BYD Qin L DM-i made its world debut at the Beijing Auto Show, or sold for 120,000 yuan.

  Source: IT house?

  Today, Qin L DM-i, a brand-new mid-level car of BYD Dynasty, made its world debut in auto china in 2024. The car adopts a brand-new interior and exterior design language and is equipped with a fifth-generation DM-i hybrid system. The vehicle positioning is higher than that of Qin PLUS DM-i currently on sale, and the starting price may be more than 120,000 yuan.

  According to IT House, the length, width and height of Qin L are 4830mm/1900mm/1495mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2790mm, so Qin L is positioned as a mid-level car. In the car matrix of the current dynasty, the Qin family is a compact pin crown, the Han family is a medium and large pin crown, and the Qin L sword refers to the intermediate level, which just fills the gap between the two cars.

  Qin L adopts "the aesthetics of the new country’s dragon face", "the front face of the dragon rhyme" is majestic, the side is slender and elegant, and the tail is designed with ultra-wide back shoulders, which makes the whole car show a "wide body and low body" posture, domineering and dynamic.

  Qin l’s interior is inspired by Chinese painting, creating a "landscape painting cockpit" with high style. The integrated center console slowly unfolds around the rotating big screen, like a long scroll of the East floating on the instrument panel of the sapphire case, creating a strong sense of encirclement. Ergonomically comfortable seats and front McPherson rear multi-link independent suspension are adopted.

  Prior to this, Qin L will have a major breakthrough in fuel consumption and endurance. Although the official did not "hammer" at this auto show, it said that Qin L will subvert the stereotype of "fuel consumption" of mid-level cars, lead the breakthrough through technology, and make "big and economical" a new trend of mid-level cars.

  Qin L is based on BYD’s new generation of plug-in hybrid vehicle platform, which integrates a number of forward-looking technologies and is specially designed for plug-in.

  Qin L is equipped with DiLink intelligent cockpit, equipped with 15.6-inch adaptive rotating suspended Pad, car ETC, NFC digital key, full scene intelligent voice and other configurations. DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system includes adaptive cruise, intelligent navigation, emergency lane keeping assistance, blind spot monitoring and other functions.

  It is reported that Qin L will be listed in the second quarter of this year, with an estimated starting price of 120,000 yuan.

Beijing auto show looks forward to the brand’s participation in the whole department, taking Yunnian -Z to lead the new trend of future travel.

At the Beijing Auto Show in 2024, Wangwang brand made a stunning appearance with all its products, among which the most striking thing was Wangwang U7 equipped with Yunqi -Z technology for the first time. Looking up to the brand’s participation in this exhibition not only demonstrated its strong strength in the field of new energy vehicles, but also brought a visual feast for the audience about future travel through the application of Yunqi -Z technology.

As the flagship model of Wangwang brand, Wangwang U7 has attracted the attention of many audiences with its unique dimension door family language and Interstellar headlight design. In terms of power, Wangwang U7 is equipped with a powerful power system, and its 0-100 km/h acceleration time is only 2.9 seconds, which shows Wangwang brand’s unremitting pursuit of vehicle performance.

However, the biggest highlight of U7 is not only its powerful performance, but that it is equipped with cloud -Z technology for the first time. As a revolutionary new technology developed by BYD, Yunqi -Z has realized complete electrification and adopted a highly integrated suspension motor. With the addition of this technology, looking up to U7 has reached an unprecedented height in handling and comfort.

The adjustment response speed of Yunqi -Z technology is as fast as 10 milliseconds, that is, it can complete nearly 50 adjustments in a blink of an eye, far exceeding the adjustment speed of the traditional active suspension system. This more accurate and real-time dynamic control makes the body looking up at U7 remain as stable as Mount Tai, as if suspended on the ground, which greatly improves the stability and safety of driving.

In addition, Yunqi -Z technology also has the characteristics of kinetic energy recovery. Different from the traditional hydraulic active suspension, the suspension motor used in Yunqi -Z can do work directly, and the traditional design of oil as medium is abandoned, so the energy transmission loss is smaller. At the same time, the suspension motor can realize the conversion of kinetic energy into electrical energy and charge the battery during operation, thus improving the energy utilization efficiency and extending the battery cruising range.

In addition to looking up at U7, looking up at the brand has also brought many other hot-selling models, such as looking up at U8 cross-country player version and looking up at U9. These models also show the profound strength and innovative spirit of Wangwang brand in the field of new energy vehicles. Among them, Looking Up at U8 Off-Road Player Edition has become the focus of the audience with its powerful off-road performance and unique configuration.

Generally speaking, the brand Wangwang participated in the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, which not only demonstrated its strong strength in the field of new energy vehicles, but also brought a visual feast for the audience about future travel through the application of Yunqi -Z technology. Looking up to the brand is leading the new energy automobile industry to a better future with its forward-looking technical layout and innovative spirit.

Dashiqiao Township, Xichuan County: Cherry management is at the right time.

Recently, cherry blossoms in the big cherry greenhouse in Dashiqiao Township, Xichuan County, Nanyang City are blooming in the spring, and the small flowers are emitting the "fragrance" of spring. At present, it is the critical period for cherry trees to blossom and grow. Fruit trees have great demand for water and fertilizer, and high requirements for light, temperature and humidity control. Technicians and growers are pulling and pruning the big cherry trees to protect the growth and development of the big cherry. (Fan Xiaoheng Video Source: Propaganda Department of Luanchuan County Committee)

Like it | Every year, a group of high-speed trains will be opened to traffic, and more than 300 top experts are planning Xiong’ an … The National Development and Reform Commission revealed a wave of

  Cctv newsAt 3 o’clock this afternoon, the press center of the 19th National Congress held the fourth press conference. He Lifeng, Party Secretary and Director of the National Development and Reform Commission, Zhang Yong, Deputy Director, and Ning Ji Zhe, Deputy Director, answered reporters’ questions on the hot issues of China’s economic development.

  We sorted out the dry goods of this press conference from three aspects, and let’s take a look at what changes have taken place in our lives in the past five years and what kind of life we will have in the future.

  Look at the data, look at the quality and look at the benefits: China’s economy is stable, steady and positive.

  He Lifeng said that in the past five years, China’s economy has developed in a sustained and healthy way, and it has maintained a development trend of steady progress and steady progress. Major economic indicators, prices, employment, and poverty alleviation have remained stable, and significant progress has been made in promoting institutional reform, "three to one, one reduction and one supplement", and promoting economic transformation and upgrading. Specifically:

  It is estimated that the expected growth target of about 6.5% for the whole year will be successfully achieved and better results will be achieved. The total economic output will exceed 80 trillion yuan by the end of this year.

