The delivery guy has become a group with a high incidence of traffic accidents! Why is the "reasonable" algorithm "out of control"?

  Recently, the professional difficulties of some online platform takeaway brothers have attracted much attention to takeaway platforms and algorithm systems.

  "Xinhua View" reporter survey found that takeaway brothers have become a high-risk group of traffic accidents, and the algorithm labeled as accurate, reasonable and optimized has triggered extensive discussion in the industry.

  "The first thing I think of when I get up from a crash is not to time out"

  In recent years, the booming takeaway industry has reshaped people’s daily lives and become an important breakthrough point for economic development and employment in various places. According to a report released by Meituan, in 2019, the total number of takeaway riders who earned income through the platform reached 3.987 million, an increase of 23.3% over 2018; in the first half of this year, the total number of riders who earned income on the Meituan platform reached 2.952 million, a significant increase of 16.4% year-on-year.

  The relatively high income, stable salary payment and flexible working hours are the reasons why many workers are attracted to the food delivery industry. Wu Zhaoyun, a 35-year-old food delivery brother in Guangzhou, said that he has worked in factories, hotels and property companies. Since joining the food delivery team in 2017, he "feels that this career is very promising."

  While the number of takeaway riders continues to grow, takeaway brothers have become a group with a high incidence of traffic accidents. In recent years, there have been vicious traffic accidents in many places in China where takeaway brothers have caused deaths due to running red lights and violating the rules.

  The reporter learned from the Shenzhen traffic police department that in August this year alone, Shenzhen investigated and dealt with 12,000 traffic violations in the express delivery and takeaway food delivery industry, accounting for more than 10% of the total number of non-motor vehicle violations. The Shanghai medical emergency center healthcare workers said that they would encounter rider-related orders every week in August.

  "Rush" is the core reason. One rider said the delivery time given to him by the platform around 2018 was 40 minutes per order, but it was later compressed to 30 minutes. "Sometimes it takes 20 minutes to get takeaway from the merchant, and the remaining 10 minutes I have to ride 3km, run into the community, and wait for the elevator to go upstairs," he said.

  The main basis for the platform to compress time is the algorithm system based on big data and artificial intelligence. There is also a complete set of strict assessment mechanisms in cooperation with the algorithm system: on the one hand, the takeaway platform incentivizes takeaway riders to receive as many orders as possible with "price-per-order"; on the other hand, the platform strictly restricts riders through assessments such as on-time rate, bad review rate, and cancellation of order volume due to delivery reasons. The reduction in on-time rate means that takeaway riders lose the "order-taking advantage" in the platform’s algorithm, and will also be reduced in the internal ranking, missing various rewards.

  This "algorithm plus assessment" mechanism has multiplied the psychological pressure of practitioners. One rider said that once he collided with an electric car, "the first thing he thought of when he got up was that he couldn’t time out, and he didn’t care about how the other party and himself were injured. Now I think it’s ridiculous."

  Why are algorithms "out of control"?

  Several industry insiders believe that the deep problems behind the "algorithmic dilemma" deserve attention.

  On the one hand, the platform is "competing to the bottom", resulting in the "imbalance" of the algorithm.

  Data show that as of the second quarter of 2020, Meituan takeaway and have captured nearly 95% of the market share in the takeaway industry.

  Ma Liang, a professor at the School of Public Administration of Renmin University of China, believes that the short and concentrated characteristics of the takeaway industry determine that competition among enterprises is increasingly focused on the speed of food delivery, resulting in algorithms that should have integrated multiple indicators, ignoring the safety and stress of riders.

  "The food delivery industry has actually formed a’race to the bottom ‘, that is, constantly testing the bottom line indicator of delivery time. After exhausting all the competitive parameters, the pressure is pushed to the rider, resulting in the rider being at the limit and overloaded," he said.

  On the other hand, complex employment relationships lead to the transfer of risk, resulting in the algorithm’s "default".

  The reporter learned from the research that most food delivery riders have formed a complex employment relationship with the food delivery platform. Many food delivery riders often do not sign contracts directly with the platform, but sign contracts with third-party labor service companies through some apps, and the labor service companies change frequently. When an accident occurs, it is easy to lead to multiple parties kicking each other.

  In a case of a takeaway rider hitting a pedestrian, the rider said that he joined a takeaway platform in September 2018. At first, the labor agreement on the app showed that the employer was Ningbo Yumi Company; in August 2019, the agreement on the app was changed to Hangzhou Bangmang Company. He did not know who the employer was. During the court hearing after the accident, neither Ningbo Yumi nor Hangzhou Bangmang admitted that Huang was his employee.

