"Qingyu Nian" Season 2 79: Fan Xian Kills Empress Dowager for Vengeance, Is Emperor Qing Dead on Dadong Mountain?

In "Celebration of the Year";

There are many murderers who killed Fan Xian’s mother, Ye Qingmei.

And among them, the biggest mastermind is the current Empress Dowager;

She personally saw Ye Qingmei sniping at the two princes overnight.

Because of fear.

And choose to avoid future troubles forever.

But all of this happened 10 years later.

Fan Xian found out.

The words went back.

Although in Kyoto,

There was no confirmed news of Emperor Qing’s death.

But this news did not come out of nowhere.

Emperor Qing went to Dadong Mountain to worship the sky,

And the three great masters gathered at Dadong Mountain,

The whole world has long been known by everyone;

Therefore, those people in Kyoto had to believe it.

At this moment, in the Qing Dynasty,

The prince and the eldest princess,

Already united with the Qin family,

Intends to usurp power.

And the first thing the prince has to deal with,

They are the brothers who may threaten their throne.

First of all, the third child who went to Jiangnan with Fan Xian,

It was someone he had to deal with.

But just as the prince was about to make his move,

The third prince was taken away by the first prince,

Sent to a safe place.

And the other princes,

Not so lucky,

They all died under the plan of the Crown Prince.

And at this time, Fan Xian,

I found a hospital on the way.

Treat yourself to a wound.

And then it goes on and on.

They rushed back to Kyoto.

Because the First Prince controlled the Imperial Army and the Kyoto Garrison Division,

So after Fan Xian returned,

There was no hindrance.

Even if he is now.

He was branded a rebellion.

"How dare you come back now?"

After the First Prince met Fan Xian,

Immediately put it away.

Taken to a hidden place,

To prevent Fan Xian from returning to Beijing;

Be informed by others.

"How is the situation in Kyoto now?"

Fan Xian didn’t have any nonsense.

He directly asked the First Prince about the situation in Kyoto.

Soon the First Prince will also change the current situation;

They all informed Fan Xian.

Empress Dowager did not immediately attack Fan Mansion.

It was also unexpected to him.

At least it shows that she doesn’t believe it.

Fan Xianhui assassinated Emperor Qing.

And then, right after that.

Fan Xian took out the secret letter between the jade seal and Emperor Qing.

You see these two things.

The First Prince instantly understood.

Express willingness to assist Fan Xian with all his strength.

In this way, Fan Xian began to plan with the First Prince.

The first thing they have to deal with,

It was the Qin family rebel who had come to Kyoto.

If the prince wants to ascend the throne smoothly,

Relying solely on a name;

Is unlikely.

We still need the help of the military.

The Qin Family was the best choice.

The prince also promised,

After he has successfully risen to the top;

It will give the Qin family the highest power in the military.

After that, the Qin family was still the first person in the military.

Even after a hundred years of Qin Ye,

His descendants,

You can still enjoy this treatment.

This deal is for Qin Ye.

Too tempting.

And so it began.

I used all my strength.

Prepare to enter Kyoto.

Help the prince win the throne.

But Fan Xian naturally wouldn’t let the prince plot;

And it worked.

With the help of the First Prince,

Plus the jade seal and the letters of Emperor Qing that he carried,

Soon, Fan Xian successfully entered the palace.

Then let the forbidden army;

Controlled the eldest princess and the prince,

He also immediately walked into the Empress Dowager’s bedroom.

"Empress Dowager,

In the name of His Majesty,

Come here to escort, "

Fan Xian wrote the handwritten letter of Emperor Qing;

To the Queen Mother,

He stood aside very orderly,

Waiting for the Queen Mother’s response.

Soon, the Empress Dowager finished reading the letter.

He nodded slightly.

Let Fan Xiao handle it.

Next up in Kyoto.

After receiving the promise of the Queen Mother,

Fan Xian’s first thing;

He took a pill out of his chest.

With lightning speed;

Sent into the mouth of the Empress Dowager.


Please stay in the palace quietly, Empress Dowager. "

After Fan Xian fed the Empress Dowager the medicine,

He walked out of the harem without looking back.

And the Queen Mother took the pill.

I found myself unable to make a sound.

I could only watch helplessly as Fan Xian left.

There was endless resentment in his eyes.

After Fan Xian walked out of the harem,

He looked up at the sky.

He murmured something.


Today is also considered revenge for you. "

Fan Xian has been around for several years.

Through the power of the Inspectorate,

Learned that the Queen Mother was the beginning;

One of the people who killed Ye Qingmei,

Therefore, this hatred,

Naturally, he had to take the opportunity to report it.

It’s just the medicine that Fan Xian gave the Empress Dowager;

It’s not poison.

Because Fan Xian couldn’t afford to murder the Empress Dowager either.

In fact, the medicine that Fan Xian gave the Empress Dowager,

It was given to him by Fei Suke before.

While in Tanzhou,

Fei Jie noticed that Fan Xian was practicing domineering true qi,

In order to prevent Fan Xian from losing control;

That domineering energy,

When they leave,

I handed over the medicine to Fan Xian.

Tell him when he can’t control it.

Then eat it.

This medicine is not a poison.

It’s an undoing medicine.

After eating it, all the power in the body will be removed.

And it will also devour a certain amount of vitality.

This medicine Fan Xian has always carried with him,

Although it is a life-saving medicine,

But he never dared to eat.

Because he is reluctant.

His own skills.

And now it is delivered to the Queen Mother’s mouth.

It can be regarded as completing the mission of this medicine.

It will speed up and take away the life of the queen mother,

But there will be no symptoms of poisoning.

In a few days, the Empress Dowager will run out of oil and leave,

Even the imperial physician couldn’t find the reason.

This is what Fan Xian can think of;

The best way.

Now the prince and the eldest princess;

It’s all under control.

He only needed to bring the First Prince.

Just go and deal with the rebels sent by the Qin family.

As long as these rebels are dealt with,

Then the entire Gyeongkungu Kyoto;

He alone has the final say.

And pretty soon,

The pro-soldiers raised by the Qin family;

They arrived outside of Kyoto.

At this time, the First Prince also brought the Imperial Army and the Kyoto Garrison Division.

It’s ready at the city gate.

As soon as the rebels arrived,

The heavy crossbow machine above the city gate began to launch.

The war between the two armies was about to break out.

At this moment, throughout Kyoto,

There is only Fan Xian, a ninth-grade master.

It seems that the entire Qing Dynasty;

It was already in his hands.

But around Fan Xian’s heart,

There is also a big mystery.

That is whether Emperor Qing can;

In that earth-shattering battle of grandmasters,

Successfully survived.

In the Battle of Dadongshan in "Qing Yu Nian";

Emperor Qing’s plan;

It’s step by step.

He first let Fan Xian leave Wuzhu to protect himself;

Then let Hong Siitch attract firepower;

He also conspired with Ye Liuyun to temporarily change his mind;

Attack the other two great masters from behind.

However, the deepest hidden Emperor Qing;

Haven’t shot yet.

The conversation continued.

Go back in time to the Battle of Dadongshan;

The moment Emperor Qing was attacked by Ye Liuyun and Four Gu Swords,

At this moment, Ye Liuyun;

He had already arrived in front of Emperor Qing.

He stretched out his hands.

He gently touched Emperor Qing in front of him.

And the sword of Sigujian,

Has pierced the air;

In an instant, he came to Emperor Qing’s back.

The original inevitable situation,

But in an instant;

There have been earth-shattering changes.

That was Ye Liuyun’s hand.

When approaching Emperor Qing.

Suddenly reversed direction,

He stroked towards the sword behind Emperor Qing.