  The number of new jobs in cities and towns nationwide has remained above 13 million for four consecutive years.

  More than 55 million people have been lifted out of poverty in four years, and more than 10 million people will be reduced this year. The incidence of poverty has dropped to 4.5% at the end of 2016, and it is expected to drop below 4% by the end of this year.

  "Three to one, one drop and one supplement" has achieved good results. So far, the production capacity of backward steel has exceeded 110 million tons, the production capacity of backward coal has exceeded 400 million tons, and the re-employment of more than 1.1 million people has been solved simultaneously.

  According to some authoritative media reports in the world, there are now more than 90 "unicorn" enterprises in science and technology (described as start-ups with good development prospects), accounting for about one-third of the world. Compared with some big countries with the most "unicorn" enterprises, we are only a few less. This fully shows that China’s new technology industries and technology enterprises are developing vigorously. In 2016, the contribution rate of China’s scientific and technological progress reached 56.2%, and the expenditure on research and experimental development reached 1.55 trillion yuan.

  See the problem: private investment is weak? The tide of foreign capital withdrawal? What should we do?

  Weak private investment? Manufacturing and real estate are really weak now.

  Zhang Yong, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said:

  The slowdown of private investment has something to do with the slowdown of investment in the whole society, and it also has some characteristics of its own. Because the areas where private investment is concentrated are mainly manufacturing and real estate. Manufacturing involves transformation and upgrading, and real estate involves destocking. These two industries are relatively weak now.

  However, on the whole, private investment has maintained a steady and sustained growth trend. From January to September this year, private investment increased by 6%, 3.5 percentage points faster than last year.

  In view of the weak private investment, in the future, we should further lower the threshold through decentralization, especially making a negative list to make the market more transparent and give private enterprises greater decision-making power.

  In addition, efforts are being made to build a government information platform, especially a credit system, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of private enterprises. At the same time, the State Council issued a special document to stimulate the vitality of private investment and further guide private investment to invest in these areas with long industrial chain and good growth prospects.

  The management system of pre-entry national treatment plus negative list will be fully implemented for foreign investment

  In response to the voice of the wave of foreign capital withdrawal in the society, Ning Ji Zhe, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that in recent years, China has been in the forefront of attracting foreign capital in the world. In order to solve some difficulties faced by foreign-funded enterprises in their development, the next step will be to continue to improve the business environment, fully implement the management system of national treatment plus negative list before entry, and greatly relax market access.

  In terms of fair competition, foreign-funded enterprises should also be given national treatment after their entry. All enterprises registered in China are treated equally and equally.

  In terms of investment facilitation, we adhere to the new mode of foreign investment management based on filing system. At present, more than 96% of foreign investment is subject to localized filing management. Some places are still exploring deepening reforms and further improving the convenience of investment as a whole.

  Look at the future

  The coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei has exceeded expectations.

  In terms of transportation, a number of "broken roads" and a number of "bottleneck roads" have been opened, which add up to more than 800 kilometers.

  In terms of industrial upgrading and transfer, Beijing has transferred a number of non-capital but relatively high-quality enterprise projects to Tianjin and Hebei.

  Great progress has been made in ecological and environmental protection, and the greening around Beijing has been greatly strengthened. Great practical results have been achieved in controlling pollution such as burning loose coal and launching the "blue sky defense war";

  People’s livelihood, including education, medical care, health and so on, has made great progress.

  By the end of this year, Beijing municipal authorities and municipal administrative departments will take the lead in starting the relocation.

  The sub-center of Beijing City is mainly located in Tongzhou, and the master plan of Tongzhou is in full swing to re-connect with the master plan of Beijing City. As a sub-center of Beijing City, the construction of this phase mainly focuses on the construction of centralized office areas of administrative institutions. After several years of efforts, the main part has been basically completed. According to the plan, by the end of this year, Beijing-level major organs and some municipal administrative departments will take the lead in starting the relocation.

  More than 300 top experts at home and abroad are doing the overall planning of xiong’an new area.

  In recent months, the planning and construction of xiong’an new area has made positive and great progress. More than 300 top experts from home and abroad and 12 teams were organized to design the overall planning of xiong’an new area and the planning of the start-up area and the start-up area according to the world vision, international standards, China characteristics and the general requirements of high-point positioning. This plan has entered the final stage of tackling key problems.

   The first draft of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area planning is being solicited for comments.

  Regarding Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area’s national strategy, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) is taking the lead in speeding up the preparation of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area’s plan, which will provide a blueprint for the future construction of Greater Bay Area. At present, the first draft has been formed, and opinions are being solicited.

  The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge will strive to be basically open to traffic by the end of this year. At the same time, relevant policies are being studied to facilitate the convenience of people, funds and other market liquidity factors, such as customs clearance policies.

  In the future, a number of high-speed trains will be opened to traffic every year.

  In promoting the development of high-speed rail, He Lifeng said that the National Development and Reform Commission, together with the Ministry of Communications and the Railway Corporation, is deeply studying specific policies. It is predicted that there will be a number of high-speed rails under construction every year in the future, and a number of high-speed rails will be opened to traffic every year to better meet and serve the objective needs of people’s travel.

