My gym is closed! There is no shortage of fat, can you get the money back?

  Beijing, Nov. 8 (Xinhua): My gym is closed! There is no shortage of fat, can you get the money back?

  "Swimming and fitness, get to know it", we can always hear the call of "kindness" in the streets and near the subway station.

  However, the gym is like a "love rat". Before you get a card, you are obedient. After you get a card, you just ignore it. If you are not careful, you may "disappear" without a trace.

Data Map: Young people gather in the gym to train in full swing. Photo by Zhong Xin

  "My gym suddenly closed."

  "Come on, turn around, do high-temperature yoga sit-ups, spin pilates, and soak medlar in a thermos; Come on, take a deep breath, swim a few meters in fun run in the morning, and paddle a dumbbell rowing machine. Don’t give up until you reach your goal. "

  The lyrics of Calories can be said to be a true portrayal of contemporary people’s fitness.

  In order to realize "vest line", "A4 waist" and "peach hip" … … Many people "send" money into the gym, hoping to achieve an S-shaped figure and eight-pack abdominal muscles.

  But now, many people find that the gym has quietly closed before losing a layer of fat. He Yuan, who went to college in Changsha, Hunan, encountered this situation.

  He Yuan said, "Before, Changsha Star Burning Olympic Sports Gymnasium held an activity, saying that it was a full refund after the card was issued, and it was returned in ten times and ten months. I got the card in June. Now I have only returned 6,700 yuan, and 12,000 yuan has not returned, and the gym is closed. "

  In the face of substantial discounts in the gym, He Yuan is not without doubt. "I asked many times at the time, and the coach said that the boss was hard in the background. When running private classes, too, private education has been selling for performance, and stressed that nothing will happen, and it will be heart-warming when talking. " What’s more, He Yuan felt that spending a lot of money didn’t produce any effect.

Data map: People exercise in the gym. China News Service reporter Yin Liqin photo

  Zhang Lin, who lives in Wuhan, Hubei Province, also suffered from the closure of the gym and the fact that the money could not be refunded. "Before, I gave two two-year cards to the elderly at home at the Jijian Swimming and Fitness Club on the second floor of Poly Huadu in Yangjiawan, Wuhan. I swam three or five times a month, and the fitness equipment was basically unused. Less than a year now, the gym is closed and I want a refund. The boss said that I have no money and I have to go through the bankruptcy process. "

  "Recently, many gyms have closed down, mainly because the market environment is not good. Now it is common for four or five gyms to appear in two kilometers in Fiona Fang, and the competitive pressure is growing." Xiao Zhu, a gym coach in Beijing, told reporters. According to the report of Forward-looking Research Institute, the fitness industry is currently experiencing a middle-aged crisis, and more than 60% of traditional gymnasiums are facing difficulties in operation and face losses or even closure.

  Prepaid card "pie" becomes "trap"

  There are quite a few consumers who have experienced similar cases with He Yuan and Zhang Lin. According to the "Analysis of Complaints Accepted by the National Consumers Association in the First Half of 2019" published by the China Consumers Association, there were 7,738 complaints about fitness services, and the number of complaints increased by 72.6% year-on-year. "The main reason for the large increase in complaints about fitness services is that merchants run away after prepaid cards, causing group complaints."

  The White Paper on Fitness Industry in 2018-2019 also shows that in 2018, a total of 3,099 gymnasiums were closed, with a closing rate of 4.36%, and 528 gymnasiums were closed within one year after their establishment.

  In 2019, Haosha, a brand with a history of 20 years, became a landmark event. Due to the failure of capital operation, almost all the 160 stores and 300,000 members of Haosha Fitness were closed or transferred, and the employees and member consumers of Haosha Fitness became the buyers.

People exercise in the gym. China News Service reporter Yin Liqin photo

  At present, Shi Hongliu, the chairman of Haosha International, and Shi Hongyan, the legal representative of Quanzhou Haosha Fitness Club Co., Ltd. have all been listed as untrustworthy by the court, involving more than 1.2 billion yuan.

  "In order to recover the huge investment in the early stage as soon as possible, traditional gyms tend to choose the business model of oversold annual cards (prepaid cards): after the new store landed, it set a higher retail price and launched a low-priced annual card, which formed a large number of advance receipts, and then expanded the new store with the advance receipts, thus falling into an inertia cycle.

  "Buy one year and get half a year", "50% discount card purchase", "mega promotion" and "rebate". In recent years, in order to compete for customers, various preferential activities have emerged one after another in gyms. Once the annual card is issued, some netizens said that the coach will be screaming around you that the movements are not standard and you can’t train, so you can buy private lessons.

