDT750

Working principle of digital camera

  The basic principle of digital camera is simply the transformation and transmission of optical-electrical-digital signals. That is to say, the light signal is converted into current through the photosensitive element, and then the analog electric signal is converted into digital signal, and the information obtained after processing and filtering by a special chip is restored to be the dynamic picture we see.

  The photosensitive element of digital video camera can convert light into charge, which is converted into digital signal through analog-to-digital converter chip. There are two main types: one is widely used CCD (Charge Coupled Device); The other is CMOS (complementary metal oxide conductor) device.

  Characteristics of digital camera

  High-definition analog cameras record analog signals, so the image definition (also called resolution, resolution or resolution) is not high. For example, the horizontal definition of VHS cameras is mainly 240 lines, and it is best to mention that Hi8 models only have 400 lines. DV records digital signals, and its horizontal resolution has reached 500~540 lines, which can be comparable to professional cameras.

  The bandwidth of chroma and brightness signal of DV is almost six times that of analog camera, and the bandwidth of chroma and brightness is one of the most important factors that determine the image quality, so the color of the image shot by DV is more pure and gorgeous, and it has reached the level of professional camera.

  The signal recorded on the lossless reproduction DV tape can be transcribed countless times, and the image quality will not be degraded at all, which is beyond the reach of analog cameras.

  Small size and light weight Compared with analog cameras, the size of DV cameras is greatly reduced, generally only about 123mm×87mm×66mm, and the weight is greatly reduced, generally only about 500 grams, which greatly facilitates the users’ size is only 74.7mm×61.9mm×26.9mm and the weight is only 90 grams, which is even lighter than most mobile phones.

Digital camera classification

  I. Classification according to the purpose of use

  1. Broadcast-grade models:

  These models are mainly used in the field of radio and television, with high image quality and comprehensive performance, but with higher price and larger volume, they have the highest definition, the largest signal-to-noise ratio and the best image quality. Of course, the price of several hundred thousand yuan is not acceptable to ordinary people. For example, Panasonic AJ-HPX3100MC and other models.

Classification of digital cameras-broadcast-class models

  2, professional models:

  These models are generally used in professional TV fields other than radio and television, such as audio-visual education, and the image quality is lower than that of broadcast cameras. However, in recent years, some high-end professional cameras have surpassed the old models of broadcast cameras in many aspects, such as performance indicators, and the price is generally between tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of yuan.

  Compared with consumer models, professional DV is not only cooler and more eye-catching, but also much higher in configuration, such as the use of lenses with better quality performance and the larger size of CCD, which is more prominent in imaging quality and adaptability to the environment. For friends who pursue image quality, the surprise brought by the improvement of image quality can’t be measured by money at all. Such as Sony’s HXR-NX5, the price is around 34,000.

Classification of Digital Cameras-Professional Models

  3. Consumer-grade models:

  This type of camera is mainly suitable for home use, and it is used in non-business occasions with low image quality requirements, such as home entertainment, etc. This type of camera is small in size, light in weight, easy to carry, simple in operation and cheap in price. It can be used to make VCD and DVD of personal family in occasions with low requirements, and the price is generally in the order of several thousand yuan to ten thousand yuan. Such as Sony’s HDR-XR160E.

Classification of digital cameras-consumer models

  If we subdivide the home digital cameras, they can be roughly divided into the following categories: entry-level DV, mid-range consumer-grade DV and high-end quasi-professional DV products.

  Second, according to the classification of storage media

  1, tape type:

  Refers to the digital video camera with Mini DV as the recording medium, which was first developed by more than 10 manufacturers in 1994. Record high-quality digital video signals through a 1/4 inch metal vapor deposition tape.

  2, CD-ROM:

  Refers to the DVD digital camera, the storage medium is DVD-R, DVR+R, or DVD-RW, DVD+RW to store dynamic video images, which is simple to operate and easy to carry, and there is no need to worry about overlapping shooting during shooting, let alone wasting time to rewind or play back, especially it can be played immediately through the DVD player, which saves the trouble of post-editing.

  DVD media has the highest security and stability among all media digital cameras at present. It is neither as easy to wear and tear as tape DV, nor as demanding as hard disk DV for shock prevention. The disadvantage is that the price of DVD is slightly higher than that of tape DV, and the time for recording is relatively short.

  3, hard disk:

  Refers to a digital video camera that uses a hard disk as a storage medium. It was first introduced by JVC in 2005, using micro hard disk as storage medium.

  Hard disk cameras have many advantages, and large-capacity hard disk cameras can ensure long-term shooting, so that you will not have any worries when traveling. When you get home, you can transfer the shooting materials to the computer, and you no longer need the complicated and professional video acquisition equipment as in the era of MiniDV tape camera. You can easily export the materials just by connecting with the computer through USB cable, so that ordinary family users can easily experience the fun of shooting and editing video films.

  Like CF card, micro hard disk is smaller than DVD, and its service time is the most impressive among many storage media. However, due to the short time of hard disk DV, there are still many shortcomings, such as poor shock resistance and so on. With the further decline of prices, the number of people in need will inevitably increase in the future.

  4. Memory card type:

  Refers to the digital video camera using memory card as storage medium, such as the popular "X Easy Shooting" product. As a transitional simple product, it is rare in the market now.