Skiers who are easily injured at the freezing point

Jiang Tao practiced slope obstacle skills at Beijing Nanshan Ski Resort. Photo courtesy of respondents
During the Beijing Winter Olympics, an orthopedic surgeon wrote in Weibo: Today, 9 operations, 7 were skiing, 4 anterior cruciate ligaments were broken, 1 patella was dislocated, 1 ankle joint was injured, and 1 meniscus was injured. He sighed with emotion: "At the end of the snowy road is orthopedics." This quip was posted on Weibo Hot Search.
When people praise the fashionable men and women in the ski resort on social media, they will not think that skiing is a sport with high risk factor when they look at the bright snow clothes and red faces set off by the "natural reflector". According to the survey data of the National Trauma Data Center, there are 17 million skiers in the United States every year, with 200,000 emergency visits and 7,000 hospitalizations due to skiing injuries. China’s survey data also shows that the injury rate of skiing is 14%. It is reported that every 1000 skiers have an average daily injury of 0.5-3 cases. Judging from the incidence of injuries, skiing has a greater risk of injuries than swimming and mountain climbing.
Every winter, the rehabilitation center of the Institute of Sports Medicine of the State Sports General Administration always welcomes more patients from ski resorts. Qi Tianyi, a rehabilitation therapist who has worked here for many years, told the reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network that skiing is characterized by high kinetic energy and high potential energy, which is easy to cause serious injuries. The injuries he saw caused by skiing were mainly clavicle fracture, rotator cuff injury, wrist fracture and anterior cruciate ligament rupture of knee joint. The sports injury characteristics of snowboarders are different from those of snowboarders. Snowboarding skiers often have wrist injuries because they have more movements with their hands on the ground, and the probability of injury is as high as 20.4-37.8%. However, snowboarders often suffer from knee ligament injury because of good fixation below the knee joint. The comprehensive injury rate of anterior cruciate ligament and medial collateral ligament of adult knee joint is 33.1%.
The athletes of the national training team of the front double-board freestyle skiing platform experienced the rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint. At that time, he was just doing a familiar warm-up action. "I heard a bang in my ear the moment I landed. I don’t know what was disconnected, but it came to my ears, and that’s the sound. " The severe pain attacked him and stopped after a few minutes, replacing it with a feeling of numbness. He thought he was better and continued to slide for a while, but found that it was wrong. "The thigh and calf seemed to be detached." This year, Gao Shang underwent anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and meniscus suture, which requires transplanting a ligament from the thigh to the knee.
Studies have shown that the knee accounts for about one-third of all public skiing injuries. According to Qi Tianyi, this mainly exists in the snowboarding event. Before the 1980s, skiing equipment was not sophisticated enough, and more injuries were caused to the feet. Later, the equipment became more and more wrapped, and the position of the injuries began to move upwards. "Better wrapping below the knee joint is disastrous for the knee joint. During the exercise, more torque will be transmitted to the knee joint, so the injury rate of the knee joint is on the rise. "
Qi Tianyi was once employed by the Winter Sports Management Center of the State General Administration of Sport, and has done sports rehabilitation for athletes such as Sui Wenjing and Han Cong. Every year before winter, the head teacher will always say, "There are many broken legs and hands recently, so we should get busy." Different from the acute injuries in winter sports, the patients they receive in summer are more chronic strain. It has been a long time to rehabilitate skiers, and Qi Tianyi himself has "entered the pit". He likes double board freestyle skiing and can make a simple 180-degree turn on the platform. He became a "friend of a rehabilitation teacher" for skiers, and sometimes he caught patients who came to ski again before they recovered. Later, in his hospital, he was responsible for most cases of skiing injuries.
The patient who impressed Qi Tianyi the most was a skier who had torn the anterior cruciate knee joint, medial collateral ligament and lateral collateral ligament. That patient was injured around 2017. Because of the deep degree of injury, he did not intervene in rehabilitation treatment in time, and he still can’t complete the whole squat movement until now.
Athletes are noble and have the habit of writing sports summaries. After the reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee, the 19-year-old athlete, who has been snowing for 7 years, wrote: "It was hard for me to accept at first, but I didn’t expect my body to be so’ fragile’ sometimes." Fragility is unfamiliar to him. In the past five years, he felt that he had been in good health. Although he was tired after skiing, he could recover the next day. The injury made him feel "particularly helpless".
When he was recovering, he watched skiing videos on social networking sites, and he liked Henrik harlaut, a Swedish freestyle skier best. This is his idol that has never changed since he came into contact with skiing at the age of 12. They like the same music, even their dressing styles are similar-wide sleeves and hip-hop style. Noble imitates Henrik harlaut’s skiing style, and feels that he skates naturally and smoothly.
This year, he watched almost all the snow events in the Beijing Winter Olympics. "Very emotional", he was so close to them, and now they stand in the Olympic Games. In July, 2020, Gao Shang fell behind the training due to a muscle strain in his right thigh, leaving the national training team and returning to the provincial team.
Guo Jingduo, a former freestyle skiing slope obstacle skill and national training team athlete with big platform, had similar experience with him. Last summer, when training in Chengdu dry snow field, he landed on his back, fractured his spine and suffered a sharp pain in his back for an instant. His teammates came to see him. He was so painful that he couldn’t speak, had difficulty breathing, and felt numb in his legs and couldn’t move. The operation finally left a wound in the center of his back. The doctor said that this position is very dangerous, and it will almost lead to paralysis of the lower body. This injury directly prompted him to choose to retire.
Half a year after the injury, Guo Jingduo resumed his normal exercise and life to a certain extent, but he could not completely return to the past. The most terrible thing is fear. "This is not a question of whether we can continue the game, but that we almost can’t live a normal life." In the Beijing Winter Olympics, he became a technical official in Zhangjiakou Division, and went up the mountain to maintain the snow trail at 5 am every day. He witnessed many athletes younger than him win medals. When Su Yiming won the silver, he was at the scene, "very envious".
During the Beijing Winter Olympics, Qi Tianyi watched the game on the screen. He called those athletes who got along with each other day and night and brought them back to health personally "biological athletes". During the athletes’ rehabilitation training, they spend all the time together except sleeping.
They didn’t talk about their fear of injury, but Qi Tianyi could see it from their reaction. For example, resisting training and not wanting to leave the room. In the face of pain, some people don’t understand and doubt at first, and keep thinking "why are you hurt"; Then there is sadness and depression; Finally, some people began to rebuild their confidence and know "what should I do now?"
In January, Jiang Tao was at Beijing Nanshan Ski Resort. Photo courtesy of respondents
In the amateur skiing circle outside the competitive sports field, some people are still "dead" with injuries. Jiang Tao, a 49-year-old skier, has experienced muscle fracture, brachial plexus injury, concussion and shoulder glenoid lip tear. He always felt that 80% of the injuries could be avoided. "Most injuries are caused by doing things beyond your ability, recklessness, or sheer ignorance."
After 10 years of skiing, Jiang Tao knows more and more about his body. He always keeps an ice pack at home, and every time he goes skiing, he will ice his joints. He found that "people’s feelings about their bodies are very subtle". Jiang Tao regards injuries as part of skiing. Due to the right brachial plexus injury, his right arm is only half as strong as his left arm. It took him half a year to recover. At first, he couldn’t hold chopsticks, brush his teeth and take care of himself. But he doesn’t feel that these injuries have cost him anything. Because he likes skiing, he accepted these pains and disabilities together.
He learned to get along with his fears. Every time I come back to the snowy road after recovery, I always have the shadow of injury in my heart. With this kind of fear, the action will not be done well. But you know that fear and anxiety will pass. He gradually "accepted it". When this action is repeated for the second time and the third time, and he can land smoothly, he will know that the hurdle in his heart has slowly passed.
He figured out the reason for his injury: once he made a breakthrough, he would fall into excitement, "thinking that he is very powerful and wants to be a better one." This time, you will often get hurt. He observed the training of professional ski teams, and after one action was made twice, the coach would ask the athletes to stop and practice for other actions. He gradually realized that in sports, he should also be restrained and sober. Now when skiing, he often says to his companions, "You remind me not to get excited."
On February 28, I was in the noble of rehabilitation training. Photo courtesy of respondents
As a friend and rehabilitation therapist of Jiang Tao, Qi Tianyi was very pleased to see that he would protect himself more and more. For novice skiers, Qi Tianyi told them to be "ready to go again". This is the famous saying of Raymond Li, a famous sports rehabilitation teacher. Ordinary people want to ski, first of all, they should have sufficient physical reserves, and secondly, they should warm up for about 15-20 minutes. After warm-up, the choice of equipment is also very important. When skiing, even ordinary people can easily reach a high speed of more than 50 kilometers per hour, and appropriate equipment can give people maximum protection. For example, helmets can reduce the death rate of concussion by 60%.
Qi Tianyi also saw that even though the injury brought great pain to people, many people regarded rehabilitation as a new turning point in their lives. Some patients went to the University of Southern California to study for a degree in rehabilitation after undergoing rehabilitation treatment. The above-mentioned patient, who was unable to squat completely due to serious injury, did not leave the ski resort and became the owner of the ski shop, promoting scientific winter sports.
Jiang Tao, 49, is used to injuries. At first, he was injured and didn’t dare to go home. He wanted to stay in a hotel near the snow field for one night. Now his family can’t support him, but they can understand him. He can’t explain why he likes skiing. He thought, from a very young age, people were divided into two groups, one likes sliding slides and the other doesn’t. "You say why people slide, what’s the point, why do you like this? This is human nature and there is nothing to explain. "
The 19-year-old Gao feels that his sports career is still long, and he still regards the Olympic Games as his dream. He knew that someone who fell might not get up again, but he didn’t.
Zhongqingbao Zhongqingwang Trainee Reporter Guo Yujie Source: China Youth Daily
Source: China Youth Daily