A coach commented in Weibo.

  "The oversold annual card model is a bet between the gym and customers. The bet is that customers who apply for annual cards will not come to the gym often." A gym coach said that the advance payment quickly brought huge cash flow.

  There are even criminals who temporarily rent the platform, use the guise of "new store is about to open" or "renovation and upgrading" in the gym, and use low prices or card preferential activities to fool consumers into buying pre-sale cards. Once they receive funds, they will quickly roll up the money and run away.

  "Advance payment is not a profit. Advance payment is used to fill the upfront investment, and it also pays for future membership services, personnel salaries, equipment maintenance and other costs." An industry analyst said that due to high operating costs, blind expansion and other reasons, once the capital chain breaks, it can only be closed.

  Can I get the prepaid money back?

  He Yuan recalled, "One month before closing, it was in the cashback period. As a result, the gym said that the funds were not enough and they would receive it together next month. If only I had paid more attention to it at that time. " Zhang Lin, who ran a member’s gym, was in arrears with the rent of more than 330 thousand yuan and was sent a collection notice by the mall.

  Looking at it comprehensively, consumers need to pay more attention to whether the gym rent is paid in full, whether the staff salary is paid on time, whether the funds can be turned over, etc., to judge whether there are business problems. But once the enterprise closes, how to deal with the advance payment? There are relevant provisions in the law.

  For example, Article 107 of the Contract Law stipulates that if a party fails to perform its contractual obligations or fails to meet the contract obligations, it shall bear the liabilities for breach of contract such as continuing to perform, taking remedial measures or compensating for losses;

  Article 53 of the Law on the Protection of Consumers’ Rights and Interests stipulates that if an operator provides goods or services in advance, but fails to provide them in accordance with the agreement, it shall fulfill the agreement or return the advance payment according to the requirements of consumers.

A "shared fitness cabin" in a residential area in Lanzhou. China News Service reporter Yang Yanmin photo

  "These two laws are still in the category of civil and commercial law, and the mandatory restrictions on operators are not enough." Yan Bing, director of Beijing Yuntong Law Firm, told reporters that gyms are basically small and micro enterprises, and it is difficult to find people whether they are closed down or running away. Unless it is in the name of opening a gym, it is a fraud in criminal law to collect money and run away.

  Qiu Baochang, a member of the Expert Committee of the China Consumers Association and a lawyer of Beijing Huijia Law Firm, suggested taking precautions, setting up a special account or condominium account for advance payment, setting up a deposit, and regularly announcing the use of advance payment to consumers to ensure consumers’ rights and interests. (He Yuan and Zhang Lin are pseudonyms in the text)

  (Author: Xie Yiguan)

Where is Dad going? It’s like sending off the stars on Guanyin. They all have a second child.

Yang Wei’s family celebrated their twin daughters’ first birthday.

1905 movie network news On January 17, 2018, Yang Wei took a photo of a pair of twin daughters on the Weibo. Many netizens discovered that Yang Yangyang had long been a brother. Indeed, many of the stars who participated in the program had further communication and understanding with their children, and gave birth to a second child after the program. In a few years, will fathers be able to take their second-born children to the show again?

Tian Liang is a family of four.

In the first season of "Where is Dad?", Tian Liang was the first to have a second child. In early 2012, the news that Ye Yixi gave birth was reported in the media. Later, Tian Liang took Xiao Liangzi to participate in the fourth season of "Where is Dad?". Although the two children seem to be printed in the same mold, their styles are totally opposite to those of their older sister Cindy, while Tian Chenyu, a little bright boy, is more introverted and shy.

Stone and sister

On January 15th, 2014, Guo Tao admitted the rumor of having a daughter for the first time at the event. Stone’s sister’s name is Luna, and her English name is Isabella. She is five years old this year.

Everyday with my sister

In June 2015, Sean’s daughter Zoe was born. At first, Sean was reluctant to disclose her daughter’s photos, for fear that her daughter looked like herself and her eyes were too small to look good. But later, my daughter became more and more like my brother every day, which made Sean breathe a sigh of relief.

Kimi and his twin brother

On December 5th, 2015, Jimmy Lin’s beloved wife Chen Ruoyi gave birth to twin sons, elder brother Jenson and younger brother Kyson. All three sons are similar to Jimmy Lin’s riddle, and the genes are so powerful!

Sun Li gave birth

Before attending the second season "Where’s Dad?", Huang Lei had a second daughter and more sisters as early as 2013, but she rarely disclosed the information about her second daughter. On May 27th, 2017, Huang Lei’s wife, Sun Li, gave birth to her son in Hongkong. At that time, Huang Lei was criticized by netizens for his preference for sons and straight male cancer. But who doesn’t want to have both children?