  Three, according to the type and number of sensors.

  1. Sensor types: CMOS and CCD.

  CCD: Charge Coupled Device image sensor, which is made of a high-sensitivity semiconductor material, can convert light into charge, which is converted into digital signal by an analog-to-digital converter chip.

  CMOS: Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor, like CCD, is a semiconductor that can record light changes in digital cameras.

  At the same resolution, CMOS is cheaper than CCD, but the image quality produced by CMOS devices is lower than CCD. So far, most consumer-grade and high-end digital cameras on the market use CCD as sensors; CMOS sensors are used in some cameras as low-end products, but some high-end products also use special CMOS as light sensors, such as several high-end CMOS models of Sony.

  2. Number of sensors: single CCD and 3CCD.

  The number of image sensors is the number of CCD or CMOS sensors of digital cameras. Most digital cameras use a single CCD as their sensors, while some middle and high-end digital cameras use 3CD as their sensors.

  Single CCD means that there is only one CCD in the camera and it is used for photoelectric conversion of brightness signal and color signal. Because a CCD completes the conversion of brightness signal and chroma signal at the same time, the captured image can not meet high requirements in color reproduction.

  3CCD, as its name implies, is a camera using three ccds. We know that if light passes through a special prism, it will be divided into three colors: red, green and blue, and these three colors are the three primary colors used in our TV. Through these three primary colors, all TV signals including brightness signals can be generated. If a CCD is used to receive each color and convert it into an electrical signal, and then an image signal is generated after circuit processing, a 3CCD system can be formed, which can display the primary colors of the image almost intact, and there will be no color error caused by camera deduction.


  If you want to see more digital camera products, please click the following link:

  Complete collection of digital cameras: //

  Complete collection of high-definition cameras://


A guide to setting off fireworks and firecrackers in Shanghai in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China