The perfect diary goes to the left and the plum blossom goes to the right. Where will the wind of the beauty industry blow in 2022?

Image source @ vision china

Text | Fat Whale Headline

In the beginning of 2022, HARMAY, a new retail brand of beauty products, completed nearly $200 million in C and D rounds of financing. During the same period, WOW COLOUR, a beauty collection store brand, also announced at its annual meeting and 2022 strategy conference that it had won another $100 million in A+ rounds of financing; "B+ Oil Tank" announced the completion of a round of strategic financing, which indicates that the new beauty retail species that broke out in 2020 is still the "toon" in the eyes of capital.

Several families are happy and worried. In contrast, the new domestic brands of beauty products are caught in "collective anxiety". Perfect Diary, as the benchmark of new domestic products, bears the brunt. Its share price dropped from $25 at the beginning of 2021 to less than $5, and its market value evaporated by nearly 80%. According to Amoy data, during the period of double 11 last year, the sales of many cutting-edge brands such as Perfect Diary, Flower Xizi and Orange Blossom generally declined by more than 30% compared with the same period last year.

In fact, not only in the beauty industry, but also in the fields of coffee, tea, shoes and clothing, the discussion about "new consumption is going downhill" is endless, and new changes and transformations are quietly coming.

2018-2020 is the "honeymoon period" for the accelerated development of new domestic brands of beauty products, with the influx of hot money; Amoy incubates and supports new brands; With the rise of new traffic platforms such as Xiaohongshu and Tik Tok, a group of cutting-edge brands, who are well versed in traffic and content marketing, rely on the fast product iteration ability and the pricing strategy of "big brand replacement" to quickly create explosive items, which are in full swing in the e-commerce channel.

Along with the highlight, there are still constant doubts, including burning money for growth, emphasizing marketing and neglecting research and development, and serious homogenization of products. According to Perfect Diary Financial Report, the net loss of Q3 Company in 2021 was 360 million yuan. Although the loss range has narrowed compared with 640 million yuan in the same period last year, the high marketing expenses are still criticized, accounting for nearly 70% of the revenue.With the increasing cost of traffic, online growth has fallen into a bottleneck, and the enthusiasm of the capital circle for this model has gradually faded.

To make matters worse,International brands have completely outflanked the new domestic brands in terms of price, marketing methods and talents.. Since double 11 in 2020, the international big brands have concentrated on the lowest discount in history, providing a special "price line" for the China market, and some brands even have a 2-3 discount combined with buying and giving; Marketing gameplay has increased the efforts to launch KOL, online live broadcast rooms and private domain channels, and even the previous "disdainful" launch mode such as taobao guest promotion has begun to be adopted by the top management; In terms of talents, a new round of enrollment expansion of local talents has been launched, and the proportion of local talents in middle-level and key positions has continued to rise, so as to be closer to the China market and its Z-generation young people.

This series of "grounding gas" practices has also multiplied the brand potential accumulated by international big names for a long time, and the market share has been expanding.According to the latest financial report data, the sales of L ‘Oreal, Estee Lauder and Shiseido all achieved double-digit year-on-year growth in 2021. Among them, the financial report of L ‘Oré al Group pointed out that in 2021, it achieved double-digit growth in the China market, which was twice the average growth rate of the beauty market. Estee Lauder Group also stressed in its financial report that the performance of the Asia-Pacific region, especially Chinese mainland, has increased significantly.

It is worth mentioning that these international groups are optimistic about the growth prospects of cosmetics in China in the medium and long term, and further strengthen the layout. For example, L ‘Oré al will land its headquarters in North Asia in Shanghai; Estee Lauder adjusts its organizational structure, and China directly reports to the international president; Shiseido expects China’s income to increase by 16% in 2022 (statement+7%).Many signals show that the international giants are "ambitious" for the China market.

In addition,In the past few years, the "old brand manufacturers" who encountered strong challenges from new brands are also regaining their favor and welcoming the second expansion of revenue and profits.Taking Polaiya as an example, in the past two years, with the large single product of ruby essence and double anti-essence, it has successfully opened up an incremental customer base in the fields of affordable anti-aging, anti-aging, anti-oxidation and sensitive skin care, forming a word-of-mouth effect; And from the second half of 2020, Caitang, a make-up brand, achieved a revenue of 120 million yuan that year, with a year-on-year growth rate of 84% in the first three quarters of 21 years, becoming the second largest incremental business point besides the main brand of Polaiya.

The "rejuvenation" of international giants and local brands, in addition to TAs being more proficient in the operation of new marketing models, stable funds, R&D and manufacturing systems, long-term accumulated brand assets, and omni-channel layout capabilities are the cornerstones under the iceberg, enabling increased exposure to quickly translate into sales and stable repurchase.On the other hand, the proud DTC mode and private domain operation of many new brands have not effectively solved the problems of "loyalty" and "repurchase". According to the data of Dolphin Society, the repurchase rate of Yixian e-commerce has remained at around 40% in recent years, and it has hardly improved, and it has fallen into the dilemma that "if you don’t continue to spend money to buy traffic income, it may double down".