It lightly pressed on the sword.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun also showed;

Your true position.

He stood on Emperor Qing’s side.

The officials saw Ye Liuyun;

After blocking the sword,

They all breathed a sigh of relief.

The apparent situation.

It wasn’t as bad as they had imagined.

In fact, Sigujian and Kuhe,

Although I didn’t think of Ye Liuyun;

Will stand on the side of Emperor Qing.

But both of them.

They also thought of the cunning of the people of Qing,

So until the last moment,

He would never allow himself to be in danger.

And this sword of the Four Gujian,

It broke Emperor Qing’s game.

Forced out of this big east mountain;

The real killer move was Ye Liuyun.

If before four Gu sword and bitter lotus;

They all used their trump cards.

Then Ye Liuyun would easily break into his back.

The two of them instantly.

It will be explained at the top of this Dadong Mountain.

Thinking of this,

In the hearts of the two.

A chill could not help but rise.

The current situation,

Already from the original three to two;

It became two against three.

Sigujian has been officially;

He withdrew his sword.

Although he and Kuhe,

They have all seen the current situation clearly.

But there is no turning back arrow when the bow is opened;

This was also the essence of Sword Intent Around.

Immediately after, Sigujian went again;

Instill the sword intent into the sword;

Then he rushed towards Ye Liuyun in an instant,

He spent all his life.

The strongest sword,

He intended to kill Ye Liuyun completely.

This sword instilled four Gu swords;

The whole person’s life and spirit.

And the condensation of beliefs.

In today’s world, no one can stop it.

Even Ye Liuyun, who is also a great master.

At this time, Ye Liuyun stood by Emperor Qing’s side,

He has no choice.

Avoid this sword.

Because once you get out of it,

Emperor Qing would be struck by this sword.

Smashed into mud.

Seeing that Emperor Qing was in a critical moment,

Wuzhu stood aside.

Still no intention of making a move,

It seems that everything is left to Ye Liuyun to resist.

Knowing that he could not stop this sword,

Ye Liuyun still chose to head on.

He used Flowing Cloud Sanshou to slap at Sigujian.

In fact, this is also Ye Liuyun;

The best option.

If Sigujian ignored Liuyun Sanshou,

This sword will kill Ye Liuyun;

Minced into slices of meat.

But once he avoids sanshou,

With a thought,

Spirit in the sword;

It also dispersed.

It can be said that Ye Liuyun is using his life;

To force Sigujian to make a choice;

Go to gamble that Four Gu Jian was seriously injured.

Once Si Gu Jian was seriously injured,

Just a bitterness;

It is impossible to win the joint efforts of Hong Sixiang and Wuzhu.

But the truth is,

Ye Liuyun can die,

However, Sigujian could not be seriously injured.

Just this white chi;

It’s really white chi to the extreme.

In the end, he still did not change his sword.

It was as if he couldn’t see the shot.

But the sword in his hand tilted slightly,

He pointed at Emperor Qing beside Ye Liuyun.

Although this move consumed a part of the sword intent,

But the power was also enough to kill Emperor Qing.

At this time, Ye Liuyun also knew;

I made a wrong bet.

Bai chi cannot be inferred from ordinary people.

In fact, when the four-look sword was unleashed.

Whether it is imposing or intelligent,

They had already suppressed Ye Liuyun.

It was he who gave Ye Liuyun a problem.

This white chi is not really white chi.

At least not at this moment.

At this moment, on the top of the eastern mountain,

Four great masters and a generation of kings;

All lived a seemingly long,

But in fact,

But it happened very quickly.

And the battle between Hong Sixiang and Kuhe,

It’s also the final part.

Because Emperor Qing let go of Hong Sixiang’s hand,

It caused the overbearing true qi in Hong Sixiang’s body;

Unload it all.

The last palm of the bitter lotus;

He stroked Hong Sixiang’s chest.

No more overbearing resistance.

It easily shattered Hong Sixiang’s chest.

At this moment, Hong Sixiang’s life;

It has also come to an end.

The balance of victory seems to be;

Tilted to the side of the two great masters.

But is that really the case?

Let’s talk next time.

The following story is even more exciting.

Updated once a day.

Remember to follow Ah Lele.

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Many millions of online celebrity in Liangshan, Sichuan were sentenced.

Tumen public security traffic police network security bureau of the Ministry of Public Security

Click on the blue word

Pay attention to us

On December 28th, the People’s Court of Zhaojue County in Liangshan, Sichuan Province pronounced in the first instance that nine people, including Zhang, the legal representative of online celebrity Company, Zhao (Zhao Linger), and Ari Moumou (Qubu), were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from 8 months to 3 years and 2 months respectively.

In August, 2022, the video of Zhao Linger and Qu Bu’s "encounter" quickly became popular on the Internet, and the number of fans in their accounts exceeded 2 million. Since then, the two began to broadcast the road with goods frequently, opening a "beautiful story" that seems to be full of positive energy to help farmers and start businesses.

However, behind this lies a gray industrial chain of counterfeiting and selling fake products, which creates a false artificial incubation online celebrity, shoots videos by compiling plots, and then realizes the supply flow of back-end agricultural products.

On September 20th, 2023, a press conference was held in Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province, to report the case of online celebrity live broadcast with goods as the main representative team, which was the first case of "online celebrity economy" chaos uncovered by Liangshan police.

Under the banner of "helping farmers" and "high-quality original ecology", the team sold counterfeit Daliangshan agricultural special products to more than 20 provinces across the country, with sales exceeding 10 million.

In just a few months, Zhang, the boss of the online celebrity company behind the team, illegally earned more than 3 million yuan, and the illegal income of the two anchors was more than 700,000 yuan.

In July 2023, Zhang and other suspects were arrested on suspicion of counterfeiting registered trademarks and false advertising.

Original title: "More than one million online celebrity in Liangshan, Sichuan was sentenced"

Read the original text

It’s really not a little bit that mobile phones are harmful to health.

  How far is it from playing mobile phone every day to illness? Recently, a reporter from qianjiang evening news learned from the hospital that there is a 30-year-old clerk in Hangzhou who deals with computers, keyboards and mice every day, and likes to play with mobile phones during the spare time. As a result, his hands are numb enough to require surgery. Psychologists also warned mobile phone owners that if they keep looking at their mobile phones while shopping, they will spend more money. If you let your mobile phone sleep with you, it will do more harm to your health.

  Keyboard and mobile phone play too much.

  In addition to hand numbness, muscle atrophy will occur.

  Zhou Qi (a pseudonym), 30, keeps her hands on the keyboard at work and keeps brushing her mobile phone at rest. She also has a habit of sleeping on her desk with her hands on her pillow during lunch break. It seems that most people’s living habits have damaged her ulnar nerve. It shows that the right hand is numb and tingling, and it takes a long time to straighten your arm to recover. Even the buttons are awkward, and you can’t even carry chopsticks when eating … … After a series of examinations such as electromyography, Zhou Qi was diagnosed as "cubital tunnel syndrome".

  The ulnar nerve in medicine is what we usually call "numbness". It is one of the three main meridians on the arm. It starts from the cervical vertebra, passes through the elbow joint, sticks to the inside of the arm and goes down all the way to our ring finger and little finger. It is of great significance to our daily life, and the fine movements of our fingers, such as buttoning, holding chopsticks and holding a pen, can not be achieved without the contribution of ulnar nerve.

  Frequent elbow flexion and other actions will cause ulnar nerve compression, leading to "cubital tunnel syndrome", which will affect the function of fingers and palms. When the sensory function of ulnar nerve is affected, there will be symptoms of numbness of fingers or palms, and when its motor function is also affected, there will be phenomena such as weakness of fingers or muscles. If it is affected for a long time, it will easily cause muscle atrophy and even cause serious irreversible consequences.