  Liu Bo, the judge of the Huangpu District People’s Court in Guangzhou who was in charge of the case, said that in terms of the contract, the relationship between the rider and the labor service company is a labor relationship, but in fact the relationship between the labor service company and the rider is very loose. The platform uses the number of orders received and customer complaints to assess the rider, acting as an "employer." In the event of a traffic accident, the platform hides behind the labor service company and does not take any responsibility.

  Under the current laws and regulations, the traffic police cannot punish the enterprise, but only the rider. In the event of a traffic accident, the rider, not the enterprise, needs to bear the cost of violating the law and the risk of disability and death.

  Algorithms alone are not enough

  In the face of social doubts, said it would launch new features as soon as possible – "I am willing to wait 5 minutes/10 minutes more" buttons for consumers to choose from, while Meituan said it would improve the scheduling system to give riders 8 minutes of flexible time.

  Some interviewees believe that to solve the dilemma faced by takeaway riders, the most important thing is that platform companies can face up to, respect, and truly protect the rights and interests of workers, rather than allowing algorithms to become cold tools that only make money for enterprises.

  In recent years, in the face of the challenges of emerging business models, many places have begun to increase management efforts. For example, Foshan, Guangdong has built 89 fixed traffic safety education points to increase traffic safety education for delivery couriers and other groups; for takeaway enterprises with many traffic violations and weak traffic safety management, Foshan public security traffic police organized interviews with business leaders.

  Ma Liang suggested that the emerging business will inevitably pose an impact and challenge to the existing laws and regulations, and the general laws involving the protection of workers’ rights and interests, occupational safety, and safe production need to be revised in a timely manner. Issues directly related to a certain industry also need to be responded to in a timely manner by new regulations.

  In addition, the problems of the food delivery industry involve multiple departments, and the main regulatory departments should be further clarified to correct the disorderly competition behavior. Ma Liang also suggested that the food delivery riders belong to the "safety production problem in the flow" and should also be included in the assessment system of local governments to strengthen the local government’s supervision and law enforcement responsibilities. (Reporters Wang Pan, Ma Xiaocheng, Hu Lingguo, participated in writing: Mao Yizhu, Mao Xin)

The new version of Huawei Cloud Stack was released heavily, empowering government and enterprises to move towards deep use of the cloud.

Today (December 22nd), Huawei Cloud Stack Strategy and New Product Launch Conference with the theme of "Deep Use of Cloud by Government and Enterprises, Release of Digital Productivity" was held online. Huawei Cloud put forward three key measures to empower government and enterprises to move towards deep use of cloud, and released a new version of Huawei Cloud Stack 8.2.

Digital pioneers accelerate towards "deep use of the cloud"

In the past few years, the penetration rate of cloud services of enterprises in China has greatly increased, and it has become an industry consensus to carry out digital transformation of the industry based on the cloud. With the gradual deepening of digital transformation, how to further play the value of cloud and empower business innovation has become a top priority. A group of digital pioneers have taken action to accelerate the move towards "deep use of the cloud" and bring a new round of digital leap.

Zhang Pingan, CEO of Huawei Cloud, said: "Deep use of cloud is bringing a new round of innovation impetus to the industry. Huawei Cloud insists on depositing the latest cloud native technology, Huawei’s own digital transformation experience and excellent practices of global partners on the cloud, which is open to all customers and available at any time. At the same time, join hands with the Legion and partners to create scenario solutions for customers and provide consulting, application integration and other services to help enterprises use the cloud in depth. "

Three major measures to boost government and enterprises to use the cloud in depth

Huawei Cloud Stack is Huawei Cloud’s cloud solution for large-scale government and enterprise customers, and it is also an important starting point for Huawei Cloud to promote the deep cloud strategy of government and enterprises. As a cloud infrastructure deployed in customers’ local data centers, Huawei Cloud Stack takes into account security compliance and continuous innovation of cloud services to create a safe, reliable and efficient hybrid cloud.

In order to help government and enterprise customers cope with the common challenges of deep use of cloud, Shang Haifeng, president of Huawei Cloud Stack, put forward three key measures around "making technology easy to use, making scenarios simple and making experiences reproducible" to help government and enterprise move from business cloud to deep use of cloud and release digital productivity.

Shang Haifeng, President of Huawei Cloud Stack

First of all, build the best digital base of the industry and make the technology easy to use. By strengthening technical adaptation, we will continue to cooperate with Huawei Cloud Stack and ICT products, recommend the best product combination for government and enterprise customers, and reduce the difficulty of selection. At the same time, continue to enhance the key capabilities of cloud native disaster tolerance, security and application modernization, so that users no longer pay attention to the underlying technology and lower the development threshold. In addition, by transforming the methodology and tools of AI development, application integration and data governance into production lines, the complex processes are standardized and visualized, and at the same time, the industry experience is transformed into API through aPaaS, which can be directly called by other industries.