With online competition becoming a red sea, it tends to be homogeneous, and more brands begin to turn their attention to offline. For the brand,The significance of stores has gone beyond the scope of retail channels, and it is an important way to connect real consumers, express their own differences and build brand-specific content.; At the same time, with the application of digital means and the continuous iteration of consumer demand, the offline format has also given new vitality.

From the initial department store channel, to the traditional CS/KA channel, and then to the new beauty collection store at that time, the application of digital tools and technologies has become an important starting point for improving retail efficiency and changing user experience.Through the use of small programs, live broadcasts and other means, as well as the opening of the membership system, the seemingly single offline contact has been transformed into a rich online and offline consumer network, and the private domain attribute of the store can also help the brand reach consumers more accurately and establish deep links. At the same time, digitalization also goes deep into product selection, inventory management, logistics and distribution, etc., improving operational efficiency in an all-round way and releasing new imagination space for consumers to get unexpected experience in beauty consumption.

Social aesthetics+multi-format experience is becoming a new growth point of offline space.With the Z generation becoming the main force of beauty consumption, the behavior and characteristics of TAs have greatly influenced the direction of change in beauty channels, such as preferring undisturbed self-service shopping, preferring early adopters, being willing to pay for face value and trends, and pursuing immersive interactive experience.These have become an important force to promote the rise of beauty collection stores.

Throughout the current popular beauty collection stores, all efforts are made in space quality and scene aesthetics, such as the industrial style of Huamei and the design style of "one store, one theme", the INS girlish style of WOW COLOUR, and the future technology style of B+oil tanks.Stores themselves are very social topics, which bring consumers a deeper interactive experience and stronger brand awareness, thus driving the emergence of consumer behavior.

besidesThe beauty collection store, represented by Huamei, is extending users’ stay time and increasing the repurchase rate by expanding business and ecology.. In Huamei, you can buy not only beauty products, but also coffee, snacks, drinks, pet products, small household appliances, etc. In fact, Huamei is not only a retail distributor, but also an investor. According to the statistics of China Investment Network, Beijing Huamei Lexiang Technology Co., Ltd., the main company of Huamei, has invested in nearly 10 new consumer brands, mainly in 2021, involving skin care, health care, fragrance and other sub-tracks.In the increasingly fierce competition, it is considered to be an important source of differentiated competitiveness for beauty collection stores to use their sensitivity to trends and their ability to select products to explore and even empower new niche brands first.

If the expansion of categories is not without doubt, thenDigging deep into the service value of beauty is another path of overlapping experience.Lan Tingyuan, project director of L ‘Oré al China Consumer Center, said when talking about the trend in the next 5-10 years,Future products will not only be products themselves, but also need some combination with instruments or medical beauty, even with data and services.

In this regard, beauty brands and traditional department stores/CS channels have innate genetic advantages. For example, Estee Lauder will provide offline SPA services such as frozen platinum, black diamond luxury energy and platinum energy storage for members of different levels; Sephora stores provide diversified services such as hairdressing centers, professional service counters and professional beauty consultants; The offline counter of high-end makeup in Mao Geping will design a makeup trial area for consumers, and be equipped with a professional BA to make up half a face for customers to present the product effect.These offline services can greatly promote the distance between brands and consumers and build brand fan stickiness.

In the past two years, the beauty shop in department stores has been continuously expanded, which has been welcomed by beauty brands and customers.Take Hangzhou Wulin Yintai as an example. By the end of 2021, 18 high-end beauty brands had opened 21 beauty salons, including La Prairie, Mystery of Hailan, CPB, Sisley, helena rubinstein and Fresh. These beauty salons usually have an area of 10㎡-25㎡, allowing consumers to enjoy quiet, high-end and private professional skin care. At the same time, different brands of beauty care are different in techniques, instruments, special products and projects.Become a sharp weapon for brands to maintain high-end customers and enhance brand added value.

Hangzhou Wulin Yintai La Prairie brand beauty house

However, the offline expansion of Zhang Zhilu has not been smooth sailing, especially under the influence of the epidemic, many brands have delayed their plans to open stores. In the past 2021, in addition to Sephora’s accelerated expansion plan, nearly 40 new stores were opened, which is about twice the average annual growth rate since it entered China in 15 years. Compared with the target, the opening rhythm of new beauty collection stores has been greatly reduced. According to the statistics of interface news, the total number of WOW COLOUR stores in China at the end of 2021 is about 135, which is half of the peak of 300, which is contrary to its goal of laying out 1,000 offline stores within three years. Black hole once proposed the rhythm of opening 20 stores in 2021 and aiming for 50 stores in 2022, but so far there are only 14 stores.Behind the competition for high-quality offline space, there is still a need for strong financial strength and stable profitability.

It is worth mentioning that the new domestic brands do not have a strong sense of existence in this offline battle. Yixian e-commerce, where Perfect Diary is located, has laid out offline stores since 2019. By the end of November last year, there were 280 stores. However, according to the founder, affected by the epidemic, one-third of the stores have repeatedly closed, opened and closed, and will implement a more cautious store expansion strategy in the future; Tangduo opened 10 stores from September 2020 to the end of November 2021, "each one is very cautious"; Hua Xizi still has no offline stores and counters.It is not an easy task for new domestic brands that are native to the Internet and have limited profit margins, involving the location of offline stores, supply channels, service experience, and the control of personnel operating costs.

Under the double dilemma of online and offline, many founders of new domestic brands said that this is the most difficult moment. If we can survive this "life and death test period", it is likely that a number of new local international brands will be born, but in which direction should we break through?

Brand going out to sea has become a unanimous choice under domestic pressure.According to the statistics of China Business Daily, more than 20 domestic cutting-edge beauty brands are actively exploring overseas markets. Among them, Hua Xizi, relying on the characteristic advantages of oriental aesthetics, is particularly firm on the road of going to sea. In the past two years, she has made intensive brand voices around the achievements and cases of going to sea.

Hua Xizi is very good at using social media and the power of local talents to explore foreign markets. For example, at the end of 2019, the cooperation with the Japanese blogger "@ ????" triggered a hot discussion among Japanese netizens on Hua Xizi, and related topics once climbed to the seventh place in the Japanese Twitter hot search list; In 2021, TikTok "Micro online celebrity" @meredithduxbury, which found 200,000 fans, released a makeup tutorial video using Huaxizi products. The content exposure rate exceeded 5 million, and it gradually entered major international markets such as North America and Western Europe. At the beginning of this year, the evaluation video of domestic makeup flower Xizi pushed by Jeffree Star, an American top beauty blogger with 10 million+fans and sharp "poison tongue" on Youtube, once again boosted the popularity.