  Use the keyboard and mouse for a long time, bend your elbows for a long time, or sleep on your desk, etc. Some people have cubital tunnel syndrome due to playing mahjong for several days, and office workers and surgeons are all high-risk groups. In order to completely cure the symptoms, Zhou Qi had to undergo surgery.

  The doctor reminded that to prevent such diseases, one is: rest.

  If you repeat an activity, whether it is typing, using the mouse or anything else, it is recommended to take a short break every 10 to 15 minutes to rest your elbow and wrist. During this period, you can stretch and exercise these two parts.

  Second, keep a good working posture.

  Adjust the height of the seat to keep the forearm as high as the keyboard. When using the keyboard, there should be no feeling of outward expansion and drooping, so that the elbows and wrists are in a relatively relaxed state.

  The third is: always be vigilant. Once there is numbness and discomfort in the finger, and it is a constant and persistent feeling, you must not ignore it easily. You should go to the hospital as soon as possible for professional judgment and exclusion.

  Play mobile phone while walking.

  Shopping is more expensive.

  A new study by American scientists shows that if you play with your mobile phone while shopping, it will not only increase the risk of hitting obstacles, but also make people spend a lot of money unconsciously.

  The research team of Fairfield University asked 231 participants to complete a simulated shopping task. One group of participants restrained themselves from taking out their mobile phones and only paid attention to the goods, while the other group randomly used their mobile phones intermittently for unrelated tasks (such as answering phones, sending and receiving text messages, listening to music, etc.). Both groups of participants used to shop according to a shopping list provided by the researchers, but the results showed that people who used their mobile phones occasionally or constantly in the store made far more unplanned purchases than those who concentrated on shopping.

  The researchers pointed out that when shopping, people may forget what goods they need most when they are distracted, but they will be attracted by the dazzling array of other goods in the store and take them into their pockets without thinking. Even if you only use your mobile phone occasionally during shopping, it will have this effect, which will lead to additional expenses. Therefore, we should concentrate on saving money when shopping.

  Wang Yiquan, an expert in early intervention of psychological problems in Hangzhou No.7 Hospital, said: "From the perspective of behavior patterns, those who rely heavily on mobile phones have poor self-control ability, and they are easily influenced by external information such as price reduction and new product listing when shopping, resulting in more impulsive consumption. From the analysis of emotional influence, the information from the mobile phone will affect the mood of shoppers, and these emotions may stimulate impulsive consumption whether positive or negative. Seeing good news, buy something to reward yourself or your family; When you see bad news, you should buy something to comfort yourself and decompress. For example, people often joke that ‘ Bao ’ Treating all diseases is the most vivid explanation of the influence of emotions on shopping. "

  We have to admit that consumption is indeed a good way to vent and quickly adjust emotions, but only if it is moderate. If it is inappropriate or even unreasonable consumption beyond one’s own ability to pay, one must be alert to whether there are psychological problems.

  In fact, in life, it is easy to understand the difference between men and women’s shopping habits. For most men, shopping is a kind of "torture". They often think about where to buy something, go straight to the destination and buy it, and then leave. They rarely pay attention to what other stores are selling along the way, and naturally they will not have unplanned consumption. Women tend to take shopping as a kind of "leisure", walk around, shop around, stop and watch more, and the temptation is more likely to lead to many unplanned consumption.

  Sleeping with your mobile phone is harmful to your eyes.

  Playing mobile phone for a long time at night often leads to sore eyes, sharp drop in vision, deepening myopia, and even dry eye. Once, because of playing mobile phone games for a long time, the function of meibomian gland was worse than that of the elderly.

  Everyone’s two eyes have a dominant eye and a non-dominant eye. Under normal circumstances, under the control of the brain, the eyes of both eyes are even, but after lying on the side, one eye has to shoulder a heavier eye task. Over time, if the balance is broken, the vision will be inconsistent between the left and right eyes.

  Sleeping with mobile phone is harmful to cervical health

  "Cervical arch inversion" is the most common pathological basis of cervical diseases. High pillow can make the head bend forward and increase the stress of the lower cervical vertebra, which may accelerate the degeneration of cervical vertebra. However, bad living habits such as lying on a high back and watching TV, surfing the Internet for a long time, lying down and playing with a mobile phone, and pulling the cervical vertebra for a long time will also lead to the curve lordosis decreasing, straightening and even bending back.

  Sleeping with mobile phone affects sleep quality.

  Adequate sleep is a necessary guarantee for a healthy life. When playing mobile phone, the production of melatonin (secreted by pituitary gland, which directly affects the quality of sleep) will be reduced, which will lead to less sleep and even inability to sleep. I believe those who play mobile phones until midnight or even later have a profound experience — — I’m not sleepy at all. I don’t want to sleep.

  Sleeping with mobile phones affects family harmony.

  Young people, once they have cell phone sleepiness, are not in a hurry to find a partner. They think that cell phones are so fun and have everything in them. Why do they need to find a partner? Parents look at the older single children, but they really hate the dead mobile phone. After three days, they cursed, "I know how to play with my mobile phone every day. Everyone else has grandchildren, so you will give me a mobile phone?"

Unsweetened fruits also have low sugar content? Not necessarily!

At the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, the hot weather is constant, the air is sultry, and people’s appetite is also getting worse. Therefore, cold and juicy fruits, such as watermelon, cantaloupe and peach, have become a "good heart" for many people. Nowadays, people’s health awareness has improved, and they know that some fruits have high sugar content and cannot eat too much. "Sugar" and "sweet" seem to be born together. Many people think that the unsweetened fruit must contain less sugar, and the sweeter fruit must contain more sugar.
Research shows that this is actually a misunderstanding. Whether the sugar content of fruit is high or not is not just as simple as whether it tastes sweet or not. For example, strawberries taste sweeter than pineapples, but the sugar content of strawberries is much lower than that of pineapples; Pitaya and kiwifruit taste sour, but their sugar content is higher than watermelon. The sweet and sour taste of fruit is closely related to the types of sugar and organic acids in the fruit itself.
Different sugars have different sweetness.
There are many kinds of sugar in fruit, including monosaccharide (fructose, glucose), disaccharide (sucrose, maltose) and polysaccharide (starch). Professionally, the sweetness of sucrose is 1, the sweetness of fructose is 1.2, and the sweetness of glucose is 0.7. Fruits with the same sugar content and high fructose content will taste sweeter.
Taking pitaya and watermelon as examples, because the sugar of pitaya is mainly glucose, and fructose accounts for more than half of the sugar of watermelon, the sweetness of watermelon is higher than that of pitaya. But in terms of sugar content, the sugar content of watermelon is lower than that of pitaya. Many people think that watermelon is very sweet, and its sugar content must be high, but on the contrary, the sugar content of watermelon is only 5%-6%, which is lower than that of apples used by many people to lose weight. Although the sugar content of watermelon is low, it is easy to eat it. Some people question: "Can eating an apple be the same as eating a watermelon?" Netizen said: You can’t blame watermelon for eating too much!
The fruit that tastes very sweet has high or low sugar content, so the fruit that is not sweet must have low sugar content, right? This is really not certain! Take pear, kiwi fruit and apricot as examples, the total amount of fructose, sucrose and glucose is about 10%, but the proportion is quite different.
If we only look at the type and proportion of sugar, pear should be the sweetest, followed by kiwi fruit and apricot at last. Some people wonder: does kiwi fruit have so much fructose? The kiwifruit I have eaten is not very sweet. This is because there are not only "sugar" but also "acid" in fruit. For example, organic acids such as citric acid, malic acid, tartaric acid, and polyphenols such as astringent tannins will make fruits less sweet.
Experts suggest that adults should consume 200-350 grams of fruit every day.
In real life, many people worry that eating fruits with high sugar content will lead to obesity. For people who want to lose weight, they can try to avoid "high-sugar" fruits such as grapes, durians and cherries. According to the Balanced Diet Pagoda for China Residents recommended by China Nutrition Society (2016), adults should consume 200-350g of fruit every day, which is equivalent to 1-2 apples or pears of normal size. Generally speaking, the fruit consumption of Chinese residents is obviously lower than this standard, which needs to be improved urgently. It should be noted that fruit is best eaten between meals. From a nutritional point of view, you can’t just eat fruit for dinner.
(Source: China Nutrition Society)
Some diabetics also expressed concern: fruit has a high sugar content, can it be eaten after all? In this regard, Nie Jiyun, a professor at the School of Horticulture of Qingdao Agricultural University and a member of the Expert Group on Agricultural Products Quality and Safety of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said that diabetics can eat fruits properly, provided that their blood sugar is relatively stable, and they should follow the dietary principles of diabetics and not eat too much.
First of all, diabetics should be selective in the types of fruits. You can refer to the glycemic index (GI) of food, which indicates the speed and ability of food to raise blood sugar compared with glucose. Don’t judge the sugar content by the sweetness of the taste. Diabetic patients had better choose fruits with low GI, such as cherries, peaches, grapefruit, strawberries, apples and pears.
In addition to soluble sugars such as glucose, fructose and sucrose, there are quite a few sugars in fruits in the form of polysaccharides, such as gum and dietary fiber. The human body absorbs pectin and dietary fiber slowly, or even does not. Therefore, eating some fruits rich in pectin and dietary fiber, such as mulberry, hawthorn, pomegranate and fig, will not lead to significant fluctuations in blood sugar.
The following is a common fruit calorie ranking table for your reference:
(Source: Zhongxin Jingwei)
(Public Network Poster News Internship Editor Zhao Yawen Comprehensive CCTV, Science and Technology Daily, Poster News, etc.)