"Taofu firecrackers are new every year, and the Lantern Festival is never over. Try your best to compete for nothing else, and Nong’s family has a tea-picking lamp. " Li Songlin, a Shanghai scholar during the Jiaqing period, wrote this poem on bamboo branches to record the customs of his hometown. The custom of setting off firecrackers in Shanghai has been passed down for a long time. Until the ban on firecrackers in recent years, this trend lasted for a long time. The sound of firecrackers has long been a common memory of generations. However, in the hundred years after Li Songlin, Shanghai has undergone earth-shaking changes, from a county in the south of the Yangtze River to an international metropolis. The custom of setting off firecrackers and relevant regulations have also changed from time to time, from which we can get a glimpse of the historical process of urbanization and modernization in Shanghai.
Meet the god of wealth, the city streets in the early morning of the fifth day of 2013.
For quite a long time, firecrackers, as a special offer for the Spring Festival, were not shown in public only once a year in the first month. In previous occasions such as weddings, funerals, housewarming and opening, it was inseparable from crackling. What is even more grand in the scene is the community festival held regularly-the God Meeting. Houses and shops along the street have already placed incense tables and hung firecrackers on the roadside. The crowd surrounded the gods through the streets and lanes, and the guns rang for the second time, and the smoke spread.
Firecrackers set off by the roadside in the contemporary God-welcoming Games
For modern Shanghai residents, it is far from necessary to wait until the annual sales season to buy firecrackers as daily necessities. There are many firecrackers in the incense shops and tin foil shops around the temple, as well as shops along the street selling matches and cigarettes. Firecrackers sold in Shanghai since the late Qing Dynasty are mainly divided into two categories: citizens can choose to buy foreign products or support local manufacturers. In modern Shanghai, fireworks and firecrackers were very dependent on imports. After the opening of the port, the scale of the city expanded and a large number of migrants poured in, and the demand for fireworks and firecrackers also increased. Liling, Liuyang and other places in Hunan Province have been important firecracker industries since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and their reputation has spread far and wide overseas. During the reign of Emperor Xian in the Qing Dynasty, there were more than 100,000 people engaged in "weaving guns" in Liuyang. By Xuantong, firecrackers exported by the two counties contributed 902,000 silver to the national finance every year. Wuchang and Hankou are also important producing areas, rich in a kind of firecrackers called "Quanhong". Fireworks and firecrackers in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River went down the river and appeared in the streets and lanes of Shanghai. There are a large number of businessmen from Hunan and Hubei who travel to Shanghai, and many of them take this as their business. The wealth brought by firecrackers makes them worry about food and clothing. Even if their hometown is in a bad year, there is a stable industry to make a living, so they will not go out to escape and be displaced.
Shanghai Qugong Real-life Temple was once a gathering place for Hunan businessmen traveling in Shanghai. Now the temple no longer exists, and the place was renamed Quxi Road.
According to the market survey in the late Qing Dynasty, the firecrackers produced in Hunan and Hubei are mostly 40,000 to 50,000 rings, which can’t fully satisfy the desire of Shanghai residents. Shanghai prefers big ostentation and extravagance, and favors the "high rise" of around 80,000 rings. If you don’t trust foreign firecrackers coming from afar and are worried about potential risks such as getting wet on the way, you can buy products freshly baked by local workshops in Shanghai. In modern Shanghai, with the convenience of geographical location and industrial development, materials gathered in all directions, and it was not difficult to obtain the five raw materials needed for the production of firecrackers: potassium chlorate, potassium nitrate, mirabilite, refined mirabilite and sulfur. The entry threshold of firecracker production is not high, and the technology is relatively simple. Hiring women and children for piecework production not only provides a livelihood channel for the urban poor in Shanghai, but also saves the production cost for firecracker manufacturers, and the price is naturally lower.
In modern times, Shanghai absorbed a large number of immigrants from surrounding areas, especially Ningbo, and the local firecracker workshops were mostly controlled by Ningbo immigrants. During the Republic of China, businessmen from Ningbo and Shaoxing joined forces with businessmen from Wuxi, Changzhou and other places in southern Jiangsu to form the Shanghai Firecracker Trade Association, hoping to compete with the Hunan and Hubei business gangs. When the competition among peers is fierce, consumers naturally benefit, and the shops under the trade association have clear industry norms and price scales, which has put an end to the phenomenon of exorbitant prices during the Chinese New Year holidays to a certain extent.
After determining the store, the timing of purchase is also very critical. According to industry practice, firecracker workshops usually start in September of the solar calendar, and intensive production lasts until March of the following year. April to August is the time for workers to return to their hometowns for farming. In addition to the peak season around the Spring Festival in the first month, there will also be a short sales peak when Tomb-Sweeping Day, the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Shanghai Chenghuang Temple are held in October. In the off-season, firecrackers are unsalable. Because of the difficulty in storage, the store usually gives a discount of about 50%. Around 1927, the price of firecrackers rose sharply, because the government of the Republic of China levied a "superstitious tax"-firecrackers, incense sticks, tin foil, paper horses and other things were regarded as superstitious products and were heavily taxed. Although the trade association and the Ningbo-Shaoxing Association of Shanghai Association jointly presented their grievances to the government and asked for exemption from such taxes and fees, they had little effect.
How to set it off is also a big problem. It should be noted that the prohibition of burning fireworks and firecrackers is not a new decree produced by contemporary cities to control air pollution. Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, cities have become increasingly crowded, and fire protection has become a major problem. For this reason, Nanjing, Yantai, Ningbo, Guangzhou and other cities in the late Qing Dynasty had clear regulations prohibiting the burning of firecrackers.
Discussion on the Prohibition of Firecrackers in Shenbao in the Late Qing Dynasty
Relatively speaking, the attitude of the concession is more tolerant, and the first day of the first month is the date of discharge; Although foreigners who manage the concession do not participate in activities such as ancestor worship and welcoming the gods, they can also get approval as long as they report in advance. In addition, if it is accidentally set off in violation of regulations, the perpetrators will be released immediately after symbolically "punishing the ocean triangle". Compared with ordinary consumers, the attitude of the concession towards firecrackers vendors is much stricter. It is absolutely not allowed for roadside shops to sell firecrackers on weekdays. As long as they are found by the patrol room, the shops will be arrested and fined less than 100 yuan, and the goods will be detained until the Chinese New Year. This kind of surprise inspection is very frequent, and the patrol house in songshan road, the French Concession, has this hobby. A large number of patrols often drive police cars to search at the door. Whenever such a situation occurs, the store must prepare a set of rhetoric to deal with it, claiming that these firecrackers are only reserved for their own use and have no sales plan. If people get all the stolen goods, they can only entrust the guild to intercede.
Although the concession has a moderate attitude, there are some kinds of fireworks and firecrackers that must not appear in the concession. In a file of the patrol house in Shanghai public concession in 1927, there were some kinds of fireworks, such as Kaushing (Gaosheng), Kio Long (Kowloon) and Liu Shing (Meteor). These kinds of "heavy firearms" which may cause noise nuisance to the people were blacklisted in the concession.
"Gaosheng", commonly known as "Ertui", is still very popular in contemporary times. Image source: Dongfang. com.
One of the most intolerable firecrackers in the concession is the cannon. It is still very popular in contemporary times, and it is a great weapon for primary school boys to scare girls, commonly known as "throwing guns"; In the period of the Republic of China, the cannon was the source of social panic. On the night of January 9, 1932, a passenger boarded the "Yamato" ship of Daida Company with a bag of guns. The cannon suddenly exploded in a casual touch. Although no casualties were caused, the noise was enough to make the whole ship out of order. People mistakenly thought it was a shooting and rushed into the cold river. The worse influence of slapping guns is produced in the streets. In the patrol house in the concession in the 1930s, it was described that "at the end of the past year, it was a common practice for hooligans and urchins to slap guns. In the streets and alleys, urchins hid the guns in their sleeves, followed by women in boudoir, and suddenly threw them out …" It can be seen that this kind of mischief has a long history. In the eyes of foreigners, it is obviously very ungentlemanly and indecent, and it is really indecent. When it is strictly prohibited, in fact, the police station can’t enforce the law on children, and street guns are repeatedly banned.
Although the concession promised to set off flammable firecrackers from the first day to the fifteenth day, this time was not fixed during the Republic of China. The Nanjing National Government advocated abolishing the lunar calendar and adopting the solar calendar. Therefore, in the 1920s and 1930s, Shanghai was allowed to shoot guns on the 15th day of New Year’s Day, but not during the Spring Festival. After the August 13th Incident, martial law was imposed at night in the concession, and firecrackers were not allowed after 5 pm in the French concession and 6 pm in the public concession. The Japanese puppet government is particularly sensitive to firecrackers, which is used to get rid of evil and filth, and makes the invaders feel pressure. In the early summer night of 1939, a rare lunar eclipse was observed in Shanghai, and the Chinese in the public concession set off firecrackers to drive away the tengu that swallowed the moon. This move made the Japanese military panic and suspected that it was a demonstration directed by anti-Japanese forces behind it. Japan submitted an investigation request to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of the Public Concession in an attempt to enforce the law across regions.
After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the commercial reconstruction, the firecracker guild resumed, and more than 40 firecracker workshops joined the guild and registered with the government for the record. The complete rules and regulations system was made public for the first time and had legal effect. The trade association even fully considered the government’s opinion and agreed not to produce the most unpopular gun. However, the market did not prosper for a long time, and inflation became increasingly serious. The workers in the firecracker workshop first rebelled. They set up the "Fireworks Industry Professional Conference" and started labor negotiations with the firecracker industry trade association, demanding higher treatment and higher wages. Prior to this, the trade association had decided to support Jiang Jingguo’s "August 19th" economic defense line, saying that although prices soared, the price of firecrackers would not rise. As a result, the profit of the firecracker industry has been difficult to support the expenditure of hiring labor.
At the beginning of liberation, the new government took over the old industrial and commercial organizations in Shanghai, and the firecracker industry ushered in a new life. It was no longer regarded as a superstitious product and was heavily taxed. On the contrary, this popular festival item was recognized by the new government and received strong support as a representative of local native products. In 1949 and 1950, various parades and celebrations were held frequently in Shanghai. On National Day, Army Day and the anniversary of the liberation of the city, people woke up at four o’clock in the morning with firecrackers and took to the streets. At eight o’clock in the evening, the parade will reach its climax, and there will be an hour-long fireworks display on the roof of Happy Valley Apartment at Huangpi North Road, Nanjing West Road.
During this period, the firecracker industry developed rapidly, and the number of firecracker workshops in the city rose to more than 50. In 1953, the firecracker dealers of the trade association responded to the call of the government and moved most of the workshops to Pudong towns outside the city, leaving only shops in Yimiao District and Penglai District in the city, but this does not mean that firecrackers are no longer popular in Shanghai. In 1956, the socialist industrial and commercial transformation was at its climax, and the whole city was filled with joy and passion. In the second week of January of that year alone, thousands of people lined up in the city to buy firecrackers every day. The local firecrackers were in short supply, and the trade associations sent people to Jiangyin, Shaoxing, Suzhou and other places to purchase goods every day. According to statistics, Shanghai residents had to set off more than 8 million firecrackers every day during that time. In the sound of firecrackers in the new era, the carnival Shanghai residents witnessed the rebirth of the city after a hundred years of vicissitudes and wars.
Celebration Parade in Shanghai in 1950s