Now Huaxizi has opened official website in English and Japanese, successively opened logistics in Japan, the United States and Europe, and laid out many overseas mainstream social media such as Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, among which the number of TikTok fans has exceeded 200,000, which is growing rapidly.

butDomestic brands often go out to sea with the export of national strength and culture, just as the popularity of Korean cosmetics in China in that year was inseparable from its highly binding Korean culture and leveraging traffic dividends.At present, the gathering places of domestic brands of beauty products are more in Southeast Asia and Japan, which are more suitable in makeup habits, fashion trends and culture. However, for the European and American markets with high entry threshold, great skin difference and more intense competition, the space that can be developed at present is still limited.

It is a relatively wise and cost-effective way to keep and strengthen the brand mind of a certain subdivision efficacy/ingredient/category.Taking the skin care track as an example, iResearch data shows that consumers’ demand for effective skin care is increasing, and the driving effect skin care products continue to increase at an average annual compound growth rate of nearly 30%; According to the survey data of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, more than 70% of the people think that they have sub-health skin conditions, and they can solve skin problems in a targeted manner, and they are more likely to be favored by consumers with exclusive ingredients and formulas.

For example, Winona, with its natural plant ingredients and medical background, has become the first brand of sensitive muscle skin care in China, and has achieved a certain dominant position in the blue ocean of dermatological skin care products. Run Baiyan and Kuadi, owned by Huaxi Bio, have formed the appeal of not losing big names in medical meiquan by virtue of their exclusive advantages in the patented technology of hyaluronic acid components; The core of Lin Qingxuan’s shelling of Chanel some time ago lies in the dispute between users’ minds about the ingredient of camellia. Although netizens have different opinions, they have at least gained a free publicity position in strengthening Lin Qingxuan’s cognition and association with camellia.

If the above two strategies are more short-and medium-term strategies, it is a long-term doctrine that is difficult but must be adhered to to to effectively improve R&D and product strength and precipitate brand equity.At present, the leading new domestic brands are already making changes, such as Perfect Diary gradually upgrading the R&D team, and the proportion of R&D expenses has increased from 0.4% in 2018 to 1.3% in 2020; Hua Xizi hired Li Huiliang, deputy general manager, chief technology officer and core technician of Huaxi Bio, to be responsible for brand research under the brand. In the past year, the number of patents of Hua Xizi’s parent company reached 106, including 28 invention patents, and the number of new patents reached 50.

Although there are still many gaps compared with international beauty brands, this R&D competition has already started. Blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, and it is expected that the consolidation of R&D foundation will make generate’s user thinking and product iteration ability, which new domestic brands have always been good at, have greater potential energy, rather than "floating on the surface".

The external network is hotly discussing the China artificial intelligence satellite special police, and it is ready to be tested.

China’s Xinhua News Agency announced that China is going to explore and study an asteroid’s capture and capture action, and return the obtained related substances. This is the first time that humans have captured planetary matter with space technology.

Recently, China Xinhua News Agency announced that China Aerospace Agency is ready to start the crawling work on an asteroid named HO3, which was named in 2016. This time, China will send its own automatic unmanned spacecraft called robot. This unmanned spacecraft satellite system will explore the whole satellite-comet model, and one of its tasks is to explore this asteroid numbered HO32112016.

Its main way is different from that of other countries. It will not land on the surface of an asteroid, but will revolve around it, run synchronously with the asteroid, and finally get closer and closer. After approaching the asteroid, use your own intelligent robotic arm to grab a certain part of the asteroid. In this case, a real unmanned space operation will be formed. China’s chief designer also conducted relevant discussions and discussions on people from Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. China will begin to implement this plan soon.

Nasa and other countries have explored asteroids. For example, Japan explored an asteroid in 2021 and 2022. However, they usually use satellites to orbit asteroids or asteroid observation detectors.

However, it is the first time to realize common orbit operation around asteroids and finally get close to them, and use intelligent arms to dig on asteroids instead of landing on them. This requires extremely high control system, remote control system.

According to NASA, this asteroid is far away from the earth. So in theory, it should not be regarded as a pure satellite of the earth, but in fact it is also an asteroid relatively very close to the earth. NASA also thinks that it is really a good idea for China to choose this asteroid HO32112016 for this job.

However, this method uses its own intelligent unmanned spacecraft and intelligent mechanical arm to grab around the outside of the asteroid while rotating, which is very difficult to implement. For numerical control and remote control technology, once a mistake occurs, the satellite may hit the asteroid. Lesa once enjoyed this way, but for Lesa, his spokesman, engineer Robert Hills, said it was impossible to achieve it easily, and it was far more difficult than launching the probe to an asteroid and starting it again like the Japanese way.

Why did China take this completely autonomous way to crawl around the asteroid from a distance, which humans have never done before? China holds advanced technologies in some fields in the field of aerospace. I also want to show this technology to more people. Let you know that I can realize this technology of grabbing from a distance that you can’t even think of.

That is, China launches an unmanned spacecraft first, and he revolves around this asteroid first, getting closer and closer. Close to a certain extent, you have to keep running at the same speed as the asteroid, stretch out the robot arm and grab the dust from the asteroid while moving, then put it in your storage cabin and fly away. Then explore its parent comet, number 416410490106, and finally return to Earth.

I think China is crazy now. They say the United States is crazy, but in fact China is crazy. You always create such difficult movements. Do you really want to explore human space exploration to the limit?

This technology is too difficult. If China wants to land on this asteroid named HO3 in 2016, it is not difficult, and so can its lander technology. Since China can land on Mars and the moon, he can also land on an asteroid, just like we do in Japan, but the problem is that if he doesn’t do this, he will stretch out his robotic arm to catch the asteroid in the process of synchronization with the asteroid.

This is a demonstration of China, do you understand? Let you feel how powerful his control ability is, and he said that this is an unmanned mode. My God, this is really a difficult move. Are China people really willing to take this risk? A fully automatic satellite detection robot like this also needs millions of dollars.

I think China’s model is a little too perfect. If this model is successful, China has created a real pioneering work of mankind. It is in space that an unmanned autonomous robot satellite, or mechanical detector, volleys at an asteroid to grab its material. I’m afraid that many countries will plagiarize this method in the future, so it will reduce the second landing, the second take-off and landing, and a lot of fuel will allow him to continue to perform new tasks.