New Year’s Eve train tickets are opened today, and the national train operation map will be adjusted next Monday.

  Zhongxin Jingwei Client December 26th (Seimi Zhang) Looking forward to, looking forward to, the day of grabbing New Year’s Eve tickets has finally arrived. According to the regulation that the Internet and telephone booking of railway Spring Festival travel rush train tickets will be sold 30 days in advance, starting from today (26th), passengers can purchase train tickets for 2020 New Year’s Eve through the 12306 website and the "Railway 12306”APP.

Data map. Zhongxin Jingwei Seimi Zhang photo

  New Year’s Eve train tickets are on sale today.

  According to the Spring Festival holiday arrangement of the General Office of the State Council, the holiday will be suspended from January 24th (New Year’s Eve) to 30th (Sixth Day) in 2020. According to the regulation that the railway Spring Festival travel rush train tickets will be sold 30 days in advance by Internet and telephone booking, starting from today (26th), passengers can purchase the 2020 New Year’s Eve train tickets through the 12306 website and the "Railway 12306”APP.

  On the 13th day of ticket sales in Spring Festival travel rush (December 24th), the national railways sold a total of 15.773 million tickets, and the number of tickets sold for two consecutive days exceeded 15 million. The Zhongxin Jingwei client combed and found that as of December 24, the national railways sold a total of 173 million tickets.

  Li Wenxin, deputy general manager of the State Railway Group, said at the 2020 National Spring Festival travel rush Video Conference on December 25th that on the basis of steadily promoting the pilot of e-tickets in the early stage, in 2020, Spring Festival travel rush will fully promote e-tickets on high-speed rail trunk lines and intercity railways, so that passengers can travel on high-speed rail without taking tickets.

  In addition, since December 12, 2019, the online ticketing time of train tickets has been extended from 6:00-23:00 to 6:00-23:30. During this period, passengers can purchase tickets, change tickets, refund tickets, and wait for orders online.

  Some air tickets are cheaper than high-speed rail.

  If you have money and no money, you don’t have to worry about going home for the New Year. It is also a good choice to fly home.

Screenshot of some flights from Beijing to Shanghai. Source: Flying Pig APP

  On the day of New Year’s Eve (January 24th), the railway "12306”APP showed that the price range of the second-class seat of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail was 553-558 yuan, and the Sino-Singapore Jingwei client discovered through the third-party ticketing platform that Beijing — The economy class price of many flights in Shanghai ranges from 300 to 400 yuan. Among them, the economy class price of flight HU7603 of HNA is only 285 yuan, which is nearly half cheaper than the second-class high-speed rail ticket of 553 yuan.

Screenshot of some flights and high-speed rail prices from Beijing to Qingdao. Source: Flying Pig APP

  The second-class seat price range of Beijing-Qingdao high-speed rail is 314-336 yuan, and the economy class ticket price of maiden flight JD5379 is 148 yuan, which is more than half cheaper than the second-class seat price of high-speed rail. The economy class ticket price of Air China flight CA1525 is 180 yuan, which is nearly 50% cheaper than the second class ticket price of high-speed rail.

Data map: Harmony train. Zhongxin Jingwei Xiong Jiali photo

  From 0: 00 on December 30th, the national railway will implement a new train diagram.

  From 0: 00 on December 30, 2019, the national railway will implement a new train operation map. This map adjustment has adjusted some train trips, which will further enhance the railway transportation capacity during Spring Festival travel rush to meet different needs.

  Xi ‘an will start high-speed EMU trains in Xiamen, Datong, Lianyungang and Anqing for the first time. For the first time, two pairs of high-speed trains to Taiyuan were opened in Hefei, and the fastest journey time from Hefei to Taiyuan was 6 hours and 05 minutes. Shenyang Railway is the first high-speed train from Shenyang to Yancheng, Rongcheng and Jilin to Shanghai. Hangzhou East to Chengdu East, Hangzhou East to Xinxiang East, Hangzhou East to Luoyang Longmen, Hangzhou East to Bozhou South opened the first direct high-speed rail.

  In order to meet the needs of large passenger flow capacity in the Yangtze River Delta and North China, six pairs of high-speed trains going to North China via Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway were added. They are Shanghai-Beijing South G416/5th, Shanghai-Tianjin West G442/1st, Hangzhou East-Tianjin West G446/5th, Ningbo-Beijing South G420/19th, Shanghai Hongqiao-Jinan West G2062/1st, Shanghai Hongqiao-Qingdao North G2066/5th.

  In addition, the running time from Xining to Shanghai has been shortened from 32 hours and 29 minutes to 30 hours and 34 minutes now, with a compression of 1 hour and 55 minutes; The running time from Shanghai to Xining has been shortened from 31 hours and 53 minutes to 28 hours and 29 minutes now, with a compression of 3 hours and 24 minutes. A regular train from Qingdao to Baotou was changed to a direct train, and the adjusted one-way operation time was reduced by at least 1.5 hours.

  After the map adjustment, there are 615 trains stopped at Zhengzhou East Station, which is 126 more than the current map of 489 trains. After the map adjustment, Zhengzhou East Station will increase the number of high-speed trains to Yancheng, Lianyungang, Rizhao West, Huai ‘an, Suqian, Anqing, Ganzhou West and Ruijin, and there will be 124 high-speed trains on the three high-speed railway lines of Zhengzhou-Chongqing, Zhengzhou-Fuzhou and Jinggang, an increase of 40 trains compared with the transition period in the first month of opening.