Handball evolved from rugby.

Handball is not only a football term, but also a sport. Today, in the column "Small Class of the City Games", the small body takes you to understand handball.
Handball Project Setting in the City Games
Caption: Handball Events Setting Table Source/Shanghai Sports (the same below)
Related collections of Shanghai Sports Museum
There are many collections and stories about handball in the Shanghai Sports Museum, and some of them are specially selected. Let’s have a look.
Caption: The French Handball Federation visited Shanghai to commemorate the card.
This is a commemorative card given to the French Handball Federation when it visited Shanghai. On the top of the commemorative card, there is a scene of a female handball player playing, and the French meaning below is "Thanks to the French Handball Federation".
Caption: Men’s handball ball in 2021.
This ball has been officially endorsed by the International Handball Federation and printed with accreditation standards, and can be used in official competitions. Handball is a ball game developed by combining the characteristics of basketball and football, which is played by hand and scored by the ball into the opponent’s goal. Handball originated in Europe at the end of 19th century and was introduced to China in 1950s.
This is the end of the collection. If you want to see the beauty of the collection up close, you are welcome to visit the Shanghai Sports Museum.
Cold knowledge about handball
1. Glue the players’ hands in handball competition.
A layer of glue is attached to the surface of handball. This layer of glue can well form friction with athletes’ hands, thus preventing handball from getting rid of in fierce competition. Handball has glue not only on the ball, but also on the players’ hands and on the court.
2. The size and weight of handball
Handball is smaller than football, basketball and volleyball, only half the size of football and weighs only 425 to 475 grams. Compared with the football volleyball, handball is small and light, so the rhythm of handball competition is faster and more offensive, and speed becomes the key factor to win.
3. Domestic unpopular minority sports are second only to football in Europe.
Handball is relatively small in China. It has both the laws of football and rugby, and its main features are "chasing" and "fighting". But in Europe, handball is the second largest team event after football.
"First time" in handball events
1. Time to enter the Olympic Games for the first time
In 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, handball was first held as a competition in the Olympic Games.
2. When was the first World Championships held?
In 1928, the first World Men’s Handball Championship was held in Germany. In 1957, the first World Women’s Handball Championship was held in Yugoslavia.
3. When did China handball team participate in the Olympic Games for the first time?
In 1984, the China women’s handball team participated in the Olympic Games for the first time and won the bronze medal, which was a milestone breakthrough in the history of handball in China.