That’s a good idea, but you know this running algorithm and automatic artificial intelligence algorithm. It’s too difficult. If China really succeeds, no matter how much material you get back, it will be the miracle of the first unmanned AI algorithm.

Recently the United States is developing AI. The intelligent robot controls the F16 fighter to demonstrate the AI capability of the United States. Experts in China say that the United States is 30 years ahead of China in this field. If China realizes the simultaneous orbit capture of asteroids and robots of automatic unmanned spacecraft this time, then I want to know who is 30 years ahead of who. So, China’s unmanned automatic control technology and algorithms far surpass those of the West and the United States. I think that if this new technology of China is really realized, it means that China’s unmanned AI space intelligence algorithm is perfect and can be copied.

The seventh generation of agricultural robots, the whole environment "data" monitoring irrigation! Science and Technology Empowers Jinshan "Smart Agriculture"

Jinshan as an agricultural regionIn recent years, the transformation of old and new kinetic energy in agriculture has been continuously promoted.Through the empowerment of science and technology, we will accelerate the development of agriculture into science and technology, intelligence, informationization and precision, and put wings on rural revitalization..

At present, it is spring ploughing season. At Diantian Robot Smart Farm in Tinglin Town, technician Zhou Pengfei is debugging the latest generation of agricultural robots with his colleagues. Rotary tillage, ridging, watering, sowing, and sending operation instructions through mobile phones, these agricultural robots equipped with GPS and Beidou dual systems will "do their jobs" and automatically realize accurate operations with an error of less than 5 cm.

Zhou Pengfei, Technician of Shanghai Diantian Agricultural Cooperative.

Manual operation can’t make a straight line. If we use our machine, every positioning is very accurate, and a straight line will be formed from point to point, making the ridge surface very flat.

In order to change the traditional agricultural production mode, six years ago, Shanghai Diantian Agricultural Cooperative targeted the field of intelligent agricultural robots. Nowadays, the agricultural robots in the cooperative have been updated to the seventh generation. By using technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence image recognition and big data system, more than 30 tasks such as farming, weeding and picking can be carried out, covering all aspects from cultivated land to harvest.

Zhangqian, a staff member of Shanghai Diantian Agricultural Professional Cooperative.

After upgrading, we also have some of our own supply chains, including some cooperative factories.

At the same time, the AI intelligent operating system and saiga architecture of agricultural robots independently developed by the cooperative can realize the cooperative operation of multiple agricultural robots independently, and truly realize the digitalization of the whole process of agricultural planting and farming management. At present, these intelligent agricultural robots have been widely used in farms in Shanghai, Zhejiang and Northeast China. In 2023, the annual GDP of cooperatives is expected to reach 150 million yuan.

Wang Jinyue, Chairman of Shanghai Diantian Agricultural Cooperative.

In the future, this R&D system will be more open, open source and more adaptable.

"Intelligentization" is not only applied to agricultural operations, but also reflected in modern agricultural irrigation. In the cooperative base of Tinglin Town Huawei Water Saving Technology Group Co., Ltd., a large number of air and soil sensors are distributed in the intelligent strawberry greenhouse with full environmental control. They pay close attention to the growth of crops all the time, and the data such as soil pH value and dry humidity will be monitored in real time and sent back to the computer, which will give instructions after judgment, so as to realize accurate automatic irrigation.

Jiang Tingting, technician of Huawei Water Saving Technology Group Co., Ltd.

The expert system will analyze whether these data are in line with the growth of crops, so that we can know whether it needs watering or fertilization.

By monitoring irrigation with "data" of the whole environment, each greenhouse can save more than 95% of water and fertilizer, and the strawberry yield is also increased by nearly 30%. At present, Huawei has carried out intelligent water and fertilizer integration, Internet of Things agriculture, digital factory, facility cultivation system construction and technical guidance in all regions of the country, covering an area of more than 3 million mu in 25 provinces across the country. Only Huawei drip irrigation technology can benefit about 1.2 million mu of farmland every year, saving costs and increasing efficiency for growers by about 1.2 billion yuan.

Lv Mingli, Chairman of Huawei Water Saving Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Huawei has accumulated more than 20 years in the industry, and we are the first entity to realize the commercial application of crop growth models, accurately matching different growth stages to meet the needs of water, fertilizer, light and heat.

At present, Jinshan District has established smart agriculture experimental zones such as BOE, Songlin, Jiufeng and Rongmei. The intelligent soilless culture system was built by Zhilian Factory, a special vegetable in Langxia Town, BOE, with the help of AI technology, and the mechanized planting coverage in the vegetable growing process was over 90%. Dingdong is the first self-operated vegetable planting base to buy vegetables, which can realize the mechanization of seedling raising, tillage, ridging, transplanting, plant protection and harvesting. In the next step, Jinshan will focus on the joint construction of the national agricultural science and technology modernization pioneer zone, and continuously introduce, digest and absorb cutting-edge agricultural science and technology achievements, so that digital empowerment can promote the high-quality development of Jinshan agriculture.

Brave has launched a new tool to compete with Internet browser ChatGPT.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is all the rage, and Silicon Valley giants are competing with ChatGPT developed by OpenAI in an attempt to move stones in the scientific and technological community. Brave, an Internet browser focusing on speed and privacy, also announced its own artificial intelligence-based tool Summarizer.

The new feature named Summarizer will try to respond quickly to any questions you ask. It does this by getting information from various sources and summarizing it into a consistent text block at the top of search results.

At present, Google has a similar function on its search results page, but the difference is that Google obtains the abstract text from a single source that it considers reliable. On the other hand, Brave integrates multiple resources and uses its artificial intelligence to combine them into a unified response.

The developer of Brave said that Summarizer is not an efficient AI, which makes it different from things like ChatGPT. The company said that the manufacturer AI has its own problems and can make unconfirmed statements, which is obviously a problem for tools designed to generate reliable summaries and reliable answers. Microsoft added ChatGPT to Bing with traces of bad behavior, especially in this respect.

Instead, Brave’s Summarizer is supported by Large Language Models (LLM), which are trained to "handle multiple information sources available on the Web". This not only ensures the accuracy, but also makes the results more concise.

Below the abstract text is a link to the source. So if you want to know more information, you can browse the original text at any time. Brave said that these links will always be available so that they can always be properly attributed to the response, and users can "assess the credibility of the source". Brave believes that this will help to "reduce the authority bias of major language models".

In addition to the main summary, the new feature will begin to replace the descriptive text that appears under the title of each search result. Previously, this text was a fragment somewhere in every search result. Now, there will be a full-text summary generated by AI.