Secondly, the industry scenario scheme is standardized to make the scenario simple. In view of the diverse application scenarios of government and enterprises, Huawei Cloud Stack adheres to the strategy of taking industry scenarios as the core, continuous operation and ecological two-wheel drive. Cooperate with eco-partners, make the hardware, cloud service combination, networking, configuration and application into standardized solutions, simplify the scene, and continuously precipitate the processes and tools such as migration, optimization and operation and maintenance, so as to standardize the continuous operation process.

Finally, continue to precipitate excellent practices so that experience can be replicated. Huawei has precipitated its own digital transformation experience and best practices of cloudization in various industries into professional services, so that more industries can benefit from it. At present, more than 70 professional services in 8 categories have been launched, which run through all stages of cloud construction, cloud access, cloud use and cloud management. At the same time, more than 500 high-frequency government and enterprise applications have been deposited in the Huawei Cloud Stack area of the cloud store, and an application distribution platform more suitable for government and enterprises has been continuously built.

The new version of Huawei Cloud Stack 8.2 is released: intelligent evolution, creating a new benchmark for deep cloud use.

Based on the understanding of the common needs of government and enterprises for deep cloud use, Huawei Cloud released a new version of Huawei Cloud Stack 8.2, creating a new benchmark for deep cloud use and releasing digital productivity. The new version will bring three major upgrades:

First, strengthen the base and upgrade the resilience: further enhance the ability of cloud-side collaboration, including efficient collaboration in application, data, resources, management and other dimensions to meet the requirements of flexible deployment of applications in different regions and organizational levels; Providing full-stack cloud services from IaaS and PaaS to database and AI is highly available, and the application can realize double activity in the same city and disaster tolerance in different places without modification. In terms of security, a security cloud brain +7-layer security defense line presets more than 200 types of security data and provides more than 100 security disposal plans to make 99% of security incidents closed in minutes.

Second, innovation on the cloud, intelligent upgrade: AI training, intelligent hub, industrial Internet and other capabilities have been put on the ground, helping innovation on the cloud and realizing intelligent upgrade. Through key schemes such as urban intelligent hub and Pangu mine model, intelligence is integrated into the main scene of urban governance and the main process of industrial development; At the same time, artificial experience is transformed into industry intelligence to realize scale application and continuous iterative optimization in industry scenarios.

Third, deepen the industry and upgrade the scene: continue to deepen the industry scene, release the scene schemes such as mining industry Internet, financial distributed new core, financial integration, and urban digital twin, and continue to deepen the industry and upgrade the scene.

Find technology for the industry and go deep into the scene to create value.

At present, for government affairs, finance, transportation, energy, manufacturing and other industries, Huawei Cloud Stack has released more than 30 baseline scenario solutions, continued to go deep into industry scenarios, and become a fellow traveler in the intelligent upgrade of the industry.

In the field of urban governance, Huawei Cloud Stack provides urban intelligent hub solutions, realizing intelligent perception, intelligent disposal and intelligent distribution of urban events based on AI, and improving the efficiency of urban governance. Facing the future, it will also provide urban digital twin solutions, fully empower innovations in water conservancy, environmental protection, transportation and other industries, and stimulate new vitality of the city. In Futian District, Shenzhen, manual distribution has been replaced by intelligent distribution, and the processing efficiency of each order has been accelerated from the original average of 4 minutes to 50 seconds, with an accuracy rate of over 90%.

In the field of smart mines, Huawei Cloud Stack provides industrial Internet solutions, realizes massive equipment access, and improves production efficiency through industrial big data platform fusion analysis. At the same time, through the Pangu mine model, a large number of samples and mining industry knowledge are pre-trained, and artificial experience is transformed into industry intelligence. Hongliulin Mining Industry of Shaanxi Coal Group realized the "holographic perception" of fully mechanized mining face by building the industry’s first mining industry Internet, which increased the intelligent mining rate to 97.7%, reduced the number of underground workers by 47% and improved the maintenance efficiency by 30%.

In the field of smart finance, Huawei Cloud Stack provides a new core solution for financial distribution, which helps financial customers realize the distributed transformation of core business through super-large-scale cloud native infrastructure, GaussDB distributed database, and integrated deployment of IaaS and PaaS. The new-generation distributed core system of Postal Savings Bank provides an average daily processing capacity of 2 billion transactions for more than 600 million individual customers of the whole bank, doubling the online transaction processing efficiency and increasing the batch processing efficiency by 33%.

In the field of smart finance, Huawei Cloud Stack provides financial integration and financial big data solutions. At the meeting, Hu Yuhai, vice president of Huawei Cloud Stack, and Shaanxi Finance, Hubei Finance and Jiangsu Finance jointly released the White Paper on Best Practices of Financial Digitization to jointly promote the transformation of financial digitalization.