  The railway department reminds that passengers who plan to travel should pay attention to the 12306 official website and station announcements in time, inquire about the relevant train information, grasp the changes of trains, and make a reasonable ride plan. At the same time, due to the changes in the number and time of some trains after the map adjustment, passengers must carefully check the ticket face information before boarding, so as not to delay the trip.

On the new urbanization and the development of real estate market: both "city" and "house" must be people-oriented

  On March 11th, He Jian (first from left), deputy to the National People’s Congress and director of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of Sichuan Province, and representatives from the same delegation discussed that the key to new urbanization is the citizenization of agricultural transfer population. Photo by our reporter Li Jinglu

  On the afternoon of March 11th, Huang Hongyun, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Chongqing Federation of Industry and Commerce, believed that housing enterprises needed to strengthen product innovation. Our reporter Li Shugui photo

  (Reporter Lin Huocan, Cui Wenyuan, He Wei, Liu Chang, Wu Bingze) The government work report pointed out that urbanization is the only way to modernization and the biggest domestic demand potential and development momentum in China. In the process of promoting new urbanization, how to deal with the stable and healthy development of the real estate market? The reporter of Economic Daily interviewed the delegates and members attending the two sessions of the National People’s Congress. They believe that only by adhering to "people-oriented" can new urbanization and real estate market achieve win-win development.

  Encourage agricultural transfer population to buy houses in cities.

  According to the government work report, this year, China will further promote new urbanization, focusing on three tasks: urbanization of agricultural transfer population, promoting the construction of urban affordable housing projects and the stable and healthy development of the real estate market, and strengthening the management of urban planning and construction.

  "Real estate enterprises should seize the opportunity brought by promoting new urbanization and share the market brought by the urbanization of agricultural transfer population ‘ Cake ’ 。” Chi Fulin, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and president of China (Hainan) Reform and Development Research Institute, said that by 2020, China’s urbanization rate may exceed 60%, which is expected to bring about 3.3 trillion yuan of new consumption, and housing consumption will become an important part of new consumption.

  Hu Baosen, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman of the board of directors of Jianye Group, said that at present, China’s real estate market is clearly divided, and the pressure of real estate destocking in third-and fourth-tier cities is relatively high. However, from the perspective of urbanization, a large number of agricultural migrants will settle in third-and fourth-tier cities, which will bring huge housing demand. In this sense, new urbanization will become the only way to realize the stable and healthy development of China’s real estate market.

  In order to further encourage the vast number of migrant workers to buy houses in cities, many places have shown "real tricks" to help the agricultural transfer population accelerate the process of citizenization.

  Fan Ping, deputy to the National People’s Congress and director of the Enterprise Management Center of Sichuan Jinxing Clean Energy Equipment Co., Ltd., said that as early as 2014, Meishan City, Sichuan Province launched an initiative to encourage migrant workers to buy houses in cities. For example, the "3+2" housing subsidy policy is implemented, that is, the government subsidizes 300 yuan per square meter of rural residents’ housing purchase, and enterprises give preferential treatment to 200 yuan.

  "This subsidy policy has played a very positive role in stimulating farmers’ enthusiasm for buying houses in cities." Deputy Fan Ping said that the process of "destocking" in Meishan City is accelerating, and the destocking cycle has been shortened from 21 months at the end of April 2015 to about 14 months at present.

  Open the conversion channel between commercial housing and affordable housing

  With the acceleration of new urbanization, all localities should not only accelerate the transformation of shanty towns and villages in cities, but also solve the housing security problem of a large number of rural migrants.

  However, it is not difficult to complete the task of providing affordable housing through government self-construction. Deputy Hu Baosen said that at present, there is a certain gap between the government-built policy housing and the needs of the people, while the commercial housing at the forefront of the market can better grasp the needs of the people in terms of apartment type, area and site selection.

  Therefore, opening the channel between commercial housing and affordable housing, and the government repurchasing commercial housing as affordable housing, has become an important exploration to promote the construction of affordable housing projects in cities and towns and the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

  Ni Qiang, deputy to the National People’s Congress and mayor of Haikou City, said that at present, there are plenty of public rental housing in Haikou City, but the people’s application enthusiasm is not high and the inventory is large. The government has cancelled the construction of public rental housing and switched to a two-way conversion channel between affordable housing and commercial housing to digest the inventory of affordable housing and commercial housing.

  "We are fully implementing the monetization subsidy policy for public rental housing, expanding the scope of public rental housing protection to non-registered population, and including urban lower-middle and low-income families with housing difficulties, newly employed employees, migrant workers and migrant workers into the scope of public rental housing protection." Deputy Ni Qiang said that in order to further intensify the destocking, Haikou City carried out the reform of the household registration system, making it clear that foreign household registration personnel over the age of 18 can apply for affordable housing such as price-limited commercial housing and low-rent housing if they have lived in Haikou City for more than 8 years.

  Zheng Xincong, deputy to the National People’s Congress and secretary of the Quanzhou Municipal Party Committee of Fujian Province, said that Quanzhou has issued an implementation plan to open the transition channel between commercial housing, affordable housing and resettlement housing. Some counties in Quanzhou are moderately repurchased by the government as affordable housing such as resettlement houses.

  "We gradually pay equal attention to physical security and monetary subsidies, and encourage those who meet the conditions of public rental housing to rent first-hand commercial housing. The municipal finance will give 30% rent subsidies, and encourage those who meet the conditions of price-limited housing to buy first-hand commercial housing, and the municipal finance will give subsidies." Deputy Zheng Xincong said that Quanzhou has also established a docking sales platform for commercial housing and households without housing. According to the principle of voluntariness, the housing provided by development enterprises at a price lower than the market price (85%) is included in the unified platform of government affordable housing and sold to the workers without housing in sanitation, public transportation, taxis and other industries.

  Increase the proportion of monetized resettlement in shed reform

  According to the government work report, 6 million shanty towns will be renovated this year, and the proportion of monetized resettlement will be increased.

  He Jian, deputy to the National People’s Congress and director of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, said that by 2020, Sichuan Province should basically complete the goal of transforming urban dilapidated shanty towns. "We will make every effort to promote monetized resettlement according to local conditions, and strive to achieve a monetized resettlement ratio of over 50%". Moreover, in the renovation of dilapidated shanty towns, the government will increase financial input, raise funds through multiple channels, ensure that local government bonds are given priority for related construction, and promote the implementation of security factors such as land and funds. At the same time, it will also accelerate the government’s purchase of shed reform services.

  "The implementation of monetized resettlement will not only meet the wishes of the masses, but also improve the production and living conditions of the people in need in a short time and improve the resettlement efficiency." Zheng Weiyong, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman of Zhongxin Town People’s Congress in Daozhen, Guizhou Province, said. In order to carry out the relocation project of ecological immigrants, Zhongxin Town plans to relocate 218 households this year, and 200 households are willing to implement monetary resettlement. Deputy Zheng Weiyong suggested that in the process of monetary resettlement, in addition to giving farmers reasonable resettlement funds, they should also work closely with the financial sector to increase the credit line, solve the mortgage problem and provide them with necessary loan support for buying houses in cities.

Green financial point "green" into "gold"

  Core reading

  Green finance has great potential in supporting environmental improvement, coping with climate change and saving and efficient use of resources. In recent years, Chongqing has always adhered to the concept of "two mountains", focused on developing green finance, established a "Yangtze River Green Financing" green financial big data integrated service system, promoted a long-term mechanism for the docking of government, banks and enterprises, and built a green development system. With the implementation of innovative reform measures, economic benefits and ecological benefits have gradually become prominent.

  "The crops in the field are not growing well, and the villagers rely on the mountains to eat mountains and stare at the trees on the mountains." Talking about previous years’ experience, Xie Changlin, a villager from Hongan Village, Lantian Township, Chengkou County, Chongqing, shook his head.