Why choose baseball? Why not choose baseball?

In an era full of knowledge, in an era when sports are just needed as students, in an era when children grow up and in an era of constant exploration, sports have become an indispensable product.

And what kind of exercise can make us understand teamwork and team spirit while exercising ourselves?

Children in China, to a great extent, have strong personal abilities, but they are not first-class in teamwork.

In this competitive era, good health is essential. Cultivating a good sport can not only broaden one’s mind, but also cultivate one’s body and mind.

Baseball, a sport full of teamwork, strategy, and self-breakthrough, has become popular in various countries and is on the rise in China.

In the process of training, children need to work together and do their own work well. In anticipation, in the heart of winning, under excellent strategies and in strong psychological quality and concentration, everyone can work together to win the game.

Strength, endurance, speed and willpower are all the foundations of children. In growth, different abilities give different strengths. The advantage of exercise is that children’s minds are cultivated everywhere, and their will is also honed, so that children can have a good psychological quality from an early age.

In baseball, a batter’s correct hitting posture, such as kicking from the back, turning, pulling the arm and swinging the wrist, tests the strength of the players’ legs and arms and the flexibility of the middle part of the body, hands and feet. A base guard can also exercise and test a child’s sensitive quality from accurately taking the ball to the base.

On the court, what is needed is not only good psychological quality, but also excellent technical experience, such as shooting and hitting collisions, stealing bases and touching and killing. Only with good experience can we make the right choice in an emergency.

Cultivate good psychological quality and excellent solutions.

A good sport requires not only a sense of competition, but also a "humble" attitude towards life and opponents at all times. Humility does not mean forbearance, but learning to respect.

On the court etiquette, children will learn to bow and bow when they leave the court, salute each other before and after the competition, raise their hands in the hitting area, and the coach and students will instruct them to take off their hats. Through the infection of sports etiquette, children will gradually develop their self-cultivation and demeanor in the sports field in their lives.

At present, baseball is played in more than 100 countries and regions on five continents. No matter in the United States, or in neighboring Southeast Asian countries such as Japan, Taiwan Province, South Korea and the Philippines, it is the sport with the highest participation among teenagers. Baseball and baseball gloves are the most anticipated birthday gifts for children.

"Happy people use their childhood to cure their whole lives, while unfortunate people use their whole lives to cure their childhood."I think everyone has heard this sentence.

  • Children learn about the world from their relationships with their families, and baseball is a sport."the movement to go home". In baseball, home plate means home.
  • With a stick, a ball and a pair of gloves, children and parents can build a bridge of communication. You throw the ball, the child catches the ball, and the child throws the ball and you play.There are no barriers between children and parents. On the court, you are teammates, talking on an equal footing and learning from each other. Get to know each other again and establish communication in a more relaxed way.
  • When the child’s inner voice is heard and the safe harbor is slowly established, it is difficult to create a gap between you.

Baseball is different from others. Basketball is tall and football is strong. Baseball is tall, short and thin.Different people in different positions, turning their own characteristics into specialties, are masters in the baseball field.

  • Because of this, baseballSuitable for both men and women.It is a very undifferentiated sport.
  • And it is very suitable for Asians, because it has no physical collision and is very skillful, just like the Japanese baseball team has a high world ranking.

Baseball is the most polite gentleman’s sport. The first lesson of baseball training is often about the etiquette of baseball: bowing and bowing before and after entering the stadium, saluting and paying tribute before and after the game, peer mistakes, not teasing and teasing, but companionship and encouragement.

Children will gain in the process of learning baseball.Humility, gratitude, grace and self-cultivation, transform into a humble and polite little knight.

Zhang Baoshu, who is currently the head coach of MLB Baseball Development Center, once said:"In my 13 years of professional baseball experience, my teammates and coaches are the smartest people I have ever seen in my life."

  • This is not difficult to understand, because baseball is a game about solving problems. The game field is unpredictable, and the opponent’s one move and one style must be mentally reacted and then quickly think about the solution.
  • To be an excellent baseball player, you need not only sports skills, but also a flexible mind and the ability to judge quickly.
  • Extend to the whole life, isn’t it? You need to constantly solve the problems that life throws at you. From this perspective, baseball is a good guide not only at the moment of learning baseball, but also for personal growth career.

Look at this god-level reaction speed.

The optimism of Americans and the perseverance of Japanese must benefit from the shaping of national character by baseball. Baseball is a worldwide sport. Although there are relatively few people playing it in China, it will definitely be a trend in the future.

From a practical point of view, baseball is far less competitive than other sports, and it is relatively easy to make achievements.In MLB, the top baseball organization in the United States, seven people from China have been successfully signed. Comparing football and basketball, the ratio is really high.

For parents who want to send their children abroad to study in the future, cultivating their children to play baseball from an early age can also help them better integrate into the local culture. Why not do it?

These are five reasons to choose baseball.

I hope that through baseball, children can have a wonderful childhood and become intelligent and humble people who focus on their feet and look to the future.