The White Paper on Best Practices of Fiscal Digitization was released

Huawei Cloud Stack has served more than 4,800 government and enterprise customers around the world. According to relevant IDC report data, in 2022, Huawei Cloud Stack won the first place in nine areas, including infrastructure in government cloud, China, financial cloud infrastructure and government big data, and continued to lead the industry.

Facing the future, Huawei Cloud Stack will continue to build the best digital transformation base of the industry, join hands with customers to move towards deep use of the cloud, release digital productivity, and provide a steady stream of power for social and economic development.

Original title: "The new version of Huawei Cloud Stack is released heavily, empowering government and enterprises to move towards deep use of the cloud"

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The real identity turned out to be a supermodel

Topic: picture channel

  I don’t know how to express my mood at the moment in words. I just want to say: Please give yourself a chance to make dreams may come.

  —— Eileen’s blog message expresses the feeling of winning the prize.

  On December 1st, the 57th Miss World contest came to an end in Sanya, Hainan Province. Eileen, who represented China in the contest, overtook other beauties from 105 countries and regions and was crowned as "Miss World". She was also the first China girl to win the title of "Elder Sister" in 57 years. Previously, it has been reported that Eileen is a company secretary. In fact, she is a supermodel with a height of 1.82 meters. Yesterday, the reporter telephoned the lucky one. She had a high voice on the other end of the phone and spoke very fast. As soon as she heard it, she was a girl who acted very aggressively. She said: "Before the final, I didn’t expect that I would win this championship at all. Now I want to enrich myself and go to graduate school majoring in human resources after winning the championship for one year." She said that she has not considered entering the entertainment circle for the time being.




  On December 1st, the 57th Miss World Final Gala was held in Sanya, China, and Miss China Eileen won the title.  



  On the evening of December 1st, the 57th Miss World Final Gala was held in Sanya, and Miss China Eileen won the title.

  After winning the prize, consider going to graduate school first.

  Dialogue article

  Eileen recalled that after winning the championship, Tatiana Kucharova, the last Miss World Czech, went to her room to congratulate her and said, "From then on, people all over the world will know that you are Miss World, and you should use your influence to benefit more people." Eileen made up his mind to finish the next journey by wisdom. "A woman’s beautiful time is very short, and only wisdom can really benefit the world."

  Little secret

  Express pride with modesty

  Strictly speaking, Eileen, who is 1.82 meters tall, is not that stunning beauty, but what did she do to conquer 10 international judges? Eileen said: "In fact, my greatest experience is to do everything well with a normal heart."

  Eileen is actually expressing her pride in a modest way, because her excellent performance during the contest has no need to boast. It is understood that Mrs. Molly, the president of Miss World, likes this new champion very much. When talking to her friends on the phone, she praised Eileen: "She usually performs very well and has a good popularity. Her victory is Inside (internal) rather than Outside (external)."

  The little annoyance

  Turn off the phone to avoid harassment.

  After Eileen won the championship, many relatives and friends called her to congratulate her, and many film and television companies and advertising companies wanted to talk to her about business, which made her feel a little annoyed, so she simply turned off her cell phone and moved to the mobile secretarial desk.

  Supermodels who have been popular in China, such as Qu Ying and Wang Haizhen, have entered the entertainment industry, but she said, "I am still a model, and I don’t want to be an artist for the time being, because everyone has his own aspirations, and I don’t know much about the entertainment industry. As for the future, let nature take its course." Eileen’s motto in life is "If you have the heart to plant flowers, you can’t open them." She said, "You can’t predict many things in the future."

  Little desire

  Go to graduate school after the expiration of "Shi Jie"

  Eileen, who has a very open-minded attitude towards life, actually does things in a planned way. She said: "From now on, my term as Miss World has also begun. I will go to some countries in the world to do public welfare and charity activities, and then come back to continue to be a model, in addition to going to graduate school."

  It is understood that Eileen was a special student in sports, focusing on hurdles and triple jump. He also received professional training in 100-meter hurdles, and he also had a special liking for basketball. He was a staunch fan of sports. Eileen has a strong vision for the upcoming 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. She said that she not only wants to watch the games and cheer for China, but also hopes to get the chance to take part in the relay with the torch in hand.

  Little secret

  Kindness is the first in choosing a boyfriend.

  Catalpa Lin, who is very tall, does not deny that it is difficult to find a boyfriend. "When foreign players see me, they all say, Oh, are you from China? China girls are so tall! They will jokingly say that you come to our country. We have tall, handsome and good boys here. " Zilin frankly said that the first criterion for the best boyfriend is kindness, followed by dedication and a sense of family responsibility.