  Seeing the environment getting worse day by day, the government decided to carry out ecological relocation. But there is no money in hand, how can you move out? After learning the situation, Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank developed a new mode of rural property mortgage financing after investigation, and handled "beautiful countryside Housing Loan" for local farmers. With money, farmers transform and decorate their houses, and some people also open farmhouses to attract summer tourists around them and have a tourist meal at their doorstep.

  From the declaration and creation in early 2019 to the final approval of the green financial reform and innovation pilot zone in August this year, Chongqing’s green development has continuously taken new steps. By the end of September 2022, the balance of green loans in the city reached 497.233 billion yuan, 2.8 times that of the beginning of 2019, up 40.2% year-on-year, 32.5 percentage points higher than the growth rate of various loans in the city; Green loans accounted for nearly 10% of the balance of various loans, a significant increase of 4.5 percentage points compared with the beginning of 2019; The balance of green bonds exceeded 35.7 billion yuan, 2.7 times that of the beginning of 2019.

  Look at the benefits — —

  Inclusive effect, green finance and ecological civilization blend and help each other

  From garbage incineration power generation to sewage treatment, from comprehensive improvement of waterfront coastline to energy-saving and environmental protection transformation, from green transportation industry credit to beautiful countryside housing credit support & HELIP; … In recent years, green finance has become the key development direction of major banks in Chongqing.

  Fengdu County, located in the hinterland of the Three Gorges reservoir area, is rich in wind energy resources and attracts many wind power projects. The outstanding characteristics of green projects are long term and low income, especially the need for long-term credit funds. "I didn’t pay much attention to wind power a few years ago. With the development of green finance, banks are now rushing to invest. Green finance means quality assets for our bank. " The relevant person in charge of Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank Company told the reporter.

  In Lianhuashan Wind Farm in Fengdu County, a fan stands on the rolling hills, and the long fan blades are constantly turning. At the beginning of this year, the third-phase wind power project of Lianhuashan and Wudongyan invested by Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank started construction. It is planned to be connected to the grid for power generation by the end of this year, with a total installed capacity of 80,000 kilowatts and a total investment of 600 million yuan. It is estimated that the annual power generation will be 160 million kWh, which can supply green power energy to 80,000 households every year, save 47,000 tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 123,000 tons.

  "We will persist in developing clean energy and build Fengdu into a ‘ Green battery ’ 。” Deng Qinghua, director of the Development and Reform Commission of Fengdu County, told reporters that with the support of green finance, Fengdu will attract investment to introduce a number of clean energy projects, continuously optimize the energy supply structure, and strive to build a clean energy demonstration base in Chongqing by 2035.

  Look at the practice — —

  Form a mechanism to solve the problem of project identification

  "It’s hard to imagine that we were still worried about project funds last year." Standing in the ecological tea garden in Dingshi Town, Youyang Tujia and Miao Autonomous County, Luo Li, the project leader, was filled with emotion. In April, 2021, the project was still in the stage of development and construction, with a large initial investment, and "poor money" became an insurmountable hurdle. Just when there was nothing to do, Chongqing Bank took the initiative to find the door and provided credit support.

  "Identifying green projects is not an easy job. In the past, several indicators needed to be identified manually, which was very inefficient. " Tian Pan, the account manager of Chongqing Bank, told the reporter, "Now there is ‘ Yangtze River Lvrongtong ’ The system can automatically calculate the environmental benefits of the project, and the efficiency is greatly improved. The ecological tea garden project was pushed to us by the system. "

  The "Yangtze River Green Financing" in Tian Pankou is a green financial big data comprehensive service system created by Chongqing Business Management Department of China People’s Bank. "We work with the Municipal Development and Reform Commission and the Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment to formulate the evaluation criteria for green projects (enterprises). Based on this, we embed the intelligent identification function of green financial standards in the system and release the identified green financing demand information to financial institutions in a timely manner." Han Xintao, deputy director of the Financial Research Department of Chongqing Business Management Department of China People’s Bank, told the reporter, "With this system, in the past, enterprises were looking for banks, and now banks are looking for enterprises."

  At present, the "Yangtze River Green Financing" system has been connected to all branches under the jurisdiction of Chongqing Business Management Department of the People’s Bank of China and some district and county governments, and connected to nearly 100 financial institutions, helping the city to form a long-term mechanism of "government recommended projects+green smart identification+system push projects+independent docking of banks". By the end of September, 2022, the system had collected and launched 1,860 green projects (enterprises) at the municipal, district and county levels, among which nearly 1,000 projects were successfully connected with banks.

  Look at development — —

  Transformation and upgrading, building a green development system

  "I didn’t expect that pollution rights can also be loaned, and the interest rate is more favorable than general loans." After successfully obtaining the pledge loan of 100 million yuan from Chongqing Bank for emission rights, the relevant person in charge of Chongqing International Composite Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "International Composite Materials") could not help feeling.

  International composite materials is a "green factory" in the glass fiber industry assessed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. By introducing advanced waste treatment technologies at home and abroad, pollutants are effectively controlled. After learning that the enterprise has the capital demand to expand the scale of production and operation, the credit staff of Chongqing Bank took the initiative to come to the door to match the emission pledge loan product, which changed the emission right of the enterprise from a "sleeping asset" to a "flowing fund", promoted the enterprise’s energy conservation and emission reduction, and helped improve the ecological environment.

  "The specific connotation of green finance in different regions should be combined with the actual situation of local industries." Huang Yingjun, a professor at the School of Economics and Business Administration of Chongqing University, believes that "Chongqing is one of the six old industrial bases in China, facing the pressure of transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and always emphasizes promoting the coordinated development of green industries and green finance."

  In recent years, Chongqing has made great efforts to innovate mechanisms to promote financial institutions to accelerate the "low-carbon" allocation of financial resources, promote the rapid growth of the scale of green finance, and help the real economy accelerate the green transformation.

  Relying on self-regulatory organizations in the financial industry, Chongqing advocates financial institutions to disclose environmental information from the perspectives of green financial development plan, green loan investment and carbon emission reduction generated by loans. In 2022, 75 financial institutions in the city disclosed the annual environmental information in 2021, among which 30 institutions added green project loans in 2021 with an average carbon emission reduction of 489,800 tons. At the same time, the data of green loans, green bonds, green financial leases and green bills of financial institutions are collected monthly, and a green performance evaluation table is generated according to the requirements of the Green Finance Evaluation Plan for Banking Financial Institutions of the People’s Bank of China, which is included in the rating of financial institutions of the central bank, and a total of 2 billion yuan of "green easy loans" and 5 billion yuan of "green ticket pass" rediscount tools are provided to encourage them to increase capital investment in green projects.

  A steady stream of financial living water is constantly helping Chongqing’s industrial transformation and upgrading — — In Chongqing Liangjiang New District, relying on the mature automobile industry system with an annual output of nearly one million units, explore the development of automobile green supply chain finance; In Nan ‘an District, Guangyang Island Zhichuang Eco-city will carry out the construction of financial support zero-carbon demonstration zone; In Wanzhou District, carry out the product innovation of financial support for ecological agriculture and recreational tourism … …

  "In the future, Chongqing will continue to promote supply-side structural reforms and upgrade traditional manufacturing industries. Green transformation is imperative and green finance has a broad space for development." Huang Yingjun told reporters.

Chongqing International Talent Exchange Conference "Surfing the Waves and Running Forever" opened in Yongchuan, Chongqing.