  • Chasing for winning or losing, I think, ignores the existence of "people". Utilitarianism, consequentialism and failure are heroes. As long as you lose the game, it means losing everything.
  • Just like a gambler who puts all his chips down, a game will decide life and death.
  • This is very exciting, and it seems to define a certain meaning for what it does, but the pressure is huge and it is easy to collapse. This is obviously a very fragile system.

  • Growth does not mean that winning or losing is not important. Winning is a very important goal as the cornerstone of the team’s existence, but winning is not the goal, but becoming stronger is.
  • Winning or losing is only the final result, and even sometimes winning or losing can be a means to become stronger.

  • I used to think that if you put pressure on them, you have to force them, control them, and eventhinkYou can control winning or losing, but the fact feedback is absolutely delusional!
  • Black swans are everywhere in complex systems, and there are very few things we can control in this world, at least winning or losing is beyond our control.
  • If you read the Art of War carefully, you will find that "its core idea is not the method of warfare, but the method of not fighting; Not the method of victory, but the method of invincible;Not because I defeated my opponent, but because my opponent didn’t do well and lost himself. "
  • The only thing we can control is ourselves. If we do well and become stronger, we will naturally win the game.

Top 20 games of M Station in 2023: Tears of the Kingdom, Diablo 4, etc.

Station M announced the top 20 games scored in the first half of 2023, excluding the game compilations released on other platforms in recent years and the newly released game transplants. Let’s take a look at which one scored the highest for multi-platform games.

20. "Disaster Day"-PC platform M station score: 83 points.

19. Miracle Age 4》-PC platform M station score: 83 points.

18. The Underground Labyrinth of Galeria: The Moon Association-NS Platform M Station Rating: 83 points.

17. Tape Monster-PC platform M station score: 84 points.

16. The legacy of Hogwarts-Station M of PS5 platform: 84 points.

15. sonic the hedgehog Murder-PC platform M station score: 84 points.

14. "Traveler 2"-NS platform M station score: 84 points.

13. The score of "Infinite Heart"-NS platform M station: 85 points.

12.《Humanity》-PS5 platform m station score: 85 points.

11. The Seven Incredibles of Paranomasight Institute-Station M of NS Platform: 85 points.

10. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor-M Station of PS5 Platform Rating: 85 points.

9. Diablo IV-PC platform M station score: 87 points.

8. Evaluation of Hi-Fi Rush-XSX platform M station: 87 points.

7. "Final Fantasy: Rhythm Theater"-NS platform M station score: 87 points.

6. Final Fantasy 16-Station M of PS5 platform: 88 points.

5. Dead Space: Remastered Edition-Station M of PS5 platform: 89 points.

4. "Street Fighter 6"-PS5 platform M station score: 92 points.

3. Resident Evil 4: Remastered Edition-Station M of PS5 platform score: 93 points.

2. "Galaxy Warrior Prime Replica Edition"-NS platform M station score: 94 points.

1. "the legend of zelda: Tears of the Kingdom"-NS platform M station score: 96 points.

"Have dinner with me and I’ll give you $300,000!" Football superstars fall into the trap of Chinese aunts.

"Have dinner with me and I’ll give you $300,000." In 2003, a female fan in China paid a lot of money to invite Ronaldo to dinner. Ronaldo was so happy that he didn’t know that he had fallen into someone else’s trap.

Speaking of Ronaldo, even those who don’t know football, I believe they have heard his name. Ronaldo’s full name is ronaldo luiz nazario de lima. If you mention Ronaldo’s achievements in football, you can even introduce him day and night without interruption. In addition, Ronaldo also has many nicknames, such as Ronnie, Fei Luo and Da Luo. Ronaldo was born on September 18th, 1976. When he was a child, his family was very poor, but it was his love for football that kept him from giving up this career, and he eventually grew up to be the king of football in the world.

In the growing experience of Ronaldo, Ronaldo can be said to have dealt with all kinds of people. Because of his high popularity, Ronaldo was still relatively strong in protecting his brand awareness when attending various activities, but what Ronaldo didn’t expect was that he actually stumbled in the hands of a China woman.

To mention this story, we have to look back to 20 years ago, that is, in 2003, when Ronaldo came to China for an exchange competition. After arriving in China, Ronaldo was quickly impressed by the enthusiasm of China fans. The scene of the game was surrounded by a sea of fans, all of whom shouted their names.

After the game, Ronaldo’s assistant told him that there was a female boss in China who wanted to have dinner with him. At first, Ronaldo refused. After all, his time is precious, but then the assistant said that the female boss was willing to pay $300,000 as a reward as long as he agreed to have dinner with her.

Hearing this, Ronaldo instantly felt very interested. He could get 300,000 yuan just by eating a meal. Why not go?

Before departure, Ronaldo specifically explained to his assistant that he must show the other party that he is just going to have dinner. If it involves endorsement or other things, he needs to talk about the price. After all, it is impossible to endorse a product casually, just 300,000.

After arriving at the scene, the female boss also made it clear that 300,000 yuan is only the cost of eating and does not involve endorsement. Ronaldo let his guard down. There were not only the female boss, but also many children who lined up to send flowers to Ronaldo.