  "godfather of models" is the driving force

  Behind the scenes

  Behind every successful man, there is a woman, and vice versa. Eileen’s behind-the-scenes promoter is Li Xiaobai, the head of New Silk Road Model Agency Co., Ltd., who is known as the "godfather of models". Li Xiaobai once discovered supermodels such as Yu Na, Yue Mei, Li Bing, Wang Haizhen and Xie Dongna, and was also the first person to discover Eileen. Yesterday, Li Xiaobai also used this newspaper to clarify for the first time that it is totally a rumor that Eileen is a secretary, and her real identity is the signing supermodel of New Silk Road.

  The first beauty pageant was still "baby fat"

  Li Xiaobai still remembers the scene when he first met Eileen four years ago. He said: "At that time, during the SARS epidemic in 2003, our company only held a youth beauty contest in Beijing. At that time, Eileen also signed up for the competition. She was a freshman and participated in the beauty contest for the first time. At that time, she was not outstanding, and some babies were fat and inexperienced in many aspects. Finally, she only got a top ten player." But after the game, Li Xiaobai thought Eileen was a good prospect, so he asked her to sign a contract with the company. Soon, the company included Eileen in the training plan, and arranged for her to attend a high-end customized conference of an international brand. Then, Eileen went to Germany to perform with the company, and later she won the honor of top ten models in China.

  Mother once opposed her daughter to be a model.

  Li Xiaobai said: "Eileen’s comprehensive quality is very high, and her mother is a teacher at China Agricultural University. She has been educated very severely since she was a child. In order to let her enter the modeling world wholeheartedly, I have communicated with her mother for a long time because her mother once opposed her daughter’s entry into this circle." He said that he had single-handedly promoted many female models who are famous in the fashion circle. Compared with them, Eileen’s greatest advantage is that she is very smart and thoughtful, which is rare among female models born in 1980s. The most important thing is that Eileen’s professional ethics and ethics are particularly good, and she never goes outside to make extra money.

  Before becoming a "world elder sister", she was already worth a lot.

  Regarding the current value of Eileen after winning the championship, Li Xiaobai said with a smile: "This is really hard to disclose, but I can tell you that her value before winning the championship was considerable, even comparable to that of supermodels such as Ma Yanli and Qu Ying at the peak." Having said that, Li Xiaobai changed the subject and said: "Yesterday, many media reported that Eileen was the secretary of a company, which is totally nonsense. She is still the’ Super A Model’ signed by our company (the top model in China)." Li Xiaobai also revealed that since Eileen studied business administration, she was also interested in this aspect. In the future, after she left the runway, the company would arrange for her to join the management.


Haiyuan, Ningxia: Deciphering the Ecological Password of Increasing Potato Income

  On August 10th, there was a soaking rain in Hongyang country, Haiyuan County, zhongwei City, Ningxia.

  Yang Hongqin, a villager in Anbao Village, walked out of her yard. She looked at the moon mountain covered with green mountains and sighed that the rain has been getting better and better in recent years, and it rained almost once a week recently. When the vegetation is lush, small animals such as ground squirrels, pheasants, rabbits and so on are "hidden" by thick vegetation.

  At one time, the soil on the slope couldn’t hold any moisture, and the 5-inch-long weasel could see clearly from the hillside. It was a time when one side of the soil and water couldn’t support one side. Cao Yuhu, the "shopkeeper" of Yang Hongqin’s family, was playing weasel with the villagers on this barren slope at that time. Although it was interesting, the life was sad.

  There is little rain, and potatoes, which are the "protagonists" of mountain people’s diet, are sometimes never harvested, not to mention wheat and beans. This year, in the 15-mu potato field in Yang Hongqin’s home, the roots are half a person’s height, and the purple and white potato flowers are arranged neatly.

Yang Hongqin works with all kinds of fresh vegetables in her garden. Zhang heshe

  "The thicker the potato vine, the bigger it is, indicating that the potato grows better. In recent years, the rain has been good, and the soil here is mainly black loessial soil and calcareous soil. The rainfall is mainly concentrated in July, August and September. The precipitation law is consistent with the potato tuber expansion period, which is very conducive to potato yield increase. " Pang Shenggang, secretary of the Party branch of Anbao Village, introduced.

  Although October is the potato harvest season, at this time, Pang Shenggang’s tone is firm: potatoes will definitely be harvested this year. Some potatoes dug out of the ground not long ago are big.

  In the past two years, Hongyang Township has built a potato seed breeding base in Machang Natural Village, Anbao Village, to realize self-propagation and self-sufficiency of high-quality virus-free seed potatoes. Looking at Hongyang Township, the whole township takes potatoes as the leading industry, and has built nearly 6,000 mu of potato first-class seed potato promotion demonstration zone, with a total of 58,000 mu of potato planting, an increase of more than 10,000 mu over last year.