Belle and her sister

Xiaoye, the second daughter of Lu Yi and Bao Lei, was also mysterious before. It was not photographed by the media until 2014. Now the two daughters are more and more alike, just like copying and pasting.

Liu Genghong family

In the fifth season, Liu Genghong actually has three children, Little Puff has a brother and a sister, which is really a happy family.

Plus, Cao Ge, Hu Jun, Liu Ye, Zou Shiming, Wang Baoqiang, Sha Yi, Chun Wu, etc., whose second child appeared in the program "Where is Dad?", the stars really responded to the call of the country to open the second child. It seems that if I don’t have a second child in the future, I am embarrassed to go to the parent-child variety show.

What is culture? This is the best answer I have ever heard.

Bai Yansong said:

"Whether a person has a culture is not based on how high his education is.

People with academic qualifications do not necessarily have culture; People without education are not necessarily uneducated.

Reading a lot of books, having a high diploma, and having education are sometimes completely different. "

People who are truly literate have achieved the following.


A flight attendant named Judy told an interesting story about Liu Shishi on the Weibo.

As a stewardess, Judy often meets all kinds of big coffees and stars, but these big coffees and stars didn’t leave a deep impression on her until she met Liu Shishi a few days ago.

On that day, Liu Shishi took the first class. When Judy went to tidy up the first class after the plane landed, she was surprised to find that the quilt on Liu Shishi’s seat was neatly folded.

Judy was shocked at once:"In the past, all the guests in the first class huddled their quilts, threw them under their feet and left. I didn’t expect the poems to be stacked neatly. I was so touched."

People who fly in first class are usually people of great status, but you see, there are so few people who fold quilts. Occasionally, a flight attendant will be moved for a long time.


On May 1 ST, I met a wandering singer on the road. The singer sang very well. After a song, many people walked by and threw the change into the singer’s hat, but then, a lady’s behavior surprised people.

She went to the hat and crouched down slowly.Gently put two coins into the hat, and smiled and nodded to the wandering singer.

Educated, I don’t care if I have read many books. But at this moment: many people lose her too much.

Comparing this matter, I am reminded of Bai Yansong’s words:

"Whether a person has a culture is not based on how high his education is. People with academic qualifications do not necessarily have culture, while those without academic qualifications do not necessarily have no culture. "

Read a lot of books, have a high diploma,And whether you have culture or not are sometimes completely different.


Wu Xiao Xian told another touching story.

Once, he followed the boss to talk about business, and at lunch, he ordered a table in the hotel.

Halfway through the meal, the waiter served a special dish, and the boss said politely, "Thank you, we don’t need any more dishes."

The waiter explained:"This dish is free."

The boss still smiled and replied: "We don’t want it for free, we can’t eat it, it’s a waste."

After the meal, the boss wrapped the leftovers.

On the way back to the company, the boss drove slowly, as if looking at something.

Wu Xiao Xian was wondering when the boss stopped the car, picked up the packaged food, got off the bus and walked over to a beggar, and handed it over with his hands.

What is culture? This is culture. Culture is self-cultivation rooted in the heart.


I read another story in People’s Daily.

On the weekend, my nephew followed a Chinese to go fishing in Sydney, Australia. Every time you cast a net, you always get something.

But every time the net is pulled up, the Chinese always pick it up and throw most of its shrimps and crabs back into the sea.

His nephew was puzzled: "I finally hit it, why throw it back?"

Chinese answer:"Fish and shrimp that meet the specified size can be caught."

His nephew said, "No one can care about you on the high seas?"

The Chinese smiled faintly: "Not everything needs to be reminded and urged by others!"

What is culture? This is culture. Culture is consciousness without reminding.


What is freedom?

Many people’s understanding is that freedom is to let yourself do what you want freely.

But people who think like this don’t know what real freedom is.

Linda, a Chinese-American writer, wrote a book "Worry in the Deep of History", which presents a fact:The United States is both the freest country in the world and the least free country in the world.

On one occasion, he accompanied his friends to visit the Grand Canyon of America.

My friend picked up the coke can and wanted to throw it into the Grand Canyon: "What a pity not to do something in such a deep canyon!" "

Linda got a fright, hurriedly stop:"This is illegal."

The freest America in the world is actually full of illiberality:

It is illegal to hold an open wine bottle in the street;

It is illegal for parents to slap their children when they cry.