On December 15th, Chongqing International Talent Exchange Conference "Surfing the Waves and Running Forever" opened in Yongchuan Convention and Exhibition Center, Chongqing. Nearly 500 academicians of the two academies, doctors and postdoctoral students from well-known universities at home and abroad, representatives from overseas Chinese and enterprises gathered together to seek common development and talk about the future, and jointly draw a beautiful blueprint for talents to lead innovation and innovation-driven development. Academician He Jishan and Peng Suping of China Academy of Engineering attended the event.
Event site. (Photo courtesy)
There are not only young doctoral representatives introduced full-time but also high-level talents introduced in the form of "specially invited experts". Five academicians of the two academies, including Huang Weihe and Luo An, and five top talents in the industry, including Xia Qingyou, Fang Ning and Xie Yingchao, were employed as special experts for decision-making consultation in Yongchuan District. Sichuan-Chongqing Zhi Gong Dang Overseas Chinese Poster Country Practice Base, Nordic Talent Liaison Service Station and Academician He Jishan Workstation were established one after another.
The breakout activity Mingjing International Young Talents Forum received more than 200 doctoral applications from famous universities and research institutions at home and abroad, and more than 60 outstanding young talents who met the development needs of the school came to communicate and dock forever. Among them, 18 doctors successfully passed the examination and entered the follow-up recruitment review process, and 9 doctors are willing to learn more.
During the activities of the conference, 225 high-level talents in short supply were registered by institutions in the whole region, and 26 professionals in the field of education and health entered the follow-up procedures through interviews. During the activities of the conference, the whole region has introduced more than 210 talents of all levels and types, and established more than 120 talent contacts.
The conference organically integrated attracting talents and attracting investment, and based on "talents lead innovation, innovation promotes industries, and industries gather talents", signed 36 projects with a total investment of 22.7 billion yuan. This signing project involves intelligent networked new energy vehicles, new energy motorcycles, intelligent equipment, deep processing of quartz sand, fiber and composite materials, paper and paper products, meta-universe, science and technology film and television and many other industrial fields. Among them, Chengdu Haidekang Pharmaceutical invested 2 billion yuan to build an international high-end innovative pharmaceutical preparation production base; Xinyi Group (Glass) invested 1.82 billion yuan to build high-end float and Low-E glass production projects, which will provide important kinetic energy for the development of Yongchuan advanced materials industry. In addition, more than 10 cutting-edge scientific and technological projects in the future have been reserved through this conference.
At the signing ceremony. (Photo courtesy)
According to reports, Yongchuan iteratively issued the "Several Measures on Further Strengthening Talent Work", forming a more active and open policy system around the whole chain of talents "introducing, educating and retaining". Focus on "one thing" in the whole cycle of talent innovation and entrepreneurship, improve and perfect the talent information resource database, and realize multi-span collaboration in the talent field and "free application and enjoyment" in the talent policy. Upgrade the "one-stop" service platform for talents, implement the "Yongchuan talent service card", open the "96008" talent service line, provide "housekeeper-style" consulting service for talents 24 hours a day, and build more than 3,500 sets of "carrying bags" talent apartments to actively create a good atmosphere for talents to innovate and start businesses.
On the same day, the first Mingjing International Young Talents Forum and the "Two Bases" high-quality development academician expert symposium were also held. On the evening of the activity, Yongchuan received good news: Yongchuan won the title of "Best Employer of the Year in China" in 2023 by the National Development Research Institute of Peking University, Peking University Social Investigation and Research Center and Zhaopin.
Zhang Zhikui, secretary of Chongqing Yongchuan District Party Committee, said that Yongchuan has always placed talent work in a prominent position, focused on revitalizing the city by gathering people, promoting production by retaining people in the city, and educating people in schools to improve production, and further promoting the talent gathering project of "chasing the waves and running forever" and accelerating the construction of influential talent centers and innovative highlands in the Shuangcheng Economic Circle in Chengdu and Chongqing. Yongchuan will help all kinds of talents to pursue dreams, build dreams and realize dreams with the greatest sincerity, the best environment and the best service.
It is understood that Yongchuan has a total of 192,300 talents, more than 460 high-level talents above the municipal level, 17 colleges and universities, and 180,000 students. It has built 374 talent development platforms such as Chongqing Yungu Big Data Industrial Park National Science and Technology Business Incubator and Chongqing Meta-Universe Technology Innovation Center. (China Daily Chongqing reporter station Tan Yingzi)
Source: China Daily.

Focusing on World Peace and Stable Development and Contributing to China’s Smart China Program (100 foreign political party politicians see the CCP)

  Figure 1: Aken Suwell, Chairman of Marmara Strategic and Social Research Foundation in Turkey.

Figure ②: Wu Wending, editor-in-chief of North Star magazine in Myanmar.

Fig. 3: awad, deputy editor-in-chief and expert on international issues.

Figure ④: Bubacar Seyni Gagaha, Deputy Secretary of Propaganda of the Socialist Party of Niger.

Information picture

  Montenegro North-South Expressway Project undertaken by China enterprises. image china

  From reform and opening up to overall poverty alleviation, from building the Community of Shared Future for Mankind concept to building a "the belt and road initiative", under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), China not only strode forward on the journey of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, but also continuously contributed China wisdom and China plan to world peace, stability and development, which won universal recognition from international people.

  Wu Wending, editor-in-chief of North Star magazine in Myanmar — —

  Based on the long-term, promote the continuous development of China.

  Our reporter Li Bingxin Zhou Zhuobin

  "I have been to many places in China, and I personally realized that the Communist Party of China (CPC) kept in mind the iron oath. I saw with my own eyes that the Communist Party of China (CPC) would not let a minority brother fall behind and always let the people of the whole country get rid of poverty and get rich together." Wu Wending, editor-in-chief of North Star magazine in Myanmar, has been paying close attention to the development of China. He said, "The deeper you know about China, the more you admire the Communist Party of China (CPC). I deeply feel that we and the people of China are a community of destiny. "

  Wu Wending knows a lot about China’s development achievements. He has been paying close attention to the Communist Party of China (CPC) news for a long time and kept close communication with his counterparts in China media. In recent years, he has reported on the high-level dialogue between the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the world’s political parties, and has come to China for many times to participate in the "the belt and road initiative" media cooperation forum and the Lancang River — Media exchange activities such as Mekong River Cooperation Media Summit. In 2017, at the invitation of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee and People’s Daily, Wu Wending participated in the "Asian Mainstream Media Investigation Group" and went to Beijing and Gansu for interviews and exchanges. What I saw and heard in China gave Wu Wending a deep understanding of the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s ruling philosophy. In Wu Wending’s view, it is under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) that great changes have taken place in China from poverty and weakness in the past to prosperity and strength now.

  During the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Wu Wending came to China and made a lot of reports on many topics, such as ecological environment protection, grassroots pension, coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, and media integration development. After visiting the large-scale achievement exhibition of "Five Years of Hard Work", Wu Wending expressed sincere admiration for the brilliant achievements made by the Communist Party of China (CPC) in leading the people of China, and wrote a poem entitled "Red Star Shining in China" to express his admiration for the Communist Party of China (CPC). “‘ The Communist Party of China (CPC) comes from the people, lives for the people and prospers for the people ’ ‘ The Communist Party of China (CPC) is a party that strives for happiness for the people of China, and it is also a party that strives for the cause of human progress ’ I think that the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s feelings for the people are well reflected in these words. " He said.


  Aken Suwell, Chairman of Marmara Strategic and Social Research Foundation in Turkey — —

  Benign interaction makes China society full of vitality.