  The increase of potato income is inseparable from the integration of new technologies and the promotion of new varieties, but it is also inseparable from the weather. Potato is a dry crop, but there is also a demand for rain. With less rain, the yield of potato is low, and the yield is naturally affected. In recent years, Hongyang Township has continuously promoted the potato industry. In addition to being suitable for planting potatoes, the increasing rainfall year by year has also increased the confidence of Hongyang people in planting potatoes.

Under the moon, grass grows and warblers fly. Zhang heshe

  Xihaigu is short of water, and Hongyang Township is no exception.

  Once, it was the collective memory of the villagers that the rain could not be stored and the soil erosion was serious. A flood in 1989 was firmly "nailed" in the memory of Yin Xuefeng, deputy head of Hongyang Township. The flood poured down the mountain, reaching the deepest point of 2 meters, which made many farmers’ water cellars "overflow". After the flood, except for the washed-out crops and silted rivers, the hills are still desolate.

  When will this bitter day end? The change began around 2003, when the villagers were told to close the mountain to prohibit grazing and not to put sheep on the mountain. Since October 2002, all cities and counties in Ningxia have started to close grazing. By 2003, the whole region had closed mountains to close grazing, and 3.8 million shepherds had been released "down the mountain", and domestic animals and sheep had been kept in captivity.

Under the moon, grass grows and warblers fly. Zhang heshe

  At first, some villagers didn’t understand that after so many years, who can change the soil and water in this area? However, the power of time proves everything.

  Over the years, Hongyang Township has returned 50,000 mu of farmland to forests, managed 13.6 kilometers of rivers, and continued to implement the policy of grazing prohibition and enclosure. Through specific measures such as changing sloping fields into terraces and keeping water from going downhill, the ecology will be restored. The villagers gradually discovered that the once barren hills and slopes were covered with vegetation, and the ecological migration was also taken over by nature. The most intuitive embodiment is that the rainfall is increasing year by year, and the average rainfall in previous years is 300— 400 mm, since 2016, the rainfall has become more abundant, reaching 750 mm in 2019, forming a unique regional microclimate, leaning against Nanhua Mountain in the north, and the mountains and rivers in Hongyang Township are flying.

  Cao Yuhu and Yang Hongqin took off the "hat" of the poor households who set up the card through policy assistance and hard work, and built a new house in 2018. Today, more than 70 sheep and 15 acres of potato land are the stable sources of income at home. Cao Yuhu works odd jobs in the village with the welding skills learned in the skills training class organized by the village. Three children grow up and go to school outside, and their lives are full of flavor. "Now let’s drive the sheep up the mountain. I won’t do it. I can’t bear to part with such a beautiful mountain." Yang Hongqin said.

  Duan Fuqiang, Party Secretary of Hongyang Township, said, "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. Through persistent ecological restoration, the improvement of the ecological environment that the people really feel directly drives farmers to increase their income. In the future, we will continue to lead the masses to a well-off society and live a better life by improving the ecology. " (Correspondent Zhang Heguang Daily, all-media reporter Zhang Wenpan)

News observation: "quantity" and "quality" rise together, and the consumption of new energy vehicles in China is getting better and better

CCTV News:Data show that by the end of the first quarter of this year, the cumulative promotion of new energy vehicles in China is expected to exceed 10 million. The relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission said on March 26th that the new energy automobile industry in China has gradually entered the market-driven stage. In the new development era, vehicle enterprises will not add new production capacity until the existing base reaches a reasonable scale. While promoting the accelerated development of the new energy automobile industry, it pays more attention to the overall improvement of quality and brand.

The proportion of private consumption of new energy vehicles increased from 47% to 78%.

Lin Nianxiu, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that in 2021, new energy vehicles will be driven by both market and policy. Compared with the initial period of the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan, the proportion of private consumption has increased from 47% to 78%, and the proportion of private consumption in non-restricted cities has increased from 40% to 70%. While the degree of marketization is increasing year by year, it is necessary to make overall arrangements for the high-quality development of the new energy automobile industry.

Lin Nianxiu, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission:Guide industries to gather in areas and main bodies with good development foundation and full capacity utilization, and focus on building internationally competitive industrial clusters in the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Chengdu-Chongqing and other regions. (In addition, vehicle enterprises should highlight the key layout, rely on the development of existing production bases, and no new production capacity will be distributed until the existing bases reach a reasonable scale.

China strengthens clean-up and rectification of illegal projects of new energy vehicles.

Lin Nianxiu said that China will also strengthen the clean-up and rectification of illegal projects of new energy vehicles, and investigate and deal with illegal behaviors such as unapproved construction, zero-batch construction, and construction while approving. At the same time, standardize the merger and reorganization of vehicle enterprises, and vigorously promote the withdrawal of backward enterprises and ineffective production capacity.

By the end of the first quarter, the cumulative promotion is expected to exceed 10 million vehicles.