Many people in China don’t understand why the United States has so many restrictions. In fact, it is precisely because of so many constraints that American freedom has been created.

The philosopher Mill said: "Constraints are the mother of freedom. Personal freedom must be based on not infringing on the freedom of others. "

What is culture? This is culture. Culture is freedom based on constraints.


There was a man who taught his disciples to break glass products and put them into garbage bags, and wrote on them with a pen: "There are glass fragments inside, it’s dangerous!" "

In this way, garbage collectors won’t scratch their fingers.

The mineral water bottles after drinking drinks are also emptied and tightened, which is convenient for waste recyclers to collect.

You ask me what is culture? This is culture. Culture is kindness for others.

When going to the toilet, think of the next person who goes to the toilet;

When throwing garbage, think of the next garbage collector;

No matter what you do, you must think of the next person;



Xia Yan, a dramatist, was in great pain before he died.

The secretary said, "I’ll call the doctor."

Just as he was about to open the door, Xia Yan opened his eyes and said with difficulty:"Not called, please."

Then he passed out and never woke up.

"Not called, please." Xia Lao changed a word, but touched a building.

Xia Lao is a truly literate person.

A true literate person does not depend on how many books he has read or what school he has attended, but should have four qualities:

Cultivation rooted in the heart;

Consciousness without reminding;

Freedom based on constraints;

Kindness for others.

Many times, culture is a hidden existence, and it is a criterion of life. It may not be visible, but it’s important.

It will make you richer in thought, more advanced in choice, more independent in doing things and more interesting in life, all of which are good for you.

Source: WeChat WeChat official account "Classical Literature and Poetry" is integrated from the network

Editor: Yifan

[Disclaimer: This number is the official public welfare account of "Reading for All", and this article is reproduced for the purpose of transmitting more information. Please contact us if the source is mislabeled or suspected of infringing your legitimate rights and interests. We will correct and delete it in time, thank you. 】

Let the words shine! ChatGPT created a text game.

Recently, a new ChatGPT application, a text game, was discovered. Baidu found the game "Harry Potter Text Game" after a while, which was simple and fun.

In the game industry, word games used to be a very popular game type. However, due to the continuous development of game production technology, word games are gradually replaced by various games with visual and sound effects. However, with the development of natural language processing technology recently, word games have returned to people’s field of vision. ChatGPT is a language model that can generate natural language. It can be used to make word games, and it can also meet the needs of realization possibility and playability.

ChatGPT is a natural language generation technology based on artificial intelligence, which can generate related natural language output according to a given input. This technology has a wide range of applications, which can be used for automatic reply, intelligent customer service, automatic article generation and so on. In the field of games, ChatGPT can be used to make various types of word games, such as adventure games and word puzzle games.

The key to making a word game lies in its realization possibility and playability. The possibility of realization refers to the technical difficulty and resources needed for the game, while the playability refers to whether the game is attractive enough to make players have enough motivation to play. In ChatGPT, because it is an AI-based technology, it is relatively difficult to make word games. In addition, because ChatGPT can generate high-quality natural language output, the playability of the game will be very high. Players can influence the progress of the game according to their own choices, making the game more interactive and playable.

In addition to the possibility and playability, the user viscosity of the game is also a very important factor. In the text game made by ChatGPT, because it can generate different outputs according to the player’s choice, the experience of each game will be different. This feature can increase the player’s desire to explore and the repeatability of the game, thus improving the user’s viscosity of the game. In addition, ChatGPT can also optimize the game according to the feedback of players, so as to better meet the needs of players and further improve the user’s viscosity.

Generally speaking, ChatGPT can be used to make word games with high playability and user viscosity. Although word games may have lost their charm in the past, with the development of natural language processing technology,

Exhibition, word games have become interesting and attractive again. For game producers, the appearance of ChatGPT provides them with a brand-new way of making games, which enables them to make more interesting games with less resources and time.

For players, the word game made by ChatGPT is also a new game experience. Compared with traditional word games, the games made by ChatGPT are more interactive and exploratory, which makes players feel more immersed and involved. In addition, because the output of each game is different, players can experience different stories and endings, making the game more interesting and challenging.

However, in order to make the word game truly user-friendly, it needs to be continuously optimized and updated. By collecting player feedback and data analysis, producers can understand the needs and preferences of players, so as to optimize and improve the game. In addition, constantly introducing new levels and tasks can increase players’ interest and challenge, thus improving users’ viscosity.

In a word, the word game made by ChatGPT has the possibility of realization and playability, and has a high user viscosity. With the continuous development of natural language processing technology, we believe that this type of game will become more and more popular and bring more fun and experience to game producers and players.