The female boss also took out a jersey, expressing the hope that Ronaldo could wear this jersey to accept the welcome of the children, and told Ronaldo that this jersey was carefully designed by the children. Ronaldo then put on a special jersey, not only accepted the children’s flowers at the scene, but also performed a superb skill for the children at the scene.

Next, I entered the stage of eating. The whole process of eating was very relaxed, and Ronaldo didn’t feel any discomfort. After dinner, the female boss is also very generous to transfer 300,000 yuan on the spot.

At this time, Ronaldo still felt that the money was very easy to earn, and the female boss in China was really generous.

After Ronaldo returned to China, he forgot all about it because of training and competition. It was not until a long time later that Ronaldo heard the news of his endorsement of products in China from his friends. At this time, Ronaldo felt very puzzled that he did not endorse any products in China.

Only after watching the relevant advertising videos did Ronaldo recall the experience of having dinner with the female boss in China. Then Ronaldo also entrusted a lawyer to take the female boss to court.

The female boss in the story is Jiang Peizhen, the helm of Golden Voice. Jiang Peizhen was in charge of a candy factory at first, but the candy factory soon closed down due to poor management. In order to solve the dilemma, Jiang Peizhen found Wang Yaofa because she heard that Wang Yaofa had a formula in his hand. After being authorized by Wang Yaofa, Jiang Peizhen formally established Guangxi Golden Voice.

Relying on Ronaldo’s fame, Golden Voice quickly swept across the country, and the sales volume showed a surge in a short period of time. Jiang Peizhen has also become a myth in the industry, but this luck didn’t last long. Finally, in 2009, Golden Voice still had financial problems, and Jiang Peizhen was also included in the list of dishonesty.

Eagle Big Coffee Talk | Professor Tang Shiqi: Retinal image AI helps health risk assessment

Faced with the aging population and the rising prevalence of various chronic diseases, reasonable and scientific health risk assessment and management are helpful to better control personal and overall medical expenses and protect personal health interests to the greatest extent.

In recent years, the advantages of retinal image AI in health risk assessment have been shown. What advantages does it have? What value can it bring to the physical examination center and related departments?

At the Frontier Innovation and Wisdom Forum of the 9th 301 Discussion on Health and the 11th Summit Forum of Directors of National Physical Examination Center,Professor Tang Shiqi, deputy director of Health Management Branch of Chinese Medical Association, president of Hubei Health Management Society and academic leader of Health Management Center of Wuhan University People’s Hospital.Make a wonderful share with the title "Retinal Image AI Helps Health Risk Assessment".

In her speech, she pointed out:"Apart from the loss of life, there is nothing more frightening than the loss of vision. It is suggested that fundus photography should be added to chronic disease screening, eye health should be included in chronic disease system, fundus examination should be paid attention to, and the threshold should be moved forward to realize early detection and diagnosis of chronic diseases. "

The transcript of the speech is edited as follows:

Thank you very much for your introduction. The topic I share with you below is "Retinal Image AI Helps Health Risk Assessment". I will share it with you from four aspects, namely, the current situation of fundus diseases, retina as the best health assessment window, assessment of various diseases through retina, and the application of artificial intelligence products of retinal images.

Present situation of fundus diseases

"The 14th Five-Year National Eye Health Plan" listed fundus diseases as the key eye diseases in the next five years for the first time, and proposed early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment to reduce the blindness rate of diseases.

The burden of fundus diseases is heavy. There are more than 40 million patients with fundus diseases in China, and the distribution of medical resources is still uneven. At present, as the most important blinding eye disease in China, the clinical status of fundus diseases can be said to have a long way to go. This is also the main reason why our country has made fundus diseases a new disease in the National Eye Health Plan of the 14th Five-Year Plan released this year.

our countrydiabetesThe prevalence rate has reached 10%~13%, among which the prevalence rate of diabetic retinopathy in diabetic population is as high as 15%~43%. Then the risk of blindness in diabetic patients is 50~80 times greater than that in non-diabetic patients.

hypertensionIt is a common cardiovascular disease. The incidence rate in China is 5.11%, and about 70% of patients have fundus diseases. With the development of the course of the disease, changes such as hemorrhage, hard exudation, lint spots and the like appear in the fundus, and papilledema may occur in severe cases.

Age-related macular degeneration.For those of us over 50 years old, about one in every six people has macular degeneration. Early detection, diagnosis and treatment of macular degeneration are of great significance to protect central vision and prevent blindness. Therefore, it is recommended that people over 50 years old have a routine eye examination every year.

Fundus lesion caused by high myopia.There are about 70 million people with myopia greater than 600 degrees in China. It is recommended to screen the fundus every six months to one year.

Therefore, we should promote the shift from blindness prevention to universal eye health, move the screening threshold forward, and improve the screening of diseases. At the same time, we should pay attention to the early screening of fundus diseases, expand the screening work and avoid irreversible blindness.

It is the best window for retinal health assessment.

There are very important structures in the fundus, including the optic nerve, retina, retinal arteries and veins, macular area, etc., and this is the area examined by the fundus.

Many fundus diseases have no obvious symptoms in the early stage and are difficult to be detected. However, the early stage is often the right time for treatment. Once missed, the lost vision may not be well recovered. 80%~90% of fundus diseases can be screened by taking a photo of fundus.