It is reported that by the end of the first quarter of this year, the cumulative promotion of new energy vehicles in China is expected to exceed 10 million. New progress has been made in key technologies of new energy vehicles, positive progress has been made in sodium ion batteries and modular power exchange, and the computing power of artificial intelligence has reached the international advanced level. At the same time, new energy vehicles still have some shortcomings in terms of quality and safety, low-temperature adaptability, etc. The integrated development of electrification, intelligence and networking needs to be continuously deepened.

Xin Guobin, Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology:In 2021, China enterprises obtained more than 30,000 patents related to new energy vehicles, accounting for 70% of the global total, and saw new achievements in comprehensive income. By the end of 2021, the cumulative consumption of new energy vehicles was about 1.6 trillion yuan, driving the output value of upstream and downstream industrial chains to about 4.8 trillion yuan, and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by more than 100 million tons.

We will continue to strengthen top-level design and optimize supporting policies.

Lin Nianxiu said that the steady growth of the automobile industry has provided strong support for reviving the industrial economy. In particular, the development of new energy vehicles in China has achieved new breakthroughs and become a new bright spot for the high-quality development of the automobile industry. However, problems such as blind investment and disorderly development of new energy vehicles still exist to varying degrees. In the future, we will continue to strengthen the top-level design, continuously optimize supporting policies such as scientific and technological innovation, industrial layout, tax incentives, and infrastructure construction for charging and replacing electricity, and pay more attention to the overall improvement of quality and brand while promoting the accelerated development and growth of the new energy vehicle industry.

What is culture? This is the best answer I have ever heard.

Bai Yansong said:

"Whether a person has a culture is not based on how high his education is.

People with academic qualifications do not necessarily have culture; People without education are not necessarily uneducated.

Reading a lot of books, having a high diploma, and having education are sometimes completely different. "

People who are truly literate have achieved the following.


A flight attendant named Judy told an interesting story about Liu Shishi on the Weibo.

As a stewardess, Judy often meets all kinds of big coffees and stars, but these big coffees and stars didn’t leave a deep impression on her until she met Liu Shishi a few days ago.

On that day, Liu Shishi took the first class. When Judy went to tidy up the first class after the plane landed, she was surprised to find that the quilt on Liu Shishi’s seat was neatly folded.

Judy was shocked at once:"In the past, all the guests in the first class huddled their quilts, threw them under their feet and left. I didn’t expect the poems to be stacked neatly. I was so touched."

People who fly in first class are usually people of great status, but you see, there are so few people who fold quilts. Occasionally, a flight attendant will be moved for a long time.


On May 1 ST, I met a wandering singer on the road. The singer sang very well. After a song, many people walked by and threw the change into the singer’s hat, but then, a lady’s behavior surprised people.

She went to the hat and crouched down slowly.Gently put two coins into the hat, and smiled and nodded to the wandering singer.

Educated, I don’t care if I have read many books. But at this moment: many people lose her too much.

Comparing this matter, I am reminded of Bai Yansong’s words:

"Whether a person has a culture is not based on how high his education is. People with academic qualifications do not necessarily have culture, while those without academic qualifications do not necessarily have no culture. "

Read a lot of books, have a high diploma,And whether you have culture or not are sometimes completely different.


Wu Xiao Xian told another touching story.

Once, he followed the boss to talk about business, and at lunch, he ordered a table in the hotel.

Halfway through the meal, the waiter served a special dish, and the boss said politely, "Thank you, we don’t need any more dishes."

The waiter explained:"This dish is free."

The boss still smiled and replied: "We don’t want it for free, we can’t eat it, it’s a waste."

After the meal, the boss wrapped the leftovers.

On the way back to the company, the boss drove slowly, as if looking at something.

Wu Xiao Xian was wondering when the boss stopped the car, picked up the packaged food, got off the bus and walked over to a beggar, and handed it over with his hands.

What is culture? This is culture. Culture is self-cultivation rooted in the heart.


I read another story in People’s Daily.

On the weekend, my nephew followed a Chinese to go fishing in Sydney, Australia. Every time you cast a net, you always get something.

But every time the net is pulled up, the Chinese always pick it up and throw most of its shrimps and crabs back into the sea.

His nephew was puzzled: "I finally hit it, why throw it back?"

Chinese answer:"Fish and shrimp that meet the specified size can be caught."

His nephew said, "No one can care about you on the high seas?"

The Chinese smiled faintly: "Not everything needs to be reminded and urged by others!"

What is culture? This is culture. Culture is consciousness without reminding.


What is freedom?

Many people’s understanding is that freedom is to let yourself do what you want freely.

But people who think like this don’t know what real freedom is.

Linda, a Chinese-American writer, wrote a book "Worry in the Deep of History", which presents a fact:The United States is both the freest country in the world and the least free country in the world.

On one occasion, he accompanied his friends to visit the Grand Canyon of America.