  Our reporter Wang Chuanbao

  "The secret of China’s rapid growth into the world’s second largest economy lies in the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s strong leadership." Aken Suwell, Chairman of the Turkish Marmara Foundation for Strategic and Social Research, pointed out in an interview with this reporter that China, with a population of more than 1.4 billion, cannot move towards development and prosperity without effective policies and development roadmap formulated by the Communist Party of China (CPC).

  Suwell has been engaged in journalism for more than 20 years and interviewed leaders of many countries. He is a well-known current affairs critic in Turkey. In 1998, Sewell became the chairman of the Marmara Foundation for Strategic and Social Studies and founded the Eurasian Economic Summit, aiming at establishing a dialogue mechanism and promoting regional dispute settlement and peaceful development.

  Su Wei’s unique life experience gave him a profound understanding of human development. He believed that the Communist Party of China (CPC) had distinct principles and characteristics, always adhered to the people-oriented development concept, and made unremitting efforts to promote equality of rights, opportunities and rules, which won wide support from the people. The people believe in the Party, and the Party takes the people as the center. The benign interaction makes China society full of vitality.

  In 2013, China put forward the initiative of building a "the belt and road initiative" by coordinating the overall situation at home and abroad and focusing on the future of human development. This initiative follows the principle of co-construction, co-construction and sharing, and is strongly recognized by Sowell. He said, "the belt and road initiative" is an important peace project, which closely links the east and west ends of Asia, promotes economic cooperation and cultural integration, and lays a new foundation for human civilization and progress. "Build ‘ The belt and road initiative ’ It is not only the need to develop the economy and achieve a win-win situation, but also the requirement of the times and peace. " In order to deeply understand and study how to build a "the belt and road initiative", Sowell visited China for more than 10 times, exchanged ideas with China scholars, and introduced them to people from all walks of life after returning home. In the opening speech of the 22nd Eurasian Economic Summit held in 2019, Sowell repeatedly mentioned the joint construction of "the belt and road initiative", and this initiative became one of the important topics of the summit.

  Sowell said that last year, in the face of the sudden COVID-19 epidemic, the China government quickly took effective measures to control the spread of the epidemic, and became the only major economy in the world that achieved positive economic growth, fully demonstrating its institutional advantages. Sowell told reporters that he and his wife were vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine from China. He said with emotion: "In this fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, the government and people of China not only fought for their own country, but also provided a lot of support and help to other countries in the world, such as vaccines, medicines and equipment from COVID-19. China’s concept of building Community of Shared Future for Mankind is becoming an ideological driving force to encourage countries to work together to deal with the epidemic. "

  Sewell pointed out that it is a great historical achievement for a political party to last for a hundred years. As a century-old party, the Communist Party of China (CPC) is full of infinite vitality. I believe that with its unremitting efforts, China will make new contributions to the development of human civilization.

  Awad, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Sudan’s Shout and an expert on international issues — —

  An active and promising member of the international community.

  Our reporter Shang Kaiyuan




  Awad visited China for the first time in 2016 and participated in the first Asian-African Youth Festival. This experience provided him with an opportunity to get to know China on the spot. "The people of China have many advantages, such as seriousness and perseverance." Since then, he has visited China many times to participate in exchange activities, and his understanding of China is getting deeper and deeper. In awad’s view, the people of China are eager to know the world and hope to build a bridge of cooperation. the Communist Party of China (CPC) has also carried out constructive exchanges with political parties of various countries to promote cooperation and mutual trust between countries. "the Communist Party of China (CPC) is the largest political party in the world, and many political parties want to know their practical experience accumulated on the road to realizing the great rejuvenation of the nation." Awad said.

  Awad was deeply touched by China’s efforts to strengthen cooperation among countries in the world. China proposed to build a "the belt and road initiative" to promote policy communication, facilities connectivity, smooth trade, financial intermediation and popular support among countries. He said: "China is committed to pursuing common interests, realizing the common well-being of people of all countries and building a better world."

  During the epidemic prevention and control in COVID-19, China launched an initiative of uniting against the epidemic to the world, helping other countries to fight the epidemic with practical actions. Awad said: "This highlights that China is an active member of the international community and has a great influence on the just cause of the international community." At present, global economic recovery requires countries, especially major economies, to strengthen cooperation, and awad expects China to play a greater role in it.

  Bubacar Seyni Gagaha, Deputy Secretary of Propaganda of Niger People’s Socialist Party — —

  Not only maintain historical continuity, but also keep pace with the times.

  Our reporter Qiang Wei

  Bubacar Seyni Gagaha is the Deputy Secretary of Propaganda of the Niger ruling Party for Democracy and Socialism (PDPS) and the Director of the Archives Department of the Ministry of National Defense. In an interview with reporters recently, he said that he sincerely admired the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s century-long development. "Especially during the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic, the world saw more clearly the institutional advantages of China under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and the People’s Socialist Party also regarded the Communist Party of China (CPC) as a role model for political parties."

  In July 2017, at the invitation of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee, Gagaha led a youth delegation of the People’s Socialist Party to visit China and visit Beijing, Shanghai, Ningbo, Chengdu and other cities. Before the visit, the members of the delegation knew little about China, especially the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s ruling style. "Through this visit, we found that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the socialist democracy promoted by China is the most extensive, authentic and effective democracy. In China, the equal rights of the people are effectively guaranteed, and people of all ethnic groups are represented in the national legislature, and their legitimate rights and interests in all aspects can be safeguarded. " Gagaha said that another feature of China’s socialist democracy is the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system led by the Communist Party of China (CPC). "This system unites all forces to the greatest extent and breaks down obstacles for the sustainable development of China."



  In the interview, Gagaha told a story around him: "I chatted with a stranger while drinking tea at a street tea stall the other day. He told me that we should thank China. It is because of China that we can now have motorcycles running all over the street, watch TV and listen to radios that can be bought for one or two thousand CFA francs (about one hundred and twenty yuan). " Gagaha said: "This shows the influence of China on the development of Niger and Africa. The process of global industrialization has already started, but ordinary people in African countries have really begun to enjoy industrialized products more generally, which is inseparable from the role and influence of China’s rapid development in recent decades. "

  "The People’s Socialist Party has always regarded the Communist Party of China (CPC) as a rare true partner. We know that China and the Communist Party of China (CPC) really care about African countries and are really willing to help us develop. " Gagaha said with emotion.

  Layout design: Shen Yiling

5: 00 a. m. The domestic media made a controversial decision: China football became the winner, and the fans screamed.

At 5: 00 am on October 31st, Beijing time, the latest news came from China Football. According to the domestic media "Football Daily", Titipan, the main midfielder of Thailand team, was seriously injured, and it was difficult for Dangda to play in China. This report also caused great controversy and discussion.

"Football Daily" wrote: "In the third round of the AFC Champions League in Bangkok, Titipan, the main midfielder of the Thai team, suffered tears in the anterior cruciate ligament and medial collateral ligament of his knee, and he will face a long recovery period of at least 8 months after the operation.

In addition to Titipan, 35-year-old striker Dangda also missed at least four weeks due to injury, making it difficult to catch up with Thailand’s home game against China on November 16th. Dangda is the third shooter in the history of Thailand. "

It can be seen from the report in Football News that China football has become the winner, and Thailand’s main players were injured before the preliminaries started. Although the media did not disclose more information, China now needs to rely on the injured opponents to win, which still attracted a lot of fans’ condemnation.

Some fans said: "They have all fallen to hope that others will get hurt and even be sent off. It is still Thailand. You can imagine what the level of football in China is. " Some fans also said: "It’s useless, the men’s football team still can’t win."

Of course, some fans said: "All the benefits are vulnerable in front of a stable national football team. The Japanese team and the European powers have played back and forth. We are still here to discuss with Thailand and Vietnam how we can not lose. It is really a laugh. "