In addition, medical practice has proved that in addition to ophthalmic diseases, manyCardiovascular, neurological, endocrineOther diseases have obvious or even characteristic changes in the retina.

Evaluation of various diseases through retina

First of all.Diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy by retinal image AI. An SCI article published by Shibei Hospital, Jing ‘an District, Shanghai shows that artificial intelligence has high sensitivity and specificity in detecting sugar webs and proliferative sugar webs (the sensitivity and specificity of detecting sugar webs are 90.79%, 98.5%, AUC=0.946;; The sensitivity and specificity of detecting proliferative sugar net are 91.18%, 98.79%, AUC=0.950). It is feasible to carry out screening of sugar net based on artificial intelligence in community hospital outpatient department.

AI auxiliary diagnosis system for retinal diseases.This article of Zhongshan Eye Center of Sun Yat-sen University was published in the sub-issue of The Lancet, and its SCI impact factor was very high, reaching 24.519. Studies have confirmed that this "comprehensive intelligent diagnosis expert of fundus diseases" developed by Eagle Pupil Airdoc can identify 14 common fundus abnormalities, with an average AUC of 0.955, and it performs well in the screening of various fundus abnormalities.

Retinal image AI to judge ischemic cerebrovascular disease.This is also a paper published in Science Bulletin, a journal sponsored by China Academy of Sciences, with an impact factor of 11.78. The results verified by the team of Peking University Medical School and Tongren Hospital show that (the model) plays a positive role in early detection of high-risk groups of cardiovascular diseases, guiding active intervention, monitoring and evaluating the intervention effect.

The traditional evaluation method of ischemic cerebrovascular disease has many collection indexes, so it needs invasive collection. The blood test takes a certain time, 2~4 hours, so the calculation is complicated and it is difficult to popularize. The new evaluation method based on China’s cardiovascular risk prediction model is retinal image +AI deep learning algorithm, which only needs fundus photography, non-invasive collection, and the detection time is 1 minute, and the report can be made directly in about 1 minute.

Retinal image AI can also evaluate Alzheimer’s disease.The retina is a part of our brain tissue. The degeneration of cranial nerves is also reflected in the subtle changes of retina. Taking CAIDE≥10 copies as the classification standard for high-risk groups (CAIDE dementia risk score is a risk assessment tool for the general population), the retinal AI algorithm is superior to the traditional invasive and complex dementia assessment, that is, it can be assessed by taking retinal photographs.

Retinal AI can also evaluate anemia.Retinal photographs of patients with anemia are usually pale or pale in background, pale in optic disc, and mild edema. The veins are pale. According to the model of retinal artificial intelligence, the AUC of anemia is > 0.9.

Application of retinal artificial intelligence products

Eagle Eye’s products are very good. It has multi-dimensional products and services. First of all, their artificial intelligence auxiliary diagnosis software can screen fundus diseases and lesions, make auxiliary diagnosis and assess the health risk of systemic chronic diseases, and has comprehensive qualifications, including the first three types of ophthalmology certificates in China, including the second, third and CE certificates.

Has excellent performance. The accuracy, specificity and sensitivity are leading in the world, and it is suitable for all mainstream fundus cameras in the market, including Canon and Topcom.

In addition, there is an authoritative endorsement. Carry out the world’s largest real-world research, with the results published in The Lancet magazine; Won the Wu Wenjun Prize twice, the highest award of artificial intelligence in China.

Eagle Airdoc’s fundus camera has the advantages of pupil-free, full-automatic, self-help (no operator required) and no professional darkroom. It is a self-developed domestic camera with high cost performance.

But also provide operational support services. Performance support, training support, follow-up of positive cases, and review by superior medical institutions, the Internet and hospitals.

(For the physical examination center), the retina image AI of Eagle Pupil Airdoc has seven values:

First,Upgrade the ability of eye examination.It can be used for auxiliary diagnosis of fundus diseases and risk assessment of systemic chronic diseases.

Second,Improve the standardization of diagnosis and treatment.It is a registered product, with standardized report, stable state, authenticity and reliability.

Third,Increase the efficiency of effective physical examination centers.

Fourth,Improve academic ability.It can quantify and multi-dimensionally empower scientific research, and artificial intelligence can improve the probability of project application, and expand clinical research opportunities of multi-departments and multi-diseases.

Fifth,Make up for the shortage of ophthalmologists.Automatic shooting, without doctor’s operation, AI-assisted diagnosis of liberation ophthalmologist. Nurses can easily operate it, and it is suitable for in-hospital examination and external examination.

Sixth,It is convenient to check in many occasions.The equipment is small, easy to operate, intelligent and fast, and it can be used in the out-of-home medical examination vehicle, which is suitable for large-scale screening.

Seventh,Historical comparison and continuous management.Realize automatic historical comparison of multiple inspections.

To sum up, apart from the loss of life, there is nothing more frightening than the loss of eyesight. It is suggested that fundus photography should be added to chronic disease screening, eye health should be included in chronic disease system, fundus examination should be paid attention, and the threshold should be moved forward to realize early detection and diagnosis of chronic diseases. A photo of the fundus, early knowledge of the disease.