Brave’s developer said that he didn’t believe that LLM could completely replace traditional search, but could help users find search results. Brave said that when LLM is applied to other functions in the browser, the result will be truly efficient and revolutionary.

Since Summarizer is still in the early stage of development, Brave said that this function may produce an artificial AI appearance, combining irrelevant text with small pieces of data and inaccurate or offensive text. The company is trying to improve Summarizer based on user feedback and hopes to eliminate these puzzles.

Brave’s Summarizer tool is currently available, but people who don’t like it can disable it in the application settings. Whether it can provide a reliable alternative to ChatGPT and help shape the future of search remains to be seen.

36Kr Project Report | Providing big data solutions for ecological space, "Morrel Intelligence" develops general artificial intelligence Internet of Things technology.

The word "big data" has appeared 14 times in the draft of the 14th Five-Year Plan. It can be seen that, as an important vane of national economic and social development, the 14th Five-Year Plan has still made important arrangements for the development of big data, and the guidance for the development of big data in the plan has been integrated into all chapters. Big data is no longer an emerging technology industry, but is becoming an element, resource, motive force and concept integrated into various fields of economic and social development.

The 14th Five-Year Big Data Industry Development Plan issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology at the end of 2021 further points out that by 2025, the estimated scale of China’s big data industry will exceed 3 trillion yuan, and a modern big data industry system with strong innovation, high added value and self-control will basically take shape.

Up to now, the domestic ecological space big data is still in a relatively blank state, and the digital industry based on ecological space is still in an undeveloped field, and only has small-scale applications in agriculture and water conservancy.

According to the data provided by IBM Business Value Research Institute, the total scale of ecological space in China is over 800 million hectares, of which the environmental data gap is over 78%. Moreover, the existing technical means are mostly low-frequency data monitoring and display, lacking in-depth and cross-industry data statistics and comprehensive learning ability, and unable to deeply process the collected data.

Morrel intelligent technologyCompany Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Morrel Intelligence") is a data service company that provides solutions for "big data in ecological space". Based on ANN (Artificial Neural Network) architecture, the company combines self-developed patent algorithm and uses AGIoT (Internet of Things with General Artificial Intelligence) technology to ensure the completeness of data from collection to analysis and application.

"We collect distributed real-time data through various sensing devices of AGIoT technology, and combine the deep learning algorithm of ANN architecture to fit, analyze, summarize and re-learn the data of various dimensions, thus forming application data units that can face different industries." Yang Li, founder and CEO of Morrel, introduced to 36Kr: "At present, Morrel’s intelligent ecological space big data solution has been widely used in agriculture, water conservancy, fishery, forest fire prevention, disaster prevention, medical treatment, construction, environmental protection and many other industries and application fields."

Artificial intelligence is entering a new stage of development. Traditional weak artificial intelligence is also called narrow artificial intelligence, which can only cover a single application field. General artificial intelligence is also considered as strong artificial intelligence, which can realize more comprehensive intelligence and self-awareness. From the perspective of industrial development, at present, it is moving towards the stage of general artificial intelligence.

The drive of big data has made a great breakthrough in artificial intelligence. Without data learning, it can make a reasonable response through reasoning, so as to interact with things that have never been seen or learned, and it has developed into a mature system to avoid potential risks.

Intelligently, Morrel believes that ecological space big data can be collected, integrated, stored, analyzed and applied through acoustic sensors, biosensors, chemical sensors, RFD technology, satellite remote sensing, video sensing, optical sensors and manual monitoring, etc. Ecological spatial data are mostly characterized by flow, and real-time continuous observation is particularly important. Only by processing and analyzing these dynamic new data in real time, and combining with the existing historical data, can we dig out useful information, provide scientific decision-making, and have more statistical significance.

The R&D capability of Morel’s intelligent ecological space big data solution comes from the accumulation of Bill Electronics (Bill Laboratories) before, and the core team has been deeply involved in AIoT for more than ten years. With its own equipment, products, data and analysis capabilities, it has formed a closed loop of R&D, a closed loop of products and a closed loop of sales.

Yang Li further introduced: The learning speed of this ecological space big data solution based on neural network and AGIoT is much faster than that of traditional algorithms. Morel Intelligent has both algorithm threshold and moat in application layer and data cycle. We now have five expert teams including water conservancy, environment, agriculture, chemical industry and data. Expert teams in different fields can provide timely information feedback and teach our system to learn and grow.

Morrel’s intelligence has been rooted in the agricultural field for the longest time. According to the introduction, supported by Morrel’s intelligence to provide full growth cycle data, China’s first documentary about rural revitalization, The Melody Ripes, the Till the Fall, has been broadcast on CCTV-17 Agricultural and Rural Channel. Through the real-time monitoring of AGIoT equipment, the study of farmers’ personal planting habits, the formulation of soil improvement programs, the realization of fine planting and scientific management, and finally the goal of reducing pests and diseases, reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

Moreover, based on its own high-frequency analysis of data collection, Morrel Intelligent can provide customers with a product traceability platform of full-cycle data services and third-party certification.

In addition, Morel’s intelligent ecological space big data solution not only provides real-time environmental monitoring for kindergartens, but also intelligent health management for municipal road lighting, and also provides real-time ground detection of satellite solar panel deployment devices for aerospace fields.

There are two ways for Morrel to acquire customers. One is to absorb the resources of local partners or distributors through localized operation, and jointly expand the localized business; Secondly, through the combination of Industry-University-Research, cooperation with higher education institutions, and participation in vocational training and vocational certification, we can promote targeted marketing to the end market.

At present, Morrel Intelligent has more than 500 customers, providing 55 categories, totaling more than a thousand sets of equipment, with valid data exceeding 200GB, analyzable abnormal data exceeding 2TB, and annual contract amount exceeding 10 million.

According to reports, its project has achieved the global coverage of the domestic market, and has been expanding the markets of ASEAN and the European Union through agents, with fruitful results. Affected by the epidemic, Cambodia, Vietnam and Indonesia of ASEAN, Germany and Belgium of the European Union will provide localized solutions by agents after the epidemic eases.

Morrel was founded in 2018, and its core team consists of expert teams who have been deeply involved in artificial intelligence, electric lighting, communication engineering, agriculture and forestry science and technology, natural science and other fields for more than ten years. It is a national high-tech enterprise and a national small and medium-sized science and technology enterprise. At present, it owns 17 intellectual property rights and two invention patents are being applied for. It is reported that Morrel Intelligence is starting a new round of financing. The financing funds will be used for equipment investment and R&D investment, and it is cooperating with industrial funds to build its own specialized and intelligent production factory.