My friend picked up the coke can and wanted to throw it into the Grand Canyon: "What a pity not to do something in such a deep canyon!" "

Linda got a fright, hurriedly stop:"This is illegal."

The freest America in the world is actually full of illiberality:

It is illegal to hold an open wine bottle in the street;

It is illegal for parents to slap their children when they cry.


Many people in China don’t understand why the United States has so many restrictions. In fact, it is precisely because of so many constraints that American freedom has been created.

The philosopher Mill said: "Constraints are the mother of freedom. Personal freedom must be based on not infringing on the freedom of others. "

What is culture? This is culture. Culture is freedom based on constraints.


There was a man who taught his disciples to break glass products and put them into garbage bags, and wrote on them with a pen: "There are glass fragments inside, it’s dangerous!" "

In this way, garbage collectors won’t scratch their fingers.

The mineral water bottles after drinking drinks are also emptied and tightened, which is convenient for waste recyclers to collect.

You ask me what is culture? This is culture. Culture is kindness for others.

When going to the toilet, think of the next person who goes to the toilet;

When throwing garbage, think of the next garbage collector;

No matter what you do, you must think of the next person;



Xia Yan, a dramatist, was in great pain before he died.

The secretary said, "I’ll call the doctor."

Just as he was about to open the door, Xia Yan opened his eyes and said with difficulty:"Not called, please."

Then he passed out and never woke up.

"Not called, please." Xia Lao changed a word, but touched a building.

Xia Lao is a truly literate person.

A true literate person does not depend on how many books he has read or what school he has attended, but should have four qualities:

Cultivation rooted in the heart;

Consciousness without reminding;

Freedom based on constraints;

Kindness for others.

Many times, culture is a hidden existence, and it is a criterion of life. It may not be visible, but it’s important.

It will make you richer in thought, more advanced in choice, more independent in doing things and more interesting in life, all of which are good for you.

Source: WeChat WeChat official account "Classical Literature and Poetry" is integrated from the network

Editor: Yifan

[Disclaimer: This number is the official public welfare account of "Reading for All", and this article is reproduced for the purpose of transmitting more information. Please contact us if the source is mislabeled or suspected of infringing your legitimate rights and interests. We will correct and delete it in time, thank you. 】

Microsoft’s new Bing daily users exceeded 100 million, mainly due to the integration of AI chat bots.

On March 10th, local time on Thursday, Microsoft said that the number of daily users of its bing search engine exceeded 100 million, mainly because the new version of Bing integrated the artificial intelligence chat function, and the number of users of the company’s Edge browser was also growing steadily.

Yusuf Mehdi, vice president and chief marketing officer of Microsoft, said, "We fully realize that our market share is still very small and low, with only single digits." He said that compared with Google, Microsoft’s share in the search market is quite small. "On the other hand, it feels good to go to the dance!"

Google has not published the number of daily users of search engines. However, according to StatCounter, the market share of Google search engines in the United States is usually slightly lower than 90%, compared with 6% or 7% for Bing.

Microsoft said that there are "millions of active users" who are trying out the preview version of Bing with integrated artificial intelligence chat function, and about one third of them are people who have never used Bing before. Microsoft also attributed this to the slow but steady growth of Microsoft Edge browser. Microsoft Edge browser sets Bing as the default search engine. If users insist on switching to other search engines, Edge browser will repeatedly prompt users to switch back to Bing.

A month ago, Microsoft launched the artificial intelligence chat robot function in the limited preview version of Bing, with OpenAI’s Large Language Model (LLM) as the supporting technology. So far, Microsoft has made some adjustments to the behavior of robots to solve the problem that robots sometimes have strange and threatening content in conversations. One of the changes is to limit the number of responses that the chat bot can give in a single instance, because the longer the conversation, the easier it is for the bot’s response to deviate. Recently, Microsoft also introduced some "personalized" functions for chat bots to make the answers more direct or interesting.

Last month, Microsoft began to add "New Bing" function to Edge browser, Skype, Windows 11 taskbar and some development tools. In addition, Microsoft is also testing "multi-modal artificial intelligence" technology, which can handle various forms of input including images, text, audio and video. (Chen Chen)

Club shares+salary exceeds C Ronaldo! Messi’s mysterious exposure, the league gold content is higher than Saudi Arabia.

Therefore, the AFL wants to refer to Jordan’s exclusion from the salary cap to provide Messi with a super contract, so that Messi will get a super contract that exceeds Cristiano Ronaldo, and this salary will also make Messi the world’s first annual salary. I have to say that the professional league has done its best for Messi, but whether Messi is willing to join depends on the player’s own ideas. Messi’s father and Beckham have been communicating for more than a year, and their interest in cooperation is considerable. I have to say that Messi once again had an affair with Miami International, which also made the Greater Paris quite nervous.